/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/lsm9ds0/ |
javaupm_lsm9ds0.i | 25 $result = JCALL1(NewFloatArray, jenv, 3); 26 JCALL4(SetFloatArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, $1); 31 $result = JCALL1(NewFloatArray, jenv, 3); 32 JCALL4(SetFloatArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, $1); 37 $result = JCALL1(NewFloatArray, jenv, 3); 38 JCALL4(SetFloatArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, $1);
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/mic/ |
javaupm_mic.i | 17 $1 = (uint16_t *) JCALL2(GetShortArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL); 18 $2 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 22 JCALL3(ReleaseShortArrayElements, jenv, $input, (jshort *)$1, 0); 32 $2 = (uint16_t *) JCALL2(GetShortArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL); 33 $1 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 37 JCALL3(ReleaseShortArrayElements, jenv, $input, (jshort *)$2, 0);
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libmraa/src/java/ |
mraajava.i | 11 $1 = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL); 12 $2 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 21 $1 = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL); 22 $2 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 26 JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, $1, JNI_COMMIT); 34 $1 = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL); 35 $2 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 53 $result = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, arg3); 54 JCALL4(SetByteArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, arg3, (jbyte *) $1);
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/st7735/ |
javaupm_st7735.i | 22 $result = SWIG_JavaArrayOutSchar(jenv, reinterpret_cast<signed char*>($1), sizeof($1)); 25 JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>($1), 0); 35 $1 = (unsigned char *)JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL);
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/lol/ |
javaupm_lol.i | 16 $result = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, LOL_X*LOL_Y); 17 JCALL4(SetByteArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, LOL_X*LOL_Y-1, reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>($1));
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/m24lr64e/ |
javaupm_m24lr64e.i | 17 $result = JCALL1(NewByteArray, jenv, length); 18 JCALL4(SetByteArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, length, reinterpret_cast<signed char *>($1));
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/mma7455/ |
javaupm_mma7455.i | 18 $result = JCALL1(NewShortArray, jenv, 3); 19 JCALL4(SetShortArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, (const signed short*)$1);
/prebuilts/misc/common/swig/include/2.0.11/java/ |
std_string.i | 31 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null string"); 34 const char *$1_pstr = (const char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars($input, 0); 37 jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars($input, $1_pstr); %} 41 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null string"); 44 const char *$1_pstr = (const char *)jenv->GetStringUTFChars($input, 0); 47 jenv->ReleaseStringUTFChars($input, $1_pstr); %} 50 %{ $input = jenv->NewStringUTF($1.c_str()); %} 53 %{ $result = jenv->NewStringUTF($1.c_str()); %} 64 %{ SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, $1.c_str()); 76 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null string") [all...] |
various.i | 28 size = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 35 jstring j_string = (jstring)JCALL2(GetObjectArrayElement, jenv, $input, i); 36 const char *c_string = JCALL2(GetStringUTFChars, jenv, j_string, 0); 43 JCALL2(ReleaseStringUTFChars, jenv, j_string, c_string); 44 JCALL1(DeleteLocalRef, jenv, j_string); 70 const jclass clazz = JCALL1(FindClass, jenv, "java/lang/String"); 73 $result = JCALL3(NewObjectArray, jenv, len, clazz, NULL); 77 temp_string = JCALL1(NewStringUTF, jenv, *$1++); 78 JCALL3(SetObjectArrayElement, jenv, $result, i, temp_string); 79 JCALL1(DeleteLocalRef, jenv, temp_string) [all...] |
std_wstring.i | 30 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null std::wstring"); 33 const jchar *$1_pstr = jenv->GetStringChars($input, 0); 35 jsize $1_len = jenv->GetStringLength($input); 42 jenv->ReleaseStringChars($input, $1_pstr); 47 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null std::wstring"); 50 const jchar *$1_pstr = jenv->GetStringChars($input, 0); 52 jsize $1_len = jenv->GetStringLength($input); 59 jenv->ReleaseStringChars($input, $1_pstr); 68 $input = jenv->NewString(conv_buf, $1_len); 78 $result = jenv->NewString(conv_buf, $1_len) [all...] |
