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      1 /* find.c - Search directories for matching files.
      2  *
      3  * Copyright 2014 Rob Landley <rob (at) landley.net>
      4  *
      5  * See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/find.c
      6  *
      7  * Our "unspecified" behavior for no paths is to use "."
      8  * Parentheses can only stack 4096 deep
      9  * Not treating two {} as an error, but only using last
     10  *
     11  * TODO: -empty (dirs too!)
     15 config FIND
     16   bool "find"
     17   default y
     18   help
     19     usage: find [-HL] [DIR...] [<options>]
     21     Search directories for matching files.
     22     Default: search "." match all -print all matches.
     24     -H  Follow command line symlinks         -L  Follow all symlinks
     26     Match filters:
     27     -name  PATTERN  filename with wildcards   -iname      case insensitive -name
     28     -path  PATTERN  path name with wildcards  -ipath      case insensitive -path
     29     -user  UNAME    belongs to user UNAME     -nouser     user ID not known
     30     -group GROUP    belongs to group GROUP    -nogroup    group ID not known
     31     -perm  [-/]MODE permissions (-=min /=any) -prune      ignore contents of dir
     32     -size  N[c]     512 byte blocks (c=bytes) -xdev       only this filesystem
     33     -links N        hardlink count            -atime N    accessed N days ago
     34     -ctime N        created N days ago        -mtime N    modified N days ago
     35     -newer FILE     newer mtime than FILE     -mindepth # at least # dirs down
     36     -depth          ignore contents of dir    -maxdepth # at most # dirs down
     37     -inum  N        inode number N            -empty      empty files and dirs
     38     -type [bcdflps] (block, char, dir, file, symlink, pipe, socket)
     40     Numbers N may be prefixed by a - (less than) or + (greater than):
     42     Combine matches with:
     43     !, -a, -o, ( )    not, and, or, group expressions
     45     Actions:
     46     -print   Print match with newline  -print0    Print match with null
     47     -exec    Run command with path     -execdir   Run command in file's dir
     48     -ok      Ask before exec           -okdir     Ask before execdir
     49     -delete  Remove matching file/dir
     51     Commands substitute "{}" with matched file. End with ";" to run each file,
     52     or "+" (next argument after "{}") to collect and run with multiple files.
     53 */
     55 #define FOR_find
     56 #include "toys.h"
     58 GLOBALS(
     59   char **filter;
     60   struct double_list *argdata;
     61   int topdir, xdev, depth;
     62   time_t now;
     63 )
     65 struct execdir_data {
     66   struct execdir_data *next;
     68   int namecount;
     69   struct double_list *names;
     70 };
     72 // None of this can go in TT because you can have more than one -exec
     73 struct exec_range {
     74   char *next, *prev;  // layout compatible with struct double_list
     76   int dir, plus, arglen, argsize, curly;
     77   char **argstart;
     78   struct execdir_data exec, *execdir;
     79 };
     81 // Perform pending -exec (if any)
     82 static int flush_exec(struct dirtree *new, struct exec_range *aa)
     83 {
     84   struct execdir_data *bb = aa->execdir ? aa->execdir : &aa->exec;
     85   char **newargs;
     86   int rc, revert = 0;
     88   if (!bb->namecount) return 0;
     90   dlist_terminate(bb->names);
     92   // switch to directory for -execdir, or back to top if we have an -execdir
     93   // _and_ a normal -exec, or are at top of tree in -execdir
     94   if (TT.topdir != -1) {
     95     if (aa->dir && new && new->parent) {
     96       revert++;
     97       rc = fchdir(new->parent->dirfd);
     98     } else rc = fchdir(TT.topdir);
     99     if (rc) {
    100       perror_msg_raw(revert ? new->name : ".");
    102       return rc;
    103     }
    104   }
    106   // execdir: accumulated execs in this directory's children.
