Home | History | Annotate | Download | only in bpdoc
      1 package bpdoc
      3 import (
      4 	"bytes"
      5 	"fmt"
      6 	"go/ast"
      7 	"go/doc"
      8 	"go/parser"
      9 	"go/token"
     10 	"io/ioutil"
     11 	"reflect"
     12 	"sort"
     13 	"strconv"
     14 	"strings"
     15 	"sync"
     16 	"text/template"
     18 	"github.com/google/blueprint"
     19 	"github.com/google/blueprint/proptools"
     20 )
     22 type DocCollector struct {
     23 	pkgFiles map[string][]string // Map of package name to source files, provided by constructor
     25 	mutex   sync.Mutex
     26 	pkgDocs map[string]*doc.Package        // Map of package name to parsed Go AST, protected by mutex
     27 	docs    map[string]*PropertyStructDocs // Map of type name to docs, protected by mutex
     28 }
     30 func NewDocCollector(pkgFiles map[string][]string) *DocCollector {
     31 	return &DocCollector{
     32 		pkgFiles: pkgFiles,
     33 		pkgDocs:  make(map[string]*doc.Package),
     34 		docs:     make(map[string]*PropertyStructDocs),
     35 	}
     36 }
     38 // Return the PropertyStructDocs associated with a property struct type.  The type should be in the
     39 // format <package path>.<type name>
     40 func (dc *DocCollector) Docs(pkg, name string, defaults reflect.Value) (*PropertyStructDocs, error) {
     41 	docs := dc.getDocs(pkg, name)
     43 	if docs == nil {
     44 		pkgDocs, err := dc.packageDocs(pkg)
     45 		if err != nil {
     46 			return nil, err
     47 		}
     49 		for _, t := range pkgDocs.Types {
     50 			if t.Name == name {
     51 				docs, err = newDocs(t)
     52 				if err != nil {
     53 					return nil, err
     54 				}
     55 				docs = dc.putDocs(pkg, name, docs)
     56 			}
     57 		}
     58 	}
     60 	if docs == nil {
     61 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("package %q type %q not found", pkg, name)
     62 	}
     64 	docs = docs.Clone()
     65 	docs.SetDefaults(defaults)
     67 	return docs, nil
     68 }
     70 func (dc *DocCollector) getDocs(pkg, name string) *PropertyStructDocs {
     71 	dc.mutex.Lock()
     72 	defer dc.mutex.Unlock()
     74 	name = pkg + "." + name
     76 	return dc.docs[name]
     77 }
     79 func (dc *DocCollector) putDocs(pkg, name string, docs *PropertyStructDocs) *PropertyStructDocs {
     80 	dc.mutex.Lock()
     81 	defer dc.mutex.Unlock()
     83 	name = pkg + "." + name
     85 	if dc.docs[name] != nil {
     86 		return dc.docs[name]
     87 	} else {
     88 		dc.docs[name] = docs
     89 		return docs
     90 	}
     91 }
     93 type PropertyStructDocs struct {
     94 	Name       string
     95 	Text       string
     96 	Properties []PropertyDocs
     97 }
     99 type PropertyDocs struct {
    100 	Name       string
    101 	OtherNames []string
    102 	Type       string
    103 	Tag        reflect.StructTag
    104 	Text       string
    105 	OtherTexts []string
    106 	Properties []PropertyDocs
    107 	Default    string
    108 }
    110 func (docs *PropertyStructDocs) Clone() *PropertyStructDocs {
    111 	ret := *docs
    112 	ret.Properties = append([]PropertyDocs(nil), ret.Properties...)
    113 	for i, prop := range ret.Properties {
    114 		ret.Properties[i] = prop.Clone()
    115 	}
    117 	return &ret
    118 }
    120 func (docs *PropertyDocs) Clone() PropertyDocs {
    121 	ret := *docs
    122 	ret.Properties = append([]PropertyDocs(nil), ret.Properties...)
