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      1 Document: draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns-06.txt      Stuart Cheshire
      2 Internet-Draft                                             Marc Krochmal
      3 Category: Standards Track                           Apple Computer, Inc.
      4 Expires 10th February 2007                              10th August 2006
      6                              Multicast DNS
      8                <draft-cheshire-dnsext-multicastdns-06.txt>
     10 Status of this Memo
     12    By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
     13    applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
     14    have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
     15    aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.
     16    For the purposes of this document, the term "BCP 79" refers
     17    exclusively to RFC 3979, "Intellectual Property Rights in IETF
     18    Technology", published March 2005.
     20    Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
     21    Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
     22    other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
     23    Drafts.
     25    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
     26    and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
     27    time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
     28    material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
     30    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
     31    http://www.ietf.org/1id-abstracts.html
     33    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
     34    http://www.ietf.org/shadow.html
     36 Abstract
     38    As networked devices become smaller, more portable, and
     39    more ubiquitous, the ability to operate with less configured
     40    infrastructure is increasingly important. In particular,
     41    the ability to look up DNS resource record data types
     42    (including, but not limited to, host names) in the absence
     43    of a conventional managed DNS server, is becoming essential.
     45    Multicast DNS (mDNS) provides the ability to do DNS-like operations
     46    on the local link in the absence of any conventional unicast DNS
     47    server. In addition, mDNS designates a portion of the DNS namespace
     48    to be free for local use, without the need to pay any annual fee, and
     49    without the need to set up delegations or otherwise configure a
     50    conventional DNS server to answer for those names.
     52    The primary benefits of mDNS names are that (i) they require little
     53    or no administration or configuration to set them up, (ii) they work
     54    when no infrastructure is present, and (iii) they work during
     55    infrastructure failures.
     58 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 1]
     61 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
     64 Table of Contents
     66    1.  Introduction....................................................3
     67    2.  Conventions and Terminology Used in this Document...............3
     68    3.  Multicast DNS Names.............................................4
     69    4.  Source Address Check............................................8
     70    5.  Reverse Address Mapping.........................................9
     71    6.  Querying.......................................................10
     72    7.  Duplicate Suppression..........................................15
     73    8.  Responding.....................................................17
     74    9.  Probing and Announcing on Startup..............................20
     75    10. Conflict Resolution............................................26
     76    11. Resource Record TTL Values and Cache Coherency.................28
     77    12. Special Characteristics of Multicast DNS Domains...............33
     78    13. Multicast DNS for Service Discovery............................34
     79    14. Enabling and Disabling Multicast DNS...........................34
     80    15. Considerations for Multiple Interfaces.........................35
     81    16. Considerations for Multiple Responders on the Same Machine.....36
     82    17. Multicast DNS and Power Management.............................38
     83    18. Multicast DNS Character Set....................................39
     84    19. Multicast DNS Message Size.....................................41
     85    20. Multicast DNS Message Format...................................42
     86    21. Choice of UDP Port Number......................................45
     87    22. Summary of Differences Between Multicast DNS and Unicast DNS...46
     88    23. Benefits of Multicast Responses................................47
     89    24. IPv6 Considerations............................................48
     90    25. Security Considerations........................................49
     91    26. IANA Considerations............................................50
     92    27. Acknowledgments................................................50
     93    28. Deployment History.............................................50
     94    29. Copyright Notice...............................................51
     95    30. Normative References...........................................51
     96    31. Informative References.........................................52
     97    32. Authors' Addresses.............................................53
    117 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 2]
    120 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    123 1. Introduction
    125    When reading this document, familiarity with the concepts of Zero
    126    Configuration Networking [ZC] and automatic link-local addressing
    127    [RFC 2462] [RFC 3927] is helpful.
    129    This document proposes no change to the structure of DNS messages,
    130    and no new operation codes, response codes, or resource record types.
    131    This document simply discusses what needs to happen if DNS clients
    132    start sending DNS queries to a multicast address, and how a
    133    collection of hosts can cooperate to collectively answer those
    134    queries in a useful manner.
    136    There has been discussion of how much burden Multicast DNS might
    137    impose on a network. It should be remembered that whenever IPv4 hosts
    138    communicate, they broadcast ARP packets on the network on a regular
    139    basis, and this is not disastrous. The approximate amount of
    140    multicast traffic generated by hosts making conventional use of
    141    Multicast DNS is anticipated to be roughly the same order of
    142    magnitude as the amount of broadcast ARP traffic those hosts already
    143    generate.
    145    New applications making new use of Multicast DNS capabilities for
    146    unconventional purposes may generate more traffic. If some of those
    147    new applications are "chatty", then work will be needed to help them
    148    become less chatty. When performing any analysis, it is important
    149    to make a distinction between the application behavior and the
    150    underlying protocol behavior. If a chatty application uses UDP,
    151    that doesn't mean that UDP is chatty, or that IP is chatty, or that
    152    Ethernet is chatty. What it means is that the application is chatty.
    153    The same applies to any future applications that may decide to layer
    154    increasing portions of their functionality over Multicast DNS.
    157 2. Conventions and Terminology Used in this Document
    159    The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
    160    "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this
    161    document are to be interpreted as described in "Key words for use in
    162    RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels" [RFC 2119].
    164    This document uses the term "host name" in the strict sense to mean
    165    a fully qualified domain name that has an address record. It does
    166    not use the term "host name" in the commonly used but incorrect
    167    sense to mean just the first DNS label of a host's fully qualified
    168    domain name.
    170    A DNS (or mDNS) packet contains an IP TTL in the IP header, which
    171    is effectively a hop-count limit for the packet, to guard against
    172    routing loops. Each Resource Record also contains a TTL, which is
    173    the number of seconds for which the Resource Record may be cached.
    176 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 3]
    179 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    182    In any place where there may be potential confusion between these two
    183    types of TTL, the term "IP TTL" is used to refer to the IP header TTL
    184    (hop limit), and the term "RR TTL" is used to refer to the Resource
    185    Record TTL (cache lifetime).
    187    When this document uses the term "Multicast DNS", it should be taken
    188    to mean: "Clients performing DNS-like queries for DNS-like resource
    189    records by sending DNS-like UDP query and response packets over IP
    190    Multicast to UDP port 5353."
    192    This document uses the terms "shared" and "unique" when referring to
    193    resource record sets.
    195    A "shared" resource record set is one where several Multicast DNS
    196    responders may have records with that name, rrtype, and rrclass, and
    197    several responders may respond to a particular query.
    199    A "unique" resource record set is one where all the records with
    200    that name, rrtype, and rrclass are conceptually under the control
    201    or ownership of a single responder, and it is expected that at most
    202    one responder should respond to a query for that name, rrtype, and
    203    rrclass. Before claiming ownership of a unique resource record set,
    204    a responder MUST probe to verify that no other responder already
    205    claims ownership of that set, as described in Section 9.1 "Probing".
    206    For fault-tolerance and other reasons it is permitted sometimes to
    207    have more than one responder answering for a particular "unique"
    208    resource record set, but such cooperating responders MUST give
    209    answers containing identical rdata for these records or the
    210    answers will be perceived to be in conflict with each other.
    212    Strictly speaking the terms "shared" and "unique" apply to resource
    213    record sets, not to individual resource records, but it is sometimes
    214    convenient to talk of "shared resource records" and "unique resource
    215    records". When used this way, the terms should be understood to mean
    216    a record that is a member of a "shared" or "unique" resource record
    217    set, respectively.
    220 3. Multicast DNS Names
    222    This document proposes that the DNS top-level domain ".local." be
    223    designated a special domain with special semantics, namely that any
    224    fully-qualified name ending in ".local." is link-local, and names
    225    within this domain are meaningful only on the link where they
    226    originate. This is analogous to IPv4 addresses in the 169.254/16
    227    prefix, which are link-local and meaningful only on the link where
    228    they originate.
    230    Any DNS query for a name ending with ".local." MUST be sent
    231    to the mDNS multicast address ( or its IPv6 equivalent
    232    FF02::FB).
    235 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 4]
    238 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    241    It is unimportant whether a name ending with ".local." occurred
    242    because the user explicitly typed in a fully qualified domain name
    243    ending in ".local.", or because the user entered an unqualified
    244    domain name and the host software appended the suffix ".local."
    245    because that suffix appears in the user's search list. The ".local."
    246    suffix could appear in the search list because the user manually
    247    configured it, or because it was received in a DHCP option, or via
    248    any other valid mechanism for configuring the DNS search list. In
    249    this respect the ".local." suffix is treated no differently to any
    250    other search domain that might appear in the DNS search list.
    252    DNS queries for names that do not end with ".local." MAY be sent to
    253    the mDNS multicast address, if no other conventional DNS server is
    254    available. This can allow hosts on the same link to continue
    255    communicating using each other's globally unique DNS names during
    256    network outages which disrupt communication with the greater
    257    Internet. When resolving global names via local multicast, it is even
    258    more important to use DNSSEC or other security mechanisms to ensure
    259    that the response is trustworthy. Resolving global names via local
    260    multicast is a contentious issue, and this document does not discuss
    261    it in detail, instead concentrating on the issue of resolving local
    262    names using DNS packets sent to a multicast address.
    264    A host that belongs to an organization or individual who has control
    265    over some portion of the DNS namespace can be assigned a globally
    266    unique name within that portion of the DNS namespace, for example,
    267    "cheshire.apple.com." For those of us who have this luxury, this
    268    works very well. However, the majority of home customers do not have
    269    easy access to any portion of the global DNS namespace within which
    270    they have the authority to create names as they wish. This leaves the
    271    majority of home computers effectively anonymous for practical
    272    purposes.
    274    To remedy this problem, this document allows any computer user to
    275    elect to give their computers link-local Multicast DNS host names of
    276    the form: "single-dns-label.local." For example, a laptop computer
    277    may answer to the name "cheshire.local." Any computer user is granted
    278    the authority to name their computer this way, provided that the
    279    chosen host name is not already in use on that link. Having named
    280    their computer this way, the user has the authority to continue using
    281    that name until such time as a name conflict occurs on the link which
    282    is not resolved in the user's favour. If this happens, the computer
    283    (or its human user) SHOULD cease using the name, and may choose to
    284    attempt to allocate a new unique name for use on that link. These
    285    conflicts are expected to be relatively rare for people who choose
    286    reasonably imaginative names, but it is still important to have a
    287    mechanism in place to handle them when they happen.
    289    The point made in the previous paragraph is very important and bears
    290    repeating. It is easy for those of us in the IETF community who run
    291    our own name servers at home to forget that the majority of computer
    294 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 5]
    297 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    300    users do not run their own name server and have no easy way to create
    301    their own host names. When these users wish to transfer files between
    302    two laptop computers, they are frequently reduced to typing in
    303    dotted-decimal IP addresses because they simply have no other way for
    304    one host to refer to the other by name. This is a sorry state of
    305    affairs. What is worse, most users don't even bother trying to use
    306    dotted-decimal IP addresses. Most users still move data between
    307    machines by burning it onto CD-R, copying it onto a USB "keychain"
    308    flash drive, or similar removable media.
    310    In a world of gigabit Ethernet and ubiquitous wireless networking it
    311    is a sad indictment of the networking community that most users still
    312    prefer sneakernet.
    314    Allowing ad-hoc allocation of single-label names in a single flat
    315    ".local." namespace may seem to invite chaos. However, operational
    316    experience with AppleTalk NBP names [NBP], which on any given link
    317    are also effectively single-label names in a flat namespace, shows
    318    that in practice name collisions happen extremely rarely and are not
    319    a problem. Groups of computer users from disparate organizations
    320    bring Macintosh laptop computers to events such as IETF Meetings, the
    321    Mac Hack conference, the Apple World Wide Developer Conference, etc.,
    322    and complaints at these events about users suffering conflicts and
    323    being forced to rename their machines have never been an issue.
    325    This document advocates a single flat namespace for dot-local host
    326    names, (i.e. the names of DNS address records), but other DNS record
    327    types (such as those used by DNS Service Discovery [DNS-SD]) may
    328    contain as many labels as appropriate for the desired usage, subject
    329    to the 255-byte name length limit specified below in Section 3.3
    330    "Maximum Multicast DNS Name Length".
    332    Enforcing uniqueness of host names (i.e. the names of DNS address
    333    records mapping names to IP addresses) is probably desirable in the
    334    common case, but this document does not mandate that. It is
    335    permissible for a collection of coordinated hosts to agree to
    336    maintain multiple DNS address records with the same name, possibly
    337    for load balancing or fault-tolerance reasons. This document does not
    338    take a position on whether that is sensible. It is important that
    339    both modes of operation are supported. The Multicast DNS protocol
    340    allows hosts to verify and maintain unique names for resource records
    341    where that behavior is desired, and it also allows hosts to maintain
    342    multiple resource records with a single shared name where that
    343    behavior is desired. This consideration applies to all resource
    344    records, not just address records (host names). In summary: It is
    345    required that the protocol have the ability to detect and handle name
    346    conflicts, but it is not required that this ability be used for every
    347    record.
    353 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 6]
    356 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    359 3.1 Governing Standards Body
    361    Note that this use of the ".local." suffix falls under IETF/IANA
    362    jurisdiction, not ICANN jurisdiction. DNS is an IETF network
    363    protocol, governed by protocol rules defined by the IETF. These IETF
    364    protocol rules dictate character set, maximum name length, packet
    365    format, etc. ICANN determines additional rules that apply when the
    366    IETF's DNS protocol is used on the public Internet. In contrast,
    367    private uses of the DNS protocol on isolated private networks are not
    368    governed by ICANN. Since this proposed change is a change to the core
    369    DNS protocol rules, it affects everyone, not just those machines
    370    using the ICANN-governed Internet. Hence this change falls into the
    371    category of an IETF protocol rule, not an ICANN usage rule.
    373    This allocation of responsibility is formally established in
    374    "Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Technical Work of the
    375    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority" [RFC 2860]. Exception (a) of
    376    clause 4.3 states that the IETF has the authority to instruct IANA
    377    to reserve pseudo-TLDs as required for protocol design purposes.
    378    For example, "Reserved Top Level DNS Names" [RFC 2606] defines
    379    the following pseudo-TLDs:
    381       .test
    382       .example
    383       .invalid
    384       .localhost
    387 3.2 Private DNS Namespaces
    389    Note also that the special treatment of names ending in ".local." has
    390    been implemented in Macintosh computers since the days of Mac OS 9,
    391    and continues today in Mac OS X. There are also implementations for
    392    Linux and other platforms [dotlocal]. Operators setting up private
    393    internal networks ("intranets") are advised that their lives may be
    394    easier if they avoid using the suffix ".local." in names in their
    395    private internal DNS server. Alternative possibilities include:
    397       .intranet
    398       .internal
    399       .private
    400       .corp
    401       .home
    402       .lan
    404    Another alternative naming scheme, advocated by Professor D. J.
    405    Bernstein, is to use a numerical suffix, such as ".6." [djbdl].
    412 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 7]
    415 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    418 3.3 Maximum Multicast DNS Name Length
    420    RFC 1034 says:
    422      "the total number of octets that represent a domain name (i.e.,
    423      the sum of all label octets and label lengths) is limited to 255."
