1 2 project(EigenLapack CXX) 3 4 include("../cmake/language_support.cmake") 5 6 workaround_9220(Fortran EIGEN_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS) 7 8 if(EIGEN_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS) 9 enable_language(Fortran OPTIONAL) 10 if(NOT CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER) 11 set(EIGEN_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS OFF) 12 endif() 13 endif() 14 15 add_custom_target(lapack) 16 include_directories(../blas) 17 18 set(EigenLapack_SRCS 19 single.cpp double.cpp complex_single.cpp complex_double.cpp ../blas/xerbla.cpp 20 ) 21 22 if(EIGEN_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS) 23 24 set(EigenLapack_SRCS ${EigenLapack_SRCS} 25 slarft.f dlarft.f clarft.f zlarft.f 26 slarfb.f dlarfb.f clarfb.f zlarfb.f 27 slarfg.f dlarfg.f clarfg.f zlarfg.f 28 slarf.f dlarf.f clarf.f zlarf.f 29 sladiv.f dladiv.f cladiv.f zladiv.f 30 ilaslr.f iladlr.f ilaclr.f ilazlr.f 31 ilaslc.f iladlc.f ilaclc.f ilazlc.f 32 dlapy2.f dlapy3.f slapy2.f slapy3.f 33 clacgv.f zlacgv.f 34 slamch.f dlamch.f 35 second_NONE.f dsecnd_NONE.f 36 ) 37 38 option(EIGEN_ENABLE_LAPACK_TESTS OFF "Enbale the Lapack unit tests") 39 40 if(EIGEN_ENABLE_LAPACK_TESTS) 41 42 get_filename_component(eigen_full_path_to_reference_lapack "./reference/" ABSOLUTE) 43 if(NOT EXISTS ${eigen_full_path_to_reference_lapack}) 44 # Download lapack and install sources and testing at the right place 45 message(STATUS "Download lapack_addons_3.4.1.tgz...") 46 47 file(DOWNLOAD "http://downloads.tuxfamily.org/eigen/lapack_addons_3.4.1.tgz" 48 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lapack_addons_3.4.1.tgz" 49 INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 15 50 TIMEOUT 240 51 STATUS download_status 52 EXPECTED_MD5 5758ce55afcf79da98de8b9de1615ad5 53 SHOW_PROGRESS) 54 55 message(STATUS ${download_status}) 56 list(GET download_status 0 download_status_num) 57 set(download_status_num 0) 58 if(download_status_num EQUAL 0) 59 message(STATUS "Setup lapack reference and lapack unit tests") 60 execute_process(COMMAND tar xzf "lapack_addons_3.4.1.tgz" WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) 61 else() 62 message(STATUS "Download of lapack_addons_3.4.1.tgz failed, LAPACK unit tests wont be enabled") 63 set(EIGEN_ENABLE_LAPACK_TESTS false) 64 endif() 65 66 endif() 67 68 get_filename_component(eigen_full_path_to_reference_lapack "./reference/" ABSOLUTE) 69 if(EXISTS ${eigen_full_path_to_reference_lapack}) 70 set(EigenLapack_funcfilenames 71 ssyev.f dsyev.f csyev.f zsyev.f 72 spotrf.f dpotrf.f cpotrf.f zpotrf.f 73 spotrs.f dpotrs.f cpotrs.f zpotrs.f 74 sgetrf.f dgetrf.f cgetrf.f zgetrf.f 75 sgetrs.f dgetrs.f cgetrs.f zgetrs.f) 76 77 FILE(GLOB ReferenceLapack_SRCS0 RELATIVE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} "reference/*.f") 78 foreach(filename1 IN LISTS ReferenceLapack_SRCS0) 79 string(REPLACE "reference/" "" filename ${filename1}) 80 list(FIND EigenLapack_SRCS ${filename} id1) 81 list(FIND EigenLapack_funcfilenames ${filename} id2) 82 if((id1 EQUAL -1) AND (id2 EQUAL -1)) 83 set(ReferenceLapack_SRCS ${ReferenceLapack_SRCS} reference/${filename}) 84 endif() 85 endforeach() 86 endif() 87 88 89 endif(EIGEN_ENABLE_LAPACK_TESTS) 90 91 endif(EIGEN_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS) 92 93 add_library(eigen_lapack_static ${EigenLapack_SRCS} ${ReferenceLapack_SRCS}) 94 add_library(eigen_lapack SHARED ${EigenLapack_SRCS}) 95 96 target_link_libraries(eigen_lapack eigen_blas) 97 98 if(EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO) 99 target_link_libraries(eigen_lapack_static ${EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO}) 100 target_link_libraries(eigen_lapack ${EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO}) 101 endif() 102 103 add_dependencies(lapack eigen_lapack eigen_lapack_static) 104 105 install(TARGETS eigen_lapack eigen_lapack_static 106 RUNTIME DESTINATION bin 107 LIBRARY DESTINATION lib 108 ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib) 109 110 111 112 get_filename_component(eigen_full_path_to_testing_lapack "./testing/" ABSOLUTE) 113 if(EXISTS ${eigen_full_path_to_testing_lapack}) 114 115 # The following comes from lapack/TESTING/CMakeLists.txt 116 # Get Python 117 find_package(PythonInterp) 118 message(STATUS "Looking for Python found - ${PYTHONINTERP_FOUND}") 119 if (PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) 120 message(STATUS "Using Python version ${PYTHON_VERSION_STRING}") 121 endif() 122 123 set(LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) 124 set(LAPACK_BINARY_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) 125 set(BUILD_SINGLE true) 126 set(BUILD_DOUBLE true) 127 set(BUILD_COMPLEX true) 128 set(BUILD_COMPLEX16E true) 129 130 if(MSVC_VERSION) 131 # string(REPLACE "/STACK:10000000" "/STACK:900000000000000000" 132 # CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") 133 string(REGEX REPLACE "(.*)/STACK:(.*) (.*)" "\\1/STACK:900000000000000000 \\3" 134 CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS}") 135 endif() 136 add_subdirectory(testing/MATGEN) 137 add_subdirectory(testing/LIN) 138 add_subdirectory(testing/EIG) 139 macro(add_lapack_test output input target) 140 set(TEST_INPUT "${LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR}/testing/${input}") 141 set(TEST_OUTPUT "${LAPACK_BINARY_DIR}/testing/${output}") 142 get_target_property(TEST_LOC ${target} LOCATION) 143 string(REPLACE "." "_" input_name ${input}) 144 set(testName "${target}_${input_name}") 145 if(EXISTS "${TEST_INPUT}") 146 add_test(LAPACK-${testName} "${CMAKE_COMMAND}" 147 -DTEST=${TEST_LOC} 148 -DINPUT=${TEST_INPUT} 149 -DOUTPUT=${TEST_OUTPUT} 150 -DINTDIR=${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} 151 -P "${LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR}/testing/runtest.cmake") 152 endif() 153 endmacro(add_lapack_test) 154 155 if (BUILD_SINGLE) 156 add_lapack_test(stest.out stest.in xlintsts) 157 # 158 # ======== SINGLE RFP LIN TESTS ======================== 159 