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      1 #!/system/bin/sh
      3 # Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
      4 #
      5 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      6 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      7 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      8 #
      9 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     10 #
     11 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     12 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     13 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     14 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     15 # limitations under the License.
     17 set -e
     19 # Default product ID in crash report (used if GOOGLE_CRASH_* is undefined).
     20 BRILLO_PRODUCT=Brillo
     22 # Base directory that contains any crash reporter state files.
     23 CRASH_STATE_DIR="/data/misc/crash_reporter"
     25 # File containing crash_reporter's anonymized guid.
     26 GUID_FILE="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/guid"
     28 # Crash sender lock in case the sender is already running.
     29 CRASH_SENDER_LOCK="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/lock/crash_sender"
     31 # Path to file that indicates a crash test is currently running.
     32 CRASH_TEST_IN_PROGRESS_FILE="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/tmp/crash-test-in-progress"
     34 # Set this to 1 in the environment to allow uploading crash reports
     35 # for unofficial versions.
     38 # Path to hardware class description.
     39 HWCLASS_PATH="/sys/devices/platform/chromeos_acpi/HWID"
     41 # Path to file that indicates this is a developer image.
     42 LEAVE_CORE_FILE="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/.leave_core"
     44 # Path to list_proxies.
     45 LIST_PROXIES="list_proxies"
     47 # Maximum crashes to send per day.
     50 # File whose existence mocks crash sending.  If empty we pretend the
     51 # crash sending was successful, otherwise unsuccessful.
     52 MOCK_CRASH_SENDING="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/tmp/mock-crash-sending"
     54 # Set this to 1 in the environment to pretend to have booted in developer
     55 # mode.  This is used by autotests.
     58 # Ignore PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING file if set.
     61 # File whose existence causes crash sending to be delayed (for testing).
     62 # Must be stateful to enable testing kernel crashes.
     63 PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/lock/crash_sender_paused"
     65 # Path to a directory of restricted certificates which includes
     66 # a certificate for the crash server.
     67 RESTRICTED_CERTIFICATES_PATH="/system/etc/security/cacerts"
     68 RESTRICTED_CERTIFICATES_PATH_GOOGLE="/system/etc/security/cacerts_google"
     70 # File whose existence implies we're running and not to start again.
     71 RUN_FILE="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/run/crash_sender.pid"
     73 # Maximum time to sleep between sends.
     76 # Set this to 1 to allow uploading of device coredumps.
     77 DEVCOREDUMP_UPLOAD_FLAG_FILE="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/device_coredump_upload_allowed"
     79 # The weave configuration file.
     80 WEAVE_CONF_FILE="/etc/weaved/weaved.conf"
     82 # The os-release.d folder.
     83 OSRELEASED_FOLDER="/etc/os-release.d"
     85 # The syslog tag for all logging we emit.
     86 TAG="$(basename $0)[$$]"
     88 # Directory to store timestamp files indicating the uploads in the past 24
     89 # hours.
     90 TIMESTAMPS_DIR="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/crash_sender"
     92 # Temp directory for this process.
     93 TMP_DIR=""
     95 # Crash report log file.
     96 CRASH_LOG="${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/log/uploads.log"
     98 lecho() {
     99   log -t "${TAG}" "$@"
    100 }
    102 lwarn() {
    103   lecho -psyslog.warn "$@"
    104 }
    106 # Returns true if mock is enabled.
    107 is_mock() {
    108   [ -f "${MOCK_CRASH_SENDING}" ] && return 0
    109   return 1
    110 }
    112 is_mock_successful() {
    113   local mock_in=$(cat "${MOCK_CRASH_SENDING}")
    114   [ "${mock_in}" = "" ] && return 0  # empty file means success
    115   return 1
    116 }
    118 cleanup() {
    119   if [ -n "${TMP_DIR}" ]; then
    120     rm -rf "${TMP_DIR}"
    121   fi
    122   rm -f "${RUN_FILE}"
    123   if [ -n "${CRASH_SENDER_LOCK}" ]; then
    124     rm -rf "${CRASH_SENDER_LOCK}"
    125   fi
    126   crash_done
    127 }
    129 crash_done() {
    130   if is_mock; then
    131     # For testing purposes, emit a message to log so that we
    132     # know when the test has received all the messages from this run.