    123 	for i, prop := range ret.Properties {
    124 		ret.Properties[i] = prop.Clone()
    125 	}
    127 	return ret
    128 }
    130 func (docs *PropertyDocs) Equal(other PropertyDocs) bool {
    131 	return docs.Name == other.Name && docs.Type == other.Type && docs.Tag == other.Tag &&
    132 		docs.Text == other.Text && docs.Default == other.Default &&
    133 		stringArrayEqual(docs.OtherNames, other.OtherNames) &&
    134 		stringArrayEqual(docs.OtherTexts, other.OtherTexts) &&
    135 		docs.SameSubProperties(other)
    136 }
    138 func (docs *PropertyStructDocs) SetDefaults(defaults reflect.Value) {
    139 	setDefaults(docs.Properties, defaults)
    140 }
    142 func setDefaults(properties []PropertyDocs, defaults reflect.Value) {
    143 	for i := range properties {
    144 		prop := &properties[i]
    145 		fieldName := proptools.FieldNameForProperty(prop.Name)
    146 		f := defaults.FieldByName(fieldName)
    147 		if (f == reflect.Value{}) {
    148 			panic(fmt.Errorf("property %q does not exist in %q", fieldName, defaults.Type()))
    149 		}
    151 		if reflect.DeepEqual(f.Interface(), reflect.Zero(f.Type()).Interface()) {
    152 			continue
    153 		}
    155 		if f.Type().Kind() == reflect.Interface {
    156 			f = f.Elem()
    157 		}
    159 		if f.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
    160 			f = f.Elem()
    161 		}
    163 		if f.Type().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
    164 			setDefaults(prop.Properties, f)
    165 		} else {
    166 			prop.Default = fmt.Sprintf("%v", f.Interface())
    167 		}
    168 	}
    169 }
    171 func stringArrayEqual(a, b []string) bool {
    172 	if len(a) != len(b) {
    173 		return false
    174 	}
    176 	for i := range a {
    177 		if a[i] != b[i] {
    178 			return false
    179 		}
    180 	}
    182 	return true
    183 }
    185 func (docs *PropertyDocs) SameSubProperties(other PropertyDocs) bool {
    186 	if len(docs.Properties) != len(other.Properties) {
    187 		return false
    188 	}
    190 	for i := range docs.Properties {
    191 		if !docs.Properties[i].Equal(other.Properties[i]) {
    192 			return false
    193 		}
    194 	}
    196 	return true
    197 }
    199 func (docs *PropertyStructDocs) GetByName(name string) *PropertyDocs {
    200 	return getByName(name, "", &docs.Properties)
    201 }
    203 func getByName(name string, prefix string, props *[]PropertyDocs) *PropertyDocs {
    204 	for i := range *props {
    205 		if prefix+(*props)[i].Name == name {
    206 			return &(*props)[i]
    207 		} else if strings.HasPrefix(name, prefix+(*props)[i].Name+".") {
    208 			return getByName(name, prefix+(*props)[i].Name+".", &(*props)[i].Properties)
    209 		}
    210 	}
    211 	return nil
    212 }
    214 func (prop *PropertyDocs) Nest(nested *PropertyStructDocs) {
    215 	//prop.Name += "(" + nested.Name + ")"
    216 	//prop.Text += "(" + nested.Text + ")"
    217 	prop.Properties = append(prop.Properties, nested.Properties...)
