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      1 // Copyright 2013 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 // found in the LICENSE file.
      5 #include "src/compiler/code-generator.h"
      7 #include "src/address-map.h"
      8 #include "src/compiler/code-generator-impl.h"
      9 #include "src/compiler/linkage.h"
     10 #include "src/compiler/pipeline.h"
     11 #include "src/frames-inl.h"
     13 namespace v8 {
     14 namespace internal {
     15 namespace compiler {
     17 class CodeGenerator::JumpTable final : public ZoneObject {
     18  public:
     19   JumpTable(JumpTable* next, Label** targets, size_t target_count)
     20       : next_(next), targets_(targets), target_count_(target_count) {}
     22   Label* label() { return &label_; }
     23   JumpTable* next() const { return next_; }
     24   Label** targets() const { return targets_; }
     25   size_t target_count() const { return target_count_; }
     27  private:
     28   Label label_;
     29   JumpTable* const next_;
     30   Label** const targets_;
     31   size_t const target_count_;
     32 };
     35 CodeGenerator::CodeGenerator(Frame* frame, Linkage* linkage,
     36                              InstructionSequence* code, CompilationInfo* info)
     37     : frame_access_state_(new (code->zone()) FrameAccessState(frame)),
     38       linkage_(linkage),
     39       code_(code),
     40       info_(info),
     41       labels_(zone()->NewArray<Label>(code->InstructionBlockCount())),
     42       current_block_(RpoNumber::Invalid()),
     43       current_source_position_(SourcePosition::Unknown()),
     44       masm_(info->isolate(), nullptr, 0, CodeObjectRequired::kYes),
     45       resolver_(this),
     46       safepoints_(code->zone()),
     47       handlers_(code->zone()),
     48       deoptimization_states_(code->zone()),
     49       deoptimization_literals_(code->zone()),
     50       inlined_function_count_(0),
     51       translations_(code->zone()),
     52       last_lazy_deopt_pc_(0),
     53       jump_tables_(nullptr),
     54       ools_(nullptr),
     55       osr_pc_offset_(-1) {
     56   for (int i = 0; i < code->InstructionBlockCount(); ++i) {
     57     new (&labels_[i]) Label;
     58   }
     59   if (code->ContainsCall()) {
     60     frame->MarkNeedsFrame();
     61   }
     62 }
     65 Handle<Code> CodeGenerator::GenerateCode() {
     66   CompilationInfo* info = this->info();
     68   // Open a frame scope to indicate that there is a frame on the stack.  The
     69   // MANUAL indicates that the scope shouldn't actually generate code to set up
     70   // the frame (that is done in AssemblePrologue).
     71   FrameScope frame_scope(masm(), StackFrame::MANUAL);
     73   // Emit a code line info recording start event.
     74   PositionsRecorder* recorder = masm()->positions_recorder();
     75   LOG_CODE_EVENT(isolate(), CodeStartLinePosInfoRecordEvent(recorder));
     77   // Place function entry hook if requested to do so.
     78   if (linkage()->GetIncomingDescriptor()->IsJSFunctionCall()) {
     79     ProfileEntryHookStub::MaybeCallEntryHook(masm());
     80   }
     82   // Architecture-specific, linkage-specific prologue.
     83   info->set_prologue_offset(masm()->pc_offset());
     84   AssemblePrologue();
     86   // Define deoptimization literals for all inlined functions.
     87   DCHECK_EQ(0u, deoptimization_literals_.size());
     88   for (auto& inlined : info->inlined_functions()) {
     89     if (!inlined.shared_info.is_identical_to(info->shared_info())) {
     90       DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(inlined.shared_info);
     91     }
     92   }
     93   inlined_function_count_ = deoptimization_literals_.size();
     95   // Define deoptimization literals for all unoptimized code objects of inlined
     96   // functions. This ensures unoptimized code is kept alive by optimized code.
     97   for (auto& inlined : info->inlined_functions()) {
     98     if (!inlined.shared_info.is_identical_to(info->shared_info())) {
     99       DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(inlined.inlined_code_object_root);
    100     }
    101   }
    103   // Assemble all non-deferred blocks, followed by deferred ones.
