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      1 page.title=Hp thoi
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      4 @jd:body
      8 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      9   <div id="qv">
     10     <h2>Trong ti liu ny</h2>
     11 <ol>
     12   <li><a href="#DialogFragment">To mt Phn on Hp thoi</a></li>
     13   <li><a href="#AlertDialog">Xy dng mt Hp thoi Cnh bo</a>
     14     <ol>
     15       <li><a href="#AddingButtons">Thm nt</a></li>
     16       <li><a href="#AddingAList">Thm mt danh sch</a></li>
     17       <li><a href="#CustomLayout">To mt B tr Ty chnh</a></li>
     18     </ol>
     19   </li>
     20   <li><a href="#PassingEvents">Chuyn S kin li My ch ca Hp thoi</a></li>
     21   <li><a href="#ShowingADialog">Hin th mt Hp thoi</a></li>
     22   <li><a href="#FullscreenDialog">Hin th mt Hp thoi Ton mn hnh hoc dng mt Phn on Nhng</a>
     23     <ol>
     24       <li><a href="#ActivityAsDialog">Hin th mt hot ng di dng mt hp thoi trn mn hnh ln</a></li>
     25     </ol>
     26   </li>
     27   <li><a href="#DismissingADialog">B mt Hp thoi</a></li>
     28 </ol>
     30     <h2>Lp kha</h2>
     31     <ol>
     32       <li>{@link android.app.DialogFragment}</li>
     33       <li>{@link android.app.AlertDialog}</li>
     34     </ol>
     36     <h2>Xem thm</h2>
     37     <ol>
     38       <li><a href="{@docRoot}design/building-blocks/dialogs.html">Hng dn thit k hp thoi</a></li>
     39       <li><a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/controls/pickers.html">B chn</a> (Hp thoi Ngy/Gi)</li>
     40     </ol>
     41   </div>
     42 </div>
     44 <p>Hp thoi l mt ca s nh c chc nng nhc ngi dng
     45 a ra mt quyt nh hoc nhp thng tin b sung. Hp thoi khng lp kn mn hnh v
     46 thng c s dng cho cc s kin m thi yu cu ngi dng phi thc hin mt hnh ng trc khi c th i tip.</p>
     48 <div class="note design">
     49 <p><strong>Thit k Hp thoi</strong></p>
     50   <p> bit thng tin v cch thit k hp thoi ca bn, bao gm cc  xut
     51   v ngn ng, hy c hng dn thit k <a href="{@docRoot}design/building-blocks/dialogs.html">Hp thoi</a>.</p>
     52 </div>
     54 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/dialogs.png" />
     56 <p>Lp {@link android.app.Dialog} l lp c s cho hp thoi, nhng bn
     57 nn trnh khi to {@link android.app.Dialog} mt cch trc tip.
     58 Thay vo , hy s dng mt trong cc lp con sau:</p>
     59 <dl>
     60   <dt>{@link android.app.AlertDialog}</dt>
     61   <dd>Hp thoi c th hin th mt tiu , ti a ba nt, mt danh sch
     62     cc mc c th chn, hoc mt b tr ty chnh.</dd>
     63   <dt>{@link android.app.DatePickerDialog} hoc {@link android.app.TimePickerDialog}</dt>
     64   <dd>Hp thoi vi mt UI c xc nh trc, cho php ngi dng chn ngy hoc gi.</dd>
     65 </dl>
     67 <div class="sidebox">
     68 <h2>Trnh ProgressDialog</h2>
     69 <p>Android c mt lp hp thoi khc gi l
     70 {@link android.app.ProgressDialog}, n hin th mt hp thoi vi mt thanh tin . Tuy nhin, nu bn
     71 cn ch bo tin  ti hoc cha xc nh, thay vo , bn nn tun theo hng dn
     72 thit k dnh cho <a href="{@docRoot}design/building-blocks/progress.html">Tin  &amp;
     73 Hot ng</a> v s dng mt {@link android.widget.ProgressBar} trong b tr ca mnh.</p>
     74 </div>
     76 <p>Nhng lp ny nh ngha kiu v cu trc cho hp thoi ca bn, nhng bn nn
     77 s dng mt {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} lm b cha cho hp thoi ca mnh.
