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      1 /*
      2 **********************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (c) 2001-2011, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 **********************************************************************
      6 *   Date        Name        Description
      7 *   11/19/2001  aliu        Creation.
      8 **********************************************************************
      9 */
     11 #include "unicode/unimatch.h"
     12 #include "unicode/utf16.h"
     13 #include "patternprops.h"
     14 #include "util.h"
     16 // Define UChar constants using hex for EBCDIC compatibility
     18 static const UChar BACKSLASH  = 0x005C; /*\*/
     19 static const UChar UPPER_U    = 0x0055; /*U*/
     20 static const UChar LOWER_U    = 0x0075; /*u*/
     21 static const UChar APOSTROPHE = 0x0027; // '\''
     22 static const UChar SPACE      = 0x0020; // ' '
     25 static const UChar DIGITS[] = {
     26     48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,
     27     65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,
     28     75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,
     29     85,86,87,88,89,90
     30 };
     34 UnicodeString& ICU_Utility::appendNumber(UnicodeString& result, int32_t n,
     35                                      int32_t radix, int32_t minDigits) {
     36     if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) {
     37         // Bogus radix
     38         return result.append((UChar)63/*?*/);
     39     }
     40     // Handle negatives
     41     if (n < 0) {
     42         n = -n;
     43         result.append((UChar)45/*-*/);
     44     }
     45     // First determine the number of digits
     46     int32_t nn = n;
     47     int32_t r = 1;
     48     while (nn >= radix) {
     49         nn /= radix;
     50         r *= radix;
     51         --minDigits;
     52     }
     53     // Now generate the digits
     54     while (--minDigits > 0) {
     55         result.append(DIGITS[0]);
     56     }
     57     while (r > 0) {
     58         int32_t digit = n / r;
     59         result.append(DIGITS[digit]);
     60         n -= digit * r;
     61         r /= radix;
     62     }
     63     return result;
     64 }
     66 /**
     67  * Return true if the character is NOT printable ASCII.
     68  */
     69 UBool ICU_Utility::isUnprintable(UChar32 c) {
     70     return !(c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7E);
     71 }
     73 /**
     74  * Escape unprintable characters using \uxxxx notation for U+0000 to
     75  * U+FFFF and \Uxxxxxxxx for U+10000 and above.  If the character is
     76  * printable ASCII, then do nothing and return FALSE.  Otherwise,
     77  * append the escaped notation and return TRUE.
     78  */
     79 UBool ICU_Utility::escapeUnprintable(UnicodeString& result, UChar32 c) {
     80     if (isUnprintable(c)) {
     81         result.append(BACKSLASH);
     82         if (c & ~0xFFFF) {
     83             result.append(UPPER_U);
     84             result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>28)]);
     85             result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>24)]);
     86             result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>20)]);
     87             result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>16)]);
     88         } else {
     89             result.append(LOWER_U);
     90         }
     91         result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>12)]);
     92         result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>8)]);
     93         result.append(DIGITS[0xF&(c>>4)]);
     94         result.append(DIGITS[0xF&c]);
     95         return TRUE;
     96     }
     97     return FALSE;
     98 }
    100 /**
    101  * Returns the index of a character, ignoring quoted text.
    102  * For example, in the string "abc'hide'h", the 'h' in "hide" will not be
    103  * found by a search for 'h'.
    104  */
    105 // FOR FUTURE USE.  DISABLE FOR NOW for coverage reasons.
    106 /*
    107 int32_t ICU_Utility::quotedIndexOf(const UnicodeString& text,
    108                                int32_t start, int32_t limit,
    109                                UChar charToFind) {
    110     for (int32_t i=start; i<limit; ++i) {
    111         UChar c = text.charAt(i);
    112         if (c == BACKSLASH) {
    113             ++i;
    114         } else if (c == APOSTROPHE) {
    115             while (++i < limit
    116                    && text.charAt(i) != APOSTROPHE) {}
    117         } else if (c == charToFind) {
    118             return i;
    119         }
    120     }
    121     return -1;
    122 }
    123 */
    125 /**
    126  * Skip over a sequence of zero or more white space characters at pos.