    104   for (int deferred = 0; deferred < 2; ++deferred) {
    105     for (auto const block : code()->instruction_blocks()) {
    106       if (block->IsDeferred() == (deferred == 0)) {
    107         continue;
    108       }
    109       // Align loop headers on 16-byte boundaries.
    110       if (block->IsLoopHeader()) masm()->Align(16);
    111       // Ensure lazy deopt doesn't patch handler entry points.
    112       if (block->IsHandler()) EnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt();
    113       // Bind a label for a block.
    114       current_block_ = block->rpo_number();
    115       if (FLAG_code_comments) {
    116         // TODO(titzer): these code comments are a giant memory leak.
    117         Vector<char> buffer = Vector<char>::New(200);
    118         char* buffer_start = buffer.start();
    120         int next = SNPrintF(
    121             buffer, "-- B%d start%s%s%s%s", block->rpo_number().ToInt(),
    122             block->IsDeferred() ? " (deferred)" : "",
    123             block->needs_frame() ? "" : " (no frame)",
    124             block->must_construct_frame() ? " (construct frame)" : "",
    125             block->must_deconstruct_frame() ? " (deconstruct frame)" : "");
    127         buffer = buffer.SubVector(next, buffer.length());
    129         if (block->IsLoopHeader()) {
    130           next =
    131               SNPrintF(buffer, " (loop up to %d)", block->loop_end().ToInt());
    132           buffer = buffer.SubVector(next, buffer.length());
    133         }
    134         if (block->loop_header().IsValid()) {
    135           next =
    136               SNPrintF(buffer, " (in loop %d)", block->loop_header().ToInt());
    137           buffer = buffer.SubVector(next, buffer.length());
    138         }
    139         SNPrintF(buffer, " --");
    140         masm()->RecordComment(buffer_start);
    141       }
    142       masm()->bind(GetLabel(current_block_));
    143       for (int i = block->code_start(); i < block->code_end(); ++i) {
    144         AssembleInstruction(code()->InstructionAt(i));
    145       }
    146     }
    147   }
    149   // Assemble all out-of-line code.
    150   if (ools_) {
    151     masm()->RecordComment("-- Out of line code --");
    152     for (OutOfLineCode* ool = ools_; ool; ool = ool->next()) {
    153       masm()->bind(ool->entry());
    154       ool->Generate();
    155       if (ool->exit()->is_bound()) masm()->jmp(ool->exit());
    156     }
    157   }
    159   // Ensure there is space for lazy deoptimization in the code.
    160   if (info->ShouldEnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt()) {
    161     int target_offset = masm()->pc_offset() + Deoptimizer::patch_size();
    162     while (masm()->pc_offset() < target_offset) {
    163       masm()->nop();
    164     }
    165   }
    167   FinishCode(masm());
    169   // Emit the jump tables.
    170   if (jump_tables_) {
    171     masm()->Align(kPointerSize);
    172     for (JumpTable* table = jump_tables_; table; table = table->next()) {
    173       masm()->bind(table->label());
    174       AssembleJumpTable(table->targets(), table->target_count());
    175     }
    176   }
    178   safepoints()->Emit(masm(), frame()->GetSpillSlotCount());
    180   Handle<Code> result =
    181       v8::internal::CodeGenerator::MakeCodeEpilogue(masm(), info);
    182   result->set_is_turbofanned(true);
    183   result->set_stack_slots(frame()->GetSpillSlotCount());
    184   result->set_safepoint_table_offset(safepoints()->GetCodeOffset());
    186   // Emit exception handler table.
    187   if (!handlers_.empty()) {
    188     Handle<HandlerTable> table =
    189         Handle<HandlerTable>::cast(isolate()->factory()->NewFixedArray(
    190             HandlerTable::LengthForReturn(static_cast<int>(handlers_.size())),
    191             TENURED));
    192     for (size_t i = 0; i < handlers_.size(); ++i) {
    193       int position = handlers_[i].handler->pos();
    194       HandlerTable::CatchPrediction prediction = handlers_[i].caught_locally
    195                                                      ? HandlerTable::CAUGHT
    196                                                      : HandlerTable::UNCAUGHT;
    197       table->SetReturnOffset(static_cast<int>(i), handlers_[i].pc_offset);
    198       table->SetReturnHandler(static_cast<int>(i), position, prediction);
    199     }
    200     result->set_handler_table(*table);
    201   }
    203   PopulateDeoptimizationData(result);
    205   // Ensure there is space for lazy deoptimization in the relocation info.
