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      8 Vulkan API Test Plan
      9 ====================
     11 This document currently outlines Vulkan API testing plan. The document splits API into features, and for each the important testing objectives are described. The technical implementation is not currently planned or documented here, except in select cases.
     13 In the future this document will likely evolve into a description of various tests and test coverage.
     15 Test framework
     16 --------------
     18 Test framework will provide tests access to Vulkan platform interface. In addition a library of generic utilties will be provided.
     20 Test case base class
     21 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     23 Vulkan test cases will use a slightly different interface from traditional +tcu::TestCase+ to facilitate following:
     25  * Ability to generate shaders in high-level language, and pre-compile them without running the tests
     26  * Cleaner separation between test case parameters and execution instance
     28 [source,cpp]
     29 ----
     30 class TestCase : public tcu::TestCase
     31 {
     32 public:
     33                             TestCase        (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, const std::string& name, const std::string& description);
     34                             TestCase        (tcu::TestContext& testCtx, tcu::TestNodeType type, const std::string& name, const std::string& description);
     35     virtual                 ~TestCase       (void) {}
     37     virtual void            initPrograms    (vk::ProgramCollection<glu::ProgramSources>& programCollection) const;
     38     virtual TestInstance*   createInstance  (Context& context) const = 0;
     40     IterateResult           iterate         (void) { DE_ASSERT(false); return STOP; } // Deprecated in this module
     41 };
     43 class TestInstance
     44 {
     45 public:
     46                                 TestInstance    (Context& context) : m_context(context) {}
     47     virtual                     ~TestInstance   (void) {}
     49     virtual tcu::TestStatus     iterate         (void) = 0;
     51 protected:
     52     Context&                    m_context;
     53 };
     54 ----
     56 In addition for simple tests a utility to wrap a function as a test case is provided:
     58 [source,cpp]
     59 ----
     60 tcu::TestStatus createSamplerTest (Context& context)
     61 {
     62     TestLog&                log         = context.getTestContext().getLog();
     63     const DefaultDevice     device      (context.getPlatformInterface(), context.getTestContext().getCommandLine());
     64     const VkDevice          vkDevice    = device.getDevice();
     65     const DeviceInterface&  vk          = device.getInterface();
     67     {
     68         const struct VkSamplerCreateInfo        samplerInfo =
     69         {
     70             VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_SAMPLER_CREATE_INFO,  //  VkStructureType sType;
     71             DE_NULL,                                //  const void*     pNext;
     72             VK_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST,                  //  VkTexFilter     magFilter;
     73             VK_TEX_FILTER_NEAREST,                  //  VkTexFilter     minFilter;
     74             VK_TEX_MIPMAP_MODE_BASE,                //  VkTexMipmapMode mipMode;
     75             VK_TEX_ADDRESS_CLAMP,                   //  VkTexAddress    addressU;
     76             VK_TEX_ADDRESS_CLAMP,                   //  VkTexAddress    addressV;
     77             VK_TEX_ADDRESS_CLAMP,                   //  VkTexAddress    addressW;
     78             0.0f,                                   //  float           mipLodBias;
     79             0u,                                     //  deUint32        maxAnisotropy;
     80             VK_COMPARE_OP_ALWAYS,                   //  VkCompareOp     compareOp;
     81             0.0f,                                   //  float           minLod;
     82             0.0f,                                   //  float           maxLod;
     83             VK_BORDER_COLOR_TRANSPARENT_BLACK,      //  VkBorderColor   borderColor;
     84         };
     86         Move<VkSamplerT>    tmpSampler  = createSampler(vk, vkDevice, &samplerInfo);
     87     }
     89     return tcu::TestStatus::pass("Creating sampler succeeded");
     90 }
     92 tcu::TestCaseGroup* createTests (tcu::TestContext& testCtx)
     93 {
     94     de::MovePtr<tcu::TestCaseGroup> apiTests    (new tcu::TestCaseGroup(testCtx, "api", "API Tests"));
     96     addFunctionCase(apiTests.get(), "create_sampler",   "", createSamplerTest);
     98     return apiTests.release();
     99 }
    100 ----
    102 +vkt::Context+, which is passed to +vkt::TestInstance+ will provide access to Vulkan platform interface, and a default device instance. Most test cases should use default device instance:
    104  * Creating device can take up to tens of milliseconds
    105  * --deqp-vk-device-id=N command line option can be used to change device
    106  * Framework can force validation layers (--deqp-vk-layers=validation,...)