    425    This text implies that the final root label at the end of every name
    426    is included in this count (a name can't be represented without it),
    427    but the text does not explicitly state that. Implementations of
    428    Multicast DNS MUST include the label length byte of the final root
    429    label at the end of every name when enforcing the rule that no name
    430    may be longer than 255 bytes. For example, the length of the name
    431    "apple.com." is considered to be 11, which is the number of bytes it
    432    takes to represent that name in a packet without using name
    433    compression:
    435      ------------------------------------------------------
    436      | 0x05 | a | p | p | l | e | 0x03 | c | o | m | 0x00 |
    437      ------------------------------------------------------
    440 4. Source Address Check
    442    All Multicast DNS responses (including responses sent via unicast)
    443    SHOULD be sent with IP TTL set to 255. This is recommended to provide
    444    backwards-compatibility with older Multicast DNS clients that check
    445    the IP TTL on reception to determine whether the packet originated
    446    on the local link. These older clients discard all packets with TTLs
    447    other than 255.
    449    A host sending Multicast DNS queries to a link-local destination
    450    address (including the link-local multicast address)
    451    MUST only accept responses to that query that originate from the
    452    local link, and silently discard any other response packets. Without
    453    this check, it could be possible for remote rogue hosts to send
    454    spoof answer packets (perhaps unicast to the victim host) which the
    455    receiving machine could misinterpret as having originated on the
    456    local link.
    458    The test for whether a response originated on the local link
    459    is done in two ways:
    461    * All responses sent to the link-local multicast address
    462      are necessarily deemed to have originated on the local link,
    463      regardless of source IP address. This is essential to allow devices
    464      to work correctly and reliably in unusual configurations, such as
    465      multiple logical IP subnets overlayed on a single link, or in cases
    466      of severe misconfiguration, where devices are physically connected
    467      to the same link, but are currently misconfigured with completely
    468      unrelated IP addresses and subnet masks.
    471 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 8]
    474 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    477    * For responses sent to a unicast destination address, the source IP
    478      address in the packet is checked to see if it is an address on a
    479      local subnet. An address is determined to be on a local subnet if,
    480      for (one of) the address(es) configured on the interface receiving
    481      the packet, (I & M) == (P & M), where I and M are the interface
    482      address and subnet mask respectively, P is the source IP address
    483      from the packet, '&' represents the bitwise logical 'and'
    484      operation, and '==' represents a bitwise equality test.
    486    Since queriers will ignore responses apparently originating outside
    487    the local subnet, responders SHOULD avoid generating responses that
    488    it can reasonably predict will be ignored. This applies particularly
    489    in the case of overlayed subnets. If a responder receives a query
    490    addressed to the link-local multicast address, from a
    491    source address not apparently on the same subnet as the responder,
    492    then even if the query indicates that a unicast response is preferred
    493    (see Section 6.5, "Questions Requesting Unicast Responses"), the
    494    responder SHOULD elect to respond by multicast anyway, since it can
    495    reasonably predict that a unicast response with an apparently
    496    non-local source address will probably be ignored.
    499 5. Reverse Address Mapping
    501    Like ".local.", the IPv4 and IPv6 reverse mapping domains are also
    502    defined to be link-local.
    504    Any DNS query for a name ending with "254.169.in-addr.arpa." MUST
    505    be sent to the mDNS multicast address Since names under
    506    this domain correspond to IPv4 link-local addresses, it is logical
    507    that the local link is the best place to find information pertaining
    508    to those names.
    510    Likewise, any DNS query for a name within the reverse mapping domains
    511    for IPv6 Link-Local addresses ("8.e.f.ip6.arpa.", "9.e.f.ip6.arpa.",
    512    "a.e.f.ip6.arpa.", and "b.e.f.ip6.arpa.") MUST be sent to the IPv6
    513    mDNS link-local multicast address FF02::FB.
    530 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal            [Page 9]
    533 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    536 6. Querying
    538    There are three kinds of Multicast DNS Queries, one-shot queries of
    539    the kind made by today's conventional DNS clients, one-shot queries
    540    accumulating multiple responses made by multicast-aware DNS clients,
    541    and continuous ongoing Multicast DNS Queries used by IP network
    542    browser software.
    544    A Multicast DNS Responder that is offering records that are intended
    545    to be unique on the local link MUST also implement a Multicast DNS
    546    Querier so that it can first verify the uniqueness of those records
    547    before it begins answering queries for them.
    550 6.1 One-Shot Multicast DNS Queries
    552    An unsophisticated DNS client may simply send its DNS queries blindly
    553    to, without necessarily even being aware what a
    554    multicast address is. This change can typically be implemented with
    555    just a few lines of code in an existing DNS resolver library. Any
    556    time the name being queried for falls within one of the reserved
    557    mDNS domains (see Section 12 "Special Characteristics of Multicast
    558    DNS Domains") the query is sent to instead of the
    559    configured unicast DNS server address that would otherwise be used.
    560    Typically the timeout would also be shortened to two or three
    561    seconds, but it's possible to make a minimal mDNS client with no
    562    other changes apart from these.
    564    A simple DNS client like this will typically just take the first
    565    response it receives. It will not listen for additional UDP
    566    responses, but in many instances this may not be a serious problem.
    567    If a user types "http://cheshire.local." into their Web browser and
    568    gets to see the page they were hoping for, then the protocol has met
    569    the user's needs in this case.
    571    While an unsophisticated DNS client like this is perfectly adequate
    572    for simple hostname lookup, it may not get ideal behavior in
    573    other cases. Additional refinements that may be adopted by more
    574    sophisticated clients are described below.
    577 6.2 One-Shot Queries, Accumulating Multiple Responses
    579    A more sophisticated DNS client should understand that Multicast DNS
    580    is not exactly the same as unicast DNS, and should modify its
    581    behavior in some simple ways.
    583    As described above, there are some cases, such as looking up the
    584    address associated with a unique host name, where a single response
    585    is sufficient, and moreover may be all that is expected. However,
    586    there are other DNS queries where more than one response is
    589 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 10]
    592 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    595    possible, and for these queries a more sophisticated Multicast DNS
    596    client should include the ability to wait for an appropriate period
    597    of time to collect multiple responses.
    599    A naive DNS client retransmits its query only so long as it has
    600    received no response. A more sophisticated Multicast DNS client is
    601    aware that having received one response is not necessarily an
    602    indication that it might not receive others, and has the ability to
    603    retransmit its query an appropriate number of times at appropriate
    604    intervals until it is satisfied with the collection of responses it
    605    has gathered.
    607    A more sophisticated Multicast DNS client that is retransmitting
    608    a query for which it has already received some responses, MUST
    609    implement Known Answer Suppression, as described below in Section 7.1
    610    "Known Answer Suppression". This indicates to responders who have
    611    already replied that their responses have been received, and they
    612    don't need to send them again in response to this repeated query. In
    613    addition, when retransmitting queries, the interval between the first
    614    two queries SHOULD be one second, and the intervals between
    615    subsequent queries SHOULD double.
    618 6.3 Continuous Multicast DNS Querying
    620    In One-Shot Queries, with either a single or multiple responses,
    621    the underlying assumption is that the transaction begins when the
    622    application issues a query, and ends when all the desired responses
    623    have been received. There is another type of operation which is more
    624    akin to continuous monitoring.
    626    iTunes users are accustomed to seeing a list of shared network music
    627    libraries in the sidebar of the iTunes window. There is no "refresh"
    628    button for the user to click because the list is always accurate,
    629    always reflecting the currently available libraries. When a new
    630    library becomes available it promptly appears in the list, and when
    631    a library becomes unavailable it promptly disappears. It is vitally
    632    important that this responsive user interface be achieved without
    633    naive polling that would place an unreasonable burden on the network.
    635    Therefore, when retransmitting mDNS queries to implement this kind
    636    of continuous monitoring, the interval between the first two queries
    637    SHOULD be one second, the intervals between the subsequent queries
    638    SHOULD double, and the querier MUST implement Known Answer
    639    Suppression, as described below in Section 7.1. When the interval
    640    between queries reaches or exceeds 60 minutes, a querier MAY cap the
    641    interval to a maximum of 60 minutes, and perform subsequent queries
    642    at a steady-state rate of one query per hour. To avoid accidental
    643    synchronization when for some reason multiple clients begin querying
    644    at exactly the same moment (e.g. because of some common external
    645    trigger event), a Multicast DNS Querier SHOULD also delay the first
    648 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 11]
    651 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    654    query of the series by a randomly-chosen amount in the range
    655    20-120ms.
    657    When a Multicast DNS Querier receives an answer, the answer contains
    658    a TTL value that indicates for how many seconds this answer is valid.
    659    After this interval has passed, the answer will no longer be valid
    660    and SHOULD be deleted from the cache. Before this time is reached,
    661    a Multicast DNS Querier which has clients with an active interest in
    662    the state of that record (e.g. a network browsing window displaying
    663    a list of discovered services to the user) SHOULD re-issue its query
    664    to determine whether the record is still valid.
    666    To perform this cache maintenance, a Multicast DNS Querier should
    667    plan to re-query for records after at least 50% of the record
    668    lifetime has elapsed. This document recommends the following
    669    specific strategy:
    671    The Querier should plan to issue a query at 80% of the record
    672    lifetime, and then if no answer is received, at 85%, 90% and 95%.
    673    If an answer is received, then the remaining TTL is reset to the
    674    value given in the answer, and this process repeats for as long as
    675    the Multicast DNS Querier has an ongoing interest in the record.
    676    If after four queries no answer is received, the record is deleted
    677    when it reaches 100% of its lifetime. A Multicast DNS Querier MUST
    678    NOT perform this cache maintenance for records for which it has no
    679    clients with an active interest. If the expiry of a particular record
    680    from the cache would result in no net effect to any client software
    681    running on the Querier device, and no visible effect to the human
    682    user, then there is no reason for the Multicast DNS Querier to
    683    waste network bandwidth checking whether the record remains valid.
    685    To avoid the case where multiple Multicast DNS Queriers on a network
    686    all issue their queries simultaneously, a random variation of 2% of
    687    the record TTL should be added, so that queries are scheduled to be
    688    performed at 80-82%, 85-87%, 90-92% and then 95-97% of the TTL.
    691 6.4 Multiple Questions per Query
    693    Multicast DNS allows a querier to place multiple questions in the
    694    Question Section of a single Multicast DNS query packet.
    696    The semantics of a Multicast DNS query packet containing multiple
    697    questions is identical to a series of individual DNS query packets
    698    containing one question each. Combining multiple questions into a
    699    single packet is purely an efficiency optimization, and has no other
    700    semantic significance.
    707 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 12]
    710 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    713 6.5 Questions Requesting Unicast Responses
    715    Sending Multicast DNS responses via multicast has the benefit that
    716    all the other hosts on the network get to see those responses, and
    717    can keep their caches up to date, and detect conflicting responses.
    719    However, there are situations where all the other hosts on the
    720    network don't need to see every response. Some examples are a laptop
    721    computer waking from sleep, or the Ethernet cable being connected to
    722    a running machine, or a previously inactive interface being activated
    723    through a configuration change. At the instant of wake-up or link
    724    activation, the machine is a brand new participant on a new network.
    725    Its Multicast DNS cache for that interface is empty, and it has no
    726    knowledge of its peers on that link. It may have a significant number
    727    of questions that it wants answered right away to discover
    728    information about its new surroundings and present that information
    729    to the user. As a new participant on the network, it has no idea
    730    whether the exact same questions may have been asked and answered
    731    just seconds ago. In this case, triggering a large sudden flood of
    732    multicast responses may impose an unreasonable burden on the network.
    734    To avoid large floods of potentially unnecessary responses in these
    735    cases, Multicast DNS defines the top bit in the class field of a DNS
    736    question as the "unicast response" bit. When this bit is set in a
    737    question, it indicates that the Querier is willing to accept unicast
    738    responses instead of the usual multicast responses. These questions
    739    requesting unicast responses are referred to as "QU" questions, to
    740    distinguish them from the more usual questions requesting multicast
    741    responses ("QM" questions). A Multicast DNS Querier sending its
    742    initial batch of questions immediately on wake from sleep or
    743    interface activation SHOULD set the "QU" bit in those questions.
    745    When a question is retransmitted (as described in Section 6.3
    746    "Continuous Multicast DNS Querying") the "QU" bit SHOULD NOT be set
    747    in subsequent retransmissions of that question. Subsequent
    748    retransmissions SHOULD be usual "QM" questions. After the first
    749    question has received its responses, the querier should have a large
    750    known-answer list (see "Known Answer Suppression" below) so that
    751    subsequent queries should elicit few, if any, further responses.
    752    Reverting to multicast responses as soon as possible is important
    753    because of the benefits that multicast responses provide (see
    754    "Benefits of Multicast Responses" below). In addition, the "QU" bit
    755    SHOULD be set only for questions that are active and ready to be sent
    756    the moment of wake from sleep or interface activation. New questions
    757    issued by clients afterwards should be treated as normal "QM"
    758    questions and SHOULD NOT have the "QU" bit set on the first question
    759    of the series.
    761    When receiving a question with the "unicast response" bit set, a
    762    responder SHOULD usually respond with a unicast packet directed back
    763    to the querier. If the responder has not multicast that record
    766 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 13]
    769 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    772    recently (within one quarter of its TTL), then the responder SHOULD
    773    instead multicast the response so as to keep all the peer caches up
    774    to date, and to permit passive conflict detection. In the case of
    775    answering a probe question with the "unicast response" bit set, the
    776    responder should always generate the requested unicast response, but
    777    may also send a multicast announcement too if the time since the last
    778    multicast announcement of that record is more than a quarter of its
    779    TTL.
    781    Except when defending a unique name against a probe from another host
    782    unicast replies are subject to all the same packet generation rules
    783    as multicast replies, including the cache flush bit (see Section
    784    11.3, "Announcements to Flush Outdated Cache Entries") and randomized
    785    delays to reduce network collisions (see Section 8, "Responding").
