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      1 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 The Android Open Source Project
      2 #
      3 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      4 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      5 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      6 #
      7 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      8 #
      9 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     10 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     11 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     12 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     13 # limitations under the License.
     14 #
     16 # Initialization of the NDK build system. This file is included by
     17 # several build scripts.
     18 #
     20 # Disable GNU Make implicit rules
     22 # this turns off the suffix rules built into make
     23 .SUFFIXES:
     25 # this turns off the RCS / SCCS implicit rules of GNU Make
     26 % : RCS/%,v
     27 % : RCS/%
     28 % : %,v
     29 % : s.%
     30 % : SCCS/s.%
     32 # If a rule fails, delete $@.
     36 # Define NDK_LOG=1 in your environment to display log traces when
     37 # using the build scripts. See also the definition of ndk_log below.
     38 #
     39 NDK_LOG := $(strip $(NDK_LOG))
     40 ifeq ($(NDK_LOG),true)
     41     override NDK_LOG := 1
     42 endif
     44 # Check that we have at least GNU Make 3.81
     45 # We do this by detecting whether 'lastword' is supported
     46 #
     47 MAKE_TEST := $(lastword a b c d e f)
     48 ifneq ($(MAKE_TEST),f)
     49     $(error Android NDK: GNU Make version $(MAKE_VERSION) is too low (should be >= 3.81))
     50 endif
     51 ifeq ($(NDK_LOG),1)
     52     $(info Android NDK: GNU Make version $(MAKE_VERSION) detected)
     53 endif
     55 # NDK_ROOT *must* be defined and point to the root of the NDK installation
     56 NDK_ROOT := $(strip $(NDK_ROOT))
     57 ifndef NDK_ROOT
     58     $(error ERROR while including init.mk: NDK_ROOT must be defined !)
     59 endif
     60 ifneq ($(words $(NDK_ROOT)),1)
     61     $(info,The Android NDK installation path contains spaces: '$(NDK_ROOT)')
     62     $(error,Please fix the problem by reinstalling to a different location.)
     63 endif
     65 # ====================================================================
     66 #
     67 # Define a few useful variables and functions.
     68 # More stuff will follow in definitions.mk.
     69 #
     70 # ====================================================================
     72 # Used to output warnings and error from the library, it's possible to
     73 # disable any warnings or errors by overriding these definitions
     74 # manually or by setting NDK_NO_WARNINGS or NDK_NO_ERRORS
     76 __ndk_name    := Android NDK
     77 __ndk_info     = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
     78 __ndk_warning  = $(warning $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
     79 __ndk_error    = $(error $(__ndk_name): $1 $2 $3 $4 $5)
     81 ifdef NDK_NO_INFO
     82 __ndk_info :=
     83 endif
     84 ifdef NDK_NO_WARNINGS
     85 __ndk_warning :=
     86 endif
     87 ifdef NDK_NO_ERRORS
     88 __ndk_error :=
     89 endif
     91 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     92 # Function : ndk_log
     93 # Arguments: 1: text to print when NDK_LOG is defined to 1
     94 # Returns  : None
     95 # Usage    : $(call ndk_log,<some text>)
     96 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     97 ifeq ($(NDK_LOG),1)
     98 ndk_log = $(info $(__ndk_name): $1)
     99 else
    100 ndk_log :=
    101 endif
    103 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    104 # Function : host-toolchain-path
    105 # Arguments: 1: NDK root
    106 #            2: Toolchain name
    107 # Returns  : The parent path of all toolchains for this host. Note that
    108 #            HOST_TAG64 == HOST_TAG for 32-bit systems.
    109 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    110 ifeq ($(NDK_NEW_TOOLCHAINS_LAYOUT),true)
    111     host-toolchain-path = $1/$(HOST_TAG64)/$2
    112 else
    113     host-toolchain-path = $1/$2/prebuilt/$(HOST_TAG64)
    114 endif
    116 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    117 # Function : get-toolchain-root
    118 # Arguments: 1: Toolchain name
    119 # Returns  : Path to the given prebuilt toolchain.
