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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!--
      3 /*
      4 **
      5 ** Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      6 **
      7 ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      8 ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      9 ** You may obtain a copy of the License at
     10 **
     11 **     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     12 **
     13 ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     14 ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     15 ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     16 ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     17 ** limitations under the License.
     18 */
     19 -->
     20 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
     21     <!-- Toast message when Wi-Fi cannot scan for networks -->
     22     <string name="wifi_fail_to_scan">Can\'t scan for networks</string>
     23     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with WEP security -->
     24     <string name="wifi_security_short_wep">WEP</string>
     25     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with WPA security -->
     26     <string name="wifi_security_short_wpa">WPA</string>
     27     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with WPA2 security -->
     28     <string name="wifi_security_short_wpa2">WPA2</string>
     29     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with both WPA/WPA2 security -->
     30     <string name="wifi_security_short_wpa_wpa2">WPA/WPA2</string>
     31     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with unknown PSK type -->
     32     <string name="wifi_security_short_psk_generic">@string/wifi_security_short_wpa_wpa2</string>
     33     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with 802.1x EAP security -->
     34     <string name="wifi_security_short_eap">802.1x</string>
     36     <!-- Used in Wi-Fi settings dialogs when Wi-Fi does not have any security. -->
     37     <string name="wifi_security_none">None</string>
     39     <!-- Do not translate.  Terminology for wifi with WEP security -->
     40     <string name="wifi_security_wep">WEP</string>
     41     <!-- Do not translate.  Terminology for wifi with WPA security -->
     42     <string name="wifi_security_wpa">WPA PSK</string>
     43     <!-- Do not translate.  Terminology for wifi with WPA2 security -->
     44     <string name="wifi_security_wpa2">WPA2 PSK</string>
     45     <!-- Do not translate.  Terminology for wifi with both WPA/WPA2 security, or unknown -->
     46     <string name="wifi_security_wpa_wpa2">WPA/WPA2 PSK</string>
     47     <!-- Do not translate.  Terminology for wifi with unknown PSK type -->
     48     <string name="wifi_security_psk_generic">@string/wifi_security_wpa_wpa2</string>
     49     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for wifi with 802.1x EAP security -->
     50     <string name="wifi_security_eap">802.1x EAP</string>
     51     <!-- Do not translate.  Concise terminology for Passpoint network -->
     52     <string name="wifi_security_passpoint">Passpoint</string>
     54     <!-- Summary for the remembered network. -->
     55     <string name="wifi_remembered">Saved</string>
     56     <!-- Status for networks disabled for unknown reason -->
     57     <string name="wifi_disabled_generic">Disabled</string>
     58     <!-- Status for networked disabled from a DNS or DHCP failure -->
     59     <string name="wifi_disabled_network_failure">IP Configuration Failure</string>
     60     <!-- Status for networked disabled from a wifi association failure -->
     61     <string name="wifi_disabled_wifi_failure">WiFi Connection Failure</string>
     62     <!-- Status for networks disabled from authentication failure (wrong password
     63          or certificate). -->
     64     <string name="wifi_disabled_password_failure">Authentication problem</string>
     65     <!-- Summary for the remembered network but currently not in range. -->
     66     <string name="wifi_not_in_range">Not in range</string>
     67     <!-- Summary for the remembered network but no internet connection was detected. -->
     68     <string name="wifi_no_internet">No Internet Access Detected, won\'t automatically reconnect.</string>
     69     <!-- Summary for saved networks -->
     70     <string name="saved_network">Saved by <xliff:g id="name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
     72     <!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is connected by a Wi-Fi assistant application. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
     73     <string name="connected_via_wfa">Connected via Wi\u2011Fi assistant</string>
     74     <!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when it is connected by Passpoint configuration. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
     75     <string name="connected_via_passpoint">Connected via %1$s</string>
     76     <!-- Status message of Wi-Fi when network has matching passpoint credentials. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
     77     <string name="available_via_passpoint">Available via %1$s</string>
     78     <!-- Package name for Settings app-->
     79     <string name="settings_package" translatable="false">com.android.settings</string>
     80     <!-- Package name for Certinstaller app-->
     81     <string name="certinstaller_package" translatable="false">com.android.certinstaller</string>
     83     <!-- Summary for Connected wifi network without internet -->
     84     <string name="wifi_connected_no_internet">Connected, no Internet</string>
     86     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when a device is disconnected -->
     87     <string name="bluetooth_disconnected">Disconnected</string>
     88     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when disconnecting from a device -->
     89     <string name="bluetooth_disconnecting">Disconnecting\u2026</string>
     90      <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when connecting to a device -->
     91     <string name="bluetooth_connecting">Connecting\u2026</string>
     92     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when connected to a device. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
     93     <string name="bluetooth_connected">Connected</string>
     94     <!--Bluetooth settings screen, summary text under individual Bluetooth devices when pairing -->
     95     <string name="bluetooth_pairing">Pairing\u2026</string>
     97     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when connected to a device, except for phone audio. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
     98     <string name="bluetooth_connected_no_headset">Connected (no phone)</string>
     99     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when connected to a device, except for media audio. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    100     <string name="bluetooth_connected_no_a2dp">Connected (no media)</string>
    101     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when connected to a device, except for map. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    102     <string name="bluetooth_connected_no_map">Connected (no message access)</string>
    103     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Message when connected to a device, except for phone/media audio. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    104     <string name="bluetooth_connected_no_headset_no_a2dp">Connected (no phone or media)</string>
    106     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the A2DP profile. -->
    107     <string name="bluetooth_profile_a2dp">Media audio</string>
    108     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the headset or handsfree profile. -->
    109     <string name="bluetooth_profile_headset">Phone audio</string>
    110     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the OPP profile. -->
    111     <string name="bluetooth_profile_opp">File transfer</string>
    112     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the HID profile. -->
    113     <string name="bluetooth_profile_hid">Input device</string>
    114     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the PAN profile (accessing Internet through remote device). [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    115     <string name="bluetooth_profile_pan">Internet access</string>
    116     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the PBAP profile. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    117     <string name="bluetooth_profile_pbap">Contact sharing</string>
    118     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible summary string that is used whenever referring to the PBAP profile (sharing contacts). [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    119     <string name="bluetooth_profile_pbap_summary">Use for contact sharing</string>
    120     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the PAN profile (sharing this device's Internet connection). [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    121     <string name="bluetooth_profile_pan_nap">Internet connection sharing</string>
