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      1 ========================================================
      2 LibFuzzer -- a library for coverage-guided fuzz testing.
      3 ========================================================
      4 .. contents::
      5    :local:
      6    :depth: 4
      8 Introduction
      9 ============
     11 This library is intended primarily for in-process coverage-guided fuzz testing
     12 (fuzzing) of other libraries. The typical workflow looks like this:
     14 * Build the Fuzzer library as a static archive (or just a set of .o files).
     15   Note that the Fuzzer contains the main() function.
     16   Preferably do *not* use sanitizers while building the Fuzzer.
     17 * Build the library you are going to test with
     18   `-fsanitize-coverage={bb,edge}[,indirect-calls,8bit-counters]`
     19   and one of the sanitizers. We recommend to build the library in several
     20   different modes (e.g. asan, msan, lsan, ubsan, etc) and even using different
     21   optimizations options (e.g. -O0, -O1, -O2) to diversify testing.
     22 * Build a test driver using the same options as the library.
     23   The test driver is a C/C++ file containing interesting calls to the library
     24   inside a single function  ``extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);``.
     25   Currently, the only expected return value is 0, others are reserved for future.
     26 * Link the Fuzzer, the library and the driver together into an executable
     27   using the same sanitizer options as for the library.
     28 * Collect the initial corpus of inputs for the
     29   fuzzer (a directory with test inputs, one file per input).
     30   The better your inputs are the faster you will find something interesting.
     31   Also try to keep your inputs small, otherwise the Fuzzer will run too slow.
     32   By default, the Fuzzer limits the size of every input to 64 bytes
     33   (use ``-max_len=N`` to override).
     34 * Run the fuzzer with the test corpus. As new interesting test cases are
     35   discovered they will be added to the corpus. If a bug is discovered by
     36   the sanitizer (asan, etc) it will be reported as usual and the reproducer
     37   will be written to disk.
     38   Each Fuzzer process is single-threaded (unless the library starts its own
     39   threads). You can run the Fuzzer on the same corpus in multiple processes
     40   in parallel.
     43 The Fuzzer is similar in concept to AFL_,
     44 but uses in-process Fuzzing, which is more fragile, more restrictive, but
     45 potentially much faster as it has no overhead for process start-up.
     46 It uses LLVM's SanitizerCoverage_ instrumentation to get in-process
     47 coverage-feedback
     49 The code resides in the LLVM repository, requires the fresh Clang compiler to build
     50 and is used to fuzz various parts of LLVM,
     51 but the Fuzzer itself does not (and should not) depend on any
     52 part of LLVM and can be used for other projects w/o requiring the rest of LLVM.
     54 Flags
     55 =====
     56 The most important flags are::
     58   seed                               	0	Random seed. If 0, seed is generated.
     59   runs                               	-1	Number of individual test runs (-1 for infinite runs).
     60   max_len                            	64	Maximum length of the test input.
     61   cross_over                         	1	If 1, cross over inputs.
     62   mutate_depth                       	5	Apply this number of consecutive mutations to each input.
     63   timeout                            	1200	Timeout in seconds (if positive). If one unit runs more than this number of seconds the process will abort.
     64   max_total_time                        0       If positive, indicates the maximal total time in seconds to run the fuzzer.
     65   help                               	0	Print help.
     66   merge                                 0       If 1, the 2-nd, 3-rd, etc corpora will be merged into the 1-st corpus. Only interesting units will be taken.
     67   jobs                               	0	Number of jobs to run. If jobs >= 1 we spawn this number of jobs in separate worker processes with stdout/stderr redirected to fuzz-JOB.log.
     68   workers                            	0	Number of simultaneous worker processes to run the jobs. If zero, "min(jobs,NumberOfCpuCores()/2)" is used.
     69   sync_command                       	0	Execute an external command "<sync_command> <test_corpus>" to synchronize the test corpus.
     70   sync_timeout                       	600	Minimum timeout between syncs.
     71   use_traces                            0       Experimental: use instruction traces
     72   only_ascii                            0       If 1, generate only ASCII (isprint+isspace) inputs.
