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      3    <title>Chapter&nbsp;12.&nbsp;Data mining of bugs with FindBugs&#8482;</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.76.1"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="FindBugs&#8482; Manual"><link rel="up" href="index.html" title="FindBugs&#8482; Manual"><link rel="prev" href="rejarForAnalysis.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;11.&nbsp;Using rejarForAnalysis"><link rel="next" href="license.html" title="Chapter&nbsp;13.&nbsp;License"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter&nbsp;12.&nbsp;Data mining of bugs with <span class="application">FindBugs</span>&#8482;</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="rejarForAnalysis.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><th width="60%" align="center">&nbsp;</th><td width="20%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="license.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="chapter" title="Chapter&nbsp;12.&nbsp;Data mining of bugs with FindBugs&#8482;"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="datamining"></a>Chapter&nbsp;12.&nbsp;Data mining of bugs with <span class="application">FindBugs</span>&#8482;</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="datamining.html#commands">1. Commands</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="datamining.html#examples">2. Examples</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="datamining.html#antexample">3. Ant example</a></span></dt></dl></div><p>
      4 FindBugs incorporates an ability to perform sophisticated queries on bug
      5 databases and track warnings across multiple versions of code being
      6 studied, allowing you to do things such as seeing when a bug was first introduced, examining
      7 just the warnings that have been introduced since the last release, or graphing the number
      8 of infinite recursive loops in your code over time.</p><p>
      9 These techniques all depend upon the XML format used by FindBugs for storing warnings.
     10 These XML files usually contain just the warnings from one particular analysis run, but
     11 they can also store the results from analyzing a sequence of software builds or versions.
     12     </p><p>
     13 Any FindBugs XML bug database contains a version name and timestamp.
     14 FindBugs tries to compute a timestamp from the timestamps of the files that
     15 are analyzed (e.g., the timestamp is intended to be the time the class files
     16 were generated, not analyzed). Each bug database also contains a version name.
     17 Both the version name and timestamp can be set manually using the
     18 <span class="command"><strong>setBugDatabaseInfo</strong></span> (<a class="xref" href="datamining.html#setBugDatabaseInfo" title="1.7.&nbsp;setBugDatabaseInfo">Section&nbsp;1.7, &#8220;setBugDatabaseInfo&#8221;</a>) command.
     19     </p><p>A multiversion bug database assigns a sequence number to each version of
     20 the analyzed code. These sequence numbers are simply successive integers,
     21 starting at 0 (e.g., a bug database for 4 versions of the code will contain
     22 versions 0..3). The bug database will also record the name and timestamp for
     23 each version. The <span class="command"><strong>filterBugs</strong></span> command allows you to refer
     24 to a version by sequence number, name or timestamp.</p><p>
     25 You can take a sequence (or pair) of single version bug databases and create
     26 from them a multiversion bug database, or combine a multiversion bug database
     27 with a sequence of later single-version bug databases.</p><p>
     28 Some of these commands can be invoked as ant tasks.  See below for specifics
     29 on how to invoke them and what attributes and arguments they take.  All of
     30 the examples assume that the <code class="literal">findbugs.lib</code>
     31 <code class="literal">refid</code> is set correctly.  Here is one way to set it:
     32 </p><pre class="programlisting">
     34    &lt;!-- findbugs task definition --&gt;
     35    &lt;property name="findbugs.home" value="/your/path/to/findbugs" /&gt;
     36    &lt;path id="findbugs.lib"&gt;
     37       &lt;fileset dir="${findbugs.home}/lib"&gt;
     38          &lt;include name="findbugs-ant.jar"/&gt;
     39       &lt;/fileset&gt;
     40    &lt;/path&gt;
     42 </pre><div class="sect1" title="1.&nbsp;Commands"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="commands"></a>1.&nbsp;Commands</h2></div></div></div><p>
     43 All tools for FindBugs data mining are can be invoked from the command line,
     44 and some of the more useful tools can also be invoked from an
     45 ant build file.</p><p>
     46 Briefly, the command-line tools are:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#unionBugs" title="1.1.&nbsp;unionBugs">unionBugs</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>
     47                          combine the results from separate analysis of disjoint
     48         classes
     49                     </p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#computeBugHistory" title="1.2.&nbsp;computeBugHistory">computeBugHistory</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>Merge bug warnings from multiple versions of
     50             analyzed code into
     51             a single multiversion bug database. This can either be used
     52             to add more versions to an existing multiversion database,
     53             or to create a multiversion database from a sequence of single version
     54             bug warning databases.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#setBugDatabaseInfo" title="1.7.&nbsp;setBugDatabaseInfo">setBugDatabaseInfo</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>Set information such as the revision name or
     55 timestamp in an XML bug database</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#listBugDatabaseInfo" title="1.8.&nbsp;listBugDatabaseInfo">listBugDatabaseInfo</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>List information such as the revision name and
     56 timestamp for a list of XML bug databases</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#filterBugs" title="1.3.&nbsp;filterBugs">filterBugs</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>Select a subset of a bug database</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#mineBugHistory" title="1.4.&nbsp;mineBugHistory">mineBugHistory</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>Generate a tabular listing of the number of warnings in each
     57         version of a multiversion bug database</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#defectDensity" title="1.5.&nbsp;defectDensity">defectDensity</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>List information about defect density
     58                          (warnings per 1000 NCSS)
     59                          for the entire project and each class and package</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="command"><strong><a class="link" href="datamining.html#convertXmlToText" title="1.6.&nbsp;convertXmlToText">convertXmlToText</a></strong></span></span></dt><dd><p>Convert bug warnings in XML format to
     60                     a textual one-line-per-bug format, or to HTML</p></dd></dl></div><div class="sect2" title="1.1.&nbsp;unionBugs"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="unionBugs"></a>1.1.&nbsp;unionBugs</h3></div></div></div><p>
     61         If you have, for example, separately analyzing each jar file used in an application,
     62         you can use this command to combine the separately generated xml bug warning files into
     63         a single file containing all of the warnings.</p><p>Do <span class="emphasis"><em>not</em></span> use this command to combine results from analyzing different versions of the same
     64             file; use <span class="command"><strong>computeBugHistory</strong></span> instead.</p><p>Specify the xml files on the command line. The result is sent to standard output.</p></div><div class="sect2" title="1.2.&nbsp;computeBugHistory"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="computeBugHistory"></a>1.2.&nbsp;computeBugHistory</h3></div></div></div><p>Use this command to generate a bug database containing information from different builds or versions
     65 of software you are analyzing.