    218 }
    220 func newDocs(t *doc.Type) (*PropertyStructDocs, error) {
    221 	typeSpec := t.Decl.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec)
    222 	docs := PropertyStructDocs{
    223 		Name: t.Name,
    224 		Text: t.Doc,
    225 	}
    227 	structType, ok := typeSpec.Type.(*ast.StructType)
    228 	if !ok {
    229 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("type of %q is not a struct", t.Name)
    230 	}
    232 	var err error
    233 	docs.Properties, err = structProperties(structType)
    234 	if err != nil {
    235 		return nil, err
    236 	}
    238 	return &docs, nil
    239 }
    241 func structProperties(structType *ast.StructType) (props []PropertyDocs, err error) {
    242 	for _, f := range structType.Fields.List {
    243 		names := f.Names
    244 		if names == nil {
    245 			// Anonymous fields have no name, use the type as the name
    246 			// TODO: hide the name and make the properties show up in the embedding struct
    247 			if t, ok := f.Type.(*ast.Ident); ok {
    248 				names = append(names, t)
    249 			}
    250 		}
    251 		for _, n := range names {
    252 			var name, typ, tag, text string
    253 			var innerProps []PropertyDocs
    254 			if n != nil {
    255 				name = proptools.PropertyNameForField(n.Name)
    256 			}
    257 			if f.Doc != nil {
    258 				text = f.Doc.Text()
    259 			}
    260 			if f.Tag != nil {
    261 				tag, err = strconv.Unquote(f.Tag.Value)
    262 				if err != nil {
    263 					return nil, err
    264 				}
    265 			}
    266 			switch a := f.Type.(type) {
    267 			case *ast.ArrayType:
    268 				typ = "list of strings"
    269 			case *ast.InterfaceType:
    270 				typ = "interface"
    271 			case *ast.Ident:
    272 				typ = a.Name
    273 			case *ast.StructType:
    274 				innerProps, err = structProperties(a)
    275 				if err != nil {
    276 					return nil, err
    277 				}
    278 			default:
    279 				typ = fmt.Sprintf("%T", f.Type)
    280 			}
    282 			props = append(props, PropertyDocs{
    283 				Name:       name,
    284 				Type:       typ,
    285 				Tag:        reflect.StructTag(tag),
    286 				Text:       text,
    287 				Properties: innerProps,
    288 			})
    289 		}
    290 	}
    292 	return props, nil
    293 }
    295 func (docs *PropertyStructDocs) ExcludeByTag(key, value string) {
    296 	filterPropsByTag(&docs.Properties, key, value, true)
    297 }
    299 func (docs *PropertyStructDocs) IncludeByTag(key, value string) {
    300 	filterPropsByTag(&docs.Properties, key, value, false)
    301 }
    303 func filterPropsByTag(props *[]PropertyDocs, key, value string, exclude bool) {
    304 	// Create a slice that shares the storage of props but has 0 length.  Appending up to
    305 	// len(props) times to this slice will overwrite the original slice contents
    306 	filtered := (*props)[:0]
    307 	for _, x := range *props {
    308 		tag := x.Tag.Get(key)
    309 		for _, entry := range strings.Split(tag, ",") {
    310 			if (entry == value) == !exclude {
    311 				filtered = append(filtered, x)
    312 			}
    313 		}
    314 	}
    316 	*props = filtered
    317 }
    319 // Package AST generation and storage
    320 func (dc *DocCollector) packageDocs(pkg string) (*doc.Package, error) {
    321 	pkgDocs := dc.getPackageDocs(pkg)
    322 	if pkgDocs == nil {
    323 		if files, ok := dc.pkgFiles[pkg]; ok {
    324 			var err error
    325 			pkgAST, err := NewPackageAST(files)
    326 			if err != nil {
    327 				return nil, err
    328 			}
    329 			pkgDocs = doc.New(pkgAST, pkg, doc.AllDecls)
    330 			pkgDocs = dc.putPackageDocs(pkg, pkgDocs)
    331 		} else {
    332 			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown package %q", pkg)
    333 		}
    334 	}
    335 	return pkgDocs, nil
    336 }
    338 func (dc *DocCollector) getPackageDocs(pkg string) *doc.Package {
    339 	dc.mutex.Lock()
    340 	defer dc.mutex.Unlock()
    342 	return dc.pkgDocs[pkg]
    343 }
    345 func (dc *DocCollector) putPackageDocs(pkg string, pkgDocs *doc.Package) *doc.Package {
    346 	dc.mutex.Lock()
    347 	defer dc.mutex.Unlock()
