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      1 page.title=Accessing Contacts Data
      3 trainingnavtop=true
      4 startpage=true
      6 @jd:body
      8 <div id="tb-wrapper">
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     11 <!-- Required platform, tools, add-ons, devices, knowledge, etc. -->
     12 <h2>Dependencies and prerequisites</h2>
     13 <ul>
     14   <li>Android 2.0 (API Level 5) or higher</li>
     15   <li>Experience in using {@link android.content.Intent} objects</li>
     16   <li>Experience in using content providers</li>
     17 </ul>
     19 <!-- related docs (NOT javadocs) -->
     20 <h2>You should also read</h2>
     21 <ul>
     22     <li>
     23         <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/content-provider-basics.html">
     24         Content Provider Basics</a>
     25     </li>
     26     <li>
     27         <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/contacts-provider.html">
     28         Contacts Provider</a>
     29     </li>
     30 </ul>
     32 <h2>Try it out</h2>
     34 <div class="download-box">
     35     <a href="http://developer.android.com/shareables/training/ContactsList.zip" class="button">
     36     Download the sample
     37     </a>
     38  <p class="filename">ContactsList.zip</p>
     39 </div>
     41 </div>
     42 </div>
     44 <p>
     45     The <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/contacts-provider.html">Contacts Provider</a> is
     46     the central repository of the user's contacts information, including data from contacts apps and
     47     social networking apps. In your apps, you can access Contacts Provider information directly by
     48     calling {@link android.content.ContentResolver} methods or by sending intents to a contacts app.
     49 </p>
     50 <p>
     51     This class focuses on retrieving lists of contacts, displaying the details for a particular
     52     contact, and modifying contacts using intents. The basic techniques described
     53     here can be extended to perform more complex tasks. In addition, this class helps you
     54     understand the overall structure and operation of the
     55     <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/providers/contacts-provider.html">Contacts Provider</a>.
     56 </p>
     57 <h2>Lessons</h2>
     59 <dl>
     60     <dt>
     61         <b><a href="retrieve-names.html">Retrieving a List of Contacts</a></b>
     62     </dt>
     63     <dd>
     64         Learn how to retrieve a list of contacts for which the data matches all or part of a search
     65         string, using the following techniques:
     66         <ul>
     67             <li>Match by contact name</li>
     68             <li>Match any type of contact data</li>
     69             <li>Match a specific type of contact data, such as a phone number</li>
     70         </ul>
     71     </dd>
     72     <dt>
     73         <b><a href="retrieve-details.html">Retrieving Details for a Contact</a></b>
     74     </dt>
     75     <dd>
     76         Learn how to retrieve the details for a single contact. A contact's details are data
     77         such as phone numbers and email addresses. You can retrieve all details, or you can
     78         retrieve details of a specific type, such as all email addresses.
     79     </dd>
     80     <dt>
     81         <b><a href="modify-data.html">Modifying Contacts Using Intents</a></b>
     82     </dt>
     83     <dd>
     84         Learn how to modify a contact by sending an intent to the People app.
     85     </dd>
     86     <dt>
     87         <b>
     88             <a href="display-contact-badge.html">Displaying the Quick Contact Badge</a>
     89         </b>
     90     </dt>
     91     <dd>
     92         Learn how to display the {@link android.widget.QuickContactBadge} widget. When the user
     93         clicks the contact badge widget, a dialog opens that displays the contact's details and
     94         action buttons for apps that can handle the details. For example, if the contact has an
     95         email address, the dialog displays an action button for the default email app.
     96     </dd>
     97 </dl>