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      1 /********************************************************************
      2  * COPYRIGHT:
      3  * Copyright (c) 2012-2015, International Business Machines Corporation
      4  * and others. All Rights Reserved.
      5  ********************************************************************/
      6 //
      7 //   file:  alphaindextst.cpp
      8 //          Alphabetic Index Tests.
      9 //
     10 //   Note: please... no character literals cast to UChars.. use (UChar)0xZZZZ
     12 #include <stdio.h>  // for sprintf
     14 #include "intltest.h"
     15 #include "alphaindextst.h"
     16 #include "cmemory.h"
     18 #include "unicode/alphaindex.h"
     19 #include "unicode/coll.h"
     20 #include "unicode/localpointer.h"
     21 #include "unicode/tblcoll.h"
     22 #include "unicode/uniset.h"
     26 // #include <string>
     27 // #include <iostream>
     29 namespace {
     31 UnicodeString joinLabelsAndAppend(AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex &index, UnicodeString &dest) {
     32     int32_t oldLength = dest.length();
     33     const AlphabeticIndex::Bucket *bucket;
     34     for (int32_t i = 0; (bucket = index.getBucket(i)) != NULL; ++i) {
     35         if (dest.length() > oldLength) {
     36             dest.append((UChar)0x3A);  // ':'
     37         }
     38         dest.append(bucket->getLabel());
     39     }
     40     return dest;
     41 }
     43 }  // namespace
     45 AlphabeticIndexTest::AlphabeticIndexTest() {
     46 }
     48 AlphabeticIndexTest::~AlphabeticIndexTest() {
     49 }
     51 void AlphabeticIndexTest::runIndexedTest( int32_t index, UBool exec, const char* &name, char* /*par*/ )
     52 {
     53     if (exec) logln("TestSuite AlphabeticIndex: ");
     55     TESTCASE_AUTO(APITest);
     56     TESTCASE_AUTO(ManyLocalesTest);
     57     TESTCASE_AUTO(HackPinyinTest);
     58     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestBug9009);
     59     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestIndexCharactersList);
     60     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestHaniFirst);
     61     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestPinyinFirst);
     62     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestSchSt);
     63     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestNoLabels);
     64     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestChineseZhuyin);
     65     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestJapaneseKanji);
     66     TESTCASE_AUTO(TestChineseUnihan);
     67     TESTCASE_AUTO_END;
     68 }
     70 #define TEST_CHECK_STATUS {if (U_FAILURE(status)) {dataerrln("%s:%d: Test failure.  status=%s", \
     71                                                               __FILE__, __LINE__, u_errorName(status)); return;}}
     73 #define TEST_ASSERT(expr) {if ((expr)==FALSE) {errln("%s:%d: Test failure \n", __FILE__, __LINE__);};}
     75 //
     76 //  APITest.   Invoke every function at least once, and check that it does something.
     77 //             Does not attempt to check complete functionality.
     78 //
     79 void AlphabeticIndexTest::APITest() {
     80     //
     81     //  Simple constructor and destructor,  getBucketCount()
     82     //
     83     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     84     int32_t lc = 0;
     85     int32_t i  = 0;
     86     AlphabeticIndex *index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
     87     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
     88     lc = index->getBucketCount(status);
     89     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
     90     TEST_ASSERT(28 == lc);    // 26 letters plus two under/overflow labels.
     91     //printf("getBucketCount() == %d\n", lc);
     92     delete index;
     94     // Constructor from a Collator
     95     //
     96     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
     97     RuleBasedCollator *coll = dynamic_cast<RuleBasedCollator *>(
     98         Collator::createInstance(Locale::getGerman(), status));
     99     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    100     TEST_ASSERT(coll != NULL);
    101     index = new AlphabeticIndex(coll, status);
    102     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    103     TEST_ASSERT(coll == &index->getCollator());
    104     assertEquals("only the underflow label in an index built from a collator",
    105                  1, index->getBucketCount(status));
    106     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    107     delete index;
    110     // addLabels()
    112     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    113     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    114     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    115     UnicodeSet additions;
    116     additions.add((UChar32)0x410).add((UChar32)0x415);   // A couple of Cyrillic letters
    117     index->addLabels(additions, status);
    118     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    119     lc = index->getBucketCount(status);
    120     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    121     assertEquals("underflow, A-Z, inflow, 2 Cyrillic, overflow",
    122                  31, index->getBucketCount(status));
    123     // std::cout << lc << std::endl;
    124     delete index;
    127     // addLabels(Locale)
    129     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    130     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    131     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    132     AlphabeticIndex &aip = index->addLabels(Locale::getJapanese(), status);
    133     TEST_ASSERT(&aip == index);
    134     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    135     lc = index->getBucketCount(status);
    136     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    137     TEST_ASSERT(35 < lc);  // Japanese should add a bunch.  Don't rely on the exact value.
