1 # Debugging function 2 function(ocv_cmake_dump_vars) 3 cmake_parse_arguments(DUMP "" "TOFILE" "" ${ARGN}) 4 set(regex "${DUMP_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}") 5 get_cmake_property(_variableNames VARIABLES) 6 set(VARS "") 7 foreach(_variableName ${_variableNames}) 8 if(_variableName MATCHES "${regex}") 9 set(VARS "${VARS}${_variableName}=${${_variableName}}\n") 10 endif() 11 endforeach() 12 if(DUMP_TOFILE) 13 file(WRITE ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/${DUMP_TOFILE} "${VARS}") 14 else() 15 message(AUTHOR_WARNING "${VARS}") 16 endif() 17 endfunction() 18 19 20 # Search packages for host system instead of packages for target system 21 # in case of cross compilation thess macro should be defined by toolchain file 22 if(NOT COMMAND find_host_package) 23 macro(find_host_package) 24 find_package(${ARGN}) 25 endmacro() 26 endif() 27 if(NOT COMMAND find_host_program) 28 macro(find_host_program) 29 find_program(${ARGN}) 30 endmacro() 31 endif() 32 33 # assert macro 34 # Note: it doesn't support lists in arguments 35 # Usage samples: 36 # ocv_assert(MyLib_FOUND) 37 # ocv_assert(DEFINED MyLib_INCLUDE_DIRS) 38 macro(ocv_assert) 39 if(NOT (${ARGN})) 40 string(REPLACE ";" " " __assert_msg "${ARGN}") 41 message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Assertion failed: ${__assert_msg}") 42 endif() 43 endmacro() 44 45 macro(ocv_debug_message) 46 # string(REPLACE ";" " " __msg "${ARGN}") 47 # message(STATUS "${__msg}") 48 endmacro() 49 50 macro(ocv_check_environment_variables) 51 foreach(_var ${ARGN}) 52 if(NOT DEFINED ${_var} AND DEFINED ENV{${_var}}) 53 set(__value "$ENV{${_var}}") 54 file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${__value}" __value) # Assume that we receive paths 55 set(${_var} "${__value}") 56 message(STATUS "Update variable ${_var} from environment: ${${_var}}") 57 endif() 58 endforeach() 59 endmacro() 60 61 # rename modules target to world if needed 62 macro(_ocv_fix_target target_var) 63 if(BUILD_opencv_world) 64 if(OPENCV_MODULE_${${target_var}}_IS_PART_OF_WORLD) 65 set(${target_var} opencv_world) 66 endif() 67 endif() 68 endmacro() 69 70 # adds include directories in such way that directories from the OpenCV source tree go first 71 function(ocv_include_directories) 72 ocv_debug_message("ocv_include_directories( ${ARGN} )") 73 set(__add_before "") 74 foreach(dir ${ARGN}) 75 get_filename_component(__abs_dir "${dir}" ABSOLUTE) 76 if("${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}" OR "${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}") 77 list(APPEND __add_before "${dir}") 78 else() 79 include_directories(AFTER SYSTEM "${dir}") 80 endif() 81 endforeach() 82 include_directories(BEFORE ${__add_before}) 83 endfunction() 84 85 # adds include directories in such way that directories from the OpenCV source tree go first 86 function(ocv_target_include_directories target) 87 _ocv_fix_target(target) 88 set(__params "") 89 foreach(dir ${ARGN}) 90 get_filename_component(__abs_dir "${dir}" ABSOLUTE) 91 if("${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${OpenCV_SOURCE_DIR}" OR "${__abs_dir}" MATCHES "^${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}") 92 list(APPEND __params "${__abs_dir}") 93 else() 94 list(APPEND __params "${dir}") 95 endif() 96 endforeach() 97 if(HAVE_CUDA OR CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.11) 98 include_directories(${__params}) 99 else() 100 if(TARGET ${target}) 101 target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE ${__params}) 102 else() 103 set(__new_inc "${OCV_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRS_${target}};${__params}") 104 set(OCV_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRS_${target} "${__new_inc}" CACHE INTERNAL "") 105 endif() 106 endif() 107 endfunction() 108 109 # clears all passed variables 110 macro(ocv_clear_vars) 111 foreach(_var ${ARGN}) 112 unset(${_var} CACHE) 113 endforeach() 114 endmacro() 115 116 set(OCV_COMPILER_FAIL_REGEX 117 "command line option .