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      1 // Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
      3 // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
      5 package fmt_test
      7 import (
      8 	"bufio"
      9 	"bytes"
     10 	"errors"
     11 	. "fmt"
     12 	"io"
     13 	"math"
     14 	"reflect"
     15 	"regexp"
     16 	"strings"
     17 	"testing"
     18 	"unicode/utf8"
     19 )
     21 type ScanTest struct {
     22 	text string
     23 	in   interface{}
     24 	out  interface{}
     25 }
     27 type ScanfTest struct {
     28 	format string
     29 	text   string
     30 	in     interface{}
     31 	out    interface{}
     32 }
     34 type ScanfMultiTest struct {
     35 	format string
     36 	text   string
     37 	in     []interface{}
     38 	out    []interface{}
     39 	err    string
     40 }
     42 var (
     43 	boolVal              bool
     44 	intVal               int
     45 	int8Val              int8
     46 	int16Val             int16
     47 	int32Val             int32
     48 	int64Val             int64
     49 	uintVal              uint
     50 	uint8Val             uint8
     51 	uint16Val            uint16
     52 	uint32Val            uint32
     53 	uint64Val            uint64
     54 	float32Val           float32
     55 	float64Val           float64
     56 	stringVal            string
     57 	bytesVal             []byte
     58 	runeVal              rune
     59 	complex64Val         complex64
     60 	complex128Val        complex128
     61 	renamedBoolVal       renamedBool
     62 	renamedIntVal        renamedInt
     63 	renamedInt8Val       renamedInt8
     64 	renamedInt16Val      renamedInt16
     65 	renamedInt32Val      renamedInt32
     66 	renamedInt64Val      renamedInt64
     67 	renamedUintVal       renamedUint
     68 	renamedUint8Val      renamedUint8
     69 	renamedUint16Val     renamedUint16
     70 	renamedUint32Val     renamedUint32
     71 	renamedUint64Val     renamedUint64
     72 	renamedUintptrVal    renamedUintptr
     73 	renamedStringVal     renamedString
     74 	renamedBytesVal      renamedBytes
     75 	renamedFloat32Val    renamedFloat32
     76 	renamedFloat64Val    renamedFloat64
     77 	renamedComplex64Val  renamedComplex64
     78 	renamedComplex128Val renamedComplex128
     79 )
     81 type FloatTest struct {
     82 	text string
     83 	in   float64
     84 	out  float64
     85 }
     87 // Xs accepts any non-empty run of the verb character
     88 type Xs string
     90 func (x *Xs) Scan(state ScanState, verb rune) error {
     91 	tok, err := state.Token(true, func(r rune) bool { return r == verb })
     92 	if err != nil {
     93 		return err
     94 	}
     95 	s := string(tok)
     96 	if !regexp.MustCompile("^" + string(verb) + "+$").MatchString(s) {
     97 		return errors.New("syntax error for xs")
     98 	}
     99 	*x = Xs(s)
    100 	return nil
    101 }
    103 var xVal Xs
    105 // IntString accepts an integer followed immediately by a string.
    106 // It tests the embedding of a scan within a scan.
    107 type IntString struct {
    108 	i int
    109 	s string
    110 }
    112 func (s *IntString) Scan(state ScanState, verb rune) error {
    113 	if _, err := Fscan(state, &s.i); err != nil {
    114 		return err
    115 	}
    117 	tok, err := state.Token(true, nil)
    118 	if err != nil {
    119 		return err
    120 	}
    121 	s.s = string(tok)
    122 	return nil
    123 }
    125 var intStringVal IntString
    127 // myStringReader implements Read but not ReadRune, allowing us to test our readRune wrapper
    128 // type that creates something that can read runes given only Read().
    129 type myStringReader struct {
    130 	r *strings.Reader
    131 }
    133 func (s *myStringReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
    134 	return s.r.Read(p)
    135 }
    137 func newReader(s string) *myStringReader {
    138 	return &myStringReader{strings.NewReader(s)}
    139 }
    141 var scanTests = []ScanTest{
    142 	// Basic types
    143 	{"T\n", &boolVal, true},  // boolean test vals toggle to be sure they are written
    144 	{"F\n", &boolVal, false}, // restored to zero value
    145 	{"21\n", &intVal, 21},
    146 	{"0\n", &intVal, 0},
    147 	{"000\n", &intVal, 0},
    148 	{"0x10\n", &intVal, 0x10},
    149 	{"-0x10\n", &intVal, -0x10},
    150 	{"0377\n", &intVal, 0377},
    151 	{"-0377\n", &intVal, -0377},
    152 	{"0\n", &uintVal, uint(0)},
    153 	{"000\n", &uintVal, uint(0)},
    154 	{"0x10\n", &uintVal, uint(0x10)},
    155 	{"0377\n", &uintVal, uint(0377)},
    156 	{"22\n", &int8Val, int8(22)},
    157 	{"23\n", &int16Val, int16(23)},
    158 	{"24\n", &int32Val, int32(24)},
    159 	{"25\n", &int64Val, int64(25)},
    160 	{"127\n", &int8Val, int8(127)},
    161 	{"-21\n", &intVal, -21},
    162 	{"-22\n", &int8Val, int8(-22)},
    163 	{"-23\n", &int16Val, int16(-23)},
    164 	{"-24\n", &int32Val, int32(-24)},
    165 	{"-25\n", &int64Val, int64(-25)},
    166 	{"-128\n", &int8Val, int8(-128)},
    167 	{"+21\n", &intVal, +21},
    168 	{"+22\n", &int8Val, int8(+22)},
    169 	{"+23\n", &int16Val, int16(+23)},
    170 	{"+24\n", &int32Val, int32(+24)},
    171 	{"+25\n", &int64Val, int64(+25)},
    172 	{"+127\n", &int8Val, int8(+127)},
    173 	{"26\n", &uintVal, uint(26)},
    174 	{"27\n", &uint8Val, uint8(27)},
    175 	{"28\n", &uint16Val, uint16(28)},
    176 	{"29\n", &uint32Val, uint32(29)},
    177 	{"30\n", &uint64Val, uint64(30)},
    178 	{"255\n", &uint8Val, uint8(255)},
    179 	{"32767\n", &int16Val, int16(32767)},
    180 	{"2.3\n", &float64Val, 2.3},
    181 	{"2.3e1\n", &float32Val, float32(2.3e1)},
    182 	{"2.3e2\n", &float64Val, 2.3e2},
    183 	{"2.3p2\n", &float64Val, 2.3 * 4},
    184 	{"2.3p+2\n", &float64Val, 2.3 * 4},
    185 	{"2.3p+66\n", &float64Val, 2.3 * (1 << 32) * (1 << 32) * 4},
    186 	{"2.3p-66\n", &float64Val, 2.3 / ((1 << 32) * (1 << 32) * 4)},
    187 	{"2.35\n", &stringVal, "2.35"},
    188 	{"2345678\n", &bytesVal, []byte("2345678")},
    189 	{"(3.4e1-2i)\n", &complex128Val, 3.4e1 - 2i},
    190 	{"-3.45e1-3i\n", &complex64Val, complex64(-3.45e1 - 3i)},
    191 	{"-.45e1-1e2i\n", &complex128Val, complex128(-.45e1 - 100i)},
    192 	{"hello\n", &stringVal, "hello"},
    194 	// Carriage-return followed by newline. (We treat \r\n as \n always.)
