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      1 // Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/runtime/runtime-utils.h"
      7 #include "src/allocation-site-scopes.h"
      8 #include "src/arguments.h"
      9 #include "src/ast/ast.h"
     10 #include "src/isolate-inl.h"
     11 #include "src/parsing/parser.h"
     12 #include "src/runtime/runtime.h"
     14 namespace v8 {
     15 namespace internal {
     17 static Handle<Map> ComputeObjectLiteralMap(
     18     Handle<Context> context, Handle<FixedArray> constant_properties,
     19     bool is_strong, bool* is_result_from_cache) {
     20   int properties_length = constant_properties->length();
     21   int number_of_properties = properties_length / 2;
     23   for (int p = 0; p != properties_length; p += 2) {
     24     Object* key = constant_properties->get(p);
     25     uint32_t element_index = 0;
     26     if (key->ToArrayIndex(&element_index)) {
     27       // An index key does not require space in the property backing store.
     28       number_of_properties--;
     29     }
     30   }
     31   Isolate* isolate = context->GetIsolate();
     32   return isolate->factory()->ObjectLiteralMapFromCache(
     33       context, number_of_properties, is_strong, is_result_from_cache);
     34 }
     36 MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> CreateLiteralBoilerplate(
     37     Isolate* isolate, Handle<LiteralsArray> literals,
     38     Handle<FixedArray> constant_properties, bool is_strong);
     41 MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(
     42     Isolate* isolate, Handle<LiteralsArray> literals,
     43     Handle<FixedArray> constant_properties, bool should_have_fast_elements,
     44     bool has_function_literal, bool is_strong) {
     45   Handle<Context> context = isolate->native_context();
     47   // In case we have function literals, we want the object to be in
     48   // slow properties mode for now. We don't go in the map cache because
     49   // maps with constant functions can't be shared if the functions are
     50   // not the same (which is the common case).
     51   bool is_result_from_cache = false;
     52   Handle<Map> map = has_function_literal
     53       ? Handle<Map>(is_strong
     54                         ? context->js_object_strong_map()
     55                         : context->object_function()->initial_map())
     56       : ComputeObjectLiteralMap(context, constant_properties, is_strong,
     57                                 &is_result_from_cache);
     59   PretenureFlag pretenure_flag =
     60       isolate->heap()->InNewSpace(*literals) ? NOT_TENURED : TENURED;
     62   Handle<JSObject> boilerplate =
     63       isolate->factory()->NewJSObjectFromMap(map, pretenure_flag);
     65   // Normalize the elements of the boilerplate to save space if needed.
     66   if (!should_have_fast_elements) JSObject::NormalizeElements(boilerplate);
     68   // Add the constant properties to the boilerplate.
     69   int length = constant_properties->length();
     70   bool should_transform =
     71       !is_result_from_cache && boilerplate->HasFastProperties();
     72   bool should_normalize = should_transform || has_function_literal;
     73   if (should_normalize) {
     74     // TODO(verwaest): We might not want to ever normalize here.
     75     JSObject::NormalizeProperties(boilerplate, KEEP_INOBJECT_PROPERTIES,
     76                                   length / 2, "Boilerplate");
     77   }
     78   // TODO(verwaest): Support tracking representations in the boilerplate.
     79   for (int index = 0; index < length; index += 2) {
     80     Handle<Object> key(constant_properties->get(index + 0), isolate);
     81     Handle<Object> value(constant_properties->get(index + 1), isolate);
     82     if (value->IsFixedArray()) {
     83       // The value contains the constant_properties of a
     84       // simple object or array literal.
     85       Handle<FixedArray> array = Handle<FixedArray>::cast(value);
     87           isolate, value,
     88           CreateLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals, array, is_strong),
     89           Object);
     90     }
     91     MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_result;
     92     uint32_t element_index = 0;
     93     if (key->IsInternalizedString()) {
     94       if (Handle<String>::cast(key)->AsArrayIndex(&element_index)) {
     95         // Array index as string (uint32).