    122     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the map profile. -->
    123     <string name="bluetooth_profile_map">Message Access</string>
    124     <!-- Bluetooth settings. The user-visible string that is used whenever referring to the SAP profile (sharing SIM card). -->
    125     <string name="bluetooth_profile_sap">SIM Access</string>
    127     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the A2DP checkbox preference when A2DP is connected. -->
    128     <string name="bluetooth_a2dp_profile_summary_connected">Connected to media audio</string>
    129     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the headset checkbox preference when headset is connected. -->
    130     <string name="bluetooth_headset_profile_summary_connected">Connected to phone audio</string>
    131     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the OPP checkbox preference when OPP is connected. -->
    132     <string name="bluetooth_opp_profile_summary_connected">Connected to file transfer server</string>
    133     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the map checkbox preference when map is connected. -->
    134     <string name="bluetooth_map_profile_summary_connected">Connected to map</string>
    135     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the sap checkbox preference when SAP is connected. -->
    136     <string name="bluetooth_sap_profile_summary_connected">Connected to SAP</string>
    137     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the OPP checkbox preference when OPP is not connected. -->
    138     <string name="bluetooth_opp_profile_summary_not_connected">Not connected to file transfer server</string>
    139     <!-- Bluetooth settings. Connection options screen. The summary for the HID checkbox preference when HID is connected. -->
    140     <string name="bluetooth_hid_profile_summary_connected">Connected to input device</string>
    141     <!-- Bluetooth settings. Connection options screen. The summary for the checkbox preference when PAN is connected (user role). [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    142     <string name="bluetooth_pan_user_profile_summary_connected">Connected to device for Internet access</string>
    143     <!-- Bluetooth settings. Connection options screen. The summary for the checkbox preference when PAN is connected (NAP role). [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    144     <string name="bluetooth_pan_nap_profile_summary_connected">Sharing local Internet connection with device</string>
    146     <!-- Bluetooth settings. Connection options screen. The summary
    147          for the PAN checkbox preference that describes how checking it
    148          will set the PAN profile as preferred. -->
    149     <string name="bluetooth_pan_profile_summary_use_for">Use for Internet access</string>
    150     <!-- Bluetooth settings. Connection options screen.  The summary for the map checkbox preference that describes how checking it will set the map profile as preferred. -->
    151     <string name="bluetooth_map_profile_summary_use_for">Use for map</string>
    152     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the sap checkbox preference that describes how checking it will set the sap profile as preferred. -->
    153     <string name="bluetooth_sap_profile_summary_use_for">Use for SIM access</string>
    154     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the A2DP checkbox preference that describes how checking it will set the A2DP profile as preferred. -->
    155     <string name="bluetooth_a2dp_profile_summary_use_for">Use for media audio</string>
    156     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the headset checkbox preference that describes how checking it will set the headset profile as preferred. -->
    157     <string name="bluetooth_headset_profile_summary_use_for">Use for phone audio</string>
    158     <!-- Bluetooth settings.  Connection options screen.  The summary for the OPP checkbox preference that describes how checking it will set the OPP profile as preferred. -->
    159     <string name="bluetooth_opp_profile_summary_use_for">Use for file transfer</string>
    160     <!-- Bluetooth settings. Connection options screen. The summary
    161          for the HID checkbox preference that describes how checking it
    162          will set the HID profile as preferred. -->
    163     <string name="bluetooth_hid_profile_summary_use_for">Use for input</string>
    165     <!-- Button text for accepting an incoming pairing request. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    166     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_accept">Pair</string>
    167     <!-- Button text for accepting an incoming pairing request in all caps. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    168     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_accept_all_caps">PAIR</string>
    169     <!-- Button text for declining an incoming pairing request. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    170     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_decline">Cancel</string>
    172     <!-- Message in pairing dialogs.  [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    173     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_will_share_phonebook">Pairing grants access to your contacts and call history when connected.</string>
    174     <!-- Message for the error dialog when BT pairing fails generically. -->
    175     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_error_message">Couldn\'t pair with <xliff:g id="device_name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
    177     <!-- Message for the error dialog when BT pairing fails because the PIN /
    178     Passkey entered is incorrect. -->
    179     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_pin_error_message">Couldn\'t pair with <xliff:g id="device_name">%1$s</xliff:g> because of an incorrect PIN or passkey.</string>
    180     <!-- Message for the error dialog when BT pairing fails because the other device is down. -->
    181     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_device_down_error_message">Can\'t communicate with <xliff:g id="device_name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
    182     <!-- Message for the error dialog when BT pairing fails because the other device rejected the pairing. -->
    183     <string name="bluetooth_pairing_rejected_error_message">Pairing rejected by <xliff:g id="device_name">%1$s</xliff:g>.</string>
    185     <!-- Content description of the WIFI signal when WIFI is disabled for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    186     <string name="accessibility_wifi_off">Wifi off.</string>
    187     <!-- Content description of the WIFI signal when no signal for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    188     <string name="accessibility_no_wifi">Wifi disconnected.</string>
    189     <!-- Content description of the WIFI signal when it is one bar for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    190     <string name="accessibility_wifi_one_bar">Wifi one bar.</string>
    191     <!-- Content description of the WIFI signal when it is two bars for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    192     <string name="accessibility_wifi_two_bars">Wifi two bars.</string>
    193     <!-- Content description of the WIFI signal when it is three bars for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    194     <string name="accessibility_wifi_three_bars">Wifi three bars.</string>
    195     <!-- Content description of the WIFI signal when it is full for accessibility (not shown on the screen). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    196     <string name="accessibility_wifi_signal_full">Wifi signal full.</string>
    198     <!-- Label for kernel threads in battery usage -->
    199     <string name="process_kernel_label">Android OS</string>
    200     <!-- Title of data usage item that represents all uninstalled applications. [CHAR LIMIT=48] -->
    201     <string name="data_usage_uninstalled_apps">Removed apps</string>
    202     <!-- Title of data usage item that represents all uninstalled applications or removed users. [CHAR LIMIT=48] -->
    203     <string name="data_usage_uninstalled_apps_users">Removed apps and users</string>
    205     <!-- Tethering controls, item title to go into the tethering settings -->
    206     <!-- Tethering controls, item title to go into the tethering settings when only USB tethering is available [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    207     <string name="tether_settings_title_usb">USB tethering</string>
    208     <!-- Tethering controls, item title to go into the tethering settings when only Wifi tethering is available [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    209     <string name="tether_settings_title_wifi">Portable hotspot</string>