    195 	{"hello\r\n", &stringVal, "hello"},
    196 	{"27\r\n", &uint8Val, uint8(27)},
    198 	// Renamed types
    199 	{"true\n", &renamedBoolVal, renamedBool(true)},
    200 	{"F\n", &renamedBoolVal, renamedBool(false)},
    201 	{"101\n", &renamedIntVal, renamedInt(101)},
    202 	{"102\n", &renamedIntVal, renamedInt(102)},
    203 	{"103\n", &renamedUintVal, renamedUint(103)},
    204 	{"104\n", &renamedUintVal, renamedUint(104)},
    205 	{"105\n", &renamedInt8Val, renamedInt8(105)},
    206 	{"106\n", &renamedInt16Val, renamedInt16(106)},
    207 	{"107\n", &renamedInt32Val, renamedInt32(107)},
    208 	{"108\n", &renamedInt64Val, renamedInt64(108)},
    209 	{"109\n", &renamedUint8Val, renamedUint8(109)},
    210 	{"110\n", &renamedUint16Val, renamedUint16(110)},
    211 	{"111\n", &renamedUint32Val, renamedUint32(111)},
    212 	{"112\n", &renamedUint64Val, renamedUint64(112)},
    213 	{"113\n", &renamedUintptrVal, renamedUintptr(113)},
    214 	{"114\n", &renamedStringVal, renamedString("114")},
    215 	{"115\n", &renamedBytesVal, renamedBytes([]byte("115"))},
    217 	// Custom scanners.
    218 	{"  vvv ", &xVal, Xs("vvv")},
    219 	{" 1234hello", &intStringVal, IntString{1234, "hello"}},
    221 	// Fixed bugs
    222 	{"2147483648\n", &int64Val, int64(2147483648)}, // was: integer overflow
    223 }
    225 var scanfTests = []ScanfTest{
    226 	{"%v", "TRUE\n", &boolVal, true},
    227 	{"%t", "false\n", &boolVal, false},
    228 	{"%v", "-71\n", &intVal, -71},
    229 	{"%v", "0377\n", &intVal, 0377},
    230 	{"%v", "0x44\n", &intVal, 0x44},
    231 	{"%d", "72\n", &intVal, 72},
    232 	{"%c", "a\n", &runeVal, 'a'},
    233 	{"%c", "\u5072\n", &runeVal, '\u5072'},
    234 	{"%c", "\u1234\n", &runeVal, '\u1234'},
    235 	{"%d", "73\n", &int8Val, int8(73)},
    236 	{"%d", "+74\n", &int16Val, int16(74)},
    237 	{"%d", "75\n", &int32Val, int32(75)},
    238 	{"%d", "76\n", &int64Val, int64(76)},
    239 	{"%b", "1001001\n", &intVal, 73},
    240 	{"%o", "075\n", &intVal, 075},
    241 	{"%x", "a75\n", &intVal, 0xa75},
    242 	{"%v", "71\n", &uintVal, uint(71)},
    243 	{"%d", "72\n", &uintVal, uint(72)},
    244 	{"%d", "73\n", &uint8Val, uint8(73)},
    245 	{"%d", "74\n", &uint16Val, uint16(74)},
    246 	{"%d", "75\n", &uint32Val, uint32(75)},
    247 	{"%d", "76\n", &uint64Val, uint64(76)},
    248 	{"%b", "1001001\n", &uintVal, uint(73)},
    249 	{"%o", "075\n", &uintVal, uint(075)},
    250 	{"%x", "a75\n", &uintVal, uint(0xa75)},
    251 	{"%x", "A75\n", &uintVal, uint(0xa75)},
    252 	{"%U", "U+1234\n", &intVal, int(0x1234)},
    253 	{"%U", "U+4567\n", &uintVal, uint(0x4567)},
    255 	// Strings
    256 	{"%s", "using-%s\n", &stringVal, "using-%s"},
    257 	{"%x", "7573696e672d2578\n", &stringVal, "using-%x"},
    258 	{"%q", `"quoted\twith\\do\u0075bl\x65s"` + "\n", &stringVal, "quoted\twith\\doubles"},
    259 	{"%q", "`quoted with backs`\n", &stringVal, "quoted with backs"},
    261 	// Byte slices
    262 	{"%s", "bytes-%s\n", &bytesVal, []byte("bytes-%s")},
    263 	{"%x", "62797465732d2578\n", &bytesVal, []byte("bytes-%x")},
    264 	{"%q", `"bytes\rwith\vdo\u0075bl\x65s"` + "\n", &bytesVal, []byte("bytes\rwith\vdoubles")},
    265 	{"%q", "`bytes with backs`\n", &bytesVal, []byte("bytes with backs")},
    267 	// Renamed types
    268 	{"%v\n", "true\n", &renamedBoolVal, renamedBool(true)},
    269 	{"%t\n", "F\n", &renamedBoolVal, renamedBool(false)},
    270 	{"%v", "101\n", &renamedIntVal, renamedInt(101)},
    271 	{"%c", "\u0101\n", &renamedIntVal, renamedInt('\u0101')},
    272 	{"%o", "0146\n", &renamedIntVal, renamedInt(102)},
    273 	{"%v", "103\n", &renamedUintVal, renamedUint(103)},
    274 	{"%d", "104\n", &renamedUintVal, renamedUint(104)},
    275 	{"%d", "105\n", &renamedInt8Val, renamedInt8(105)},
    276 	{"%d", "106\n", &renamedInt16Val, renamedInt16(106)},