    108 Other considerations:
    110  * Rather than using default header, deqp uses custom header & interface wrappers
    111  ** See +vk::PlatformInterface+ and +vk::DeviceInterface+
    112  ** Enables optional run-time dependency to Vulkan driver (required for Android, useful in general)
    113  ** Various logging & other analysis facilities can be layered on top of that interface
    114  * Expose validation state to tests to be able to test validation
    115  * Extensions are opt-in, some tests will require certain extensions to work
    116  ** --deqp-vk-extensions? enable all by default?
    117  ** Probably good to be able to override extensions as well (verify that tests report correct results without extensions)
    119 Common utilities
    120 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    122 Test case independent Vulkan utilities will be provided in +vk+ namespace, and can be found under +framework/vulkan+. These include:
    124  * +Unique<T>+ and +Move<T>+ wrappers for Vulkan API objects
    125  * Creating all types of work with configurable parameters:
    126  ** Workload "size" (not really comparable between types)
    127  ** Consume & produce memory contents
    128  *** Simple checksumming / other verification against reference data typically fine
    130 .TODO
    131  * Document important utilities (vkRef.hpp for example).
    132  * Document Vulkan platform port.
    134 Object management
    135 -----------------
    137 Object management tests verify that the driver is able to create and destroy objects of all types. The tests don't attempt to use the objects (unless necessary for testing object construction) as that is covered by feature-specific tests. For all object types the object management tests cover:
    139  * Creating objects with a relevant set of parameters
    140  ** Not exhaustive, guided by what might actually make driver to take different path
    141  * Allocating multiple objects of same type
    142  ** Reasonable limit depends on object type
    143  * Creating objects from multiple threads concurrently (where possible)
    144  * Freeing objects from multiple threads
    146 NOTE: tests for various +vkCreate*()+ functions are documented in feature-specific sections.
    148 Multithreaded scaling
    149 ---------------------
    151 Vulkan API is free-threaded and suggests that many operations (such as constructing command buffers) will scale with number of app threads. Tests are needed for proving that such scalability actually exists, and there are no locks in important functionality preventing that.
    153 NOTE: Khronos CTS has not traditionally included any performance testing, and the tests may not be part of conformance criteria. The tests may however be useful for IHVs for driver optimization, and could be enforced by platform-specific conformance tests, such as Android CTS.
    155 Destructor functions
    156 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    158 API Queries
    159 -----------
    161 Objective of API query tests is to validate that various +vkGet*+ functions return correct values. Generic checks that apply to all query types are:
    163  * Returned value size is equal or multiple of relevant struct size
    164  * Query doesn't write outside the provided pointer
    165  * Query values (where expected) don't change between subsequent queries
    166  * Concurrent queries from multiple threads work
    168 Platform queries
    169 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    171 Platform query tests will validate that all queries work as expected and return sensible values.
    173  * Sensible device properties
    174  ** May have some Android-specific requirements
    175  *** TBD queue 0 must be universal queue (all command types supported)
    176  * All required functions present
    177  ** Both platform (physicalDevice = 0) and device-specific
    178  ** Culled based on enabled extension list?
    180 Device queries
    181 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    183 Object queries
    184 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    186  * Memory requirements: verify that for buffers the returned size is at least the size of the buffer
    188 Format & image capabilities
    189 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    191 Memory management
    192 -----------------
    194 Memory management tests cover memory allocation, sub-allocation, access, and CPU and GPU cache control. Testing some areas such as cache control will require stress-testing memory accesses from CPU and various pipeline stages.