    120 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    121 get-toolchain-root = $(call host-toolchain-path,$(NDK_TOOLCHAINS_ROOT),$1)
    123 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    124 # Function : get-binutils-root
    125 # Arguments: 1: NDK root
    126 #            2: Toolchain name (no version number)
    127 # Returns  : Path to the given prebuilt binutils.
    128 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    129 get-binutils-root = $1/binutils/$2
    131 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    132 # Function : get-gcclibs-path
    133 # Arguments: 1: NDK root
    134 #            2: Toolchain name (no version number)
    135 # Returns  : Path to the given prebuilt gcclibs.
    136 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    137 get-gcclibs-path = $1/gcclibs/$2
    139 # ====================================================================
    140 #
    141 # Host system auto-detection.
    142 #
    143 # ====================================================================
    145 #
    146 # Determine host system and architecture from the environment
    147 #
    148 HOST_OS := $(strip $(HOST_OS))
    149 ifndef HOST_OS
    150     # On all modern variants of Windows (including Cygwin and Wine)
    151     # the OS environment variable is defined to 'Windows_NT'
    152     #
    153     # The value of PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE will be x86 or AMD64
    154     #
    155     ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
    156         HOST_OS := windows
    157     else
    158         # For other systems, use the `uname` output
    159         UNAME := $(shell uname -s)
    160         ifneq (,$(findstring Linux,$(UNAME)))
    161             HOST_OS := linux
    162         endif
    163         ifneq (,$(findstring Darwin,$(UNAME)))
    164             HOST_OS := darwin
    165         endif
    166         # We should not be there, but just in case !
    167         ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(UNAME)))
    168             HOST_OS := windows
    169         endif
    170         ifeq ($(HOST_OS),)
    171             $(call __ndk_info,Unable to determine HOST_OS from uname -s: $(UNAME))
    172             $(call __ndk_info,Please define HOST_OS in your environment.)
    173             $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.)
    174         endif
    175     endif
    176     $(call ndk_log,Host OS was auto-detected: $(HOST_OS))
    177 else
    178     $(call ndk_log,Host OS from environment: $(HOST_OS))
    179 endif
    181 # For all systems, we will have HOST_OS_BASE defined as
    182 # $(HOST_OS), except on Cygwin where we will have:
    183 #
    184 #  HOST_OS      == cygwin
    185 #  HOST_OS_BASE == windows
    186 #
    187 # Trying to detect that we're running from Cygwin is tricky
    188 # because we can't use $(OSTYPE): It's a Bash shell variable
    189 # that is not exported to sub-processes, and isn't defined by
    190 # other shells (for those with really weird setups).
    191 #
    192 # Instead, we assume that a program named /bin/uname.exe
    193 # that can be invoked and returns a valid value corresponds
    194 # to a Cygwin installation.
    195 #
    196 HOST_OS_BASE := $(HOST_OS)
    198 ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
    199     ifneq (,$(strip $(wildcard /bin/uname.exe)))
    200         $(call ndk_log,Found /bin/uname.exe on Windows host, checking for Cygwin)
    201         # NOTE: The 2>NUL here is for the case where we're running inside the
    202         #       native Windows shell. On cygwin, this will create an empty NUL file
    203         #       that we're going to remove later (see below).
    204         UNAME := $(shell /bin/uname.exe -s 2>NUL)
    205         $(call ndk_log,uname -s returned: $(UNAME))
    206         ifneq (,$(filter CYGWIN%,$(UNAME)))
    207             $(call ndk_log,Cygwin detected: $(shell uname -a))
    208             HOST_OS := cygwin
    209             DUMMY := $(shell rm -f NUL) # Cleaning up
    210         else
    211             ifneq (,$(filter MINGW32%,$(UNAME)))
    212                 $(call ndk_log,MSys detected: $(shell uname -a))
    213                 HOST_OS := cygwin
    214             else
    215                 $(call ndk_log,Cygwin *not* detected!)