    788 6.6 Delaying Initial Query
    790    If a query is issued for which there already exist one or more
    791    records in the local cache, and those record(s) were received with
    792    the cache flush bit set (see Section 11.3, "Announcements to Flush
    793    Outdated Cache Entries"), indicating that they form a unique RRSet,
    794    then the host SHOULD delay its initial query by imposing a random
    795    delay from 500-1000ms. This is to avoid the situation where a group
    796    of hosts are synchronized by some external event and all perform
    797    the same query simultaneously. This means that when the first host
    798    (selected randomly by this algorithm) transmits its query, all the
    799    other hosts that were about to transmit the same query can suppress
    800    their superfluous queries, as described in "Duplicate Question
    801    Suppression" below.
    804 6.7 Direct Unicast Queries to port 5353
    806    In specialized applications there may be rare situations where it
    807    makes sense for a Multicast DNS Querier to send its query via unicast
    808    to a specific machine. When a Multicast DNS Responder receives a
    809    query via direct unicast, it SHOULD respond as it would for a
    810    "QU" query, as described above in Section 6.5 "Questions Requesting
    811    Unicast Responses". Since it is possible for a unicast query to be
    812    received from a machine outside the local link, Responders SHOULD
    813    check that the source address in the query packet matches the local
    814    subnet for that link, and silently ignore the packet if not.
    816    There may be specialized situations, outside the scope of this
    817    document, where it is intended and desirable to create a Responder
    818    that does answer queries originating outside the local link. Such
    819    a Responder would need to ensure that these non-local queries are
    820    always answered via unicast back to the Querier, since an answer sent
    821    via link-local multicast would not reach a Querier outside the local
    822    link.
    825 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 14]
    828 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    831 7. Duplicate Suppression
    833    A variety of techniques are used to reduce the amount of redundant
    834    traffic on the network.
    836 7.1 Known Answer Suppression
    838    When a Multicast DNS Querier sends a query to which it already knows
    839    some answers, it populates the Answer Section of the DNS message with
    840    those answers.
    842    A Multicast DNS Responder SHOULD NOT answer a Multicast DNS Query if
    843    the answer it would give is already included in the Answer Section
    844    with an RR TTL at least half the correct value. If the RR TTL of the
    845    answer as given in the Answer Section is less than half of the true
    846    RR TTL as known by the Multicast DNS Responder, the responder MUST
    847    send an answer so as to update the Querier's cache before the record
    848    becomes in danger of expiration.
    850    Because a Multicast DNS Responder will respond if the remaining TTL
    851    given in the known answer list is less than half the true TTL, it is
    852    superfluous for the Querier to include such records in the known
    853    answer list. Therefore a Multicast DNS Querier SHOULD NOT include
    854    records in the known answer list whose remaining TTL is less than
    855    half their original TTL. Doing so would simply consume space in the
    856    packet without achieving the goal of suppressing responses, and would
    857    therefore be a pointless waste of network bandwidth.
    859    A Multicast DNS Querier MUST NOT cache resource records observed in
    860    the Known Answer Section of other Multicast DNS Queries. The Answer
    861    Section of Multicast DNS Queries is not authoritative. By placing
    862    information in the Answer Section of a Multicast DNS Query the
    863    querier is stating that it *believes* the information to be true.
    864    It is not asserting that the information *is* true. Some of those
    865    records may have come from other hosts that are no longer on the
    866    network. Propagating that stale information to other Multicast DNS
    867    Queriers on the network would not be helpful.
    870 7.2 Multi-Packet Known Answer Suppression
    872    Sometimes a Multicast DNS Querier will already have too many answers
    873    to fit in the Known Answer Section of its query packets. In this
    874    case, it should issue a Multicast DNS Query containing a question and
    875    as many Known Answer records as will fit. It MUST then set the TC
    876    (Truncated) bit in the header before sending the Query. It MUST then
    877    immediately follow the packet with another query packet containing no
    878    questions, and as many more Known Answer records as will fit. If
    879    there are still too many records remaining to fit in the packet, it
    880    again sets the TC bit and continues until all the Known Answer
    881    records have been sent.
    884 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 15]
    887 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    890    A Multicast DNS Responder seeing a Multicast DNS Query with the TC
    891    bit set defers its response for a time period randomly selected in
    892    the interval 400-500ms. This gives the Multicast DNS Querier time to
    893    send additional Known Answer packets before the Responder responds.
    894    If the Responder sees any of its answers listed in the Known Answer
    895    lists of subsequent packets from the querying host, it SHOULD delete
    896    that answer from the list of answers it is planning to give, provided
    897    that no other host on the network is also waiting to receive the same
    898    answer record.
    900    If the Responder receives additional Known Answer packets with the TC
    901    bit set, it SHOULD extend the delay as necessary to ensure a pause of
    902    400-500ms after the last such packet before it sends its answer. This
    903    opens the potential risk that a continuous stream of Known Answer
    904    packets could, theoretically, prevent a Responder from answering
    905    indefinitely. In practice answers are never actually delayed
    906    significantly, and should a situation arise where significant delays
    907    did happen, that would be a scenario where the network is so
    908    overloaded that it would be desirable to err on the side of caution.
    909    The consequence of delaying an answer may be that it takes a user
    910    longer than usual to discover all the services on the local network;
    911    in contrast the consequence of incorrectly answering before all the
    912    Known Answer packets have been received would be wasting bandwidth
    913    sending unnecessary answers on an already overloaded network. In this
    914    (rare) situation, sacrificing speed to preserve reliable network
    915    operation is the right trade-off.
    918 7.3 Duplicate Question Suppression
    920    If a host is planning to send a query, and it sees another host on
    921    the network send a query containing the same question, and the Known
    922    Answer Section of that query does not contain any records which this
    923    host would not also put in its own Known Answer Section, then this
    924    host should treat its own query as having been sent. When multiple
    925    clients on the network are querying for the same resource records,
    926    there is no need for them to all be repeatedly asking the same
    927    question.
    930 7.4 Duplicate Answer Suppression
    932    If a host is planning to send an answer, and it sees another host on
    933    the network send a response packet containing the same answer record,
    934    and the TTL in that record is not less than the TTL this host would
    935    have given, then this host should treat its own answer as having been
    936    sent. When multiple responders on the network have the same data,
    937    there is no need for all of them to respond.
    939    This feature is particularly useful when multiple Sleep Proxy Servers
    940    are deployed (see Section 17, "Multicast DNS and Power Management").
    943 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 16]
    946 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
    949    In the future it is possible that every general-purpose OS (Mac,
    950    Windows, Linux, etc.) will implement Sleep Proxy Service as a matter
    951    of course. In this case there could be a large number of Sleep Proxy
    952    Servers on any given network, which is good for reliability and
    953    fault-tolerance, but would be bad for the network if every Sleep
    954    Proxy Server were to answer every query.
    956 8. Responding
    958    When a Multicast DNS Responder constructs and sends a Multicast DNS
    959    response packet, the Answer Section of that packet must contain only
    960    records for which that Responder is explicitly authoritative. These
    961    answers may be generated because the record answers a question
    962    received in a Multicast DNS query packet, or at certain other times
    963    that the responder determines than an unsolicited announcement is
    964    warranted. A Multicast DNS Responder MUST NOT place records from its
    965    cache, which have been learned from other responders on the network,
    966    in the Answer Section of outgoing response packets. Only an
    967    authoritative source for a given record is allowed to issue responses
    968    containing that record.
    970    The determination of whether a given record answers a given question
    971    is done using the standard DNS rules: The record name must match the
    972    question name, the record rrtype must match the question qtype
    973    (unless the qtype is "ANY"), and the record rrclass must match the
    974    question qclass (unless the qclass is "ANY").
    976    A Multicast DNS Responder MUST only respond when it has a positive
    977    non-null response to send. Error responses must never be sent. The
    978    non-existence of any name in a Multicast DNS Domain is ascertained by
    979    the failure of any machine to respond to the Multicast DNS query, not
    980    by NXDOMAIN errors.
    982    Multicast DNS Responses MUST NOT contain any questions in the
    983    Question Section. Any questions in the Question Section of a received
    984    Multicast DNS Response MUST be silently ignored. Multicast DNS
    985    Queriers receiving Multicast DNS Responses do not care what question
    986    elicited the response; they care only that the information in the
    987    response is true and accurate.
    989    A Multicast DNS Responder on Ethernet [IEEE802] and similar shared
    990    multiple access networks SHOULD have the capability of delaying its
    991    responses by up to 500ms, as determined by the rules described below.
    992    If a large number of Multicast DNS Responders were all to respond
    993    immediately to a particular query, a collision would be virtually
    994    guaranteed. By imposing a small random delay, the number of
    995    collisions is dramatically reduced. On a full-sized Ethernet using
    996    the maximum cable lengths allowed and the maximum number of repeaters
    997    allowed, an Ethernet frame is vulnerable to collisions during the
    998    transmission of its first 256 bits. On 10Mb/s Ethernet, this equates
    999    to a vulnerable time window of 25.6us. On higher-speed variants of
   1000    Ethernet, the vulnerable time window is shorter.
   1002 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 17]
   1005 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1008    In the case where a Multicast DNS Responder has good reason to
   1009    believe that it will be the only responder on the link with a
   1010    positive non-null response (i.e. because it is able to answer every
   1011    question in the query packet, and for all of those answer records it
   1012    has previously verified that the name, rrtype and rrclass are unique
   1013    on the link) it SHOULD NOT impose any random delay before responding,
   1014    and SHOULD normally generate its response within at most 10ms.
   1015    In particular, this applies to responding to probe queries with the
   1016    "unicast response" bit set. Since receiving a probe query gives a
   1017    clear indication that some other Responder is planning to start using
   1018    this name in the very near future, answering such probe queries
   1019    to defend a unique record is a high priority and needs to be done
   1020    immediately, without delay. A probe query can be distinguished from
   1021    a normal query by the fact that a probe query contains a proposed
   1022    record in the Authority Section which answers the question in the
   1023    Question Section (for more details, see Section 9.1, "Probing").
   1025    Responding immediately without delay is appropriate for records like
   1026    the address record for a particular host name, when the host name has
   1027    been previously verified unique. Responding immediately without delay
   1028    is *not* appropriate for things like looking up PTR records used for
   1029    DNS Service Discovery [DNS-SD], where a large number of responses may
   1030    be anticipated.
   1032    In any case where there may be multiple responses, such as queries
   1033    where the answer is a member of a shared resource record set, each
   1034    responder SHOULD delay its response by a random amount of time
   1035    selected with uniform random distribution in the range 20-120ms.
   1036    The reason for requiring that the delay be at least 20ms is to
   1037    accommodate the situation where two or more query packets are sent
   1038    back-to-back, because in that case we want a Responder with answers
   1039    to more than one of those queries to have the opportunity to
   1040    aggregate all of its answers into a single response packet.
   1042    In the case where the query has the TC (truncated) bit set,
   1043    indicating that subsequent known answer packets will follow,
   1044    responders SHOULD delay their responses by a random amount of time
   1045    selected with uniform random distribution in the range 400-500ms,
   1046    to allow enough time for all the known answer packets to arrive,
   1047    as described in Section 7.2 "Multi-Packet Known Answer Suppression".
   1049    Except when a unicast response has been explicitly requested via the
   1050    "unicast response" bit, Multicast DNS Responses MUST be sent to UDP
   1051    port 5353 (the well-known port assigned to mDNS) on the
   1052    multicast address (or its IPv6 equivalent FF02::FB). Operating in a
   1053    Zeroconf environment requires constant vigilance. Just because a name
   1054    has been previously verified unique does not mean it will continue
   1055    to be so indefinitely. By allowing all Multicast DNS Responders to
   1056    constantly monitor their peers' responses, conflicts arising out
   1057    of network topology changes can be promptly detected and resolved.
   1061 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 18]
   1064 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1067    Sending all responses by multicast also facilitates opportunistic
   1068    caching by other hosts on the network.
   1070    To protect the network against excessive packet flooding due to
   1071    software bugs or malicious attack, a Multicast DNS Responder MUST NOT
   1072    (except in the one special case of answering probe queries) multicast
   1073    a record on a given interface until at least one second has elapsed
   1074    since the last time that record was multicast on that particular
   1075    interface. A legitimate client on the network should have seen the
   1076    previous transmission and cached it. A client that did not receive
   1077    and cache the previous transmission will retry its request and
   1078    receive a subsequent response. In the special case of answering probe
   1079    queries, because of the limited time before the probing host will
   1080    make its decision about whether or not to use the name, a Multicast
   1081    DNS Responder MUST respond quickly. In this special case only, when
   1082    responding via multicast to a probe, a Multicast DNS Responder is
   1083    only required to delay its transmission as necessary to ensure an
   1084    interval of at least 250ms since the last time the record was
   1085    multicast on that interface.
   1088 8.2 Multi-Question Queries
   1090    Multicast DNS Responders MUST correctly handle DNS query packets
   1091    containing more than one question, by answering any or all of the
   1092    questions to which they have answers. Any (non-defensive) answers
   1093    generated in response to query packets containing more than one
   1094    question SHOULD be randomly delayed in the range 20-120ms, or
   1095    400-500ms if the TC (truncated) bit is set, as described above.
   1096    (Answers defending a name, in response to a probe for that name,
   1097    are not subject to this delay rule and are still sent immediately.)
   1100 8.2 Response Aggregation
   1102    When possible, a responder SHOULD, for the sake of network
   1103    efficiency, aggregate as many responses as possible into a single
   1104    Multicast DNS response packet. For example, when a responder has
   1105    several responses it plans to send, each delayed by a different
   1106    interval, then earlier responses SHOULD be delayed by up to an
   1107    additional 500ms if that will permit them to be aggregated with
   1108    other responses scheduled to go out a little later.
   1120 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 19]
   1123 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1126 8.3 Legacy Unicast Responses
   1128    If the source UDP port in a received Multicast DNS Query is not port
   1129    5353, this indicates that the client originating the query is a
   1130    simple client that does not fully implement all of Multicast DNS.
   1131    In this case, the Multicast DNS Responder MUST send a UDP response
   1132    directly back to the client, via unicast, to the query packet's
   1133    source IP address and port. This unicast response MUST be a
   1134    conventional unicast response as would be generated by a conventional
   1135    unicast DNS server; for example, it MUST repeat the query ID and the
   1136    question given in the query packet.
   1138    The resource record TTL given in a legacy unicast response SHOULD NOT
   1139    be greater than ten seconds, even if the true TTL of the Multicast
   1140    DNS resource record is higher. This is because Multicast DNS
   1141    Responders that fully participate in the protocol use the cache
   1142    coherency mechanisms described in Section 11 "Resource Record TTL
   1143    Values and Cache Coherency" to update and invalidate stale data. Were
   1144    unicast responses sent to legacy clients to use the same high TTLs,
   1145    these legacy clients, which do not implement these cache coherency
   1146    mechanisms, could retain stale cached resource record data long after
   1147    it is no longer valid.
   1149    Having sent this unicast response, if the Responder has not sent this
   1150    record in any multicast response recently, it SHOULD schedule the
   1151    record to be sent via multicast as well, to facilitate passive
   1152    conflict detection. "Recently" in this context means "if the time
   1153    since the record was last sent via multicast is less than one quarter
   1154    of the record's TTL".