* is valid for .* but not for C\\+\\+" # GNU 118 "command line option .* is valid for .* but not for C" # GNU 119 "unrecognized .*option" # GNU 120 "unknown .*option" # Clang 121 "ignoring unknown option" # MSVC 122 "warning D9002" # MSVC, any lang 123 "option .*not supported" # Intel 124 "[Uu]nknown option" # HP 125 "[Ww]arning: [Oo]ption" # SunPro 126 "command option .* is not recognized" # XL 127 "not supported in this configuration; ignored" # AIX 128 "File with unknown suffix passed to linker" # PGI 129 "WARNING: unknown flag:" # Open64 130 ) 131 132 MACRO(ocv_check_compiler_flag LANG FLAG RESULT) 133 if(NOT DEFINED ${RESULT}) 134 if("_${LANG}_" MATCHES "_CXX_") 135 set(_fname "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/src.cxx") 136 if("${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${FLAG} " MATCHES "-Werror " OR "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${FLAG} " MATCHES "-Werror=unknown-pragmas ") 137 FILE(WRITE "${_fname}" "int main() { return 0; }\n") 138 else() 139 FILE(WRITE "${_fname}" "#pragma\nint main() { return 0; }\n") 140 endif() 141 elseif("_${LANG}_" MATCHES "_C_") 142 set(_fname "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/src.c") 143 if("${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${FLAG} " MATCHES "-Werror " OR "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${FLAG} " MATCHES "-Werror=unknown-pragmas ") 144 FILE(WRITE "${_fname}" "int main(void) { return 0; }\n") 145 else() 146 FILE(WRITE "${_fname}" "#pragma\nint main(void) { return 0; }\n") 147 endif() 148 elseif("_${LANG}_" MATCHES "_OBJCXX_") 149 set(_fname "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/CMakeTmp/src.mm") 150 if("${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${FLAG} " MATCHES "-Werror " OR "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${FLAG} " MATCHES "-Werror=unknown-pragmas ") 151 FILE(WRITE "${_fname}" "int main() { return 0; }\n") 152 else() 153 FILE(WRITE "${_fname}" "#pragma\nint main() { return 0; }\n") 154 endif() 155 else() 156 unset(_fname) 157 endif() 158 if(_fname) 159 MESSAGE(STATUS "Performing Test ${RESULT}") 160 TRY_COMPILE(${RESULT} 161 "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" 162 "${_fname}" 163 COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${FLAG}" 164 OUTPUT_VARIABLE OUTPUT) 165 166 FOREACH(_regex ${OCV_COMPILER_FAIL_REGEX}) 167 IF("${OUTPUT}" MATCHES "${_regex}") 168 SET(${RESULT} 0) 169 break() 170 ENDIF() 171 ENDFOREACH() 172 173 IF(${RESULT}) 174 SET(${RESULT} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Test ${RESULT}") 175 MESSAGE(STATUS "Performing Test ${RESULT} - Success") 176 ELSE(${RESULT}) 177 MESSAGE(STATUS "Performing Test ${RESULT} - Failed") 178 SET(${RESULT} "" CACHE INTERNAL "Test ${RESULT}") 179 ENDIF(${RESULT}) 180 else() 181 SET(${RESULT} 0) 182 endif() 183 endif() 184 ENDMACRO() 185 186 macro(ocv_check_flag_support lang flag varname) 187 if("_${lang}_" MATCHES "_CXX_") 188 set(_lang CXX) 189 elseif("_${lang}_" MATCHES "_C_") 190 set(_lang C) 191 elseif("_${lang}_" MATCHES "_OBJCXX_") 192 set(_lang OBJCXX) 193 else() 194 set(_lang ${lang}) 195 endif() 196 197 string(TOUPPER "${flag}" ${varname}) 