     78 Lp {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} s cung cp tt c iu khin m
     79 bn cn  to hp thoi ca mnh v qun l din mo ca hp thoi, thay v gi ra cc phng php
     80 trn i tng {@link android.app.Dialog}.</p>
     82 <p>Vic s dng {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment}  qun l hp thoi
     83 s m bo rng n x l ng cc s kin vng i
     84 chng hn nh khi ngi dng nhn nt <em>Quay li</em> hoc xoay mn hnh. Lp {@link
     85 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} cng cho php bn s dng li UI ca hp thoi nh mt
     86 thnh phn c th nhng trong mt UI rng hn, ging nh mt {@link
     87 android.support.v4.app.Fragment} truyn thng (chng hn nh khi bn mun UI hp thoi xut hin khc i
     88 trn cc mn hnh ln v nh).</p>
     90 <p>Cc phn sau trong hng dn ny m t cch s dng {@link
     91 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} kt hp vi mt i tng {@link android.app.AlertDialog}
     92 . Nu mun to mt b chn ngy hoc gi, thay vo , bn nn c hng dn
     93 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/controls/pickers.html">B chn</a>.</p>
     95 <p class="note"><strong>Lu :</strong>
     96 V lp {@link android.app.DialogFragment} ban u c b sung cng vi
     97 Android 3.0 (API mc 11), ti liu ny m t cch s dng lp {@link
     98 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} c cung cp km <a href="{@docRoot}tools/support-library/index.html">Th vin H tr</a>. Bng cch thm th vin ny
     99 vo ng dng ca mnh, bn c th s dng {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} v nhiu loi
    100 API khc trn cc thit b chy Android 1.6 hoc cao hn. Nu phin bn ti thiu m ng dng ca bn h tr
    101 l API mc 11 hoc cao hn, khi  bn c th s dng phin bn khun kh ca {@link
    102 android.app.DialogFragment}, nhng hy ch  rng cc lin kt trong ti liu ny dnh cho cc API
    103 th vin h  tr. Khi s dng th vin h tr,
    104 hy nh rng bn nhp lp <code>android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment</code>
    105 ch <em>khng phi</em> <code>android.app.DialogFragment</code>.</p>
    108 <h2 id="DialogFragment">To mt Phn on Hp thoi</h2>
    110 <p>Bn c th hon thnh nhiu loi thit k hp thoi&mdash;bao gm
    111 b tr ty chnh v nhng b tr c m t trong hng dn thit k <a href="{@docRoot}design/building-blocks/dialogs.html">Hp thoi</a>
    112 &mdash;bng cch m rng
    113 {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} v to mt {@link android.app.AlertDialog}
    114 trong phng php gi li {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onCreateDialog
    115 onCreateDialog()}.</p>
    117 <p>V d, sau y l mt {@link android.app.AlertDialog} c bn c qun l bn trong
    118 mt {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment}:</p>
    120 <pre>
    121 public class FireMissilesDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
    122     &#64;Override
    123     public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    124         // Use the Builder class for convenient dialog construction
    125         AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    126         builder.setMessage(R.string.dialog_fire_missiles)
    127                .setPositiveButton(R.string.fire, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    128                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    129                        // FIRE ZE MISSILES!
    130                    }
    131                })
    132                .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    133                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    134                        // User cancelled the dialog
    135                    }
    136                });
    137         // Create the AlertDialog object and return it
    138         return builder.create();
    139     }
    140 }
    141 </pre>
    143 <div class="figure" style="width:290px;margin:0 0 0 20px">
    144 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/dialog_buttons.png" alt="" />
    145 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Hnh 1.</strong>
    146 Hp thoi vi mt thng bo v hai nt hnh ng.</p>
    147 </div>
    149 <p>Lc ny, khi bn to mt thc th thuc lp ny v gi {@link
    150 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#show show()} trn i tng , hp thoi s xut hin
    151 nh minh ha trong hnh 1.</p>
    153 <p>Phn tip theo m t thm v vic s dng cc API {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder}
    154  to hp thoi.</p>
    156 <p>Ty vo  phc tp ca hp thoi ca bn, bn c th trin khai nhiu loi phng php gi li khc
    157 trong {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment}, bao gm tt c
    158 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html#Lifecycle">phng php vng i phn on</a> c bn.
    164 <h2 id="AlertDialog">Xy dng mt Hp thoi Cnh bo</h2>
    167 <p>Lp {@link android.app.AlertDialog} cho php bn xy dng nhiu loi thit k hp thoi v
    168 thng l lp hp thoi duy nht m bn s cn.