   1156    Note that while legacy queries usually contain exactly one question,
   1157    they are permitted to contain multiple questions, and responders
   1158    listening for multicast queries on MUST be prepared
   1159    to handle this correctly, responding by generating a unicast response
   1160    containing the list of question(s) they are answering in the Question
   1161    Section, and the records answering those question(s) in the Answer
   1162    Section.
   1165 9. Probing and Announcing on Startup
   1167    Typically a Multicast DNS Responder should have, at the very least,
   1168    address records for all of its active interfaces. Creating and
   1169    advertising an HINFO record on each interface as well can be useful
   1170    to network administrators.
   1172    Whenever a Multicast DNS Responder starts up, wakes up from sleep,
   1173    receives an indication of an Ethernet "Link Change" event, or has any
   1174    other reason to believe that its network connectivity may have
   1175    changed in some relevant way, it MUST perform the two startup steps
   1176    below.
   1179 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 20]
   1182 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1185 9.1 Probing
   1187    The first startup step is that for all those resource records that a
   1188    Multicast DNS Responder desires to be unique on the local link, it
   1189    MUST send a Multicast DNS Query asking for those resource records, to
   1190    see if any of them are already in use. The primary example of this is
   1191    its address record which maps its unique host name to its unique IP
   1192    address. All Probe Queries SHOULD be done using the desired resource
   1193    record name and query type T_ANY (255), to elicit answers for all
   1194    types of records with that name. This allows a single question to be
   1195    used in place of several questions, which is more efficient on the
   1196    network. It also allows a host to verify exclusive ownership of a
   1197    name, which is desirable in most cases. It would be confusing, for
   1198    example, if one host owned the "A" record for "myhost.local.", but
   1199    a different host owned the HINFO record for that name.
   1201    The ability to place more than one question in a Multicast DNS Query
   1202    is useful here, because it can allow a host to use a single packet
   1203    for all of its resource records instead of needing a separate packet
   1204    for each. For example, a host can simultaneously probe for uniqueness
   1205    of its "A" record and all its SRV records [DNS-SD] in the same query
   1206    packet.
   1208    When ready to send its mDNS probe packet(s) the host should first
   1209    wait for a short random delay time, uniformly distributed in the
   1210    range 0-250ms. This random delay is to guard against the case where a
   1211    group of devices are powered on simultaneously, or a group of devices
   1212    are connected to an Ethernet hub which is then powered on, or some
   1213    other external event happens that might cause a group of hosts to all
   1214    send synchronized probes.
   1216    250ms after the first query the host should send a second, then
   1217    250ms after that a third. If, by 250ms after the third probe, no
   1218    conflicting Multicast DNS responses have been received, the host may
   1219    move to the next step, announcing. (Note that this is the one
   1220    exception from the normal rule that there should be at least one
   1221    second between repetitions of the same question, and the interval
   1222    between subsequent repetitions should double.)
   1224    When sending probe queries, a host MUST NOT consult its cache for
   1225    potential answers. Only conflicting Multicast DNS responses received
   1226    "live" from the network are considered valid for the purposes of
   1227    determining whether probing has succeeded or failed.
   1229    In order to allow services to announce their presence without
   1230    unreasonable delay, the time window for probing is intentionally set
   1231    quite short. As a result of this, from the time the first probe
   1232    packet is sent, another device on the network using that name has
   1233    just 750ms to respond to defend its name. On networks that are slow,
   1234    or busy, or both, it is possible for round-trip latency to account
   1235    for a few hundred milliseconds, and software delays in slow devices
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   1241 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1244    can add additional delay. For this reason, it is important that when
   1245    a device receives a probe query for a name that it is currently using
   1246    for unique records, it SHOULD generate its response to defend that
   1247    name immediately and send it as quickly as possible. The usual rules
   1248    about random delays before responding, to avoid sudden bursts of
   1249    simultaneous answers from different hosts, do not apply here since
   1250    at most one host should ever respond to a given probe question. Even
   1251    when a single DNS query packet contains multiple probe questions,
   1252    it would be unusual for that packet to elicit a defensive response
   1253    from more than one other host. Because of the mDNS multicast rate
   1254    limiting rules, the first two probes SHOULD be sent as "QU" questions
   1255    with the "unicast response" bit set, to allow a defending host to
   1256    respond immediately via unicast, instead of potentially having to
   1257    wait before replying via multicast. At the present time, this
   1258    document recommends that the third probe SHOULD be sent as a standard
   1259    "QM" question, for backwards compatibility with the small number of
   1260    old devices still in use that don't implement unicast responses.
   1262    If, at any time during probing, from the beginning of the initial
   1263    random 0-250ms delay onward, any conflicting Multicast DNS responses
   1264    are received, then the probing host MUST defer to the existing host,
   1265    and MUST choose new names for some or all of its resource records
   1266    as appropriate, to avoid conflict with pre-existing hosts on the
   1267    network. In the case of a host probing using query type T_ANY as
   1268    recommended above, any answer containing a record with that name,
   1269    of any type, MUST be considered a conflicting response and handled
   1270    accordingly.
   1272    If fifteen failures occur within any ten-second period, then the host
   1273    MUST wait at least five seconds before each successive additional
   1274    probe attempt. This is to help ensure that in the event of software
   1275    bugs or other unanticipated problems, errant hosts do not flood the
   1276    network with a continuous stream of multicast traffic. For very
   1277    simple devices, a valid way to comply with this requirement is
   1278    to always wait five seconds after any failed probe attempt before
   1279    trying again.
   1281    If a responder knows by other means, with absolute certainty, that
   1282    its unique resource record set name, rrtype and rrclass cannot
   1283    already be in use by any other responder on the network, then it
   1284    MAY skip the probing step for that resource record set. For example,
   1285    when creating the reverse address mapping PTR records, the host can
   1286    reasonably assume that no other host will be trying to create those
   1287    same PTR records, since that would imply that the two hosts were
   1288    trying to use the same IP address, and if that were the case, the
   1289    two hosts would be suffering communication problems beyond the scope
   1290    of what Multicast DNS is designed to solve.
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   1300 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1303 9.2 Simultaneous Probe Tie-Breaking
   1305    The astute reader will observe that there is a race condition
   1306    inherent in the previous description. If two hosts are probing for
   1307    the same name simultaneously, neither will receive any response to
   1308    the probe, and the hosts could incorrectly conclude that they may
   1309    both proceed to use the name. To break this symmetry, each host
   1310    populates the Query packets's Authority Section with the record or
   1311    records with the rdata that it would be proposing to use, should its
   1312    probing be successful. The Authority Section is being used here in a
   1313    way analogous to the way it is used as the "Update Section" in a DNS
   1314    Update packet [RFC 2136].
   1316    When a host is probing for a group of related records with the same
   1317    name (e.g. the SRV and TXT record describing a DNS-SD service), only
   1318    a single question need be placed in the Question Section, since query
   1319    type T_ANY (255) is used, which will elicit answers for all records
   1320    with that name. However, for tie-breaking to work correctly in all
   1321    cases, the Authority Section must contain *all* the records and
   1322    proposed rdata being probed for uniqueness.
   1324    When a host that is probing for a record sees another host issue a
   1325    query for the same record, it consults the Authority Section of that
   1326    query. If it finds any resource record(s) there which answers the
   1327    query, then it compares the data of that (those) resource record(s)
   1328    with its own tentative data. We consider first the simple case of a
   1329    host probing for a single record, receiving a simultaneous probe from
   1330    another host also probing for a single record. The two records are
   1331    compared and the lexicographically later data wins. This means that
   1332    if the host finds that its own data is lexicographically later, it
   1333    simply ignores the other host's probe. If the host finds that its own
   1334    data is lexicographically earlier, then it treats this exactly as if
   1335    it had received a positive answer to its query, and concludes that it
   1336    may not use the desired name.
   1338    The determination of "lexicographically later" is performed by first
   1339    comparing the record class, then the record type, then raw comparison
   1340    of the binary content of the rdata without regard for meaning or
   1341    structure. If the record classes differ, then the numerically greater
   1342    class is considered "lexicographically later". Otherwise, if the
   1343    record types differ, then the numerically greater type is considered
   1344    "lexicographically later". If the rrtype and rrclass both match then
   1345    the rdata is compared.
   1347    In the case of resource records containing rdata that is subject to
   1348    name compression, the names MUST be uncompressed before comparison.
   1349    (The details of how a particular name is compressed is an artifact of
   1350    how and where the record is written into the DNS message; it is not
   1351    an intrinsic property of the resource record itself.)
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   1362    The bytes of the raw uncompressed rdata are compared in turn,
   1363    interpreting the bytes as eight-bit UNSIGNED values, until a byte
   1364    is found whose value is greater than that of its counterpart (in
   1365    which case the rdata whose byte has the greater value is deemed
   1366    lexicographically later) or one of the resource records runs out
   1367    of rdata (in which case the resource record which still has
   1368    remaining data first is deemed lexicographically later).
   1370    The following is an example of a conflict:
   1372    cheshire.local. A
   1373    cheshire.local. A
   1375    In this case is lexicographically later (the third
   1376    byte, with value 200, is greater than its counterpart with value 99),
   1377    so it is deemed the winner.
   1379    Note that it is vital that the bytes are interpreted as UNSIGNED
   1380    values in the range 0-255, or the wrong outcome may result. In
   1381    the example above, if the byte with value 200 had been incorrectly
   1382    interpreted as a signed eight-bit value then it would be interpreted
   1383    as value -56, and the wrong address record would be deemed the
   1384    winner.
   1387 9.2.1 Simultaneous Probe Tie-Breaking for Multiple Records
   1389    When a host is probing for a set of records with the same name, or a
   1390    packet is received containing multiple tie-breaker records answering
   1391    a given probe question in the Question Section, the host's records
   1392    and the tie-breaker records from the packet are each sorted into
   1393    order, and then compared pairwise, using the same comparison
   1394    technique described above, until a difference is found.
   1396    The records are sorted using the same lexicographical order as
   1397    described above, that is: if the record classes differ, the record
   1398    with the lower class number comes first. If the classes are the same
   1399    but the rrtypes differ, the record with the lower rrtype number comes
   1400    first. If the class and rrtype match, then the rdata is compared
   1401    bytewise until a difference is found. For example, in the common case
   1402    of advertising DNS-SD services with a TXT record and an SRV record,
   1403    the TXT record comes first (the rrtype for TXT is 16) and the SRV
   1404    record comes second (the rrtype for SRV is 33).
   1406    When comparing the records, if the first records match perfectly,
   1407    then the second records are compared, and so on. If either list of
   1408    records runs out of records before any difference is found, then the
   1409    list with records remaining is deemed to have won the tie-break. If
   1410    both lists run out of records at the same time without any difference
   1411    being found, then this indicates that two devices are advertising
   1412    identical sets of records, as is sometimes done for fault tolerance,
   1413    and there is in fact no conflict.
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   1421 9.3 Announcing
   1423    The second startup step is that the Multicast DNS Responder MUST send
   1424    a gratuitous Multicast DNS Response containing, in the Answer
   1425    Section, all of its resource records (both shared records, and unique
   1426    records that have completed the probing step). If there are too many
   1427    resource records to fit in a single packet, multiple packets should
   1428    be used.
   1430    In the case of shared records (e.g. the PTR records used by DNS
   1431    Service Discovery [DNS-SD]), the records are simply placed as-is
   1432    into the Answer Section of the DNS Response.
   1434    In the case of records that have been verified to be unique in the
   1435    previous step, they are placed into the Answer Section of the DNS
   1436    Response with the most significant bit of the rrclass set to one.
   1437    The most significant bit of the rrclass for a record in the Answer
   1438    Section of a response packet is the mDNS "cache flush" bit and is
   1439    discussed in more detail below in Section 11.3 "Announcements to
   1440    Flush Outdated Cache Entries".
   1442    The Multicast DNS Responder MUST send at least two gratuitous
   1443    responses, one second apart. A Responder MAY send up to eight
   1444    gratuitous Responses, provided that the interval between gratuitous
   1445    responses doubles with every response sent.
   1447    A Multicast DNS Responder MUST NOT send announcements in the absence
   1448    of information that its network connectivity may have changed in
   1449    some relevant way. In particular, a Multicast DNS Responder MUST NOT
   1450    send regular periodic announcements as a matter of course. It is not
   1451    uncommon for protocol designers to encounter some problem which they
   1452    decide to solve using regular periodic announcements, but this is
   1453    generally not a wise protocol design choice. In the small scale
   1454    periodic announcements may seem to remedy the short-term problem,
   1455    but they do not scale well if the protocol becomes successful.
   1456    If every host on the network implements the protocol -- if multiple
   1457    applications on every host on the network are implementing the
   1458    protocol -- then even a low periodic rate of just one announcement
   1459    per minute per application per host can add up to multiple packets
   1460    per second in total. While gigabit Ethernet may be able to carry
   1461    a million packets per second, other network technologies cannot.
   1462    For example, while IEEE 802.11g wireless has a nominal data rate of
   1463    up to 54Mb/sec, multicasting just 100 packets per second can consume
   1464    the entire available bandwidth, leaving nothing for anything else.
   1466    With the increasing popularity of hand-held devices, unnecessary
   1467    continuous packet transmission can have bad implications for battery
   1468    life. It's worth pointing out the precedent that TCP was also
   1469    designed with this "no regular periodic idle packets" philosophy.
   1470    Standard TCP sends packets only when it has data to send or
   1471    acknowledge. If neither client nor server sends any bytes, then the
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   1480    TCP code will send no packets, and a TCP connection can remain active
   1481    in this state indefinitely, with no packets being exchanged for
   1482    hours, days, weeks or months.
   1484    Whenever a Multicast DNS Responder receives any Multicast DNS
   1485    response (gratuitous or otherwise) containing a conflicting resource
   1486    record, the conflict MUST be resolved as described below in "Conflict
   1487    Resolution".
   1490 9.4 Updating
   1492    At any time, if the rdata of any of a host's Multicast DNS records
   1493    changes, the host MUST repeat the Announcing step described above to
   1494    update neighboring caches. For example, if any of a host's IP
   1495    addresses change, it MUST re-announce those address records.
   1497    In the case of shared records, a host MUST send a "goodbye"
   1498    announcement with TTL zero (see Section 11.2 "Goodbye Packets")
   1499    for the old rdata, to cause it to be deleted from peer caches,
   1500    before announcing the new rdata. In the case of unique records,
   1501    a host SHOULD omit the "goodbye" announcement, since the cache
   1502    flush bit on the newly announced records will cause old rdata
   1503    to be flushed from peer caches anyway.
   1505    A host may update the contents of any of its records at any time,
   1506    though a host SHOULD NOT update records more frequently than ten
   1507    times per minute. Frequent rapid updates impose a burden on the
   1508    network. If a host has information to disseminate which changes more
   1509    frequently than ten times per minute, then it may be more appropriate
   1510    to design a protocol for that specific purpose.