     96         if (value->IsUninitialized()) value = handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate);
     97         maybe_result = JSObject::SetOwnElementIgnoreAttributes(
     98             boilerplate, element_index, value, NONE);
     99       } else {
    100         Handle<String> name(String::cast(*key));
    101         DCHECK(!name->AsArrayIndex(&element_index));
    102         maybe_result = JSObject::SetOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(
    103             boilerplate, name, value, NONE);
    104       }
    105     } else if (key->ToArrayIndex(&element_index)) {
    106       // Array index (uint32).
    107       if (value->IsUninitialized()) value = handle(Smi::FromInt(0), isolate);
    108       maybe_result = JSObject::SetOwnElementIgnoreAttributes(
    109           boilerplate, element_index, value, NONE);
    110     } else {
    111       // Non-uint32 number.
    112       DCHECK(key->IsNumber());
    113       double num = key->Number();
    114       char arr[100];
    115       Vector<char> buffer(arr, arraysize(arr));
    116       const char* str = DoubleToCString(num, buffer);
    117       Handle<String> name = isolate->factory()->NewStringFromAsciiChecked(str);
    118       maybe_result = JSObject::SetOwnPropertyIgnoreAttributes(boilerplate, name,
    119                                                               value, NONE);
    120     }
    121     // If setting the property on the boilerplate throws an
    122     // exception, the exception is converted to an empty handle in
    123     // the handle based operations.  In that case, we need to
    124     // convert back to an exception.
    125     RETURN_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, maybe_result, Object);
    126   }
    128   // Transform to fast properties if necessary. For object literals with
    129   // containing function literals we defer this operation until after all
    130   // computed properties have been assigned so that we can generate
    131   // constant function properties.
    132   if (should_transform && !has_function_literal) {
    133     JSObject::MigrateSlowToFast(boilerplate,
    134                                 boilerplate->map()->unused_property_fields(),
    135                                 "FastLiteral");
    136   }
    137   return boilerplate;
    138 }
    141 MaybeHandle<Object> Runtime::CreateArrayLiteralBoilerplate(
    142     Isolate* isolate, Handle<LiteralsArray> literals,
    143     Handle<FixedArray> elements, bool is_strong) {
    144   // Create the JSArray.
    145   Handle<JSFunction> constructor = isolate->array_function();
    147   PretenureFlag pretenure_flag =
    148       isolate->heap()->InNewSpace(*literals) ? NOT_TENURED : TENURED;
    150   Handle<JSArray> object = Handle<JSArray>::cast(
    151       isolate->factory()->NewJSObject(constructor, pretenure_flag));
    153   ElementsKind constant_elements_kind =
    154       static_cast<ElementsKind>(Smi::cast(elements->get(0))->value());
    155   Handle<FixedArrayBase> constant_elements_values(
    156       FixedArrayBase::cast(elements->get(1)));
    158   {
    159     DisallowHeapAllocation no_gc;
    160     DCHECK(IsFastElementsKind(constant_elements_kind));
    161     Context* native_context = isolate->context()->native_context();
    162     Strength strength = is_strong ? Strength::STRONG : Strength::WEAK;
    163     Object* map = native_context->get(
    164         Context::ArrayMapIndex(constant_elements_kind, strength));
    165     object->set_map(Map::cast(map));
    166   }
    168   Handle<FixedArrayBase> copied_elements_values;
    169   if (IsFastDoubleElementsKind(constant_elements_kind)) {
    170     copied_elements_values = isolate->factory()->CopyFixedDoubleArray(
    171         Handle<FixedDoubleArray>::cast(constant_elements_values));
    172   } else {
    173     DCHECK(IsFastSmiOrObjectElementsKind(constant_elements_kind));
    174     const bool is_cow = (constant_elements_values->map() ==
    175                          isolate->heap()->fixed_cow_array_map());
    176     if (is_cow) {
    177       copied_elements_values = constant_elements_values;
    178 #if DEBUG
    179       Handle<FixedArray> fixed_array_values =
    180           Handle<FixedArray>::cast(copied_elements_values);
    181       for (int i = 0; i < fixed_array_values->length(); i++) {
    182         DCHECK(!fixed_array_values->get(i)->IsFixedArray());
    183       }
    184 #endif
    185     } else {
    186       Handle<FixedArray> fixed_array_values =
    187           Handle<FixedArray>::cast(constant_elements_values);
    188       Handle<FixedArray> fixed_array_values_copy =
    189           isolate->factory()->CopyFixedArray(fixed_array_values);
    190       copied_elements_values = fixed_array_values_copy;
    191       for (int i = 0; i < fixed_array_values->length(); i++) {
    192         HandleScope scope(isolate);
    193         if (fixed_array_values->get(i)->IsFixedArray()) {
    194           // The value contains the constant_properties of a
    195           // simple object or array literal.