    349 	if dc.pkgDocs[pkg] != nil {
    350 		return dc.pkgDocs[pkg]
    351 	} else {
    352 		dc.pkgDocs[pkg] = pkgDocs
    353 		return pkgDocs
    354 	}
    355 }
    357 func NewPackageAST(files []string) (*ast.Package, error) {
    358 	asts := make(map[string]*ast.File)
    360 	fset := token.NewFileSet()
    361 	for _, file := range files {
    362 		ast, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, file, nil, parser.ParseComments)
    363 		if err != nil {
    364 			return nil, err
    365 		}
    366 		asts[file] = ast
    367 	}
    369 	pkg, _ := ast.NewPackage(fset, asts, nil, nil)
    370 	return pkg, nil
    371 }
    373 func Write(filename string, pkgFiles map[string][]string,
    374 	moduleTypePropertyStructs map[string][]interface{}) error {
    376 	docSet := NewDocCollector(pkgFiles)
    378 	var moduleTypeList []*moduleTypeDoc
    379 	for moduleType, propertyStructs := range moduleTypePropertyStructs {
    380 		mtDoc, err := getModuleTypeDoc(docSet, moduleType, propertyStructs)
    381 		if err != nil {
    382 			return err
    383 		}
    384 		removeEmptyPropertyStructs(mtDoc)
    385 		collapseDuplicatePropertyStructs(mtDoc)
    386 		collapseNestedPropertyStructs(mtDoc)
    387 		combineDuplicateProperties(mtDoc)
    388 		moduleTypeList = append(moduleTypeList, mtDoc)
    389 	}
    391 	sort.Sort(moduleTypeByName(moduleTypeList))
    393 	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
    395 	unique := 0
    397 	tmpl, err := template.New("file").Funcs(map[string]interface{}{
    398 		"unique": func() int {
    399 			unique++
    400 			return unique
    401 		}}).Parse(fileTemplate)
    402 	if err != nil {
    403 		return err
    404 	}
    406 	err = tmpl.Execute(buf, moduleTypeList)
    407 	if err != nil {
    408 		return err
    409 	}
    411 	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, buf.Bytes(), 0666)
    412 	if err != nil {
    413 		return err
    414 	}
    416 	return nil
    417 }
    419 func getModuleTypeDoc(docSet *DocCollector, moduleType string,
    420 	propertyStructs []interface{}) (*moduleTypeDoc, error) {
    421 	mtDoc := &moduleTypeDoc{
    422 		Name: moduleType,
    423 		//Text: docSet.ModuleTypeDocs(moduleType),
    424 	}
    426 	for _, s := range propertyStructs {
    427 		v := reflect.ValueOf(s).Elem()
    428 		t := v.Type()
    430 		// Ignore property structs with unexported or unnamed types
    431 		if t.PkgPath() == "" {
    432 			continue
    433 		}
    434 		psDoc, err := docSet.Docs(t.PkgPath(), t.Name(), v)
    435 		if err != nil {
    436 			return nil, err
    437 		}
    438 		psDoc.ExcludeByTag("blueprint", "mutated")
    440 		for nested, nestedValue := range nestedPropertyStructs(v) {
    441 			nestedType := nestedValue.Type()
    443 			// Ignore property structs with unexported or unnamed types
    444 			if nestedType.PkgPath() == "" {
    445 				continue
    446 			}
    447 			nestedDoc, err := docSet.Docs(nestedType.PkgPath(), nestedType.Name(), nestedValue)
    448 			if err != nil {
    449 				return nil, err
    450 			}
    451 			nestedDoc.ExcludeByTag("blueprint", "mutated")
    452 			nestPoint := psDoc.GetByName(nested)
    453 			if nestPoint == nil {
    454 				return nil, fmt.Errorf("nesting point %q not found", nested)
    455 			}
    457 			key, value, err := blueprint.HasFilter(nestPoint.Tag)
    458 			if err != nil {
    459 				return nil, err
    460 			}
    461 			if key != "" {
    462 				nestedDoc.IncludeByTag(key, value)
    463 			}
    465 			nestPoint.Nest(nestedDoc)
    466 		}
    467 		mtDoc.PropertyStructs = append(mtDoc.PropertyStructs, psDoc)
    468 	}
    470 	return mtDoc, nil
    471 }
    473 func nestedPropertyStructs(s reflect.Value) map[string]reflect.Value {
    474 	ret := make(map[string]reflect.Value)
    475 	var walk func(structValue reflect.Value, prefix string)
    476 	walk = func(structValue reflect.Value, prefix string) {
    477 		typ := structValue.Type()
    478 		for i := 0; i < structValue.NumField(); i++ {
    479 			field := typ.Field(i)
    480 			if field.PkgPath != "" {
    481 				// The field is not exported so just skip it.