    216             endif
    217         endif
    218     endif
    219 endif
    221 ifneq ($(HOST_OS),$(HOST_OS_BASE))
    222     $(call ndk_log, Host operating system detected: $(HOST_OS), base OS: $(HOST_OS_BASE))
    223 else
    224     $(call ndk_log, Host operating system detected: $(HOST_OS))
    225 endif
    227 # Always use /usr/bin/file on Darwin to avoid relying on broken Ports
    228 # version. See http://b.android.com/53769 .
    229 HOST_FILE_PROGRAM := file
    230 ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin)
    231 HOST_FILE_PROGRAM := /usr/bin/file
    232 endif
    234 HOST_ARCH := $(strip $(HOST_ARCH))
    235 HOST_ARCH64 :=
    236 ifndef HOST_ARCH
    237     ifeq ($(HOST_OS_BASE),windows)
    239         ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),AMD64)
    240             HOST_ARCH := x86
    241         endif
    242         # Windows is 64-bit if either ProgramW6432 or ProgramFiles(x86) is set
    243         ifneq ("/",$(shell echo "%ProgramW6432%/%ProgramFiles(x86)%"))
    244             HOST_ARCH64 := x86_64
    245         endif
    246     else # HOST_OS_BASE != windows
    247         UNAME := $(shell uname -m)
    248         ifneq (,$(findstring 86,$(UNAME)))
    249             HOST_ARCH := x86
    250             ifneq (,$(shell $(HOST_FILE_PROGRAM) -L $(SHELL) | grep 'x86[_-]64'))
    251                 HOST_ARCH64 := x86_64
    252             endif
    253         endif
    254         # We should probably should not care at all
    255         ifneq (,$(findstring Power,$(UNAME)))
    256             HOST_ARCH := ppc
    257         endif
    258         ifeq ($(HOST_ARCH),)
    259             $(call __ndk_info,Unsupported host architecture: $(UNAME))
    260             $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
    261         endif
    262     endif # HOST_OS_BASE != windows
    263     $(call ndk_log,Host CPU was auto-detected: $(HOST_ARCH))
    264 else
    265     $(call ndk_log,Host CPU from environment: $(HOST_ARCH))
    266 endif
    268 ifeq (,$(HOST_ARCH64))
    269     HOST_ARCH64 := $(HOST_ARCH)
    270 endif
    273 HOST_TAG64 := $(HOST_OS_BASE)-$(HOST_ARCH64)
    275 # The directory separator used on this host
    276 HOST_DIRSEP := :
    277 ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
    278   HOST_DIRSEP := ;
    279 endif
    281 # The host executable extension
    282 HOST_EXEEXT :=
    283 ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
    284   HOST_EXEEXT := .exe
    285 endif
    287 # If we are on Windows, we need to check that we are not running
    288 # Cygwin 1.5, which is deprecated and won't run our toolchain
    289 # binaries properly.
    290 #
    291 ifeq ($(HOST_TAG),windows-x86)
    292     ifeq ($(HOST_OS),cygwin)
    293         # On cygwin, 'uname -r' returns something like 1.5.23(0.225/5/3)
    294         # We recognize 1.5. as the prefix to look for then.
    295         CYGWIN_VERSION := $(shell uname -r)
    296         ifneq ($(filter XX1.5.%,XX$(CYGWIN_VERSION)),)
    297             $(call __ndk_info,You seem to be running Cygwin 1.5, which is not supported.)
    298             $(call __ndk_info,Please upgrade to Cygwin 1.7 or higher.)
    299             $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.)