   1513 10. Conflict Resolution
   1515    A conflict occurs when a Multicast DNS Responder has a unique record
   1516    for which it is authoritative, and it receives a Multicast DNS
   1517    response packet containing a record with the same name, rrtype and
   1518    rrclass, but inconsistent rdata. What may be considered inconsistent
   1519    is context sensitive, except that resource records with identical
   1520    rdata are never considered inconsistent, even if they originate from
   1521    different hosts. This is to permit use of proxies and other
   1522    fault-tolerance mechanisms that may cause more than one responder
   1523    to be capable of issuing identical answers on the network.
   1525    A common example of a resource record type that is intended to be
   1526    unique, not shared between hosts, is the address record that maps a
   1527    host's name to its IP address. Should a host witness another host
   1528    announce an address record with the same name but a different IP
   1529    address, then that is considered inconsistent, and that address
   1530    record is considered to be in conflict.
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   1539    Whenever a Multicast DNS Responder receives any Multicast DNS
   1540    response (gratuitous or otherwise) containing a conflicting resource
   1541    record in the Answer Section, the Multicast DNS Responder MUST
   1542    immediately reset its conflicted unique record to probing state, and
   1543    go through the startup steps described above in Section 9. "Probing
   1544    and Announcing on Startup". The protocol used in the Probing phase
   1545    will determine a winner and a loser, and the loser MUST cease using
   1546    the name, and reconfigure.
   1548    It is very important that any host receiving a resource record that
   1549    conflicts with one of its own MUST take action as described above.
   1550    In the case of two hosts using the same host name, where one has been
   1551    configured to require a unique host name and the other has not, the
   1552    one that has not been configured to require a unique host name will
   1553    not perceive any conflict, and will not take any action. By reverting
   1554    to Probing state, the host that desires a unique host name will go
   1555    through the necessary steps to ensure that a unique host is obtained.
   1557    The recommended course of action after probing and failing is as
   1558    follows:
   1560    o Programmatically change the resource record name in an attempt to
   1561      find a new name that is unique. This could be done by adding some
   1562      further identifying information (e.g. the model name of the
   1563      hardware) if it is not already present in the name, appending the
   1564      digit "2" to the name, or incrementing a number at the end of the
   1565      name if one is already present.
   1567    o Probe again, and repeat until a unique name is found.
   1569    o Record this newly chosen name in persistent storage so that the
   1570      device will use the same name the next time it is power-cycled.
   1572    o Display a message to the user or operator informing them of the
   1573      name change. For example:
   1575         The name "Bob's Music" is in use by another iTunes music
   1576         server on the network. Your music has been renamed to
   1577         "Bob's Music (G4 Cube)". If you want to change this name,
   1578         use [describe appropriate menu item or preference dialog].
   1580    o If after one minute of probing the Multicast DNS Responder has been
   1581      unable to find any unused name, it should display a message to the
   1582      user or operator informing them of this fact. This situation should
   1583      never occur in normal operation. The only situations that would
   1584      cause this to happen would be either a deliberate denial-of-service
   1585      attack, or some kind of very obscure hardware or software bug that
   1586      acts like a deliberate denial-of-service attack.
   1588    How the user or operator is informed depends on context. A desktop
   1589    computer with a screen might put up a dialog box. A headless server
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   1598    in the closet may write a message to a log file, or use whatever
   1599    mechanism (email, SNMP trap, etc.) it uses to inform the
   1600    administrator of other error conditions. On the other hand a headless
   1601    server in the closet may not inform the user at all -- if the user
   1602    cares, they will notice the name has changed, and connect to the
   1603    server in the usual way (e.g. via Web Browser) to configure a new
   1604    name.
   1606    The examples in this section focus on address records (i.e. host
   1607    names), but the same considerations apply to all resource records
   1608    where uniqueness (or maintenance of some other defined constraint)
   1609    is desired.
   1612 11. Resource Record TTL Values and Cache Coherency
   1614    As a general rule, the recommended TTL value for Multicast DNS
   1615    resource records with a host name as the resource record's name
   1616    (e.g. A, AAAA, HINFO, etc.) or contained within the resource record's
   1617    rdata (e.g. SRV, reverse mapping PTR record, etc.) is 120 seconds.
   1619    The recommended TTL value for other Multicast DNS resource records
   1620    is 75 minutes.
   1622    A client with an active outstanding query will issue a query packet
   1623    when one or more of the resource record(s) in its cache is (are) 80%
   1624    of the way to expiry. If the TTL on those records is 75 minutes,
   1625    this ongoing cache maintenance process yields a steady-state query
   1626    rate of one query every 60 minutes.
   1628    Any distributed cache needs a cache coherency protocol. If Multicast
   1629    DNS resource records follow the recommendation and have a TTL of 75
   1630    minutes, that means that stale data could persist in the system for
   1631    a little over an hour. Making the default TTL significantly lower
   1632    would reduce the lifetime of stale data, but would produce too much
   1633    extra traffic on the network. Various techniques are available to
   1634    minimize the impact of such stale data.
   1637 11.1 Cooperating Multicast DNS Responders
   1639    If a Multicast DNS Responder ("A") observes some other Multicast DNS
   1640    Responder ("B") send a Multicast DNS Response packet containing a
   1641    resource record with the same name, rrtype and rrclass as one of A's
   1642    resource records, but different rdata, then:
   1644    o If A's resource record is intended to be a shared resource record,
   1645      then this is no conflict, and no action is required.
   1647    o If A's resource record is intended to be a member of a unique
   1648      resource record set owned solely by that responder, then this
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   1657      is a conflict and MUST be handled as described in Section 10
   1658      "Conflict Resolution".
   1660    If a Multicast DNS Responder ("A") observes some other Multicast DNS
   1661    Responder ("B") send a Multicast DNS Response packet containing a
   1662    resource record with the same name, rrtype and rrclass as one of A's
   1663    resource records, and identical rdata, then:
   1665    o If the TTL of B's resource record given in the packet is at least
   1666      half the true TTL from A's point of view, then no action is
   1667      required.
   1669    o If the TTL of B's resource record given in the packet is less than
   1670      half the true TTL from A's point of view, then A MUST mark its
   1671      record to be announced via multicast. Clients receiving the record
   1672      from B would use the TTL given by B, and hence may delete the
   1673      record sooner than A expects. By sending its own multicast response
   1674      correcting the TTL, A ensures that the record will be retained for
   1675      the desired time.
   1677    These rules allow multiple Multicast DNS Responders to offer the same
   1678    data on the network (perhaps for fault tolerance reasons) without
   1679    conflicting with each other.
   1682 11.2 Goodbye Packets
   1684    In the case where a host knows that certain resource record data is
   1685    about to become invalid (for example when the host is undergoing a
   1686    clean shutdown) the host SHOULD send a gratuitous announcement mDNS
   1687    response packet, giving the same resource record name, rrtype,
   1688    rrclass and rdata, but an RR TTL of zero. This has the effect of
   1689    updating the TTL stored in neighboring hosts' cache entries to zero,
   1690    causing that cache entry to be promptly deleted.
   1692    Clients receiving a Multicast DNS Response with a TTL of zero SHOULD
   1693    NOT immediately delete the record from the cache, but instead record
   1694    a TTL of 1 and then delete the record one second later. In the case
   1695    of multiple Multicast DNS Responders on the network described in
   1696    Section 11.1 above, if one of the Responders shuts down and
   1697    incorrectly sends goodbye packets for its records, it gives the other
   1698    cooperating Responders one second to send out their own response to
   1699    "rescue" the records before they expire and are deleted.
   1702 11.3 Announcements to Flush Outdated Cache Entries
   1704    Whenever a host has a resource record with potentially new data (e.g.
   1705    after rebooting, waking from sleep, connecting to a new network link,
   1706    changing IP address, etc.), the host MUST send a series of gratuitous
   1707    announcements to update cache entries in its neighbor hosts. In
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   1713 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1716    these gratuitous announcements, if the record is one that is intended
   1717    to be unique, the host sets the most significant bit of the rrclass
   1718    field of the resource record. This bit, the "cache flush" bit, tells
   1719    neighboring hosts that this is not a shared record type. Instead of
   1720    merging this new record additively into the cache in addition to any
   1721    previous records with the same name, rrtype and rrclass, all old
   1722    records with that name, type and class that were received more than
   1723    one second ago are declared invalid, and marked to expire from the
   1724    cache in one second.
   1726    The semantics of the cache flush bit are as follows: Normally when a
   1727    resource record appears in the Answer Section of the DNS Response, it
   1728    means, "This is an assertion that this information is true." When a
   1729    resource record appears in the Answer Section of the DNS Response
   1730    with the "cache flush" bit set, it means, "This is an assertion that
   1731    this information is the truth and the whole truth, and anything you
   1732    may have heard more than a second ago regarding records of this
   1733    name/rrtype/rrclass is no longer valid".
   1735    To accommodate the case where the set of records from one host
   1736    constituting a single unique RRSet is too large to fit in a single
   1737    packet, only cache records that are more than one second old are
   1738    flushed. This allows the announcing host to generate a quick burst of
   1739    packets back-to-back on the wire containing all the members
   1740    of the RRSet. When receiving records with the "cache flush" bit set,
   1741    all records older than one second are marked to be deleted one second
   1742    in the future. One second after the end of the little packet burst,
   1743    any records not represented within that packet burst will then be
   1744    expired from all peer caches.
   1746    Any time a host sends a response packet containing some members of a
   1747    unique RRSet, it SHOULD send the entire RRSet, preferably in a single
   1748    packet, or if the entire RRSet will not fit in a single packet, in a
   1749    quick burst of packets sent as close together as possible. The host
   1750    SHOULD set the cache flush bit on all members of the unique RRSet.
   1751    In the event that for some reason the host chooses not to send the
   1752    entire unique RRSet in a single packet or a rapid packet burst,
   1753    it MUST NOT set the cache flush bit on any of those records.
   1755    The reason for waiting one second before deleting stale records from
   1756    the cache is to accommodate bridged networks. For example, a host's
   1757    address record announcement on a wireless interface may be bridged
   1758    onto a wired Ethernet, and cause that same host's Ethernet address
   1759    records to be flushed from peer caches. The one-second delay gives
   1760    the host the chance to see its own announcement arrive on the wired
   1761    Ethernet, and immediately re-announce its Ethernet interface's
   1762    address records so that both sets remain valid and live in peer
   1763    caches.
   1765    These rules apply regardless of *why* the response packet is being
   1766    generated. They apply to startup announcements as described in
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   1775    Section 9.3 "Announcing", and to responses generated as a result
   1776    of receiving query packets.
   1778    The "cache flush" bit is only set in records in the Answer Section of
   1779    Multicast DNS responses sent to UDP port 5353. The "cache flush" bit
   1780    MUST NOT be set in any resource records in a response packet sent in
   1781    legacy unicast responses to UDP ports other than 5353.
   1783    The "cache flush" bit MUST NOT be set in any resource records in the
   1784    known-answer list of any query packet.
   1786    The "cache flush" bit MUST NOT ever be set in any shared resource
   1787    record. To do so would cause all the other shared versions of this
   1788    resource record with different rdata from different Responders to be
   1789    immediately deleted from all the caches on the network.
   1791    The "cache flush" bit does apply to questions listed in the Question
   1792    Section of a Multicast DNS packet. The top bit of the rrclass field
   1793    in questions is used for an entirely different purpose (see Section
   1794    6.5, "Questions Requesting Unicast Responses").
   1796    Note that the "cache flush" bit is NOT part of the resource record
   1797    class. The "cache flush" bit is the most significant bit of the
   1798    second 16-bit word of a resource record in the Answer Section of
   1799    an mDNS packet (the field conventionally referred to as the rrclass
   1800    field), and the actual resource record class is the least-significant
   1801    fifteen bits of this field. There is no mDNS resource record class
   1802    0x8001. The value 0x8001 in the rrclass field of a resource record in
   1803    an mDNS response packet indicates a resource record with class 1,
   1804    with the "cache flush" bit set. When receiving a resource record with
   1805    the "cache flush" bit set, implementations should take care to mask
   1806    off that bit before storing the resource record in memory.
   1809 11.4 Cache Flush on Topology change
   1811    If the hardware on a given host is able to indicate physical changes
   1812    of connectivity, then when the hardware indicates such a change, the
   1813    host should take this information into account in its mDNS cache
   1814    management strategy. For example, a host may choose to immediately
   1815    flush all cache records received on a particular interface when that
   1816    cable is disconnected. Alternatively, a host may choose to adjust the
   1817    remaining TTL on all those records to a few seconds so that if the
   1818    cable is not reconnected quickly, those records will expire from the
   1819    cache.
   1821    Likewise, when a host reboots, or wakes from sleep, or undergoes some
   1822    other similar discontinuous state change, the cache management
   1823    strategy should take that information into account.
   1828 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 31]
   1831 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1834 11.5 Cache Flush on Failure Indication
   1836    Sometimes a cache record can be determined to be stale when a client
   1837    attempts to use the rdata it contains, and finds that rdata to be
   1838    incorrect.
   1840    For example, the rdata in an address record can be determined to be
   1841    incorrect if attempts to contact that host fail, either because
   1842    ARP/ND requests for that address go unanswered (for an address on a
   1843    local subnet) or because a router returns an ICMP "Host Unreachable"
   1844    error (for an address on a remote subnet).
   1846    The rdata in an SRV record can be determined to be incorrect if
   1847    attempts to communicate with the indicated service at the host and
   1848    port number indicated are not successful.
   1850    The rdata in a DNS-SD PTR record can be determined to be incorrect if
   1851    attempts to look up the SRV record it references are not successful.
   1853    In any such case, the software implementing the mDNS resource record
   1854    cache should provide a mechanism so that clients detecting stale
   1855    rdata can inform the cache.
   1857    When the cache receives this hint that it should reconfirm some
   1858    record, it MUST issue two or more queries for the resource record in
   1859    question. If no response is received in a reasonable amount of time,
   1860    then, even though its TTL may indicate that it is not yet due to
   1861    expire, that record SHOULD be promptly flushed from the cache.
   1863    The end result of this is that if a printer suffers a sudden power
   1864    failure or other abrupt disconnection from the network, its name
   1865    may continue to appear in DNS-SD browser lists displayed on users'
   1866    screens. Eventually that entry will expire from the cache naturally,
   1867    but if a user tries to access the printer before that happens, the
   1868    failure to successfully contact the printer will trigger the more
   1869    hasty demise of its cache entries. This is a sensible trade-off
   1870    between good user-experience and good network efficiency. If we were
   1871    to insist that printers should disappear from the printer list within
   1872    30 seconds of becoming unavailable, for all failure modes, the only
   1873    way to achieve this would be for the client to poll the printer at
   1874    least every 30 seconds, or for the printer to announce its presence
   1875    at least every 30 seconds, both of which would be an unreasonable
   1876    burden on most networks.
   1879 11.6 Passive Observation of Failures
   1881    A host observes the multicast queries issued by the other hosts on
   1882    the network. One of the major benefits of also sending responses
   1883    using multicast is that it allows all hosts to see the responses (or
   1884    lack thereof) to those queries.