    169 Nh c minh ha trong hnh 2, c ba vng trn mt hp thoi cnh bo:</p>
    171 <div class="figure" style="width:311px;margin-top:0">
    172 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/dialogs_regions.png" alt="" style="margin-bottom:0" />
    173 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Hnh 2.</strong> B tr ca mt hp thoi.</p>
    174 </div>
    176 <ol>
    177 <li><b>Tiu </b>
    178   <p>Tiu  khng bt buc v ch nn c s dng khi vng ni dung
    179   b chim bi mt thng bo chi tit, mt danh sch, hay mt b tr ty chnh. Nu bn cn nu
    180   mt thng bo hoc cu hi n gin (chng hn nh hp thoi trong hnh 1), bn khng cn tiu .</li>
    181 <li><b>Vng ni dung</b>
    182   <p>Vng ny c th hin th mt thng bo, danh sch, hay b tr ty chnh khc.</p></li>
    183 <li><b>Nt hnh ng</b>
    184   <p>S khng c qu ba nt hnh ng trong mt hp thoi.</p></li>
    185 </ol>
    187 <p>Lp {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder}
    188 cung cp cc API cho php bn to mt {@link android.app.AlertDialog}
    189 vi nhng kiu ni dung ny, bao gm mt b tr ty chnh.</p>
    191 <p> xy dng mt {@link android.app.AlertDialog}:</p>
    193 <pre>
    194 <b>// 1. Instantiate an {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder} with its constructor</b>
    195 AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    197 <b>// 2. Chain together various setter methods to set the dialog characteristics</b>
    198 builder.setMessage(R.string.dialog_message)
    199        .setTitle(R.string.dialog_title);
    201 <b>// 3. Get the {@link android.app.AlertDialog} from {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#create()}</b>
    202 AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
    203 </pre>
    205 <p>Cc ch  sau cho bit cch nh ngha cc thuc tnh hp thoi khc nhau bng cch
    206 s dng lp {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder}.</p>
    211 <h3 id="AddingButtons">Thm nt</h3>
    213 <p> thm cc nt hnh ng nh trong hnh 2,
    214 hy gi cc phng php {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setPositiveButton setPositiveButton()} v
    215 {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setNegativeButton setNegativeButton()}:</p>
    217 <pre style="clear:right">
    218 AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    219 // Add the buttons
    220 builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    221            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    222                // User clicked OK button
    223            }
    224        });
    225 builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    226            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    227                // User cancelled the dialog
    228            }
    229        });
    230 // Set other dialog properties
    231 ...
    233 // Create the AlertDialog
    234 AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
    235 </pre>
    237 <p>Cc phng php <code>set...Button()</code> yu cu mt tiu  cho nt (c cung cp
    238 bi mt <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html">ti nguyn xu</a>) v mt 
    239 {@link android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener} c chc nng nh ngha hnh ng s tin hnh 
    240 khi ngi dng nhn nt.</p>
    242 <p>C ba nt hnh ng khc nhau m bn c th thm:</p>
    243 <dl>
    244   <dt>Tch cc</dt>
    245   <dd>Bn nn s dng nt ny  chp nhn v tip tc vi hnh ng (hnh ng "OK").</dd>
    246   <dt>Tiu cc</dt>
    247   <dd>Bn nn s dng nt ny  hy b hnh ng.</dd>
    248   <dt>Trung lp</dt>
    249   <dd>Bn nn s dng nt ny khi ngi dng c th khng mun tip tc vi hnh ng,
    250   nhng khng hn mun hy b. N nm  gia nt
    251   tch cc v tiu cc. V d, hnh ng c th l "Nhc ti sau."</dd> 
    252 </dl>
    254 <p>Bn ch c th thm mt nt mi loi vo mt {@link
    255 android.app.AlertDialog}. Ngha l, bn khng th c nhiu hn mt nt "tch cc".</p>
    259 <div class="figure" style="width:290px;margin:0 0 0 40px">
    260 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/dialog_list.png" alt="" />
    261 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Hnh 3.</strong>
    262 Hp thoi c tiu  v danh sch.</p>
    263 </div>
    265 <h3 id="AddingAList">Thm mt danh sch</h3>
    267 <p>C ba loi danh sch c sn vi cc API {@link android.app.AlertDialog}:</p>
    268 <ul>
    269 <li>Danh sch mt la chn truyn thng</li>
    270 <li>Danh sch mt la chn c nh (nt chn mt)</li>
    271 <li>Danh sch nhiu la chn c nh (hp kim)</li>
    272 </ul>
    274 <p> to danh sch mt la chn nh danh sch trong hnh 3, 
    275 hy s dng phng php {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setItems setItems()}:</p>
    277 <pre style="clear:right">
    278 &#64;Override
    279 public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    280     AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    281     builder.setTitle(R.string.pick_color)
    282            .setItems(R.array.colors_array, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    283                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
    284                // The 'which' argument contains the index position
    285                // of the selected item
    286            }
    287     });
    288     return builder.create();
    289 }
    290 </pre>
    292 <p>V danh sch xut hin trong vng ni dung ca hp thoi,
    293 hp thoi khng th hin th c thng bo v danh sch v bn nn t mt tiu  cho hp thoi
    294 bng {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setTitle setTitle()}. 