    138     delete index;
    140     // GetCollator(),  Get under/in/over flow labels
    142     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    143     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getGerman(), status);
    144     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    145     Collator *germanCol = Collator::createInstance(Locale::getGerman(), status);
    146     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    147     const RuleBasedCollator &indexCol = index->getCollator();
    148     TEST_ASSERT(*germanCol == indexCol);
    149     delete germanCol;
    151     UnicodeString ELLIPSIS;  ELLIPSIS.append((UChar32)0x2026);
    152     UnicodeString s = index->getUnderflowLabel();
    153     TEST_ASSERT(ELLIPSIS == s);
    154     s = index->getOverflowLabel();
    155     TEST_ASSERT(ELLIPSIS == s);
    156     s = index->getInflowLabel();
    157     TEST_ASSERT(ELLIPSIS == s);
    158     index->setOverflowLabel(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("O"), status);
    159     index->setUnderflowLabel(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("U"), status).setInflowLabel(UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("I"), status);
    160     s = index->getUnderflowLabel();
    162     s = index->getOverflowLabel();
    164     s = index->getInflowLabel();
    170     delete index;
    174     const UnicodeString adam = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Adam");
    175     const UnicodeString baker = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Baker");
    176     const UnicodeString charlie = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Charlie");
    177     const UnicodeString chad = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Chad");
    178     const UnicodeString zed  = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Zed");
    179     const UnicodeString Cyrillic = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("\\u0410\\u0443\\u0435").unescape();
    181     // addRecord(), verify that it comes back out.
    182     //
    183     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    184     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    185     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    186     index->addRecord(UnicodeString("Adam"), this, status);
    187     UBool   b;
    188     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    189     index->resetBucketIterator(status);
    190     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    191     index->nextBucket(status);  // Move to underflow label
    192     index->nextBucket(status);  // Move to "A"
    193     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    194     const UnicodeString &label2 = index->getBucketLabel();
    195     UnicodeString A_STR = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("A");
    196     TEST_ASSERT(A_STR == label2);
    198     b = index->nextRecord(status);
    199     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    200     TEST_ASSERT(b);
    201     const UnicodeString &itemName = index->getRecordName();
    202     TEST_ASSERT(adam == itemName);
    204     const void *itemContext = index->getRecordData();
    205     TEST_ASSERT(itemContext == this);
    207     delete index;
    209     // clearRecords, addRecord(), Iteration
    211     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    212     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    213     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    214     while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
    215         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    216         while (index->nextRecord(status)) {
    217             TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    218             TEST_ASSERT(FALSE);   // No items have been added.
    219         }
    220         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    221     }
    223     index->addRecord(adam, NULL, status);
    224     index->addRecord(baker, NULL, status);
    225     index->addRecord(charlie, NULL, status);
    226     index->addRecord(chad, NULL, status);
    227     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    228     int itemCount = 0;
    229     index->resetBucketIterator(status);
    230     while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
    231         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    232         while (index->nextRecord(status)) {
    233             TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    234             ++itemCount;
    235         }
    236     }
    237     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    238     TEST_ASSERT(itemCount == 4);
    240     TEST_ASSERT(index->nextBucket(status) == FALSE);
    241     index->resetBucketIterator(status);
    242     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    243     TEST_ASSERT(index->nextBucket(status) == TRUE);
    245     index->clearRecords(status);
    246     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    247     index->resetBucketIterator(status);
    248     while (index->nextBucket(status)) {
    249         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    250         while (index->nextRecord(status)) {