   1887 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 32]
   1890 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1893    If a host sees queries, for which a record in its cache would be
   1894    expected to be given as an answer in a multicast response, but no
   1895    such answer is seen, then the host may take this as an indication
   1896    that the record may no longer be valid.
   1898    After seeing two or more of these queries, and seeing no multicast
   1899    response containing the expected answer within a reasonable amount of
   1900    time, then even though its TTL may indicate that it is not yet due to
   1901    expire, that record MAY be flushed from the cache. The host SHOULD
   1902    NOT perform its own queries to re-confirm that the record is truly
   1903    gone. If every host on a large network were to do this, it would
   1904    cause a lot of unnecessary multicast traffic. If host A sends
   1905    multicast queries that remain unanswered, then there is no reason
   1906    to suppose that host B or any other host is likely to be any more
   1907    successful.
   1909    The previous section, "Cache Flush on Failure Indication", describes
   1910    a situation where a user trying to print discovers that the printer
   1911    is no longer available. By implementing the passive observation
   1912    described here, when one user fails to contact the printer, all
   1913    hosts on the network observe that failure and update their caches
   1914    accordingly.
   1917 12. Special Characteristics of Multicast DNS Domains
   1919    Unlike conventional DNS names, names that end in ".local." or
   1920    "254.169.in-addr.arpa." have only local significance. The same is
   1921    true of names within the IPv6 Link-Local reverse mapping domains.
   1923    Conventional Unicast DNS seeks to provide a single unified namespace,
   1924    where a given DNS query yields the same answer no matter where on the
   1925    planet it is performed or to which recursive DNS server the query is
   1926    sent. In contrast, each IP link has its own private ".local.",
   1927    "254.169.in-addr.arpa." and IPv6 Link-Local reverse mapping
   1928    namespaces, and the answer to any query for a name within those
   1929    domains depends on where that query is asked. (This characteristic is
   1930    not unique to Multicast DNS. Although the original concept of DNS was
   1931    a single global namespace, in recent years split views, firewalls,
   1932    intranets, and the like have increasingly meant that the answer to a
   1933    given DNS query has become dependent on the location of the querier.)
   1935    Multicast DNS Domains are not delegated from their parent domain via
   1936    use of NS records. There are no NS records anywhere in Multicast DNS
   1937    Domains. Instead, all Multicast DNS Domains are delegated to the IP
   1938    addresses and FF02::FB by virtue of the individual
   1939    organizations producing DNS client software deciding how to handle
   1940    those names. It would be extremely valuable for the industry if this
   1941    special handling were ratified and recorded by IANA, since otherwise
   1942    the special handling provided by each vendor is likely to be
   1943    inconsistent.
   1946 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 33]
   1949 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   1952    The IPv4 name server for a Multicast DNS Domain is The
   1953    IPv6 name server for a Multicast DNS Domain is FF02::FB. These are
   1954    multicast addresses; therefore they identify not a single host but a
   1955    collection of hosts, working in cooperation to maintain some
   1956    reasonable facsimile of a competently managed DNS zone. Conceptually
   1957    a Multicast DNS Domain is a single DNS zone, however its server is
   1958    implemented as a distributed process running on a cluster of loosely
   1959    cooperating CPUs rather than as a single process running on a single
   1960    CPU.
   1962    No delegation is performed within Multicast DNS Domains. Because the
   1963    cluster of loosely coordinated CPUs is cooperating to administer a
   1964    single zone, delegation is neither necessary nor desirable. Just
   1965    because a particular host on the network may answer queries for a
   1966    particular record type with the name "example.local." does not imply
   1967    anything about whether that host will answer for the name
   1968    "child.example.local.", or indeed for other record types with the
   1969    name "example.local."
   1971    Multicast DNS Zones have no SOA record. A conventional DNS zone's
   1972    SOA record contains information such as the email address of the zone
   1973    administrator and the monotonically increasing serial number of the
   1974    last zone modification. There is no single human administrator for
   1975    any given Multicast DNS Zone, so there is no email address. Because
   1976    the hosts managing any given Multicast DNS Zone are only loosely
   1977    coordinated, there is no readily available monotonically increasing
   1978    serial number to determine whether or not the zone contents have
   1979    changed. A host holding part of the shared zone could crash or be
   1980    disconnected from the network at any time without informing the other
   1981    hosts. There is no reliable way to provide a zone serial number that
   1982    would, whenever such a crash or disconnection occurred, immediately
   1983    change to indicate that the contents of the shared zone had changed.
   1985    Zone transfers are not possible for any Multicast DNS Zone.
   1988 13. Multicast DNS for Service Discovery
   1990    This document does not describe using Multicast DNS for network
   1991    browsing or service discovery. However, the mechanisms this document
   1992    describes are compatible with (and support) the browsing and service
   1993    discovery mechanisms proposed in "DNS-Based Service Discovery"
   1994    [DNS-SD].
   1997 14. Enabling and Disabling Multicast DNS
   1999    The option to fail-over to Multicast DNS for names not ending
   2000    in ".local." SHOULD be a user-configured option, and SHOULD
   2001    be disabled by default because of the possible security issues
   2002    related to unintended local resolution of apparently global names.
   2005 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 34]
   2008 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2011    The option to lookup unqualified (relative) names by appending
   2012    ".local." (or not) is controlled by whether ".local." appears
   2013    (or not) in the client's DNS search list.
   2015    No special control is needed for enabling and disabling Multicast DNS
   2016    for names explicitly ending with ".local." as entered by the user.
   2017    The user doesn't need a way to disable Multicast DNS for names ending
   2018    with ".local.", because if the user doesn't want to use Multicast
   2019    DNS, they can achieve this by simply not using those names. If a user
   2020    *does* enter a name ending in ".local.", then we can safely assume
   2021    the user's intention was probably that it should work. Having user
   2022    configuration options that can be (intentionally or unintentionally)
   2023    set so that local names don't work is just one more way of
   2024    frustrating the user's ability to perform the tasks they want,
   2025    perpetuating the view that, "IP networking is too complicated to
   2026    configure and too hard to use." This in turn perpetuates the
   2027    continued use of protocols like AppleTalk. If we want to retire
   2028    AppleTalk, NetBIOS, etc., we need to offer users equivalent IP
   2029    functionality that they can rely on to, "always work, like
   2030    AppleTalk." A little Multicast DNS traffic may be a burden on the
   2031    network, but it is an insignificant burden compared to continued
   2032    widespread use of AppleTalk.
   2035 15. Considerations for Multiple Interfaces
   2037    A host SHOULD defend its host name (FQDN) on all active interfaces on
   2038    which it is answering Multicast DNS queries.
   2040    In the event of a name conflict on *any* interface, a host should
   2041    configure a new host name, if it wishes to maintain uniqueness of its
   2042    host name.
   2044    A host may choose to use the same name for all of its address records
   2045    on all interfaces, or it may choose to manage its Multicast DNS host
   2046    name(s) independently on each interface, potentially answering to
   2047    different names on different interfaces.
   2049    When answering a Multicast DNS query, a multi-homed host with a
   2050    link-local address (or addresses) SHOULD take care to ensure that
   2051    any address going out in a Multicast DNS response is valid for use
   2052    on the interface on which the response is going out.
   2054    Just as the same link-local IP address may validly be in use
   2055    simultaneously on different links by different hosts, the same
   2056    link-local host name may validly be in use simultaneously on
   2057    different links, and this is not an error. A multi-homed host with
   2058    connections to two different links may be able to communicate with
   2059    two different hosts that are validly using the same name. While this
   2060    kind of name duplication should be rare, it means that a host that
   2061    wants to fully support this case needs network programming APIs that
   2062    allow applications to specify on what interface to perform a
   2064 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 35]
   2067 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2070    link-local Multicast DNS query, and to discover on what interface a
   2071    Multicast DNS response was received.
   2073    There is one other special precaution that multi-homed hosts need to
   2074    take. It's common with today's laptop computers to have an Ethernet
   2075    connection and an 802.11 wireless connection active at the same time.
   2076    What the software on the laptop computer can't easily tell is whether
   2077    the wireless connection is in fact bridged onto the same network
   2078    segment as its Ethernet connection. If the two networks are bridged
   2079    together, then packets the host sends on one interface will arrive on
   2080    the other interface a few milliseconds later, and care must be taken
   2081    to ensure that this bridging does not cause problems:
   2083    When the host announces its host name (i.e. its address records) on
   2084    its wireless interface, those announcement records are sent with the
   2085    cache-flush bit set, so when they arrive on the Ethernet segment,
   2086    they will cause all the peers on the Ethernet to flush the host's
   2087    Ethernet address records from their caches. The mDNS protocol has a
   2088    safeguard to protect against this situation: when records are
   2089    received with the cache-flush bit set, other records are not deleted
   2090    from peer caches immediately, but are marked for deletion in one
   2091    second. When the host sees its own wireless address records arrive on
   2092    its Ethernet interface, with the cache-flush bit set, this one-second
   2093    grace period gives the host time to respond and re-announce its
   2094    Ethernet address records, to reinstate those records in peer caches
   2095    before they are deleted.
   2097    As described, this solves one problem, but creates another, because
   2098    when those Ethernet announcement records arrive back on the wireless
   2099    interface, the host would again respond defensively to reinstate its
   2100    wireless records, and this process would continue forever,
   2101    continuously flooding the network with traffic. The mDNS protocol has
   2102    a second safeguard, to solve this problem: the cache-flush bit does
   2103    not apply to records received very recently, within the last second.
   2104    This means that when the host sees its own Ethernet address records
   2105    arrive on its wireless interface, with the cache-flush bit set, it
   2106    knows there's no need to re-announce its wireless address records
   2107    again because it already sent them less than a second ago, and this
   2108    makes them immune from deletion from peer caches.
   2110 16. Considerations for Multiple Responders on the Same Machine
   2112    It is possible to have more than one Multicast DNS Responder and/or
   2113    Querier implementation coexist on the same machine, but there are
   2114    some known issues.
   2116 16.1 Receiving Unicast Responses
   2118    In most operating systems, incoming multicast packets can be
   2119    delivered to *all* open sockets bound to the right port number,
   2120    provided that the clients take the appropriate steps to allow this.
   2121    For this reason, all Multicast DNS implementations SHOULD use the
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   2126 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2129    SO_REUSEPORT and/or SO_REUSEADDR options (or equivalent as
   2130    appropriate for the operating system in question) so they will all be
   2131    able to bind to UDP port 5353 and receive incoming multicast packets
   2132    addressed to that port. However, incoming unicast UDP packets are
   2133    typically delivered only to the first socket to bind to that port.
   2134    This means that "QU" responses and other packets sent via unicast
   2135    will be received only by the first Multicast DNS Responder and/or
   2136    Querier on a system. This limitation can be partially mitigated if
   2137    Multicast DNS implementations detect when they are not the first
   2138    to bind to port 5353, and in that case they do not request "QU"
   2139    responses. One way to detect if there is another Multicast DNS
   2140    implementation already running is to attempt binding to port 5353
   2141    without using SO_REUSEPORT and/or SO_REUSEADDR, and if that fails
   2142    it indicates that some other socket is already bound to this port.
   2145 16.2 Multi-Packet Known-Answer lists
   2147    When a Multicast DNS Querier issues a query with too many known
   2148    answers to fit into a single packet, it divides the known answer list
   2149    into two or more packets. Multicast DNS Responders associate the
   2150    initial truncated query with its continuation packets by examining
   2151    the source IP address in each packet. Since two independent Multicast
   2152    DNS Queriers running on the same machine will be sending packets with
   2153    the same source IP address, from an outside perspective they appear
   2154    to be a single entity. If both Queriers happened to send the same
   2155    multi-packet query at the same time, with different known answer
   2156    lists, then they could each end up suppressing answers that the other
   2157    needs.
   2160 16.3 Efficiency
   2162    If different clients on a machine were to each have their own
   2163    separate independent Multicast DNS implementation, they would lose
   2164    certain efficiency benefits. Apart from the unnecessary code
   2165    duplication, memory usage, and CPU load, the clients wouldn't get the
   2166    benefit of a shared system-wide cache, and they would not be able to
   2167    aggregate separate queries into single packets to reduce network
   2168    traffic.
   2171 16.4 Recommendation
   2173    Because of these issues, this document encourages implementers
   2174    to design systems with a single Multicast DNS implementation that
   2175    provides Multicast DNS services shared by all clients on that
   2176    machine. Due to engineering constraints, there may be situations
   2177    where embedding a Multicast DNS implementation in the client is the
   2178    most expedient solution, and while this will work in practice,
   2179    implementers should be aware of the issues outlined in this section.
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   2185 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2187 17. Multicast DNS and Power Management
   2189    Many modern network devices have the ability to go into a low-power
   2190    mode where only a small part of the Ethernet hardware remains
   2191    powered, and the device can be woken up by sending a specially
   2192    formatted Ethernet frame which the device's power-management hardware
   2193    recognizes.
   2195    To make use of this in conjunction with Multicast DNS, we propose a
   2196    network power management service called Sleep Proxy Service. A device
   2197    that wishes to enter low-power mode first uses DNS-SD to determine if
   2198    Sleep Proxy Service is available on the local network. In some
   2199    networks there may be more than one piece of hardware implementing
   2200    Sleep Proxy Service, for fault-tolerance reasons.
   2202    If the device finds the network has Sleep Proxy Service, the device
   2203    transmits two or more gratuitous mDNS announcements setting the TTL
   2204    of its relevant resource records to zero, to delete them from
   2205    neighboring caches. The relevant resource records include address
   2206    records and SRV records, and other resource records as may apply to a
   2207    particular device. The device then communicates all of its remaining
   2208    active records, plus the names, rrtypes and rrclasses of the deleted
   2209    records, to the Sleep Proxy Service(s), along with a copy of the
   2210    specific "magic packet" required to wake the device up.
   2212    When a Sleep Proxy Service sees an mDNS query for one of the
   2213    device's active records (e.g. a DNS-SD PTR record), it answers on
   2214    behalf of the device without waking it up. When a Sleep Proxy Service
   2215    sees an mDNS query for one of the device's deleted resource
   2216    records, it deduces that some client on the network needs to make an
   2217    active connection to the device, and sends the specified "magic
   2218    packet" to wake the device up. The device then wakes up, reactivates
   2219    its deleted resource records, and re-announces them to the network.
   2220    The client waiting to connect sees the announcements, learns the
   2221    current IP address and port number of the desired service on the
   2222    device, and proceeds to connect to it.
   2224    The connecting client does not need to be aware of how Sleep Proxy
   2225    Service works. Only devices that implement low power mode and wish to
   2226    make use of Sleep Proxy Service need to be aware of how that protocol
   2227    works.
