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      1 /*
      2 **********************************************************************
      3 *   Copyright (C) 2002-2015, International Business Machines
      4 *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
      5 **********************************************************************
      6 *
      7 * File gendict.cpp
      8 */
     10 #include "unicode/utypes.h"
     11 #include "unicode/uchar.h"
     12 #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
     13 #include "unicode/uniset.h"
     14 #include "unicode/unistr.h"
     15 #include "unicode/uclean.h"
     16 #include "unicode/udata.h"
     17 #include "unicode/putil.h"
     18 #include "unicode/ucharstriebuilder.h"
     19 #include "unicode/bytestriebuilder.h"
     20 #include "unicode/ucharstrie.h"
     21 #include "unicode/bytestrie.h"
     22 #include "unicode/ucnv.h"
     23 #include "unicode/utf16.h"
     25 #include "charstr.h"
     26 #include "dictionarydata.h"
     27 #include "uoptions.h"
     28 #include "unewdata.h"
     29 #include "cmemory.h"
     30 #include "uassert.h"
     31 #include "ucbuf.h"
     32 #include "toolutil.h"
     33 #include "cstring.h"
     35 #include <stdio.h>
     36 #include <stdlib.h>
     37 #include <string.h>
     39 #include "putilimp.h"
     40 UDate startTime;
     42 static int elapsedTime() {
     43   return (int)uprv_floor((uprv_getRawUTCtime()-startTime)/1000.0);
     44 }
     48 static char *progName;
     49 static UOption options[]={
     50     UOPTION_HELP_H,             /* 0 */
     51     UOPTION_HELP_QUESTION_MARK, /* 1 */
     52     UOPTION_VERBOSE,            /* 2 */
     53     UOPTION_ICUDATADIR,         /* 4 */
     54     UOPTION_COPYRIGHT,          /* 5 */
     55     { "uchars", NULL, NULL, NULL, '\1', UOPT_NO_ARG, 0}, /* 6 */
     56     { "bytes", NULL, NULL, NULL, '\1', UOPT_NO_ARG, 0}, /* 7 */
     57     { "transform", NULL, NULL, NULL, '\1', UOPT_REQUIRES_ARG, 0}, /* 8 */
     58     UOPTION_QUIET,              /* 9 */
     59 };
     61 enum arguments {
     62     ARG_HELP = 0,
     63     ARG_QMARK,
     64     ARG_VERBOSE,
     65     ARG_ICUDATADIR,
     66     ARG_COPYRIGHT,
     67     ARG_UCHARS,
     68     ARG_BYTES,
     69     ARG_TRANSFORM,
     70     ARG_QUIET
     71 };
     73 // prints out the standard usage method describing command line arguments,
     74 // then bails out with the desired exit code
     75 static void usageAndDie(UErrorCode retCode) {
     76     fprintf((U_SUCCESS(retCode) ? stdout : stderr), "Usage: %s -trietype [-options] input-dictionary-file output-file\n", progName);
     77     fprintf((U_SUCCESS(retCode) ? stdout : stderr),
     78            "\tRead in a word list and write out a string trie dictionary\n"
     79            "options:\n"
     80            "\t-h or -? or --help  this usage text\n"
     81            "\t-V or --version     show a version message\n"
     82            "\t-c or --copyright   include a copyright notice\n"
     83            "\t-v or --verbose     turn on verbose output\n"
     84            "\t-q or --quiet       do not display warnings and progress\n"
     85            "\t-i or --icudatadir  directory for locating any needed intermediate data files,\n" // TODO: figure out if we need this option
     86            "\t                    followed by path, defaults to %s\n"
     87            "\t--uchars            output a UCharsTrie (mutually exclusive with -b!)\n"
     88            "\t--bytes             output a BytesTrie (mutually exclusive with -u!)\n"
     89            "\t--transform         the kind of transform to use (eg --transform offset-40A3,\n"
     90            "\t                    which specifies an offset transform with constant 0x40A3)\n",
     91             u_getDataDirectory());
     92     exit(retCode);
     93 }
     96 /* UDataInfo cf. udata.h */
     97 static UDataInfo dataInfo = {
     98     sizeof(UDataInfo),
     99     0,
    101     U_IS_BIG_ENDIAN,
    102     U_CHARSET_FAMILY,
    103     U_SIZEOF_UCHAR,
    104     0,
    106     { 0x44, 0x69, 0x63, 0x74 },     /* "Dict" */
    107     { 1, 0, 0, 0 },                 /* format version */
    108     { 0, 0, 0, 0 }                  /* data version */
    109 };
    113 // A wrapper for both BytesTrieBuilder and UCharsTrieBuilder.