    277 	{"%d", "107\n", &renamedInt32Val, renamedInt32(107)},
    278 	{"%d", "108\n", &renamedInt64Val, renamedInt64(108)},
    279 	{"%x", "6D\n", &renamedUint8Val, renamedUint8(109)},
    280 	{"%o", "0156\n", &renamedUint16Val, renamedUint16(110)},
    281 	{"%d", "111\n", &renamedUint32Val, renamedUint32(111)},
    282 	{"%d", "112\n", &renamedUint64Val, renamedUint64(112)},
    283 	{"%d", "113\n", &renamedUintptrVal, renamedUintptr(113)},
    284 	{"%s", "114\n", &renamedStringVal, renamedString("114")},
    285 	{"%q", "\"1155\"\n", &renamedBytesVal, renamedBytes([]byte("1155"))},
    286 	{"%g", "116e1\n", &renamedFloat32Val, renamedFloat32(116e1)},
    287 	{"%g", "-11.7e+1", &renamedFloat64Val, renamedFloat64(-11.7e+1)},
    288 	{"%g", "11+6e1i\n", &renamedComplex64Val, renamedComplex64(11 + 6e1i)},
    289 	{"%g", "-11.+7e+1i", &renamedComplex128Val, renamedComplex128(-11. + 7e+1i)},
    291 	// Interesting formats
    292 	{"here is\tthe value:%d", "here is   the\tvalue:118\n", &intVal, 118},
    293 	{"%% %%:%d", "% %:119\n", &intVal, 119},
    295 	// Corner cases
    296 	{"%x", "FFFFFFFF\n", &uint32Val, uint32(0xFFFFFFFF)},
    298 	// Custom scanner.
    299 	{"%s", "  sss ", &xVal, Xs("sss")},
    300 	{"%2s", "sssss", &xVal, Xs("ss")},
    302 	// Fixed bugs
    303 	{"%d\n", "27\n", &intVal, 27},      // ok
    304 	{"%d\n", "28 \n", &intVal, 28},     // was: "unexpected newline"
    305 	{"%v", "0", &intVal, 0},            // was: "EOF"; 0 was taken as base prefix and not counted.
    306 	{"%v", "0", &uintVal, uint(0)},     // was: "EOF"; 0 was taken as base prefix and not counted.
    307 	{"%c", " ", &uintVal, uint(' ')},   // %c must accept a blank.
    308 	{"%c", "\t", &uintVal, uint('\t')}, // %c must accept any space.
    309 	{"%c", "\n", &uintVal, uint('\n')}, // %c must accept any space.
    310 }
    312 var overflowTests = []ScanTest{
    313 	{"128", &int8Val, 0},
    314 	{"32768", &int16Val, 0},
    315 	{"-129", &int8Val, 0},
    316 	{"-32769", &int16Val, 0},
    317 	{"256", &uint8Val, 0},
    318 	{"65536", &uint16Val, 0},
    319 	{"1e100", &float32Val, 0},
    320 	{"1e500", &float64Val, 0},
    321 	{"(1e100+0i)", &complex64Val, 0},
    322 	{"(1+1e100i)", &complex64Val, 0},
    323 	{"(1-1e500i)", &complex128Val, 0},
    324 }
    326 var truth bool
    327 var i, j, k int
    328 var f float64
    329 var s, t string
    330 var c complex128
    331 var x, y Xs
    332 var z IntString
    333 var r1, r2, r3 rune
    335 var multiTests = []ScanfMultiTest{
    336 	{"", "", []interface{}{}, []interface{}{}, ""},
    337 	{"%d", "23", args(&i), args(23), ""},
    338 	{"%2s%3s", "22333", args(&s, &t), args("22", "333"), ""},
    339 	{"%2d%3d", "44555", args(&i, &j), args(44, 555), ""},
    340 	{"%2d.%3d", "66.777", args(&i, &j), args(66, 777), ""},
    341 	{"%d, %d", "23, 18", args(&i, &j), args(23, 18), ""},
    342 	{"%3d22%3d", "33322333", args(&i, &j), args(333, 333), ""},
    343 	{"%6vX=%3fY", "3+2iX=2.5Y", args(&c, &f), args((3 + 2i), 2.5), ""},
    344 	{"%d%s", "123abc", args(&i, &s), args(123, "abc"), ""},
    345 	{"%c%c%c", "2\u50c2X", args(&r1, &r2, &r3), args('2', '\u50c2', 'X'), ""},
    346 	{"%5s%d", " 1234567 ", args(&s, &i), args("12345", 67), ""},
    347 	{"%5s%d", " 12 34 567 ", args(&s, &i), args("12", 34), ""},
    349 	// Custom scanners.
    350 	{"%e%f", "eefffff", args(&x, &y), args(Xs("ee"), Xs("fffff")), ""},
    351 	{"%4v%s", "12abcd", args(&z, &s), args(IntString{12, "ab"}, "cd"), ""},
    353 	// Errors
    354 	{"%t", "23 18", args(&i), nil, "bad verb"},
    355 	{"%d %d %d", "23 18", args(&i, &j), args(23, 18), "too few operands"},
    356 	{"%d %d", "23 18 27", args(&i, &j, &k), args(23, 18), "too many operands"},
    357 	{"%c", "\u0100", args(&int8Val), nil, "overflow"},
    358 	{"X%d", "10X", args(&intVal), nil, "input does not match format"},
    360 	// Bad UTF-8: should see every byte.