    107   newargs = xmalloc(sizeof(char *)*(aa->arglen+bb->namecount+1));
    108   if (aa->curly < 0) {
    109     memcpy(newargs, aa->argstart, sizeof(char *)*aa->arglen);
    110     newargs[aa->arglen] = 0;
    111   } else {
    112     int pos = aa->curly, rest = aa->arglen - aa->curly;
    113     struct double_list *dl;
    115     // Collate argument list
    116     memcpy(newargs, aa->argstart, sizeof(char *)*pos);
    117     for (dl = bb->names; dl; dl = dl->next) newargs[pos++] = dl->data;
    118     rest = aa->arglen - aa->curly - 1;
    119     memcpy(newargs+pos, aa->argstart+aa->curly+1, sizeof(char *)*rest);
    120     newargs[pos+rest] = 0;
    121   }
    123   rc = xrun(newargs);
    125   llist_traverse(bb->names, llist_free_double);
    126   bb->names = 0;
    127   bb->namecount = 0;
    129   if (revert) revert = fchdir(TT.topdir);
    131   return rc;
    132 }
    134 // Return numeric value with explicit sign
    135 static int compare_numsign(long val, long units, char *str)
    136 {
    137   char sign = 0;
    138   long myval;
    140   if (*str == '+' || *str == '-') sign = *(str++);
    141   else if (!isdigit(*str)) error_exit("%s not [+-]N", str);
    142   myval = atolx(str);
    143   if (units && isdigit(str[strlen(str)-1])) myval *= units;
    145   if (sign == '+') return val > myval;
    146   if (sign == '-') return val < myval;
    147   return val == myval;
    148 }
    150 static void do_print(struct dirtree *new, char c)
    151 {
    152   char *s=dirtree_path(new, 0);
    154   xprintf("%s%c", s, c);
    155   free(s);
    156 }
    158 // Descend or ascend -execdir + directory level
    159 static void execdir(struct dirtree *new, int flush)
    160 {
    161   struct double_list *dl;
    162   struct exec_range *aa;
    163   struct execdir_data *bb;
    165   if (new && TT.topdir == -1) return;
    167   for (dl = TT.argdata; dl; dl = dl->next) {
    168     if (dl->prev != (void *)1) continue;
    169     aa = (void *)dl;
    170     if (!aa->plus || (new && !aa->dir)) continue;
    172     if (flush) {
    174       // Flush pending "-execdir +" instances for this dir
    175       // or flush everything for -exec at top
    176       toys.exitval |= flush_exec(new, aa);
    178       // pop per-directory struct
    179       if ((bb = aa->execdir)) {
    180         aa->execdir = bb->next;
    181         free(bb);
    182       }
    183     } else if (aa->dir) {
    185       // Push new per-directory struct for -execdir/okdir + codepath. (Can't
    186       // use new->extra because command line may have multiple -execdir)
    187       bb = xzalloc(sizeof(struct execdir_data));
    188       bb->next = aa->execdir;
    189       aa->execdir = bb;
    190     }
    191   }
    192 }
    194 // Call this with 0 for first pass argument parsing and syntax checking (which
    195 // populates argdata). Later commands traverse argdata (in order) when they
    196 // need "do once" results.
    197 static int do_find(struct dirtree *new)
    198 {
    199   int pcount = 0, print = 0, not = 0, active = !!new, test = active, recurse;
    200   struct double_list *argdata = TT.argdata;
    201   char *s, **ss;
    203   recurse = DIRTREE_COMEAGAIN|(DIRTREE_SYMFOLLOW*!!(toys.optflags&FLAG_L));
    205   // skip . and .. below topdir, handle -xdev and -depth
    206   if (new) {
    207     if (new->parent) {
    208       if (!dirtree_notdotdot(new)) return 0;
    209       if (TT.xdev && new->st.st_dev != new->parent->st.st_dev) recurse = 0;
    210     }
    212     if (S_ISDIR(new->st.st_mode)) {
    213       // Descending into new directory
    214       if (!new->again) {
    215         struct dirtree *n;
    217         for (n = new->parent; n; n = n->parent) {
    218           if (n->st.st_ino==new->st.st_ino && n->st.st_dev==new->st.st_dev) {
    219             error_msg("'%s': loop detected", s = dirtree_path(new, 0));
    220             free(s);
    222             return 0;
    223           }
    224         }
    226         if (TT.depth) {
    227           execdir(new, 0);
    229           return recurse;
    230         }
    231       // Done with directory (COMEAGAIN call)
    232       } else {
    233         execdir(new, 1);
    234         recurse = 0;
    235         if (!TT.depth) return 0;
    236       }
    237     }
    238   }
    240   // pcount: parentheses stack depth (using toybuf bytes, 4096 max depth)
    241   // test: result of most recent test
    242   // active: if 0 don't perform tests
    243   // not: a pending ! applies to this test (only set if performing tests)
    244   // print: saw one of print/ok/exec, no need for default -print
    246   if (TT.filter) for (ss = TT.filter; *ss; ss++) {
    247     int check = active && test;
    249     s = *ss;
    251     // handle ! ( ) using toybuf as a stack
    252     if (*s != '-') {
    253       if (s[1]) goto error;
    255       if (*s == '!') {
    256         // Don't invert if we're not making a decision
    257         if (check) not = !not;
    259       // Save old "not" and "active" on toybuf stack.