     66 History is taken from the first file provided as input; any following
     67 files should be single version bug databases (if they contain history, the history in those
     68 files will be ignored).</p><p>By default, output is written to the standard output.
     69 </p><p>This functionality may also can be accessed from ant.
     70 First create a taskdef for <span class="command"><strong>computeBugHistory</strong></span> in your
     71 build file:
     72 </p><pre class="programlisting">
     74 &lt;taskdef name="computeBugHistory" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.ComputeBugHistoryTask"&gt;
     75     &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
     76 &lt;/taskdef&gt;
     78 </pre><p>Attributes for this ant task are listed in the following table.
     79 To specify input files, nest them inside with a
     80 <code class="literal">&lt;datafile&gt;</code> element.  For example:
     81 </p><pre class="programlisting">
     83 &lt;computeBugHistory home="${findbugs.home}" ...&gt;
     84     &lt;datafile name="analyze1.xml"/&gt;
     85     &lt;datafile name="analyze2.xml"/&gt;
     86 &lt;/computeBugHistory&gt;
     88 </pre><div class="table"><a name="computeBugHistoryTable"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.1.&nbsp;Options for computeBugHistory command</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Options for computeBugHistory command" border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Command-line option</th><th align="left">Ant attribute</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">-output &lt;file&gt;</td><td align="left">output="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">save output in the named file (may also be an input file)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-overrideRevisionNames[:truth]</td><td align="left">overrideRevisionNames="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">override revision names for each version with names computed from the filenames</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-noPackageMoves[:truth]</td><td align="left">noPackageMoves="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">if a class has moved to another package, treat warnings in that class as seperate</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-preciseMatch[:truth]</td><td align="left">preciseMatch="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">require bug patterns to match precisely</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-precisePriorityMatch[:truth]</td><td align="left">precisePriorityMatch="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">consider two warnings as the same only if priorities match exactly</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-quiet[:truth]</td><td align="left">quiet="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">don't generate any output to standard out unless there is an error</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-withMessages[:truth]</td><td align="left">withMessages="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">include human-readable messages describing the warnings in XML output</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div><div class="sect2" title="1.3.&nbsp;filterBugs"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="filterBugs"></a>1.3.&nbsp;filterBugs</h3></div></div></div><p>This command is used to select a subset of warnings from a FindBugs XML warning file
     89 and write the selected subset to a new FindBugs warning file.</p><p>
     90 This command takes a sequence of options, and either zero, one or two
     91 filenames of findbugs xml bug files on the command line.</p><p>If no file names are provided, the command reads from standard input
     92 and writes to standard output. If one file name is provided,
     93 it reads from the file and writes to standard output.
     94 If two file names are provided, it reads from the first and writes the output
     95 to the second file name.</p><p>This functionality may also can be accessed from ant.
     96 First create a taskdef for <span class="command"><strong>filterBugs</strong></span> in your
     97 build file:
     98 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    100 &lt;taskdef name="filterBugs" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FilterBugsTask"&gt;
    101     &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    102 &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    104 </pre><p>Attributes for this ant task are listed in the following table.
