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      1 /*
      2 *****************************************************************************************
      3 * Copyright (C) 2014, International Business Machines
      4 * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
      5 *****************************************************************************************
      6 */
      8 #ifndef UREGION_H
      9 #define UREGION_H
     11 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     12 #include "unicode/uenum.h"
     14 /**
     15  * \file
     16  * \brief C API: URegion (territory containment and mapping)
     17  *
     18  * URegion objects represent data associated with a particular Unicode Region Code, also known as a
     19  * Unicode Region Subtag, which is defined based upon the BCP 47 standard. These include:
     20  * * Two-letter codes defined by ISO 3166-1, with special LDML treatment of certain private-use or
     21  *   reserved codes;
     22  * * A subset of 3-digit numeric codes defined by UN M.49.
     23  * URegion objects can also provide mappings to and from additional codes. There are different types
     24  * of regions that are important to distinguish:
     25  * <p>
     26  * Macroregion - A code for a "macro geographical (continental) region, geographical sub-region, or
     27  * selected economic and other grouping" as defined in UN M.49. These are typically 3-digit codes,
     28  * but contain some 2-letter codes for LDML extensions, such as "QO" for Outlying Oceania.
     29  * Macroregions are represented in ICU by one of three region types: WORLD (code 001),
     30  * CONTINENTS (regions contained directly by WORLD), and SUBCONTINENTS (regions contained directly
     31  * by a continent ).
     32  * <p>
     33  * TERRITORY - A Region that is not a Macroregion. These are typically codes for countries, but also
     34  * include areas that are not separate countries, such as the code "AQ" for Antarctica or the code
     35  * "HK" for Hong Kong (SAR China). Overseas dependencies of countries may or may not have separate
     36  * codes. The codes are typically 2-letter codes aligned with ISO 3166, but BCP47 allows for the use
     37  * of 3-digit codes in the future.
     38  * <p>
     39  * UNKNOWN - The code ZZ is defined by Unicode LDML for use in indicating that region is unknown,
     40  * or that the value supplied as a region was invalid.
     41  * <p>
     42  * DEPRECATED - Region codes that have been defined in the past but are no longer in modern usage,
     43  * usually due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
     44  * <p>
     45  * GROUPING - A widely understood grouping of territories that has a well defined membership such
     46  * that a region code has been assigned for it.  Some of these are UN M.49 codes that don't fall into
     47  * the world/continent/sub-continent hierarchy, while others are just well-known groupings that have
     48  * their own region code. Region "EU" (European Union) is one such region code that is a grouping.
     49  * Groupings will never be returned by the uregion_getContainingRegion, since a different type of region
     50  * (WORLD, CONTINENT, or SUBCONTINENT) will always be the containing region instead.
     51  *
     52  * URegion objects are const/immutable, owned and maintained by ICU itself, so there are not functions
     53  * to open or close them.
     54  */
     56 /**
     57  * URegionType is an enumeration defining the different types of regions.  Current possible
     60  *
     61  * @stable ICU 51
     62  */
     63 typedef enum URegionType {
     64     /**
     65      * Type representing the unknown region.
     66      * @stable ICU 51
     67      */
     68     URGN_UNKNOWN,
     70     /**
     71      * Type representing a territory.
     72      * @stable ICU 51
     73      */
     74     URGN_TERRITORY,
     76     /**
     77      * Type representing the whole world.
     78      * @stable ICU 51
     79      */
     80     URGN_WORLD,
     82     /**
     83      * Type representing a continent.
     84      * @stable ICU 51
     85      */
     86     URGN_CONTINENT,
     88     /**
     89      * Type representing a sub-continent.
     90      * @stable ICU 51
     91      */
     94     /**
     95      * Type representing a grouping of territories that is not to be used in
     96      * the normal WORLD/CONTINENT/SUBCONTINENT/TERRITORY containment tree.
     97      * @stable ICU 51
     98      */
     99     URGN_GROUPING,
    101     /**
    102      * Type representing a region whose code has been deprecated, usually
    103      * due to a country splitting into multiple territories or changing its name.
    104      * @stable ICU 51
    105      */
    106     URGN_DEPRECATED,
    108     /**
    109      * Maximum value for this unumeration.
    110      * @stable ICU 51
    111      */
    112     URGN_LIMIT
    113 } URegionType;
    117 /**
    118  * Opaque URegion object for use in C programs.
    119  * @stable ICU 52
    120  */
    121 struct URegion;
    122 typedef struct URegion URegion; /**< @stable ICU 52 */
    124 /**
    125  * Returns a pointer to a URegion for the specified region code: A 2-letter or 3-letter ISO 3166
    126  * code, UN M.49 numeric code (superset of ISO 3166 numeric codes), or other valid Unicode Region
    127  * Code as defined by the LDML specification. The code will be canonicalized internally. If the
    128  * region code is NULL or not recognized, the appropriate error code will be set
    130  * @stable ICU 52
    131  */
    132 U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
    133 uregion_getRegionFromCode(const char *regionCode, UErrorCode *status);
    135 /**
    136  * Returns a pointer to a URegion for the specified numeric region code. If the numeric region
    137  * code is not recognized, the appropriate error code will be set (U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR).