    482 				continue
    483 			}
    485 			fieldValue := structValue.Field(i)
    487 			switch fieldValue.Kind() {
    488 			case reflect.Bool, reflect.String, reflect.Slice, reflect.Int, reflect.Uint:
    489 				// Nothing
    490 			case reflect.Struct:
    491 				walk(fieldValue, prefix+proptools.PropertyNameForField(field.Name)+".")
    492 			case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface:
    493 				if !fieldValue.IsNil() {
    494 					// We leave the pointer intact and zero out the struct that's
    495 					// pointed to.
    496 					elem := fieldValue.Elem()
    497 					if fieldValue.Kind() == reflect.Interface {
    498 						if elem.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
    499 							panic(fmt.Errorf("can't get type of field %q: interface "+
    500 								"refers to a non-pointer", field.Name))
    501 						}
    502 						elem = elem.Elem()
    503 					}
    504 					if elem.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
    505 						nestPoint := prefix + proptools.PropertyNameForField(field.Name)
    506 						ret[nestPoint] = elem
    507 						walk(elem, nestPoint+".")
    508 					}
    509 				}
    510 			default:
    511 				panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected kind for property struct field %q: %s",
    512 					field.Name, fieldValue.Kind()))
    513 			}
    514 		}
    516 	}
    518 	walk(s, "")
    519 	return ret
    520 }
    522 // Remove any property structs that have no exported fields
    523 func removeEmptyPropertyStructs(mtDoc *moduleTypeDoc) {
    524 	for i := 0; i < len(mtDoc.PropertyStructs); i++ {
    525 		if len(mtDoc.PropertyStructs[i].Properties) == 0 {
    526 			mtDoc.PropertyStructs = append(mtDoc.PropertyStructs[:i], mtDoc.PropertyStructs[i+1:]...)
    527 			i--
    528 		}
    529 	}
    530 }
    532 // Squashes duplicates of the same property struct into single entries
    533 func collapseDuplicatePropertyStructs(mtDoc *moduleTypeDoc) {
    534 	var collapsedDocs []*PropertyStructDocs
    536 propertyStructLoop:
    537 	for _, from := range mtDoc.PropertyStructs {
    538 		for _, to := range collapsedDocs {
    539 			if from.Name == to.Name {
    540 				collapseDuplicateProperties(&to.Properties, &from.Properties)
    541 				continue propertyStructLoop
    542 			}
    543 		}
    544 		collapsedDocs = append(collapsedDocs, from)
    545 	}
    546 	mtDoc.PropertyStructs = collapsedDocs
    547 }
    549 func collapseDuplicateProperties(to, from *[]PropertyDocs) {
    550 propertyLoop:
    551 	for _, f := range *from {
    552 		for i := range *to {
    553 			t := &(*to)[i]
    554 			if f.Name == t.Name {
    555 				collapseDuplicateProperties(&t.Properties, &f.Properties)
    556 				continue propertyLoop
    557 			}
    558 		}
    559 		*to = append(*to, f)
    560 	}
    561 }
    563 // Find all property structs that only contain structs, and move their children up one with
    564 // a prefixed name
    565 func collapseNestedPropertyStructs(mtDoc *moduleTypeDoc) {
    566 	for _, ps := range mtDoc.PropertyStructs {
    567 		collapseNestedProperties(&ps.Properties)
    568 	}
    569 }
    571 func collapseNestedProperties(p *[]PropertyDocs) {
    572 	var n []PropertyDocs
    574 	for _, parent := range *p {
    575 		var containsProperty bool
    576 		for j := range parent.Properties {
    577 			child := &parent.Properties[j]
    578 			if len(child.Properties) > 0 {
    579 				collapseNestedProperties(&child.Properties)
    580 			} else {
    581 				containsProperty = true
    582 			}
    583 		}
    584 		if containsProperty || len(parent.Properties) == 0 {
    585 			n = append(n, parent)
    586 		} else {
    587 			for j := range parent.Properties {
    588 				child := parent.Properties[j]
    589 				child.Name = parent.Name + "." + child.Name
    590 				n = append(n, child)
    591 			}
    592 		}
    593 	}
    594 	*p = n
    595 }
    597 func combineDuplicateProperties(mtDoc *moduleTypeDoc) {
    598 	for _, ps := range mtDoc.PropertyStructs {
    599 		combineDuplicateSubProperties(&ps.Properties)
    600 	}
    601 }
    603 func combineDuplicateSubProperties(p *[]PropertyDocs) {