    127  * @param advance if true, advance pos to the first non-white-space
    128  * character at or after pos, or str.length(), if there is none.
    129  * Otherwise leave pos unchanged.
    130  * @return the index of the first non-white-space character at or
    131  * after pos, or str.length(), if there is none.
    132  */
    133 int32_t ICU_Utility::skipWhitespace(const UnicodeString& str, int32_t& pos,
    134                                     UBool advance) {
    135     int32_t p = pos;
    136     const UChar* s = str.getBuffer();
    137     p = (int32_t)(PatternProps::skipWhiteSpace(s + p, str.length() - p) - s);
    138     if (advance) {
    139         pos = p;
    140     }
    141     return p;
    142 }
    144 /**
    145  * Skip over Pattern_White_Space in a Replaceable.
    146  * Skipping may be done in the forward or
    147  * reverse direction.  In either case, the leftmost index will be
    148  * inclusive, and the rightmost index will be exclusive.  That is,
    149  * given a range defined as [start, limit), the call
    150  * skipWhitespace(text, start, limit) will advance start past leading
    151  * whitespace, whereas the call skipWhitespace(text, limit, start),
    152  * will back up limit past trailing whitespace.
    153  * @param text the text to be analyzed
    154  * @param pos either the start or limit of a range of 'text', to skip
    155  * leading or trailing whitespace, respectively
    156  * @param stop either the limit or start of a range of 'text', to skip
    157  * leading or trailing whitespace, respectively
    158  * @return the new start or limit, depending on what was passed in to
    159  * 'pos'
    160  */
    161 //?FOR FUTURE USE.  DISABLE FOR NOW for coverage reasons.
    162 //?int32_t ICU_Utility::skipWhitespace(const Replaceable& text,
    163 //?                                    int32_t pos, int32_t stop) {
    164 //?    UChar32 c;
    165 //?    UBool isForward = (stop >= pos);
    166 //?
    167 //?    if (!isForward) {
    168 //?        --pos; // pos is a limit, so back up by one
    169 //?    }
    170 //?
    171 //?    while (pos != stop &&
    172 //?           PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c = text.char32At(pos))) {
    173 //?        if (isForward) {
    174 //?            pos += U16_LENGTH(c);
    175 //?        } else {
    176 //?            pos -= U16_LENGTH(c);
    177 //?        }
    178 //?    }
    179 //?
    180 //?    if (!isForward) {
    181 //?        ++pos; // make pos back into a limit
    182 //?    }
    183 //?
    184 //?    return pos;
    185 //?}
    187 /**
    188  * Parse a single non-whitespace character 'ch', optionally
    189  * preceded by whitespace.
    190  * @param id the string to be parsed
    191  * @param pos INPUT-OUTPUT parameter.  On input, pos[0] is the
    192  * offset of the first character to be parsed.  On output, pos[0]
    193  * is the index after the last parsed character.  If the parse
    194  * fails, pos[0] will be unchanged.
    195  * @param ch the non-whitespace character to be parsed.
    196  * @return true if 'ch' is seen preceded by zero or more
    197  * whitespace characters.
    198  */
    199 UBool ICU_Utility::parseChar(const UnicodeString& id, int32_t& pos, UChar ch) {
    200     int32_t start = pos;
    201     skipWhitespace(id, pos, TRUE);
    202     if (pos == id.length() ||
    203         id.charAt(pos) != ch) {
    204         pos = start;
    205         return FALSE;
    206     }
    207     ++pos;
    208     return TRUE;
    209 }
    211 /**
    212  * Parse a pattern string within the given Replaceable and a parsing
    213  * pattern.  Characters are matched literally and case-sensitively
    214  * except for the following special characters:
    215  *
    216  * ~  zero or more Pattern_White_Space chars
    217  *
    218  * If end of pattern is reached with all matches along the way,
    219  * pos is advanced to the first unparsed index and returned.