    105 To specify an input file either use the input attribute or nest it inside
    106 the ant call with a <code class="literal">&lt;datafile&gt;</code> element.  For example:
    107 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    109 &lt;filterBugs home="${findbugs.home}" ...&gt;
    110     &lt;datafile name="analyze.xml"/&gt;
    111 &lt;/filterBugs&gt;
    113 </pre><div class="table"><a name="filterOptionsTable"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.2.&nbsp;Options for filterBugs command</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Options for filterBugs command" border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Command-line option</th><th align="left">Ant attribute</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">input="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">use file as input</td></tr><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">output="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">output results to file</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-not</td><td align="left">not="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">reverse (all) switches for the filter</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-withSource[:truth]</td><td align="left">withSource="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">only warnings for switch source is available</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-exclude &lt;filter file&gt;</td><td align="left">exclude="&lt;filter file&gt;"</td><td align="left">exclude bugs matching given filter</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-include &lt;filter file&gt;</td><td align="left">include="&lt;filter file&gt;"</td><td align="left">include only bugs matching given filter</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-annotation &lt;text&gt;</td><td align="left">annotation="&lt;text&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings containing this text in a manual annotation</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-after &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">after="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings that first occurred after this version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-before &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">before="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings that first occurred before this version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-first &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">first="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings that first occurred in this version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-last &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">last="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings that last occurred in this version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-fixed &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">fixed="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings that last occurred in the previous version (clobbers <code class="option">-last</code>)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-present &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">present="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings present in this version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-absent &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">absent="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings absent in this version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-active[:truth]</td><td align="left">active="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings alive in the last sequence number</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-introducedByChange[:truth]</td><td align="left">introducedByChange="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings introduced by a change of an existing class</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-removedByChange[:truth]</td><td align="left">removedByChange="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings removed by a change of a persisting class</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-newCode[:truth]</td><td align="left">newCode="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings introduced by the addition of a new class</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-removedCode[:truth]</td><td align="left">removedCode="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings removed by removal of a class</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-priority &lt;level&gt;</td><td align="left">priority="&lt;level&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings with this priority or higher</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-maxRank &lt;rank&gt;</td><td align="left">rank="[1..20]"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings with this rank or lower</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-class &lt;pattern&gt;</td><td align="left">class="&lt;class&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only bugs whose primary class name matches this pattern</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-bugPattern &lt;pattern&gt;</td><td align="left">bugPattern="&lt;pattern&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only bugs whose type matches this pattern</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-category &lt;category&gt;</td><td align="left">category="&lt;category&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings with a category that starts with this string</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-designation &lt;designation&gt;</td><td align="left">designation="&lt;designation&gt;"</td><td align="left">allow only warnings with this designation (e.g., -designation SHOULD_FIX)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-withMessages[:truth] </td><td align="left">withMessages="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">the generated XML should contain textual messages</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div><div class="sect2" title="1.4.&nbsp;mineBugHistory"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="mineBugHistory"></a>1.4.&nbsp;mineBugHistory</h3></div></div></div><p>This command generates a table containing counts of the numbers of warnings
    114 in each version of a multiversion bug database.</p><p>This functionality may also can be accessed from ant.
    115 First create a taskdef for <span class="command"><strong>mineBugHistory</strong></span> in your
    116 build file:
    117 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    119 &lt;taskdef name="mineBugHistory" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.MineBugHistoryTask"&gt;
    120     &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    121 &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    123 </pre><p>Attributes for this ant task are listed in the following table.
    124 To specify an input file either use the <code class="literal">input</code>
    125 attribute or nest it inside the ant call with a
    126 <code class="literal">&lt;datafile&gt;</code> element.  For example:
    127 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    129 &lt;mineBugHistory home="${findbugs.home}" ...&gt;
    130     &lt;datafile name="analyze.xml"/&gt;
    131 &lt;/mineBugHistory&gt;
    133 </pre><div class="table"><a name="mineBugHistoryOptionsTable"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.3.&nbsp;Options for mineBugHistory command</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Options for mineBugHistory command" border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Command-line option</th><th align="left">Ant attribute</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">input="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">use file as input</td></tr><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">output="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">write output to file</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-formatDates</td><td align="left">formatDates="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">render dates in textual form</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-noTabs</td><td align="left">noTabs="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">delimit columns with groups of spaces instead of tabs (see below)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-summary</td><td align="left">summary="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">output terse summary of changes over the last ten entries</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"><p>
    134         The <code class="option">-noTabs</code> output can be easier to read from a shell
    135         with a fixed-width font.
    136         Because numeric columns are right-justified, spaces may precede the
    137         first column value. This option also causes <code class="option">-formatDates</code>
    138         to render dates in terser format without embedded whitespace.
    139         </p><p>The table is a tab-separated (barring <code class="option">-noTabs</code>)
    140         table with the following columns:</p><div class="table"><a name="mineBugHistoryColumns"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.4.&nbsp;Columns in mineBugHistory output</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Columns in mineBugHistory output" border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Title</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">seq</td><td align="left">Sequence number (successive integers, starting at 0)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">version</td><td align="left">Version name</td></tr><tr><td align="left">time</td><td align="left">Release timestamp</td></tr><tr><td align="left">classes</td><td align="left">Number of classes analyzed</td></tr><tr><td align="left">NCSS</td><td align="left">Non Commenting Source Statements</td></tr><tr><td align="left">added</td><td align="left">Count of new warnings for a class that existed in the previous version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">newCode</td><td align="left">Count of new warnings for a class that did not exist in the previous version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">fixed</td><td align="left">Count of warnings removed from a class that remains in the current version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">removed</td><td align="left">Count of warnings in the previous version for a class that is not present in the current version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">retained</td><td align="left">Count of warnings that were in both the previous and current version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">dead</td><td align="left">Warnings that were present in earlier versions but in neither the current version or the immediately preceeding version</td></tr><tr><td align="left">active</td><td align="left">Total warnings present in the current version</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div><div class="sect2" title="1.5.&nbsp;defectDensity"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="defectDensity"></a>1.5.&nbsp;defectDensity</h3></div></div></div><p>
    141 This command lists information about defect density (warnings per 1000 NCSS) for the entire project and each class and package.
    142 It can either be invoked with no files specified on the command line (in which case it reads from standard input)
    143 or with one file specified on the command line.</p><p>It generates a table with the following columns, and with one
    144 row for the entire project, and one row for each package or class that contains at least
    145 4 warnings.</p><div class="table"><a name="defectDensityColumns"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.5.&nbsp;Columns in defectDensity output</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Columns in defectDensity output" border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Title</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">kind</td><td align="left">project, package or class</td></tr><tr><td align="left">name</td><td align="left">The name of the project, package or class</td></tr><tr><td align="left">density</td><td align="left">Number of warnings generated per 1000 lines of NCSS.</td></tr><tr><td align="left">bugs</td><td align="left">Number of warnings</td></tr><tr><td align="left">NCSS</td><td align="left">Calculated number of NCSS</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div><div class="sect2" title="1.6.&nbsp;convertXmlToText"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="convertXmlToText"></a>1.6.&nbsp;convertXmlToText</h3></div></div></div><p>
    146                 This command converts a warning collection in XML format to a text
    147                 format with one line per warning, or to HTML.