    210     <!-- Tethering controls, item title to go into the tethering settings when only Bluetooth tethering is available [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    211     <string name="tether_settings_title_bluetooth">Bluetooth tethering</string>
    212     <!-- Tethering controls, item title to go into the tethering settings when USB and Bluetooth tethering are available [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    213     <string name="tether_settings_title_usb_bluetooth">Tethering</string>
    214     <!-- Tethering controls, item title to go into the tethering settings when USB, Bluetooth and Wifi tethering are available [CHAR LIMIT=25]-->
    215     <string name="tether_settings_title_all">Tethering &amp; portable hotspot</string>
    217     <!-- Title for a work profile. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    218     <string name="managed_user_title">All work apps</string>
    220     <!-- Title for Guest user [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
    221     <string name="user_guest">Guest</string>
    223     <!-- Manage apps, individual app screen, substituted for the application's label when the app's label CAN NOT be determined.-->
    224     <string name="unknown">Unknown</string>
    226     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Label of a running process that represents another user -->
    227     <string name="running_process_item_user_label">User: <xliff:g id="user_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
    229     <!-- Launch defaults preference summary with some set [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    230     <string name="launch_defaults_some">Some defaults set</string>
    231     <!-- Launch defaults preference summary with none set [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    232     <string name="launch_defaults_none">No defaults set</string>
    234     <!-- Text-To-Speech (TTS) settings --><skip />
    235     <!-- Name of the TTS package as listed by the package manager. -->
    236     <string name="tts_settings">Text-to-speech settings</string>
    237     <!-- TTS option item name in the main settings screen -->
    238     <string name="tts_settings_title">Text-to-speech output</string>
    239   <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, in default settings section, setting default speech rate for synthesized voice -->
    240     <string name="tts_default_rate_title">Speech rate</string>
    241     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, summary for default speech rate for synthesized voice -->
    242     <string name="tts_default_rate_summary">Speed at which the text is spoken</string>
    243     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, in default settings section, setting default pitch for synthesized voice -->
    244     <string name="tts_default_pitch_title">Pitch</string>
    245     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, summary for default pitch for synthesized voice -->
    246     <string name="tts_default_pitch_summary">Affects the tone of the synthesized speech</string>
    247     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, in default settings section, setting default language for synthesized voice -->
    248     <string name="tts_default_lang_title">Language</string>
    249     <!-- Entry in the TTS engine language/locale picker, when selected will try to default to the system language [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    250     <string name="tts_lang_use_system">Use system language</string>
    251     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, language summary if it can't default to system language [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    252     <string name="tts_lang_not_selected">Language not selected</string>
    253     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, summary for default language for synthesized voice -->
    254     <string name="tts_default_lang_summary">Sets the language-specific voice for the spoken text</string>
    255     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, triggers playback of an example of speech synthesis -->
    256     <string name="tts_play_example_title">Listen to an example</string>
    257     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, summary for triggering playback of an example of speech synthesis -->
    258     <string name="tts_play_example_summary">Play a short demonstration of speech synthesis</string>
    259     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, click to install required speech synthesis data -->
    260     <string name="tts_install_data_title">Install voice data</string>
    261     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, summary for click to install required speech synthesis data -->
    262     <string name="tts_install_data_summary">Install the voice data required for speech synthesis</string>
    263     <!-- Warning message about security implications of enabling a TTS engine, displayed as a dialog
    264          message when the user selects to enable an engine. -->
    265     <string name="tts_engine_security_warning">This speech synthesis engine may be able to collect
    266         all the text that will be spoken, including personal data like passwords and credit
    267         card numbers. It comes from the <xliff:g id="tts_plugin_engine_name">%s</xliff:g> engine.
    268         Enable the use of this speech synthesis engine?</string>
    269     <!-- Warning message about required internet conectivity for TTS synthesis, displayed as a dialog
    270          message when the user selects to play an example for network only locale and there's no internet connectivity. -->
    271     <string name="tts_engine_network_required">This language requires a working network connection for text-to-speech output.</string>
    272     <!-- Text spoken by the TTS engine as an example if the engine doesn't provide sample text [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
    273     <string name="tts_default_sample_string">This is an example of speech synthesis</string>
    274     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, title of a field explaining current TTS engine status for
    275          current default language [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    276     <string name="tts_status_title">Default language status</string>
    277     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, current TTS engine status for the current default language,
    278          selected language is fully supported by the engine [CHAR LIMIT=150]-->
    279     <string name="tts_status_ok"><xliff:g id="locale" example="English (United States)">%1$s</xliff:g> is fully supported</string>
    280     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, current TTS engine status for the current default language,
    281          selected language is supported by the engine only if there's a working network connection [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    282     <string name="tts_status_requires_network"><xliff:g id="locale" example="English (United States)">%1$s</xliff:g> requires network connection</string>
    283     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, current TTS engine status for the current default language,
    284          selected language is not supported by the engine [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    285     <string name="tts_status_not_supported"><xliff:g id="locale" example="English (United States)">%1$s</xliff:g> is not supported</string>
    286     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, current TTS engine status for the current default language,
    287          tts engine is queried for status [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    288     <string name="tts_status_checking">Checking&#8230;</string>
    289     <!-- Title for a preference in the main TTS settings screen, which
    290          launches the settings screen for a given TTS engine when clicked
    291          [CHAR LIMIT=30]-->
    292     <string name="tts_engine_settings_title">Settings for <xliff:g id="tts_engine_name">%s</xliff:g></string>
    293     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=150] Text for screen readers / accessibility programs for
    294          the image that launches the TTS engine settings when clicked. -->
    295     <string name="tts_engine_settings_button">Launch engine settings</string>
    296     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=50] The text for the settings section that users to set a
    297          preferred text to speech engine -->
    298     <string name="tts_engine_preference_section_title">Preferred engine</string>
    299     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=50] Title of the settings section that displays general preferences
    300          that are applicable to all engines, such as the speech rate -->
    301     <string name="tts_general_section_title">General</string>
    302     <!-- On main TTS Settings screen, in default settings section,
    303          reset speech pitch of synthesized voice to 1x speech pitch. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    304     <string name="tts_reset_speech_pitch_title">Reset speech pitch</string>
