1 * Release checklist 2 3 - Version number in coverage/version.py 4 version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'alpha', 1) 5 version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'beta', 1) 6 version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'candidate', 1) 7 version_info = (4, 0, 2, 'final', 0) 8 - Python version number in classifiers in setup.py 9 - Copyright date in NOTICE.txt 10 - Update CHANGES.rst, including release date. 11 - Update README.rst, including "New in x.y:" 12 - Update docs 13 - Version, date, and changes in doc/changes.rst 14 - Version and date in doc/index.rst 15 - Version and copyright date in doc/conf.py 16 - Don't forget the man page: doc/python-coverage.1.txt 17 - Done with changes to source files, check them in. 18 - Generate new sample_html to get the latest, incl footer version number: 19 pip install -e . 20 cd ~/cog/trunk 21 rm -rf htmlcov 22 coverage run --branch --source=cogapp -m nose cogapp/test_cogapp.py:CogTestsInMemory 23 coverage combine 24 coverage html 25 - IF BETA: 26 rm -f ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html_beta/*.* 27 cp -r htmlcov/ ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html_beta/ 28 - ELSE: 29 rm -f ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html/*.* 30 cp -r htmlcov/ ~/coverage/trunk/doc/sample_html/ 31 cd ~/coverage/trunk 32 check in the new sample html 33 - IF BETA: 34 - Build and publish docs: 35 $ make publishbeta 36 - ELSE: 37 - Build and publish docs: 38 $ make publish 39 - Kits: 40 - Source kit: 41 - $ make clean kit 42 - Wheels 43 - $ make wheel 44 - Windows kits 45 - $ hg push 46 - wait about an hour for Appveyor to build kits. 47 - $ make download_appveyor 48 - examine the dist directory, and remove anything that looks malformed. 49 - Update PyPi: 50 - $ make pypi 51 - upload kits: 52 - $ make kit_upload 53 - Visit http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=pkg_edit&name=coverage : 54 - show/hide the proper versions. 55 - Tag the tree 56 - hg tag -m "Coverage 3.0.1" coverage-3.0.1 57 - Update nedbatchelder.com 58 - Blog post? 59 - Update readthedocs 60 - visit https://readthedocs.org/projects/coverage/versions/ 61 - find the latest tag in the inactive list, edit it, make it active. 62 - IF NOT BETA: 63 - visit https://readthedocs.org/dashboard/coverage/advanced/ 64 - change the default version to the new version 65 - Update bitbucket: 66 - Issue tracker should get new version number in picker. 67 # Note: don't delete old version numbers: it marks changes on the tickets 68 # with that number. 69 - Announce on coveragepy-announce (a] googlegroups.com . 70 - Announce on TIP. 71 72 73 * Building 74 75 - Create PythonXX\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg:: 76 [build] 77 compiler = mingw32 78 79 * Testing 80 81 - Testing of Python code is handled by tox. 82 - Create and activate a virtualenv 83 - pip install -r requirements/dev.pip 84 - $ tox 85 86 - For complete coverage testing: 87 88 $ make metacov 89 90 This will run coverage.py under its own measurement. You can do this in 91 different environments (Linux vs. Windows, for example), then copy the data 92 files (.metacov.*) to one machine for combination and reporting. To 93 combine and report: 94 95 $ make metahtml 96 97 - To run the Javascript tests: 98 99 open tests/js/index.html in variety of browsers. 100