    206   if (info->ShouldEnsureSpaceForLazyDeopt()) {
    207     Deoptimizer::EnsureRelocSpaceForLazyDeoptimization(result);
    208   }
    210   // Emit a code line info recording stop event.
    211   void* line_info = recorder->DetachJITHandlerData();
    212   LOG_CODE_EVENT(isolate(), CodeEndLinePosInfoRecordEvent(*result, line_info));
    214   return result;
    215 }
    218 bool CodeGenerator::IsNextInAssemblyOrder(RpoNumber block) const {
    219   return code()
    220       ->InstructionBlockAt(current_block_)
    221       ->ao_number()
    222       .IsNext(code()->InstructionBlockAt(block)->ao_number());
    223 }
    226 void CodeGenerator::RecordSafepoint(ReferenceMap* references,
    227                                     Safepoint::Kind kind, int arguments,
    228                                     Safepoint::DeoptMode deopt_mode) {
    229   Safepoint safepoint =
    230       safepoints()->DefineSafepoint(masm(), kind, arguments, deopt_mode);
    231   int stackSlotToSpillSlotDelta =
    232       frame()->GetTotalFrameSlotCount() - frame()->GetSpillSlotCount();
    233   for (auto& operand : references->reference_operands()) {
    234     if (operand.IsStackSlot()) {
    235       int index = LocationOperand::cast(operand).index();
    236       DCHECK(index >= 0);
    237       // Safepoint table indices are 0-based from the beginning of the spill
    238       // slot area, adjust appropriately.
    239       index -= stackSlotToSpillSlotDelta;
    240       safepoint.DefinePointerSlot(index, zone());
    241     } else if (operand.IsRegister() && (kind & Safepoint::kWithRegisters)) {
    242       Register reg = LocationOperand::cast(operand).GetRegister();
    243       safepoint.DefinePointerRegister(reg, zone());
    244     }
    245   }
    246 }
    249 bool CodeGenerator::IsMaterializableFromFrame(Handle<HeapObject> object,
    250                                               int* offset_return) {
    251   if (linkage()->GetIncomingDescriptor()->IsJSFunctionCall()) {
    252     if (info()->has_context() && object.is_identical_to(info()->context()) &&
    253         !info()->is_osr()) {
    254       *offset_return = StandardFrameConstants::kContextOffset;
    255       return true;
    256     } else if (object.is_identical_to(info()->closure())) {
    257       *offset_return = JavaScriptFrameConstants::kFunctionOffset;
    258       return true;
    259     }
    260   }
    261   return false;
    262 }
    265 bool CodeGenerator::IsMaterializableFromRoot(
    266     Handle<HeapObject> object, Heap::RootListIndex* index_return) {
    267   const CallDescriptor* incoming_descriptor =
    268       linkage()->GetIncomingDescriptor();
    269   if (incoming_descriptor->flags() & CallDescriptor::kCanUseRoots) {
    270     RootIndexMap map(isolate());
    271     int root_index = map.Lookup(*object);
    272     if (root_index != RootIndexMap::kInvalidRootIndex) {
    273       *index_return = static_cast<Heap::RootListIndex>(root_index);
    274       return true;
    275     }
    276   }
    277   return false;
    278 }
    281 void CodeGenerator::AssembleInstruction(Instruction* instr) {
    282   AssembleGaps(instr);
    283   AssembleSourcePosition(instr);
    284   // Assemble architecture-specific code for the instruction.
    285   AssembleArchInstruction(instr);
    287   FlagsMode mode = FlagsModeField::decode(instr->opcode());
    288   FlagsCondition condition = FlagsConditionField::decode(instr->opcode());
    289   if (mode == kFlags_branch) {
    290     // Assemble a branch after this instruction.