    305     <!--On main TTS Settings screen, summary for reset speech pitch of synthesized voice [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    306     <string name="tts_reset_speech_pitch_summary">Reset the pitch at which the text is spoken to default.</string>
    308     <!-- Default speech rate choices -->
    309     <string-array name="tts_rate_entries">
    310         <item>Very slow</item>
    311         <item>Slow</item>
    312         <item>Normal</item>
    313         <item>Fast</item>
    314         <item>Faster</item>
    315         <item>Very fast</item>
    316         <item>Rapid</item>
    317         <item>Very rapid</item>
    318         <item>Fastest</item>
    319     </string-array>
    320     <!-- Do not translate. -->
    321     <string-array name="tts_rate_values">
    322         <item>60</item>
    323         <item>80</item>
    324         <item>100</item>
    325         <item>150</item>
    326         <item>200</item>
    327         <item>250</item>
    328         <item>300</item>
    329         <item>350</item>
    330         <item>400</item>
    331     </string-array>
    333     <!-- Do not translate. -->
    334     <string-array name="tts_demo_strings" translatable="false">
    335         <item>This is an example of speech synthesis in English.</item>
    336         <item>Voici un chantillon de synthse vocale en franais.</item>
    337         <item>Dies ist ein Beispiel fr Sprachsynthese in Deutsch.</item>
    338         <item>Questo  un esempio di sintesi vocale in italiano.</item>
    339         <item>Este es un ejemplo de sntesis de voz en espaol.</item>
    340         <item>    .</item>
    341     </string-array>
    342     <!-- Do not translate. -->
    343     <string-array name="tts_demo_string_langs" translatable="false">
    344         <item>eng</item>
    345         <item>fra</item>
    346         <item>deu</item>
    347         <item>ita</item>
    348         <item>spa</item>
    349         <item>kor</item>
    350     </string-array>
    352    <!-- Title for profile selection dialog [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    353    <string name="choose_profile">Choose Profile</string>
    355     <!-- Header for items under the personal user [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    356     <string name="category_personal">Personal</string>
    357     <!-- Header for items under the work user [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    358     <string name="category_work">Work</string>
    360     <!-- Full package name of OEM preferred device feedback reporter. Leave this blank, overlaid in Settings/TvSettings [DO NOT TRANSLATE] -->
    361     <string name="oem_preferred_feedback_reporter" translatable="false" />
    363     <!-- Development settings -->
    364     <skip/>
    365     <!-- Development Settings.  the title for the item to take the user to Development settings.  Development settings are settings meant for application developers.  -->
    366     <string name="development_settings_title">Developer options</string>
    367     <!-- Development settings enable title. -->
    368     <string name="development_settings_enable">Enable developer options</string>
    369     <!-- Development Settings summary.  The summary of the item to take the user to Development settings.  Development settings are settings meant for application developers. -->
    370     <string name="development_settings_summary">Set options for app development</string>
    371     <!-- Setting checkbox title for Whether to enable USB debugging support on the phone. -->
    372     <!-- Error message for users that aren't allowed to modify developer options [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
    373     <string name="development_settings_not_available">Developer options are not available for this user</string>
    374     <!-- Error message for users that aren't allowed to modify VPN settings [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
    375     <string name="vpn_settings_not_available">VPN settings are not available for this user</string>
    376     <!-- Error message for users that aren't allowed to modify Tethering settings [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
    377     <string name="tethering_settings_not_available">Tethering settings are not available for this user</string>
    378     <!-- Error message for users that aren't allowed to modify Access Point Names settings [CHAR LIMIT=none] -->
    379     <string name="apn_settings_not_available">Access Point Name settings are not available for this user</string>
    380     <string name="enable_adb">USB debugging</string>
    381     <!-- Setting checkbox summary for Whether to enable USB debugging support on the phone -->
    382     <string name="enable_adb_summary">Debug mode when USB is connected</string>
    383     <!-- Setting title to revoke secure USB debugging authorizations -->
    384     <string name="clear_adb_keys">Revoke USB debugging authorizations</string>
    385     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Setting checkbox title for Whether to include bug report item in power menu. -->
    386     <string name="bugreport_in_power">Bug report shortcut</string>
    387     <!-- [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] Setting checkbox summary for Whether to include bug report item in power -->
    388     <string name="bugreport_in_power_summary">Show a button in the power menu for taking a bug report</string>
    389     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to keep the screen on when plugged in to a power source -->
    390     <string name="keep_screen_on">Stay awake</string>
    391     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to keep the screen on when plugged in  -->
    392     <string name="keep_screen_on_summary">Screen will never sleep while charging</string>
    393     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable bluetooth HCI snoop log -->
    394     <string name="bt_hci_snoop_log">Enable Bluetooth HCI snoop log</string>
    395     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to capture all bluetooth HCI packets in a file -->
    396     <string name="bt_hci_snoop_log_summary">Capture all bluetooth HCI packets in a file</string>
    397     <!-- setting Checkbox title whether to enable OEM unlock [CHAR_LIMIT=35] -->
    398     <string name="oem_unlock_enable">OEM unlocking</string>
    399     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to enable OEM unlock [CHAR_LIMIT=50] -->
    400     <string name="oem_unlock_enable_summary">Allow the bootloader to be unlocked</string>
    401     <!-- Confirmation dialog title to ensure user wishes to enable OEM unlock and disable theft protection features -->
    402     <string name="confirm_enable_oem_unlock_title">Allow OEM unlocking?</string>
    403     <!-- Warning dialog message to confirm user wishes to enable OEM unlock and disable theft protection features -->
    404     <string name="confirm_enable_oem_unlock_text">WARNING: Device protection features will not work on this device while this setting is turned on.</string>
    406     <!-- UI debug setting: select current app to mock location [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    407     <string name="mock_location_app">Select mock location app</string>
    408     <!-- UI debug setting: no mock location app has been set [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    409     <string name="mock_location_app_not_set">No mock location app set</string>
    410     <!-- UI debug setting: mock location app has been set [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    411     <string name="mock_location_app_set">Mock location app: <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
    413     <!-- Preference category for networking debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    414     <string name="debug_networking_category">Networking</string>
    416     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to show options for wireless display certification -->
    417     <string name="wifi_display_certification">Wireless display certification</string>
    418     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable WiFi Verbose Logging. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    419     <string name="wifi_verbose_logging">Enable Wi\u2011Fi Verbose Logging</string>
    420     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable WiFi Aggressive Handover. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    421     <string name="wifi_aggressive_handover">Aggressive Wi\u2011Fi to Cellular handover</string>
    422     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable WiFi Scanning in the presence of traffic. [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
    423     <string name="wifi_allow_scan_with_traffic">Always allow Wi\u2011Fi Roam Scans</string>
    424     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to always keep cellular data active. [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