     73   test_single_input                     ""      Use specified file content as test input. Test will be run only once. Useful for debugging a particular case.
     74   artifact_prefix                       ""      Write fuzzing artifacts (crash, timeout, or slow inputs) as $(artifact_prefix)file
     75   exact_artifact_path                   ""      Write the single artifact on failure (crash, timeout) as $(exact_artifact_path). This overrides -artifact_prefix and will not use checksum in the file name. Do not use the same path for several parallel processes.
     77 For the full list of flags run the fuzzer binary with ``-help=1``.
     79 Usage examples
     80 ==============
     82 Toy example
     83 -----------
     85 A simple function that does something interesting if it receives the input "HI!"::
     87   cat << EOF >> test_fuzzer.cc
     88   #include <stdint.h>
     89   #include <stddef.h>
     90   extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
     91     if (size > 0 && data[0] == 'H')
     92       if (size > 1 && data[1] == 'I')
     93          if (size > 2 && data[2] == '!')
     94          __builtin_trap();
     95     return 0;
     96   }
     97   EOF
     98   # Get lib/Fuzzer. Assuming that you already have fresh clang in PATH.
     99   svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/Fuzzer
    100   # Build lib/Fuzzer files.
    101   clang -c -g -O2 -std=c++11 Fuzzer/*.cpp -IFuzzer
    102   # Build test_fuzzer.cc with asan and link against lib/Fuzzer.
    103   clang++ -fsanitize=address -fsanitize-coverage=edge test_fuzzer.cc Fuzzer*.o
    104   # Run the fuzzer with no corpus.
    105   ./a.out
    107 You should get ``Illegal instruction (core dumped)`` pretty quickly.
    109 PCRE2
    110 -----
    112 Here we show how to use lib/Fuzzer on something real, yet simple: pcre2_::
    114   COV_FLAGS=" -fsanitize-coverage=edge,indirect-calls,8bit-counters"
    115   # Get PCRE2
    116   svn co svn://vcs.exim.org/pcre2/code/trunk pcre
    117   # Get lib/Fuzzer. Assuming that you already have fresh clang in PATH.
    118   svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/Fuzzer
    119   # Build PCRE2 with AddressSanitizer and coverage.
    120   (cd pcre; ./autogen.sh; CC="clang -fsanitize=address $COV_FLAGS" ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/../inst && make -j && make install)
    121   # Build lib/Fuzzer files.
    122   clang -c -g -O2 -std=c++11 Fuzzer/*.cpp -IFuzzer
    123   # Build the actual function that does something interesting with PCRE2.
    124   cat << EOF > pcre_fuzzer.cc
    125   #include <string.h>
    126   #include <stdint.h>
    127   #include "pcre2posix.h"
    128   extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    129     if (size < 1) return 0;
    130     char *str = new char[size+1];
    131     memcpy(str, data, size);
    132     str[size] = 0;
    133     regex_t preg;
    134     if (0 == regcomp(&preg, str, 0)) {
    135       regexec(&preg, str, 0, 0, 0);
    136       regfree(&preg);
    137     }
    138     delete [] str;
    139     return 0;
    140   }
    141   EOF
    142   clang++ -g -fsanitize=address $COV_FLAGS -c -std=c++11  -I inst/include/ pcre_fuzzer.cc
    143   # Link.
    144   clang++ -g -fsanitize=address -Wl,--whole-archive inst/lib/*.a -Wl,-no-whole-archive Fuzzer*.o pcre_fuzzer.o -o pcre_fuzzer
    146 This will give you a binary of the fuzzer, called ``pcre_fuzzer``.
    147 Now, create a directory that will hold the test corpus::
    149   mkdir -p CORPUS
    151 For simple input languages like regular expressions this is all you need.
    152 For more complicated inputs populate the directory with some input samples.
    153 Now run the fuzzer with the corpus dir as the only parameter::
    155   ./pcre_fuzzer ./CORPUS
    157 You will see output like this::
    159   Seed: 1876794929
    160   #0      READ   cov 0 bits 0 units 1 exec/s 0
    161   #1      pulse  cov 3 bits 0 units 1 exec/s 0
    162   #1      INITED cov 3 bits 0 units 1 exec/s 0
    163   #2      pulse  cov 208 bits 0 units 1 exec/s 0
    164   #2      NEW    cov 208 bits 0 units 2 exec/s 0 L: 64
    165   #3      NEW    cov 217 bits 0 units 3 exec/s 0 L: 63
    166   #4      pulse  cov 217 bits 0 units 3 exec/s 0
    168 * The ``Seed:`` line shows you the current random seed (you can change it with ``-seed=N`` flag).