add_lapack_test(stest_rfp.out stest_rfp.in xlintstrfs) 160 # 161 # 162 # ======== SINGLE EIG TESTS =========================== 163 # 164 165 add_lapack_test(snep.out nep.in xeigtsts) 166 167 168 add_lapack_test(ssep.out sep.in xeigtsts) 169 170 171 add_lapack_test(ssvd.out svd.in xeigtsts) 172 173 174 add_lapack_test(sec.out sec.in xeigtsts) 175 176 177 add_lapack_test(sed.out sed.in xeigtsts) 178 179 180 add_lapack_test(sgg.out sgg.in xeigtsts) 181 182 183 add_lapack_test(sgd.out sgd.in xeigtsts) 184 185 186 add_lapack_test(ssb.out ssb.in xeigtsts) 187 188 189 add_lapack_test(ssg.out ssg.in xeigtsts) 190 191 192 add_lapack_test(sbal.out sbal.in xeigtsts) 193 194 195 add_lapack_test(sbak.out sbak.in xeigtsts) 196 197 198 add_lapack_test(sgbal.out sgbal.in xeigtsts) 199 200 201 add_lapack_test(sgbak.out sgbak.in xeigtsts) 202 203 204 add_lapack_test(sbb.out sbb.in xeigtsts) 205 206 207 add_lapack_test(sglm.out glm.in xeigtsts) 208 209 210 add_lapack_test(sgqr.out gqr.in xeigtsts) 211 212 213 add_lapack_test(sgsv.out gsv.in xeigtsts) 214 215 216 add_lapack_test(scsd.out csd.in xeigtsts) 217 218 219 add_lapack_test(slse.out lse.in xeigtsts) 220 endif() 221 222 if (BUILD_DOUBLE) 223 # 224 # ======== DOUBLE LIN TESTS =========================== 225 add_lapack_test(dtest.out dtest.in xlintstd) 226 # 227 # ======== DOUBLE RFP LIN TESTS ======================== 228 add_lapack_test(dtest_rfp.out dtest_rfp.in xlintstrfd) 229 # 230 # ======== DOUBLE EIG TESTS =========================== 231 232 add_lapack_test(dnep.out nep.in xeigtstd) 233 234 235 add_lapack_test(dsep.out sep.in xeigtstd) 236 237 238 add_lapack_test(dsvd.out svd.in xeigtstd) 239 240 241 add_lapack_test(dec.out dec.in xeigtstd) 242 243 244 add_lapack_test(ded.out ded.in xeigtstd) 245 246 247 add_lapack_test(dgg.out dgg.in xeigtstd) 248 249 250 add_lapack_test(dgd.out dgd.in xeigtstd) 251 252 253 add_lapack_test(dsb.out dsb.in xeigtstd) 254 255 256 add_lapack_test(dsg.out dsg.in xeigtstd) 257 258 259 add_lapack_test(dbal.out dbal.in xeigtstd) 260 261 262 add_lapack_test(dbak.out dbak.in xeigtstd) 263 264 265 add_lapack_test(dgbal.out dgbal.in xeigtstd) 266 267 268 add_lapack_test(dgbak.out dgbak.in xeigtstd) 269 270 271 add_lapack_test(dbb.out dbb.in xeigtstd) 272 273 274 add_lapack_test(dglm.out glm.in xeigtstd) 275 276 277 add_lapack_test(dgqr.out gqr.in xeigtstd) 278 279 280 add_lapack_test(dgsv.out gsv.in xeigtstd) 281 282 283 add_lapack_test(dcsd.out csd.in xeigtstd) 284 285 286 add_lapack_test(dlse.out lse.in xeigtstd) 287 endif() 288 289 if (BUILD_COMPLEX) 290 add_lapack_test(ctest.out ctest.in xlintstc) 291 # 292 # ======== COMPLEX RFP LIN TESTS ======================== 293 add_lapack_test(ctest_rfp.out ctest_rfp.in xlintstrfc) 294 # 295 # ======== COMPLEX EIG TESTS =========================== 296 297 add_lapack_test(cnep.out nep.in xeigtstc) 298 299 300 add_lapack_test(csep.out sep.in xeigtstc) 301 302 303 add_lapack_test(csvd.out svd.in xeigtstc) 304 305 306 add_lapack_test(cec.out cec.in xeigtstc) 307 308 309 