    196           Handle<FixedArray> fa(FixedArray::cast(fixed_array_values->get(i)));
    197           Handle<Object> result;
    199               isolate, result,
    200               CreateLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals, fa, is_strong),
    201               Object);
    202           fixed_array_values_copy->set(i, *result);
    203         }
    204       }
    205     }
    206   }
    207   object->set_elements(*copied_elements_values);
    208   object->set_length(Smi::FromInt(copied_elements_values->length()));
    210   JSObject::ValidateElements(object);
    211   return object;
    212 }
    215 MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<Object> CreateLiteralBoilerplate(
    216     Isolate* isolate, Handle<LiteralsArray> literals, Handle<FixedArray> array,
    217     bool is_strong) {
    218   Handle<FixedArray> elements = CompileTimeValue::GetElements(array);
    219   const bool kHasNoFunctionLiteral = false;
    220   switch (CompileTimeValue::GetLiteralType(array)) {
    221     case CompileTimeValue::OBJECT_LITERAL_FAST_ELEMENTS:
    222       return CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals, elements, true,
    223                                             kHasNoFunctionLiteral, is_strong);
    224     case CompileTimeValue::OBJECT_LITERAL_SLOW_ELEMENTS:
    225       return CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals, elements, false,
    226                                             kHasNoFunctionLiteral, is_strong);
    227     case CompileTimeValue::ARRAY_LITERAL:
    228       return Runtime::CreateArrayLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals,
    229                                                     elements, is_strong);
    230     default:
    231       UNREACHABLE();
    232       return MaybeHandle<Object>();
    233   }
    234 }
    237 RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CreateRegExpLiteral) {
    238   HandleScope scope(isolate);
    239   DCHECK_EQ(4, args.length());
    240   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, closure, 0);
    241   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(index, 1);
    242   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(String, pattern, 2);
    243   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(flags, 3);
    245   // Check if boilerplate exists. If not, create it first.
    246   Handle<Object> boilerplate(closure->literals()->literal(index), isolate);
    247   if (boilerplate->IsUndefined()) {
    249         isolate, boilerplate, JSRegExp::New(pattern, JSRegExp::Flags(flags)));
    250     closure->literals()->set_literal(index, *boilerplate);
    251   }
    252   return *JSRegExp::Copy(Handle<JSRegExp>::cast(boilerplate));
    253 }
    256 RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CreateObjectLiteral) {
    257   HandleScope scope(isolate);
    258   DCHECK_EQ(4, args.length());
    259   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, closure, 0);
    260   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(literals_index, 1);
    261   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(FixedArray, constant_properties, 2);
    262   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(flags, 3);
    263   Handle<LiteralsArray> literals(closure->literals(), isolate);
    264   bool should_have_fast_elements = (flags & ObjectLiteral::kFastElements) != 0;
    265   bool has_function_literal = (flags & ObjectLiteral::kHasFunction) != 0;
    266   bool enable_mementos = (flags & ObjectLiteral::kDisableMementos) == 0;
    267   bool is_strong = (flags & ObjectLiteral::kIsStrong) != 0;
    269   RUNTIME_ASSERT(literals_index >= 0 &&
    270                  literals_index < literals->literals_count());
    272   // Check if boilerplate exists. If not, create it first.