    425     <string name="mobile_data_always_on">Cellular data always active</string>
    426     <!-- Setting Checkbox title for disabling Bluetooth absolute volume -->
    427     <string name="bluetooth_disable_absolute_volume">Disable absolute volume</string>
    429     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to show options for wireless display certification  -->
    430     <string name="wifi_display_certification_summary">Show options for wireless display certification</string>
    431     <!-- Setting Checkbox summary whether to enable Wifi verbose Logging [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
    432     <string name="wifi_verbose_logging_summary">Increase Wi\u2011Fi logging level, show per SSID RSSI in Wi\u2011Fi Picker</string>
    433     <!-- Setting Checkbox summary whether to enable Wifi aggressive handover [CHAR LIMIT=130] -->
    434     <string name="wifi_aggressive_handover_summary">When enabled, Wi\u2011Fi will be more aggressive in handing over the data connection to Cellular, when Wi\u2011Fi signal is low</string>
    435     <!-- Setting Checkbox summary whether to always allow WiFi Roam Scans [CHAR LIMIT=130] -->
    436     <string name="wifi_allow_scan_with_traffic_summary">Allow/Disallow Wi\u2011Fi Roam Scans based on the amount of data traffic present at the interface</string>
    437     <!-- UI debug setting: limit size of Android logger buffers -->
    438     <string name="select_logd_size_title">Logger buffer sizes</string>
    439     <!-- UI debug setting: limit size of Android logger buffers [CHAR LIMIT=59] -->
    440     <string name="select_logd_size_dialog_title">Select Logger sizes per log buffer</string>
    441     <!-- UI debug setting: select USB configuration -->
    442     <string name="select_usb_configuration_title">Select USB Configuration</string>
    443     <!-- UI debug setting: limit size of Android logger buffers [CHAR LIMIT=59] -->
    444     <string name="select_usb_configuration_dialog_title">Select USB Configuration</string>
    445     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to allow mock locations -->
    446     <string name="allow_mock_location">Allow mock locations</string>
    447     <!-- setting Checkbox summary whether to allow mock locations  -->
    448     <string name="allow_mock_location_summary">Allow mock locations</string>
    449     <!-- Setting Checkbox title whether to enable view attribute inspection -->
    450     <string name="debug_view_attributes">Enable view attribute inspection</string>
    451     <!-- Setting Checkbox summary whether to use DHCP client from Lollipop (Android 5.0) [CHAR LIMIT=130] -->
    452     <string name="legacy_dhcp_client_summary">Use the DHCP client from Lollipop instead of the new Android DHCP client.</string>
    453     <string name="mobile_data_always_on_summary">Always keep mobile data active, even when Wi\u2011Fi is active (for fast network switching).</string>
    454     <!-- Title of warning dialog about the implications of enabling USB debugging -->
    455     <string name="adb_warning_title">Allow USB debugging?</string>
    456     <!-- Warning text to user about the implications of enabling USB debugging -->
    457     <string name="adb_warning_message">USB debugging is intended for development purposes only. Use it to copy data between your computer and your device, install apps on your device without notification, and read log data.</string>
    458     <!-- Message of dialog confirming that user wants to revoke access to adb from all computers they have authorized -->
    459     <string name="adb_keys_warning_message">Revoke access to USB debugging from all computers you\u2019ve previously authorized?</string>
    460     <!-- Title of warning dialog about the implications of enabling developer settings -->
    461     <string name="dev_settings_warning_title">Allow development settings?</string>
    462     <!-- Warning text to user about the implications of enabling USB debugging -->
    463     <string name="dev_settings_warning_message">These settings are intended for development use only.  They can cause your device and the applications on it to break or misbehave.</string>
    464     <!-- Title of checkbox setting to perform package verification on apps installed over USB/ADT/ADB [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
    465     <string name="verify_apps_over_usb_title">Verify apps over USB</string>
    466     <!-- Summary of checkbox setting to perform package verification on apps installed over USB/ADT/ADB [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    467     <string name="verify_apps_over_usb_summary">Check apps installed via ADB/ADT for harmful behavior.</string>
    468     <!-- Summary of checkbox for disabling Bluetooth absolute volume -->
    469     <string name="bluetooth_disable_absolute_volume_summary">Disables the Bluetooth absolute volume feature in case of volume issues with remote devices such as unacceptably loud volume or lack of control.</string>
    471     <!-- Title of checkbox setting that enables the terminal app. [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
    472     <string name="enable_terminal_title">Local terminal</string>
    473     <!-- Summary of checkbox setting that enables the terminal app. [CHAR LIMIT=64] -->
    474     <string name="enable_terminal_summary">Enable terminal app that offers local shell access</string>
    476     <!-- HDCP checking title, used for debug purposes only. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    477     <string name="hdcp_checking_title">HDCP checking</string>
    478     <!-- HDCP checking dialog title, used for debug purposes only. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    479     <string name="hdcp_checking_dialog_title">Set HDCP checking behavior</string>
    481     <!-- Preference category for app debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    482     <string name="debug_debugging_category">Debugging</string>
    484     <!-- UI debug setting: select current app to debug [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    485     <string name="debug_app">Select debug app</string>
    486     <!-- UI debug setting: no debug app has been set [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    487     <string name="debug_app_not_set">No debug application set</string>
    488     <!-- UI debug setting: debug app has been set [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    489     <string name="debug_app_set">Debugging application: <xliff:g id="app_name">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
    491     <!-- UI debug setting: title for app picker dialog [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    492     <string name="select_application">Select application</string>
    493     <!-- UI debug setting: label for app picker to select no applicatiojn [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    494     <string name="no_application">Nothing</string>
    496     <!-- UI debug setting: wait for debugger to attach to debugging process? [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    497     <string name="wait_for_debugger">Wait for debugger</string>
    498     <!-- UI debug setting: wait for debugger to attach to debugging process summary [CHAR LIMIT=500] -->
    499     <string name="wait_for_debugger_summary">Debugged application waits for debugger to
    500         attach before executing</string>
    502     <!-- Preference category for input debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    503     <string name="debug_input_category">Input</string>
    505     <!-- Preference category for drawing debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    506     <string name="debug_drawing_category">Drawing</string>
    508     <!-- Preference category for hardware accelerated drawing debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    509     <string name="debug_hw_drawing_category">Hardware accelerated rendering</string>
    511     <!-- Preference category for media development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    512     <string name="media_category">Media</string>
    514     <!-- Preference category for monitoring debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    515     <string name="debug_monitoring_category">Monitoring</string>
    517     <!-- UI debug setting: always enable strict mode? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    518     <string name="strict_mode">Strict mode enabled</string>
    519     <!-- UI debug setting: show strict mode summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    520     <string name="strict_mode_summary">Flash screen when apps do long operations
    521         on main thread</string>
    523     <!-- UI debug setting: show pointer location? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    524     <string name="pointer_location">Pointer location</string>
    525     <!-- UI debug setting: show pointer location summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    526     <string name="pointer_location_summary">Screen overlay showing current touch data</string>
