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      1 page.title=Application.mk
      2 @jd:body
      4 <div id="qv-wrapper">
      5     <div id="qv">
      6       <h2>On this page</h2>
      8       <ol>
      9         <li><a href="#over">Overview</a></li>
     10         <li><a href="#var">Variables</a></li>
     11       </ol>
     12     </div>
     13   </div>
     15 <p>This document explains the {@code Application.mk} build file, which describes the
     16 native <em>modules</em> that your app requires. A module can be a static library, a shared library,
     17 or an executable.</p>
     19 <p>We recommend that you read the <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/concepts.html">Concepts</a> and
     20 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/android_mk.html">Android.mk</a> pages before this one. Doing so will
     21 help maximize your understanding of the material on this page. </p>
     23 <h2 id="over">Overview</h2>
     24 The {@code Application.mk} file is really a tiny GNU Makefile fragment that defines several
     25 variables for compilation. It usually resides under {@code $PROJECT/jni/}, where {@code $PROJECT}
     26 points to your application's project directory. Another alternative is to place it under a
     27 sub-directory of the top-level {@code $NDK/apps/} directory. For example:</p>
     29 <pre>
     30 $NDK/apps/&lt;myapp&gt;/Application.mk
     31 </pre>
     33 <p>Here, {@code <myapp>} is a short name used to describe your app to the NDK build system. It
     34 doesn't actually go into your generated shared libraries or your final packages.</p>
     36 <h2 id="var">Variables</h2>
     37 <h4>APP_PROJECT_PATH</h4>
     38 <p>This variable stores the absolute path to your app's project-root directory. The build system
     39 uses this information to place stripped-down versions of the generated JNI shared libraries
     40 into a specific location known to the APK-generating tools.</p>
     42 <p>If you place your {@code Application.mk} file under {@code $NDK/apps/<myapp>/}, you must
     43 define this variable. If you place it under {@code $PROJECT/jni/}, it is optional.
     45 <h4>APP_OPTIM</h4>
     46 <p>Define this optional variable as either {@code release} or {@code debug}. You use it to
     47 alter the optimization level when building your application's modules.</p>
     49 <p>Release mode is the default, and generates highly optimized binaries. Debug mode generates
     50 unoptimized binaries that are much easier to debug.</p>
     52 <p>Note that you can debug either release or debug binaries. Release binaries, however, provide less
     53 information during debugging. For example, the build system optimizes out some variables,
     54 preventing you from inspecting them. Also, code re-ordering can make it more difficult to step
     55 through the code; stack traces may not be reliable.</p>
     57 <p>Declaring {@code android:debuggable} in your application manifest's {@code <application>}
     58 tag will cause this variable to default to {@code debug} instead of {@code release}. Override this
     59 default value by setting {@code APP_OPTIM} to {@code release}.</p>
     62 <h4>APP_CFLAGS</h4>
     63 <p>This variable stores a set of C compiler flags that the build system passes to the compiler
     64 when compiling any C or C++ source code for any of the modules. You can use this variable to change
     65 the build of a given module according to the application that needs it, instead of having to modify
     66 the {@code Android.mk} file itself. </p>
     69 <p>All paths in these flags should be relative to the top-level NDK directory. For example, if you
     70 have the following setup:</p>
     72 <pre>
     73 sources/foo/Android.mk
     74 sources/bar/Android.mk
     75 </pre>
     77 <p>To specify in {@code foo/Android.mk} that you want to add the path to the {@code bar} sources
     78 during compilation, you should use:
     80 <pre>
     81 APP_CFLAGS += -Isources/bar
     82 </pre>
     84 <p>Or, alternatively:</p>
     86 <pre>
     87 APP_CFLAGS += -I$(LOCAL_PATH)/../bar
     88 </pre>
     90 <p>{@code -I../bar} will not work since it is equivalent to
     91 {@code -I$NDK_ROOT/../bar}.</p>
     93 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong>This variable only works on C, not C++, sources in
     94 android-ndk-1.5_r1. In all versions after that one, {@code APP_CFLAGS} matches the full Android
     95 build system.</p>
     97 <h4>APP_CPPFLAGS</h4>
     98 <p>This variable contains a set of C++ compiler flags that the build system passes to the compiler
     99 when building only C++ sources.</p>
    101 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> In android-ndk-1.5_r1, this variable works on both C and
    102 C++ sources. In all subsequent versions of the NDK, {@code APP_CPPFLAGS} now matches the full
    103 Android build system. For flags that apply to both C and C++ sources, use {@code APP_CFLAGS}.</p>
    105 <h4>APP_LDFLAGS</h4>
    106 <p>A set of linker flags that the build system passes when linking the application. This variable
    107 is only relevant when the build system is building shared libraries and executables. When the
    108 build system builds static libraries, it ignores these flags.</p>
    110 <h4>APP_BUILD_SCRIPT</h4>
    111 <p>By default, the NDK build system looks under {@code jni/} for a file named
