1 # This is the source file for the various generate structs/tables/functions 2 # used in st/vega. 3 4 # OpenVG 1.0 5 void, AppendPath, VGPath dstPath, VGPath srcPath 6 void, AppendPathData, VGPath dstPath, VGint numSegments, const VGubyte *pathSegments, const void *pathData 7 VGImage, ChildImage, VGImage parent, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height 8 void, Clear, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height 9 void, ClearImage, VGImage image, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height 10 void, ClearPath, VGPath path, VGbitfield capabilities 11 void, ColorMatrix, VGImage dst, VGImage src, const VGfloat *matrix 12 void, Convolve, VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGint kernelWidth, VGint kernelHeight, VGint shiftX, VGint shiftY, const VGshort *kernel, VGfloat scale, VGfloat bias, VGTilingMode tilingMode 13 void, CopyImage, VGImage dst, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGImage src, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height, VGboolean dither 14 void, CopyPixels, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height 15 VGImage, CreateImage, VGImageFormat format, VGint width, VGint height, VGbitfield allowedQuality 16 VGPaint, CreatePaint, void 17 VGPath, CreatePath, VGint pathFormat, VGPathDatatype datatype, VGfloat scale, VGfloat bias, VGint segmentCapacityHint, VGint coordCapacityHint, VGbitfield capabilities 18 void, DestroyImage, VGImage image 19 void, DestroyPaint, VGPaint paint 20 void, DestroyPath, VGPath path 21 void, DrawImage, VGImage image 22 void, DrawPath, VGPath path, VGbitfield paintModes 23 void, Finish, void 24 void, Flush, void 25 void, GaussianBlur, VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGfloat stdDeviationX, VGfloat stdDeviationY, VGTilingMode tilingMode 26 VGuint, GetColor, VGPaint paint 27 VGErrorCode, GetError, void 28 void, GetImageSubData, VGImage image, void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height 29 void, GetMatrix, VGfloat *m 30 VGPaint, GetPaint, VGPaintMode paintMode 31 VGint, GetParameterVectorSize, VGHandle object, VGint paramType 32 VGfloat, GetParameterf, VGHandle object, VGint paramType 33 void, GetParameterfv, VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, VGfloat *values 34 VGint, GetParameteri, VGHandle object, VGint paramType 35 void, GetParameteriv, VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, VGint *values 36 VGImage, GetParent, VGImage image 37 VGbitfield, GetPathCapabilities, VGPath path 38 void, GetPixels, VGImage dst, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height 39 const VGubyte *, GetString, VGStringID name 40 VGint, GetVectorSize, VGParamType type 41 VGfloat, Getf, VGParamType type 42 void, Getfv, VGParamType type, VGint count, VGfloat *values 43 VGint, Geti, VGParamType type 44 void, Getiv, VGParamType type, VGint count, VGint *values 45 VGHardwareQueryResult, HardwareQuery, VGHardwareQueryType key, VGint setting 46 void, ImageSubData, VGImage image, const void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height 47 VGboolean, InterpolatePath, VGPath dstPath, VGPath startPath, VGPath endPath, VGfloat amount 48 void, LoadIdentity, void 49 void, LoadMatrix, const VGfloat *m 50 void, Lookup, VGImage dst, VGImage src, const VGubyte *redLUT, const VGubyte *greenLUT, const VGubyte *blueLUT, const VGubyte *alphaLUT, VGboolean outputLinear, VGboolean outputPremultiplied 51 void, LookupSingle, VGImage dst, VGImage src, const VGuint *lookupTable, VGImageChannel sourceChannel, VGboolean outputLinear, VGboolean outputPremultiplied 52 void, Mask, VGHandle mask, VGMaskOperation operation, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height 53 void, ModifyPathCoords, VGPath dstPath, VGint startIndex, VGint numSegments, const void *pathData 54 void, MultMatrix, const VGfloat *m 55 void, PaintPattern, VGPaint paint, VGImage pattern 56 void, PathBounds, VGPath path, VGfloat *minX, VGfloat *minY, VGfloat *width, VGfloat *height 57 VGfloat, PathLength, VGPath path, VGint startSegment, VGint numSegments 58 void, PathTransformedBounds, VGPath path, VGfloat *minX, VGfloat *minY, VGfloat *width, VGfloat *height 59 void, PointAlongPath, VGPath path, VGint startSegment, VGint numSegments, VGfloat distance, VGfloat *x, VGfloat *y, VGfloat *tangentX, VGfloat *tangentY 60 void, ReadPixels, void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height 61 void, RemovePathCapabilities, VGPath path, VGbitfield capabilities 62 void, Rotate, VGfloat angle 63 void, Scale, VGfloat sx, VGfloat sy 64 void, SeparableConvolve, VGImage dst, VGImage src, VGint kernelWidth, VGint kernelHeight, VGint shiftX, VGint shiftY, const VGshort *kernelX, const VGshort *kernelY, VGfloat scale, VGfloat bias, VGTilingMode tilingMode 65 void, SetColor, VGPaint paint, VGuint rgba 66 void, SetPaint, VGPaint paint, VGbitfield paintModes 67 void, SetParameterf, VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGfloat value 68 void, SetParameterfv, VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, const VGfloat *values 69 void, SetParameteri, VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint value 70 void, SetParameteriv, VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, const VGint *values 71 void, SetPixels, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGImage src, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height 72 void, Setf, VGParamType type, VGfloat value 73 void, Setfv, VGParamType type, VGint count, const VGfloat *values 74 void, Seti, VGParamType type, VGint value 75 void, Setiv, VGParamType type, VGint count, const VGint *values 76 void, Shear, VGfloat shx, VGfloat shy 77 void, TransformPath, VGPath dstPath, VGPath srcPath 78 void, Translate, VGfloat tx, VGfloat ty 79 void, WritePixels, const void *data, VGint dataStride, VGImageFormat dataFormat, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint width, VGint height 80 81 ## OpenVG 1.1 82 void, ClearGlyph, VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex 83 void, CopyMask, VGMaskLayer maskLayer, VGint dx, VGint dy, VGint sx, VGint sy, VGint width, VGint height 84 VGFont, CreateFont, VGint glyphCapacityHint 85 VGMaskLayer, CreateMaskLayer, VGint width, VGint height 86 void, DestroyFont, VGFont font 87 void, DestroyMaskLayer, VGMaskLayer maskLayer 88 void, DrawGlyph, VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex, VGbitfield paintModes, VGboolean allowAutoHinting 89 void, DrawGlyphs, VGFont font, VGint glyphCount, const VGuint *glyphIndices, const VGfloat *adjustments_x, const VGfloat *adjustments_y, VGbitfield paintModes, VGboolean allowAutoHinting 90 void, FillMaskLayer, VGMaskLayer maskLayer, VGint x, VGint y, VGint width, VGint height, VGfloat value 91 void, RenderToMask, VGPath path, VGbitfield paintModes, VGMaskOperation operation 92 void, SetGlyphToImage, VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex, VGImage image, const VGfloat glyphOrigin[2], const VGfloat escapement[2] 93 void, SetGlyphToPath, VGFont font, VGuint glyphIndex, VGPath path, VGboolean isHinted, const VGfloat glyphOrigin[2], const VGfloat escapement[2] 94