    300         endif
    301     endif
    302     # special-case the host-tag
    303     HOST_TAG := windows
    304 endif
    306 $(call ndk_log,HOST_TAG set to $(HOST_TAG))
    308 # Check for NDK-specific versions of our host tools
    309 HOST_TOOLS_ROOT := $(NDK_ROOT)/prebuilt/$(HOST_TAG64)
    310 HOST_PREBUILT := $(strip $(wildcard $(HOST_TOOLS_ROOT)/bin))
    311 HOST_AWK := $(strip $(NDK_HOST_AWK))
    312 HOST_MAKE := $(strip $(NDK_HOST_MAKE))
    313 HOST_PYTHON := $(strip $(NDK_HOST_PYTHON))
    314 ifdef HOST_PREBUILT
    315     $(call ndk_log,Host tools prebuilt directory: $(HOST_PREBUILT))
    316     # The windows prebuilt binaries are for ndk-build.cmd
    317     # On cygwin, we must use the Cygwin version of these tools instead.
    318     ifneq ($(HOST_OS),cygwin)
    319         ifndef HOST_AWK
    320             HOST_AWK := $(wildcard $(HOST_PREBUILT)/awk$(HOST_EXEEXT))
    321         endif
    322         ifndef HOST_MAKE
    323             HOST_MAKE := $(wildcard $(HOST_PREBUILT)/make$(HOST_EXEEXT))
    324         endif
    325        ifndef HOST_PYTHON
    326             HOST_PYTHON := $(wildcard $(HOST_PREBUILT)/python$(HOST_EXEEXT))
    327         endif
    328     endif
    329 else
    330     $(call ndk_log,Host tools prebuilt directory not found, using system tools)
    331 endif
    333 HOST_ECHO := $(strip $(NDK_HOST_ECHO))
    334 ifdef HOST_PREBUILT
    335     ifndef HOST_ECHO
    336         # Special case, on Cygwin, always use the host echo, not our prebuilt one
    337         # which adds \r\n at the end of lines.
    338         ifneq ($(HOST_OS),cygwin)
    339             HOST_ECHO := $(strip $(wildcard $(HOST_PREBUILT)/echo$(HOST_EXEEXT)))
    340         endif
    341     endif
    342 endif
    343 ifndef HOST_ECHO
    344     HOST_ECHO := echo
    345 endif
    346 $(call ndk_log,Host 'echo' tool: $(HOST_ECHO))
    348 # Define HOST_ECHO_N to perform the equivalent of 'echo -n' on all platforms.
    349 ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
    350   # Our custom toolbox echo binary supports -n.
    351   HOST_ECHO_N := $(HOST_ECHO) -n
    352 else
    353   # On Posix, just use bare printf.
    354   HOST_ECHO_N := printf %s
    355 endif
    356 $(call ndk_log,Host 'echo -n' tool: $(HOST_ECHO_N))
    358 HOST_CMP := $(strip $(NDK_HOST_CMP))
    359 ifdef HOST_PREBUILT
    360     ifndef HOST_CMP
    361         HOST_CMP := $(strip $(wildcard $(HOST_PREBUILT)/cmp$(HOST_EXEEXT)))
    362     endif
    363 endif
    364 ifndef HOST_CMP
    365     HOST_CMP := cmp
    366 endif
    367 $(call ndk_log,Host 'cmp' tool: $(HOST_CMP))
    369 #
    370 # Verify that the 'awk' tool has the features we need.
    371 # Both Nawk and Gawk do.
    372 #
    373 HOST_AWK := $(strip $(HOST_AWK))
    374 ifndef HOST_AWK
    375     HOST_AWK := awk
    376 endif
    377 $(call ndk_log,Host 'awk' tool: $(HOST_AWK))
    379 # Location of all awk scripts we use
    380 BUILD_AWK := $(NDK_ROOT)/build/awk
    382 AWK_TEST := $(shell $(HOST_AWK) -f $(BUILD_AWK)/check-awk.awk)
    383 $(call ndk_log,Host 'awk' test returned: $(AWK_TEST))
    384 ifneq ($(AWK_TEST),Pass)
    385     $(call __ndk_info,Host 'awk' tool is outdated. Please define NDK_HOST_AWK to point to Gawk or Nawk !)