    196 Memory allocation
    197 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    199  * Test combination of:
    200  ** Various allocation sizes
    201  ** All heaps
    202  * Allocations that exceed total available memory size (expected to fail)
    203  * Concurrent allocation and free from multiple threads
    204  * Memory leak tests (may not work on platforms that overcommit)
    205  ** Allocate memory until fails, free all and repeat
    206  ** Total allocated memory size should remain stable over iterations
    207  ** Allocate and free in random order
    209 .Spec issues
    211 What are the alignment guarantees for the returned memory allocation? Will it satisfy alignment requirements for all object types? If not, app needs to know the alignment, or alignment parameter needs to be added to +VkMemoryAllocInfo+.
    213 Minimum allocation size? If 1, presumably implementation has to round it up to next page size at least? Is there a query for that? What happens when accessing the added padding?
    215 Mapping memory and CPU access
    216 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    218  * Verify that mapping of all host-visible allocations succeed and accessing memory works
    219  * Verify mapping of sub-ranges
    220  * Access still works after un-mapping and re-mapping memory
    221  * Attaching or detaching memory allocation from buffer/image doesn't affect mapped memory access or contents
    222  ** Images: test with various formats, mip-levels etc.
    224 .Spec issues
    225  * Man pages say vkMapMemory is thread-safe, but to what extent?
    226  ** Mapping different VkDeviceMemory allocs concurrently?
    227  ** Mapping different sub-ranges of same VkDeviceMemory?
    228  ** Mapping overlapping sub-ranges of same VkDeviceMemory?
    229  * Okay to re-map same or overlapping range? What pointers should be returned in that case?
    230  * Can re-mapping same block return different virtual address?
    231  * Alignment of returned CPU pointer?
    232  ** Access using SIMD instructions can benefit from alignment
    234 CPU cache control
    235 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    237  * TODO Semantics discussed at https://cvs.khronos.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=13690
    238  ** Invalidate relevant for HOST_NON_COHERENT_BIT, flushes CPU read caches
    239  ** Flush flushes CPU write caches?
    240  * Test behavior with all possible mem alloc types & various sizes
    241  * Corner-cases:
    242  ** Empty list
    243  ** Empty ranges
    244  ** Same range specified multiple times
    245  ** Partial overlap between ranges
    247 .Spec issues
    248  * Thread-safety? Okay to flush different ranges concurrently?
    250 GPU cache control
    251 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    253 Validate that GPU caches are invalidated where instructed. This includes visibility of memory writes made by both CPU and GPU to both CPU and GPU pipeline stages.
    255  * Image layout transitions may need special care
    257 Binding memory to objects
    258 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    260  * Buffers and images only
    261  * Straightforward mapping where allocation size matches object size and memOffset = 0
    262  * Sub-allocation of larger allocations
    263  * Re-binding object to different memory allocation
    264  * Binding multiple objects to same or partially overlapping memory ranges
    265  ** Aliasing writable resources? Access granularity?
    266  * Binding various (supported) types of memory allocations
    268 .Spec issues
    269  * When binding multiple objects to same memory, will data in memory be visible for all objects?
    270  ** Reinterpretation rules?
    271  * Memory contents after re-binding memory to a different object?
    273 Sparse resources
    274 ----------------
    276 Sparse memory resources are treated as separate feature from basic memory management. Details TBD still.
    278 Binding model
    279 -------------
    281 The objective of the binding model tests is to verify:
    283  * All valid descriptor sets can be created
    284  * Accessing resources from shaders using various layouts
    285  * Descriptor updates
    286  * Descriptor set chaining
    287  * Descriptor set limits
    289 As a necessary side effect, the tests will provide coverage for allocating and accessing all types of resources from all shader stages.
    291 Descriptor set functions
    292 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    294 Pipeline layout functions
    295 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    297 Pipeline layouts will be covered mostly by tests that use various layouts, but in addition some corner-case tests are needed:
    299  * Creating empty layouts for shaders that don't use any resources
    300  ** For example: vertex data generated with +gl_VertexID+ only
    302 Multipass
    303 ---------
    305 Multipass tests will verify:
    307  * Various possible multipass data flow configurations
    308  ** Target formats, number of targets, load, store, resolve, dependencies, ...