    251             TEST_ASSERT(FALSE);   // No items have been added.
    252         }
    253     }
    254     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    255     delete index;
    257     // getBucketLabel(), getBucketType()
    259     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    260     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    261     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    262     index->setUnderflowLabel(adam, status).setOverflowLabel(charlie, status);
    263     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    264     for (i=0; index->nextBucket(status); i++) {
    265         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    266         UnicodeString label = index->getBucketLabel();
    267         UAlphabeticIndexLabelType type = index->getBucketLabelType();
    268         if (i == 0) {
    269             TEST_ASSERT(type == U_ALPHAINDEX_UNDERFLOW);
    270             TEST_ASSERT(label == adam);
    271         } else if (i <= 26) {
    272             // Labels A - Z for English locale
    273             TEST_ASSERT(type == U_ALPHAINDEX_NORMAL);
    274             UnicodeString expectedLabel((UChar)(0x40 + i));
    275             TEST_ASSERT(expectedLabel == label);
    276         } else if (i == 27) {
    277             TEST_ASSERT(type == U_ALPHAINDEX_OVERFLOW);
    278             TEST_ASSERT(label == charlie);
    279         } else {
    280             TEST_ASSERT(FALSE);
    281         }
    282     }
    283     TEST_ASSERT(i==28);
    284     delete index;
    286     // getBucketIndex()
    288     status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    289     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    290     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    291     int32_t n = index->getBucketIndex(adam, status);
    292     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    293     TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);    /*  Label #0 is underflow, 1 is A, etc. */
    294     n = index->getBucketIndex(baker, status);
    295     TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
    296     n = index->getBucketIndex(Cyrillic, status);
    297     TEST_ASSERT(n == 27);   // Overflow label
    298     n = index->getBucketIndex(zed, status);
    299     TEST_ASSERT(n == 26);
    301     for (i=0; index->nextBucket(status); i++) {
    302         n = index->getBucketIndex();
    303         TEST_ASSERT(n == i);
    304         UnicodeString label = index->getBucketLabel();
    305         TEST_ASSERT(n == i);
    306     }
    307     TEST_ASSERT(i == 28);
    309     delete index;
    310     index = new AlphabeticIndex(Locale::createFromName("ru"), status);
    311     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    312     assertEquals("Russian index.getBucketCount()", 32, index->getBucketCount(status));
    313     // Latin-script names should go into the underflow label (0)
    314     // if the Russian collation does not use script reordering,
    315     // but into the overflow label (getBucketCount()-1)
    316     // if Russian sorts Cyrillic first.
    317     int32_t reorderCodes[20];
    318     int32_t expectedLatinIndex = 0;
    319     if (index->getCollator().getReorderCodes(reorderCodes, UPRV_LENGTHOF(reorderCodes), status) > 0) {
    320         expectedLatinIndex = index->getBucketCount(status) - 1;
    321     }
    322     n = index->getBucketIndex(adam, status);
    323     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    324     assertEquals("Russian index.getBucketIndex(adam)", expectedLatinIndex, n);
    325     n = index->getBucketIndex(baker, status);
    326     assertEquals("Russian index.getBucketIndex(baker)", expectedLatinIndex, n);
    327     n = index->getBucketIndex(Cyrillic, status);
    328     assertEquals("Russian index.getBucketIndex(Cyrillic)", 1, n);
    329     n = index->getBucketIndex(zed, status);
    330     assertEquals("Russian index.getBucketIndex(zed)", expectedLatinIndex, n);
    332     delete index;
    334 }
    337 static const char * KEY_LOCALES[] = {
    338             "en", "es", "de", "fr", "ja", "it", "tr", "pt", "zh", "nl",
    339             "pl", "ar", "ru", "zh_Hant", "ko", "th", "sv", "fi", "da",
    340             "he", "nb", "el", "hr", "bg", "sk", "lt", "vi", "lv", "sr",
    341             "pt_PT", "ro", "hu", "cs", "id", "sl", "fil", "fa", "uk",
    342             "ca", "hi", "et", "eu", "is", "sw", "ms", "bn", "am", "ta",
    343             "te", "mr", "ur", "ml", "kn", "gu", "or", ""};
    346 void AlphabeticIndexTest::ManyLocalesTest() {
    347     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    348     int32_t  lc = 0;
    350     for (int i=0; ; ++i) {
    351         status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    352         const char *localeName = KEY_LOCALES[i];
    353         if (localeName[0] == 0) {
    354             break;
    355         }
    356         // std::cout <<  localeName << "  ";
    357         Locale loc = Locale::createFromName(localeName);
    358         AlphabeticIndex index(loc, status);
    359         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    360         lc = index.getBucketCount(status);
    361         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    362         // std::cout << "getBucketCount() == " << lc << std::endl;
    364         LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));
    365         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    366         TEST_ASSERT(lc == immIndex->getBucketCount());
    368         assertEquals("initial bucket index", -1, index.getBucketIndex());
    369         int32_t bucketIndex = 0;
    370         while (index.nextBucket(status)) {
    371             TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    372             assertEquals("bucket index", bucketIndex, index.getBucketIndex());
    373             const UnicodeString &label = index.getBucketLabel();
    374             TEST_ASSERT(label.length()>0);
    375             // std::string ss;
    376             // std::cout << ":" << label.toUTF8String(ss);
    377             const AlphabeticIndex::Bucket *bucket = immIndex->getBucket(bucketIndex);
    378             TEST_ASSERT(bucket != NULL);
    379             assertEquals("bucket label vs. immutable: locale=" + UnicodeString(localeName) +
    380                          " index=" + bucketIndex,
    381                          label, bucket->getLabel());
    382             TEST_ASSERT(&label != &bucket->getLabel());  // not the same pointers
    383             UAlphabeticIndexLabelType labelType = index.getBucketLabelType();
    384             TEST_ASSERT(labelType == bucket->getLabelType());
    385             ++bucketIndex;
    386         }
    387         // std::cout << ":" << std::endl;
    389         TEST_ASSERT(immIndex->getBucketCount() == bucketIndex);
    390         TEST_ASSERT(immIndex->getBucket(-1) == NULL);
    391         TEST_ASSERT(immIndex->getBucket(bucketIndex) == NULL);
    392     }
    393 }
    396 // Test data for Pinyin based indexes.