    138  * @stable ICU 52
    139  */
    140 U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
    141 uregion_getRegionFromNumericCode (int32_t code, UErrorCode *status);
    143 /**
    144  * Returns an enumeration over the canonical codes of all known regions that match the given type.
    145  * The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
    146  * @stable ICU 52
    147  */
    148 U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    149 uregion_getAvailable(URegionType type, UErrorCode *status);
    151 /**
    152  * Returns true if the specified uregion is equal to the specified otherRegion.
    153  * @stable ICU 52
    154  */
    155 U_STABLE UBool U_EXPORT2
    156 uregion_areEqual(const URegion* uregion, const URegion* otherRegion);
    158 /**
    159  * Returns a pointer to the URegion that contains the specified uregion. Returns NULL if the
    160  * specified uregion is code "001" (World) or "ZZ" (Unknown region). For example, calling
    161  * this method with region "IT" (Italy) returns the URegion for "039" (Southern Europe).
    162  * @stable ICU 52
    163  */
    164 U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
    165 uregion_getContainingRegion(const URegion* uregion);
    167 /**
    168  * Return a pointer to the URegion that geographically contains this uregion and matches the
    169  * specified type, moving multiple steps up the containment chain if necessary. Returns NULL if no
    170  * containing region can be found that matches the specified type. Will return NULL if URegionType
    171  * is URGN_GROUPING, URGN_DEPRECATED, or URGN_UNKNOWN which are not appropriate for this API.
    172  * For example, calling this method with uregion "IT" (Italy) for type URGN_CONTINENT returns the
    173  * URegion "150" (Europe).
    174  * @stable ICU 52
    175  */
    176 U_STABLE const URegion* U_EXPORT2
    177 uregion_getContainingRegionOfType(const URegion* uregion, URegionType type);
    179 /**
    180  * Return an enumeration over the canonical codes of all the regions that are immediate children
    181  * of the specified uregion in the region hierarchy. These returned regions could be either macro
    182  * regions, territories, or a mixture of the two, depending on the containment data as defined in
    183  * CLDR. This API returns NULL if this uregion doesn't have any sub-regions. For example, calling
    184  * this function for uregion "150" (Europe) returns an enumeration containing the various
    185  * sub-regions of Europe: "039" (Southern Europe), "151" (Eastern Europe), "154" (Northern Europe),
    186  * and "155" (Western Europe). The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
    187  * @stable ICU 52
    188  */
    189 U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    190 uregion_getContainedRegions(const URegion* uregion, UErrorCode *status);
    192 /**
    193  * Returns an enumeration over the canonical codes of all the regions that are children of the
    194  * specified uregion anywhere in the region hierarchy and match the given type. This API may return
    195  * an empty enumeration if this uregion doesn't have any sub-regions that match the given type.
    196  * For example, calling this method with region "150" (Europe) and type URGN_TERRITORY" returns an
    197  * enumeration containing all the territories in Europe: "FR" (France), "IT" (Italy), "DE" (Germany),
    198  * etc. The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
    199  * @stable ICU 52
    200  */
    201 U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    202 uregion_getContainedRegionsOfType(const URegion* uregion, URegionType type, UErrorCode *status);
    204 /**
    205  * Returns true if the specified uregion contains the specified otherRegion anywhere in the region
    206  * hierarchy.
    207  * @stable ICU 52
    208  */
    209 U_STABLE UBool U_EXPORT2
    210 uregion_contains(const URegion* uregion, const URegion* otherRegion);
    212 /**
    213  * If the specified uregion is deprecated, returns an enumeration over the canonical codes of the
    214  * regions that are the preferred replacement regions for the specified uregion. If the specified
    215  * uregion is not deprecated, returns NULL. For example, calling this method with uregion
    216  * "SU" (Soviet Union) returns a list of the regions containing "RU" (Russia), "AM" (Armenia),
    217  * "AZ" (Azerbaijan), etc... The enumeration must be closed with with uenum_close().
    218  * @stable ICU 52
    219  */
    220 U_STABLE UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
    221 uregion_getPreferredValues(const URegion* uregion, UErrorCode *status);
    223 /**
    224  * Returns the specified uregion's canonical code.
    225  * @stable ICU 52
    226  */
    227 U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
    228 uregion_getRegionCode(const URegion* uregion);
    230 /**
    231  * Returns the specified uregion's numeric code, or a negative value if there is no numeric code
    232  * for the specified uregion.
    233  * @stable ICU 52
    234  */
    235 U_STABLE int32_t U_EXPORT2
    236 uregion_getNumericCode(const URegion* uregion);
    238 /**
    239  * Returns the URegionType of the specified uregion.
    240  * @stable ICU 52
    241  */
    242 U_STABLE URegionType U_EXPORT2
    243 uregion_getType(const URegion* uregion);
    246 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */
    248 #endif