    114 // may want to put this somewhere in ICU, as it could be useful outside
    115 // of this tool?
    116 class DataDict {
    117 private:
    118     BytesTrieBuilder *bt;
    119     UCharsTrieBuilder *ut;
    120     UChar32 transformConstant;
    121     int32_t transformType;
    122 public:
    123     // constructs a new data dictionary. if there is an error,
    124     // it will be returned in status
    125     // isBytesTrie != 0 will produce a BytesTrieBuilder,
    126     // isBytesTrie == 0 will produce a UCharsTrieBuilder
    127     DataDict(UBool isBytesTrie, UErrorCode &status) : bt(NULL), ut(NULL),
    128         transformConstant(0), transformType(DictionaryData::TRANSFORM_NONE) {
    129         if (isBytesTrie) {
    130             bt = new BytesTrieBuilder(status);
    131         } else {
    132             ut = new UCharsTrieBuilder(status);
    133         }
    134     }
    136     ~DataDict() {
    137         delete bt;
    138         delete ut;
    139     }
    141 private:
    142     char transform(UChar32 c, UErrorCode &status) {
    143         if (transformType == DictionaryData::TRANSFORM_TYPE_OFFSET) {
    144             if (c == 0x200D) { return (char)0xFF; }
    145             else if (c == 0x200C) { return (char)0xFE; }
    146             int32_t delta = c - transformConstant;
    147             if (delta < 0 || 0xFD < delta) {
    148                 fprintf(stderr, "Codepoint U+%04lx out of range for --transform offset-%04lx!\n",
    149                         (long)c, (long)transformConstant);
    150                 exit(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR); // TODO: should return and print the line number
    151             }
    152             return (char)delta;
    153         } else { // no such transform type
    154             status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
    155             return (char)c; // it should be noted this transform type will not generally work
    156         }
    157     }
    159     void transform(const UnicodeString &word, CharString &buf, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    160         UChar32 c = 0;
    161         int32_t len = word.length();
    162         for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i += U16_LENGTH(c)) {
    163             c = word.char32At(i);
    164             buf.append(transform(c, errorCode), errorCode);
    165         }
    166     }
    168 public:
    169     // sets the desired transformation data.
    170     // should be populated from a command line argument
    171     // so far the only acceptable format is offset-<hex constant>
    172     // eventually others (mask-<hex constant>?) may be enabled
    173     // more complex functions may be more difficult
    174     void setTransform(const char *t) {
    175         if (strncmp(t, "offset-", 7) == 0) {
    176             char *end;
    177             unsigned long base = uprv_strtoul(t + 7, &end, 16);
    178             if (end == (t + 7) || *end != 0 || base > 0x10FF80) {
    179                 fprintf(stderr, "Syntax for offset value in --transform offset-%s invalid!\n", t + 7);
    180                 usageAndDie(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    181             }
    182             transformType = DictionaryData::TRANSFORM_TYPE_OFFSET;
    183             transformConstant = (UChar32)base;
    184         }
    185         else {
    186             fprintf(stderr, "Invalid transform specified: %s\n", t);
    187             usageAndDie(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    188         }
    189     }
    191     // add a word to the trie
    192     void addWord(const UnicodeString &word, int32_t value, UErrorCode &status) {
    193         if (bt) {
    194             CharString buf;
    195             transform(word, buf, status);
    196             bt->add(buf.toStringPiece(), value, status);
    197         }
    198         if (ut) { ut->add(word, value, status); }
    199     }
    201     // if we are a bytestrie, give back the StringPiece representing the serialized version of us
    202     StringPiece serializeBytes(UErrorCode &status) {
    203         return bt->buildStringPiece(USTRINGTRIE_BUILD_SMALL, status);
    204     }
    206     // if we are a ucharstrie, produce the UnicodeString representing the serialized version of us
    207     void serializeUChars(UnicodeString &s, UErrorCode &status) {
    208         ut->buildUnicodeString(USTRINGTRIE_BUILD_SMALL, s, status);
    209     }
    211     int32_t getTransform() {
    212         return (int32_t)(transformType | transformConstant);
    213     }
    214 };
    215 #endif
    217 static const UChar LINEFEED_CHARACTER = 0x000A;
    218 static const UChar CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHARACTER = 0x000D;
    220 static UBool readLine(UCHARBUF *f, UnicodeString &fileLine, IcuToolErrorCode &errorCode) {
    221     int32_t lineLength;
    222     const UChar *line = ucbuf_readline(f, &lineLength, errorCode);
    223     if(line == NULL || errorCode.isFailure()) { return FALSE; }
    224     // Strip trailing CR/LF, comments, and spaces.