    295  ch nh cc mc cho danh sch, hy gi {@link
    296 android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setItems setItems()}, chuyn mt mng.
    297 Hoc, bn c th ch nh mt danh sch bng cch s dng {@link
    298 android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setAdapter setAdapter()}. iu ny cho php bn h tr danh sch
    299 bng d liu ng (chng hn nh t mt c s d liu) bng cch s dng {@link android.widget.ListAdapter}.</p>
    301 <p>Nu bn chn h tr danh sch ca mnh bng mt {@link android.widget.ListAdapter},
    302 hy lun s dng {@link android.support.v4.content.Loader} sao cho ni dung ti
    303 khng ng b. iu ny c m t thm trong hng dn
    304 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/declaring-layout.html#AdapterViews">Xy dng B tr
    305 bng mt Trnh iu hp</a> v <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/loaders.html">Trnh ti</a>
    306 .</p>
    308 <p class="note"><strong>Lu :</strong> Theo mc nh, chm vo mt mc danh sch s b hp thoi,
    309 tr khi bn ang s dng mt trong cc danh sch la chn c nh sau.</p>
    311 <div class="figure" style="width:290px;margin:-30px 0 0 40px">
    312 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/dialog_checkboxes.png" />
    313 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Hnh 4.</strong>
    314 Danh sch nhiu mc la chn.</p>
    315 </div>
    318 <h4 id="Checkboxes">Thm mt danh sch nhiu la chn hoc mt la chn c nh</h4>
    320 <p> thm mt danh sch nhiu la chn (hp kim) hoc 
    321 mt la chn (nt chn mt), hy s dng cc phng php
    322 {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setMultiChoiceItems(Cursor,String,String,
    323 DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener) setMultiChoiceItems()} hoc 
    324 {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setSingleChoiceItems(int,int,DialogInterface.OnClickListener) 
    325 setSingleChoiceItems()} tng ng.</p>
    327 <p>V d, sau y l cch bn c th to mt danh sch nhiu la chn nh
    328 danh sch c minh ha trong hnh 4 gip lu cc mc
    329 c chn trong mt {@link java.util.ArrayList}:</p>
    331 <pre style="clear:right">
    332 &#64;Override
    333 public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    334     mSelectedItems = new ArrayList();  // Where we track the selected items
    335     AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    336     // Set the dialog title
    337     builder.setTitle(R.string.pick_toppings)
    338     // Specify the list array, the items to be selected by default (null for none),
    339     // and the listener through which to receive callbacks when items are selected
    340            .setMultiChoiceItems(R.array.toppings, null,
    341                       new DialogInterface.OnMultiChoiceClickListener() {
    342                &#64;Override
    343                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which,
    344                        boolean isChecked) {
    345                    if (isChecked) {
    346                        // If the user checked the item, add it to the selected items
    347                        mSelectedItems.add(which);
    348                    } else if (mSelectedItems.contains(which)) {
    349                        // Else, if the item is already in the array, remove it 
    350                        mSelectedItems.remove(Integer.valueOf(which));
    351                    }
    352                }
    353            })
    354     // Set the action buttons
    355            .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    356                &#64;Override
    357                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    358                    // User clicked OK, so save the mSelectedItems results somewhere
    359                    // or return them to the component that opened the dialog
    360                    ...
    361                }
    362            })
    363            .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    364                &#64;Override
    365                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    366                    ...
    367                }
    368            });
    370     return builder.create();
    371 }
    372 </pre>
    374 <p>Mc d c danh sch truyn thng v danh sch c nt chn mt
    375 u cung cp hnh ng "mt la chn", bn nn s dng {@link
    376 android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setSingleChoiceItems(int,int,DialogInterface.OnClickListener) 
    377 setSingleChoiceItems()} nu bn mun c nh la chn ca ngi dng.