    386     $(call __ndk_error,Aborting.)
    387 endif
    389 #
    390 # On Cygwin/MSys, define the 'cygwin-to-host-path' function here depending on the
    391 # environment. The rules are the following:
    392 #
    393 # 1/ If NDK_USE_CYGPATH=1 and cygpath does exist in your path, cygwin-to-host-path
    394 #    calls "cygpath -m" for each host path.  Since invoking 'cygpath -m' from GNU
    395 #    Make for each source file is _very_ slow, this is only a backup plan in
    396 #    case our automatic substitution function (described below) doesn't work.
    397 #
    398 # 2/ Generate a Make function that performs the mapping from cygwin/msys to host
    399 #    paths through simple substitutions.  It's really a series of nested patsubst
    400 #    calls, that loo like:
    401 #
    402 #     cygwin-to-host-path = $(patsubst /cygdrive/c/%,c:/%,\
    403 #                             $(patsusbt /cygdrive/d/%,d:/%, \
    404 #                              $1)
    405 #    or in MSys:
    406 #     cygwin-to-host-path = $(patsubst /c/%,c:/%,\
    407 #                             $(patsusbt /d/%,d:/%, \
    408 #                              $1)
    409 #
    410 # except that the actual definition is built from the list of mounted
    411 # drives as reported by "mount" and deals with drive letter cases (i.e.
    412 # '/cygdrive/c' and '/cygdrive/C')
    413 #
    414 ifeq ($(HOST_OS),cygwin)
    415     CYGPATH := $(strip $(HOST_CYGPATH))
    416     ifndef CYGPATH
    417         $(call ndk_log, Probing for 'cygpath' program)
    418         CYGPATH := $(strip $(shell which cygpath 2>/dev/null))
    419         ifndef CYGPATH
    420             $(call ndk_log, 'cygpath' was *not* found in your path)
    421         else
    422             $(call ndk_log, 'cygpath' found as: $(CYGPATH))
    423         endif
    424     endif
    426     ifeq ($(NDK_USE_CYGPATH),1)
    427         ifndef CYGPATH
    428             $(call __ndk_info,No cygpath)
    429             $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
    430         endif
    431         $(call ndk_log, Forced usage of 'cygpath -m' through NDK_USE_CYGPATH=1)
    432         cygwin-to-host-path = $(strip $(shell $(CYGPATH) -m $1))
    433     else
    434         # Call an awk script to generate a Makefile fragment used to define a function
    435         WINDOWS_HOST_PATH_FRAGMENT := $(shell mount | tr '\\' '/' | $(HOST_AWK) -f $(BUILD_AWK)/gen-windows-host-path.awk)
    436         ifeq ($(NDK_LOG),1)
    437             $(info Using cygwin substitution rules:)
    438             $(eval $(shell mount | tr '\\' '/' | $(HOST_AWK) -f $(BUILD_AWK)/gen-windows-host-path.awk -vVERBOSE=1))
    439         endif
    440         $(eval cygwin-to-host-path = $(WINDOWS_HOST_PATH_FRAGMENT))
    441     endif
    442 endif # HOST_OS == cygwin
    444 # The location of the build system files
    445 BUILD_SYSTEM := $(NDK_ROOT)/build/core
    447 # Include common definitions
    448 include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/definitions.mk
    450 # ====================================================================
    451 #
    452 # Read all platform-specific configuration files.