    133     lecho "crash_sender done."
    134   fi
    135 }
    137 is_official_image() {
    138   [ ${FORCE_OFFICIAL} -ne 0 ] && return 0
    139   if [ "$(getprop ro.secure)" = "1" ]; then
    140     return 0
    141   else
    142     return 1
    143   fi
    144 }
    146 # Returns 0 if the a crash test is currently running.  NOTE: Mirrors
    147 # crash_collector.cc:CrashCollector::IsCrashTestInProgress().
    148 is_crash_test_in_progress() {
    149   [ -f "${CRASH_TEST_IN_PROGRESS_FILE}" ] && return 0
    150   return 1
    151 }
    153 # Returns 0 if we should consider ourselves to be running on a developer
    154 # image.  NOTE: Mirrors crash_collector.cc:CrashCollector::IsDeveloperImage().
    155 is_developer_image() {
    156   # If we're testing crash reporter itself, we don't want to special-case
    157   # for developer images.
    158   is_crash_test_in_progress && return 1
    159   [ -f "${LEAVE_CORE_FILE}" ] && return 0
    160   return 1
    161 }
    163 # Returns 0 if we should consider ourselves to be running on a test image.
    164 is_test_image() {
    165   # If we're testing crash reporter itself, we don't want to special-case
    166   # for test images.
    167   is_crash_test_in_progress && return 1
    168   case $(get_channel) in
    169   test*) return 0;;
    170   esac
    171   return 1
    172 }
    174 # Returns 0 if the machine booted up in developer mode.
    175 is_developer_mode() {
    176   [ ${MOCK_DEVELOPER_MODE} -ne 0 ] && return 0
    177   # If we're testing crash reporter itself, we don't want to special-case
    178   # for developer mode.
    179   is_crash_test_in_progress && return 1
    180   if [ "$(getprop ro.debuggable)" = "1" ]; then
    181     return 0
    182   else
    183     return 1
    184   fi
    185 }
    187 # Returns the path of the certificates directory to be used when sending
    188 # reports to the crash server.
    189 # If crash_reporter.full_certs=1, return the full certificates path.
    190 # Otherwise return the Google-specific certificates path.
    191 get_certificates_path() {
    192   if [ "$(getprop crash_reporter.full_certs)" = "1" ]; then
    194   else
    196   fi
    197 }
    199 # Return 0 if the uploading of device coredumps is allowed.
    200 is_device_coredump_upload_allowed() {
    201   [ -f "${DEVCOREDUMP_UPLOAD_FLAG_FILE}" ] && return 0
    202   return 1
    203 }
    205 # Generate a uniform random number in 0..max-1.
    206 # POSIX arithmetic expansion requires support of at least signed long integers.
    207 # On 32-bit systems, that may mean 32-bit signed integers, in which case the
    208 # 32-bit random number read from /dev/urandom may be interpreted as negative
    209 # when used inside an arithmetic expansion (since the high bit might be set).
    210 # mksh at least is known to behave this way.
    211 # For this case, simply take the absolute value, which will still give a
    212 # roughly uniform random distribution for the modulo (as we are merely ignoring
    213 # the high/sign bit).
    214 # See corresponding Arithmetic Expansion and Arithmetic Expression sections:
    215 # POSIX: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html#tag_02_06_04
    216 # mksh: http://linux.die.net/man/1/mksh
    217 generate_uniform_random() {
    218   local max=$1
    219   local random="$(od -An -N4 -tu /dev/urandom)"
    220   echo $(((random < 0 ? -random : random) % max))
    221 }
    223 # Check if sending a crash now does not exceed the maximum 24hr rate and
    224 # commit to doing so, if not.