    378 C th, nu vic m hp thoi li sau ny bo hiu la chn hin ti ca ngi dng, khi 
    379 bn hy to mt danh sch vi cc nt chn mt.</p>
    385 <h3 id="CustomLayout">To mt B tr Ty chnh</h3>
    387 <div class="figure" style="width:290px;margin:-30px 0 0 40px">
    388 <img src="{@docRoot}images/ui/dialog_custom.png" alt="" />
    389 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Hnh 5.</strong> Mt b tr hp thoi ty chnh.</p>
    390 </div>
    392 <p>Nu bn mun mt b tr ty chnh trong mt hp thoi, hy to mt b tr v thm n vo mt
    393 {@link android.app.AlertDialog} bng cch gi {@link
    394 android.app.AlertDialog.Builder#setView setView()} trn i tng {@link
    395 android.app.AlertDialog.Builder} ca bn.</p>
    397 <p>Theo mc nh, b tr ty chnh s lp y ca s hp thoi, nhng bn vn c th
    398 s dng cc phng php {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder}  thm nt v tiu .</p>
    400 <p>V d, sau y l tp b tr cho hp thoi trong Hnh 5:</p>
    402 <p style="clear:right" class="code-caption">res/layout/dialog_signin.xml</p>
    403 <pre>
    404 &lt;LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    405     android:orientation="vertical"
    406     android:layout_width="wrap_content"
    407     android:layout_height="wrap_content">
    408     &lt;ImageView
    409         android:src="@drawable/header_logo"
    410         android:layout_width="match_parent"
    411         android:layout_height="64dp"
    412         android:scaleType="center"
    413         android:background="#FFFFBB33"
    414         android:contentDescription="@string/app_name" />
    415     &lt;EditText
    416         android:id="@+id/username"
    417         android:inputType="textEmailAddress"
    418         android:layout_width="match_parent"
    419         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    420         android:layout_marginTop="16dp"
    421         android:layout_marginLeft="4dp"
    422         android:layout_marginRight="4dp"
    423         android:layout_marginBottom="4dp"
    424         android:hint="@string/username" />
    425     &lt;EditText
    426         android:id="@+id/password"
    427         android:inputType="textPassword"
    428         android:layout_width="match_parent"
    429         android:layout_height="wrap_content"
    430         android:layout_marginTop="4dp"
    431         android:layout_marginLeft="4dp"
    432         android:layout_marginRight="4dp"
    433         android:layout_marginBottom="16dp"
    434         android:fontFamily="sans-serif"
    435         android:hint="@string/password"/>
    436 &lt;/LinearLayout>
    437 </pre>
    439 <p class="note"><strong>Mo:</strong> Theo mc nh, khi bn t mt phn t {@link android.widget.EditText}
    440  s dng kiu u vo {@code "textPassword"}, h phng c t thnh n cch, v th
    441 bn nn i h phng thnh {@code "sans-serif"} sao cho c hai trng vn bn u s dng
    442 mt kiu phng thng nht.</p>
    444 <p> bung b tr ra trong {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} ca bn,
    445 hy ly mt {@link android.view.LayoutInflater} vi 
    446 {@link android.app.Activity#getLayoutInflater()} v gi
    447 {@link android.view.LayoutInflater#inflate inflate()}, trong  tham s u tin
    448 l ID ti nguyn b tr v tham s th hai l mt dng xem m cho b tr.
    449 Khi , bn c th gi {@link android.app.AlertDialog#setView setView()}
    450  t b tr vo mt hp thoi.</p>
    452 <pre>
    453 &#64;Override
    454 public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    455     AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    456     // Get the layout inflater
    457     LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater();
    459     // Inflate and set the layout for the dialog
    460     // Pass null as the parent view because its going in the dialog layout
    461     builder.setView(inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_signin, null))
    462     // Add action buttons
    463            .setPositiveButton(R.string.signin, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    464                &#64;Override
    465                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    466                    // sign in the user ...
    467                }
    468            })
    469            .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    470                public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    471                    LoginDialogFragment.this.getDialog().cancel();
    472                }
    473            });      
    474     return builder.create();
    475 }
    476 </pre>
    478 <div class="note">
    479 <p><strong>Mo:</strong> Nu bn mun mt hp thoi ty chnh,
    480 thay vo , bn c th hin th {@link android.app.Activity} nh l mt hp thoi
    481 thay v s dng cc API {@link android.app.Dialog}. Ch cn to mt hot ng v t ch  ca n thnh
    482 {@link android.R.style#Theme_Holo_Dialog Theme.Holo.Dialog}
    483 trong phn t bn k khai <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code
    484 &lt;activity&gt;}</a>:</p>
    486 <pre>
    487 &lt;activity android:theme="&#64;android:style/Theme.Holo.Dialog" >
    488 </pre>
    489 <p>Vy l xong. Lc ny, hot ng s hin th mt ca s hp thoi thay v ton mn hnh.</p>
    490 </div>
    494 <h2 id="PassingEvents">Chuyn S kin li My ch ca Hp thoi</h2>
    496 <p>Khi ngi dng chm vo mt trong cc nt hnh ng ca hp thoi hoc chn mt mc t danh sch ca hp thoi,
    497 {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} ca bn c th t thc hin hnh ng
    498 cn thit, nhng thng th bn s mun chuyn s kin ti hot ng hoc phn on
    499  m hp thoi.  lm iu ny, hy nh ngha mt giao din bng mt phng php cho mi loi s kin nhp.