    225     const UChar *comment = u_memchr(line, 0x23, lineLength);  // '#'
    226     if(comment != NULL) {
    227         lineLength = (int32_t)(comment - line);
    228     } else {
    229         while(lineLength > 0 && (line[lineLength - 1] == CARRIAGE_RETURN_CHARACTER || line[lineLength - 1] == LINEFEED_CHARACTER)) { --lineLength; }
    230     }
    231     while(lineLength > 0 && u_isspace(line[lineLength - 1])) { --lineLength; }
    232     fileLine.setTo(FALSE, line, lineLength);
    233     return TRUE;
    234 }
    236 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    237 //
    238 //  main      for gendict
    239 //
    240 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    241 int  main(int argc, char **argv) {
    242     //
    243     // Pick up and check the command line arguments,
    244     //    using the standard ICU tool utils option handling.
    245     //
    246     U_MAIN_INIT_ARGS(argc, argv);
    247     progName = argv[0];
    248     argc=u_parseArgs(argc, argv, sizeof(options)/sizeof(options[0]), options);
    249     if(argc<0) {
    250         // Unrecognized option
    251         fprintf(stderr, "error in command line argument \"%s\"\n", argv[-argc]);
    252         usageAndDie(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    253     }
    255     if(options[ARG_HELP].doesOccur || options[ARG_QMARK].doesOccur) {
    256         //  -? or -h for help.
    257         usageAndDie(U_ZERO_ERROR);
    258     }
    260     UBool verbose = options[ARG_VERBOSE].doesOccur;
    261     UBool quiet = options[ARG_QUIET].doesOccur;
    263     if (argc < 3) {
    264         fprintf(stderr, "input and output file must both be specified.\n");
    265         usageAndDie(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    266     }
    267     const char *outFileName  = argv[2];
    268     const char *wordFileName = argv[1];
    270     startTime = uprv_getRawUTCtime(); // initialize start timer
    272 	if (options[ARG_ICUDATADIR].doesOccur) {
    273         u_setDataDirectory(options[ARG_ICUDATADIR].value);
    274     }
    276     const char *copyright = NULL;
    277     if (options[ARG_COPYRIGHT].doesOccur) {
    278         copyright = U_COPYRIGHT_STRING;
    279     }
    281     if (options[ARG_UCHARS].doesOccur == options[ARG_BYTES].doesOccur) {
    282         fprintf(stderr, "you must specify exactly one type of trie to output!\n");
    283         usageAndDie(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    284     }
    285     UBool isBytesTrie = options[ARG_BYTES].doesOccur;
    286     if (isBytesTrie != options[ARG_TRANSFORM].doesOccur) {
    287         fprintf(stderr, "you must provide a transformation for a bytes trie, and must not provide one for a uchars trie!\n");
    288         usageAndDie(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    289     }
    291     IcuToolErrorCode status("gendict/main()");
    294     const char* outDir=NULL;
    296     UNewDataMemory *pData;
    297     char msg[1024];
    298     UErrorCode tempstatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    300     /* write message with just the name */ // potential for a buffer overflow here...