    225 check_rate() {
    226   mkdir -p ${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}
    227   # Only consider minidumps written in the past 24 hours by removing all older.
    228   find "${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}" -mindepth 1 -mtime +1 \
    229       -exec rm -- '{}' ';'
    230   local sends_in_24hrs=$(echo "${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}"/* | wc -w)
    231   lecho "Current send rate: ${sends_in_24hrs}sends/24hrs"
    232   if [ ${sends_in_24hrs} -ge ${MAX_CRASH_RATE} ]; then
    233     lecho "Cannot send more crashes:"
    234     lecho "  current ${sends_in_24hrs}send/24hrs >= " \
    235           "max ${MAX_CRASH_RATE}send/24hrs"
    236     return 1
    237   fi
    238   mktemp "${TIMESTAMPS_DIR}"/XXXXXX > /dev/null
    239   return 0
    240 }
    242 # Gets the base part of a crash report file, such as name.01234.5678.9012 from
    243 # name.01234.5678.9012.meta or name.01234.5678.9012.log.tar.xz.  We make sure
    244 # "name" is sanitized in CrashCollector::Sanitize to not include any periods.
    245 get_base() {
    246   echo "$1" | cut -d. -f-4
    247 }
    249 get_extension() {
    250   local extension="${1##*.}"
    251   local filename="${1%.*}"
    252   # For gzipped file, we ignore .gz and get the real extension
    253   if [ "${extension}" = "gz" ]; then
    254     echo "${filename##*.}"
    255   else
    256     echo "${extension}"
    257   fi
    258 }
    260 # Return which kind of report the given metadata file relates to
    261 get_kind() {
    262   local payload="$(get_key_value "$1" "payload")"
    263   if [ ! -r "${payload}" ]; then
    264     lecho "Missing payload: ${payload}"
    265     echo "undefined"
    266     return
    267   fi
    268   local kind="$(get_extension "${payload}")"
    269   if [ "${kind}" = "dmp" ]; then
    270     echo "minidump"
    271     return
    272   fi
    273   echo "${kind}"
    274 }
    276 get_key_value() {
    277   local file="$1" key="$2" value
    279   if [ -f "${file}/${key}" ]; then
    280     # Get the value from a folder where each key is its own file.  The key
    281     # file's entire contents is the value.
    282     value=$(cat "${file}/${key}")
    283   elif [ -f "${file}" ]; then
    284     # Get the value from a file that has multiple key=value combinations.
    285     # Return the first entry.  There shouldn't be more than one anyways.
    286     # Substr at length($1) + 2 skips past the key and following = sign (awk
    287     # uses 1-based indexes), but preserves embedded = characters.
    288     value=$(sed -n "/^${key}[[:space:]]*=/{s:^[^=]*=::p;q}" "${file}")
    289   fi
    291   echo "${value:-undefined}"
    292 }
    294 get_keys() {
    295   local file="$1" regex="$2"
    297   cut -d '=' -f1 "${file}" | grep --color=never "${regex}"
    298 }
    300 # Return the channel name (sans "-channel" suffix).
    301 get_channel() {
    302   getprop ro.product.channel | sed 's:-channel$::'
    303 }
    305 # Return the hardware class or "undefined".
    306 get_hardware_class() {
    307   if [ -r "${HWCLASS_PATH}" ]; then
    308     cat "${HWCLASS_PATH}"
    309   else
    310     echo "undefined"
    311   fi
    312 }
    314 # Return the log string filtered with only JSON-safe white-listed characters.