    220  * Otherwise -1 is returned.
    221  * @param pat pattern that controls parsing
    222  * @param text text to be parsed, starting at index
    223  * @param index offset to first character to parse
    224  * @param limit offset after last character to parse
    225  * @return index after last parsed character, or -1 on parse failure.
    226  */
    227 int32_t ICU_Utility::parsePattern(const UnicodeString& pat,
    228                                   const Replaceable& text,
    229                                   int32_t index,
    230                                   int32_t limit) {
    231     int32_t ipat = 0;
    233     // empty pattern matches immediately
    234     if (ipat == pat.length()) {
    235         return index;
    236     }
    238     UChar32 cpat = pat.char32At(ipat);
    240     while (index < limit) {
    241         UChar32 c = text.char32At(index);
    243         // parse \s*
    244         if (cpat == 126 /*~*/) {
    245             if (PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c)) {
    246                 index += U16_LENGTH(c);
    247                 continue;
    248             } else {
    249                 if (++ipat == pat.length()) {
    250                     return index; // success; c unparsed
    251                 }
    252                 // fall thru; process c again with next cpat
    253             }
    254         }
    256         // parse literal
    257         else if (c == cpat) {
    258             index += U16_LENGTH(c);
    259             ipat += U16_LENGTH(cpat);
    260             if (ipat == pat.length()) {
    261                 return index; // success; c parsed
    262             }
    263             // fall thru; get next cpat
    264         }
    266         // match failure of literal
    267         else {
    268             return -1;
    269         }
    271         cpat = pat.char32At(ipat);
    272     }
    274     return -1; // text ended before end of pat
    275 }
    277 /**
    278  * Append a character to a rule that is being built up.  To flush
    279  * the quoteBuf to rule, make one final call with isLiteral == TRUE.
    280  * If there is no final character, pass in (UChar32)-1 as c.
    281  * @param rule the string to append the character to
    282  * @param c the character to append, or (UChar32)-1 if none.
    283  * @param isLiteral if true, then the given character should not be
    284  * quoted or escaped.  Usually this means it is a syntactic element
    285  * such as > or $
    286  * @param escapeUnprintable if true, then unprintable characters
    287  * should be escaped using \uxxxx or \Uxxxxxxxx.  These escapes will
    288  * appear outside of quotes.
    289  * @param quoteBuf a buffer which is used to build up quoted
    290  * substrings.  The caller should initially supply an empty buffer,
    291  * and thereafter should not modify the buffer.  The buffer should be
    292  * cleared out by, at the end, calling this method with a literal
    293  * character.
    294  */
    295 void ICU_Utility::appendToRule(UnicodeString& rule,
    296                                UChar32 c,
    297                                UBool isLiteral,
    298                                UBool escapeUnprintable,
    299                                UnicodeString& quoteBuf) {
    300     // If we are escaping unprintables, then escape them outside
    301     // quotes.  \u and \U are not recognized within quotes.  The same
    302     // logic applies to literals, but literals are never escaped.
    303     if (isLiteral ||
    304         (escapeUnprintable && ICU_Utility::isUnprintable(c))) {
    305         if (quoteBuf.length() > 0) {
    306             // We prefer backslash APOSTROPHE to double APOSTROPHE
    307             // (more readable, less similar to ") so if there are
    308             // double APOSTROPHEs at the ends, we pull them outside
    309             // of the quote.
    311             // If the first thing in the quoteBuf is APOSTROPHE
    312             // (doubled) then pull it out.