    301     sprintf(msg, "gendict writes dummy %s because of UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION and/or UCONFIG_NO_FILE_IO, see uconfig.h", outFileName);
    302     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg);
    304     /* write the dummy data file */
    305     pData = udata_create(outDir, NULL, outFileName, &dataInfo, NULL, &tempstatus);
    306     udata_writeBlock(pData, msg, strlen(msg));
    307     udata_finish(pData, &tempstatus);
    308     return (int)tempstatus;
    310 #else
    311     //  Read in the dictionary source file
    312     if (verbose) { printf("Opening file %s...\n", wordFileName); }
    313     const char *codepage = "UTF-8";
    314     UCHARBUF *f = ucbuf_open(wordFileName, &codepage, TRUE, FALSE, status);
    315     if (status.isFailure()) {
    316         fprintf(stderr, "error opening input file: ICU Error \"%s\"\n", status.errorName());
    317         exit(status.reset());
    318     }
    319     if (verbose) { printf("Initializing dictionary builder of type %s...\n", (isBytesTrie ? "BytesTrie" : "UCharsTrie")); }
    320     DataDict dict(isBytesTrie, status);
    321     if (status.isFailure()) {
    322         fprintf(stderr, "new DataDict: ICU Error \"%s\"\n", status.errorName());
    323         exit(status.reset());
    324     }
    325     if (options[ARG_TRANSFORM].doesOccur) {
    326         dict.setTransform(options[ARG_TRANSFORM].value);
    327     }
    329     UnicodeString fileLine;
    330     if (verbose) { puts("Adding words to dictionary..."); }
    331     UBool hasValues = FALSE;
    332     UBool hasValuelessContents = FALSE;
    333     int lineCount = 0;
    334     int wordCount = 0;
    335     int minlen = 255;
    336     int maxlen = 0;
    337     UBool isOk = TRUE;
    338     while (readLine(f, fileLine, status)) {
    339         lineCount++;
    340         if (fileLine.isEmpty()) continue;
    342         // Parse word [spaces value].
    343         int32_t keyLen;
    344         for (keyLen = 0; keyLen < fileLine.length() && !u_isspace(fileLine[keyLen]); ++keyLen) {}
    345         if (keyLen == 0) {
    346             fprintf(stderr, "Error: no word on line %i!\n", lineCount);
    347             isOk = FALSE;
    348             continue;
    349         }
    350         int32_t valueStart;
    351         for (valueStart = keyLen;
    352             valueStart < fileLine.length() && u_isspace(fileLine[valueStart]);
    353             ++valueStart) {}
    355         if (keyLen < valueStart) {
    356             int32_t valueLength = fileLine.length() - valueStart;
    357             if (valueLength > 15) {
    358                 fprintf(stderr, "Error: value too long on line %i!\n", lineCount);
    359                 isOk = FALSE;
    360                 continue;
    361             }
    362             char s[16];
    363             fileLine.extract(valueStart, valueLength, s, 16, US_INV);
    364             char *end;
    365             unsigned long value = uprv_strtoul(s, &end, 0);
    366             if (end == s || *end != 0 || (int32_t)uprv_strlen(s) != valueLength || value > 0xffffffff) {
    367                 fprintf(stderr, "Error: value syntax error or value too large on line %i!\n", lineCount);
    368                 isOk = FALSE;
    369                 continue;
    370             }
    371             dict.addWord(fileLine.tempSubString(0, keyLen), (int32_t)value, status);
    372             hasValues = TRUE;
    373             wordCount++;
    374             if (keyLen < minlen) minlen = keyLen;
    375             if (keyLen > maxlen) maxlen = keyLen;
    376         } else {
    377             dict.addWord(fileLine.tempSubString(0, keyLen), 0, status);
    378             hasValuelessContents = TRUE;
    379             wordCount++;
    380             if (keyLen < minlen) minlen = keyLen;
    381             if (keyLen > maxlen) maxlen = keyLen;
    382         }
    384         if (status.isFailure()) {
    385             fprintf(stderr, "ICU Error \"%s\": Failed to add word to trie at input line %d in input file\n",
    386                 status.errorName(), lineCount);
    387             exit(status.reset());
    388         }