    260       // Deactivate this parenthetical if !test
    261       // Note: test value should never change while !active
    262       } else if (*s == '(') {
    263         if (pcount == sizeof(toybuf)) goto error;
    264         toybuf[pcount++] = not+(active<<1);
    265         if (!check) active = 0;
    266         not = 0;
    268       // Pop status, apply deferred not to test
    269       } else if (*s == ')') {
    270         if (--pcount < 0) goto error;
    271         // Pop active state, apply deferred not (which was only set if checking)
    272         active = (toybuf[pcount]>>1)&1;
    273         if (active && (toybuf[pcount]&1)) test = !test;
    274         not = 0;
    275       } else goto error;
    277       continue;
    278     } else s++;
    280     if (!strcmp(s, "xdev")) TT.xdev = 1;
    281     else if (!strcmp(s, "delete")) {
    282       // Delete forces depth first
    283       TT.depth = 1;
    284       if (new && check)
    285         test = !unlinkat(dirtree_parentfd(new), new->name,
    286           S_ISDIR(new->st.st_mode) ? AT_REMOVEDIR : 0);
    287     } else if (!strcmp(s, "depth")) TT.depth = 1;
    288     else if (!strcmp(s, "o") || !strcmp(s, "or")) {
    289       if (not) goto error;
    290       if (active) {
    291         if (!test) test = 1;
    292         else active = 0;     // decision has been made until next ")"
    293       }
    294     } else if (!strcmp(s, "not")) {
    295       if (check) not = !not;
    296       continue;
    297     // Mostly ignore NOP argument
    298     } else if (!strcmp(s, "a") || !strcmp(s, "and")) {
    299       if (not) goto error;
    301     } else if (!strcmp(s, "print") || !strcmp("print0", s)) {
    302       print++;
    303       if (check) do_print(new, s[5] ? 0 : '\n');
    305     } else if (!strcmp(s, "nouser")) {
    306       if (check) if (getpwuid(new->st.st_uid)) test = 0;
    307     } else if (!strcmp(s, "nogroup")) {
    308       if (check) if (getgrgid(new->st.st_gid)) test = 0;
    309     } else if (!strcmp(s, "prune")) {
    310       if (check && S_ISDIR(new->st.st_mode) && !TT.depth) recurse = 0;
    312     // Remaining filters take an argument
    313     } else {
    314       if (!strcmp(s, "name") || !strcmp(s, "iname")
    315         || !strcmp(s, "path") || !strcmp(s, "ipath"))
    316       {
    317         int i = (*s == 'i');
    318         char *arg = ss[1], *path = 0, *name = new ? new->name : arg;
    320         // Handle path expansion and case flattening
    321         if (new && s[i] == 'p') name = path = dirtree_path(new, 0);
    322         if (i) {
    323           if (check || !new) {
    324             if (name) name = strlower(name);
    325             if (!new) {
    326               dlist_add(&TT.argdata, name);
    327               free(path);
    328             } else arg = ((struct double_list *)llist_pop(&argdata))->data;
    329           }
    330         }
    332         if (check) {
    333           test = !fnmatch(arg, name, FNM_PATHNAME*(s[i] == 'p'));
    334           free(path);
    335           if (i) free(name);
    336         }
    337       } else if (!strcmp(s, "perm")) {
    338         if (check) {
    339           char *m = ss[1];
    340           int match_min = *m == '-',
    341               match_any = *m == '/';
    342           mode_t m1 = string_to_mode(m+(match_min || match_any), 0),
    343                  m2 = new->st.st_mode & 07777;
    345           if (match_min || match_any) m2 &= m1;
    346           test = match_any ? !m1 || m2 : m1 == m2;
    347         }
    348       } else if (!strcmp(s, "type")) {
    349         if (check) {
    350           int types[] = {S_IFBLK, S_IFCHR, S_IFDIR, S_IFLNK, S_IFIFO,
    351                          S_IFREG, S_IFSOCK}, i = stridx("bcdlpfs", *ss[1]);
    353           if (i<0) error_exit("bad -type '%c'", *ss[1]);
    354           if ((new->st.st_mode & S_IFMT) != types[i]) test = 0;
    355         }
    357       } else if (!strcmp(s, "atime")) {
    358         if (check)
    359           test = compare_numsign(TT.now - new->st.st_atime, 86400, ss[1]);
    360       } else if (!strcmp(s, "ctime")) {
    361         if (check)
    362           test = compare_numsign(TT.now - new->st.st_ctime, 86400, ss[1]);
    363       } else if (!strcmp(s, "mtime")) {