    169 * The ``READ``  line shows you how many input files were read (since you passed an empty dir there were inputs, but one dummy input was synthesised).
    170 * The ``INITED`` line shows you that how many inputs will be fuzzed.
    171 * The ``NEW`` lines appear with the fuzzer finds a new interesting input, which is saved to the CORPUS dir. If multiple corpus dirs are given, the first one is used.
    172 * The ``pulse`` lines appear periodically to show the current status.
    174 Now, interrupt the fuzzer and run it again the same way. You will see::
    176   Seed: 1879995378
    177   #0      READ   cov 0 bits 0 units 564 exec/s 0
    178   #1      pulse  cov 502 bits 0 units 564 exec/s 0
    179   ...
    180   #512    pulse  cov 2933 bits 0 units 564 exec/s 512
    181   #564    INITED cov 2991 bits 0 units 344 exec/s 564
    182   #1024   pulse  cov 2991 bits 0 units 344 exec/s 1024
    183   #1455   NEW    cov 2995 bits 0 units 345 exec/s 1455 L: 49
    185 This time you were running the fuzzer with a non-empty input corpus (564 items).
    186 As the first step, the fuzzer minimized the set to produce 344 interesting items (the ``INITED`` line)
    188 It is quite convenient to store test corpuses in git.
    189 As an example, here is a git repository with test inputs for the above PCRE2 fuzzer::
    191   git clone https://github.com/kcc/fuzzing-with-sanitizers.git
    192   ./pcre_fuzzer ./fuzzing-with-sanitizers/pcre2/C1/
    194 You may run ``N`` independent fuzzer jobs in parallel on ``M`` CPUs::
    196   N=100; M=4; ./pcre_fuzzer ./CORPUS -jobs=$N -workers=$M
    198 By default (``-reload=1``) the fuzzer processes will periodically scan the CORPUS directory
    199 and reload any new tests. This way the test inputs found by one process will be picked up
    200 by all others.
    202 If ``-workers=$M`` is not supplied, ``min($N,NumberOfCpuCore/2)`` will be used.
    204 Heartbleed
    205 ----------
    206 Remember Heartbleed_?
    207 As it was recently `shown <https://blog.hboeck.de/archives/868-How-Heartbleed-couldve-been-found.html>`_,
    208 fuzzing with AddressSanitizer can find Heartbleed. Indeed, here are the step-by-step instructions
    209 to find Heartbleed with LibFuzzer::
    211   wget https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.1f.tar.gz
    212   tar xf openssl-1.0.1f.tar.gz
    213   COV_FLAGS="-fsanitize-coverage=edge,indirect-calls" # -fsanitize-coverage=8bit-counters
    214   (cd openssl-1.0.1f/ && ./config &&
    215     make -j 32 CC="clang -g -fsanitize=address $COV_FLAGS")
    216   # Get and build LibFuzzer
    217   svn co http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/Fuzzer
    218   clang -c -g -O2 -std=c++11 Fuzzer/*.cpp -IFuzzer
    219   # Get examples of key/pem files.