    309  ** Exhaustive tests for selected dimensions
    310  ** Randomized tests
    311  * Interaction with other features
    312  ** Blending
    313  ** Tessellation, geometry shaders (esp. massive geometry expansion)
    314  ** Barriers that may cause tiler flushes
    315  ** Queries
    316  * Large passes that may require tiler flushes
    318 Device initialization
    319 ---------------------
    321 Device initialization tests verify that all reported devices can be created, with various possible configurations.
    323  - +VkApplicationInfo+ parameters
    324    * Arbitrary +pAppName+ / +pEngineName+ (spaces, utf-8, ...)
    325    * +pAppName+ / +pEngineName+ = NULL?
    326    * +appVersion+ / +engineVersion+ for 0, ~0, couple of values
    327    * Valid +apiVersion+
    328    * Invalid +apiVersion+ (expected to fail?)
    329  - +VkAllocCallbacks+
    330    * Want to be able to run all tests with and without callbacks?
    331    ** See discussion about default device in framework section
    332    * Custom allocators that provide guardbands and check them at free
    333    * Override malloc / free and verify that driver doesn't call if callbacks provided
    334    ** As part of object mgmt tests
    335    * Must be inherited to all devices created from instance
    336  - +VkInstanceCreateInfo+
    337    * Empty extension list
    338    * Unsupported extensions (expect VK_UNSUPPORTED)
    339    * Various combinations of supported extensions
    340    ** Any dependencies between extensions (enabling Y requires enabling X)?
    342 .Spec issues
    343  * Only VkPhysicalDevice is passed to vkCreateDevice, ICD-specific magic needed for passing callbacks down to VkDevice instance
    345  * Creating multiple devices from single physical device
    346  * Different queue configurations
    347  ** Combinations of supported node indexes
    348  ** Use of all queues simultaneously for various operations
    349  ** Various queue counts
    350  * Various extension combinations
    351  * Flags
    352  ** Enabling validation (see spec issues)
    353  ** VK_DEVICE_CREATE_MULTI_DEVICE_IQ_MATCH_BIT not relevant for Android
    355 .Spec issues
    356  * Can same queue node index used multiple times in +pRequestedQueues+ list?
    359 Queue functions
    360 ---------------
    362 Queue functions (one currently) will have a lot of indicental coverage from other tests, so only targeted corner-case tests are needed:
    364  * +cmdBufferCount+ = 0
    365  * Submitting empty VkCmdBuffer
    367 .Spec issues
    368  * Can +fence+ be +NULL+ if app doesn't need it?
    370 Synchronization
    371 ---------------
    373 Synchronization tests will verify that all execution ordering primitives provided by the API will function as expected. Testing scheduling and synchronization robustness will require generating non-trivial workloads and possibly randomization to reveal potential issues.
    375  * Verify that all sync objects signaled after *WaitIdle() returns
    376  ** Fences (vkGetFenceStatus)
    377  ** Events (vkEventGetStatus)
    378  ** No way to query semaphore status?
    379  * Threads blocking at vkWaitForFences() must be resumed
    380  * Various amounts of work queued (from nothing to large command buffers)
    381  * vkDeviceWaitIdle() concurrently with commands that submit more work
    382  * all types of work
    384 Fences
    385 ~~~~~~
    387  * Basic waiting on fences
    388  ** All types of commands
    389  ** Waiting on a different thread than the thread that submitted the work
    390  * Reusing fences (vkResetFences)
    391  * Waiting on a fence / querying status of a fence before it has been submitted to be signaled
    392  * Waiting on a fence / querying status of a fence has just been created with CREATE_SIGNALED_BIT
    393  ** Reuse in different queue
    394  ** Different queues
    396 .Spec issues
    397  * Using same fence in multiple vkQueueSubmit calls without waiting/resetting in between
    398  ** Completion of first cmdbuf will reset fence and others won't do anything?
    399  * Waiting on same fence from multiple threads?