    148             </p><p>This functionality may also can be accessed from ant.
    149 First create a taskdef for <span class="command"><strong>convertXmlToText</strong></span> in your
    150 build file:
    151 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    153 &lt;taskdef name="convertXmlToText" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.ConvertXmlToTextTask"&gt;
    154     &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    155 &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    157 </pre><p>Attributes for this ant task are listed in the following table.</p><div class="table"><a name="convertXmlToTextTable"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.6.&nbsp;Options for convertXmlToText command</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Options for convertXmlToText command" border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Command-line option</th><th align="left">Ant attribute</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">input="&lt;filename&gt;"</td><td align="left">use file as input</td></tr><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">output="&lt;filename&gt;"</td><td align="left">output results to file</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-longBugCodes</td><td align="left">longBugCodes="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">use the full bug pattern code instead of two-letter abbreviation</td></tr><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">format="text"</td><td align="left">generate plain text output with one bug per line (command-line default)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-html[:stylesheet]</td><td align="left">format="html:&lt;stylesheet&gt;"</td><td align="left">generate output with specified stylesheet (see below), or default.xsl if unspecified</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"><p>
    158             You may specify plain.xsl, default.xsl, fancy.xsl, fancy-hist.xsl,
    159             or your own XSL stylesheet for the -html/format option.
    160             Despite the name of this option, you may specify
    161             a stylesheet that emits something other than html.
    162             When applying a stylesheet other than those included
    163             with FindBugs (listed above), the -html/format option should be used
    164             with a path or URL to the stylesheet.
    165             </p></div><div class="sect2" title="1.7.&nbsp;setBugDatabaseInfo"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="setBugDatabaseInfo"></a>1.7.&nbsp;setBugDatabaseInfo</h3></div></div></div><p>
    166                 This command sets meta-information in a specified warning collection.
    167                 It takes the following options:
    168             </p><p>This functionality may also can be accessed from ant.
    169 First create a taskdef for <span class="command"><strong>setBugDatabaseInfo</strong></span> in your
    170 build file:
    171 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    173 &lt;taskdef name="setBugDatabaseInfo" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.SetBugDatabaseInfoTask"&gt;
    174     &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    175 &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    177 </pre><p>Attributes for this ant task are listed in the following table.
    178 To specify an input file either use the <code class="literal">input</code>
    179 attribute or nest it inside the ant call with a
    180 <code class="literal">&lt;datafile&gt;</code> element.  For example:
    181 </p><pre class="programlisting">
    183 &lt;setBugDatabaseInfo home="${findbugs.home}" ...&gt;
    184     &lt;datafile name="analyze.xml"/&gt;
    185 &lt;/setBugDatabaseInfo&gt;
    187 </pre><div class="table"><a name="setBugDatabaseInfoOptions"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.7.&nbsp;setBugDatabaseInfo Options</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="setBugDatabaseInfo Options" border="1"><colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Command-line option</th><th align="left">Ant attribute</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">input="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">use file as input</td></tr><tr><td align="left">&nbsp;</td><td align="left">output="&lt;file&gt;"</td><td align="left">write output to file</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-name &lt;name&gt;</td><td align="left">name="&lt;name&gt;"</td><td align="left">set name for (last) revision</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-timestamp &lt;when&gt;</td><td align="left">timestamp="&lt;when&gt;"</td><td align="left">set timestamp for (last) revision</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-source &lt;directory&gt;</td><td align="left">source="&lt;directory&gt;"</td><td align="left">add specified directory to the source search path</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-findSource &lt;directory&gt;</td><td align="left">findSource="&lt;directory&gt;"</td><td align="left">find and add all relevant source directions contained within specified directory</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-suppress &lt;filter file&gt;</td><td align="left">suppress="&lt;filter file&gt;"</td><td align="left">suppress warnings matched by this file (replaces previous suppressions)</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-withMessages</td><td align="left">withMessages="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">add textual messages to XML</td></tr><tr><td align="left">-resetSource</td><td align="left">resetSource="[true|false]"</td><td align="left">remove all source search paths</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div><div class="sect2" title="1.8.&nbsp;listBugDatabaseInfo"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="listBugDatabaseInfo"></a>1.8.&nbsp;listBugDatabaseInfo</h3></div></div></div><p>This command takes a list of zero or more xml bug database filenames on the command line.
    188 If zero file names are provided, it reads from standard input and does not generate
    189 a table header.</p><p>There is only one option: <code class="option">-formatDates</code> renders dates
    190     in textual form.