    220   git clone   https://github.com/hannob/selftls
    221   cp selftls/server* . -v
    222   cat << EOF > handshake-fuzz.cc
    223   #include <openssl/ssl.h>
    224   #include <openssl/err.h>
    225   #include <assert.h>
    226   #include <stdint.h>
    227   #include <stddef.h>
    229   SSL_CTX *sctx;
    230   int Init() {
    231     SSL_library_init();
    232     SSL_load_error_strings();
    233     ERR_load_BIO_strings();
    234     OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
    235     assert (sctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_method()));
    236     assert (SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(sctx, "server.pem", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM));
    237     assert (SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(sctx, "server.key", SSL_FILETYPE_PEM));
    238     return 0;
    239   }
    240   extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) {
    241     static int unused = Init();
    242     SSL *server = SSL_new(sctx);
    243     BIO *sinbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    244     BIO *soutbio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    245     SSL_set_bio(server, sinbio, soutbio);
    246     SSL_set_accept_state(server);
    247     BIO_write(sinbio, Data, Size);
    248     SSL_do_handshake(server);
    249     SSL_free(server);
    250     return 0;
    251   }
    252   EOF
    253   # Build the fuzzer.
    254   clang++ -g handshake-fuzz.cc  -fsanitize=address \
    255     openssl-1.0.1f/libssl.a openssl-1.0.1f/libcrypto.a Fuzzer*.o
    256   # Run 20 independent fuzzer jobs.
    257   ./a.out  -jobs=20 -workers=20
    259 Voila::
    261   #1048576        pulse  cov 3424 bits 0 units 9 exec/s 24385
    262   =================================================================
    263   ==17488==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow on address 0x629000004748 at pc 0x00000048c979 bp 0x7fffe3e864f0 sp 0x7fffe3e85ca8
    264   READ of size 60731 at 0x629000004748 thread T0
    265       #0 0x48c978 in __asan_memcpy
    266       #1 0x4db504 in tls1_process_heartbeat openssl-1.0.1f/ssl/t1_lib.c:2586:3
    267       #2 0x580be3 in ssl3_read_bytes openssl-1.0.1f/ssl/s3_pkt.c:1092:4
    269 Note: a `similar fuzzer <https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/+/HEAD/FUZZING.md>`_
    270 is now a part of the boringssl source tree.
    272 Advanced features
    273 =================
    275 Dictionaries
    276 ------------
    278 LibFuzzer supports user-supplied dictionaries with input language keywords
    279 or other interesting byte sequences (e.g. multi-byte magic values).
    280 Use ``-dict=DICTIONARY_FILE``. For some input languages using a dictionary
    281 may significantly improve the search speed.
    282 The dictionary syntax is similar to that used by AFL_ for its ``-x`` option::
    284   # Lines starting with '#' and empty lines are ignored.
    286   # Adds "blah" (w/o quotes) to the dictionary.
    287   kw1="blah"
    288   # Use \\ for backslash and \" for quotes.
    289   kw2="\"ac\\dc\""
    290   # Use \xAB for hex values
    291   kw3="\xF7\xF8"
    292   # the name of the keyword followed by '=' may be omitted:
    293   "foo\x0Abar"
    295 Data-flow-guided fuzzing
    296 ------------------------
    299 With an additional compiler flag ``-fsanitize-coverage=trace-cmp`` (see SanitizerCoverageTraceDataFlow_)
    300 and extra run-time flag ``-use_traces=1`` the fuzzer will try to apply *data-flow-guided fuzzing*.
    301 That is, the fuzzer will record the inputs to comparison instructions, switch statements,
    302 and several libc functions (``memcmp``, ``strcmp``, ``strncmp``, etc).
    303 It will later use those recorded inputs during mutations.
    305 This mode can be combined with DataFlowSanitizer_ to achieve better sensitivity.
    307 AFL compatibility
    308 -----------------
    309 LibFuzzer can be used in parallel with AFL_ on the same test corpus.
    310 Both fuzzers expect the test corpus to reside in a directory, one file per input.
    311 You can run both fuzzers on the same corpus in parallel::
    313   ./afl-fuzz -i testcase_dir -o findings_dir /path/to/program -r @@
    314   ./llvm-fuzz testcase_dir findings_dir  # Will write new tests to testcase_dir
    316 Periodically restart both fuzzers so that they can use each other's findings.
    318 How good is my fuzzer?
    319 ----------------------
    321 Once you implement your target function ``LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput`` and fuzz it to death,
    322 you will want to know whether the function or the corpus can be improved further.
