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      1 #!/bin/sh
      2 #
      3 # avahi-daemon: Starts the Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
      4 #
      5 # chkconfig:   345 24 02
      6 # description: This is a daemon which runs on client machines to \
      7 #              perform Zeroconf service discovery on a \
      8 #              network. avahi-daemon must be running on systems that \
      9 #              use Avahi for service discovery. Avahi-daemon should \
     10 #              not be running otherwise.
     11 # processname: avahi-daemon
     12 # pidfile:     @localstatedir@/run/avahi-daemon/pid
     14 ### BEGIN INIT INFO
     15 # Required-Start:    messagebus
     16 # Required-Stop:     messagebus
     17 # Should-Start:      $syslog $network $local_fs
     18 # Should-Stop:       $syslog $local_fs
     19 # Default-Start:     3 4 5
     20 # Default-Stop:      0 1 2 6
     21 # Short-Description: Starts the Avahi Daemon
     22 # Description:       This is a daemon which runs on client machines to
     23 #                    perform Zeroconf service discovery on a
     24 #                    network. avahi-daemon must be running on systems
     25 #                    that use Avahi for service discovery.
     26 #                    Avahi-daemon should not be running otherwise.
     27 ### END INIT INFO
     29 AVAHI_BIN=@sbindir@/avahi-daemon
     30 AVAHI_OPTS="-D"
     32 if [ "$1" = 'status' ]; then
     33     test -x $AVAHI_BIN || exit 4
     34 else
     35     test -x $AVAHI_BIN || exit 5
     36 fi
     38 # Source function library.
     39 . /etc/init.d/functions
     40 . /etc/sysconfig/network
     42 LOCKFILE=@localstatedir@/lock/subsys/avahi-daemon
     43 PIDFILE=@localstatedir@/run/avahi-daemon/pid
     44 RETVAL=0
     46 base=${0##*/}
     48 start() {
     49     # Check that networking is configured.
     50     [ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 1
     52 	echo -n $"Starting Avahi daemon... "
     53 	if [ -s /etc/localtime ]; then
     54 	    cp -fp /etc/localtime /etc/avahi/etc >/dev/null 2>&1
     55 	fi;
     56         daemon --pidfile=${PIDFILE} $AVAHI_BIN $AVAHI_OPTS
     57         RETVAL=$?
     58         echo
     59         [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch ${LOCKFILE}
     60 	return $RETVAL
     61 }
     63 stop() {
     64         echo -n $"Shutting down Avahi daemon: "
     65         killproc -p ${PIDFILE} $AVAHI_BIN
     66         RETVAL=$?
     67         [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f ${LOCKFILE} ${PIDFILE}
     68         echo
     69 	return $RETVAL
     70 }
     72 reload() {
     73         echo -n $"Reloading Avahi daemon... "
     74         killproc -p ${PIDFILE} $AVAHI_BIN -HUP
     75 	RETVAL=$?
     76 	echo
     77 	return $RETVAL
     78 }
     80 restart() {
     81 	stop
     82 	start
     83 }
     85 RETVAL=0
     87 # See how we were called.
     88 case "$1" in
     89   start)
     90 	start
     91 	;;
     92   stop)
     93 	stop
     94 	;;
     95   status)
     96 	status -p ${PIDFILE} $AVAHI_BIN
     97         RETVAL=$?
     98 	;;
     99   restart)
    100 	restart
    101 	;;
    102   reload)
    103         reload
    104 	;;
    105   condrestart)
    106   	if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]; then
    107 		restart
    108 	fi
    109 	;;
    110   *)
    111 	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|condrestart}"
    112 	exit 2
    113         ;;
    114 esac
    116 exit $RETVAL