    315 filter_log_string() {
    316   echo "$1" | tr -cd '[:alnum:]_.\-:;'
    317 }
    319 send_crash() {
    320   local meta_path="$1"
    321   local report_payload="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "payload")"
    322   local kind="$(get_kind "${meta_path}")"
    323   local exec_name="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "exec_name")"
    324   local url="$(get_key_value "${OSRELEASED_FOLDER}" "crash_server")"
    325   local bdk_version="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "bdk_version")"
    326   local hwclass="$(get_hardware_class)"
    327   local write_payload_size="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "payload_size")"
    328   local log="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "log")"
    329   local sig="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "sig")"
    330   local send_payload_size="$(stat -c "%s" "${report_payload}" 2>/dev/null)"
    331   local product="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "product_id")"
    332   local version="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "product_version")"
    333   local upload_prefix="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "upload_prefix")"
    334   local guid
    335   local model_manifest_id="$(get_key_value "${WEAVE_CONF_FILE}" "model_id")"
    337   # If crash_reporter.server is not set return with an error.
    338   if [ -z "${url}" ]; then
    339     lecho "Configuration error: crash_reporter.server not set."
    340     return 1
    341   fi
    343   set -- \
    344     -F "write_payload_size=${write_payload_size}" \
    345     -F "send_payload_size=${send_payload_size}"
    346   if [ "${sig}" != "undefined" ]; then
    347     set -- "$@" \
    348       -F "sig=${sig}" \
    349       -F "sig2=${sig}"
    350   fi
    351   if [ -r "${report_payload}" ]; then
    352     set -- "$@" \
    353       -F "upload_file_${kind}=@${report_payload}"
    354   fi
    355   if [ "${log}" != "undefined" -a -r "${log}" ]; then
    356     set -- "$@" \
    357       -F "log=@${log}"
    358   fi
    360   if [ "${upload_prefix}" = "undefined" ]; then
    361     upload_prefix=""
    362   fi
    364   # Grab any variable that begins with upload_.
    365   local v
    366   for k in $(get_keys "${meta_path}" "^upload_"); do
    367     v="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "${k}")"
    368     case ${k} in
    369       # Product & version are handled separately.
    370       upload_var_prod) ;;
    371       upload_var_ver) ;;
    372       upload_var_*)
    373         set -- "$@" -F "${upload_prefix}${k#upload_var_}=${v}"
    374         ;;
    375       upload_file_*)
    376         if [ -r "${v}" ]; then
    377           set -- "$@" -F "${upload_prefix}${k#upload_file_}=@${v}"
    378         fi
    379         ;;
    380     esac
    381   done
    383   # If ID or VERSION_ID is undefined, we use the default product name
    384   # and bdk_version from /etc/os-release.d.
    385   if [ "${product}" = "undefined" ]; then
    386     product="${BRILLO_PRODUCT}"
    387   fi
    388   if [ "${version}" = "undefined" ]; then
    389     version="${bdk_version}"
    390   fi
    392   local image_type
    393   if is_test_image; then
    394     image_type="test"
    395   elif is_developer_image; then
    396     image_type="dev"
    397   elif [ ${FORCE_OFFICIAL} -ne 0 ]; then
    398     image_type="force-official"
    399   elif is_mock && ! is_mock_successful; then
    400     image_type="mock-fail"
    401   fi
    403   local boot_mode
    404   if is_developer_mode; then
    405     boot_mode="dev"
    406   fi
    408   # Need to strip dashes ourselves as Chrome preserves it in the file
    409   # nowadays.  This is also what the Chrome breakpad client does.