    323 One easy to use metric is, of course, code coverage.
    324 You can get the coverage for your corpus like this::
    326   ASAN_OPTIONS=coverage_pcs=1 ./fuzzer CORPUS_DIR -runs=0
    328 This will run all the tests in the CORPUS_DIR but will not generate any new tests
    329 and dump covered PCs to disk before exiting.
    330 Then you can subtract the set of covered PCs from the set of all instrumented PCs in the binary,
    331 see SanitizerCoverage_ for details.
    333 User-supplied mutators
    334 ----------------------
    336 LibFuzzer allows to use custom (user-supplied) mutators,
    337 see FuzzerInterface.h_
    339 Fuzzing components of LLVM
    340 ==========================
    342 clang-format-fuzzer
    343 -------------------
    344 The inputs are random pieces of C++-like text.
    346 Build (make sure to use fresh clang as the host compiler)::
    349     ninja clang-format-fuzzer
    350     mkdir CORPUS_DIR
    351     ./bin/clang-format-fuzzer CORPUS_DIR
    353 Optionally build other kinds of binaries (asan+Debug, msan, ubsan, etc).
    355 Tracking bug: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23052
    357 clang-fuzzer
    358 ------------
    360 The behavior is very similar to ``clang-format-fuzzer``.
    362 Tracking bug: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23057
    364 llvm-as-fuzzer
    365 --------------
    367 Tracking bug: https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=24639
    369 llvm-mc-fuzzer
    370 --------------
    372 This tool fuzzes the MC layer. Currently it is only able to fuzz the
    373 disassembler but it is hoped that assembly, and round-trip verification will be
    374 added in future.
    376 When run in dissassembly mode, the inputs are opcodes to be disassembled. The
    377 fuzzer will consume as many instructions as possible and will stop when it
    378 finds an invalid instruction or runs out of data.
    380 Please note that the command line interface differs slightly from that of other
    381 fuzzers. The fuzzer arguments should follow ``--fuzzer-args`` and should have
    382 a single dash, while other arguments control the operation mode and target in a
    383 similar manner to ``llvm-mc`` and should have two dashes. For example::
    385   llvm-mc-fuzzer --triple=aarch64-linux-gnu --disassemble --fuzzer-args -max_len=4 -jobs=10
    387 Buildbot
    388 --------
    390 We have a buildbot that runs the above fuzzers for LLVM components
    391 24/7/365 at http://lab.llvm.org:8011/builders/sanitizer-x86_64-linux-fuzzer .
    393 Pre-fuzzed test inputs in git
    394 -----------------------------
    396 The buildbot occumulates large test corpuses over time.
    397 The corpuses are stored in git on github and can be used like this::
    399   git clone https://github.com/kcc/fuzzing-with-sanitizers.git
    400   bin/clang-format-fuzzer fuzzing-with-sanitizers/llvm/clang-format/C1
    401   bin/clang-fuzzer        fuzzing-with-sanitizers/llvm/clang/C1/
    402   bin/llvm-as-fuzzer      fuzzing-with-sanitizers/llvm/llvm-as/C1  -only_ascii=1
    405 FAQ
    406 =========================
    408 Q. Why Fuzzer does not use any of the LLVM support?
    409 ---------------------------------------------------
    411 There are two reasons.
    413 First, we want this library to be used outside of the LLVM w/o users having to
    414 build the rest of LLVM. This may sound unconvincing for many LLVM folks,
    415 but in practice the need for building the whole LLVM frightens many potential
    416 users -- and we want more users to use this code.
    418 Second, there is a subtle technical reason not to rely on the rest of LLVM, or
    419 any other large body of code (maybe not even STL). When coverage instrumentation
    420 is enabled, it will also instrument the LLVM support code which will blow up the
    421 coverage set of the process (since the fuzzer is in-process). In other words, by
    422 using more external dependencies we will slow down the fuzzer while the main
    423 reason for it to exist is extreme speed.
    425 Q. What about Windows then? The Fuzzer contains code that does not build on Windows.
    426 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    428 The sanitizer coverage support does not work on Windows either as of 01/2015.