    453 #
    454 # Each platform must be located in build/platforms/android-<apilevel>
    455 # where <apilevel> corresponds to an API level number, with:
    456 #   3 -> Android 1.5
    457 #   4 -> next platform release
    458 #
    459 # ====================================================================
    461 # The platform files were moved in the Android source tree from
    462 # $TOP/ndk/build/platforms to $TOP/development/ndk/platforms. However,
    463 # the official NDK release packages still place them under the old
    464 # location for now, so deal with this here
    465 #
    467 ifndef NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT
    468     NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT := $(strip $(wildcard $(NDK_ROOT)/platforms))
    469     ifndef NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT
    470         NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT := $(strip $(wildcard $(NDK_ROOT)/build/platforms))
    471     endif
    473     ifndef NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT
    474         $(call __ndk_info,Could not find platform files (headers and libraries))
    475         $(if $(strip $(wildcard $(NDK_ROOT)/RELEASE.TXT)),\
    476             $(call __ndk_info,Please define NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT to point to a valid directory.)\
    477         ,\
    478             $(call __ndk_info,Please run build/tools/gen-platforms.sh to build the corresponding directory.)\
    479         )
    480         $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
    481     endif
    483     $(call ndk_log,Found platform root directory: $(NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT))
    484 endif
    485 ifeq ($(strip $(wildcard $(NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT)/android-*)),)
    486     $(call __ndk_info,Your NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT points to an invalid directory)
    487     $(call __ndk_info,Current value: $(NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT))
    488     $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
    489 endif
    491 NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS := $(strip $(notdir $(wildcard $(NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT)/android-*)))
    492 $(call ndk_log,Found supported platforms: $(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS))
    494 $(foreach _platform,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS),\
    495   $(eval include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/add-platform.mk)\
    496 )
    498 # we're going to find the maximum platform number of the form android-<number>
    499 # ignore others, which could correspond to special and experimental cases
    501 NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS := $(filter android-%,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORMS))
    502 NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS := $(patsubst android-%,%,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS))
    503 ifneq (,$(filter $(NDK_PREVIEW_LEVEL),$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS)))
    504     $(call __ndk_info,Please remove stale preview platforms/android-$(NDK_PREVIEW_LEVEL))
    505     $(call __ndk_info,API level android-L is renamed as android-21.)
    506     $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)
    507 endif
    508 $(call ndk_log,Found stable platform levels: $(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS))
    511 $(foreach level,$(NDK_ALL_PLATFORM_LEVELS),\
    512   $(eval NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL := $$(call max,$$(NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL),$$(level)))\
    513 )
    515 $(call ndk_log,Found max platform level: $(NDK_MAX_PLATFORM_LEVEL))
    517 # Allow the user to point at an alternate location for the toolchains. This is
    518 # particularly helpful if we want to use prebuilt toolchains for building an NDK
    519 # module. Specifically, we use this to build libc++ using ndk-build instead of
    520 # the old build-cxx-stl.sh and maintaining two sets of build rules.
    522 ifndef NDK_TOOLCHAINS_ROOT
    523     NDK_TOOLCHAINS_ROOT := $(strip $(NDK_ROOT)/toolchains)
    524 endif
    526 # ====================================================================
    527 #
    528 # Read all toolchain-specific configuration files.
    529 #
    530 # Each toolchain must have a corresponding config.mk file located
    531 # in build/toolchains/<name>/ that will be included here.
    532 #
    533 # Each one of these files should define the following variables:
    534 #   TOOLCHAIN_NAME   toolchain name (e.g. arm-linux-androideabi-4.9)
    535 #   TOOLCHAIN_ABIS   list of target ABIs supported by the toolchain.
    536 #
    537 # Then, it should include $(ADD_TOOLCHAIN) which will perform
    538 # book-keeping for the build system.