    397 //  The Chinese characters should be distributed under latin labels in
    398 //  an index.
    400 static const char *pinyinTestData[] = {
    401         "\\u0101", "\\u5416", "\\u58ba", //
    402         "b", "\\u516b", "\\u62d4", "\\u8500", //
    403         "c", "\\u5693", "\\u7938", "\\u9e7e", //
    404         "d", "\\u5491", "\\u8fcf", "\\u964a", //
    405         "\\u0113","\\u59b8", "\\u92e8", "\\u834b", //
    406         "f", "\\u53d1", "\\u9197", "\\u99a5", //
    407         "g", "\\u7324", "\\u91d3", "\\u8142", //
    408         "h", "\\u598e", "\\u927f", "\\u593b", //
    409         "j", "\\u4e0c", "\\u6785", "\\u9d58", //
    410         "k", "\\u5494", "\\u958b", "\\u7a52", //
    411         "l", "\\u5783", "\\u62c9", "\\u9ba5", //
    412         "m", "\\u5638", "\\u9ebb", "\\u65c0", //
    413         "n", "\\u62ff", "\\u80ad", "\\u685b", //
    414         "\\u014D", "\\u5662", "\\u6bee", "\\u8bb4", //
    415         "p", "\\u5991", "\\u8019", "\\u8c31", //
    416         "q", "\\u4e03", "\\u6053", "\\u7f56", //
    417         "r", "\\u5465", "\\u72aa", "\\u6e03", //
    418         "s", "\\u4ee8", "\\u9491", "\\u93c1", //
    419         "t", "\\u4ed6", "\\u9248", "\\u67dd", //
    420         "w", "\\u5c72", "\\u5558", "\\u5a7a", //
    421         "x", "\\u5915", "\\u5438", "\\u6bbe", //
    422         "y", "\\u4e2b", "\\u82bd", "\\u8574", //
    423         "z", "\\u5e00", "\\u707d", "\\u5c0a",
    424         NULL
    425     };
    427 void AlphabeticIndexTest::HackPinyinTest() {
    428     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    429     AlphabeticIndex aindex(Locale::createFromName("zh"), status);
    430     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    432     UnicodeString names[sizeof(pinyinTestData) / sizeof(pinyinTestData[0])];
    433     int32_t  nameCount;
    434     for (nameCount=0; pinyinTestData[nameCount] != NULL; nameCount++) {
    435         names[nameCount] = UnicodeString(pinyinTestData[nameCount], -1, UnicodeString::kInvariant).unescape();
    436         aindex.addRecord(names[nameCount], &names[nameCount], status);
    437         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    438         if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    439             return;
    440         }
    441     }
    442     TEST_ASSERT(nameCount == aindex.getRecordCount(status));
    444     // Weak checking:  make sure that none of the Chinese names landed in the overflow bucket
    445     //   of the index, and that the names are distributed among several buckets.
    446     //   (Exact expected data would be subject to change with evolution of the collation rules.)
    448     int32_t bucketCount = 0;
    449     int32_t filledBucketCount = 0;
    450     while (aindex.nextBucket(status)) {
    451         bucketCount++;
    452         UnicodeString label = aindex.getBucketLabel();
    453         // std::string s;
    454         // std::cout << label.toUTF8String(s) << ":  ";
    456         UBool  bucketHasContents = FALSE;
    457         while (aindex.nextRecord(status)) {
    458             bucketHasContents = TRUE;
    459             UnicodeString name = aindex.getRecordName();
    460             if (aindex.getBucketLabelType() != U_ALPHAINDEX_NORMAL) {
    461                 errln("File %s, Line %d, Name \"\\u%x\" is in an under or overflow bucket.",
    462                     __FILE__, __LINE__, name.char32At(0));
    463             }
    464             // s.clear();
    465             // std::cout << aindex.getRecordName().toUTF8String(s) << " ";
    466         }
    467         if (bucketHasContents) {
    468             filledBucketCount++;
    469         }
    470         // std::cout << std::endl;
    471     }
    472     TEST_ASSERT(bucketCount > 25);
    473     TEST_ASSERT(filledBucketCount > 15);
    474 }
    477 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestBug9009() {
    478     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    479     Locale loc("root");
    480     AlphabeticIndex aindex(loc, status);
    481     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    482     aindex.nextBucket(status);  // Crash here before bug was fixed.