    500 Sau , trin khai giao din  trong thnh phn ch m s
    501 nhn s kin hnh ng t hp thoi.</p>
    503 <p>V d, sau y l mt {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} c chc nng nh ngha mt
    504 giao din m thng qua , n s chuyn cc s kin li cho hot ng ch:</p>
    506 <pre>
    507 public class NoticeDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
    509     /* The activity that creates an instance of this dialog fragment must
    510      * implement this interface in order to receive event callbacks.
    511      * Each method passes the DialogFragment in case the host needs to query it. */
    512     public interface NoticeDialogListener {
    513         public void onDialogPositiveClick(DialogFragment dialog);
    514         public void onDialogNegativeClick(DialogFragment dialog);
    515     }
    517     // Use this instance of the interface to deliver action events
    518     NoticeDialogListener mListener;
    520     // Override the Fragment.onAttach() method to instantiate the NoticeDialogListener
    521     &#64;Override
    522     public void onAttach(Activity activity) {
    523         super.onAttach(activity);
    524         // Verify that the host activity implements the callback interface
    525         try {
    526             // Instantiate the NoticeDialogListener so we can send events to the host
    527             mListener = (NoticeDialogListener) activity;
    528         } catch (ClassCastException e) {
    529             // The activity doesn't implement the interface, throw exception
    530             throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString()
    531                     + " must implement NoticeDialogListener");
    532         }
    533     }
    534     ...
    535 }
    536 </pre>
    538 <p>Hot ng lu gi hp thoi s to mt thc th ca hp thoi
    539 bng hm dng ca phn on hp thoi v nhn s kin
    540 ca hp thoi thng qua trin khai giao din {@code NoticeDialogListener}:</p>
    542 <pre>
    543 public class MainActivity extends FragmentActivity
    544                           implements NoticeDialogFragment.NoticeDialogListener{
    545     ...
    547     public void showNoticeDialog() {
    548         // Create an instance of the dialog fragment and show it
    549         DialogFragment dialog = new NoticeDialogFragment();
    550         dialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "NoticeDialogFragment");
    551     }
    553     // The dialog fragment receives a reference to this Activity through the
    554     // Fragment.onAttach() callback, which it uses to call the following methods
    555     // defined by the NoticeDialogFragment.NoticeDialogListener interface
    556     &#64;Override
    557     public void onDialogPositiveClick(DialogFragment dialog) {
    558         // User touched the dialog's positive button
    559         ...
    560     }
    562     &#64;Override
    563     public void onDialogNegativeClick(DialogFragment dialog) {
    564         // User touched the dialog's negative button
    565         ...
    566     }
    567 }
    568 </pre>
    570 <p>V hot ng ch s trin khai {@code NoticeDialogListener}&mdash;, c
    571 thc thi bi phng php gi li {@link android.support.v4.app.Fragment#onAttach onAttach()}
    572 minh ha bn trn,&mdash;phn on hp thoi c th s dng cc phng php gi li
    573 giao din  chuyn cc s kin nhp cho hot ng:</p>
    575 <pre>
    576 public class NoticeDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
    577     ...
