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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #ifndef _ACAMERA_MANAGER_H
     18 #define _ACAMERA_MANAGER_H
     20 #include "NdkCameraManager.h"
     22 #include <android/hardware/ICameraService.h>
     23 #include <android/hardware/BnCameraServiceListener.h>
     24 #include <camera/CameraMetadata.h>
     25 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
     26 #include <utils/StrongPointer.h>
     27 #include <utils/Mutex.h>
     29 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/ALooper.h>
     30 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/AHandler.h>
     31 #include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h>
     33 #include <set>
     34 #include <map>
     36 namespace android {
     38 /**
     39  * Per-process singleton instance of CameraManger. Shared by all ACameraManager
     40  * instances. Created when first ACameraManager is created and destroyed when
     41  * all ACameraManager instances are deleted.
     42  *
     43  * TODO: maybe CameraManagerGlobal is better sutied in libcameraclient?
     44  */
     45 class CameraManagerGlobal final : public RefBase {
     46   public:
     47     static CameraManagerGlobal& getInstance();
     48     sp<hardware::ICameraService> getCameraService();
     50     void registerAvailabilityCallback(
     51             const ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallbacks *callback);
     52     void unregisterAvailabilityCallback(
     53             const ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallbacks *callback);
     55   private:
     56     sp<hardware::ICameraService> mCameraService;
     57     const int          kCameraServicePollDelay = 500000; // 0.5s
     58     const char*        kCameraServiceName      = "media.camera";
     59     Mutex              mLock;
     61     class DeathNotifier : public IBinder::DeathRecipient {
     62       public:
     63         DeathNotifier(CameraManagerGlobal* cm) : mCameraManager(cm) {}
     64       protected:
     65         // IBinder::DeathRecipient implementation
     66         virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);
     67       private:
     68         const wp<CameraManagerGlobal> mCameraManager;
     69     };
     70     sp<DeathNotifier> mDeathNotifier;
     72     class CameraServiceListener final : public hardware::BnCameraServiceListener {
     73       public:
     74         CameraServiceListener(CameraManagerGlobal* cm) : mCameraManager(cm) {}
     75         virtual binder::Status onStatusChanged(int32_t status, int32_t cameraId);
     77         // Torch API not implemented yet
     78         virtual binder::Status onTorchStatusChanged(int32_t, const String16&) {
     79             return binder::Status::ok();
     80         }
     82       private:
     83         const wp<CameraManagerGlobal> mCameraManager;
     84     };
     85     sp<CameraServiceListener> mCameraServiceListener;
     87     // Wrapper of ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallbacks so we can store it in std::set
     88     struct Callback {
     89         Callback(const ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallbacks *callback) :
     90             mAvailable(callback->onCameraAvailable),
     91             mUnavailable(callback->onCameraUnavailable),
     92             mContext(callback->context) {}
     94         bool operator == (const Callback& other) const {
     95             return (mAvailable == other.mAvailable &&
     96                     mUnavailable == other.mUnavailable &&
     97                     mContext == other.mContext);
     98         }
     99         bool operator != (const Callback& other) const {
    100             return !(*this == other);
    101         }
    102         bool operator < (const Callback& other) const {
    103             if (*this == other) return false;
    104             if (mContext != other.mContext) return mContext < other.mContext;
    105             if (mAvailable != other.mAvailable) return mAvailable < other.mAvailable;
    106             return mUnavailable < other.mUnavailable;
    107         }
    108         bool operator > (const Callback& other) const {
    109             return (*this != other && !(*this < other));
    110         }
    111         ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallback mAvailable;
    112         ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallback mUnavailable;
    113         void*                               mContext;
    114     };
    115     std::set<Callback> mCallbacks;
    117     // definition of handler and message
    118     enum {
    119         kWhatSendSingleCallback
    120     };
    121     static const char* kCameraIdKey;
    122     static const char* kCallbackFpKey;
    123     static const char* kContextKey;
    124     class CallbackHandler : public AHandler {
    125       public:
    126         CallbackHandler() {}
    127         void onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) override;
    128       private:
    129         inline void sendSingleCallback(
    130                 int32_t cameraId, void* context,
    131                 ACameraManager_AvailabilityCallback cb) const;
    132     };
    133     sp<CallbackHandler> mHandler;
    134     sp<ALooper>         mCbLooper; // Looper thread where callbacks actually happen on
    136     void onStatusChanged(int32_t status, int32_t cameraId);
    137     void onStatusChangedLocked(int32_t status, int32_t cameraId);
    138     // Utils for status
    139     static bool validStatus(int32_t status);
    140     static bool isStatusAvailable(int32_t status);
    142     // Map camera_id -> status
    143     std::map<int32_t, int32_t> mDeviceStatusMap;
    145     // For the singleton instance
    146     static Mutex sLock;
    147     static CameraManagerGlobal* sInstance;
    148     CameraManagerGlobal() {};
    149     ~CameraManagerGlobal();
    150 };
    152 } // namespace android;
    154 /**
    155  * ACameraManager opaque struct definition
    156  * Leave outside of android namespace because it's NDK struct
    157  */
    158 struct ACameraManager {
    159     ACameraManager() :
    160             mCachedCameraIdList({kCameraIdListNotInit, nullptr}),
    161             mGlobalManager(&(android::CameraManagerGlobal::getInstance())) {}
    162     ~ACameraManager();
    163     camera_status_t getCameraIdList(ACameraIdList** cameraIdList);
    164     static void     deleteCameraIdList(ACameraIdList* cameraIdList);
    166     camera_status_t getCameraCharacteristics(
    167             const char *cameraId, ACameraMetadata **characteristics);
    168     camera_status_t openCamera(const char* cameraId,
    169                                ACameraDevice_StateCallbacks* callback,
    170                                /*out*/ACameraDevice** device);
    172   private:
    173     camera_status_t getOrCreateCameraIdListLocked(ACameraIdList** cameraIdList);
    175     enum {
    176         kCameraIdListNotInit = -1
    177     };
    178     android::Mutex         mLock;
    179     std::set<int> mCameraIds;          // Init by getOrCreateCameraIdListLocked
    180     ACameraIdList mCachedCameraIdList; // Init by getOrCreateCameraIdListLocked
    181     android::sp<android::CameraManagerGlobal> mGlobalManager;
    182 };
    184 #endif //_ACAMERA_MANAGER_H