    291     InstructionOperandConverter i(this, instr);
    292     RpoNumber true_rpo = i.InputRpo(instr->InputCount() - 2);
    293     RpoNumber false_rpo = i.InputRpo(instr->InputCount() - 1);
    295     if (true_rpo == false_rpo) {
    296       // redundant branch.
    297       if (!IsNextInAssemblyOrder(true_rpo)) {
    298         AssembleArchJump(true_rpo);
    299       }
    300       return;
    301     }
    302     if (IsNextInAssemblyOrder(true_rpo)) {
    303       // true block is next, can fall through if condition negated.
    304       std::swap(true_rpo, false_rpo);
    305       condition = NegateFlagsCondition(condition);
    306     }
    307     BranchInfo branch;
    308     branch.condition = condition;
    309     branch.true_label = GetLabel(true_rpo);
    310     branch.false_label = GetLabel(false_rpo);
    311     branch.fallthru = IsNextInAssemblyOrder(false_rpo);
    312     // Assemble architecture-specific branch.
    313     AssembleArchBranch(instr, &branch);
    314   } else if (mode == kFlags_set) {
    315     // Assemble a boolean materialization after this instruction.
    316     AssembleArchBoolean(instr, condition);
    317   }
    318 }
    321 void CodeGenerator::AssembleSourcePosition(Instruction* instr) {
    322   SourcePosition source_position;
    323   if (!code()->GetSourcePosition(instr, &source_position)) return;
    324   if (source_position == current_source_position_) return;
    325   current_source_position_ = source_position;
    326   if (source_position.IsUnknown()) return;
    327   int code_pos = source_position.raw();
    328   masm()->positions_recorder()->RecordPosition(code_pos);
    329   masm()->positions_recorder()->WriteRecordedPositions();
    330   if (FLAG_code_comments) {
    331     Vector<char> buffer = Vector<char>::New(256);
    332     CompilationInfo* info = this->info();
    333     int ln = Script::GetLineNumber(info->script(), code_pos);
    334     int cn = Script::GetColumnNumber(info->script(), code_pos);
    335     if (info->script()->name()->IsString()) {
    336       Handle<String> file(String::cast(info->script()->name()));
    337       base::OS::SNPrintF(buffer.start(), buffer.length(), "-- %s:%d:%d --",
    338                          file->ToCString().get(), ln, cn);
    339     } else {
    340       base::OS::SNPrintF(buffer.start(), buffer.length(),
    341                          "-- <unknown>:%d:%d --", ln, cn);
    342     }
    343     masm()->RecordComment(buffer.start());
    344   }
    345 }
    348 void CodeGenerator::AssembleGaps(Instruction* instr) {
    349   for (int i = Instruction::FIRST_GAP_POSITION;
    350        i <= Instruction::LAST_GAP_POSITION; i++) {
    351     Instruction::GapPosition inner_pos =
    352         static_cast<Instruction::GapPosition>(i);
    353     ParallelMove* move = instr->GetParallelMove(inner_pos);
    354     if (move != nullptr) resolver()->Resolve(move);
    355   }
    356 }
    359 void CodeGenerator::PopulateDeoptimizationData(Handle<Code> code_object) {
    360   CompilationInfo* info = this->info();
    361   int deopt_count = static_cast<int>(deoptimization_states_.size());
    362   if (deopt_count == 0 && !info->is_osr()) return;
    363   Handle<DeoptimizationInputData> data =
    364       DeoptimizationInputData::New(isolate(), deopt_count, TENURED);
    366   Handle<ByteArray> translation_array =
    367       translations_.CreateByteArray(isolate()->factory());
    369   data->SetTranslationByteArray(*translation_array);
    370   data->SetInlinedFunctionCount(
    371       Smi::FromInt(static_cast<int>(inlined_function_count_)));
    372   data->SetOptimizationId(Smi::FromInt(info->optimization_id()));
    374   if (info->has_shared_info()) {
    375     data->SetSharedFunctionInfo(*info->shared_info());
    376   } else {
    377     data->SetSharedFunctionInfo(Smi::FromInt(0));
    378   }
    380   Handle<FixedArray> literals = isolate()->factory()->NewFixedArray(
    381       static_cast<int>(deoptimization_literals_.size()), TENURED);
    382   {
    383     AllowDeferredHandleDereference copy_handles;
    384     for (unsigned i = 0; i < deoptimization_literals_.size(); i++) {
    385       literals->set(i, *deoptimization_literals_[i]);
    386     }
    387     data->SetLiteralArray(*literals);
    388   }
    390   if (info->is_osr()) {
    391     DCHECK(osr_pc_offset_ >= 0);
    392     data->SetOsrAstId(Smi::FromInt(info_->osr_ast_id().ToInt()));
    393     data->SetOsrPcOffset(Smi::FromInt(osr_pc_offset_));
    394   } else {
    395     BailoutId osr_ast_id = BailoutId::None();
    396     data->SetOsrAstId(Smi::FromInt(osr_ast_id.ToInt()));
    397     data->SetOsrPcOffset(Smi::FromInt(-1));
    398   }
    400   // Populate deoptimization entries.