   2229    The reason that a device using a Sleep Proxy Service should send more
   2230    than one goodbye packet is to ensure deletion of the resource records
   2231    from all peer caches. If resource records were to inadvertently
   2232    remain in some peer caches, then those peers may not issue any query
   2233    packets for those records when attempting to access the sleeping
   2234    device, so the Sleep Proxy Service would not receive any queries for
   2235    the device's SRV and/or address records, and the necessary wake-up
   2236    message would not be triggered.
   2238    The full specification of mDNS / DNS-SD Sleep Proxy Service
   2239    is described in another document [not yet published].
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   2244 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2247 18. Multicast DNS Character Set
   2249    Unicast DNS has been plagued by the lack of any support for non-US
   2250    characters. Indeed, conventional DNS is usually limited to just
   2251    letters, digits and hyphens, with no spaces or other punctuation.
   2252    Attempts to remedy this for unicast DNS have been badly constrained
   2253    by the need to accommodate old buggy legacy DNS implementations.
   2254    In reality, the DNS specification actually imposes no limits on what
   2255    characters may be used in names, and good DNS implementations handle
   2256    any arbitrary eight-bit data without trouble. However, the old rules
   2257    for ARPANET host names back in the 1980s required names to be just
   2258    letters, digits, and hyphens [RFC 1034], and since the predominant
   2259    use of DNS is to store host address records, many have assumed that
   2260    the DNS protocol itself suffers from the same limitation. It would be
   2261    more accurate to say that certain bad implementations may not handle
   2262    eight-bit data correctly, not that the protocol doesn't support it.
   2264    Multicast DNS is a new protocol and doesn't (yet) have old buggy
   2265    legacy implementations to constrain the design choices. Accordingly,
   2266    it adopts the simple obvious elegant solution: all names in Multicast
   2267    DNS are encoded using precomposed UTF-8 [RFC 3629]. The characters
   2268    SHOULD conform to Unicode Normalization Form C (NFC) [UAX15]: Use
   2269    precomposed characters instead of combining sequences where possible,
   2270    e.g. use U+00C4 ("Latin capital letter A with diaeresis") instead of
   2271    U+0041 U+0308 ("Latin capital letter A", "combining diaeresis").
   2273    Some users of 16-bit Unicode have taken to stuffing a "zero-width
   2274    non-breaking space" character (U+FEFF) at the start of each UTF-16
   2275    file, as a hint to identify whether the data is big-endian or
   2276    little-endian, and calling it a "Byte Order Mark" (BOM). Since there
   2277    is only one possible byte order for UTF-8 data, a BOM is neither
   2278    necessary nor permitted. Multicast DNS names MUST NOT contain a "Byte
   2279    Order Mark". Any occurrence of the Unicode character U+FEFF at the
   2280    start or anywhere else in a Multicast DNS name MUST be interpreted as
   2281    being an actual intended part of the name, representing (just as for
   2282    any other legal unicode value) an actual literal instance of that
   2283    character (in this case a zero-width non-breaking space character).
   2285    For names that are restricted to letters, digits and hyphens, the
   2286    UTF-8 encoding is identical to the US-ASCII encoding, so this is
   2287    entirely compatible with existing host names. For characters outside
   2288    the US-ASCII range, UTF-8 encoding is used.
   2290    Multicast DNS implementations MUST NOT use any other encodings apart
   2291    from precomposed UTF-8 (US-ASCII being considered a compatible subset
   2292    of UTF-8).
   2294    This point bears repeating: After many years of debate, as a
   2295    result of the need to accommodate certain DNS implementations that
   2296    apparently couldn't handle any character that's not a letter, digit
   2297    or hyphen (and apparently never will be updated to remedy this
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   2303 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2306    limitation) the unicast DNS community settled on an extremely baroque
   2307    encoding called "Punycode" [RFC 3492]. Punycode is a remarkably
   2308    ingenious encoding solution, but it is complicated, hard to
   2309    understand, and hard to implement, using sophisticated techniques
   2310    including insertion unsort coding, generalized variable-length
   2311    integers, and bias adaptation. The resulting encoding is remarkably
   2312    compact given the constraints, but it's still not as good as simple
   2313    straightforward UTF-8, and it's hard even to predict whether a given
   2314    input string will encode to a Punycode string that fits within DNS's
   2315    63-byte limit, except by simply trying the encoding and seeing
   2316    whether it fits. Indeed, the encoded size depends not only on the
   2317    input characters, but on the order they appear, so the same set of
   2318    characters may or may not encode to a legal Punycode string that fits
   2319    within DNS's 63-byte limit, depending on the order the characters
   2320    appear. This is extremely hard to present in a user interface that
   2321    explains to users why one name is allowed, but another name
   2322    containing the exact same characters is not. Neither Punycode nor any
   2323    other of the "Ascii Compatible Encodings" proposed for Unicast DNS
   2324    may be used in Multicast DNS packets. Any text being represented
   2325    internally in some other representation MUST be converted to
   2326    canonical precomposed UTF-8 before being placed in any Multicast DNS
   2327    packet.
   2329    The simple rules for case-insensitivity in Unicast DNS also apply in
   2330    Multicast DNS; that is to say, in name comparisons, the lower-case
   2331    letters "a" to "z" (0x61 to 0x7A) match their upper-case equivalents
   2332    "A" to "Z" (0x41 to 0x5A). Hence, if a client issues a query for an
   2333    address record with the name "cheshire.local", then a responder
   2334    having an address record with the name "Cheshire.local" should
   2335    issue a response. No other automatic equivalences should be assumed.
   2336    In particular all UTF-8 multi-byte characters (codes 0x80 and higher)
   2337    are compared by simple binary comparison of the raw byte values.
   2338    Accented characters are *not* defined to be automatically equivalent
   2339    to their unaccented counterparts. Where automatic equivalences are
   2340    desired, this may be achieved through the use of programmatically-
   2341    generated CNAME records. For example, if a responder has an address
   2342    record for an accented name Y, and a client issues a query for a name
   2343    X, where X is the same as Y with all the accents removed, then the
   2344    responder may issue a response containing two resource records:
   2345    A CNAME record "X CNAME Y", asserting that the requested name X
   2346    (unaccented) is an alias for the true (accented) name Y, followed
   2347    by the address record for Y.
   2359 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 40]
   2362 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2365 19. Multicast DNS Message Size
   2367    RFC 1035 restricts DNS Messages carried by UDP to no more than 512
   2368    bytes (not counting the IP or UDP headers) [RFC 1035]. For UDP
   2369    packets carried over the wide-area Internet in 1987, this was
   2370    appropriate. For link-local multicast packets on today's networks,
   2371    there is no reason to retain this restriction. Given that the packets
   2372    are by definition link-local, there are no Path MTU issues to
   2373    consider.
   2375    Multicast DNS Messages carried by UDP may be up to the IP MTU of the
   2376    physical interface, less the space required for the IP header (20
   2377    bytes for IPv4; 40 bytes for IPv6) and the UDP header (8 bytes).
   2379    In the case of a single mDNS Resource Record which is too large to
   2380    fit in a single MTU-sized multicast response packet, a Multicast DNS
   2381    Responder SHOULD send the Resource Record alone, in a single IP
   2382    datagram, sent using multiple IP fragments. Resource Records this
   2383    large SHOULD be avoided, except in the very rare cases where they
   2384    really are the appropriate solution to the problem at hand.
   2385    Implementers should be aware that many simple devices do not
   2386    re-assemble fragmented IP datagrams, so large Resource Records
   2387    SHOULD NOT be used except in specialized cases where the implementer
   2388    knows that all receivers implement reassembly.
   2390    A Multicast DNS packet larger than the interface MTU, which is sent
   2391    using fragments, MUST NOT contain more than one Resource Record.
   2393    Even when fragmentation is used, a Multicast DNS packet, including IP
   2394    and UDP headers, MUST NOT exceed 9000 bytes.
   2418 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 41]
   2421 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2424 20. Multicast DNS Message Format
   2426    This section describes specific restrictions on the allowable
   2427    values for the header fields of a Multicast DNS message.
   2430 20.1 ID (Query Identifier)
   2432    Multicast DNS clients SHOULD listen for gratuitous responses
   2433    issued by hosts booting up (or waking up from sleep or otherwise
   2434    joining the network). Since these gratuitous responses may contain a
   2435    useful answer to a question for which the client is currently
   2436    awaiting an answer, Multicast DNS clients SHOULD examine all received
   2437    Multicast DNS response messages for useful answers, without regard to
   2438    the contents of the ID field or the Question Section. In Multicast
   2439    DNS, knowing which particular query message (if any) is responsible
   2440    for eliciting a particular response message is less interesting than
   2441    knowing whether the response message contains useful information.
   2443    Multicast DNS clients MAY cache any or all Multicast DNS response
   2444    messages they receive, for possible future use, provided of course
   2445    that normal TTL aging is performed on these cached resource records.
   2447    In multicast query messages, the Query ID SHOULD be set to zero on
   2448    transmission.
   2450    In multicast responses, including gratuitous multicast responses, the
   2451    Query ID MUST be set to zero on transmission, and MUST be ignored on
   2452    reception.
   2454    In unicast response messages generated specifically in response to a
   2455    particular (unicast or multicast) query, the Query ID MUST match the
   2456    ID from the query message.
   2459 20.2 QR (Query/Response) Bit
   2461    In query messages, MUST be zero.
   2462    In response messages, MUST be one.
   2465 20.3 OPCODE
   2467    In both multicast query and multicast response messages, MUST be zero
   2468    (only standard queries are currently supported over multicast, unless
   2469    other queries are allowed by future IETF Standards Action).
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   2480 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2483 20.4 AA (Authoritative Answer) Bit
   2485    In query messages, the Authoritative Answer bit MUST be zero on
   2486    transmission, and MUST be ignored on reception.
   2488    In response messages for Multicast Domains, the Authoritative Answer
   2489    bit MUST be set to one (not setting this bit implies there's some
   2490    other place where "better" information may be found) and MUST be
   2491    ignored on reception.
   2494 20.5 TC (Truncated) Bit
   2496    In query messages, if the TC bit is set, it means that additional
   2497    Known Answer records may be following shortly. A responder MAY choose
   2498    to record this fact, and wait for those additional Known Answer
   2499    records, before deciding whether to respond. If the TC bit is clear,
   2500    it means that the querying host has no additional Known Answers.
   2502    In multicast response messages, the TC bit MUST be zero on
   2503    transmission, and MUST be ignored on reception.
   2505    In legacy unicast response messages, the TC bit has the same meaning
   2506    as in conventional unicast DNS: it means that the response was too
   2507    large to fit in a single packet, so the client SHOULD re-issue its
   2508    query using TCP in order to receive the larger response.
   2511 20.6 RD (Recursion Desired) Bit
   2513    In both multicast query and multicast response messages, the
   2514    Recursion Desired bit SHOULD be zero on transmission, and MUST be
   2515    ignored on reception.
   2518 20.7 RA (Recursion Available) Bit
   2520    In both multicast query and multicast response messages, the
   2521    Recursion Available bit MUST be zero on transmission, and MUST be
   2522    ignored on reception.
   2525 20.8 Z (Zero) Bit
   2527    In both query and response messages, the Zero bit MUST be zero on
   2528    transmission, and MUST be ignored on reception.
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   2539 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2542 20.9 AD (Authentic Data) Bit [RFC 2535]
   2544    In query messages the Authentic Data bit MUST be zero on
   2545    transmission, and MUST be ignored on reception.
   2547    In response messages, the Authentic Data bit MAY be set. Resolvers
   2548    receiving response messages with the AD bit set MUST NOT trust the AD
   2549    bit unless they trust the source of the message and either have a
   2550    secure path to it or use DNS transaction security.
   2553 20.10 CD (Checking Disabled) Bit [RFC 2535]
   2555    In query messages, a resolver willing to do cryptography SHOULD set
   2556    the Checking Disabled bit to permit it to impose its own policies.
   2558    In response messages, the Checking Disabled bit MUST be zero on
   2559    transmission, and MUST be ignored on reception.
   2562 20.11 RCODE (Response Code)
   2564    In both multicast query and multicast response messages, the Response
   2565    Code MUST be zero on transmission. Multicast DNS messages received
   2566    with non-zero Response Codes MUST be silently ignored.
   2569 20.12 Repurposing of top bit of qclass in Question Section
   2571    In the Question Section of a Multicast DNS Query, the top bit of the
   2572    qclass field is used to indicate that unicast responses are preferred
   2573    for this particular question.
   2576 20.13 Repurposing of top bit of rrclass in Answer Section
   2578    In the Answer Section of a Multicast DNS Response, the top bit of the
   2579    rrclass field is used to indicate that the record is a member of a
   2580    unique RRSet, and the entire RRSet has been sent together (in the
   2581    same packet, or in consecutive packets if there are too many records
   2582    to fit in a single packet).
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   2598 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2601 21. Choice of UDP Port Number
   2603    Arguments were made for and against using Multicast on UDP port 53.
   2604    The final decision was to use UDP port 5353. Some of the arguments
   2605    for and against are given below.
   2608 21.1 Arguments for using UDP port 53:
   2610    * This is "just DNS", so it should be the same port.
   2612    * There is less work to be done updating old clients to do simple
   2613      mDNS queries. Only the destination address need be changed.
   2614      In some cases, this can be achieved without any code changes,
   2615      just by adding the address to a configuration file.
   2618 21.2 Arguments for using a different port (UDP port 5353):
   2620    * This is not "just DNS". This is a DNS-like protocol, but different.
   2622    * Changing client code to use a different port number is not hard.
   2624    * Using the same port number makes it hard to run an mDNS Responder
   2625      and a conventional unicast DNS server on the same machine. If a
   2626      conventional unicast DNS server wishes to implement mDNS as well,
   2627      it can still do that, by opening two sockets. Having two different
   2628      port numbers is important to allow this flexibility.
   2630    * Some VPN software hijacks all outgoing traffic to port 53 and
   2631      redirects it to a special DNS server set up to serve those VPN
   2632      clients while they are connected to the corporate network. It is
   2633      questionable whether this is the right thing to do, but it is
   2634      common, and redirecting link-local multicast DNS packets to a
   2635      remote server rarely produces any useful results. It does mean,
   2636      for example, that the user becomes unable to access their local
   2637      network printer sitting on their desk right next to their computer.
   2638      Using a different UDP port eliminates this particular problem.
   2640    * On many operating systems, unprivileged clients may not send or
   2641      receive packets on low-numbered ports. This means that any client
   2642      sending or receiving mDNS packets on port 53 would have to run
   2643      as "root", which is an undesirable security risk. Using a higher-
   2644      numbered UDP port eliminates this particular problem.