    579     &#64;Override
    580     public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    581         // Build the dialog and set up the button click handlers
    582         AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity());
    583         builder.setMessage(R.string.dialog_fire_missiles)
    584                .setPositiveButton(R.string.fire, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    585                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    586                        // Send the positive button event back to the host activity
    587                        mListener.onDialogPositiveClick(NoticeDialogFragment.this);
    588                    }
    589                })
    590                .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
    591                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
    592                        // Send the negative button event back to the host activity
    593                        mListener.onDialogNegativeClick(NoticeDialogFragment.this);
    594                    }
    595                });
    596         return builder.create();
    597     }
    598 }
    599 </pre>
    603 <h2 id="ShowingADialog">Hin th mt Hp thoi</h2>
    605 <p>Khi bn mun hin th hp thoi ca mnh, hy to mt thc th {@link
    606 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} ca bn v gi {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#show
    607 show()}, chuyn {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager} v mt tn tag
    608 cho phn on hp thoi.</p>
    610 <p>Bn c th nhn c {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager} bng cch gi
    611 {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity#getSupportFragmentManager()} t
    612 {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity} hoc {@link
    613 android.support.v4.app.Fragment#getFragmentManager()} t mt {@link
    614 android.support.v4.app.Fragment}. V d:</p>
    616 <pre>
    617 public void confirmFireMissiles() {
    618     DialogFragment newFragment = new FireMissilesDialogFragment();
    619     newFragment.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "missiles");
    620 }
    621 </pre>
    623 <p>Tham i th hai, {@code "missiles"}, l mt tn tag duy nht m h thng s dng  lu
    624 v khi phc trng thi ca phn on khi cn thit. Tag cng cho php bn nhn mt iu khin (handle) cho
    625 phn on bng cch gi {@link android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager#findFragmentByTag
    626 findFragmentByTag()}.</p>
    631 <h2 id="FullscreenDialog">Hin th mt Hp thoi Ton mn hnh hoc dng mt Phn on Nhng</h2>
    633 <p>Bn c th c mt thit k UI m trong  bn mun mt phn UI xut hin nh mt hp thoi trong mt s
    634 tnh hung, nhng  di dng ton mn hnh hoc phn on nhng trong trng hp khc (c th ph thuc
    635 vo thit b l mn hnh ln hay nh). Lp {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment}
    636 cung cp cho bn s linh hot ny v n vn c th ng vai tr nh mt {@link
    637 android.support.v4.app.Fragment} nhng c.</p>
    639 <p>Tuy nhin, bn khng th s dng {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder AlertDialog.Builder}
    640 hay cc i tng {@link android.app.Dialog} khc  xy dng hp thoi trong trng hp ny. Nu
    641 bn mun {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} c th
    642 nhng c, bn phi nh ngha UI ca hp thoi trong mt b tr, ri ti b tr  trong lnh gi li
    643 {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onCreateView
    644 onCreateView()}.</p>
    646 <p>Sau y l mt v d {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} c th xut hin nh mt
    647 hp thoi hoc phn on nhng c (s dng mt b tr c tn gi <code>purchase_items.xml</code>):</p>
    649 <pre>
    650 public class CustomDialogFragment extends DialogFragment {
    651     /** The system calls this to get the DialogFragment's layout, regardless
    652         of whether it's being displayed as a dialog or an embedded fragment. */
    653     &#64;Override
    654     public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
    655             Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    656         // Inflate the layout to use as dialog or embedded fragment
    657         return inflater.inflate(R.layout.purchase_items, container, false);
    658     }
    660     /** The system calls this only when creating the layout in a dialog. */
    661     &#64;Override
    662     public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    663         // The only reason you might override this method when using onCreateView() is
    664         // to modify any dialog characteristics. For example, the dialog includes a
    665         // title by default, but your custom layout might not need it. So here you can
    666         // remove the dialog title, but you must call the superclass to get the Dialog.
    667         Dialog dialog = super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState);
    668         dialog.requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE);
    669         return dialog;
    670     }
    671 }
    672 </pre>
    674 <p>V sau y l mt s m quyt nh xem hin th phn on nh mt hp thoi
    675 hay UI ton mn hnh, da vo kch c mn hnh:</p>
    677 <pre>
    678 public void showDialog() {
    679     FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();
    680     CustomDialogFragment newFragment = new CustomDialogFragment();
    682     if (mIsLargeLayout) {
    683         // The device is using a large layout, so show the fragment as a dialog
    684         newFragment.show(fragmentManager, "dialog");
    685     } else {
    686         // The device is smaller, so show the fragment fullscreen
    687         FragmentTransaction transaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();