    401   for (int i = 0; i < deopt_count; i++) {
    402     DeoptimizationState* deoptimization_state = deoptimization_states_[i];
    403     data->SetAstId(i, deoptimization_state->bailout_id());
    404     CHECK(deoptimization_states_[i]);
    405     data->SetTranslationIndex(
    406         i, Smi::FromInt(deoptimization_states_[i]->translation_id()));
    407     data->SetArgumentsStackHeight(i, Smi::FromInt(0));
    408     data->SetPc(i, Smi::FromInt(deoptimization_state->pc_offset()));
    409   }
    411   code_object->set_deoptimization_data(*data);
    412 }
    415 Label* CodeGenerator::AddJumpTable(Label** targets, size_t target_count) {
    416   jump_tables_ = new (zone()) JumpTable(jump_tables_, targets, target_count);
    417   return jump_tables_->label();
    418 }
    421 void CodeGenerator::RecordCallPosition(Instruction* instr) {
    422   CallDescriptor::Flags flags(MiscField::decode(instr->opcode()));
    424   bool needs_frame_state = (flags & CallDescriptor::kNeedsFrameState);
    426   RecordSafepoint(
    427       instr->reference_map(), Safepoint::kSimple, 0,
    428       needs_frame_state ? Safepoint::kLazyDeopt : Safepoint::kNoLazyDeopt);
    430   if (flags & CallDescriptor::kHasExceptionHandler) {
    431     InstructionOperandConverter i(this, instr);
    432     bool caught = flags & CallDescriptor::kHasLocalCatchHandler;
    433     RpoNumber handler_rpo = i.InputRpo(instr->InputCount() - 1);
    434     handlers_.push_back({caught, GetLabel(handler_rpo), masm()->pc_offset()});
    435   }
    437   if (flags & CallDescriptor::kNeedsNopAfterCall) {
    438     AddNopForSmiCodeInlining();
    439   }
    441   if (needs_frame_state) {
    442     MarkLazyDeoptSite();
    443     // If the frame state is present, it starts at argument 1 (just after the
    444     // code address).
    445     size_t frame_state_offset = 1;
    446     FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor =
    447         GetFrameStateDescriptor(instr, frame_state_offset);
    448     int pc_offset = masm()->pc_offset();
    449     int deopt_state_id = BuildTranslation(instr, pc_offset, frame_state_offset,
    450                                           descriptor->state_combine());
    451     // If the pre-call frame state differs from the post-call one, produce the
    452     // pre-call frame state, too.
    453     // TODO(jarin) We might want to avoid building the pre-call frame state
    454     // because it is only used to get locals and arguments (by the debugger and
    455     // f.arguments), and those are the same in the pre-call and post-call
    456     // states.
    457     if (!descriptor->state_combine().IsOutputIgnored()) {
    458       deopt_state_id = BuildTranslation(instr, -1, frame_state_offset,
    459                                         OutputFrameStateCombine::Ignore());
    460     }
    461 #if DEBUG
    462     // Make sure all the values live in stack slots or they are immediates.
