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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2012 Google, Inc.
      3  * Copyright (C) 2012 Square, Inc.
      4  *
      5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8  *
      9  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10  *
     11  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15  * limitations under the License.
     16  */
     17 package dagger;
     19 /**
     20  * A handle to a lazily-computed value. Each {@code Lazy} computes its value on
     21  * the first call to {@code get()} and remembers that same value for all
     22  * subsequent calls to {@code get()}.
     23  *
     24  * <p>{@code null} is not a supported value.  Implementations of {@code Lazy}
     25  * are expected to throw {@link NullPointerException} if the computed value is
     26  * {@code null}.
     27  *
     28  * <h2>Example</h2>
     29  * The differences between <strong>direct injection</strong>, <strong>provider
     30  * injection</strong> and <strong>lazy injection</strong> are best demonstrated
     31  * with an example. Start with a module that computes a different integer for
     32  * each use:<pre><code>
     33  *   {@literal @Module}
     34  *   final class CounterModule {
     35  *     int next = 100;
     36  *
     37  *     {@literal @Provides} Integer provideInteger() {
     38  *       System.out.println("computing...");
     39  *       return next++;
     40  *     }
     41  *   }
     42  * </code></pre>
     43  *
     44  * <h3>Direct Injection</h3>
     45  * This class injects that integer and prints it 3 times:<pre><code>
     46  *   final class DirectCounter {
     47  *     {@literal @Inject} Integer value;
     48  *
     49  *     void print() {
     50  *       System.out.println("printing...");
     51  *       System.out.println(value);
     52  *       System.out.println(value);
     53  *       System.out.println(value);
     54  *     }
     55  *   }
     56  * </code></pre>
     57  * Injecting a {@code DirectCounter} and invoking {@code print()} reveals that
     58  * the value is computed <i>before</i> it is required:<pre><code>
     59  *   computing...
     60  *   printing...
     61  *   100
     62  *   100
     63  *   100
     64  * </code></pre>
     65  *
     66  * <h3>Provider Injection</h3>
     67  * This class injects a {@linkplain javax.inject.Provider provider} for the
     68  * integer. It calls {@code Provider.get()} 3 times and prints each result:
     69  * <pre><code>
     70  *   final class ProviderCounter {
     71  *     {@literal @Inject Provider<Integer> provider;}
     72  *
     73  *     void print() {
     74  *       System.out.println("printing...");
     75  *       System.out.println(provider.get());
     76  *       System.out.println(provider.get());
     77  *       System.out.println(provider.get());
     78  *     }
     79  *   }
     80  * </code></pre>
     81  * Injecting a {@code ProviderCounter} and invoking {@code print()} shows that
     82  * a new value is computed each time {@code Provider.get()} is used:<pre><code>
     83  *   printing...
     84  *   computing...
     85  *   100
     86  *   computing...
     87  *   101
     88  *   computing...
     89  *   102
     90  * </code></pre>
     91  *
     92  * <h3>Lazy Injection</h3>
     93  * This class injects a {@code Lazy} for the integer. Like the provider above,
     94  * it calls {@code Lazy.get()} 3 times and prints each result:<pre><code>
     95  *   final class LazyCounter {
     96  *     {@literal @Inject Lazy<Integer> lazy;}
     97  *
     98  *     void print() {
     99  *       System.out.println("printing...");
    100  *       System.out.println(lazy.get());
    101  *       System.out.println(lazy.get());
    102  *       System.out.println(lazy.get());
    103  *     }
    104  *   }
    105  * </code></pre>
    106  * Injecting a {@code LazyCounter} and invoking {@code print()} shows that a new
    107  * value is computed immediately before it is needed. The same value is returned
    108  * for all subsequent uses:<pre><code>
    109  *   printing...
    110  *   computing...
    111  *   100
    112  *   100
    113  *   100
    114  * </code></pre>
    115  *
    116  * <h3>Lazy != Singleton</h3>
    117  * Note that each injected {@code Lazy} is independent, and remembers its value
    118  * in isolation of other {@code Lazy} instances. In this example, two {@code
    119  * LazyCounter} objects are created and {@code print()} is called on each:
    120  * <pre><code>
    121  *   final class LazyCounters {
    122  *     {@literal @Inject} LazyCounter counter1;
    123  *     {@literal @Inject} LazyCounter counter2;
    124  *
    125  *     void print() {
    126  *       counter1.print();
    127  *       counter2.print();
    128  *     }
    129  *   }
    130  * </code></pre>
    131  * The output demonstrates that each {@code Lazy} works independently:
    132  * <pre><code>
    133  *   printing...
    134  *   computing...
    135  *   100
    136  *   100
    137  *   100
    138  *   printing...
    139  *   computing...
    140  *   101
    141  *   101
    142  *   101
    143  * </code></pre>
    144  * Use {@link javax.inject.Singleton @Singleton} to share one instance among all
    145  * clients, and {@code Lazy} for lazy computation in a single client.
    146  */
    147 public interface Lazy<T> {
    148   /**
    149    * Return the underlying value, computing the value if necessary. All calls to
    150    * the same {@code Lazy} instance will return the same result.
    151    *
    152    * @throws NullPointerException if the computed value is {@code null}.
    153    */
    154   T get();
    155 }