    688         // For a little polish, specify a transition animation
    689         transaction.setTransition(FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN);
    690         // To make it fullscreen, use the 'content' root view as the container
    691         // for the fragment, which is always the root view for the activity
    692         transaction.add(android.R.id.content, newFragment)
    693                    .addToBackStack(null).commit();
    694     }
    695 }
    696 </pre>
    698 <p> bit thm thng tin v vic thc hin cc giao tc phn on, hy xem hng dn
    699 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/components/fragments.html">Phn on</a>.</p>
    701 <p>Trong v d ny, boolean <code>mIsLargeLayout</code> ch nh liu thit b hin ti
    702 c nn s dng thit k b tr ln ca ng dng (v v th, n hin th phn on ny nh mt hp thoi thay v
    703 ton mn hnh) hay khng. Cch tt nht  t loi boolean ny  l khai bo mt
    704 <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/more-resources.html#Bool">gi tr ti nguyn bool</a>
    705 bng mt gi tr <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#AlternativeResources">ti nguyn thay th</a> cho cc kch c mn hnh khc nhau. V d, sau y l hai
    706 phin bn ca ti nguyn bool cho cc kch c mn hnh khc nhau:</p>
    708 <p class="code-caption">res/values/bools.xml</p>
    709 <pre>
    710 &lt;!-- Default boolean values -->
    711 &lt;resources>
    712     &lt;bool name="large_layout">false&lt;/bool>
    713 &lt;/resources>
    714 </pre>
    716 <p class="code-caption">res/values-large/bools.xml</p>
    717 <pre>
    718 &lt;!-- Large screen boolean values -->
    719 &lt;resources>
    720     &lt;bool name="large_layout">true&lt;/bool>
    721 &lt;/resources>
    722 </pre>
    724 <p>Khi , bn c th khi to gi tr {@code mIsLargeLayout} trong phng php
    725 {@link android.app.Activity#onCreate onCreate()} ca hot ng:</p>
    727 <pre>
    728 boolean mIsLargeLayout;
    730 &#64;Override
    731 public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    732     super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
    733     setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);
    735     mIsLargeLayout = getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.large_layout);
    736 }
    737 </pre>
    741 <h3 id="ActivityAsDialog">Hin th mt hot ng di dng mt hp thoi trn mn hnh ln</h3>
    743 <p>Thay v hin th mt hp thoi thnh UI ton mn hnh trn cc mn hnh nh, bn c th t c
    744 kt qu tng t bng cch hin th mt {@link android.app.Activity} thnh mt hp thoi trn
    745 mn hnh ln. Phng php m bn chn ph thuc vo thit k ng dng ca bn, nhng
    746 vic hin th mt hot ng thnh mt hp thoi thng c ch khi ng dng ca bn  c thit k cho mn hnh
    747 nh v bn mun ci thin tri nghim trn my tnh bng bng cch hin th mt hot ng c vng i ngn
    748 thnh mt hp thoi.</p>
    750 <p> hin th mt hot ng thnh mt hp thoi ch khi trn mn hnh ln,
    751 hy p dng ch  {@link android.R.style#Theme_Holo_DialogWhenLarge Theme.Holo.DialogWhenLarge}
    752 cho phn t bn k khai <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html">{@code
    753 &lt;activity&gt;}</a>:</p>
    755 <pre>
    756 &lt;activity android:theme="&#64;android:style/Theme.Holo.DialogWhenLarge" >
    757 </pre>
    759 <p> bit thm thng tin v vic to kiu cho cc hot ng ca bn bng ch , hy xem hng dn <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/ui/themes.html">Kiu v Ch </a>.</p>
    763 <h2 id="DismissingADialog">B mt Hp thoi</h2>
    765 <p>Khi ngi dng chm vo bt k nt hnh ng no c to bng
    766 {@link android.app.AlertDialog.Builder}, h thng s b hp thoi cho bn.</p>
    768 <p>H thng cng b hp thoi khi ngi dng chm vo mt mc trong mt danh sch hp thoi, tr
    769 khi danh sch s dng nt chn mt hoc hp kim. Nu khng, bn c th b th cng hp thoi ca mnh
    770 bng cch gi {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#dismiss()} trn {@link
    771 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} ca bn.</p>
    773 <p>Trong trng hp bn cn thc hin cc
    774 hnh ng nht nh khi hp thoi bin mt, bn c th trin khai phng php {@link
    775 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onDismiss onDismiss()} trong {@link
    776 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} ca mnh.</p>
    778 <p>Bn cng c th <em>hy b</em> mt hp thoi. y l mt s kin c bit ch bo ngi dng
    779 ch  ri khi hp thoi m khng hon thnh tc v. iu ny xy ra nu ngi dng nhn nt 
    780 <em>Quay li</em>, chm vo mn hnh ngoi vng hp thoi,
    781 hoc nu bn cng khai gi {@link android.app.Dialog#cancel()} trn {@link
    782 android.app.Dialog} (chng hn nh khi hi p li mt nt "Hy b" trong hp thoi).</p>
    784 <p>Nh nu trong v d bn trn, bn c th hi p li s kin hy b ny bng cch trin khai
    785 {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onCancel onCancel()} trong lp {@link
    786 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment} ca mnh.</p>
    788 <p class="note"><strong>Lu :</strong> H thng s gi
    789 {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onDismiss onDismiss()} trn mi s kin m
    790 gi ra lnh gi li {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onCancel onCancel()}. Tuy nhin,
    791 nu bn gi {@link android.app.Dialog#dismiss Dialog.dismiss()} hoc {@link
    792 android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#dismiss DialogFragment.dismiss()},
    793 h thng s gi {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onDismiss onDismiss()} <em>ch
    794 khng phi</em> {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#onCancel onCancel()}. V th, nhn chung bn nn
    795 gi {@link android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment#dismiss dismiss()} khi ngi dng nhn nt
    796 <em>tch cc</em> trong hp thoi ca bn  xa hp thoi khi dng xem.</p>