    463     // (The values should not live in register because registers are clobbered
    464     // by calls.)
    465     for (size_t i = 0; i < descriptor->GetSize(); i++) {
    466       InstructionOperand* op = instr->InputAt(frame_state_offset + 1 + i);
    467       CHECK(op->IsStackSlot() || op->IsDoubleStackSlot() || op->IsImmediate());
    468     }
    469 #endif
    470     safepoints()->RecordLazyDeoptimizationIndex(deopt_state_id);
    471   }
    472 }
    475 int CodeGenerator::DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(Handle<Object> literal) {
    476   int result = static_cast<int>(deoptimization_literals_.size());
    477   for (unsigned i = 0; i < deoptimization_literals_.size(); ++i) {
    478     if (deoptimization_literals_[i].is_identical_to(literal)) return i;
    479   }
    480   deoptimization_literals_.push_back(literal);
    481   return result;
    482 }
    485 FrameStateDescriptor* CodeGenerator::GetFrameStateDescriptor(
    486     Instruction* instr, size_t frame_state_offset) {
    487   InstructionOperandConverter i(this, instr);
    488   InstructionSequence::StateId state_id =
    489       InstructionSequence::StateId::FromInt(i.InputInt32(frame_state_offset));
    490   return code()->GetFrameStateDescriptor(state_id);
    491 }
    494 void CodeGenerator::TranslateStateValueDescriptor(
    495     StateValueDescriptor* desc, Translation* translation,
    496     InstructionOperandIterator* iter) {
    497   if (desc->IsNested()) {
    498     translation->BeginCapturedObject(static_cast<int>(desc->size()));
    499     for (size_t index = 0; index < desc->fields().size(); index++) {
    500       TranslateStateValueDescriptor(&desc->fields()[index], translation, iter);
    501     }
    502   } else if (desc->IsDuplicate()) {
    503     translation->DuplicateObject(static_cast<int>(desc->id()));
    504   } else {
    505     DCHECK(desc->IsPlain());
    506     AddTranslationForOperand(translation, iter->instruction(), iter->Advance(),
    507                              desc->type());
    508   }
    509 }
    512 void CodeGenerator::TranslateFrameStateDescriptorOperands(
    513     FrameStateDescriptor* desc, InstructionOperandIterator* iter,
    514     OutputFrameStateCombine combine, Translation* translation) {
    515   for (size_t index = 0; index < desc->GetSize(combine); index++) {
    516     switch (combine.kind()) {
    517       case OutputFrameStateCombine::kPushOutput: {
    518         DCHECK(combine.GetPushCount() <= iter->instruction()->OutputCount());
    519         size_t size_without_output =
    520             desc->GetSize(OutputFrameStateCombine::Ignore());
    521         // If the index is past the existing stack items in values_.
    522         if (index >= size_without_output) {
    523           // Materialize the result of the call instruction in this slot.
    524           AddTranslationForOperand(
    525               translation, iter->instruction(),
    526               iter->instruction()->OutputAt(index - size_without_output),
    527               MachineType::AnyTagged());
    528           continue;
    529         }
    530         break;
    531       }
    532       case OutputFrameStateCombine::kPokeAt:
    533         // The result of the call should be placed at position
    534         // [index_from_top] in the stack (overwriting whatever was
    535         // previously there).
    536         size_t index_from_top =
    537             desc->GetSize(combine) - 1 - combine.GetOffsetToPokeAt();
    538         if (index >= index_from_top &&
    539             index < index_from_top + iter->instruction()->OutputCount()) {
    540           AddTranslationForOperand(
    541               translation, iter->instruction(),
    542               iter->instruction()->OutputAt(index - index_from_top),
    543               MachineType::AnyTagged());
    544           iter->Advance();  // We do not use this input, but we need to
    545                             // advace, as the input got replaced.