    313             while (quoteBuf.length() >= 2 &&
    314                    quoteBuf.charAt(0) == APOSTROPHE &&
    315                    quoteBuf.charAt(1) == APOSTROPHE) {
    316                 rule.append(BACKSLASH).append(APOSTROPHE);
    317                 quoteBuf.remove(0, 2);
    318             }
    319             // If the last thing in the quoteBuf is APOSTROPHE
    320             // (doubled) then remove and count it and add it after.
    321             int32_t trailingCount = 0;
    322             while (quoteBuf.length() >= 2 &&
    323                    quoteBuf.charAt(quoteBuf.length()-2) == APOSTROPHE &&
    324                    quoteBuf.charAt(quoteBuf.length()-1) == APOSTROPHE) {
    325                 quoteBuf.truncate(quoteBuf.length()-2);
    326                 ++trailingCount;
    327             }
    328             if (quoteBuf.length() > 0) {
    329                 rule.append(APOSTROPHE);
    330                 rule.append(quoteBuf);
    331                 rule.append(APOSTROPHE);
    332                 quoteBuf.truncate(0);
    333             }
    334             while (trailingCount-- > 0) {
    335                 rule.append(BACKSLASH).append(APOSTROPHE);
    336             }
    337         }
    338         if (c != (UChar32)-1) {
    339             /* Since spaces are ignored during parsing, they are
    340              * emitted only for readability.  We emit one here
    341              * only if there isn't already one at the end of the
    342              * rule.
    343              */
    344             if (c == SPACE) {
    345                 int32_t len = rule.length();
    346                 if (len > 0 && rule.charAt(len-1) != c) {
    347                     rule.append(c);
    348                 }
    349             } else if (!escapeUnprintable || !ICU_Utility::escapeUnprintable(rule, c)) {
    350                 rule.append(c);
    351             }
    352         }
    353     }
    355     // Escape ' and '\' and don't begin a quote just for them
    356     else if (quoteBuf.length() == 0 &&
    357              (c == APOSTROPHE || c == BACKSLASH)) {
    358         rule.append(BACKSLASH);
    359         rule.append(c);
    360     }
    362     // Specials (printable ascii that isn't [0-9a-zA-Z]) and
    363     // whitespace need quoting.  Also append stuff to quotes if we are
    364     // building up a quoted substring already.
    365     else if (quoteBuf.length() > 0 ||
    366              (c >= 0x0021 && c <= 0x007E &&
    367               !((c >= 0x0030/*'0'*/ && c <= 0x0039/*'9'*/) ||
    368                 (c >= 0x0041/*'A'*/ && c <= 0x005A/*'Z'*/) ||
    369                 (c >= 0x0061/*'a'*/ && c <= 0x007A/*'z'*/))) ||
    370              PatternProps::isWhiteSpace(c)) {
    371         quoteBuf.append(c);
    372         // Double ' within a quote
    373         if (c == APOSTROPHE) {
    374             quoteBuf.append(c);
    375         }
    376     }
    378     // Otherwise just append
    379     else {
    380         rule.append(c);
    381     }
    382 }
    384 void ICU_Utility::appendToRule(UnicodeString& rule,
    385                                const UnicodeString& text,
    386                                UBool isLiteral,
    387                                UBool escapeUnprintable,
    388                                UnicodeString& quoteBuf) {
    389     for (int32_t i=0; i<text.length(); ++i) {
    390         appendToRule(rule, text[i], isLiteral, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
    391     }
    392 }
    394 /**
    395  * Given a matcher reference, which may be null, append its
    396  * pattern as a literal to the given rule.
    397  */
    398 void ICU_Utility::appendToRule(UnicodeString& rule,
    399                                const UnicodeMatcher* matcher,
    400                                UBool escapeUnprintable,
    401                                UnicodeString& quoteBuf) {
    402     if (matcher != NULL) {
    403         UnicodeString pat;
    404         appendToRule(rule, matcher->toPattern(pat, escapeUnprintable),
    405                      TRUE, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
    406     }
    407 }