    361 	{"%c%c%c", "\xc2X\xc2", args(&r1, &r2, &r3), args(utf8.RuneError, 'X', utf8.RuneError), ""},
    363 	// Fixed bugs
    364 	{"%v%v", "FALSE23", args(&truth, &i), args(false, 23), ""},
    365 }
    367 func testScan(name string, t *testing.T, scan func(r io.Reader, a ...interface{}) (int, error)) {
    368 	for _, test := range scanTests {
    369 		var r io.Reader
    370 		if name == "StringReader" {
    371 			r = strings.NewReader(test.text)
    372 		} else {
    373 			r = newReader(test.text)
    374 		}
    375 		n, err := scan(r, test.in)
    376 		if err != nil {
    377 			m := ""
    378 			if n > 0 {
    379 				m = Sprintf(" (%d fields ok)", n)
    380 			}
    381 			t.Errorf("%s got error scanning %q: %s%s", name, test.text, err, m)
    382 			continue
    383 		}
    384 		if n != 1 {
    385 			t.Errorf("%s count error on entry %q: got %d", name, test.text, n)
    386 			continue
    387 		}
    388 		// The incoming value may be a pointer
    389 		v := reflect.ValueOf(test.in)
    390 		if p := v; p.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
    391 			v = p.Elem()
    392 		}
    393 		val := v.Interface()
    394 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(val, test.out) {
    395 			t.Errorf("%s scanning %q: expected %#v got %#v, type %T", name, test.text, test.out, val, val)
    396 		}
    397 	}
    398 }
    400 func TestScan(t *testing.T) {
    401 	testScan("StringReader", t, Fscan)
    402 }
    404 func TestMyReaderScan(t *testing.T) {
    405 	testScan("myStringReader", t, Fscan)
    406 }
    408 func TestScanln(t *testing.T) {
    409 	testScan("StringReader", t, Fscanln)
    410 }
    412 func TestMyReaderScanln(t *testing.T) {
    413 	testScan("myStringReader", t, Fscanln)
    414 }
    416 func TestScanf(t *testing.T) {
    417 	for _, test := range scanfTests {
    418 		n, err := Sscanf(test.text, test.format, test.in)
    419 		if err != nil {
    420 			t.Errorf("got error scanning (%q, %q): %s", test.format, test.text, err)
    421 			continue
    422 		}
    423 		if n != 1 {
    424 			t.Errorf("count error on entry (%q, %q): got %d", test.format, test.text, n)
    425 			continue
    426 		}
    427 		// The incoming value may be a pointer
    428 		v := reflect.ValueOf(test.in)
    429 		if p := v; p.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
    430 			v = p.Elem()
    431 		}
    432 		val := v.Interface()
    433 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(val, test.out) {
    434 			t.Errorf("scanning (%q, %q): expected %#v got %#v, type %T", test.format, test.text, test.out, val, val)
    435 		}
    436 	}
    437 }
    439 func TestScanOverflow(t *testing.T) {
    440 	// different machines and different types report errors with different strings.
    441 	re := regexp.MustCompile("overflow|too large|out of range|not representable")
    442 	for _, test := range overflowTests {
    443 		_, err := Sscan(test.text, test.in)
    444 		if err == nil {
    445 			t.Errorf("expected overflow scanning %q", test.text)
    446 			continue
    447 		}
    448 		if !re.MatchString(err.Error()) {
    449 			t.Errorf("expected overflow error scanning %q: %s", test.text, err)
    450 		}
    451 	}
    452 }
    454 func verifyNaN(str string, t *testing.T) {
    455 	var f float64
    456 	var f32 float32
    457 	var f64 float64
    458 	text := str + " " + str + " " + str
    459 	n, err := Fscan(strings.NewReader(text), &f, &f32, &f64)
    460 	if err != nil {
    461 		t.Errorf("got error scanning %q: %s", text, err)
    462 	}
    463 	if n != 3 {
    464 		t.Errorf("count error scanning %q: got %d", text, n)
    465 	}
    466 	if !math.IsNaN(float64(f)) || !math.IsNaN(float64(f32)) || !math.IsNaN(f64) {
    467 		t.Errorf("didn't get NaNs scanning %q: got %g %g %g", text, f, f32, f64)
    468 	}
    469 }
    471 func TestNaN(t *testing.T) {
    472 	for _, s := range []string{"nan", "NAN", "NaN"} {
    473 		verifyNaN(s, t)
    474 	}
    475 }
    477 func verifyInf(str string, t *testing.T) {
    478 	var f float64
    479 	var f32 float32
    480 	var f64 float64
    481 	text := str + " " + str + " " + str
    482 	n, err := Fscan(strings.NewReader(text), &f, &f32, &f64)
    483 	if err != nil {
    484 		t.Errorf("got error scanning %q: %s", text, err)
    485 	}
    486 	if n != 3 {
    487 		t.Errorf("count error scanning %q: got %d", text, n)
    488 	}
    489 	sign := 1
    490 	if str[0] == '-' {
    491 		sign = -1
    492 	}
    493 	if !math.IsInf(float64(f), sign) || !math.IsInf(float64(f32), sign) || !math.IsInf(f64, sign) {
    494 		t.Errorf("didn't get right Infs scanning %q: got %g %g %g", text, f, f32, f64)
    495 	}
    496 }
    498 func TestInf(t *testing.T) {
    499 	for _, s := range []string{"inf", "+inf", "-inf", "INF", "-INF", "+INF", "Inf", "-Inf", "+Inf"} {
    500 		verifyInf(s, t)
    501 	}
    502 }
    504 func testScanfMulti(name string, t *testing.T) {
    505 	sliceType := reflect.TypeOf(make([]interface{}, 1))
    506 	for _, test := range multiTests {
    507 		var r io.Reader
    508 		if name == "StringReader" {
    509 			r = strings.NewReader(test.text)
    510 		} else {
    511 			r = newReader(test.text)
    512 		}
    513 		n, err := Fscanf(r, test.format, test.in...)