    401 Semaphores
    402 ~~~~~~~~~~
    404  * All types of commands waiting & signaling semaphore
    405  * Cross-queue semaphores
    406  * Queuing wait on initially signaled semaphore
    407  * Queuing wait immediately after queuing signaling
    408  * vkQueueWaitIdle & vkDeviceWaitIdle waiting on semaphore
    409  * Multiple queues waiting on same semaphore
    411 NOTE: Semaphores might change; counting is causing problems for some IHVs.
    413 Events
    414 ~~~~~~
    416  * All types of work waiting on all types of events
    417  ** Including signaling from CPU side (vkSetEvent)
    418  ** Memory barrier
    419  * Polling event status (vkGetEventStatus)
    420  * Memory barriers (see also GPU cache control)
    421  * Corner-cases:
    422  ** Re-setting event before it has been signaled
    423  ** Polling status of event concurrently with signaling it or re-setting it from another thread
    424  ** Multiple commands (maybe multiple queues as well) setting same event
    425  *** Presumably first set will take effect, rest have no effect before event is re-set
    427 Pipeline queries
    428 ----------------
    430 Pipeline query test details TBD. These are of lower priority initially.
    432 NOTE: Currently contains only exact occlusion query as mandatory. Might be problematic for some, and may change?
    434 Buffers
    435 -------
    437 Buffers will have a lot of coverage from memory management and access tests. Targeted buffer tests need to verify that various corner-cases and more exotic configurations work as expected.
    439  * All combinations of create and usage flags work
    440  ** There are total 511 combinations of usage flags and 7 combinations of create flags
    441  * Buffers of various sizes can be created and they report sensible memory requirements
    442  ** Test with different sizes:
    443  *** 0 Byte
    444  *** 1181 Byte
    445  *** 15991 Byte
    446  *** 16 kByte
    447  *** Device limit (maxTexelBufferSize)
    448  * Sparse buffers: very large (limit TBD) buffers can be created
    450 Buffer views
    451 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    453  * Buffer views of all (valid) types and formats can be created from all (compatible) buffers
    454  ** There are 2 buffer types and 173 different formats.
    455  * Various view sizes
    456  ** Complete buffer
    457  ** Partial buffer
    458  * View can be created before and after attaching memory to buffer
    459  ** 2 tests for each bufferView
    460  * Changing memory binding makes memory contents visible in already created views
    461  ** Concurrently changing memory binding and creating views
    463 .Spec issues
    464  * Alignment or size requirements for buffer views?
    466 Images
    467 ------
    469 Like buffers, images will have significant coverage from other test groups that focus on various ways to access image data. Additional coverage not provided by those tests will be included in this feature group.
    471 Image functions
    472 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    474 .Spec issues
    477  * All valid and supported combinations of image parameters
    478  ** Sampling verification with nearest only (other modes will be covered separately)
    479  * Various image sizes
    480  * Linear-layout images & writing data from CPU
    481  * Copying data between identical opaque-layout images on CPU?
    483 Image view functions
    484 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    486 .Spec issues
    487  * What are format compatibility rules?
    488  * Can color/depth/stencil attachments to write to image which has different format?
    489  ** Can I create DS view of RGBA texture and write to only one component by creating VkDepthStencilView for example?
    490  * Image view granularity
    491  ** All sub-rects allowed? In all use cases (RTs for example)?
    492  * Memory access granularity
    493  ** Writing concurrently to different areas of same memory backed by same/different image or view
    495  * Image views of all (valid) types and formats can be created from all (compatible) images
    496  * Channel swizzles
    497  * Depth- and stencil-mode
    498  * Different formats
    499  * Various view sizes
    500  ** Complete image
    501  ** Partial image (mip- or array slice)
    502  * View can be created before and after attaching memory to image
    503  * Changing memory binding makes memory contents visible in already created views
    504  ** Concurrently changing memory binding and creating views
    506 Render target views
    507 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    509  * Writing to color/depth/stencil attachments in various view configurations
    510  ** Multipass tests will contain some coverage for this
    511  ** Image layout
    512  ** View size
    513  ** Image mip- or array sub-range
    514  * +msaaResolveImage+
    515  ** TODO What is exactly this?
    517 Shaders
    518 -------
    520 Shader API test will verify that shader loading functions behave as expected. Verifying that various SPIR-V constructs are accepted and executed correctly however is not an objective; that will be covered more extensively by a separate SPIR-V test set.