    604 	var n []PropertyDocs
    605 propertyLoop:
    606 	for _, child := range *p {
    607 		if len(child.Properties) > 0 {
    608 			combineDuplicateSubProperties(&child.Properties)
    609 			for i := range n {
    610 				s := &n[i]
    611 				if s.SameSubProperties(child) {
    612 					s.OtherNames = append(s.OtherNames, child.Name)
    613 					s.OtherTexts = append(s.OtherTexts, child.Text)
    614 					continue propertyLoop
    615 				}
    616 			}
    617 		}
    618 		n = append(n, child)
    619 	}
    621 	*p = n
    622 }
    624 type moduleTypeByName []*moduleTypeDoc
    626 func (l moduleTypeByName) Len() int           { return len(l) }
    627 func (l moduleTypeByName) Less(i, j int) bool { return l[i].Name < l[j].Name }
    628 func (l moduleTypeByName) Swap(i, j int)      { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
    630 type moduleTypeDoc struct {
    631 	Name            string
    632 	Text            string
    633 	PropertyStructs []*PropertyStructDocs
    634 }
    636 var (
    637 	fileTemplate = `
    638 <html>
    639 <head>
    640 <title>Build Docs</title>
    641 <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    642 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.4/jquery.min.js"></script>
    643 <script src="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.5/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
    644 </head>
    645 <body>
    646 <h1>Build Docs</h1>
    647 <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
    648   {{range .}}
    649     {{ $collapseIndex := unique }}
    650     <div class="panel panel-default">
    651       <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading{{$collapseIndex}}">
    652         <h2 class="panel-title">
    653           <a class="collapsed" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse{{$collapseIndex}}" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse{{$collapseIndex}}">
    654              {{.Name}}
    655           </a>
    656         </h2>
    657       </div>
    658     </div>
    659     <div id="collapse{{$collapseIndex}}" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading{{$collapseIndex}}">
    660       <div class="panel-body">
    661         <p>{{.Text}}</p>
    662         {{range .PropertyStructs}}
    663           <p>{{.Text}}</p>
    664           {{template "properties" .Properties}}
    665         {{end}}
    666       </div>
    667     </div>
    668   {{end}}
    669 </div>
    670 </body>
    671 </html>
    673 {{define "properties"}}
    674   <div class="panel-group" id="accordion" role="tablist" aria-multiselectable="true">
    675     {{range .}}
    676       {{$collapseIndex := unique}}
    677       {{if .Properties}}
    678         <div class="panel panel-default">
    679           <div class="panel-heading" role="tab" id="heading{{$collapseIndex}}">
    680             <h4 class="panel-title">
    681               <a class="collapsed" role="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion" href="#collapse{{$collapseIndex}}" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapse{{$collapseIndex}}">
    682                  {{.Name}}{{range .OtherNames}}, {{.}}{{end}}
    683               </a>
    684             </h4>
    685           </div>
    686         </div>
    687         <div id="collapse{{$collapseIndex}}" class="panel-collapse collapse" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="heading{{$collapseIndex}}">
    688           <div class="panel-body">
    689             <p>{{.Text}}</p>
    690             {{range .OtherTexts}}<p>{{.}}</p>{{end}}
    691             {{template "properties" .Properties}}
    692           </div>
    693         </div>
    694       {{else}}
    695         <div>
    696           <h4>{{.Name}}{{range .OtherNames}}, {{.}}{{end}}</h4>
    697           <p>{{.Text}}</p>
    698           {{range .OtherTexts}}<p>{{.}}</p>{{end}}
    699           <p><i>Type: {{.Type}}</i></p>
    700           {{if .Default}}<p><i>Default: {{.Default}}</i></p>{{end}}
    701         </div>
    702       {{end}}
    703     {{end}}
    704   </div>
    705 {{end}}
    706 `
    707 )