    429 Once it's there, we'll need to re-implement OS-specific parts (I/O, signals).
    431 Q. When this Fuzzer is not a good solution for a problem?
    432 ---------------------------------------------------------
    434 * If the test inputs are validated by the target library and the validator
    435   asserts/crashes on invalid inputs, the in-process fuzzer is not applicable
    436   (we could use fork() w/o exec, but it comes with extra overhead).
    437 * Bugs in the target library may accumulate w/o being detected. E.g. a memory
    438   corruption that goes undetected at first and then leads to a crash while
    439   testing another input. This is why it is highly recommended to run this
    440   in-process fuzzer with all sanitizers to detect most bugs on the spot.
    441 * It is harder to protect the in-process fuzzer from excessive memory
    442   consumption and infinite loops in the target library (still possible).
    443 * The target library should not have significant global state that is not
    444   reset between the runs.
    445 * Many interesting target libs are not designed in a way that supports
    446   the in-process fuzzer interface (e.g. require a file path instead of a
    447   byte array).
    448 * If a single test run takes a considerable fraction of a second (or
    449   more) the speed benefit from the in-process fuzzer is negligible.
    450 * If the target library runs persistent threads (that outlive
    451   execution of one test) the fuzzing results will be unreliable.
    453 Q. So, what exactly this Fuzzer is good for?
    454 --------------------------------------------
    456 This Fuzzer might be a good choice for testing libraries that have relatively
    457 small inputs, each input takes < 1ms to run, and the library code is not expected
    458 to crash on invalid inputs.
    459 Examples: regular expression matchers, text or binary format parsers.
    461 Trophies
    462 ========
    463 * GLIBC: https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/FuzzingLibc
    465 * MUSL LIBC:
    467   * http://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/commit/?id=39dfd58417ef642307d90306e1c7e50aaec5a35c
    468   * http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2015/03/30/3
    470 * `pugixml <https://github.com/zeux/pugixml/issues/39>`_
    472 * PCRE: Search for "LLVM fuzzer" in http://vcs.pcre.org/pcre2/code/trunk/ChangeLog?view=markup;
    473   also in `bugzilla <https://bugs.exim.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__all__&content=libfuzzer&no_redirect=1&order=Importance&product=PCRE&query_format=specific>`_
    475 * `ICU <http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/11838>`_
    477 * `Freetype <https://savannah.nongnu.org/search/?words=LibFuzzer&type_of_search=bugs&Search=Search&exact=1#options>`_
    479 * `Harfbuzz <https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/issues/139>`_
    481 * `SQLite <http://www3.sqlite.org/cgi/src/info/088009efdd56160b>`_
    483 * `Python <http://bugs.python.org/issue25388>`_
    485 * OpenSSL/BoringSSL: `[1] <https://boringssl.googlesource.com/boringssl/+/cb852981cd61733a7a1ae4fd8755b7ff950e857d>`_
    487 * `Libxml2
    488   <https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=__all__&content=libFuzzer&list_id=68957&order=Importance&product=libxml2&query_format=specific>`_
    490 * `Linux Kernel's BPF verifier <https://github.com/iovisor/bpf-fuzzer>`_
    492 * LLVM: `Clang <https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23057>`_, `Clang-format <https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=23052>`_, `libc++ <https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=24411>`_, `llvm-as <https://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=24639>`_, Disassembler: http://reviews.llvm.org/rL247405, http://reviews.llvm.org/rL247414, http://reviews.llvm.org/rL247416, http://reviews.llvm.org/rL247417, http://reviews.llvm.org/rL247420, http://reviews.llvm.org/rL247422.
    494 .. _pcre2: http://www.pcre.org/
    496 .. _AFL: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/
    498 .. _SanitizerCoverage: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/SanitizerCoverage.html
    499 .. _SanitizerCoverageTraceDataFlow: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/SanitizerCoverage.html#tracing-data-flow
    500 .. _DataFlowSanitizer: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/DataFlowSanitizer.html
    502 .. _Heartbleed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartbleed
    504 .. _FuzzerInterface.h: https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm/blob/master/lib/Fuzzer/FuzzerInterface.h