198 string(REGEX REPLACE "^(/|-)" "HAVE_${_lang}_" ${varname} "${${varname}}") 199 string(REGEX REPLACE " -|-|=| |\\." "_" ${varname} "${${varname}}") 200 201 ocv_check_compiler_flag("${_lang}" "${ARGN} ${flag}" ${${varname}}) 202 endmacro() 203 204 # turns off warnings 205 macro(ocv_warnings_disable) 206 if(NOT ENABLE_NOISY_WARNINGS) 207 set(_flag_vars "") 208 set(_msvc_warnings "") 209 set(_gxx_warnings "") 210 foreach(arg ${ARGN}) 211 if(arg MATCHES "^CMAKE_") 212 list(APPEND _flag_vars ${arg}) 213 elseif(arg MATCHES "^/wd") 214 list(APPEND _msvc_warnings ${arg}) 215 elseif(arg MATCHES "^-W") 216 list(APPEND _gxx_warnings ${arg}) 217 endif() 218 endforeach() 219 if(MSVC AND _msvc_warnings AND _flag_vars) 220 foreach(var ${_flag_vars}) 221 foreach(warning ${_msvc_warnings}) 222 set(${var} "${${var}} ${warning}") 223 endforeach() 224 endforeach() 225 elseif((CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX OR (UNIX AND CV_ICC)) AND _gxx_warnings AND _flag_vars) 226 foreach(var ${_flag_vars}) 227 foreach(warning ${_gxx_warnings}) 228 if(NOT warning MATCHES "^-Wno-") 229 string(REPLACE "${warning}" "" ${var} "${${var}}") 230 string(REPLACE "-W" "-Wno-" warning "${warning}") 231 endif() 232 ocv_check_flag_support(${var} "${warning}" _varname) 233 if(${_varname}) 234 set(${var} "${${var}} ${warning}") 235 endif() 236 endforeach() 237 endforeach() 238 endif() 239 unset(_flag_vars) 240 unset(_msvc_warnings) 241 unset(_gxx_warnings) 242 endif(NOT ENABLE_NOISY_WARNINGS) 243 endmacro() 244 245 macro(add_apple_compiler_options the_module) 246 ocv_check_flag_support(OBJCXX "-fobjc-exceptions" HAVE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS) 247 if(HAVE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS) 248 foreach(source ${OPENCV_MODULE_${the_module}_SOURCES}) 249 if("${source}" MATCHES "\\.mm$") 250 get_source_file_property(flags "${source}" COMPILE_FLAGS) 251 if(flags) 252 set(flags "${_flags} -fobjc-exceptions") 253 else() 254 set(flags "-fobjc-exceptions") 255 endif() 256 257 set_source_files_properties("${source}" PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${flags}") 258 endif() 259 endforeach() 260 endif() 261 endmacro() 262 263 # Provides an option that the user can optionally select. 264 # Can accept condition to control when option is available for user. 265 # Usage: 266 # option(<option_variable> "help string describing the option" <initial value or boolean expression> [IF <condition>]) 267 macro(OCV_OPTION variable description value) 268 set(__value ${value}) 269 set(__condition "") 270 set(__varname "__value") 271 foreach(arg ${ARGN}) 272 if(arg STREQUAL "IF" OR arg STREQUAL "if") 273 set(__varname "__condition") 274 else() 275 list(APPEND ${__varname} ${arg}) 276 endif() 277 endforeach() 278 unset(__varname) 279 if(__condition STREQUAL "") 280 set(__condition 2 GREATER 1) 281 endif() 282 283 if(${__condition}) 284 if(__value MATCHES ";") 285 if(${__value}) 286 option(${variable} "${description}" ON) 287 else() 288 option(${variable} "${description}" OFF) 289 endif() 290 elseif(DEFINED ${__value}) 291 if(${__value}) 292 option(${variable} "${description}" ON) 293 else() 294 option(${variable} "${description}" OFF) 295 endif() 296 else() 297 option(${variable} "${description}" ${__value}) 298 endif() 299 else() 300 unset(${variable} CACHE) 301 endif() 302 unset(__condition) 303 unset(__value) 304 endmacro() 305 306 307 # Macros that checks if module have been installed. 