    191     </p><p>The output is a table one row per bug database and the following columns:</p><div class="table"><a name="listBugDatabaseInfoColumns"></a><p class="title"><b>Table&nbsp;12.8.&nbsp;listBugDatabaseInfo Columns</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="listBugDatabaseInfo Columns" border="1"><colgroup><col><col></colgroup><thead><tr><th align="left">Column</th><th align="left">Meaning</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left">version</td><td align="left">version name</td></tr><tr><td align="left">time</td><td align="left">Release timestamp</td></tr><tr><td align="left">classes</td><td align="left">Number of classes analyzed</td></tr><tr><td align="left">NCSS</td><td align="left">Non Commenting Source Statements analyzed</td></tr><tr><td align="left">total</td><td align="left">Total number of warnings of all kinds</td></tr><tr><td align="left">high</td><td align="left">Total number of high priority warnings of all kinds</td></tr><tr><td align="left">medium</td><td align="left">Total number of medium/normal priority warnings of all kinds</td></tr><tr><td align="left">low</td><td align="left">Total number of low priority warnings of all kinds</td></tr><tr><td align="left">filename</td><td align="left">filename of database</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div></div><div class="sect1" title="2.&nbsp;Examples"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="examples"></a>2.&nbsp;Examples</h2></div></div></div><div class="sect2" title="2.1.&nbsp;Mining history using proveded shell scrips"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="unixscriptsexamples"></a>2.1.&nbsp;Mining history using proveded shell scrips</h3></div></div></div><p>In all of the following, the commands are given in a directory that contains
    192 directories jdk1.6.0-b12, jdk1.6.0-b13, ..., jdk1.6.0-b60.</p><p>You can use the command:</p><pre class="screen">
    193 computeBugHistory jdk1.6.0-b* | filterBugs -bugPattern IL_ | mineBugHistory -formatDates
    194 </pre><p>to generate the following output:</p><pre class="screen">
    195 seq	version	time	classes	NCSS	added	newCode	fixed	removed	retained	dead	active
    196 0	jdk1.6.0-b12	"Thu Nov 11 09:07:20 EST 2004"	13128	811569	0	4	0	0	0	0	4
    197 1	jdk1.6.0-b13	"Thu Nov 18 06:02:06 EST 2004"	13128	811570	0	0	0	0	4	0	4
    198 2	jdk1.6.0-b14	"Thu Dec 02 06:12:26 EST 2004"	13145	811786	0	0	2	0	2	0	2
    199 3	jdk1.6.0-b15	"Thu Dec 09 06:07:04 EST 2004"	13174	811693	0	0	1	0	1	2	1
    200 4	jdk1.6.0-b16	"Thu Dec 16 06:21:28 EST 2004"	13175	811715	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    201 5	jdk1.6.0-b17	"Thu Dec 23 06:27:22 EST 2004"	13176	811974	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    202 6	jdk1.6.0-b19	"Thu Jan 13 06:41:16 EST 2005"	13176	812011	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    203 7	jdk1.6.0-b21	"Thu Jan 27 05:57:52 EST 2005"	13177	812173	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    204 8	jdk1.6.0-b23	"Thu Feb 10 05:44:36 EST 2005"	13179	812188	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    205 9	jdk1.6.0-b26	"Thu Mar 03 06:04:02 EST 2005"	13199	811770	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    206 10	jdk1.6.0-b27	"Thu Mar 10 04:48:38 EST 2005"	13189	812440	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    207 11	jdk1.6.0-b28	"Thu Mar 17 02:54:22 EST 2005"	13185	812056	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    208 12	jdk1.6.0-b29	"Thu Mar 24 03:09:20 EST 2005"	13117	809468	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    209 13	jdk1.6.0-b30	"Thu Mar 31 02:53:32 EST 2005"	13118	809501	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    210 14	jdk1.6.0-b31	"Thu Apr 07 03:00:14 EDT 2005"	13117	809572	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    211 15	jdk1.6.0-b32	"Thu Apr 14 02:56:56 EDT 2005"	13169	811096	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    212 16	jdk1.6.0-b33	"Thu Apr 21 02:46:22 EDT 2005"	13187	811942	0	0	0	0	1	3	1
    213 17	jdk1.6.0-b34	"Thu Apr 28 02:49:00 EDT 2005"	13195	813488	0	1	0	0	1	3	2
    214 18	jdk1.6.0-b35	"Thu May 05 02:49:04 EDT 2005"	13457	829837	0	0	0	0	2	3	2
    215 19	jdk1.6.0-b36	"Thu May 12 02:59:46 EDT 2005"	13462	831278	0	0	0	0	2	3	2
    216 20	jdk1.6.0-b37	"Thu May 19 02:55:08 EDT 2005"	13464	831971	0	0	0	0	2	3	2
    217 21	jdk1.6.0-b38	"Thu May 26 03:08:16 EDT 2005"	13564	836565	0	0	0	0	2	3	2
    218 22	jdk1.6.0-b39	"Fri Jun 03 03:10:48 EDT 2005"	13856	849992	0	1	0	0	2	3	3
    219 23	jdk1.6.0-b40	"Thu Jun 09 03:30:28 EDT 2005"	15972	959619	0	2	0	0	3	3	5
    220 24	jdk1.6.0-b41	"Thu Jun 16 03:19:22 EDT 2005"	15972	959619	0	0	0	0	5	3	5