    410   guid=$(tr -d '-' < "${GUID_FILE}")
    412   local error_type="$(get_key_value "${meta_path}" "error_type")"
    413   [ "${error_type}" = "undefined" ] && error_type=
    415   lecho "Sending crash:"
    416   if [ "${product}" != "${BRILLO_PRODUCT}" ]; then
    417     lecho "  Sending crash report on behalf of ${product}"
    418   fi
    419   lecho "  Metadata: ${meta_path} (${kind})"
    420   lecho "  Payload: ${report_payload}"
    421   lecho "  Version: ${version}"
    422   lecho "  Bdk Version: ${bdk_version}"
    423   [ -n "${image_type}" ] && lecho "  Image type: ${image_type}"
    424   [ -n "${boot_mode}" ] && lecho "  Boot mode: ${boot_mode}"
    425   if is_mock; then
    426     lecho "  Product: ${product}"
    427     lecho "  URL: ${url}"
    428     lecho "  HWClass: ${hwclass}"
    429     lecho "  write_payload_size: ${write_payload_size}"
    430     lecho "  send_payload_size: ${send_payload_size}"
    431     if [ "${log}" != "undefined" ]; then
    432       lecho "  log: @${log}"
    433     fi
    434     if [ "${sig}" != "undefined" ]; then
    435       lecho "  sig: ${sig}"
    436     fi
    437   fi
    438   lecho "  Exec name: ${exec_name}"
    439   [ -n "${error_type}" ] && lecho "  Error type: ${error_type}"
    440   if is_mock; then
    441     if ! is_mock_successful; then
    442       lecho "Mocking unsuccessful send"
    443       return 1
    444     fi
    445     lecho "Mocking successful send"
    446     return 0
    447   fi
    449   # Read in the first proxy, if any, for a given URL.  NOTE: The
    450   # double-quotes are necessary due to a bug in dash with the "local"
    451   # builtin command and values that have spaces in them (see
    452   # "https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dash/+bug/139097").
    453   if [ -f "${LIST_PROXIES}" ]; then
    454     local proxy ret
    455     proxy=$("${LIST_PROXIES}" --quiet "${url}")
    456     ret=$?
    457     if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then
    458       proxy=''
    459       lwarn "Listing proxies failed with exit code ${ret}"
    460     else
    461       proxy=$(echo "${proxy}" | head -1)
    462     fi
    463   fi
    464   # if a direct connection should be used, unset the proxy variable.
    465   [ "${proxy}" = "direct://" ] && proxy=
    466   local report_id="${TMP_DIR}/report_id"
    467   local curl_stderr="${TMP_DIR}/curl_stderr"
    469   set +e
    470   curl "${url}" -f -v ${proxy:+--proxy "$proxy"} \
    471     --capath "$(get_certificates_path)" --ciphers HIGH \
    472     -F "prod=${product}" \
    473     -F "ver=${version}" \
    474     -F "bdk_version=${bdk_version}" \
    475     -F "hwclass=${hwclass}" \
    476     -F "exec_name=${exec_name}" \
    477     -F "model_manifest_id=${model_manifest_id}" \
    478     ${image_type:+-F "image_type=${image_type}"} \
    479     ${boot_mode:+-F "boot_mode=${boot_mode}"} \
    480     ${error_type:+-F "error_type=${error_type}"} \
    481     -F "guid=${guid}" \
    482     -o "${report_id}" \
    483     "$@" \
    484     2>"${curl_stderr}"
    485   curl_result=$?
    486   set -e
    488   if [ ${curl_result} -eq 0 ]; then
    489     local id="$(cat "${report_id}")"
    490     local timestamp="$(date +%s)"
    491     local filter_prod="$(filter_log_string "${product}")"
    492     local filter_exec="$(filter_log_string "${exec_name}")"
    493     if [ "${filter_prod}" != "${product}" ]; then
    494       lwarn "Product name filtered to: ${filter_prod}."
    495     fi
    496     if [ "${filter_exec}" != "${exec_name}" ]; then
    497       lwarn "Exec name filtered to: ${filter_exec}."