308 # After it adds module to build and define 309 # constants passed as second arg 310 macro(CHECK_MODULE module_name define) 311 set(${define} 0) 312 if(PKG_CONFIG_FOUND) 313 set(ALIAS ALIASOF_${module_name}) 314 set(ALIAS_FOUND ${ALIAS}_FOUND) 315 set(ALIAS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${ALIAS}_INCLUDE_DIRS) 316 set(ALIAS_LIBRARY_DIRS ${ALIAS}_LIBRARY_DIRS) 317 set(ALIAS_LIBRARIES ${ALIAS}_LIBRARIES) 318 319 PKG_CHECK_MODULES(${ALIAS} ${module_name}) 320 321 if(${ALIAS_FOUND}) 322 set(${define} 1) 323 foreach(P "${ALIAS_INCLUDE_DIRS}") 324 if(${P}) 325 list(APPEND VIDEOIO_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${P}}) 326 list(APPEND HIGHGUI_INCLUDE_DIRS ${${P}}) 327 endif() 328 endforeach() 329 330 foreach(P "${ALIAS_LIBRARY_DIRS}") 331 if(${P}) 332 list(APPEND VIDEOIO_LIBRARY_DIRS ${${P}}) 333 list(APPEND HIGHGUI_LIBRARY_DIRS ${${P}}) 334 endif() 335 endforeach() 336 337 list(APPEND VIDEOIO_LIBRARIES ${${ALIAS_LIBRARIES}}) 338 list(APPEND HIGHGUI_LIBRARIES ${${ALIAS_LIBRARIES}}) 339 endif() 340 endif() 341 endmacro() 342 343 344 set(OPENCV_BUILD_INFO_FILE "${OpenCV_BINARY_DIR}/version_string.tmp") 345 file(REMOVE "${OPENCV_BUILD_INFO_FILE}") 346 function(ocv_output_status msg) 347 message(STATUS "${msg}") 348 string(REPLACE "\\" "\\\\" msg "${msg}") 349 string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" msg "${msg}") 350 file(APPEND "${OPENCV_BUILD_INFO_FILE}" "\"${msg}\\n\"\n") 351 endfunction() 352 353 macro(ocv_finalize_status) 354 if(NOT OPENCV_SKIP_STATUS_FINALIZATION) 355 if(DEFINED OPENCV_MODULE_opencv_core_BINARY_DIR) 356 execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${OPENCV_BUILD_INFO_FILE}" "${OPENCV_MODULE_opencv_core_BINARY_DIR}/version_string.inc" OUTPUT_QUIET) 357 endif() 358 endif() 359 endmacro() 360 361 362 # Status report function. 363 # Automatically align right column and selects text based on condition. 364 # Usage: 365 # status(<text>) 366 # status(<heading> <value1> [<value2> ...]) 367 # status(<heading> <condition> THEN <text for TRUE> ELSE <text for FALSE> ) 368 function(status text) 369 set(status_cond) 370 set(status_then) 371 set(status_else) 372 373 set(status_current_name "cond") 374 foreach(arg ${ARGN}) 375 if(arg STREQUAL "THEN") 376 set(status_current_name "then") 377 elseif(arg STREQUAL "ELSE") 378 set(status_current_name "else") 379 else() 380 list(APPEND status_${status_current_name} ${arg}) 381 endif() 382 endforeach() 383 384 if(DEFINED status_cond) 385 set(status_placeholder_length 32) 386 string(RANDOM LENGTH ${status_placeholder_length} ALPHABET " " status_placeholder) 387 string(LENGTH "${text}" status_text_length) 388 if(status_text_length LESS status_placeholder_length) 389 string(SUBSTRING "${text}${status_placeholder}" 0 ${status_placeholder_length} status_text) 390 elseif(DEFINED status_then OR DEFINED status_else) 391 ocv_output_status("${text}") 392 set(status_text "${status_placeholder}") 393 else() 394 set(status_text "${text}") 395 endif() 396 397 if(DEFINED status_then OR DEFINED status_else) 398 if(${status_cond}) 399 string(REPLACE ";" " " status_then "${status_then}") 400 string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]+" "" status_then "${status_then}") 401 ocv_output_status("${status_text} ${status_then}") 402 else() 403 string(REPLACE ";" " " status_else "${status_else}") 404 string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]+" "" status_else "${status_else}") 405 ocv_output_status("${status_text} ${status_else}") 406 endif() 407 else() 408 string(REPLACE ";" " " status_cond "${status_cond}") 409 string(REGEX REPLACE "^[ \t]+" "" status_cond "${status_cond}") 410 ocv_output_status("${status_text} ${status_cond}") 411 endif() 412 else() 413 