    483     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    484 }
    486 static const char *localeAndIndexCharactersLists[][2] = {
    487     /* Arabic*/ {"ar", "\\u0627:\\u0628:\\u062A:\\u062B:\\u062C:\\u062D:\\u062E:\\u062F:\\u0630:\\u0631:\\u0632:\\u0633:\\u0634:\\u0635:\\u0636:\\u0637:\\u0638:\\u0639:\\u063A:\\u0641:\\u0642:\\u0643:\\u0644:\\u0645:\\u0646:\\u0647:\\u0648:\\u064A"},
    488     /* Bulgarian*/  {"bg", "\\u0410:\\u0411:\\u0412:\\u0413:\\u0414:\\u0415:\\u0416:\\u0417:\\u0418:\\u0419:\\u041A:\\u041B:\\u041C:\\u041D:\\u041E:\\u041F:\\u0420:\\u0421:\\u0422:\\u0423:\\u0424:\\u0425:\\u0426:\\u0427:\\u0428:\\u0429:\\u042E:\\u042F"},
    489     /* Catalan*/    {"ca", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    490     /* Czech*/  {"cs", "A:B:C:\\u010C:D:E:F:G:H:CH:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:\\u0158:S:\\u0160:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u017D"},
    491     /* Danish*/ {"da", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u00C6:\\u00D8:\\u00C5"},
    492     /* German*/ {"de", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    493     /* Greek*/  {"el", "\\u0391:\\u0392:\\u0393:\\u0394:\\u0395:\\u0396:\\u0397:\\u0398:\\u0399:\\u039A:\\u039B:\\u039C:\\u039D:\\u039E:\\u039F:\\u03A0:\\u03A1:\\u03A3:\\u03A4:\\u03A5:\\u03A6:\\u03A7:\\u03A8:\\u03A9"},
    494     /* English*/    {"en", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    495     /* Spanish*/    {"es", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:\\u00D1:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    496     /* Estonian*/   {"et", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:\\u0160:Z:\\u017D:T:U:V:\\u00D5:\\u00C4:\\u00D6:\\u00DC:X:Y"},
    497     /* Basque*/ {"eu", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    498     /* Finnish*/    {"fi", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u00C5:\\u00C4:\\u00D6"},
    499     /* Filipino*/   {"fil", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    500     /* French*/ {"fr", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    501     /* Hebrew*/ {"he", "\\u05D0:\\u05D1:\\u05D2:\\u05D3:\\u05D4:\\u05D5:\\u05D6:\\u05D7:\\u05D8:\\u05D9:\\u05DB:\\u05DC:\\u05DE:\\u05E0:\\u05E1:\\u05E2:\\u05E4:\\u05E6:\\u05E7:\\u05E8:\\u05E9:\\u05EA"},
    502     /* Icelandic*/  {"is", "A:\\u00C1:B:C:D:\\u00D0:E:\\u00C9:F:G:H:I:\\u00CD:J:K:L:M:N:O:\\u00D3:P:Q:R:S:T:U:\\u00DA:V:W:X:Y:\\u00DD:Z:\\u00DE:\\u00C6:\\u00D6"},
    503     /* Italian*/    {"it", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    504     /* Japanese*/   {"ja", "\\u3042:\\u304B:\\u3055:\\u305F:\\u306A:\\u306F:\\u307E:\\u3084:\\u3089:\\u308F"},
    505     /* Korean*/ {"ko", "\\u3131:\\u3134:\\u3137:\\u3139:\\u3141:\\u3142:\\u3145:\\u3147:\\u3148:\\u314A:\\u314B:\\u314C:\\u314D:\\u314E"},
    506     /* Lithuanian*/ {"lt", "A:B:C:\\u010C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:R:S:\\u0160:T:U:V:Z:\\u017D"},
    507     /* Latvian*/    {"lv", "A:B:C:\\u010C:D:E:F:G:\\u0122:H:I:J:K:\\u0136:L:\\u013B:M:N:\\u0145:O:P:Q:R:S:\\u0160:T:U:V:W:X:Z:\\u017D"},
    508     /* Norwegian Bokm\\u00E5l*/  {"nb", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u00C6:\\u00D8:\\u00C5"},
    509     /* Dutch*/  {"nl", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    510     /* Polish*/ {"pl", "A:\\u0104:B:C:\\u0106:D:E:\\u0118:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:\\u0141:M:N:\\u0143:O:\\u00D3:P:Q:R:S:\\u015A:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u0179:\\u017B"},
    511     /* Portuguese*/ {"pt", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    512     /* Romanian*/   {"ro", "A:\\u0102:\\u00C2:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:\\u00CE:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:\\u0218:T:\\u021A:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    513     /* Russian*/    {"ru", "\\u0410:\\u0411:\\u0412:\\u0413:\\u0414:\\u0415:\\u0416:\\u0417:\\u0418:\\u0419:\\u041A:\\u041B:\\u041C:\\u041D:\\u041E:\\u041F:\\u0420:\\u0421:\\u0422:\\u0423:\\u0424:\\u0425:\\u0426:\\u0427:\\u0428:\\u0429:\\u042B:\\u042D:\\u042E:\\u042F"},
    514     /* Slovak*/ {"sk", "A:\\u00C4:B:C:\\u010C:D:E:F:G:H:CH:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:\\u00D4:P:Q:R:S:\\u0160:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u017D"},