    364         if (check)
    365           test = compare_numsign(TT.now - new->st.st_mtime, 86400, ss[1]);
    366       } else if (!strcmp(s, "size")) {
    367         if (check)
    368           test = compare_numsign(new->st.st_size, 512, ss[1]);
    369       } else if (!strcmp(s, "links")) {
    370         if (check) test = compare_numsign(new->st.st_nlink, 0, ss[1]);
    371       } else if (!strcmp(s, "inum")) {
    372         if (check)
    373           test = compare_numsign(new->st.st_ino, 0, ss[1]);
    374       } else if (!strcmp(s, "mindepth") || !strcmp(s, "maxdepth")) {
    375         if (check) {
    376           struct dirtree *dt = new;
    377           int i = 0, d = atolx(ss[1]);
    379           while ((dt = dt->parent)) i++;
    380           if (s[1] == 'i') {
    381             test = i >= d;
    382             if (i == d && not) recurse = 0;
    383           } else {
    384             test = i <= d;
    385             if (i == d && !not) recurse = 0;
    386           }
    387         }
    388       } else if (!strcmp(s, "user") || !strcmp(s, "group")
    389               || !strcmp(s, "newer"))
    390       {
    391         struct {
    392           void *next, *prev;
    393           union {
    394             uid_t uid;
    395             gid_t gid;
    396             struct timespec tm;
    397           } u;
    398         } *udl;
    400         if (!new) {
    401           if (ss[1]) {
    402             udl = xmalloc(sizeof(*udl));
    403             dlist_add_nomalloc(&TT.argdata, (void *)udl);
    405             if (*s == 'u') udl->u.uid = xgetpwnamid(ss[1])->pw_uid;
    406             else if (*s == 'g') udl->u.gid = xgetgrnamid(ss[1])->gr_gid;
    407             else {
    408               struct stat st;
    410               xstat(ss[1], &st);
    411               udl->u.tm = st.st_mtim;
    412             }
    413           }
    414         } else {
    415           udl = (void *)llist_pop(&argdata);
    416           if (check) {
    417             if (*s == 'u') test = new->st.st_uid == udl->u.uid;
    418             else if (*s == 'g') test = new->st.st_gid == udl->u.gid;
    419             else {
    420               test = new->st.st_mtim.tv_sec > udl->u.tm.tv_sec;
    421               if (new->st.st_mtim.tv_sec == udl->u.tm.tv_sec)
    422                 test = new->st.st_mtim.tv_nsec > udl->u.tm.tv_nsec;
    423             }
    424           }
    425         }
    426       } else if (!strcmp(s, "exec") || !strcmp("ok", s)
    427               || !strcmp(s, "execdir") || !strcmp(s, "okdir"))
    428       {
    429         struct exec_range *aa;
    431         print++;
    433         // Initial argument parsing pass
    434         if (!new) {
    435           int len;
    437           // catch "-exec" with no args and "-exec \;"
    438           if (!ss[1] || !strcmp(ss[1], ";")) error_exit("'%s' needs 1 arg", s);
    440           dlist_add_nomalloc(&TT.argdata, (void *)(aa = xzalloc(sizeof(*aa))));
    441           aa->argstart = ++ss;
    442           aa->curly = -1;
    444           // Record command line arguments to -exec
    445           for (len = 0; ss[len]; len++) {
    446             if (!strcmp(ss[len], ";")) break;
    447             else if (!strcmp(ss[len], "{}")) {
    448               aa->curly = len;
    449               if (ss[len+1] && !strcmp(ss[len+1], "+")) {
    450                 aa->plus++;
    451                 len++;
    452                 break;
    453               }
    454             } else aa->argsize += sizeof(char *) + strlen(ss[len]) + 1;
    455           }
    456           if (!ss[len]) error_exit("-exec without %s",
    457             aa->curly!=-1 ? "\\;" : "{}");
    458           ss += len;
    459           aa->arglen = len;
    460           aa->dir = !!strchr(s, 'd');
    461           if (TT.topdir == -1) TT.topdir = xopen(".", 0);
    463         // collect names and execute commands
    464         } else {
    465           char *name, *ss1 = ss[1];
    466           struct execdir_data *bb;
    468           // Grab command line exec argument list
    469           aa = (void *)llist_pop(&argdata);
    470           ss += aa->arglen + 1;
    472           if (!check) goto cont;
    473           // name is always a new malloc, so we can always free it.