ocv_output_status("${text}") 414 endif() 415 endfunction() 416 417 418 # remove all matching elements from the list 419 macro(ocv_list_filterout lst regex) 420 foreach(item ${${lst}}) 421 if(item MATCHES "${regex}") 422 list(REMOVE_ITEM ${lst} "${item}") 423 endif() 424 endforeach() 425 endmacro() 426 427 428 # stable & safe duplicates removal macro 429 macro(ocv_list_unique __lst) 430 if(${__lst}) 431 list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${__lst}) 432 endif() 433 endmacro() 434 435 436 # safe list reversal macro 437 macro(ocv_list_reverse __lst) 438 if(${__lst}) 439 list(REVERSE ${__lst}) 440 endif() 441 endmacro() 442 443 444 # safe list sorting macro 445 macro(ocv_list_sort __lst) 446 if(${__lst}) 447 list(SORT ${__lst}) 448 endif() 449 endmacro() 450 451 452 # add prefix to each item in the list 453 macro(ocv_list_add_prefix LST PREFIX) 454 set(__tmp "") 455 foreach(item ${${LST}}) 456 list(APPEND __tmp "${PREFIX}${item}") 457 endforeach() 458 set(${LST} ${__tmp}) 459 unset(__tmp) 460 endmacro() 461 462 463 # add suffix to each item in the list 464 macro(ocv_list_add_suffix LST SUFFIX) 465 set(__tmp "") 466 foreach(item ${${LST}}) 467 list(APPEND __tmp "${item}${SUFFIX}") 468 endforeach() 469 set(${LST} ${__tmp}) 470 unset(__tmp) 471 endmacro() 472 473 474 # gets and removes the first element from list 475 macro(ocv_list_pop_front LST VAR) 476 if(${LST}) 477 list(GET ${LST} 0 ${VAR}) 478 list(REMOVE_AT ${LST} 0) 479 else() 480 set(${VAR} "") 481 endif() 482 endmacro() 483 484 485 # simple regex escaping routine (does not cover all cases!!!) 486 macro(ocv_regex_escape var regex) 487 string(REGEX REPLACE "([+.*^$])" "\\\\1" ${var} "${regex}") 488 endmacro() 489 490 491 # convert list of paths to full paths 492 macro(ocv_convert_to_full_paths VAR) 493 if(${VAR}) 494 set(__tmp "") 495 foreach(path ${${VAR}}) 496 get_filename_component(${VAR} "${path}" ABSOLUTE) 497 list(APPEND __tmp "${${VAR}}") 498 endforeach() 499 set(${VAR} ${__tmp}) 500 unset(__tmp) 501 endif() 502 endmacro() 503 504 505 # convert list of paths to libraries names without lib prefix 506 macro(ocv_convert_to_lib_name var) 507 set(__tmp "") 508 foreach(path ${ARGN}) 509 get_filename_component(__tmp_name "${path}" NAME_WE) 510 string(REGEX REPLACE "^lib" "" __tmp_name ${__tmp_name}) 511 list(APPEND __tmp "${__tmp_name}") 512 endforeach() 513 set(${var} ${__tmp}) 514 unset(__tmp) 515 unset(__tmp_name) 516 endmacro() 517 518 519 # add install command 520 function(ocv_install_target) 521 install(TARGETS ${ARGN}) 522 523 set(isPackage 0) 524 unset(__package) 525 unset(__target) 526 foreach(e ${ARGN}) 527 if(NOT DEFINED __target) 528 set(__target "${e}") 529 endif() 530 if(isPackage EQUAL 1) 531 set(__package "${e}") 532 break() 533 endif() 534 if(e STREQUAL "EXPORT") 535 set(isPackage 1) 536 endif() 537 endforeach() 538 539 if(DEFINED __package) 540 list(APPEND ${__package}_TARGETS ${__target}) 541 set(${__package}_TARGETS "${${__package}_TARGETS}" CACHE INTERNAL "List of ${__package} targets") 542 endif() 543 544 if(INSTALL_CREATE_DISTRIB) 545 if(MSVC AND NOT BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) 546 set(__target "${ARGV0}") 547 548 set(isArchive 0) 549 set(isDst 0) 550 unset(__dst) 551 foreach(e ${ARGN}) 552 if(isDst EQUAL 1) 553 set(__dst "${e}") 554 break() 555 endif() 556 if(isArchive EQUAL 1 AND e STREQUAL "DESTINATION") 557 set(isDst 1) 558 endif() 559 if(e STREQUAL "ARCHIVE") 560 set(isArchive 1) 561 else() 562 set(isArchive 0) 563 endif() 564 endforeach() 565 566 # message(STATUS "Process ${__target} dst=${__dst}...") 