    515     /* Slovenian*/  {"sl", "A:B:C:\\u010C:\\u0106:D:\\u0110:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:\\u0160:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u017D"},
    516     /* Serbian*/    {"sr", "\\u0410:\\u0411:\\u0412:\\u0413:\\u0414:\\u0402:\\u0415:\\u0416:\\u0417:\\u0418:\\u0408:\\u041A:\\u041B:\\u0409:\\u041C:\\u041D:\\u040A:\\u041E:\\u041F:\\u0420:\\u0421:\\u0422:\\u040B:\\u0423:\\u0424:\\u0425:\\u0426:\\u0427:\\u040F:\\u0428"},
    517     /* Swedish*/    {"sv", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z:\\u00C5:\\u00C4:\\u00D6"},
    518     /* Turkish*/    {"tr", "A:B:C:\\u00C7:D:E:F:G:H:I:\\u0130:J:K:L:M:N:O:\\u00D6:P:Q:R:S:\\u015E:T:U:\\u00DC:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    519     /* Ukrainian*/  {"uk", "\\u0410:\\u0411:\\u0412:\\u0413:\\u0490:\\u0414:\\u0415:\\u0404:\\u0416:\\u0417:\\u0418:\\u0406:\\u0407:\\u0419:\\u041A:\\u041B:\\u041C:\\u041D:\\u041E:\\u041F:\\u0420:\\u0421:\\u0422:\\u0423:\\u0424:\\u0425:\\u0426:\\u0427:\\u0428:\\u0429:\\u042E:\\u042F"},
    520     /* Vietnamese*/ {"vi", "A:\\u0102:\\u00C2:B:C:D:\\u0110:E:\\u00CA:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:\\u00D4:\\u01A0:P:Q:R:S:T:U:\\u01AF:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    521     /* Chinese*/    {"zh", "A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:J:K:L:M:N:O:P:Q:R:S:T:U:V:W:X:Y:Z"},
    522     /* Chinese (Traditional Han)*/  {"zh_Hant", "1\\u5283:2\\u5283:3\\u5283:4\\u5283:5\\u5283:6\\u5283:7\\u5283:8\\u5283:9\\u5283:10\\u5283:11\\u5283:12\\u5283:13\\u5283:14\\u5283:15\\u5283:16\\u5283:17\\u5283:18\\u5283:19\\u5283:20\\u5283:21\\u5283:22\\u5283:23\\u5283:24\\u5283:25\\u5283:26\\u5283:27\\u5283:28\\u5283:29\\u5283:30\\u5283:31\\u5283:32\\u5283:33\\u5283:35\\u5283:36\\u5283:39\\u5283:48\\u5283"},
    523 };
    525 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestIndexCharactersList() {
    526     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    527     for (int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(localeAndIndexCharactersLists); ++i) {
    528         const char *(&localeAndIndexCharacters)[2] = localeAndIndexCharactersLists[i];
    529         const char *locale = localeAndIndexCharacters[0];
    530         UnicodeString expectedIndexCharacters
    531             = (UnicodeString("\\u2026:") + localeAndIndexCharacters[1] + ":\\u2026").unescape();
    532         AlphabeticIndex index(locale, status);
    533         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    534         LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));
    535         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    537         // Join the elements of the list to a string with delimiter ":"
    538         UnicodeString actualIndexCharacters;
    539         assertEquals(locale,
    540                      expectedIndexCharacters,
    541                      joinLabelsAndAppend(*immIndex, actualIndexCharacters));
    542         logln(locale + UnicodeString(": ") + actualIndexCharacters);
    543     }
    544 }
    546 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestHaniFirst() {
    547     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    548     LocalPointer<RuleBasedCollator> coll(
    549         static_cast<RuleBasedCollator *>(Collator::createInstance(Locale::getRoot(), status)));
    551     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    552         dataerrln("Failed Collator::createInstance call - %s", u_errorName(status));
    553         return;
    554     }
    555     int32_t reorderCodes[] = { USCRIPT_HAN };
    556     coll->setReorderCodes(reorderCodes, UPRV_LENGTHOF(reorderCodes), status);
    557     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    558     AlphabeticIndex index(coll.orphan(), status);
    559     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    560     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 1, index.getBucketCount(status));   // ... (underflow only)
    561     index.addLabels(Locale::getEnglish(), status);
    562     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 28, index.getBucketCount(status));  // ... A-Z ...