    522 Pipelines
    523 ---------
    525 Construction
    526 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    528 Pipeline tests will create various pipelines and verify that rendering results appear to match (resulting HW pipeline is correct). Fixed-function unit corner-cases nor accuracy is verified. It is not possible to exhaustively test all pipeline configurations so tests have to test some areas in isolation and extend coverage with randomized tests.
    530 Pipeline caches
    531 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    533 Extend pipeline tests to cases to use pipeline caches, test that pipelines created from pre-populated cache still produce identical results to pipelines created with empty cache.
    535 Verify that maximum cache size is not exceeded.
    537 Pipeline state
    538 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    540 Pipeline tests, as they need to verify rendering results, will provide a lot of coverage for pipeline state manipulation. In addition some corner-case tests are needed:
    542  * Re-setting pipeline state bits before use
    543  * Carrying / manipulating only part of state over draw calls
    544  * Submitting command buffers that have only pipeline state manipulation calls (should be no-op)
    546 .Spec issues
    547  * Does vkCmdBindPipeline invalidate other state bits?
    549 Samplers
    550 --------
    552 Sampler tests verify that sampler parameters are mapped to correct HW state. That will be verified by sampling various textures in certain configurations (as listed below). More exhaustive texture filtering verification will be done separately.
    554  * All valid sampler state configurations
    555  * Selected texture formats (RGBA8, FP16, integer textures)
    556  * All texture types
    557  * Mip-mapping with explicit and implicit LOD
    559 Dynamic state objects
    560 ---------------------
    562 Pipeline tests will include coverage for most dynamic state object usage as some pipeline configurations need corresponding dynamic state objects. In addition there are couple of corner-cases worth exploring separately:
    564  * Re-setting dynamic state bindings one or more times before first use
    565  * Dynamic state object binding persistence over pipeline changes
    566  * Large amounts of unique dynamic state objects in a command buffer, pass, or multipass
    568 Command buffers
    569 ---------------
    571 Tests for various rendering features will provide significant coverage for command buffer recording. Additional coverage will be needed for:
    573  * Re-setting command buffers
    574  * Very small (empty) and large command buffers
    575  * Various optimize flags combined with various command buffer sizes and contents
    576  ** Forcing optimize flags in other tests might be useful for finding cases that may break
    578 Command Pools (5.1 in VK 1.0 Spec)
    579 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    581 [cols="1,4,8,8", options="header"]
    582 |===
    583 |No. | Tested area | Test Description | Relevant specification text
    584 |1  | Creation | Call vkCreateCommandPool with all parameters that can be NULL having that value | If pAllocator is not NULL, pAllocator must be a pointer to a valid VkAllocationCallbacks structure
    585 |2  | | ... with pAllocator != NULL |
    586 |3  | | ... with VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_TRANSIENT_BIT set in pCreateInfo's flags | flags is a combination of bitfield flags indicating usage behavior for the pool and command buffers allocated from it.
    587 |4  | | ... with VK_COMMAND_POOL_CREATE_RESET_COMMAND_BUFFER_BIT set in pCreateInfo's flags |
    588 |5  | Resetting | Call vkResetCommandPool with VK_COMMAND_POOL_RESET_RELEASE_RESOURCES_BIT set |
    589 |6  | | ... without any bits set |
    590 |===
    592 Command Buffer Lifetime (5.2 in VK 1.0 Spec)
    593 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    595 [cols="1,4,8,8", options="header"]
    596 |===
    597 |No. | Tested area | Test Description | Relevant specification text
    598 |1  | Allocation | Allocate a single primary  buffer |
    599 |2  | | Allocate a large number of primary buffers |
    600 |3  | | Allocate no primary buffers (bufferCount == 0) |
    601 |4  | | Allocate a single secondary buffer |
    602 |5  | | Allocate a large number of secondary buffers |
    603 |6  | | Allocate no secondary buffers (bufferCount == 0) |
    604 |7  | Execution | Execute a small primary buffer |
    605 |8  | | Execute a large primary buffer |