567 if(DEFINED __dst) 568 if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.12) 569 get_target_property(fname ${__target} LOCATION_DEBUG) 570 if(fname MATCHES "\\.lib$") 571 string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.lib$" ".pdb" fname "${fname}") 572 install(FILES ${fname} DESTINATION ${__dst} CONFIGURATIONS Debug) 573 endif() 574 575 get_target_property(fname ${__target} LOCATION_RELEASE) 576 if(fname MATCHES "\\.lib$") 577 string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.lib$" ".pdb" fname "${fname}") 578 install(FILES ${fname} DESTINATION ${__dst} CONFIGURATIONS Release) 579 endif() 580 else() 581 # CMake 2.8.12 brokes PDB support in STATIC libraries for MSVS 582 endif() 583 endif() 584 endif() 585 endif() 586 endfunction() 587 588 589 # read set of version defines from the header file 590 macro(ocv_parse_header FILENAME FILE_VAR) 591 set(vars_regex "") 592 set(__parnet_scope OFF) 593 set(__add_cache OFF) 594 foreach(name ${ARGN}) 595 if("${name}" STREQUAL "PARENT_SCOPE") 596 set(__parnet_scope ON) 597 elseif("${name}" STREQUAL "CACHE") 598 set(__add_cache ON) 599 elseif(vars_regex) 600 set(vars_regex "${vars_regex}|${name}") 601 else() 602 set(vars_regex "${name}") 603 endif() 604 endforeach() 605 if(EXISTS "${FILENAME}") 606 file(STRINGS "${FILENAME}" ${FILE_VAR} REGEX "#define[ \t]+(${vars_regex})[ \t]+[0-9]+" ) 607 else() 608 unset(${FILE_VAR}) 609 endif() 610 foreach(name ${ARGN}) 611 if(NOT "${name}" STREQUAL "PARENT_SCOPE" AND NOT "${name}" STREQUAL "CACHE") 612 if(${FILE_VAR}) 613 if(${FILE_VAR} MATCHES ".+[ \t]${name}[ \t]+([0-9]+).*") 614 string(REGEX REPLACE ".+[ \t]${name}[ \t]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" ${name} "${${FILE_VAR}}") 615 else() 616 set(${name} "") 617 endif() 618 if(__add_cache) 619 set(${name} ${${name}} CACHE INTERNAL "${name} parsed from ${FILENAME}" FORCE) 620 elseif(__parnet_scope) 621 set(${name} "${${name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) 622 endif() 623 else() 624 unset(${name} CACHE) 625 endif() 626 endif() 627 endforeach() 628 endmacro() 629 630 # read single version define from the header file 631 macro(ocv_parse_header2 LIBNAME HDR_PATH VARNAME) 632 ocv_clear_vars(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR 633 ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR 634 ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR 635 ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH 636 ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_TWEAK 637 ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_STRING) 638 set(${LIBNAME}_H "") 639 if(EXISTS "${HDR_PATH}") 640 file(STRINGS "${HDR_PATH}" ${LIBNAME}_H REGEX "^#define[ \t]+${VARNAME}[ \t]+\"[^\"]*\".*$" LIMIT_COUNT 1) 641 endif() 642 643 if(${LIBNAME}_H) 644 string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*[ \t]${VARNAME}[ \t]+\"([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR "${${LIBNAME}_H}") 645 string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*[ \t]${VARNAME}[ \t]+\"[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR "${${LIBNAME}_H}") 646 string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*[ \t]${VARNAME}[ \t]+\"[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*$" "\\1" ${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH "${${LIBNAME}_H}") 647 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR ${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR} ${ARGN}) 648 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR ${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR} ${ARGN}) 649 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH ${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH} ${ARGN}) 650 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_STRING "${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MAJOR}.