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      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      2 <!-- Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      4      Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5      you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6      You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8           http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14      limitations under the License.
     15 -->
     17 <resources>
     19   <!-- Names of corpora that are enabled by default in QSB.
     20        For external single-source corpora, the corpus name is the component name of the
     21        searchable activity. -->
     22   <string-array name="default_corpora" translatable="false">
     23     <item>web</item>
     24     <item>apps</item>
     25     <item>com.android.providers.applications/.ApplicationLauncher</item>
     26   </string-array>
     28   <!-- Suggestion URIs for which the corresponding content provider will be used as a default
     29        corpus. Using a URI instead of hard-coding the activity class (in default_corpora above)
     30        allows it to work on devices where the content provider has been replaced with a non-standard
     31        one. -->
     32   <string-array name="default_corpora_suggest_uris" translatable="false">
     33     <item>content://com.android.contacts/search_suggest_query</item>
     34   </string-array>
     36   <!-- Names of corpora that are not shown in the corpus selector, even if they are
     37        enabled in Searchable Items. -->
     38   <string-array name="hidden_corpora" translatable="false">
     39   </string-array>
     41   <!-- The component name of the installed apps source used in QSB  -->
     42   <string name="installed_apps_component" translatable="false">com.android.providers.applications/.ApplicationLauncher</string>
     44   <!-- The component name of the browser bookmarks and history source used in QSB  -->
     45   <string name="browser_search_component" translatable="false">com.android.browser/.BookmarkSearch</string>
     47   <!-- The component name of the activity that search intents in the Apps corpus are sent to.
     48        If not set, Apps search intents are sent to the Apps suggestion source. -->
     49   <string name="apps_search_activity" translatable="false"></string>
     51   <!-- Number of suggestions slots that are visible above
     52       the onscreen keyboard. These slots will be shared among
     53       the default sources. -->
     54   <integer name="num_suggestions_above_keyboard">4</integer>
     56   <!-- The maximum promoted suggestions -->
     57   <integer name="max_promoted_suggestions">8</integer>
     59   <!-- Maximum number of results to promote -->
     60   <integer name="max_promoted_results">4</integer>
     62   <!-- Maximum number of shortcuts to promote from the web. -->
     63   <integer name="max_shortcuts_per_web_source">8</integer>
     65   <!-- Maximum number of shortcuts to promote from each non-web source. -->
     66   <integer name="max_shortcuts_per_non_web_source">2</integer>
     68   <!-- The number of columns in the corpus selection dialog -->
     69   <integer name="corpus_selection_dialog_columns">4</integer>
     71   <!-- Whether or not to show zero-query suggestions -->
     72   <bool name="show_zero_query_suggestions">true</bool>
     74   <!-- Whether or not to show zero-query shortcuts -->
     75   <bool name="show_zero_query_shortcuts">true</bool>
     77   <!-- Whether or not to show scrolling suggestions. If this returns false, the number of
     78    suggestions displayed will be limited by the height of the suggestions view, so that it
     79    does not scroll. -->
     80   <bool name="show_scrolling_suggestions">false</bool>
     82   <!-- As show_scrolling_suggestions but for the results shown in two pane mode. This value is not
     83    used when the application is running in single pane mode. -->
     84   <bool name="show_scrolling_results">true</bool>
     86   <!-- Whether the Searchable Items list should show corpora that are not included
     87        in All mode. -->
     88   <bool name="show_non_all_corpora_in_settings">true</bool>
     90   <!-- Note that this is the standard search url.  It uses the current locale for language -->
     91   <!-- (%1$s) and shouldn't need to be replaced by locale or mcc selected resources. -->
     92   <!-- Any changes to this (especially in terms of adding/removing the MCC-specific flavors) -->
     93   <!-- should be mirrored by changes in GoogleSearch. -->
     94   <!-- Do not translate.  This string is an internal URI, not seen in the UI. -->
     95   <string name="google_search_base" translatable="false">
     96       http://www.google.com/m?hl=%1$s</string>
     98   <!-- Same as the above, except that the URL suffix is returned by a -->
     99   <!-- request to google.com/searchdomaincheck and is of the form -->
    100   <!-- .google.co.xx -->
    101   <string name="google_search_base_pattern" translatable="false">
    102       http://%1$s/m?hl=%2$s</string>
    103   <!-- The default search domain for search result pages -->
    104   <string name="default_search_domain" translatable="false">
    105       .google.com</string>
    107   <!-- Note that this is the standard suggest url.  It uses the current locale for language -->
    108   <!-- (t%1$s) and should not need to be replaced by locale or mcc selected resources. -->
    109   <!-- Any changes to this (especially in terms of adding/removing the MCC-specific flavors) -->
    110   <!-- should be mirrored by changes in GoogleSuggestClient -->
    111   <!-- Do not translate.  This string is an internal URI, not seen in the UI. -->
    112   <string name="google_suggest_base" translatable="false">
    113       http://www.google.com/complete/search?hl=%1$s&client=android&q=</string>
    115 </resources>