    546           continue;
    547         }
    548         break;
    549     }
    550     StateValueDescriptor* value_desc = desc->GetStateValueDescriptor();
    551     TranslateStateValueDescriptor(&value_desc->fields()[index], translation,
    552                                   iter);
    553   }
    554 }
    557 void CodeGenerator::BuildTranslationForFrameStateDescriptor(
    558     FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor, InstructionOperandIterator* iter,
    559     Translation* translation, OutputFrameStateCombine state_combine) {
    560   // Outer-most state must be added to translation first.
    561   if (descriptor->outer_state() != nullptr) {
    562     BuildTranslationForFrameStateDescriptor(descriptor->outer_state(), iter,
    563                                             translation,
    564                                             OutputFrameStateCombine::Ignore());
    565   }
    567   Handle<SharedFunctionInfo> shared_info;
    568   if (!descriptor->shared_info().ToHandle(&shared_info)) {
    569     if (!info()->has_shared_info()) {
    570       return;  // Stub with no SharedFunctionInfo.
    571     }
    572     shared_info = info()->shared_info();
    573   }
    574   int shared_info_id = DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(shared_info);
    576   switch (descriptor->type()) {
    577     case FrameStateType::kJavaScriptFunction:
    578       translation->BeginJSFrame(
    579           descriptor->bailout_id(), shared_info_id,
    580           static_cast<unsigned int>(descriptor->GetSize(state_combine) -
    581                                     (1 + descriptor->parameters_count())));
    582       break;
    583     case FrameStateType::kInterpretedFunction:
    584       translation->BeginInterpretedFrame(
    585           descriptor->bailout_id(), shared_info_id,
    586           static_cast<unsigned int>(descriptor->locals_count()));
    587       break;
    588     case FrameStateType::kArgumentsAdaptor:
    589       translation->BeginArgumentsAdaptorFrame(
    590           shared_info_id,
    591           static_cast<unsigned int>(descriptor->parameters_count()));
    592       break;
    593     case FrameStateType::kConstructStub:
    594       translation->BeginConstructStubFrame(
    595           shared_info_id,
    596           static_cast<unsigned int>(descriptor->parameters_count()));
    597       break;
    598   }
    600   TranslateFrameStateDescriptorOperands(descriptor, iter, state_combine,
    601                                         translation);
    602 }
    605 int CodeGenerator::BuildTranslation(Instruction* instr, int pc_offset,
    606                                     size_t frame_state_offset,
    607                                     OutputFrameStateCombine state_combine) {
    608   FrameStateDescriptor* descriptor =
    609       GetFrameStateDescriptor(instr, frame_state_offset);
    610   frame_state_offset++;
    612   Translation translation(
    613       &translations_, static_cast<int>(descriptor->GetFrameCount()),
    614       static_cast<int>(descriptor->GetJSFrameCount()), zone());
    615   InstructionOperandIterator iter(instr, frame_state_offset);
    616   BuildTranslationForFrameStateDescriptor(descriptor, &iter, &translation,
    617                                           state_combine);
    619   int deoptimization_id = static_cast<int>(deoptimization_states_.size());
    621   deoptimization_states_.push_back(new (zone()) DeoptimizationState(
    622       descriptor->bailout_id(), translation.index(), pc_offset));
    624   return deoptimization_id;
    625 }
    628 void CodeGenerator::AddTranslationForOperand(Translation* translation,
    629                                              Instruction* instr,
    630                                              InstructionOperand* op,
    631                                              MachineType type) {
    632   if (op->IsStackSlot()) {
    633     if (type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kBit) {
    634       translation->StoreBoolStackSlot(LocationOperand::cast(op)->index());
    635     } else if (type == MachineType::Int8() || type == MachineType::Int16() ||
    636                type == MachineType::Int32()) {
    637       translation->StoreInt32StackSlot(LocationOperand::cast(op)->index());
    638     } else if (type == MachineType::Uint8() || type == MachineType::Uint16() ||
    639                type == MachineType::Uint32()) {
    640       translation->StoreUint32StackSlot(LocationOperand::cast(op)->index());