    606 |9  | Resetting - implicit | Reset a command buffer by calling vkBeginCommandBuffer on a buffer that has already been recorded |
    607 |===
    609 Command Buffer Recording (5.3 in VK 1.0 Spec)
    610 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    612 [cols="1,4,8,8", options="header"]
    613 |===
    614 |No. | Tested area | Test Description | Relevant specification text
    615 |1  | Recording to buffers  | Record a single command in a primary buffer |
    616 |2  | | Record a large number of commands in a primary buffer |
    617 |3  | | Record a single command in a secondary buffer |
    618 |4  | | Record a large number of commands in a secondary buffer |
    619 |5  | | Record a primary command buffer without VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT. Submit it twice in a row. |
    620 |6  | | Record a secondary command buffer without VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT. Submit it twice in a row. |
    621 |7  | Recording for one time usage | Record a primary command buffer with VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT. Submit it, reset, record, and submit again. |
    622 |8  | | Record a secondary command buffer with VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT. Submit it, reset, record, and submit again. |
    623 |9  | Render pass in seconday command buffer  | if VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT flag is not set, the values of renderPass, framebuffer, and subpass members of the VkCommandBufferBeginInfo should be ignored | If flags has VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT set, the entire secondary command buffer is considered inside a render pass. In this case, the renderPass, framebuffer, and subpass members of the VkCommandBufferBeginInfo structure must be set as described below. Otherwise the renderPass, framebuffer, and subpass members of the VkCommandBufferBeginInfo structure are ignored, and the secondary command buffer may not contain commands that are only allowed inside a render pass.
    624 |10  | Simultaneous use  primary buffers | Set flag VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT and submit two times simultanously | If flags does not have VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT set, the command buffer must not be pending execution more than once at any given time. A primary command buffer is considered to be pending execution from the time it is submitted via vkQueueSubmit until that submission completes.
    625 |11  | Simultaneous use  secondary buffers | Set VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT on secondary buffer, and use the secondary buffer twice in primary buffer | If VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT is not set on a secondary command buffer, that command buffer cannot be used more than once in a given primary command buffer.
    626 |12 | Recording with an active occlusion query | Recond a secondary command buffer with occlusionQueryEnable == VK_TRUE and queryFlags == VK_QUERY_CONTROL_PRECISE_BIT and execute it in a primary buffer with an active precise occlusion query |
    627 |13 | | ... imprecise occlusion query |
    628 |14 | | ... queryFlags == 0x00000000, imprecise occlusion query |
    629 |===
    631 Command Buffer Submission (5.4 in VK 1.0 Spec)
    632 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    634 [cols="1,4,8,8", options="header"]
    635 |===
    636 |No. | Tested area | Test Description | Relevant specification text
    637 |1  | Submission correctness | Call vkQueueSubmit with submitCount equal to the actual count of submits | pSubmits must be an array of submitCount valid VkSubmitInfo structures. If submitCount is 0 though, pSubmits is ignored
    638 |2  | | ... submitCount == 0 |
    639 |3  | Submission with semaphores | Call vkQueueSubmit that waits for a single semaphore |
    640 |4  | | ... for multiple semaphores |
    641 |5  | | ... notifies a single semaphore |
    642 |6  | | ... notifies multiple semaphores |
    643 |7  | Submission without a fence | Call vkQueueSubmit with VK_NULL_HANDLE passed as fence. | If fence is not VK_NULL_HANDLE, fence must be a valid VkFence handle
    644 |===
    646 Secondary Command Buffer Execution (5.6 in VK 1.0 Spec)
    647 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    649 [cols="1,4,8,8", options="header"]
    650 |===
    651 |No. | Tested area | Test Description | Relevant specification text
    652 |1  | Secondary buffers execution | Check if secondary command buffers are executed | Secondary command buffers may be called from primary command buffers, and are not directly submitted to queues.