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   2657 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2660 22. Summary of Differences Between Multicast DNS and Unicast DNS
   2662    The value of Multicast DNS is that it shares, as much as possible,
   2663    the familiar APIs, naming syntax, resource record types, etc., of
   2664    Unicast DNS. There are of course necessary differences by virtue of
   2665    it using Multicast, and by virtue of it operating in a community of
   2666    cooperating peers, rather than a precisely defined authoritarian
   2667    hierarchy controlled by a strict chain of formal delegations from the
   2668    top. These differences are listed below:
   2670    Multicast DNS...
   2671    * uses multicast
   2672    * uses UDP port 5353 instead of port 53
   2673    * operates in well-defined parts of the DNS namespace
   2674    * uses UTF-8, and only UTF-8, to encode resource record names
   2675    * defines a clear limit on the maximum legal domain name (255 bytes)
   2676    * allows larger UDP packets
   2677    * allows more than one question in a query packet
   2678    * uses the Answer Section of a query to list Known Answers
   2679    * uses the TC bit in a query to indicate additional Known Answers
   2680    * uses the Authority Section of a query for probe tie-breaking
   2681    * ignores the Query ID field (except for generating legacy responses)
   2682    * doesn't require the question to be repeated in the response packet
   2683    * uses gratuitous responses to announce new records to the peer group
   2684    * defines a "unicast response" bit in the rrclass of query questions
   2685    * defines a "cache flush" bit in the rrclass of response answers
   2686    * uses DNS TTL 0 to indicate that a record has been deleted
   2687    * monitors queries to perform Duplicate Question Suppression
   2688    * monitors responses to perform Duplicate Answer Suppression...
   2689    * ... and Ongoing Conflict Detection
   2690    * ... and Opportunistic Caching
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   2716 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2718 23. Benefits of Multicast Responses
   2720    Some people have argued that sending responses via multicast is
   2721    inefficient on the network. In fact using multicast responses results
   2722    in a net lowering of overall multicast traffic, for a variety of
   2723    reasons, in addition to other benefits.
   2725    * One multicast response can update the cache on all machines on the
   2726      network. If another machine later wants to issue the same query, it
   2727      already has the answer in its cache, so it may not need to even
   2728      transmit that multicast query on the network at all.
   2730    * When more than one machine has the same ongoing long-lived query
   2731      running, every machine does not have to transmit its own
   2732      independent query. When one machine transmits a query, all the
   2733      other hosts see the answers, so they can suppress their own
   2734      queries.
   2736    * When a host sees a multicast query, but does not see the corres-
   2737      ponding multicast response, it can use this information to promptly
   2738      delete stale data from its cache. To achieve the same level of
   2739      user-interface quality and responsiveness without multicast
   2740      responses would require lower cache lifetimes and more frequent
   2741      network polling, resulting in a significantly higher packet rate.
   2743    * Multicast responses allow passive conflict detection. Without this
   2744      ability, some other conflict detection mechanism would be needed,
   2745      imposing its own additional burden on the network.
   2747    * When using delayed responses to reduce network collisions, clients
   2748      need to maintain a list recording to whom each answer should be
   2749      sent. The option of multicast responses allows clients with limited
   2750      storage, which cannot store an arbitrarily long list of response
   2751      addresses, to choose to fail-over to a single multicast response in
   2752      place of multiple unicast responses, when appropriate.
   2754    * In the case of overlayed subnets, multicast responses allow a
   2755      receiver to know with certainty that a response originated on the
   2756      local link, even when its source address may apparently suggest
   2757      otherwise.
   2759    * Link-local multicast transcends virtually every conceivable network
   2760      misconfiguration. Even if you have a collection of devices where
   2761      every device's IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS
   2762      server address are all wrong, packets sent by any of those devices
   2763      addressed to a link-local multicast destination address will still
   2764      be delivered to all peers on the local link. This can be extremely
   2765      helpful when diagnosing and rectifying network problems, since
   2766      it facilitates a direct communication channel between client and
   2767      server that works without reliance on ARP, IP routing tables, etc.
   2768      Being able to discover what IP address a device has (or thinks it
   2769      has) is frequently a very valuable first step in diagnosing why it
   2770      is unable to communicate on the local network.
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   2775 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2778 24. IPv6 Considerations
   2780    An IPv4-only host and an IPv6-only host behave as "ships that pass in
   2781    the night". Even if they are on the same Ethernet, neither is aware
   2782    of the other's traffic. For this reason, each physical link may have
   2783    *two* unrelated ".local." zones, one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.
   2784    Since for practical purposes, a group of IPv4-only hosts and a group
   2785    of IPv6-only hosts on the same Ethernet act as if they were on two
   2786    entirely separate Ethernet segments, it is unsurprising that their
   2787    use of the ".local." zone should occur exactly as it would if
   2788    they really were on two entirely separate Ethernet segments.
   2790    A dual-stack (v4/v6) host can participate in both ".local."
   2791    zones, and should register its name(s) and perform its lookups both
   2792    using IPv4 and IPv6. This enables it to reach, and be reached by,
   2793    both IPv4-only and IPv6-only hosts. In effect this acts like a
   2794    multi-homed host, with one connection to the logical "IPv4 Ethernet
   2795    segment", and a connection to the logical "IPv6 Ethernet segment".
   2798 24.1 IPv6 Multicast Addresses by Hashing
   2800    Some discovery protocols use a range of multicast addresses, and
   2801    determine the address to be used by a hash function of the name being
   2802    sought. Queries are sent via multicast to the address as indicated by
   2803    the hash function, and responses are returned to the querier via
   2804    unicast. Particularly in IPv6, where multicast addresses are
   2805    extremely plentiful, this approach is frequently advocated.
   2807    There are some problems with this:
   2809    * When a host has a large number of records with different names, the
   2810      host may have to join a large number of multicast groups. This can
   2811      place undue burden on the Ethernet hardware, which typically
   2812      supports a limited number of multicast addresses efficiently. When
   2813      this number is exceeded, the Ethernet hardware may have to resort
   2814      to receiving all multicasts and passing them up to the host
   2815      software for filtering, thereby defeating the point of using a
   2816      multicast address range in the first place.
   2818    * Multiple questions cannot be placed in one packet if they don't all
   2819      hash to the same multicast address.
   2821    * Duplicate Question Suppression doesn't work if queriers are not
   2822      seeing each other's queries.
   2824    * Duplicate Answer Suppression doesn't work if responders are not
   2825      seeing each other's responses.
   2827    * Opportunistic Caching doesn't work.
   2829    * Ongoing Conflict Detection doesn't work.
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   2834 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2837 25. Security Considerations
   2839    The algorithm for detecting and resolving name conflicts is, by its
   2840    very nature, an algorithm that assumes cooperating participants. Its
   2841    purpose is to allow a group of hosts to arrive at a mutually disjoint
   2842    set of host names and other DNS resource record names, in the absence
   2843    of any central authority to coordinate this or mediate disputes. In
   2844    the absence of any higher authority to resolve disputes, the only
   2845    alternative is that the participants must work together cooperatively
   2846    to arrive at a resolution.
   2848    In an environment where the participants are mutually antagonistic
   2849    and unwilling to cooperate, other mechanisms are appropriate, like
   2850    manually administered DNS.
   2852    In an environment where there is a group of cooperating participants,
   2853    but there may be other antagonistic participants on the same physical
   2854    link, the cooperating participants need to use IPSEC signatures
   2855    and/or DNSSEC [RFC 2535] signatures so that they can distinguish mDNS
   2856    messages from trusted participants (which they process as usual) from
   2857    mDNS messages from untrusted participants (which they silently
   2858    discard).
   2860    When DNS queries for *global* DNS names are sent to the mDNS
   2861    multicast address (during network outages which disrupt communication
   2862    with the greater Internet) it is *especially* important to use
   2863    DNSSEC, because the user may have the impression that he or she is
   2864    communicating with some authentic host, when in fact he or she is
   2865    really communicating with some local host that is merely masquerading
   2866    as that name. This is less critical for names ending with ".local.",
   2867    because the user should be aware that those names have only local
   2868    significance and no global authority is implied.
   2870    Most computer users neglect to type the trailing dot at the end of a
   2871    fully qualified domain name, making it a relative domain name (e.g.
   2872    "www.example.com"). In the event of network outage, attempts to
   2873    positively resolve the name as entered will fail, resulting in
   2874    application of the search list, including ".local.", if present.
   2875    A malicious host could masquerade as "www.example.com" by answering
   2876    the resulting Multicast DNS query for "www.example.com.local."
   2877    To avoid this, a host MUST NOT append the search suffix
   2878    ".local.", if present, to any relative (partially qualified)
   2879    host name containing two or more labels. Appending ".local." to
   2880    single-label relative host names is acceptable, since the user
   2881    should have no expectation that a single-label host name will
   2882    resolve as-is.
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   2893 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2896 26. IANA Considerations
   2898    IANA has allocated the IPv4 link-local multicast address
   2899    for the use described in this document.
   2901    IANA has allocated the IPv6 multicast address set FF0X::FB for the
   2902    use described in this document. Only address FF02::FB (Link-Local
   2903    Scope) is currently in use by deployed software, but it is possible
   2904    that in future implementers may experiment with Multicast DNS using
   2905    larger-scoped addresses, such as FF05::FB (Site-Local Scope).
   2907    When this document is published, IANA should designate a list of
   2908    domains which are deemed to have only link-local significance, as
   2909    described in Section 12 of this document ("Special Characteristics of
   2910    Multicast DNS Domains").
   2912    The re-use of the top bit of the rrclass field in the Question and
   2913    Answer Sections means that Multicast DNS can only carry DNS records
   2914    with classes in the range 0-32767. Classes in the range 32768 to
   2915    65535 are incompatible with Multicast DNS. However, since to-date
   2916    only three DNS classes have been assigned by IANA (1, 3 and 4),
   2917    and only one (1, "Internet") is actually in widespread use, this
   2918    limitation is likely to remain a purely theoretical one.
   2920    No other IANA services are required by this document.
   2923 27. Acknowledgments
   2925    The concepts described in this document have been explored, developed
   2926    and implemented with help from Freek Dijkstra, Erik Guttman, Paul
   2927    Vixie, Bill Woodcock, and others.
   2929    Special thanks go to Bob Bradley, Josh Graessley, Scott Herscher,
   2930    Roger Pantos and Kiren Sekar for their significant contributions.
   2933 28. Deployment History
   2935    Multicast DNS client software first became available to the public
   2936    in Mac OS 9 in 2001. Multicast DNS Responder software first began
   2937    shipping to end users in large volumes (i.e. millions) with the
   2938    launch of Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar in August 2002, and became available
   2939    for Microsoft Windows users with the launch of Apple's "Rendezvous
   2940    for Windows" (now "Bonjour for Windows") in June 2004.
   2942    Apple released the source code for the mDNSResponder daemon as Open
   2943    Source in September 2002, first under Apple's standard Apple Public
   2944    Source License, and then later, in August 2006, under the Apache
   2945    License, Version 2.0.
   2949 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 50]
   2952 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   2955    In addition to desktop and laptop computers running Mac OS X and
   2956    Microsoft Windows, Multicast DNS is implemented in a wide range of
   2957    hardware devices, such as Apple's "AirPort Extreme" and "AirPort
   2958    Express" wireless base stations, home gateways from other vendors,
   2959    network printers, network cameras, TiVo DVRs, etc.
   2961    The Open Source community has produced many independent
   2962    implementations of Multicast DNS, some in C like Apple's
   2963    mDNSResponder daemon, and others in a variety of different languages
   2964    including Java, Python, Perl, and C#/Mono.
   2967 29. Copyright Notice
   2969    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006).
   2971    This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   2972    contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   2973    retain all their rights. For the purposes of this document,
   2974    the term "BCP 78" refers exclusively to RFC 3978, "IETF Rights
   2975    in Contributions", published March 2005.
   2977    This document and the information contained herein are provided on an
   2986 30. Normative References
   2988    [RFC 1034] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Concepts and
   2989               Facilities", STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.
   2991    [RFC 1035] Mockapetris, P., "Domain Names - Implementation and
   2992               Specifications", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.
   2994    [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
   2995               Requirement Levels", RFC 2119, March 1997.
   2997    [RFC 3629] Yergeau, F., "UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO
   2998               10646", RFC 3629, November 2003.
   3000    [UAX15]    "Unicode Normalization Forms"
   3001               http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/
   3008 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 51]
   3011 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   3014 31. Informative References
   3016    [dotlocal] <http://www.dotlocal.org/>
   3018    [djbdl]    <http://cr.yp.to/djbdns/dot-local.html>
   3020    [DNS-SD]   Cheshire, S., and M. Krochmal, "DNS-Based Service
   3021               Discovery", Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   3022               draft-cheshire-dnsext-dns-sd-04.txt, August 2006.
   3024    [IEEE802]  IEEE Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Networks:
   3025               Overview and Architecture.
   3026               Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers,
   3027               IEEE Standard 802, 1990.
   3029    [NBP]      Cheshire, S., and M. Krochmal,
   3030               "Requirements for a Protocol to Replace AppleTalk NBP",
   3031               Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   3032               draft-cheshire-dnsext-nbp-05.txt, August 2006.
   3034    [RFC 2136] Vixie, P., et al., "Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name
   3035               System (DNS UPDATE)", RFC 2136, April 1997.
   3037    [RFC 2462] S. Thomson and T. Narten, "IPv6 Stateless Address
   3038               Autoconfiguration", RFC 2462, December 1998.
   3040    [RFC 2535] Eastlake, D., "Domain Name System Security Extensions",
   3041               RFC 2535, March 1999.
   3043    [RFC 2606] Eastlake, D., and A. Panitz, "Reserved Top Level DNS
   3044               Names", RFC 2606, June 1999.
   3046    [RFC 2860] Carpenter, B., Baker, F. and M. Roberts, "Memorandum
   3047               of Understanding Concerning the Technical Work of the
   3048               Internet Assigned Numbers Authority", RFC 2860, June
   3049               2000.
   3051    [RFC 3492] Costello, A., "Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of
   3052               Unicode for use with Internationalized Domain Names
   3053               in Applications (IDNA)", RFC 3492, March 2003.
   3055    [RFC 3927] Cheshire, S., B. Aboba, and E. Guttman,
   3056               "Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses",
   3057               RFC 3927, May 2005.
   3059    [ZC]       Williams, A., "Requirements for Automatic Configuration
   3060               of IP Hosts", Internet-Draft (work in progress),
   3061               draft-ietf-zeroconf-reqts-12.txt, September 2002.
   3067 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 52]
   3070 Internet Draft               Multicast DNS              10th August 2006
   3073 32. Authors' Addresses
   3075    Stuart Cheshire
   3076    Apple Computer, Inc.
   3077    1 Infinite Loop
   3078    Cupertino
   3079    California 95014
   3080    USA
   3082    Phone: +1 408 974 3207
   3083    EMail: rfc [at] stuartcheshire [dot] org
   3086    Marc Krochmal
   3087    Apple Computer, Inc.
   3088    1 Infinite Loop
   3089    Cupertino
   3090    California 95014
   3091    USA
   3093    Phone: +1 408 974 4368
   3094    EMail: marc [at] apple [dot] com
   3126 Expires 10th February 2007       Cheshire & Krochmal           [Page 53]