    641     } else if (type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kTagged) {
    642       translation->StoreStackSlot(LocationOperand::cast(op)->index());
    643     } else {
    644       CHECK(false);
    645     }
    646   } else if (op->IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
    647     DCHECK(IsFloatingPoint(type.representation()));
    648     translation->StoreDoubleStackSlot(LocationOperand::cast(op)->index());
    649   } else if (op->IsRegister()) {
    650     InstructionOperandConverter converter(this, instr);
    651     if (type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kBit) {
    652       translation->StoreBoolRegister(converter.ToRegister(op));
    653     } else if (type == MachineType::Int8() || type == MachineType::Int16() ||
    654                type == MachineType::Int32()) {
    655       translation->StoreInt32Register(converter.ToRegister(op));
    656     } else if (type == MachineType::Uint8() || type == MachineType::Uint16() ||
    657                type == MachineType::Uint32()) {
    658       translation->StoreUint32Register(converter.ToRegister(op));
    659     } else if (type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kTagged) {
    660       translation->StoreRegister(converter.ToRegister(op));
    661     } else {
    662       CHECK(false);
    663     }
    664   } else if (op->IsDoubleRegister()) {
    665     DCHECK(IsFloatingPoint(type.representation()));
    666     InstructionOperandConverter converter(this, instr);
    667     translation->StoreDoubleRegister(converter.ToDoubleRegister(op));
    668   } else if (op->IsImmediate()) {
    669     InstructionOperandConverter converter(this, instr);
    670     Constant constant = converter.ToConstant(op);
    671     Handle<Object> constant_object;
    672     switch (constant.type()) {
    673       case Constant::kInt32:
    674         DCHECK(type == MachineType::Int32() || type == MachineType::Uint32() ||
    675                type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kBit);
    676         constant_object =
    677             isolate()->factory()->NewNumberFromInt(constant.ToInt32());
    678         break;
    679       case Constant::kFloat32:
    680         DCHECK(type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kFloat32 ||
    681                type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
    682         constant_object = isolate()->factory()->NewNumber(constant.ToFloat32());
    683         break;
    684       case Constant::kFloat64:
    685         DCHECK(type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kFloat64 ||
    686                type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
    687         constant_object = isolate()->factory()->NewNumber(constant.ToFloat64());
    688         break;
    689       case Constant::kHeapObject:
    690         DCHECK(type.representation() == MachineRepresentation::kTagged);
    691         constant_object = constant.ToHeapObject();
    692         break;
    693       default:
    694         CHECK(false);
    695     }
    696     if (constant_object.is_identical_to(info()->closure())) {
    697       translation->StoreJSFrameFunction();
    698     } else {
    699       int literal_id = DefineDeoptimizationLiteral(constant_object);
    700       translation->StoreLiteral(literal_id);
    701     }
    702   } else {
    703     CHECK(false);
    704   }
    705 }
    708 void CodeGenerator::MarkLazyDeoptSite() {
    709   last_lazy_deopt_pc_ = masm()->pc_offset();
    710 }
    713 int CodeGenerator::TailCallFrameStackSlotDelta(int stack_param_delta) {
    714   CallDescriptor* descriptor = linkage()->GetIncomingDescriptor();
    715   int spill_slots = frame()->GetSpillSlotCount();
    716   bool has_frame = descriptor->IsJSFunctionCall() || spill_slots > 0;
    717   // Leave the PC on the stack on platforms that have that as part of their ABI
    718   int pc_slots = V8_TARGET_ARCH_STORES_RETURN_ADDRESS_ON_STACK ? 1 : 0;
    719   int sp_slot_delta =
    720       has_frame ? (frame()->GetTotalFrameSlotCount() - pc_slots) : 0;
    721   // Discard only slots that won't be used by new parameters.
    722   sp_slot_delta += stack_param_delta;
    723   return sp_slot_delta;
    724 }
    727 OutOfLineCode::OutOfLineCode(CodeGenerator* gen)
    728     : frame_(gen->frame()), masm_(gen->masm()), next_(gen->ools_) {
    729   gen->ools_ = this;
    730 }
    733 OutOfLineCode::~OutOfLineCode() {}
    735 }  // namespace compiler
    736 }  // namespace internal
    737 }  // namespace v8