    389     }
    390     if (verbose) { printf("Processed %d lines, added %d words, minlen %d, maxlen %d\n", lineCount, wordCount, minlen, maxlen); }
    392     if (!isOk && status.isSuccess()) {
    393         status.set(U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    394     }
    395     if (hasValues && hasValuelessContents) {
    396         fprintf(stderr, "warning: file contained both valued and unvalued strings!\n");
    397     }
    399     if (verbose) { printf("Serializing data...isBytesTrie? %d\n", isBytesTrie); }
    400     int32_t outDataSize;
    401     const void *outData;
    402     UnicodeString usp;
    403     if (isBytesTrie) {
    404         StringPiece sp = dict.serializeBytes(status);
    405         outDataSize = sp.size();
    406         outData = sp.data();
    407     } else {
    408         dict.serializeUChars(usp, status);
    409         outDataSize = usp.length() * U_SIZEOF_UCHAR;
    410         outData = usp.getBuffer();
    411     }
    412     if (status.isFailure()) {
    413         fprintf(stderr, "gendict: got failure of type %s while serializing, if U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR possibly due to duplicate dictionary entries\n", status.errorName());
    414         exit(status.reset());
    415     }
    416     if (verbose) { puts("Opening output file..."); }
    417     UNewDataMemory *pData = udata_create(NULL, NULL, outFileName, &dataInfo, copyright, status);
    418     if (status.isFailure()) {
    419         fprintf(stderr, "gendict: could not open output file \"%s\", \"%s\"\n", outFileName, status.errorName());
    420         exit(status.reset());
    421     }
    423     if (verbose) { puts("Writing to output file..."); }
    424     int32_t indexes[DictionaryData::IX_COUNT] = {
    425         DictionaryData::IX_COUNT * sizeof(int32_t), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
    426     };
    427     int32_t size = outDataSize + indexes[DictionaryData::IX_STRING_TRIE_OFFSET];
    428     indexes[DictionaryData::IX_RESERVED1_OFFSET] = size;
    429     indexes[DictionaryData::IX_RESERVED2_OFFSET] = size;
    430     indexes[DictionaryData::IX_TOTAL_SIZE] = size;
    432     indexes[DictionaryData::IX_TRIE_TYPE] = isBytesTrie ? DictionaryData::TRIE_TYPE_BYTES : DictionaryData::TRIE_TYPE_UCHARS;
    433     if (hasValues) {
    434         indexes[DictionaryData::IX_TRIE_TYPE] |= DictionaryData::TRIE_HAS_VALUES;
    435     }
    437     indexes[DictionaryData::IX_TRANSFORM] = dict.getTransform();
    438     udata_writeBlock(pData, indexes, sizeof(indexes));
    439     udata_writeBlock(pData, outData, outDataSize);
    440     size_t bytesWritten = udata_finish(pData, status);
    441     if (status.isFailure()) {
    442         fprintf(stderr, "gendict: error \"%s\" writing the output file\n", status.errorName());
    443         exit(status.reset());
    444     }
    446     if (bytesWritten != (size_t)size) {
    447         fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to output file \"%s\"\n", outFileName);
    448         exit(U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR);
    449     }
    451     if (!quiet) { printf("%s: done writing\t%s (%ds).\n", progName, outFileName, elapsedTime()); }
    453 #ifdef TEST_GENDICT
    454     if (isBytesTrie) {
    455         BytesTrie::Iterator it(outData, outDataSize, status);
    456         while (it.hasNext()) {
    457             it.next(status);
    458             const StringPiece s = it.getString();
    459             int32_t val = it.getValue();
    460             printf("%s -> %i\n", s.data(), val);
    461         }
    462     } else {
    463         UCharsTrie::Iterator it((const UChar *)outData, outDataSize, status);
    464         while (it.hasNext()) {
    465             it.next(status);
    466             const UnicodeString s = it.getString();
    467             int32_t val = it.getValue();
    468             char tmp[1024];
    469             s.extract(0, s.length(), tmp, 1024);
    470             printf("%s -> %i\n", tmp, val);
    471         }
    472     }
    473 #endif
    475     return 0;
    476 #endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_BREAK_ITERATION */
    477 }