    474           name = aa->dir ? xstrdup(new->name) : dirtree_path(new, 0);
    476           if (*s == 'o') {
    477             fprintf(stderr, "[%s] %s", ss1, name);
    478             if (!(test = yesno(0))) {
    479               free(name);
    480               goto cont;
    481             }
    482           }
    484           // Add next name to list (global list without -dir, local with)
    485           bb = aa->execdir ? aa->execdir : &aa->exec;
    486           dlist_add(&bb->names, name);
    487           bb->namecount++;
    489           // -exec + collates and saves result in exitval
    490           if (aa->plus) {
    491             // Mark entry so COMEAGAIN can call flush_exec() in parent.
    492             // This is never a valid pointer value for prev to have otherwise
    493             // Done here vs argument parsing pass so it's after dlist_terminate
    494             aa->prev = (void *)1;
    496             // Flush if we pass 16 megs of environment space.
    497             // An insanely long path (>2 gigs) could wrap the counter and
    498             // defeat this test, which could potentially trigger OOM killer.
    499             if ((aa->plus += sizeof(char *)+strlen(name)+1) > 1<<24) {
    500               aa->plus = 1;
    501               toys.exitval |= flush_exec(new, aa);
    502             }
    503           } else test = flush_exec(new, aa);
    504         }
    506         // Argument consumed, skip the check.
    507         goto cont;
    508       } else goto error;
    510       // This test can go at the end because we do a syntax checking
    511       // pass first. Putting it here gets the error message (-unknown
    512       // vs -known noarg) right.
    513       if (!*++ss) error_exit("'%s' needs 1 arg", --s);
    514     }
    515 cont:
    516     // Apply pending "!" to result
    517     if (active && not) test = !test;
    518     not = 0;
    519   }
    521   if (new) {
    522     // If there was no action, print
    523     if (!print && test) do_print(new, '\n');
    525     if (S_ISDIR(new->st.st_mode)) execdir(new, 0);
    527   } else dlist_terminate(TT.argdata);
    529   return recurse;
    531 error:
    532   error_exit("bad arg '%s'", *ss);
    533 }
    535 void find_main(void)
    536 {
    537   int i, len;
    538   char **ss = toys.optargs;
    540   TT.topdir = -1;
    542   // Distinguish paths from filters
    543   for (len = 0; toys.optargs[len]; len++)
    544     if (strchr("-!(", *toys.optargs[len])) break;
    545   TT.filter = toys.optargs+len;
    547   // use "." if no paths
    548   if (!len) {
    549     ss = (char *[]){"."};
    550     len = 1;
    551   }
    553   // first pass argument parsing, verify args match up, handle "evaluate once"
    554   TT.now = time(0);
    555   do_find(0);
    557   // Loop through paths
    558   for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    559     dirtree_handle_callback(dirtree_start(ss[i], toys.optflags&(FLAG_H|FLAG_L)),
    560       do_find);
    562   execdir(0, 1);
    564   if (CFG_TOYBOX_FREE) {
    565     close(TT.topdir);
    566     llist_traverse(TT.argdata, free);
    567   }
    568 }