    563     int32_t bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0x897f), status);
    564     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+897F)", 0, bucketIndex);  // underflow bucket
    565     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex("i", status);
    566     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(i)", 9, bucketIndex);
    567     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0x03B1), status);
    568     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(Greek alpha)", 27, bucketIndex);
    569     // U+50005 is an unassigned code point which sorts at the end, independent of the Hani group.
    570     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString(0x50005), status);
    571     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+50005)", 27, bucketIndex);
    572     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0xFFFF), status);
    573     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+FFFF)", 27, bucketIndex);
    574 }
    576 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestPinyinFirst() {
    577     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    578     LocalPointer<RuleBasedCollator> coll(
    579         static_cast<RuleBasedCollator *>(Collator::createInstance(Locale::getChinese(), status)));
    580     if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    581         dataerrln("Failed Collator::createInstance call - %s", u_errorName(status));
    582         return;
    583     }
    584     int32_t reorderCodes[] = { USCRIPT_HAN };
    585     coll->setReorderCodes(reorderCodes, UPRV_LENGTHOF(reorderCodes), status);
    586     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    587     AlphabeticIndex index(coll.orphan(), status);
    588     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    589     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 28, index.getBucketCount(status));   // ... A-Z ...
    590     index.addLabels(Locale::getChinese(), status);
    591     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 28, index.getBucketCount(status));  // ... A-Z ...
    592     int32_t bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0x897f), status);
    593     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+897F)", (int32_t)((UChar)0x0058/*X*/ - (UChar)0x0041/*A*/ + 1), bucketIndex);
    594     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex("i", status);
    595     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(i)", 9, bucketIndex);
    596     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0x03B1), status);
    597     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(Greek alpha)", (int32_t)27, bucketIndex);
    598     // U+50005 is an unassigned code point which sorts at the end, independent of the Hani group.
    599     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString(0x50005), status);
    600     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+50005)", 27, bucketIndex);
    601     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0xFFFF), status);
    602     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+FFFF)", 27, bucketIndex);
    603 }
    605 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestSchSt() {
    606     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    607     AlphabeticIndex index(Locale::getGerman(), status);
    608     index.addLabels(UnicodeSet("[\\u00C6{Sch*}{St*}]", status), status);
    609     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    610     // ... A AE-ligature B-R S Sch St T-Z ...
    611     LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));
    612     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    613     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 31, index.getBucketCount(status));
    614     assertEquals("immutable getBucketCount()", 31, immIndex->getBucketCount());
    615     static const struct TestCase {
    616         const char *name;
    617         int32_t bucketIndex;
    618         const char *bucketLabel;
    619     } testCases[] = {
    620         // name, bucket index, bucket label
    621         { "Adelbert", 1, "A" },
    622         { "Afrika", 1, "A" },
    623         { "\\u00C6sculap", 2, "\\u00C6" },
    624         { "Aesthet", 2, "\\u00C6" },
    625         { "Berlin", 3, "B" },
    626         { "Rilke", 19, "R" },
    627         { "Sacher", 20, "S" },
    628         { "Seiler", 20, "S" },
    629         { "Sultan", 20, "S" },
    630         { "Schiller", 21, "Sch" },
    631         { "Steiff", 22, "St" },
    632         { "Thomas", 23, "T" }
    633     };
    634     for (int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(testCases); ++i) {
    635         const TestCase &testCase = testCases[i];
    636         UnicodeString name = UnicodeString(testCase.name).unescape();
    637         UnicodeString label = UnicodeString(testCase.bucketLabel).unescape();
    638         char msg[100];
    639         sprintf(msg, "getBucketIndex(%s)", testCase.name);
    640         assertEquals(msg, testCase.bucketIndex, index.getBucketIndex(name, status));
    641         sprintf(msg, "immutable getBucketIndex(%s)", testCase.name);
    642         assertEquals(msg, testCase.bucketIndex, immIndex->getBucketIndex(name, status));
    643         sprintf(msg, "immutable bucket label (%s)", testCase.name);
    644         assertEquals(msg, label, immIndex->getBucket(testCase.bucketIndex)->getLabel());
    645     }
    646 }
    648 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestNoLabels() {
    649     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    650     LocalPointer<RuleBasedCollator> coll(
    651         static_cast<RuleBasedCollator *>(Collator::createInstance(Locale::getRoot(), status)));
    652     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    653     AlphabeticIndex index(coll.orphan(), status);
    654     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    655     index.addRecord(UnicodeString((UChar)0x897f), NULL, status);
    656     index.addRecord("i", NULL, status);
    657     index.addRecord(UnicodeString((UChar)0x03B1), NULL, status);
    658     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 1, index.getBucketCount(status));  // ...