${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_MINOR}.${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_PATCH}") 651 652 # append a TWEAK version if it exists: 653 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_TWEAK "") 654 if("${${LIBNAME}_H}" MATCHES "^.*[ \t]${VARNAME}[ \t]+\"[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.([0-9]+).*$") 655 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_TWEAK "${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" ${ARGN}) 656 endif() 657 if(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_TWEAK) 658 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_STRING "${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_STRING}.${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_TWEAK}" ${ARGN}) 659 else() 660 set(${LIBNAME}_VERSION_STRING "${${LIBNAME}_VERSION_STRING}" ${ARGN}) 661 endif() 662 endif() 663 endmacro() 664 665 # read single version info from the pkg file 666 macro(ocv_parse_pkg LIBNAME PKG_PATH SCOPE) 667 if(EXISTS "${PKG_PATH}/${LIBNAME}.pc") 668 file(STRINGS "${PKG_PATH}/${LIBNAME}.pc" line_to_parse REGEX "^Version:[ \t]+[0-9.]*.*$" LIMIT_COUNT 1) 669 STRING(REGEX REPLACE ".*Version: ([^ ]+).*" "\\1" ALIASOF_${LIBNAME}_VERSION "${line_to_parse}" ) 670 endif() 671 endmacro() 672 673 ################################################################################################ 674 # short command to setup source group 675 function(ocv_source_group group) 676 if(BUILD_opencv_world AND OPENCV_MODULE_${the_module}_IS_PART_OF_WORLD) 677 set(group "${the_module}\\${group}") 678 endif() 679 cmake_parse_arguments(SG "" "DIRBASE" "GLOB;GLOB_RECURSE;FILES" ${ARGN}) 680 set(files "") 681 if(SG_FILES) 682 list(APPEND files ${SG_FILES}) 683 endif() 684 if(SG_GLOB) 685 file(GLOB srcs ${SG_GLOB}) 686 list(APPEND files ${srcs}) 687 endif() 688 if(SG_GLOB_RECURSE) 689 file(GLOB_RECURSE srcs ${SG_GLOB_RECURSE}) 690 list(APPEND files ${srcs}) 691 endif() 692 if(SG_DIRBASE) 693 foreach(f ${files}) 694 file(RELATIVE_PATH fpart "${SG_DIRBASE}" "${f}") 695 if(fpart MATCHES "^\\.\\.") 696 message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Can't detect subpath for source_group command: Group=${group} FILE=${f} DIRBASE=${SG_DIRBASE}") 697 set(fpart "") 698 else() 699 get_filename_component(fpart "${fpart}" PATH) 700 if(fpart) 701 set(fpart "/${fpart}") # add '/' 702 string(REPLACE "/" "\\" fpart "${fpart}") 703 endif() 704 endif() 705 source_group("${group}${fpart}" FILES ${f}) 706 endforeach() 707 else() 708 source_group(${group} FILES ${files}) 709 endif() 710 endfunction() 711 712 function(ocv_target_link_libraries target) 713 _ocv_fix_target(target) 714 set(LINK_DEPS ${ARGN}) 715 # process world 716 if(BUILD_opencv_world) 717 foreach(m ${OPENCV_MODULES_BUILD}) 718 if(OPENCV_MODULE_${m}_IS_PART_OF_WORLD) 719 if(";${LINK_DEPS};" MATCHES ";${m};") 720 list(REMOVE_ITEM LINK_DEPS ${m}) 721 if(NOT (";${LINK_DEPS};" MATCHES ";opencv_world;")) 722 list(APPEND LINK_DEPS opencv_world) 723 endif() 724 endif() 725 endif() 726 endforeach() 727 endif() 728 target_link_libraries(${target} ${LINK_DEPS}) 729 endfunction() 730 731 function(_ocv_append_target_includes target) 732 if(DEFINED OCV_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRS_${target}) 733 target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE ${OCV_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRS_${target}}) 