    498     fi
    499     printf "{'time':%s,'id':'%s','product':'%s','exec_name':'%s'}\n" \
    500       "${timestamp}" "${id}" "${filter_prod}" "${filter_exec}" >> "${CRASH_LOG}"
    501     lecho "Crash report receipt ID ${id}"
    502   else
    503     lecho "Crash sending failed with exit code ${curl_result}: " \
    504       "$(cat "${curl_stderr}")"
    505   fi
    507   rm -f "${report_id}"
    509   return ${curl_result}
    510 }
    512 # *.meta files always end with done=1 so we can tell if they are complete.
    513 is_complete_metadata() {
    514   grep -q "done=1" "$1"
    515 }
    517 # Remove the given report path.
    518 remove_report() {
    519   local base="${1%.*}"
    520   rm -f -- "${base}".*
    521 }
    523 # Send all crashes from the given directory.  This applies even when we're on a
    524 # 3G connection (see crosbug.com/3304 for discussion).
    525 send_crashes() {
    526   local dir="$1"
    527   lecho "Sending crashes for ${dir}"
    529   if [ ! -d "${dir}" ]; then
    530     return
    531   fi
    533   # Consider any old files which still have no corresponding meta file
    534   # as orphaned, and remove them.
    535   for old_file in $(find "${dir}" -mindepth 1 \
    536                     -mtime +1 -type f); do
    537     if [ ! -e "$(get_base "${old_file}").meta" ]; then
    538       lecho "Removing old orphaned file: ${old_file}."
    539       rm -f -- "${old_file}"
    540     fi
    541   done
    543   # Look through all metadata (*.meta) files, oldest first.  That way, the rate
    544   # limit does not stall old crashes if there's a high amount of new crashes
    545   # coming in.
    546   # For each crash report, first evaluate conditions that might lead to its
    547   # removal to honor user choice and to free disk space as soon as possible,
    548   # then decide whether it should be sent right now or kept for later sending.
    549   for meta_path in $(ls -1tr "${dir}"/*.meta 2>/dev/null); do
    550     lecho "Considering metadata ${meta_path}."
    552     local kind=$(get_kind "${meta_path}")
    553     if [ "${kind}" != "minidump" ] && \
    554        [ "${kind}" != "kcrash" ] && \
    555        [ "${kind}" != "log" ] &&
    556        [ "${kind}" != "devcore" ]; then
    557       lecho "Unknown report kind ${kind}.  Removing report."
    558       remove_report "${meta_path}"
    559       continue
    560     fi
    562     if ! is_complete_metadata "${meta_path}"; then
    563       # This report is incomplete, so if it's old, just remove it.
    564       local old_meta=$(find "${dir}" -mindepth 1 -name \
    565         $(basename "${meta_path}") -mtime +1 -type f)
    566       if [ -n "${old_meta}" ]; then
    567         lecho "Removing old incomplete metadata."
    568         remove_report "${meta_path}"
    569       else
    570         lecho "Ignoring recent incomplete metadata."
    571       fi
    572       continue
    573     fi
    575     # Ignore device coredump if device coredump uploading is not allowed.
    576     if [ "${kind}" = "devcore" ] && ! is_device_coredump_upload_allowed; then
    577       lecho "Ignoring device coredump. Device coredump upload not allowed."
    578       continue
    579     fi
    581     if ! is_mock && ! is_official_image; then
    582       lecho "Not an official OS version.  Removing crash."
    583       remove_report "${meta_path}"
    584       continue
    585     fi
    587     # Remove existing crashes in case user consent has not (yet) been given or
    588     # has been revoked.  This must come after the guest mode check because
    589     # metrics_client always returns "not consented" in guest mode.
    590     if ! metrics_client -c; then
    591       lecho "Crash reporting is disabled.  Removing crash."
    592       remove_report "${meta_path}"
    593       continue
    594     fi
    596     # Skip report if the upload rate is exceeded.  (Don't exit right now because
    597     # subsequent reports may be candidates for deletion.)
    598     if ! check_rate; then
    599       lecho "Sending ${meta_path} would exceed rate.  Leaving for later."