    514 		if err != nil {
    515 			if test.err == "" {
    516 				t.Errorf("got error scanning (%q, %q): %q", test.format, test.text, err)
    517 			} else if strings.Index(err.Error(), test.err) < 0 {
    518 				t.Errorf("got wrong error scanning (%q, %q): %q; expected %q", test.format, test.text, err, test.err)
    519 			}
    520 			continue
    521 		}
    522 		if test.err != "" {
    523 			t.Errorf("expected error %q error scanning (%q, %q)", test.err, test.format, test.text)
    524 		}
    525 		if n != len(test.out) {
    526 			t.Errorf("count error on entry (%q, %q): expected %d got %d", test.format, test.text, len(test.out), n)
    527 			continue
    528 		}
    529 		// Convert the slice of pointers into a slice of values
    530 		resultVal := reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, n, n)
    531 		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
    532 			v := reflect.ValueOf(test.in[i]).Elem()
    533 			resultVal.Index(i).Set(v)
    534 		}
    535 		result := resultVal.Interface()
    536 		if !reflect.DeepEqual(result, test.out) {
    537 			t.Errorf("scanning (%q, %q): expected %#v got %#v", test.format, test.text, test.out, result)
    538 		}
    539 	}
    540 }
    542 func TestScanfMulti(t *testing.T) {
    543 	testScanfMulti("StringReader", t)
    544 }
    546 func TestMyReaderScanfMulti(t *testing.T) {
    547 	testScanfMulti("myStringReader", t)
    548 }
    550 func TestScanMultiple(t *testing.T) {
    551 	var a int
    552 	var s string
    553 	n, err := Sscan("123abc", &a, &s)
    554 	if n != 2 {
    555 		t.Errorf("Sscan count error: expected 2: got %d", n)
    556 	}
    557 	if err != nil {
    558 		t.Errorf("Sscan expected no error; got %s", err)
    559 	}
    560 	if a != 123 || s != "abc" {
    561 		t.Errorf("Sscan wrong values: got (%d %q) expected (123 \"abc\")", a, s)
    562 	}
    563 	n, err = Sscan("asdf", &s, &a)
    564 	if n != 1 {
    565 		t.Errorf("Sscan count error: expected 1: got %d", n)
    566 	}
    567 	if err == nil {
    568 		t.Errorf("Sscan expected error; got none: %s", err)
    569 	}
    570 	if s != "asdf" {
    571 		t.Errorf("Sscan wrong values: got %q expected \"asdf\"", s)
    572 	}
    573 }
    575 // Empty strings are not valid input when scanning a string.
    576 func TestScanEmpty(t *testing.T) {
    577 	var s1, s2 string
    578 	n, err := Sscan("abc", &s1, &s2)
    579 	if n != 1 {
    580 		t.Errorf("Sscan count error: expected 1: got %d", n)
    581 	}
    582 	if err == nil {
    583 		t.Error("Sscan <one item> expected error; got none")
    584 	}
    585 	if s1 != "abc" {
    586 		t.Errorf("Sscan wrong values: got %q expected \"abc\"", s1)
    587 	}
    588 	n, err = Sscan("", &s1, &s2)
    589 	if n != 0 {
    590 		t.Errorf("Sscan count error: expected 0: got %d", n)
    591 	}
    592 	if err == nil {
    593 		t.Error("Sscan <empty> expected error; got none")
    594 	}
    595 	// Quoted empty string is OK.
    596 	n, err = Sscanf(`""`, "%q", &s1)
    597 	if n != 1 {
    598 		t.Errorf("Sscanf count error: expected 1: got %d", n)
    599 	}
    600 	if err != nil {
    601 		t.Errorf("Sscanf <empty> expected no error with quoted string; got %s", err)
    602 	}
    603 }
    605 func TestScanNotPointer(t *testing.T) {
    606 	r := strings.NewReader("1")
    607 	var a int
    608 	_, err := Fscan(r, a)
    609 	if err == nil {
    610 		t.Error("expected error scanning non-pointer")
    611 	} else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "pointer") < 0 {
    612 		t.Errorf("expected pointer error scanning non-pointer, got: %s", err)
    613 	}
    614 }
    616 func TestScanlnNoNewline(t *testing.T) {
    617 	var a int
    618 	_, err := Sscanln("1 x\n", &a)
    619 	if err == nil {
    620 		t.Error("expected error scanning string missing newline")
    621 	} else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "newline") < 0 {
    622 		t.Errorf("expected newline error scanning string missing newline, got: %s", err)
    623 	}
    624 }
    626 func TestScanlnWithMiddleNewline(t *testing.T) {
    627 	r := strings.NewReader("123\n456\n")
    628 	var a, b int
    629 	_, err := Fscanln(r, &a, &b)
    630 	if err == nil {
    631 		t.Error("expected error scanning string with extra newline")
    632 	} else if strings.Index(err.Error(), "newline") < 0 {
    633 		t.Errorf("expected newline error scanning string with extra newline, got: %s", err)
    634 	}
    635 }
    637 // eofCounter is a special Reader that counts reads at end of file.
    638 type eofCounter struct {
    639 	reader   *strings.Reader
    640 	eofCount int
    641 }
    643 func (ec *eofCounter) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    644 	n, err = ec.reader.Read(b)
    645 	if n == 0 {
    646 		ec.eofCount++
    647 	}
    648 	return
    649 }
    651 // TestEOF verifies that when we scan, we see at most EOF once per call to a
    652 // Scan function, and then only when it's really an EOF.
    653 func TestEOF(t *testing.T) {
    654 	ec := &eofCounter{strings.NewReader("123\n"), 0}
    655 	var a int
    656 	n, err := Fscanln(ec, &a)
    657 	if err != nil {
    658 		t.Error("unexpected error", err)
    659 	}
    660 	if n != 1 {
    661 		t.Error("expected to scan one item, got", n)
    662 	}
    663 	if ec.eofCount != 0 {
    664 		t.Error("expected zero EOFs", ec.eofCount)
    665 		ec.eofCount = 0 // reset for next test
    666 	}
    667 	n, err = Fscanln(ec, &a)
    668 	if err == nil {
    669 		t.Error("expected error scanning empty string")
    670 	}
    671 	if n != 0 {
    672 		t.Error("expected to scan zero items, got", n)
    673 	}
    674 	if ec.eofCount != 1 {
    675 		t.Error("expected one EOF, got", ec.eofCount)
    676 	}
    677 }
    679 // TestEOFAtEndOfInput verifies that we see an EOF error if we run out of input.
    680 // This was a buglet: we used to get "expected integer".