    273   Handle<Object> literal_site(literals->literal(literals_index), isolate);
    274   Handle<AllocationSite> site;
    275   Handle<JSObject> boilerplate;
    276   if (*literal_site == isolate->heap()->undefined_value()) {
    277     Handle<Object> raw_boilerplate;
    279         isolate, raw_boilerplate,
    280         CreateObjectLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals, constant_properties,
    281                                        should_have_fast_elements,
    282                                        has_function_literal, is_strong));
    283     boilerplate = Handle<JSObject>::cast(raw_boilerplate);
    285     AllocationSiteCreationContext creation_context(isolate);
    286     site = creation_context.EnterNewScope();
    288         isolate, JSObject::DeepWalk(boilerplate, &creation_context));
    289     creation_context.ExitScope(site, boilerplate);
    291     // Update the functions literal and return the boilerplate.
    292     literals->set_literal(literals_index, *site);
    293   } else {
    294     site = Handle<AllocationSite>::cast(literal_site);
    295     boilerplate =
    296         Handle<JSObject>(JSObject::cast(site->transition_info()), isolate);
    297   }
    299   AllocationSiteUsageContext usage_context(isolate, site, enable_mementos);
    300   usage_context.EnterNewScope();
    301   MaybeHandle<Object> maybe_copy =
    302       JSObject::DeepCopy(boilerplate, &usage_context);
    303   usage_context.ExitScope(site, boilerplate);
    304   Handle<Object> copy;
    305   ASSIGN_RETURN_FAILURE_ON_EXCEPTION(isolate, copy, maybe_copy);
    306   return *copy;
    307 }
    310 MUST_USE_RESULT static MaybeHandle<AllocationSite> GetLiteralAllocationSite(
    311     Isolate* isolate, Handle<LiteralsArray> literals, int literals_index,
    312     Handle<FixedArray> elements, bool is_strong) {
    313   // Check if boilerplate exists. If not, create it first.
    314   Handle<Object> literal_site(literals->literal(literals_index), isolate);
    315   Handle<AllocationSite> site;
    316   if (*literal_site == isolate->heap()->undefined_value()) {
    317     DCHECK(*elements != isolate->heap()->empty_fixed_array());
    318     Handle<Object> boilerplate;
    320         isolate, boilerplate,
    321         Runtime::CreateArrayLiteralBoilerplate(isolate, literals, elements,
    322                                                is_strong),
    323         AllocationSite);
    325     AllocationSiteCreationContext creation_context(isolate);
    326     site = creation_context.EnterNewScope();
    327     if (JSObject::DeepWalk(Handle<JSObject>::cast(boilerplate),
    328                            &creation_context).is_null()) {
    329       return Handle<AllocationSite>::null();
    330     }
    331     creation_context.ExitScope(site, Handle<JSObject>::cast(boilerplate));
    333     literals->set_literal(literals_index, *site);
    334   } else {
    335     site = Handle<AllocationSite>::cast(literal_site);
    336   }
    338   return site;
    339 }
    342 static MaybeHandle<JSObject> CreateArrayLiteralImpl(
    343     Isolate* isolate, Handle<LiteralsArray> literals, int literals_index,
    344     Handle<FixedArray> elements, int flags) {
    346       literals_index >= 0 && literals_index < literals->literals_count(),
    347       JSObject);
    348   Handle<AllocationSite> site;
    349   bool is_strong = (flags & ArrayLiteral::kIsStrong) != 0;
    351       isolate, site,
    352       GetLiteralAllocationSite(isolate, literals, literals_index, elements,
    353                                is_strong),
    354       JSObject);
    356   bool enable_mementos = (flags & ArrayLiteral::kDisableMementos) == 0;
    357   Handle<JSObject> boilerplate(JSObject::cast(site->transition_info()));
    358   AllocationSiteUsageContext usage_context(isolate, site, enable_mementos);
    359   usage_context.EnterNewScope();
    360   JSObject::DeepCopyHints hints = (flags & ArrayLiteral::kShallowElements) == 0
    361                                       ? JSObject::kNoHints
    362                                       : JSObject::kObjectIsShallow;
    363   MaybeHandle<JSObject> copy =
    364       JSObject::DeepCopy(boilerplate, &usage_context, hints);
    365   usage_context.ExitScope(site, boilerplate);
    366   return copy;
    367 }
    370 RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CreateArrayLiteral) {
    371   HandleScope scope(isolate);
