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      1 # This patch is against chicken 1.92, but it should work just fine
      2 # with older versions of chicken.  It adds support for mulit-argument
      3 # generics, that is, generics now correctly handle adding methods
      4 # with different lengths of specializer lists
      6 # This patch has been committed into the CHICKEN darcs repository,
      7 # so chicken versions above 1.92 work fine.
      9 # Comments, bugs, suggestions send to chicken-users (a] nongnu.org
     11 # Patch written by John Lenz <lenz (a] cs.wisc.edu>
     13 --- tinyclos.scm.old	2005-04-05 01:13:56.000000000 -0500
     14 +++ tinyclos.scm	2005-04-11 16:37:23.746181489 -0500
     15 @@ -37,8 +37,10 @@
     17  (include "parameters")
     19 +(cond-expand [(not chicken-compile-shared) (declare (unit tinyclos))]
     20 +	     [else] )
     21 +
     22  (declare
     23 -  (unit tinyclos)
     24    (uses extras)
     25    (usual-integrations)
     26    (fixnum) 
     27 @@ -234,7 +236,10 @@
     28              y = C_block_item(y, 1);
     29            }
     30          }
     31 -        return(C_block_item(v, i + 1));
     32 +        if (x == C_SCHEME_END_OF_LIST && y == C_SCHEME_END_OF_LIST)
     33 +          return(C_block_item(v, i + 1));
     34 +        else
     35 +          goto mismatch;
     36        }
     37        else if(free_index == -1) free_index = i;
     38      mismatch:
     39 @@ -438,7 +443,7 @@
     40  (define hash-arg-list
     41    (foreign-lambda* unsigned-int ((scheme-object args) (scheme-object svector)) "
     42      C_word tag, h, x;
     43 -    int n, i, j;
     44 +    int n, i, j, len = 0;
     45      for(i = 0; args != C_SCHEME_END_OF_LIST; args = C_block_item(args, 1)) {
     46        x = C_block_item(args, 0);
     47        if(C_immediatep(x)) {
     48 @@ -481,8 +486,9 @@
     49          default: i += 255;
     50          }
     51        }
     52 +      ++len;
     53      }
     54 -    return(i & (C_METHOD_CACHE_SIZE - 1));") )
     55 +    return((i + len) & (C_METHOD_CACHE_SIZE - 1));") )
     58  ;
     59 @@ -868,13 +874,27 @@
     60      (##tinyclos#slot-set!
     61       generic
     62       'methods
     63 -     (cons method
     64 -	   (filter-in
     65 -	    (lambda (m) 
     66 -	      (let ([ms1 (method-specializers m)]
     67 -		    [ms2 (method-specializers method)] )
     68 -		(not (every2 (lambda (x y) (eq? x y)) ms1 ms2) ) ) )
     69 -	    (##tinyclos#slot-ref generic 'methods))))
     70 +     (let* ([ms1 (method-specializers method)]
     71 +	    [l1 (length ms1)] )
     72 +       (let filter-in-method ([methods (##tinyclos#slot-ref generic 'methods)])
     73 +	 (if (null? methods)
     74 +	     (list method)
     75 +	     (let* ([mm (##sys#slot methods 0)]
     76 +		    [ms2 (method-specializers mm)]
     77 +		    [l2 (length ms2)])
     78 +	       (cond ((> l1 l2)
     79 +		      (cons mm (filter-in-method (##sys#slot methods 1))))
     80 +		     ((< l1 l2)
     81 +		      (cons method methods))
     82 +		     (else
     83 +		      (let check-method ([ms1 ms1]
     84 +					 [ms2 ms2])
     85 +			(cond ((and (null? ms1) (null? ms2))
     86 +			       (cons method (##sys#slot methods 1))) ;; skip the method already in the generic
     87 +			      ((eq? (##sys#slot ms1 0) (##sys#slot ms2 0))
     88 +			       (check-method (##sys#slot ms1 1) (##sys#slot ms2 1)))
     89 +			      (else
     90 +			       (cons mm (filter-in-method (##sys#slot methods 1)))))))))))))
     91      (if (memq generic generic-invocation-generics)
     92  	(set! method-cache-tag (vector))
     93  	(%entity-cache-set! generic #f) )
     94 @@ -925,11 +945,13 @@
     95  				(memq (car args) generic-invocation-generics))
     96  			   (let ([proc 
     97  				  (method-procedure
     98 +				    ; select the first method of one argument
     99  				   (let lp ([lis (generic-methods generic)])
    100 -				     (let ([tail (##sys#slot lis 1)])
    101 -				       (if (null? tail)
    102 -					   (##sys#slot lis 0)
    103 -					   (lp tail)) ) ) ) ] )
    104 +				     (if (null? lis)
    105 +				       (##sys#error "Unable to find original compute-apply-generic")
    106 +				       (if (= (length (method-specializers (##sys#slot lis 0))) 1)
    107 +					 (##sys#slot lis 0)
    108 +					 (lp (##sys#slot lis 1)))))) ] )
    109  			     (lambda (args) (apply proc #f args)) )
    110  			   (let ([x (compute-apply-methods generic)]
    111  				 [y ((compute-methods generic) args)] )
    112 @@ -946,9 +968,13 @@
    113        (lambda (args)
    114  	(let ([applicable
    115  	       (filter-in (lambda (method)
    116 -			    (every2 applicable?
    117 -				   (method-specializers method)
    118 -				   args))
    119 +                            (let check-applicable ([list1 (method-specializers method)]
    120 +                                                   [list2 args])
    121 +                              (cond ((null? list1) #t)
    122 +                                    ((null? list2) #f)
    123 +                                    (else
    124 +                                      (and (applicable? (##sys#slot list1 0) (##sys#slot list2 0))
    125 +                                           (check-applicable (##sys#slot list1 1) (##sys#slot list2 1)))))))
    126  			  (generic-methods generic) ) ] )
    127  	  (if (or (null? applicable) (null? (##sys#slot applicable 1))) 
    128  	      applicable
    129 @@ -975,8 +1001,10 @@
    130  	   [else
    131  	    (cond ((and (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
    132  		   (##sys#error "two methods are equally specific" generic))
    133 -		  ((or (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
    134 -		   (##sys#error "two methods have different number of specializers" generic))
    135 +		  ;((or (null? specls1) (null? specls2))
    136 +		  ; (##sys#error "two methods have different number of specializers" generic))
    137 +                  ((null? specls1) #f)
    138 +                  ((null? specls2) #t)
    139  		  ((null? args)
    140  		   (##sys#error "fewer arguments than specializers" generic))
    141  		  (else
    142 @@ -1210,7 +1238,7 @@
    143  (define <structure>      (make-primitive-class "structure"))
    144  (define <procedure> (make-primitive-class "procedure" <procedure-class>))
    145  (define <end-of-file> (make-primitive-class "end-of-file"))
    146 -(define <environment> (make-primitive-class "environment" <structure>))	; (Benedikt insisted on this)
    147 +(define <environment> (make-primitive-class "environment" <structure>))
    148  (define <hash-table> (make-primitive-class "hash-table" <structure>))
    149  (define <promise> (make-primitive-class "promise" <structure>))
    150  (define <queue> (make-primitive-class "queue" <structure>))