    681 func TestEOFAtEndOfInput(t *testing.T) {
    682 	var i, j int
    683 	n, err := Sscanf("23", "%d %d", &i, &j)
    684 	if n != 1 || i != 23 {
    685 		t.Errorf("Sscanf expected one value of 23; got %d %d", n, i)
    686 	}
    687 	if err != io.EOF {
    688 		t.Errorf("Sscanf expected EOF; got %q", err)
    689 	}
    690 	n, err = Sscan("234", &i, &j)
    691 	if n != 1 || i != 234 {
    692 		t.Errorf("Sscan expected one value of 234; got %d %d", n, i)
    693 	}
    694 	if err != io.EOF {
    695 		t.Errorf("Sscan expected EOF; got %q", err)
    696 	}
    697 	// Trailing space is tougher.
    698 	n, err = Sscan("234 ", &i, &j)
    699 	if n != 1 || i != 234 {
    700 		t.Errorf("Sscan expected one value of 234; got %d %d", n, i)
    701 	}
    702 	if err != io.EOF {
    703 		t.Errorf("Sscan expected EOF; got %q", err)
    704 	}
    705 }
    707 var eofTests = []struct {
    708 	format string
    709 	v      interface{}
    710 }{
    711 	{"%s", &stringVal},
    712 	{"%q", &stringVal},
    713 	{"%x", &stringVal},
    714 	{"%v", &stringVal},
    715 	{"%v", &bytesVal},
    716 	{"%v", &intVal},
    717 	{"%v", &uintVal},
    718 	{"%v", &boolVal},
    719 	{"%v", &float32Val},
    720 	{"%v", &complex64Val},
    721 	{"%v", &renamedStringVal},
    722 	{"%v", &renamedBytesVal},
    723 	{"%v", &renamedIntVal},
    724 	{"%v", &renamedUintVal},
    725 	{"%v", &renamedBoolVal},
    726 	{"%v", &renamedFloat32Val},
    727 	{"%v", &renamedComplex64Val},
    728 }
    730 func TestEOFAllTypes(t *testing.T) {
    731 	for i, test := range eofTests {
    732 		if _, err := Sscanf("", test.format, test.v); err != io.EOF {
    733 			t.Errorf("#%d: %s %T not eof on empty string: %s", i, test.format, test.v, err)
    734 		}
    735 		if _, err := Sscanf("   ", test.format, test.v); err != io.EOF {
    736 			t.Errorf("#%d: %s %T not eof on trailing blanks: %s", i, test.format, test.v, err)
    737 		}
    738 	}
    739 }
    741 // TestUnreadRuneWithBufio verifies that, at least when using bufio, successive
    742 // calls to Fscan do not lose runes.
    743 func TestUnreadRuneWithBufio(t *testing.T) {
    744 	r := bufio.NewReader(strings.NewReader("123b"))
    745 	var i int
    746 	var a string
    747 	n, err := Fscanf(r, "%d", &i)
    748 	if n != 1 || err != nil {
    749 		t.Errorf("reading int expected one item, no errors; got %d %q", n, err)
    750 	}
    751 	if i != 123 {
    752 		t.Errorf("expected 123; got %d", i)
    753 	}
    754 	n, err = Fscanf(r, "%s", &a)
    755 	if n != 1 || err != nil {
    756 		t.Errorf("reading string expected one item, no errors; got %d %q", n, err)
    757 	}
    758 	if a != "b" {
    759 		t.Errorf("expected b; got %q", a)
    760 	}
    761 }
    763 type TwoLines string
    765 // Scan attempts to read two lines into the object.  Scanln should prevent this
    766 // because it stops at newline; Scan and Scanf should be fine.
    767 func (t *TwoLines) Scan(state ScanState, verb rune) error {
    768 	chars := make([]rune, 0, 100)
    769 	for nlCount := 0; nlCount < 2; {
    770 		c, _, err := state.ReadRune()
    771 		if err != nil {
    772 			return err
    773 		}
    774 		chars = append(chars, c)
    775 		if c == '\n' {
    776 			nlCount++
    777 		}
    778 	}
    779 	*t = TwoLines(string(chars))
    780 	return nil
    781 }
    783 func TestMultiLine(t *testing.T) {
    784 	input := "abc\ndef\n"
    785 	// Sscan should work
    786 	var tscan TwoLines
    787 	n, err := Sscan(input, &tscan)
    788 	if n != 1 {
    789 		t.Errorf("Sscan: expected 1 item; got %d", n)
    790 	}
    791 	if err != nil {
    792 		t.Errorf("Sscan: expected no error; got %s", err)
    793 	}
    794 	if string(tscan) != input {
    795 		t.Errorf("Sscan: expected %q; got %q", input, tscan)
    796 	}
    797 	// Sscanf should work
    798 	var tscanf TwoLines
    799 	n, err = Sscanf(input, "%s", &tscanf)
    800 	if n != 1 {
    801 		t.Errorf("Sscanf: expected 1 item; got %d", n)
    802 	}
    803 	if err != nil {
    804 		t.Errorf("Sscanf: expected no error; got %s", err)
    805 	}
    806 	if string(tscanf) != input {
    807 		t.Errorf("Sscanf: expected %q; got %q", input, tscanf)
    808 	}
    809 	// Sscanln should not work
    810 	var tscanln TwoLines
    811 	n, err = Sscanln(input, &tscanln)
    812 	if n != 0 {
    813 		t.Errorf("Sscanln: expected 0 items; got %d: %q", n, tscanln)
    814 	}
    815 	if err == nil {
    816 		t.Error("Sscanln: expected error; got none")
    817 	} else if err != io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
    818 		t.Errorf("Sscanln: expected io.ErrUnexpectedEOF (ha!); got %s", err)
    819 	}
    820 }
    822 // simpleReader is a strings.Reader that implements only Read, not ReadRune.
    823 // Good for testing readahead.
    824 type simpleReader struct {
    825 	sr *strings.Reader
    826 }
    828 func (s *simpleReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
    829 	return s.sr.Read(b)
    830 }
    832 // TestLineByLineFscanf tests that Fscanf does not read past newline. Issue
    833 // 3481.