    112 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/android_mk.html">{@code Android.mk}</a>.</p>
    114 <p>If you want to override this behavior, you can define {@code APP_BUILD_SCRIPT} to point to an
    115 alternate build script. The build system always interprets a non-absolute path as relative to the
    116 NDK's top-level directory.</p>
    118 <h4>APP_ABI</h4>
    119 <p>By default, the NDK build system generates machine code for the
    120 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/abis.html">{@code armeabi}</a> ABI. This machine code
    121 corresponds to an ARMv5TE-based CPU with software floating point operations. You can use
    122 {@code APP_ABI} to select a different ABI. Table 1 shows the {@code APP_ABI}
    123 settings for different instruction sets.</p>
    125 <p class="table-caption" id="table1">
    126   <strong>Table 1.</strong> {@code APP_ABI} settings for different instruction sets.</p>
    127 <table>
    128   <tr>
    129     <th scope="col">Instruction set</th>
    130     <th scope="col">Value</th>
    131   </tr>
    132   <tr>
    133     <td>Hardware FPU instructions on ARMv7 based devices</td>
    134     <td>{@code APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a}</td>
    135   </tr>
    136   <tr>
    137     <td>ARMv8 AArch64</td>
    138     <td>{@code APP_ABI := arm64-v8a}</td>
    139   </tr>
    140     <tr>
    141     <td>IA-32</td>
    142     <td>{@code APP_ABI := x86}</td>
    143   </tr>
    144     <tr>
    145     <td>Intel64</td>
    146     <td>{@code APP_ABI := x86_64}</td>
    147   </tr>
    148     <tr>
    149     <td>MIPS32</td>
    150     <td>{@code APP_ABI := mips}</td>
    151   </tr>
    152     <tr>
    153     <td>MIPS64 (r6)</td>
    154     <td>{@code APP_ABI := mips64}</td>
    155   </tr>
    156     <tr>
    157     <td>All supported instruction sets</td>
    158     <td>{@code APP_ABI := all}</td>
    159   </tr>
    160 </table>
    162 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> {@code all} is available starting from NDKr7.</p>
    164 <p>You can also specify multiple values by placing them on the same line, delimited by spaces.
    165 For example:</p>
    167 <pre>
    168 APP_ABI := armeabi armeabi-v7a x86 mips
    169 </pre>
    171 <p>For the list of all supported ABIs and details about their usage and limitations, refer to
    172 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/abis.html">ABI Management</a>.</p>
    174 <h4>APP_PLATFORM</h4>
    175 <p>This variable contains the name of the target Android platform. For example, {@code android-3}
    176 specifies the Android 1.5 system images. For a complete list of platform names and corresponding
    177 Android system images, see <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/stable_apis.html">Android NDK Native APIs
    178 </a>.</p>
    180 <h4>APP_STL</h4>
    181 <p>By default, the NDK build system provides C++ headers for the minimal C++ runtime library
    182 ({@code system/lib/libstdc++.so}) provided by the Android system. In addition, it comes with
    183 alternative C++ implementations that you can use or link to in your own applications.
    184 Use {@code APP_STL} to select one of them. For information about the supported runtimes, and the
    185 features they offer, see <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/cpp-support.html#runtimes">NDK Runtimes and
    186 Features</a>.
    188 <h4>APP_SHORT_COMMANDS</h4>
    189 <p>The equivalent of {@code LOCAL_SHORT_COMMANDS} in {@code Application.mk} for your whole project.
    190 For more information, see the documentation for this variable on
    191 <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/android_mk.html">{@code Android.mk}</a>.</p>
    193 <h4>NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION</h4>
    194 <p>Define this variable as either {@code 4.9} or {@code 4.8} to select a version of the GCC
    195 compiler. Version 4.9 is the default for 64-bit ABIs, and 4.8 is the default for 32-bit ABIs.
    196 To select a version of Clang, define this variable as {@code clang3.4}, {@code clang3.5}, or
    197 {@code clang}. Specifying {@code clang} chooses the most recent version of Clang.</p>
    199 <h4>APP_PIE</h4>
    200 <p>Starting from Android 4.1 (API level 16), Android's dynamic linker supports position-independent
    201 executables (PIE). From Android 5.0 (API level 21), executables require PIE.
    203 To use PIE to build your executables, set the {@code -fPIE} flag. This flag makes it harder to
    204 exploit memory corruption bugs by randomizing code location. By default, {@code ndk-build}
    205 automatically sets this value to {@code true} if your project targets {@code android-16} or higher.
    206 You may set it manually to either {@code true} or {@code false}.</p>
    208 <p>This flag applies only to executables. It has no effect when building shared or static
    209 libraries.</p>
    211 <p class="note"><strong>Note: </strong> PIE executables cannot run on Android releases prior to 4.1.
    212 <p>This restriction only applies to executables. It has no effect when building shared or static
    213 libraries.</p>
    215 <h4>APP_THIN_ARCHIVE</h4>
    216 <p>Sets the default value of {@code LOCAL_THIN_ARCHIVE} in the {@code Android.mk} file for all
    217 static library modules in this project. For more information, see the documentation for
    218 {@code LOCAL_THIN_ARCHIVE} on <a href="{@docRoot}ndk/guides/android_mk.html">{@code Android.mk}.</a>
    219 </p>