    600       continue
    601     fi
    603     # The .meta file should be written *after* all to-be-uploaded files that it
    604     # references.  Nevertheless, as a safeguard, a hold-off time of thirty
    605     # seconds after writing the .meta file is ensured.  Also, sending of crash
    606     # reports is spread out randomly by up to SECONDS_SEND_SPREAD.  Thus, for
    607     # the sleep call the greater of the two delays is used.
    608     local now=$(date +%s)
    609     local holdoff_time=$(($(stat -c "%Y" "${meta_path}") + 30 - ${now}))
    610     local spread_time=$(generate_uniform_random "${SECONDS_SEND_SPREAD}")
    611     local sleep_time
    612     if [ ${spread_time} -gt ${holdoff_time} ]; then
    613       sleep_time="${spread_time}"
    614     else
    615       sleep_time="${holdoff_time}"
    616     fi
    617     lecho "Scheduled to send in ${sleep_time}s."
    618     if ! is_mock; then
    619       if ! sleep "${sleep_time}"; then
    620           lecho "Sleep failed"
    621           return 1
    622       fi
    623     fi
    625     # Try to upload.
    626     if ! send_crash "${meta_path}"; then
    627       lecho "Problem sending ${meta_path}, not removing."
    628       continue
    629     fi
    631     # Send was successful, now remove.
    632     lecho "Successfully sent crash ${meta_path} and removing."
    633     remove_report "${meta_path}"
    634   done
    635 }
    637 usage() {
    638   cat <<EOF
    639 Usage: crash_sender [options]
    641 Options:
    642  -e <var>=<val>     Set env |var| to |val| (only some vars)
    643 EOF
    644   exit ${1:-1}
    645 }
    647 parseargs() {
    648   # Parse the command line arguments.
    649   while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
    650     case $1 in
    651     -e)
    652       shift
    653       case $1 in
    654       FORCE_OFFICIAL=*|\
    655       MAX_CRASH_RATE=*|\
    656       MOCK_DEVELOPER_MODE=*|\
    657       OVERRIDE_PAUSE_SENDING=*|\
    658       SECONDS_SEND_SPREAD=*)
    659         export "$1"
    660         ;;
    661       *)
    662         lecho "Unknown var passed to -e: $1"
    663         exit 1
    664         ;;
    665       esac
    666       ;;
    667     -h)
    668       usage 0
    669       ;;
    670     *)
    671       lecho "Unknown options: $*"
    672       exit 1
    673       ;;
    674     esac
    675     shift
    676   done
    677 }
    679 main() {
    680   parseargs "$@"
    682   if [ -e "${PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING}" ] && \
    683      [ ${OVERRIDE_PAUSE_SENDING} -eq 0 ]; then
    684     lecho "Exiting early due to ${PAUSE_CRASH_SENDING}."
    685     exit 1
    686   fi
    688   if is_test_image; then
    689     lecho "Exiting early due to test image."
    690     exit 1
    691   fi
    693   # We don't perform checks on this because we have a master lock with the
    694   # CRASH_SENDER_LOCK file.  This pid file is for the system to keep track
    695   # (like with autotests) that we're still running.
    696   echo $$ > "${RUN_FILE}"
    698   for dependency in "$(get_certificates_path)"; do
    699     if [ ! -x "${dependency}" ]; then
    700       lecho "Fatal: Crash sending disabled: ${dependency} not found."
    701       exit 1
    702     fi
    703   done
    705   TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d "${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/tmp/crash_sender.XXXXXX")"
    707   # Send system-wide crashes
    708   send_crashes "${CRASH_STATE_DIR}/crash"
    709 }
    711 trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM
    713 #TODO(http://b/23937249): Change the locking logic back to using flock.
    714 if ! mkdir "${CRASH_SENDER_LOCK}" 2>/dev/null; then
    715   lecho "Already running; quitting."
    716   crash_done
    717   exit 1
    718 fi
    719 main "$@"