add_lapack_test(ced.out ced.in xeigtstc) 310 311 312 add_lapack_test(cgg.out cgg.in xeigtstc) 313 314 315 add_lapack_test(cgd.out cgd.in xeigtstc) 316 317 318 add_lapack_test(csb.out csb.in xeigtstc) 319 320 321 add_lapack_test(csg.out csg.in xeigtstc) 322 323 324 add_lapack_test(cbal.out cbal.in xeigtstc) 325 326 327 add_lapack_test(cbak.out cbak.in xeigtstc) 328 329 330 add_lapack_test(cgbal.out cgbal.in xeigtstc) 331 332 333 add_lapack_test(cgbak.out cgbak.in xeigtstc) 334 335 336 add_lapack_test(cbb.out cbb.in xeigtstc) 337 338 339 add_lapack_test(cglm.out glm.in xeigtstc) 340 341 342 add_lapack_test(cgqr.out gqr.in xeigtstc) 343 344 345 add_lapack_test(cgsv.out gsv.in xeigtstc) 346 347 348 add_lapack_test(ccsd.out csd.in xeigtstc) 349 350 351 add_lapack_test(clse.out lse.in xeigtstc) 352 endif() 353 354 if (BUILD_COMPLEX16) 355 # 356 # ======== COMPLEX16 LIN TESTS ======================== 357 add_lapack_test(ztest.out ztest.in xlintstz) 358 # 359 # ======== COMPLEX16 RFP LIN TESTS ======================== 360 add_lapack_test(ztest_rfp.out ztest_rfp.in xlintstrfz) 361 # 362 # ======== COMPLEX16 EIG TESTS =========================== 363 364 add_lapack_test(znep.out nep.in xeigtstz) 365 366 367 add_lapack_test(zsep.out sep.in xeigtstz) 368 369 370 add_lapack_test(zsvd.out svd.in xeigtstz) 371 372 373 add_lapack_test(zec.out zec.in xeigtstz) 374 375 376 add_lapack_test(zed.out zed.in xeigtstz) 377 378 379 add_lapack_test(zgg.out zgg.in xeigtstz) 380 381 382 add_lapack_test(zgd.out zgd.in xeigtstz) 383 384 385 add_lapack_test(zsb.out zsb.in xeigtstz) 386 387 388 add_lapack_test(zsg.out zsg.in xeigtstz) 389 390 391 add_lapack_test(zbal.out zbal.in xeigtstz) 392 393 394 add_lapack_test(zbak.out zbak.in xeigtstz) 395 396 397 add_lapack_test(zgbal.out zgbal.in xeigtstz) 398 399 400 add_lapack_test(zgbak.out zgbak.in xeigtstz) 401 402 403 add_lapack_test(zbb.out zbb.in xeigtstz) 404 405 406 add_lapack_test(zglm.out glm.in xeigtstz) 407 408 409 add_lapack_test(zgqr.out gqr.in xeigtstz) 410 411 412 add_lapack_test(zgsv.out gsv.in xeigtstz) 413 414 415 add_lapack_test(zcsd.out csd.in xeigtstz) 416 417 418 add_lapack_test(zlse.out lse.in xeigtstz) 419 endif() 420 421 422 if (BUILD_SIMPLE) 423 if (BUILD_DOUBLE) 424 # 425 # ======== SINGLE-DOUBLE PROTO LIN TESTS ============== 426 add_lapack_test(dstest.out dstest.in xlintstds) 427 endif() 428 endif() 429 430 431 if (BUILD_COMPLEX) 432 if (BUILD_COMPLEX16) 433 # 434 # ======== COMPLEX-COMPLEX16 LIN TESTS ======================== 435 add_lapack_test(zctest.out zctest.in xlintstzc) 436 endif() 437 endif() 438 439 # ============================================================================== 440 441 execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${LAPACK_SOURCE_DIR}/testing/lapack_testing.py ${LAPACK_BINARY_DIR}) 442 add_test( 443 NAME LAPACK_Test_Summary 444 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${LAPACK_BINARY_DIR} 445 COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "lapack_testing.py" 446 ) 447 448 endif() 449 450