    221 25	jdk1.6.0-b42	"Fri Jun 24 03:38:54 EDT 2005"	15966	958581	0	0	0	0	5	3	5
    222 26	jdk1.6.0-b43	"Thu Jul 14 03:09:34 EDT 2005"	16041	960544	0	0	0	0	5	3	5
    223 27	jdk1.6.0-b44	"Thu Jul 21 03:05:54 EDT 2005"	16041	960547	0	0	0	0	5	3	5
    224 28	jdk1.6.0-b45	"Thu Jul 28 03:26:10 EDT 2005"	16037	960606	0	0	1	0	4	3	4
    225 29	jdk1.6.0-b46	"Thu Aug 04 03:02:48 EDT 2005"	15936	951355	0	0	0	0	4	4	4
    226 30	jdk1.6.0-b47	"Thu Aug 11 03:18:56 EDT 2005"	15964	952387	0	0	1	0	3	4	3
    227 31	jdk1.6.0-b48	"Thu Aug 18 08:10:40 EDT 2005"	15970	953421	0	0	0	0	3	5	3
    228 32	jdk1.6.0-b49	"Thu Aug 25 03:24:38 EDT 2005"	16048	958940	0	0	0	0	3	5	3
    229 33	jdk1.6.0-b50	"Thu Sep 01 01:52:40 EDT 2005"	16287	974937	1	0	0	0	3	5	4
    230 34	jdk1.6.0-b51	"Thu Sep 08 01:55:36 EDT 2005"	16362	979377	0	0	0	0	4	5	4
    231 35	jdk1.6.0-b52	"Thu Sep 15 02:04:08 EDT 2005"	16477	979399	0	0	0	0	4	5	4
    232 36	jdk1.6.0-b53	"Thu Sep 22 02:00:28 EDT 2005"	16019	957900	0	0	1	0	3	5	3
    233 37	jdk1.6.0-b54	"Thu Sep 29 01:54:34 EDT 2005"	16019	957900	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    234 38	jdk1.6.0-b55	"Thu Oct 06 01:54:14 EDT 2005"	16051	959014	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    235 39	jdk1.6.0-b56	"Thu Oct 13 01:54:12 EDT 2005"	16211	970835	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    236 40	jdk1.6.0-b57	"Thu Oct 20 01:55:26 EDT 2005"	16279	971627	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    237 41	jdk1.6.0-b58	"Thu Oct 27 01:56:30 EDT 2005"	16283	971945	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    238 42	jdk1.6.0-b59	"Thu Nov 03 01:56:58 EST 2005"	16232	972193	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    239 43	jdk1.6.0-b60	"Thu Nov 10 01:54:18 EST 2005"	16235	972346	0	0	0	0	3	6	3
    240 </pre><p>
    241 We could also generate that information directly, without creating an intermediate db.xml file, using the command
    242 </p><pre class="screen">
    243 computeBugHistory  jdk1.6.0-b*/jre/lib/rt.xml | filterBugs -bugPattern IL_ db.xml | mineBugHistory -formatDates
    244 </pre><p>We can then use that information to display a graph showing the number of infinite recursive loops
    245 found by FindBugs in each build of Sun's JDK1.6.0. The blue area indicates the number of infinite
    246 recursive loops in that build, the red area above it indicates the number of infinite recursive loops that existed
    247 in some previous version but not in the current version (thus, the combined height of the red and blue areas
    248 is guaranteed to never decrease, and goes up whenever a new infinite recursive loop bug is introduced). The height
    249 of the red area is computed as the sum of the fixed, removed and dead values for each version.
    250 The reductions in builds 13 and 14 came after Sun was notified about the bugs found by FindBugs in the JDK.
    251     </p><div class="mediaobject"><img src="infiniteRecursiveLoops.png"></div><p>
    252 Given the db.xml file that contains the results for all the jdk1.6.0 builds, the following command will show the history of high and medium priority correctness warnings:
    253 </p><pre class="screen">
    254 filterBugs -priority M -category C db.xml | mineBugHistory -formatDates
    255 </pre><p>
    256 generating the table:
    257 </p><pre class="screen">
    258 seq	version	time	classes	NCSS	added	newCode	fixed	removed	retained	dead	active
    259 0	jdk1.6.0-b12	"Thu Nov 11 09:07:20 EST 2004"	13128	811569	0	1075	0	0	0	0	1075
    260 1	jdk1.6.0-b13	"Thu Nov 18 06:02:06 EST 2004"	13128	811570	0	0	0	0	1075	0	1075
    261 2	jdk1.6.0-b14	"Thu Dec 02 06:12:26 EST 2004"	13145	811786	3	0	6	0	1069	0	1072
    262 3	jdk1.6.0-b15	"Thu Dec 09 06:07:04 EST 2004"	13174	811693	2	1	3	0	1069	6	1072
    263 4	jdk1.6.0-b16	"Thu Dec 16 06:21:28 EST 2004"	13175	811715	0	0	1	0	1071	9	1071
    264 5	jdk1.6.0-b17	"Thu Dec 23 06:27:22 EST 2004"	13176	811974	0	0	1	0	1070	10	1070
    265 6	jdk1.6.0-b19	"Thu Jan 13 06:41:16 EST 2005"	13176	812011	0	0	0	0	1070	11	1070
    266 7	jdk1.6.0-b21	"Thu Jan 27 05:57:52 EST 2005"	13177	812173	0	0	1	0	1069	11	1069
    267 8	jdk1.6.0-b23	"Thu Feb 10 05:44:36 EST 2005"	13179	812188	0	0	0	0	1069	12	1069
    268 9	jdk1.6.0-b26	"Thu Mar 03 06:04:02 EST 2005"	13199	811770	0	0	2	1	1066	12	1066
    269 10	jdk1.6.0-b27	"Thu Mar 10 04:48:38 EST 2005"	13189	812440	1	0	1	1	1064	15	1065
    270 11	jdk1.6.0-b28	"Thu Mar 17 02:54:22 EST 2005"	13185	812056	0	0	0	0	1065	17	1065
    271 12	jdk1.6.0-b29	"Thu Mar 24 03:09:20 EST 2005"	13117	809468	3	0	8	26	1031	17	1034
    272 13	jdk1.6.0-b30	"Thu Mar 31 02:53:32 EST 2005"	13118	809501	0	0	0	0	1034	51	1034