    372   DCHECK_EQ(4, args.length());
    373   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, closure, 0);
    374   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(literals_index, 1);
    375   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(FixedArray, elements, 2);
    376   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(flags, 3);
    378   Handle<JSObject> result;
    379   Handle<LiteralsArray> literals(closure->literals(), isolate);
    381       isolate, result, CreateArrayLiteralImpl(isolate, literals, literals_index,
    382                                               elements, flags));
    383   return *result;
    384 }
    387 RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_CreateArrayLiteralStubBailout) {
    388   HandleScope scope(isolate);
    389   DCHECK_EQ(3, args.length());
    390   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSFunction, closure, 0);
    391   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(literals_index, 1);
    392   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(FixedArray, elements, 2);
    394   Handle<JSObject> result;
    395   Handle<LiteralsArray> literals(closure->literals(), isolate);
    397       isolate, result,
    398       CreateArrayLiteralImpl(isolate, literals, literals_index, elements,
    399                              ArrayLiteral::kShallowElements));
    400   return *result;
    401 }
    404 RUNTIME_FUNCTION(Runtime_StoreArrayLiteralElement) {
    405   HandleScope scope(isolate);
    406   RUNTIME_ASSERT(args.length() == 5);
    407   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(JSObject, object, 0);
    408   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(store_index, 1);
    409   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(Object, value, 2);
    410   CONVERT_ARG_HANDLE_CHECKED(LiteralsArray, literals, 3);
    411   CONVERT_SMI_ARG_CHECKED(literal_index, 4);
    413   Object* raw_literal_cell = literals->literal(literal_index);
    414   JSArray* boilerplate = NULL;
    415   if (raw_literal_cell->IsAllocationSite()) {
    416     AllocationSite* site = AllocationSite::cast(raw_literal_cell);
    417     boilerplate = JSArray::cast(site->transition_info());
    418   } else {
    419     boilerplate = JSArray::cast(raw_literal_cell);
    420   }
    421   Handle<JSArray> boilerplate_object(boilerplate);
    422   ElementsKind elements_kind = object->GetElementsKind();
    423   DCHECK(IsFastElementsKind(elements_kind));
    424   // Smis should never trigger transitions.
    425   DCHECK(!value->IsSmi());
    427   if (value->IsNumber()) {
    428     DCHECK(IsFastSmiElementsKind(elements_kind));
    429     ElementsKind transitioned_kind = IsFastHoleyElementsKind(elements_kind)
    430                                          ? FAST_HOLEY_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS
    431                                          : FAST_DOUBLE_ELEMENTS;
    432     if (IsMoreGeneralElementsKindTransition(
    433             boilerplate_object->GetElementsKind(), transitioned_kind)) {
    434       JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(boilerplate_object, transitioned_kind);
    435     }
    436     JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(object, transitioned_kind);
    437     DCHECK(IsFastDoubleElementsKind(object->GetElementsKind()));
    438     FixedDoubleArray* double_array = FixedDoubleArray::cast(object->elements());
    439     HeapNumber* number = HeapNumber::cast(*value);
    440     double_array->set(store_index, number->Number());
    441   } else {
    442     if (!IsFastObjectElementsKind(elements_kind)) {
    443       ElementsKind transitioned_kind = IsFastHoleyElementsKind(elements_kind)
    444                                            ? FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS
    445                                            : FAST_ELEMENTS;
    446       JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(object, transitioned_kind);
    447       if (IsMoreGeneralElementsKindTransition(
    448               boilerplate_object->GetElementsKind(), transitioned_kind)) {
    449         JSObject::TransitionElementsKind(boilerplate_object, transitioned_kind);
    450       }
    451     }
    452     FixedArray* object_array = FixedArray::cast(object->elements());
    453     object_array->set(store_index, *value);
    454   }
    455   return *object;
    456 }
    457 }  // namespace internal
    458 }  // namespace v8