    834 func TestLineByLineFscanf(t *testing.T) {
    835 	r := &simpleReader{strings.NewReader("1\n2\n")}
    836 	var i, j int
    837 	n, err := Fscanf(r, "%v\n", &i)
    838 	if n != 1 || err != nil {
    839 		t.Fatalf("first read: %d %q", n, err)
    840 	}
    841 	n, err = Fscanf(r, "%v\n", &j)
    842 	if n != 1 || err != nil {
    843 		t.Fatalf("second read: %d %q", n, err)
    844 	}
    845 	if i != 1 || j != 2 {
    846 		t.Errorf("wrong values; wanted 1 2 got %d %d", i, j)
    847 	}
    848 }
    850 // TestScanStateCount verifies the correct byte count is returned. Issue 8512.
    852 // runeScanner implements the Scanner interface for TestScanStateCount.
    853 type runeScanner struct {
    854 	rune rune
    855 	size int
    856 }
    858 func (rs *runeScanner) Scan(state ScanState, verb rune) error {
    859 	r, size, err := state.ReadRune()
    860 	rs.rune = r
    861 	rs.size = size
    862 	return err
    863 }
    865 func TestScanStateCount(t *testing.T) {
    866 	var a, b, c runeScanner
    867 	n, err := Sscanf("12", "%c%c%c", &a, &b, &c)
    868 	if err != nil {
    869 		t.Fatal(err)
    870 	}
    871 	if n != 3 {
    872 		t.Fatalf("expected 3 items consumed, got %d", n)
    873 	}
    874 	if a.rune != '1' || b.rune != '2' || c.rune != '' {
    875 		t.Errorf("bad scan rune: %q %q %q should be '1' '2' ''", a.rune, b.rune, c.rune)
    876 	}
    877 	if a.size != 1 || b.size != 1 || c.size != 3 {
    878 		t.Errorf("bad scan size: %q %q %q should be 1 1 3", a.size, b.size, c.size)
    879 	}
    880 }
    882 // RecursiveInt accepts a string matching %d.%d.%d....
    883 // and parses it into a linked list.
    884 // It allows us to benchmark recursive descent style scanners.
    885 type RecursiveInt struct {
    886 	i    int
    887 	next *RecursiveInt
    888 }
    890 func (r *RecursiveInt) Scan(state ScanState, verb rune) (err error) {
    891 	_, err = Fscan(state, &r.i)
    892 	if err != nil {
    893 		return
    894 	}
    895 	next := new(RecursiveInt)
    896 	_, err = Fscanf(state, ".%v", next)
    897 	if err != nil {
    898 		if err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
    899 			err = nil
    900 		}
    901 		return
    902 	}
    903 	r.next = next
    904 	return
    905 }
    907 // scanInts performs the same scanning task as RecursiveInt.Scan
    908 // but without recurring through scanner, so we can compare
    909 // performance more directly.
    910 func scanInts(r *RecursiveInt, b *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
    911 	r.next = nil
    912 	_, err = Fscan(b, &r.i)
    913 	if err != nil {
    914 		return
    915 	}
    916 	c, _, err := b.ReadRune()
    917 	if err != nil {
    918 		if err == io.EOF {
    919 			err = nil
    920 		}
    921 		return
    922 	}
    923 	if c != '.' {
    924 		return
    925 	}
    926 	next := new(RecursiveInt)
    927 	err = scanInts(next, b)
    928 	if err == nil {
    929 		r.next = next
    930 	}
    931 	return
    932 }
    934 func makeInts(n int) []byte {
    935 	var buf bytes.Buffer
    936 	Fprintf(&buf, "1")
    937 	for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
    938 		Fprintf(&buf, ".%d", i+1)
    939 	}
    940 	return buf.Bytes()
    941 }
    943 func TestScanInts(t *testing.T) {
    944 	testScanInts(t, scanInts)
    945 	testScanInts(t, func(r *RecursiveInt, b *bytes.Buffer) (err error) {
    946 		_, err = Fscan(b, r)
    947 		return
    948 	})
    949 }
    951 // 800 is small enough to not overflow the stack when using gccgo on a
    952 // platform that does not support split stack.
    953 const intCount = 800
    955 func testScanInts(t *testing.T, scan func(*RecursiveInt, *bytes.Buffer) error) {
    956 	r := new(RecursiveInt)
    957 	ints := makeInts(intCount)
    958 	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(ints)
    959 	err := scan(r, buf)
    960 	if err != nil {
    961 		t.Error("unexpected error", err)
    962 	}
    963 	i := 1
    964 	for ; r != nil; r = r.next {
    965 		if r.i != i {
    966 			t.Fatalf("bad scan: expected %d got %d", i, r.i)
    967 		}
    968 		i++
    969 	}
    970 	if i-1 != intCount {
    971 		t.Fatalf("bad scan count: expected %d got %d", intCount, i-1)
    972 	}
    973 }
    975 func BenchmarkScanInts(b *testing.B) {
    976 	b.ResetTimer()
    977 	ints := makeInts(intCount)
    978 	var r RecursiveInt
    979 	for i := b.N - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    980 		buf := bytes.NewBuffer(ints)
    981 		b.StartTimer()
    982 		scanInts(&r, buf)
    983 		b.StopTimer()
    984 	}
    985 }
    987 func BenchmarkScanRecursiveInt(b *testing.B) {
    988 	b.ResetTimer()
    989 	ints := makeInts(intCount)
    990 	var r RecursiveInt
    991 	for i := b.N - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    992 		buf := bytes.NewBuffer(ints)
    993 		b.StartTimer()
    994 		Fscan(buf, &r)
    995 		b.StopTimer()
    996 	}
    997 }
    999 // Issue 9124.
   1000 // %x on bytes couldn't handle non-space bytes terminating the scan.