    273 14	jdk1.6.0-b31	"Thu Apr 07 03:00:14 EDT 2005"	13117	809572	0	0	0	0	1034	51	1034
    274 15	jdk1.6.0-b32	"Thu Apr 14 02:56:56 EDT 2005"	13169	811096	1	1	0	1	1033	51	1035
    275 16	jdk1.6.0-b33	"Thu Apr 21 02:46:22 EDT 2005"	13187	811942	3	0	2	1	1032	52	1035
    276 17	jdk1.6.0-b34	"Thu Apr 28 02:49:00 EDT 2005"	13195	813488	0	1	0	0	1035	55	1036
    277 18	jdk1.6.0-b35	"Thu May 05 02:49:04 EDT 2005"	13457	829837	0	36	2	0	1034	55	1070
    278 19	jdk1.6.0-b36	"Thu May 12 02:59:46 EDT 2005"	13462	831278	0	0	0	0	1070	57	1070
    279 20	jdk1.6.0-b37	"Thu May 19 02:55:08 EDT 2005"	13464	831971	0	1	1	0	1069	57	1070
    280 21	jdk1.6.0-b38	"Thu May 26 03:08:16 EDT 2005"	13564	836565	1	7	2	6	1062	58	1070
    281 22	jdk1.6.0-b39	"Fri Jun 03 03:10:48 EDT 2005"	13856	849992	6	39	5	0	1065	66	1110
    282 23	jdk1.6.0-b40	"Thu Jun 09 03:30:28 EDT 2005"	15972	959619	7	147	11	0	1099	71	1253
    283 24	jdk1.6.0-b41	"Thu Jun 16 03:19:22 EDT 2005"	15972	959619	0	0	0	0	1253	82	1253
    284 25	jdk1.6.0-b42	"Fri Jun 24 03:38:54 EDT 2005"	15966	958581	3	0	1	2	1250	82	1253
    285 26	jdk1.6.0-b43	"Thu Jul 14 03:09:34 EDT 2005"	16041	960544	5	11	15	8	1230	85	1246
    286 27	jdk1.6.0-b44	"Thu Jul 21 03:05:54 EDT 2005"	16041	960547	0	0	0	0	1246	108	1246
    287 28	jdk1.6.0-b45	"Thu Jul 28 03:26:10 EDT 2005"	16037	960606	19	0	2	0	1244	108	1263
    288 29	jdk1.6.0-b46	"Thu Aug 04 03:02:48 EDT 2005"	15936	951355	13	1	1	32	1230	110	1244
    289 30	jdk1.6.0-b47	"Thu Aug 11 03:18:56 EDT 2005"	15964	952387	163	8	7	20	1217	143	1388
    290 31	jdk1.6.0-b48	"Thu Aug 18 08:10:40 EDT 2005"	15970	953421	0	0	0	0	1388	170	1388
    291 32	jdk1.6.0-b49	"Thu Aug 25 03:24:38 EDT 2005"	16048	958940	1	11	1	0	1387	170	1399
    292 33	jdk1.6.0-b50	"Thu Sep 01 01:52:40 EDT 2005"	16287	974937	19	27	16	7	1376	171	1422
    293 34	jdk1.6.0-b51	"Thu Sep 08 01:55:36 EDT 2005"	16362	979377	1	15	3	0	1419	194	1435
    294 35	jdk1.6.0-b52	"Thu Sep 15 02:04:08 EDT 2005"	16477	979399	0	0	1	1	1433	197	1433
    295 36	jdk1.6.0-b53	"Thu Sep 22 02:00:28 EDT 2005"	16019	957900	13	12	16	20	1397	199	1422
    296 37	jdk1.6.0-b54	"Thu Sep 29 01:54:34 EDT 2005"	16019	957900	0	0	0	0	1422	235	1422
    297 38	jdk1.6.0-b55	"Thu Oct 06 01:54:14 EDT 2005"	16051	959014	1	4	7	0	1415	235	1420
    298 39	jdk1.6.0-b56	"Thu Oct 13 01:54:12 EDT 2005"	16211	970835	6	8	37	0	1383	242	1397
    299 40	jdk1.6.0-b57	"Thu Oct 20 01:55:26 EDT 2005"	16279	971627	0	0	0	0	1397	279	1397
    300 41	jdk1.6.0-b58	"Thu Oct 27 01:56:30 EDT 2005"	16283	971945	0	1	1	0	1396	279	1397
    301 42	jdk1.6.0-b59	"Thu Nov 03 01:56:58 EST 2005"	16232	972193	6	0	5	0	1392	280	1398
    302 43	jdk1.6.0-b60	"Thu Nov 10 01:54:18 EST 2005"	16235	972346	0	0	0	0	1398	285	1398
    303 44	jdk1.6.0-b61	"Thu Nov 17 01:58:42 EST 2005"	16202	971134	2	0	4	0	1394	285	1396
    304 </pre></div><div class="sect2" title="2.2.&nbsp;Incremental history maintenance"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="incrementalhistory"></a>2.2.&nbsp;Incremental history maintenance</h3></div></div></div><p>
    305 If db.xml contains the results of running findbugs over builds b12 - b60, we can update db.xml to include the results of analyzing b61 with the commands:
    306 </p><pre class="screen">
    307 computeBugHistory -output db.xml db.xml jdk1.6.0-b61/jre/lib/rt.xml
    308 </pre></div></div><div class="sect1" title="3.&nbsp;Ant example"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="antexample"></a>3.&nbsp;Ant example</h2></div></div></div><p>
    309 Here is a complete ant script example for both running findbugs and running a chain of data-mining tools afterward:
    310 </p><pre class="screen">
    312 &lt;project name="analyze_asm_util" default="findbugs"&gt;
    313    &lt;!-- findbugs task definition --&gt;
    314    &lt;property name="findbugs.home" value="/Users/ben/Documents/workspace/findbugs/findbugs" /&gt;
    315    &lt;property name="jvmargs" value="-server -Xss1m -Xmx800m -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=EN -Dfindbugs.home=${findbugs.home}" /&gt;
    317     &lt;path id="findbugs.lib"&gt;
    318       &lt;fileset dir="${findbugs.home}/lib"&gt;
    319          &lt;include name="findbugs-ant.jar"/&gt;
    320       &lt;/fileset&gt;
    321    &lt;/path&gt;
    323    &lt;taskdef name="findbugs" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.FindBugsTask"&gt;
    324       &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    325    &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    327    &lt;taskdef name="computeBugHistory" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.ComputeBugHistoryTask"&gt;