    528     <!-- UI debug setting: show touches? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    529     <string name="show_touches">Show taps</string>
    530     <!-- UI debug setting: show touches location summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    531     <string name="show_touches_summary">Show visual feedback for taps</string>
    533     <!-- UI debug setting: show where surface updates happen? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    534     <string name="show_screen_updates">Show surface updates</string>
    535     <!-- UI debug setting: show surface updates summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    536     <string name="show_screen_updates_summary">Flash entire window surfaces when they update</string>
    538     <!-- UI debug setting: show where window updates happen with GPU rendering? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    539     <string name="show_hw_screen_updates">Show GPU view updates</string>
    540     <!-- UI debug setting: show GPU rendering screen updates summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    541     <string name="show_hw_screen_updates_summary">Flash views inside windows when drawn with the GPU</string>
    543     <!-- UI debug setting: show when hardware layers get updated [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    544     <string name="show_hw_layers_updates">Show hardware layers updates</string>
    545     <!-- UI debug setting: show hardware layers updates summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    546     <string name="show_hw_layers_updates_summary">Flash hardware layers green when they update</string>
    548     <!-- UI debug setting: show the amount of overdraw in apps using the GPU [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    549     <string name="debug_hw_overdraw">Debug GPU overdraw</string>
    551     <!-- UI debug setting: disable use of overlays? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    552     <string name="disable_overlays">Disable HW overlays</string>
    553     <!-- UI debug setting: disable use of overlays summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    554     <string name="disable_overlays_summary">Always use GPU for screen compositing</string>
    556     <!-- UI debug setting: simulate color space anomalies. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    557     <string name="simulate_color_space">Simulate color space</string>
    559     <!-- UI debug setting: enable various types of OpenGL traces [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    560     <string name="enable_opengl_traces_title">Enable OpenGL traces</string>
    562     <!-- UI debug setting: disable USB audio routing title [CHAR LIMIT=32] -->
    563     <string name="usb_audio_disable_routing">Disable USB audio routing</string>
    564     <!-- UI debug setting: disable USB audio routing summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    565     <string name="usb_audio_disable_routing_summary">Disable automatic routing to USB audio peripherals</string>
    567     <!-- UI debug setting: show layout bounds information [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    568     <string name="debug_layout">Show layout bounds</string>
    569     <!-- UI debug setting: show layout bounds information summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    570     <string name="debug_layout_summary">Show clip bounds, margins, etc.</string>
    572     <!-- UI debug setting: force right to left layout [CHAR LIMIT=37] -->
    573     <string name="force_rtl_layout_all_locales">Force RTL layout direction</string>
    574     <!-- UI debug setting: force right to left layout summary [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
    575     <string name="force_rtl_layout_all_locales_summary">Force screen layout direction to RTL for all locales</string>
    577     <!-- UI debug setting: show how CPU is being used? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    578     <string name="show_cpu_usage">Show CPU usage</string>
    579     <!-- UI debug setting: show cpu usage summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    580     <string name="show_cpu_usage_summary">Screen overlay showing current CPU usage</string>
    582     <!-- UI debug setting: force hardware acceleration to render apps [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    583     <string name="force_hw_ui">Force GPU rendering</string>
    584     <!-- UI debug setting: force hardware acceleration summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    585     <string name="force_hw_ui_summary">Force use of GPU for 2d drawing</string>
    587     <!-- UI debug setting: force anti-aliasing to render apps [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    588     <string name="force_msaa">Force 4x MSAA</string>
    589     <!-- UI debug setting: force anti-aliasing summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    590     <string name="force_msaa_summary">Enable 4x MSAA in OpenGL ES 2.0 apps</string>
    592     <!-- UI debug setting: show when non-rectangular clip operations are used [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
    593     <string name="show_non_rect_clip">Debug non-rectangular clip operations</string>
    595     <!-- UI debug setting: profile time taken by hardware acceleration to render apps [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    596     <string name="track_frame_time">Profile GPU rendering</string>
    598     <!-- UI debug setting: scaling factor for window animations [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    599     <string name="window_animation_scale_title">Window animation scale</string>
    601     <!-- UI debug setting: scaling factor for transition animations [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    602     <string name="transition_animation_scale_title">Transition animation scale</string>
    604     <!-- UI debug setting: scaling factor for all Animator-based animations [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    605     <string name="animator_duration_scale_title">Animator duration scale</string>
    607     <!-- UI debug setting: simulate secondary display devices using overlays [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    608     <string name="overlay_display_devices_title">Simulate secondary displays</string>
    610     <!-- Preference category for application debugging development settings. [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    611     <string name="debug_applications_category">Apps</string>
    613     <!-- UI debug setting: immediately destroy activities? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    614     <string name="immediately_destroy_activities">Don\u2019t keep activities</string>
    615     <!-- UI debug setting: immediately destroy activities summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    616     <string name="immediately_destroy_activities_summary">Destroy every activity as soon as
    617         the user leaves it</string>
    619     <!-- UI debug setting: limit number of running background processes [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    620     <string name="app_process_limit_title">Background process limit</string>
    622     <!-- UI debug setting: show all ANRs? [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    623     <string name="show_all_anrs">Show all ANRs</string>
    624     <!-- UI debug setting: show all ANRs summary [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    625     <string name="show_all_anrs_summary">Show App Not Responding dialog
    626         for background apps</string>
    628     <!-- UI debug setting: force allow apps on external storage [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    629     <string name="force_allow_on_external">Force allow apps on external</string>
    630     <!-- UI debug setting: force allow on external summary [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    631     <string name="force_allow_on_external_summary">Makes any app eligible to be written to external storage, regardless of manifest values</string>
    633     <!-- UI debug setting: force all activites to be resizable for multiwindow [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    634     <string name="force_resizable_activities">Force activities to be resizable</string>
    635     <!-- UI debug setting: force allow on external summary [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    636     <string name="force_resizable_activities_summary">Make all activities resizable for multi-window, regardless of manifest values.</string>
    638     <!-- UI debug setting: enable freeform window support [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    639     <string name="enable_freeform_support">Enable freeform windows</string>
    640     <!-- UI debug setting: enable freeform window support summary [CHAR LIMIT=150] -->
    641     <string name="enable_freeform_support_summary">Enable support for experimental freeform windows.</string>
    643     <!-- Local (desktop) backup password menu title [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