   1001 func TestHexBytes(t *testing.T) {
   1002 	var a, b []byte
   1003 	n, err := Sscanf("00010203", "%x", &a)
   1004 	if n != 1 || err != nil {
   1005 		t.Errorf("simple: got count, err = %d, %v; expected 1, nil", n, err)
   1006 	}
   1007 	check := func(msg string, x []byte) {
   1008 		if len(x) != 4 {
   1009 			t.Errorf("%s: bad length %d", msg, len(x))
   1010 		}
   1011 		for i, b := range x {
   1012 			if int(b) != i {
   1013 				t.Errorf("%s: bad x[%d] = %x", msg, i, x[i])
   1014 			}
   1015 		}
   1016 	}
   1017 	check("simple", a)
   1018 	a = nil
   1020 	n, err = Sscanf("00010203 00010203", "%x %x", &a, &b)
   1021 	if n != 2 || err != nil {
   1022 		t.Errorf("simple pair: got count, err = %d, %v; expected 2, nil", n, err)
   1023 	}
   1024 	check("simple pair a", a)
   1025 	check("simple pair b", b)
   1026 	a = nil
   1027 	b = nil
   1029 	n, err = Sscanf("00010203:", "%x", &a)
   1030 	if n != 1 || err != nil {
   1031 		t.Errorf("colon: got count, err = %d, %v; expected 1, nil", n, err)
   1032 	}
   1033 	check("colon", a)
   1034 	a = nil
   1036 	n, err = Sscanf("00010203:00010203", "%x:%x", &a, &b)
   1037 	if n != 2 || err != nil {
   1038 		t.Errorf("colon pair: got count, err = %d, %v; expected 2, nil", n, err)
   1039 	}
   1040 	check("colon pair a", a)
   1041 	check("colon pair b", b)
   1042 	a = nil
   1043 	b = nil
   1045 	// This one fails because there is a hex byte after the data,
   1046 	// that is, an odd number of hex input bytes.
   1047 	n, err = Sscanf("000102034:", "%x", &a)
   1048 	if n != 0 || err == nil {
   1049 		t.Errorf("odd count: got count, err = %d, %v; expected 0, error", n, err)
   1050 	}
   1051 }
   1053 func TestScanNewlinesAreSpaces(t *testing.T) {
   1054 	var a, b int
   1055 	var tests = []struct {
   1056 		name  string
   1057 		text  string
   1058 		count int
   1059 	}{
   1060 		{"newlines", "1\n2\n", 2},
   1061 		{"no final newline", "1\n2", 2},
   1062 		{"newlines with spaces ", "1  \n  2  \n", 2},
   1063 		{"no final newline with spaces", "1  \n  2", 2},
   1064 	}
   1065 	for _, test := range tests {
   1066 		n, err := Sscan(test.text, &a, &b)
   1067 		if n != test.count {
   1068 			t.Errorf("%s: expected to scan %d item(s), scanned %d", test.name, test.count, n)
   1069 		}
   1070 		if err != nil {
   1071 			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %s", test.name, err)
   1072 		}
   1073 	}
   1074 }
   1076 func TestScanlnNewlinesTerminate(t *testing.T) {
   1077 	var a, b int
   1078 	var tests = []struct {
   1079 		name  string
   1080 		text  string
   1081 		count int
   1082 		ok    bool
   1083 	}{
   1084 		{"one line one item", "1\n", 1, false},
   1085 		{"one line two items with spaces ", "   1 2    \n", 2, true},
   1086 		{"one line two items no newline", "   1 2", 2, true},
   1087 		{"two lines two items", "1\n2\n", 1, false},
   1088 	}
   1089 	for _, test := range tests {
   1090 		n, err := Sscanln(test.text, &a, &b)
   1091 		if n != test.count {
   1092 			t.Errorf("%s: expected to scan %d item(s), scanned %d", test.name, test.count, n)
   1093 		}
   1094 		if test.ok && err != nil {
   1095 			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %s", test.name, err)
   1096 		}
   1097 		if !test.ok && err == nil {
   1098 			t.Errorf("%s: expected error; got none", test.name)
   1099 		}
   1100 	}
   1101 }
   1103 func TestScanfNewlineMatchFormat(t *testing.T) {
   1104 	var a, b int
   1105 	var tests = []struct {
   1106 		name   string
   1107 		text   string
   1108 		format string
   1109 		count  int
   1110 		ok     bool
   1111 	}{
   1112 		{"newline in both", "1\n2", "%d\n%d\n", 2, true},
   1113 		{"newline in input", "1\n2", "%d %d", 1, false},
   1114 		{"space-newline in input", "1 \n2", "%d %d", 1, false},
   1115 		{"newline in format", "1 2", "%d\n%d", 1, false},
   1116 		{"space-newline in format", "1 2", "%d \n%d", 1, false},
   1117 		{"space-newline in both", "1 \n2", "%d \n%d", 2, true},
   1118 		{"extra space in format", "1\n2", "%d\n %d", 2, true},
   1119 		{"two extra spaces in format", "1\n2", "%d \n %d", 2, true},
   1120 	}
   1121 	for _, test := range tests {
   1122 		n, err := Sscanf(test.text, test.format, &a, &b)
   1123 		if n != test.count {
   1124 			t.Errorf("%s: expected to scan %d item(s), scanned %d", test.name, test.count, n)
   1125 		}
   1126 		if test.ok && err != nil {
   1127 			t.Errorf("%s: unexpected error: %s", test.name, err)
   1128 		}
   1129 		if !test.ok && err == nil {
   1130 			t.Errorf("%s: expected error; got none", test.name)
   1131 		}
   1132 	}
   1133 }
   1135 // Test for issue 12090: Was unreading at EOF, double-scanning a byte.
   1137 type hexBytes [2]byte
   1139 func (h *hexBytes) Scan(ss ScanState, verb rune) error {
   1140 	var b []byte
   1141 	_, err := Fscanf(ss, "%4x", &b)
   1142 	if err != nil {
   1143 		panic(err) // Really shouldn't happen.
   1144 	}
   1145 	copy((*h)[:], b)
   1146 	return err
   1147 }
   1149 func TestHexByte(t *testing.T) {
   1150 	var h hexBytes
   1151 	n, err := Sscanln("0123\n", &h)
   1152 	if err != nil {
   1153 		t.Fatal(err)
   1154 	}
   1155 	if n != 1 {
   1156 		t.Fatalf("expected 1 item; scanned %d", n)
   1157 	}
   1158 	if h[0] != 0x01 || h[1] != 0x23 {
   1159 		t.Fatalf("expected 0123 got %x", h)
   1160 	}
   1161 }