    659     TEST_ASSERT(index.nextBucket(status));
    660     assertEquals("underflow label type", (int32_t)U_ALPHAINDEX_UNDERFLOW, index.getBucketLabelType());
    661     assertEquals("all records in the underflow bucket", (int32_t)3, index.getBucketRecordCount());
    662 }
    664 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestChineseZhuyin() {
    665     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    666     char loc[100];
    667     uloc_forLanguageTag("zh-u-co-zhuyin", loc, UPRV_LENGTHOF(loc), NULL, &status);
    668     AlphabeticIndex index(loc, status);
    669     LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));
    670     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    671     assertEquals("getBucketCount()", 38, immIndex->getBucketCount());
    672     assertEquals("label 1", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3105), immIndex->getBucket(1)->getLabel());
    673     assertEquals("label 2", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3106), immIndex->getBucket(2)->getLabel());
    674     assertEquals("label 3", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3107), immIndex->getBucket(3)->getLabel());
    675     assertEquals("label 4", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3108), immIndex->getBucket(4)->getLabel());
    676     assertEquals("label 5", UnicodeString((UChar)0x3109), immIndex->getBucket(5)->getLabel());
    677 }
    679 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestJapaneseKanji() {
    680     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    681     AlphabeticIndex index(Locale::getJapanese(), status);
    682     LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));
    683     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    684     // There are no index characters for Kanji in the Japanese standard collator.
    685     // They should all go into the overflow bucket.
    686     static const UChar32 kanji[] = { 0x4E9C, 0x95C7, 0x4E00, 0x58F1 };
    687     int32_t overflowIndex = immIndex->getBucketCount() - 1;
    688     for(int32_t i = 0; i < UPRV_LENGTHOF(kanji); ++i) {
    689         char msg[40];
    690         sprintf(msg, "kanji[%d]=U+%04lX in overflow bucket", (int)i, (long)kanji[i]);
    691         assertEquals(msg, overflowIndex, immIndex->getBucketIndex(UnicodeString(kanji[i]), status));
    692         TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    693     }
    694 }
    696 void AlphabeticIndexTest::TestChineseUnihan() {
    697     UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    698     AlphabeticIndex index("zh-u-co-unihan", status);
    699     if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
    700         dataerrln("unable create an AlphabeticIndex for Chinese/unihan: %s", u_errorName(status));
    701         return;
    702     }
    703     index.setMaxLabelCount(500, status);  // ICU 54 default is 99.
    704     LocalPointer<AlphabeticIndex::ImmutableIndex> immIndex(index.buildImmutableIndex(status));
    705     TEST_CHECK_STATUS;
    706     int32_t bucketCount = immIndex->getBucketCount();
    707     if(bucketCount < 216) {
    708         // There should be at least an underflow and overflow label,
    709         // and one for each of 214 radicals,
    710         // and maybe additional labels for simplified radicals.
    711         dataerrln("too few buckets/labels for Chinese/unihan: %d (is zh/unihan data available?)",
    712                   bucketCount);
    713         return;
    714     } else {
    715         logln("Chinese/unihan has %d buckets/labels", bucketCount);
    716     }
    717     // bucketIndex = radical number, adjusted for simplified radicals in lower buckets.
    718     int32_t bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0x4e5d), status);
    719     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+4E5D)", 5, bucketIndex);
    720     // radical 100, and there is a 90' since Unicode 8
    721     bucketIndex = index.getBucketIndex(UnicodeString((UChar)0x7527), status);
    722     assertEquals("getBucketIndex(U+7527)", 101, bucketIndex);
    723 }
    725 #endif