734 if (TARGET ${target}_object) 735 target_include_directories(${target}_object PRIVATE ${OCV_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRS_${target}}) 736 endif() 737 unset(OCV_TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRS_${target} CACHE) 738 endif() 739 endfunction() 740 741 function(ocv_add_executable target) 742 add_executable(${target} ${ARGN}) 743 _ocv_append_target_includes(${target}) 744 endfunction() 745 746 function(ocv_add_library target) 747 set(cuda_objs "") 748 if(HAVE_CUDA) 749 set(cuda_srcs "") 750 751 foreach(var ${ARGN}) 752 if(var MATCHES ".cu") 753 list(APPEND cuda_srcs ${var}) 754 endif() 755 endforeach() 756 757 if(cuda_srcs) 758 ocv_include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) 759 ocv_cuda_compile(cuda_objs ${lib_cuda_srcs} ${lib_cuda_hdrs}) 760 endif() 761 set(OPENCV_MODULE_${target}_CUDA_OBJECTS ${cuda_objs} CACHE INTERNAL "Compiled CUDA object files") 762 endif() 763 764 add_library(${target} ${ARGN} ${cuda_objs}) 765 766 # Add OBJECT library (added in cmake 2.8.8) to use in compound modules 767 if (NOT CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS "2.8.8" 768 AND NOT OPENCV_MODULE_${target}_CHILDREN 769 AND NOT OPENCV_MODULE_${target}_CLASS STREQUAL "BINDINGS" 770 AND NOT ${target} STREQUAL "opencv_ts" 771 ) 772 set(sources ${ARGN}) 773 ocv_list_filterout(sources "\\\\.(cl|inc)$") 774 add_library(${target}_object OBJECT ${sources}) 775 set_target_properties(${target}_object PROPERTIES 776 EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL True 777 EXCLUDE_FROM_DEFAULT_BUILD True 778 POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE True 779 ) 780 if (ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS) 781 set_target_properties(${target}_object PROPERTIES FOLDER "object_libraries") 782 endif() 783 unset(sources) 784 endif() 785 786 _ocv_append_target_includes(${target}) 787 endfunction() 788 789 # build the list of opencv libs and dependencies for all modules 790 # _modules - variable to hold list of all modules 791 # _extra - variable to hold list of extra dependencies 792 # _3rdparty - variable to hold list of prebuilt 3rdparty libraries 793 macro(ocv_get_all_libs _modules _extra _3rdparty) 794 set(${_modules} "") 795 set(${_extra} "") 796 set(${_3rdparty} "") 797 foreach(m ${OPENCV_MODULES_PUBLIC}) 798 get_target_property(deps ${m} INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES) 799 if(NOT deps) 800 set(deps "") 801 endif() 802 list(INSERT ${_modules} 0 ${deps} ${m}) 803 foreach (dep ${deps} ${OPENCV_LINKER_LIBS}) 804 if (NOT DEFINED OPENCV_MODULE_${dep}_LOCATION) 805 if (TARGET ${dep}) 806 get_target_property(_output ${dep} ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) 807 if ("${_output}" STREQUAL "${3P_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}") 808 list(INSERT ${_3rdparty} 0 ${dep}) 809 else() 810 list(INSERT ${_extra} 0 ${dep}) 811 endif() 812 else() 813 list(INSERT ${_extra} 0 ${dep}) 814 endif() 815 endif() 816 endforeach() 817 endforeach() 818 819 # ippicv specific handling 820 list(FIND ${_extra} "ippicv" ippicv_idx) 821 if (${ippicv_idx} GREATER -1) 822 list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_extra} "ippicv") 823 list(INSERT ${_3rdparty} 0 "ippicv") 824 endif() 825 826 # split 3rdparty libs and modules 827 list(REMOVE_ITEM ${_modules} ${${_3rdparty}} ${${_extra}}) 828 829 # convert CMake lists to makefile literals 830 foreach(lst ${_modules} ${_3rdparty} ${_extra}) 831 ocv_list_unique(${lst}) 832 ocv_list_reverse(${lst}) 833 endforeach() 834 endmacro() 835