    653 |2  | Simultaneous use | Call vkCmdExecuteCommands with pCommandBuffers such that its element is already pending execution in commandBuffer and was created with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag | Any given element of pCommandBuffers must not be already pending execution in commandBuffer, or appear twice in pCommandBuffers, unless it was created with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag
    654 |3  | | Call vkCmdExecuteCommands with pCommandBuffers such that its element appears twice in pCommandBuffers and was created with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_SIMULTANEOUS_USE_BIT flag |
    655 |4  | Call from within a VkRenderPass | Call vkCmdExecuteCommands within a VkRenderPass with all elements of pCommandBuffers recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT | If vkCmdExecuteCommands is being called within a VkRenderPass, any given element of pCommandBuffers must have been recorded with the VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_RENDER_PASS_CONTINUE_BIT
    656 |===
    658 Commands Allowed Inside Command Buffers
    659 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    661 [cols="1,4,8,8", options="header"]
    662 |===
    663 |No. | Tested area | Test Description | Relevant specification text
    664 |1  | Order of execution | Check if vkCmdBindPipeline commands are executed in-order  |
    665 |2  | | Check if vkCmdBindDescriptorSets commands are executed in-order  |
    666 |3  | | Check if vkCmdBindIndexBuffer commands are executed in-order |
    667 |4  | | Check if vkCmdBindVertexBuffers commands are executed in-order |
    668 |5  | | Check if vkCmdResetQueryPool, vkCmdBeginQuery, vkCmdEndQuery, vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults commands are executed in-order relative to each other |
    669 |===
    671 Draw commands
    672 -------------
    674 Draw command tests verify that all draw parameters are respected (including vertex input state) and various draw call sizes work correctly. The tests won't however validate that all side effects of shader invocations happen as intended (covered by feature-specific tests) nor that primitive rasterization is fully correct (will be covered by separate targeted tests).
    676 Compute
    677 -------
    679 Like draw tests, compute dispatch tests will validate that call parameters have desired effects. In addition compute tests need to verify that various dispatch parameters (number of work groups, invocation IDs) are passed correctly to the shader invocations.
    681 NOTE: Assuming that compute-specific shader features, such as shared memory access, is covered by SPIR-V tests.
    683 Copies and blits
    684 ----------------
    686 Buffer copies
    687 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    689 Buffer copy tests need to validate that copies and updates happen as expected for both simple and more complex cases:
    691  * Whole-buffer, partial copies
    692  * Small (1 byte) to very large copies and updates
    693  * Copies between objects backed by same memory
    695 NOTE: GPU cache control tests need to verify copy source and destination visibility as well.
    697 Image copies
    698 ~~~~~~~~~~~~
    700 Image copy and blitting tests need to validate that copies and updates happen as expected for both simple and more complex cases:
    702 * Image copies should cover
    703 ** Whole and partial copies
    704 ** Source and destination are backed by the same Image
    705 ** Compressed and uncompressed copies
    706 ** Multiple copy regions in one command
    707 ** Copies between different but compatible formats
    708 * Blitting should cover
    709 ** Whole and partial copies
    710 ** With and without scaling
    711 ** Copies between different but compatible formats (format conversions)
    713 Copies between buffers and images
    714 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    716 The copies between buffers and images are used for checking the rendering result across the vulkancts so it
    717 is well tested. This tests should cover corner cases.
    719 * Various sizes
    720 ** Whole and partial copies
    721 * Multiple copies in one command
    723 Clearing images
    724 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    726 Clearing tests need to validate that clearing happen as expected for both simple and more complex cases:
    728 * Clear the attachments.
    729 ** Whole and partial clear.
    731 Multisample resolve
    732 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    734 Multisample tests need to validate that clearing happen as expected for both simple and more complex cases.
    737 Push constants
    738 --------------
    740  * Range size, including verify various size of a single range from minimum to maximum
    741  * Range count, including verify all the valid shader stages
    742  * Data update, including verify a sub-range update, multiple times of updates
    744  ? Invalid usages specified in spec NOT tested
    746 GPU timestamps
    747 --------------
    749  * All timestamp stages
    750  * record multiple timestamps in single command buffer
    751  * timestamps in/out of render pass
    752  * Command buffers that only record timestamps
    754 .Spec issues
    756 Validation layer tests
    757 ----------------------
    759 Validation layer tests exercise all relevant invalid API usage patterns and verify that correct return values and error messages are generated. In addition validation tests would try to load invalid SPIR-V binaries and verify that all generic SPIR-V, and Vulkan SPIR-V environment rules are checked.
    761 Android doesn't plan to ship validation layer as part of the system image so validation tests are not required by Android CTS and thus are of very low priority currently.