    644     <string name="local_backup_password_title">Desktop backup password</string>
    645     <!-- Summary text of the "local backup password" setting when the user has not supplied a password -->
    646     <string name="local_backup_password_summary_none">Desktop full backups aren\u2019t currently protected</string>
    647     <!-- Summary text of the "local backup password" setting when the user has already supplied a password -->
    648     <string name="local_backup_password_summary_change">Tap to change or remove the password for desktop full backups</string>
    650     <!-- Toast message shown when the user successfully sets a new local backup password [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
    651     <string name="local_backup_password_toast_success">New backup password set</string>
    652     <!-- Toast message shown when setting a new local backup password fails due to the user not correctly typing the password again for confirmation [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
    653     <string name="local_backup_password_toast_confirmation_mismatch">New password and confirmation don\u2019t match</string>
    654     <!-- Toast message shown when setting a new local backup password fails due to the user not supplying the correct existing password. The phrasing here is deliberately quite general. [CHAR LIMIT=80] -->
    655     <string name="local_backup_password_toast_validation_failure">Failure setting backup password</string>
    657     <!-- Name of each color mode for the display. [CHAR LIMIT=40] -->
    658     <string-array name="color_mode_names">
    659         <item>Vibrant (default)</item>
    660         <item>Natural</item>
    661         <item>Standard</item>
    662     </string-array>
    664     <!-- Description of each color mode for the display. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    665     <string-array name="color_mode_descriptions">
    666         <item>Enhanced colors</item>
    667         <item>Natural colors as seen by the eye</item>
    668         <item>Colors optimized for digital content</item>
    669     </string-array>
    671     <!-- Settings item title for inactive apps [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
    672     <string name="inactive_apps_title">Inactive apps</string>
    673     <!-- Settings item summary for inactive app [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
    674     <string name="inactive_app_inactive_summary">Inactive. Tap to toggle.</string>
    675     <!-- Settings item summary for active app [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
    676     <string name="inactive_app_active_summary">Active. Tap to toggle.</string>
    678     <!-- Services settings screen, setting option name for the user to go to the screen to view running services -->
    679     <string name="runningservices_settings_title">Running services</string>
    680     <!-- Services settings screen, setting option summary for the user to go to the screen to view running services  -->
    681     <string name="runningservices_settings_summary">View and control currently running services</string>
    683     <!-- Developer settings: enable WebView multiprocess name [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    684     <string name="enable_webview_multiprocess">Multiprocess WebView</string>
    685     <!-- Developer settings: enable WebView multiprocess summary [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    686     <string name="enable_webview_multiprocess_desc">Run WebView renderers separately</string>
    688     <!-- Developer settings: select WebView provider title [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    689     <string name="select_webview_provider_title">WebView implementation</string>
    690     <!-- Developer settings: select WebView provider dialog title [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    691     <string name="select_webview_provider_dialog_title">Set WebView implementation</string>
    692     <!-- Developer settings: text for the WebView provider selection toast shown if an invalid provider was chosen (i.e. the setting list was stale). [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    693     <string name="select_webview_provider_toast_text">This choice is no longer valid. Try again.</string>
    695     <!-- Developer settings screen, convert userdata to file encryption option name -->
    696     <string name="convert_to_file_encryption">Convert to file encryption</string>
    697     <!-- Developer settings screen, convert userdata to file encryption summary when option is available -->
    698     <string name="convert_to_file_encryption_enabled">Convert\u2026</string>
    699     <!-- Developer settings screen, convert userdata to file encryption summary when option is already done -->
    700     <string name="convert_to_file_encryption_done">Already file encrypted</string>
    701     <!-- Title used on dialog with final prompt for converting to file encryption -->
    702     <string name="title_convert_fbe">Converting to file based encryption</string>
    703     <!-- Warning displayed on dialog with final prompt for converting to file encryption -->
    704     <string name="convert_to_fbe_warning">
    705         Convert data partition to file based encryption.\n
    706         !!Warning!! This will erase all your data.\n
    707         This feature is alpha, and may not work correctly.\n
    708         Press \'Wipe and convert\u2026\' to continue.</string>
    709     <!-- Button on dialog that triggers convertion to file encryption -->
    710     <string name="button_convert_fbe">Wipe and convert\u2026</string>
    712     <!-- Name of feature to change color setting for the display [CHAR LIMIT=60] -->
    713     <string name="picture_color_mode">Picture color mode</string>
    715     <!-- Description of feature to change color setting for the display [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    716     <string name="picture_color_mode_desc">Use sRGB</string>
    718     <!-- Label for disabling color space adjustment [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
    719     <string name="daltonizer_mode_disabled">Disabled</string>
    720     <!-- Label for converting display colors to grayscale, which simulates monochromacy (complete color blindness). [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
    721     <string name="daltonizer_mode_monochromacy">Monochromacy</string>
    722     <!-- Label for deuteranomaly (red-green color blindness) [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
    723     <string name="daltonizer_mode_deuteranomaly">Deuteranomaly (red-green)</string>
    724     <!-- Label for protanomaly (red-green color blindness) [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
    725     <string name="daltonizer_mode_protanomaly">Protanomaly (red-green)</string>
    726     <!-- Label for tritanomaly (blue-yellow color blindness) [CHAR LIMIT=45] -->
    727     <string name="daltonizer_mode_tritanomaly">Tritanomaly (blue-yellow)</string>
    729     <!-- Title for the accessibility preference to configure display color space correction. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    730     <string name="accessibility_display_daltonizer_preference_title">Color correction</string>
    731     <!-- Subtitle for the accessibility preference to configure display color space correction. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
    732     <string name="accessibility_display_daltonizer_preference_subtitle">This feature is experimental and may affect performance.</string>
    733     <!-- Summary shown for color space correction preference when its value is overridden by another preference [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
    734     <string name="daltonizer_type_overridden">Overridden by <xliff:g id="title" example="Simulate color space">%1$s</xliff:g></string>
    736     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for estimated remaining duration of battery charging/discharging -->
    737     <string name="power_remaining_duration_only">Approx. <xliff:g id="time">%1$s</xliff:g> left</string>
    739     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Short label for estimated remaining duration of battery charging/discharging -->
    740     <string name="power_remaining_duration_only_short"><xliff:g id="time">%1$s</xliff:g> left</string>
    742     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when discharging with duration -->
    743     <string name="power_discharging_duration"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g>
    744         - approx. <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g> left</string>
    746     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when discharging with duration -->
    747     <string name="power_discharging_duration_short"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g>
    748         - <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g> left</string>
    750     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when charging -->