    328       &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    329    &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    331    &lt;taskdef name="setBugDatabaseInfo" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.SetBugDatabaseInfoTask"&gt;
    332       &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    333    &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    335    &lt;taskdef name="mineBugHistory" classname="edu.umd.cs.findbugs.anttask.MineBugHistoryTask"&gt;
    336       &lt;classpath refid="findbugs.lib" /&gt;
    337    &lt;/taskdef&gt;
    339    &lt;!-- findbugs task definition --&gt;
    340    &lt;target name="findbugs"&gt;
    341       &lt;antcall target="analyze" /&gt;
    342       &lt;antcall target="mine" /&gt;
    343    &lt;/target&gt;
    345    &lt;!-- analyze task --&gt;
    346    &lt;target name="analyze"&gt;
    347       &lt;!-- run findbugs against asm-util --&gt;
    348       &lt;findbugs home="${findbugs.home}"
    349                 output="xml:withMessages"
    350                 timeout="90000000"
    351                 reportLevel="experimental"
    352                 workHard="true"
    353                 effort="max"
    354                 adjustExperimental="true"
    355                 jvmargs="${jvmargs}"
    356                 failOnError="true"
    357                 outputFile="out.xml"
    358                 projectName="Findbugs"
    359                 debug="false"&gt;
    360          &lt;class location="asm-util-3.0.jar" /&gt;
    361       &lt;/findbugs&gt;
    362    &lt;/target&gt;
    364    &lt;target name="mine"&gt;
    366       &lt;!-- Set info to the latest analysis --&gt;
    367       &lt;setBugDatabaseInfo home="${findbugs.home}"
    368                             withMessages="true"
    369                             name="asm-util-3.0.jar"
    370                             input="out.xml"
    371                             output="out-rel.xml"/&gt;
    373       &lt;!-- Checking if history file already exists (out-hist.xml) --&gt;
    374       &lt;condition property="mining.historyfile.available"&gt;
    375          &lt;available file="out-hist.xml"/&gt;
    376       &lt;/condition&gt;
    377       &lt;condition property="mining.historyfile.notavailable"&gt;
    378          &lt;not&gt;
    379             &lt;available file="out-hist.xml"/&gt;
    380          &lt;/not&gt;
    381       &lt;/condition&gt;
    383       &lt;!-- this target is executed if the history file do not exist (first run) --&gt;
    384       &lt;antcall target="history-init"&gt;
    385         &lt;param name="data.file" value="out-rel.xml" /&gt;
    386         &lt;param name="hist.file" value="out-hist.xml" /&gt;
    387       &lt;/antcall&gt;
    388       &lt;!-- else this one is executed --&gt;
    389       &lt;antcall target="history"&gt;
    390         &lt;param name="data.file"         value="out-rel.xml" /&gt;
    391         &lt;param name="hist.file"         value="out-hist.xml" /&gt;
    392         &lt;param name="hist.summary.file" value="out-hist.txt" /&gt;
    393       &lt;/antcall&gt;
    394    &lt;/target&gt;
    396    &lt;!-- Initializing history file --&gt;
    397    &lt;target name="history-init" if="mining.historyfile.notavailable"&gt;
    398       &lt;copy file="${data.file}" tofile="${hist.file}" /&gt;
    399    &lt;/target&gt;
    401    &lt;!-- Computing bug history --&gt;
    402    &lt;target name="history" if="mining.historyfile.available"&gt;
    403       &lt;!-- Merging ${data.file} into ${hist.file} --&gt;
    404       &lt;computeBugHistory home="${findbugs.home}"
    405                            withMessages="true"
    406                            output="${hist.file}"&gt;
    407             &lt;dataFile name="${hist.file}"/&gt;
    408             &lt;dataFile name="${data.file}"/&gt;
    409       &lt;/computeBugHistory&gt;
    411       &lt;!-- Compute history into ${hist.summary.file} --&gt;
    412       &lt;mineBugHistory home="${findbugs.home}"
    413                         formatDates="true"
    414                       noTabs="true"
    415                         input="${hist.file}"
    416                         output="${hist.summary.file}"/&gt;
    417    &lt;/target&gt;
    419 &lt;/project&gt;
    421 </pre></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="rejarForAnalysis.html">Prev</a>&nbsp;</td><td width="20%" align="center">&nbsp;</td><td width="40%" align="right">&nbsp;<a accesskey="n" href="license.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter&nbsp;11.&nbsp;Using rejarForAnalysis&nbsp;</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;Chapter&nbsp;13.&nbsp;License</td></tr></table></div></body></html>