    539 #
    540 # ====================================================================
    542 # the build script to include in each toolchain config.mk
    543 ADD_TOOLCHAIN := $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/add-toolchain.mk
    545 # the list of known abis and archs
    546 NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI64S := arm64-v8a x86_64 mips64
    547 NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI32S := armeabi-v7a armeabi x86 mips
    549 NDK_KNOWN_ABIS     := armeabi-v7a-hard $(NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABIS)
    550 NDK_KNOWN_ABI32S   := armeabi-v7a-hard $(NDK_KNOWN_DEVICE_ABI32S)
    551 NDK_KNOWN_ARCHS    := arm x86 mips arm64 x86_64 mips64
    552 _archs := $(sort $(strip $(notdir $(wildcard $(NDK_PLATFORMS_ROOT)/android-*/arch-*))))
    553 NDK_FOUND_ARCHS    := $(_archs:arch-%=%)
    555 # the list of abis 'APP_ABI=all' is expanded to
    556 ifneq (,$(filter yes all all32 all64,$(_NDK_TESTING_ALL_)))
    559 else
    562 endif
    565 # For testing purpose
    566 ifeq ($(_NDK_TESTING_ALL_),all32)
    568 else
    569 ifeq ($(_NDK_TESTING_ALL_),all64)
    571 endif
    572 endif
    574 # The first API level ndk-build enforces -fPIE for executable
    577 # the list of all toolchains in this NDK
    579 NDK_ALL_ABIS       :=
    580 NDK_ALL_ARCHS      :=
    582 TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGS := $(wildcard $(NDK_ROOT)/build/core/toolchains/*/config.mk)
    583 $(foreach _config_mk,$(TOOLCHAIN_CONFIGS),\
    584   $(eval include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/add-toolchain.mk)\
    585 )
    588 NDK_ALL_ABIS         := $(sort $(NDK_ALL_ABIS))
    589 NDK_ALL_ARCHS        := $(sort $(NDK_ALL_ARCHS))
    591 # Check that each ABI has a single architecture definition
    592 $(foreach _abi,$(strip $(NDK_ALL_ABIS)),\
    593   $(if $(filter-out 1,$(words $(NDK_ABI.$(_abi).arch))),\
    594     $(call __ndk_info,INTERNAL ERROR: The $(_abi) ABI should have exactly one architecture definitions. Found: '$(NDK_ABI.$(_abi).arch)')\
    595     $(call __ndk_error,Aborting...)\
    596   )\
    597 )
    599 # Allow the user to define NDK_TOOLCHAIN to a custom toolchain name.
    600 # This is normally used when the NDK release comes with several toolchains
    601 # for the same architecture (generally for backwards-compatibility).
    602 #
    603 NDK_TOOLCHAIN := $(strip $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN))
    604 ifdef NDK_TOOLCHAIN
    605     # check that the toolchain name is supported
    606     $(if $(filter-out $(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS),$(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)),\
    607       $(call __ndk_info,NDK_TOOLCHAIN is defined to the unsupported value $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN)) \
    608       $(call __ndk_info,Please use one of the following values: $(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS))\
    609       $(call __ndk_error,Aborting)\
    610     ,)
    611     $(call ndk_log, Using specific toolchain $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN))
    612 endif
    614 # Allow the user to define NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION to override the toolchain
    615 # version number. Unlike NDK_TOOLCHAIN, this only changes the suffix of
    616 # the toolchain path we're using.
    617 #
    618 # For example, if GCC 4.8 is the default, defining NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=4.9
    619 # will ensure that ndk-build uses the following toolchains, depending on
    620 # the target architecture:
    621 #
    622 #    arm -> arm-linux-androideabi-4.9
    623 #    x86 -> x86-android-linux-4.9
    624 #    mips -> mipsel-linux-android-4.9
    625 #
    626 # This is used in setup-toolchain.mk
    627 #
    630 $(call ndk_log, This NDK supports the following target architectures and ABIS:)
    631 $(foreach arch,$(NDK_ALL_ARCHS),\
    632     $(call ndk_log, $(space)$(space)$(arch): $(NDK_ARCH.$(arch).abis))\
    633 )
    634 $(call ndk_log, This NDK supports the following toolchains and target ABIs:)
    635 $(foreach tc,$(NDK_ALL_TOOLCHAINS),\
    636     $(call ndk_log, $(space)$(space)$(tc):  $(NDK_TOOLCHAIN.$(tc).abis))\
    637 )