    751     <string name="power_charging"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    752             <xliff:g id="state">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
    753     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    754     <string name="power_charging_duration"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    755             <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g> until full</string>
    756     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Short label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    757     <string name="power_charging_duration_short"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    758         <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
    759     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    760     <string name="power_charging_duration_ac"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    761             <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g> until full on AC</string>
    762     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Short label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    763     <string name="power_charging_duration_ac_short"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    764         <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
    765     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    766     <string name="power_charging_duration_usb"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    767             <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g> until full over USB</string>
    768     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Short label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    769     <string name="power_charging_duration_usb_short"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    770         <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
    771     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    772     <string name="power_charging_duration_wireless"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    773             <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g> until full from wireless</string>
    774     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=40] Label for battery level chart when charging with duration -->
    775     <string name="power_charging_duration_wireless_short"><xliff:g id="level">%1$s</xliff:g> -
    776         <xliff:g id="time">%2$s</xliff:g></string>
    778     <!-- Battery Info screen. Value for a status item.  Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
    779     <string name="battery_info_status_unknown">Unknown</string>
    780     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery use screen.  Battery status shown in chart label when charging from an unknown source.  -->
    781     <string name="battery_info_status_charging">Charging</string>
    782     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery use screen.  Battery status shown in chart label when charging on AC.  -->
    783     <string name="battery_info_status_charging_ac">Charging on AC</string>
    784     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery short status label when charing on AC -->
    785     <string name="battery_info_status_charging_ac_short">Charging</string>
    786     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery use screen.  Battery status shown in chart label when charging over USB.  -->
    787     <string name="battery_info_status_charging_usb">Charging over USB</string>
    788     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery short status label when charging over USB. -->
    789     <string name="battery_info_status_charging_usb_short">Charging</string>
    790     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery use screen.  Battery status shown in chart label when charging over a wireless connection.  -->
    791     <string name="battery_info_status_charging_wireless">Charging wirelessly</string>
    792     <!-- [CHAR_LIMIT=20] Battery short status label when charging wirelessly. -->
    793     <string name="battery_info_status_charging_wireless_short">Charging</string>
    794     <!-- Battery Info screen. Value for a status item.  Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
    795     <string name="battery_info_status_discharging">Not charging</string>
    796     <!-- Battery Info screen. Value for a status item.  Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
    797     <string name="battery_info_status_not_charging">Not charging</string>
    798     <!-- Battery Info screen. Value for a status item.  Used for diagnostic info screens, precise translation isn't needed -->
    799     <string name="battery_info_status_full">Full</string>
    801     <!-- Summary for settings preference disabled by administrator [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    802     <string name="disabled_by_admin_summary_text">Controlled by admin</string>
    804     <!-- Summary for switch preference to denote it is switched on [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    805     <string name="enabled_by_admin">Enabled by administrator</string>
    806     <!-- Summary for switch preference to denote it is switched off [CHAR LIMIT=50] -->
    807     <string name="disabled_by_admin">Disabled by administrator</string>
    809     <!-- Option in navigation drawer that leads to Settings main screen [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
    810     <string name="home">Settings Home</string>
    812     <!-- Labels on the side of batter graph in Quick Settings and Settings [CHAR LIMIT=8] -->
    813     <string-array name="battery_labels">
    814         <item>0%</item>
    815         <item>50%</item>
    816         <item>100%</item>
    817     </string-array>
    819     <!-- Label for length of time since the battery graph started [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    820     <string name="charge_length_format"><xliff:g name="time" example="3 hours">%1$s</xliff:g> ago</string>
    822     <!-- Label for length of time until battery is charged [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
    823     <string name="remaining_length_format"><xliff:g name="time" example="3 hours">%1$s</xliff:g> left</string>
    825     <!-- Hint text for the IP address -->
    826     <string name="wifi_ip_address_hint" translatable="false"></string>
    827     <!-- Hint text for DNS -->
    828     <string name="wifi_dns1_hint" translatable="false"></string>
    829     <!-- Hint text for DNS -->
    830     <string name="wifi_dns2_hint" translatable="false"></string>
    831     <!-- Hint text for the gateway -->
    832     <string name="wifi_gateway_hint" translatable="false"></string>
    833     <!-- Hint text for network prefix length -->
    834     <string name="wifi_network_prefix_length_hint" translatable="false">24</string>
    835     <!-- HTTP proxy settings. The hint text field for port. -->
    836     <string name="proxy_port_hint" translatable="false">8080</string>
    837     <!-- HTTP proxy settings. Hint for Proxy-Auto Config URL. -->
    838     <string name="proxy_url_hint" translatable="false">https://www.example.com/proxy.pac</string>
    839     <!-- HTTP proxy settings. The hint text for proxy exclusion list. -->
    840     <string name="proxy_exclusionlist_hint" translatable="false">example.com,mycomp.test.com,localhost</string>
    841     <!-- HTTP proxy settings. The hint text field for the hostname. -->
    842     <string name="proxy_hostname_hint" translatable="false">proxy.example.com</string>
    844     <!-- Description for the screen zoom level that makes interface elements small. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
    845     <string name="screen_zoom_summary_small">Small</string>
    846     <!-- Description for the device's default screen zoom level. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
    847     <string name="screen_zoom_summary_default">Default</string>
    848     <!-- Description for the screen zoom level that makes interface elements large. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
    849     <string name="screen_zoom_summary_large">Large</string>
    850     <!-- Description for the screen zoom level that makes interface elements larger. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
    851     <string name="screen_zoom_summary_very_large">Larger</string>
    852     <!-- Description for the screen zoom level that makes interface elements largest. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
    853     <string name="screen_zoom_summary_extremely_large">Largest</string>
    854     <!-- Description for a custom screen zoom level. This shows the requested display
    855          density in raw pixels per inch rather than using a relative description. [CHAR LIMIT=24] -->
    856     <string name="screen_zoom_summary_custom">Custom (<xliff:g id="densityDpi" example="160">%d</xliff:g>)</string>
    857     <!-- Label for Help and feedback menu item -->
    858     <string name="help_feedback_label">Help &amp; feedback</string>
    860 </resources>