typemaps.i | 103 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "BigInteger null"); 106 clazz = JCALL1(GetObjectClass, jenv, $input); 107 mid = JCALL3(GetMethodID, jenv, clazz, "toByteArray", "()[B"); 108 ba = (jbyteArray)JCALL2(CallObjectMethod, jenv, $input, mid); 109 bae = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, 0); 110 sz = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, ba); 115 JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, bae, 0); 191 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "array null"); 194 if (JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input) == 0) { 195 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaIndexOutOfBoundsException, "Array must contain at least 1 element") [all...] |
arrays_java.i | 31 static int SWIG_JavaArrayIn##JFUNCNAME (JNIEnv *jenv, JNITYPE **jarr, CTYPE **carr, JNITYPE##Array input); 32 static void SWIG_JavaArrayArgout##JFUNCNAME (JNIEnv *jenv, JNITYPE *jarr, CTYPE *carr, JNITYPE##Array input); 33 static JNITYPE##Array SWIG_JavaArrayOut##JFUNCNAME (JNIEnv *jenv, CTYPE *result, jsize sz); 41 static int SWIG_JavaArrayIn##JFUNCNAME (JNIEnv *jenv, JNITYPE **jarr, CTYPE **carr, JNITYPE##Array input) { 45 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "null array"); 48 sz = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, input); 49 *jarr = JCALL2(Get##JAVATYPE##ArrayElements, jenv, input, 0); 58 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaOutOfMemoryError, "array memory allocation failed"); 66 static void SWIG_JavaArrayArgout##JFUNCNAME (JNIEnv *jenv, JNITYPE *jarr, CTYPE *carr, JNITYPE##Array input) { 68 jsize sz = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, input) [all...] |
java.swg | 300 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "BigInteger null"); 303 clazz = JCALL1(GetObjectClass, jenv, $input); 304 mid = JCALL3(GetMethodID, jenv, clazz, "toByteArray", "()[B"); 305 ba = (jbyteArray)JCALL2(CallObjectMethod, jenv, $input, mid); 306 bae = JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, 0); 307 sz = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, ba); 312 JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, ba, bae, 0); 324 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaNullPointerException, "BigInteger null"); 327 clazz = JCALL1(GetObjectClass, jenv, $input); 328 mid = JCALL3(GetMethodID, jenv, clazz, "toByteArray", "()[B") [all...] |
enumsimple.swg | 31 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown"); %} 56 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "C++ $1_type exception thrown"); %}
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/swig-src/collision/ |
collision_wrap.h | 17 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 18 SwigDirector_btBroadphaseAabbCallback(JNIEnv *jenv); 32 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 33 SwigDirector_btBroadphaseRayCallback(JNIEnv *jenv); 47 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 48 SwigDirector_btNodeOverlapCallback(JNIEnv *jenv); 62 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 63 SwigDirector_btOverlappingPairCallback(JNIEnv *jenv); 79 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 80 SwigDirector_btOverlapCallback(JNIEnv *jenv); [all...] |
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/mma7660/ |
javaupm_mma7660.i | 27 $result = JCALL1(NewFloatArray, jenv, 3); 28 JCALL4(SetFloatArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, $1); 42 $result = JCALL1(NewIntArray, jenv, 3); 43 JCALL4(SetIntArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, (const signed int*)$1);
/prebuilts/misc/common/swig/include/2.0.11/modula3/ |
modula3head.swg | 34 void SWIG_JavaThrowException(JNIEnv *jenv, SWIG_JavaExceptionCodes code, const char *msg); 38 void SWIG_JavaThrowException(JNIEnv *jenv, SWIG_JavaExceptionCodes code, const char *msg) { 55 JCALL0(ExceptionClear, jenv); 56 excep = JCALL1(FindClass, jenv, except_ptr->java_exception); 58 JCALL2(ThrowNew, jenv, excep, msg);
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/swig/common/ |
gdxBuffers.i | 11 $1 = (CTYPE*)jenv->GetDirectBufferAddress($input); 13 SWIG_JavaThrowException(jenv, SWIG_JavaRuntimeException, "Unable to get address of direct buffer. Buffer must be allocated direct.");
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/mpu9150/ |
javaupm_mpu9150.i | 29 $result = JCALL1(NewFloatArray, jenv, 3); 30 JCALL4(SetFloatArrayRegion, jenv, $result, 0, 3, $1);
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libupm/src/lcd/ |
javaupm_i2clcd.i | 17 $1 = (uint8_t *) JCALL2(GetByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, NULL); 18 $2 = JCALL1(GetArrayLength, jenv, $input); 22 JCALL3(ReleaseByteArrayElements, jenv, $input, (jbyte *)$1, 0);
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/swig-src/dynamics/ |
dynamics_wrap.h | 17 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 18 SwigDirector_InternalTickCallback(JNIEnv *jenv, btDynamicsWorld *dynamicsWorld = NULL, bool isPreTick = false); 31 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 32 SwigDirector_CustomActionInterface(JNIEnv *jenv);
/hardware/bsp/intel/peripheral/libmraa/src/gpio/ |
gpio.c | 248 JNIEnv *jenv; local 249 (*globVM)->GetEnv(globVM, (void **)&jenv, JNI_VERSION_1_8); 251 jclass rcls = (*jenv)->FindClass(jenv, "java/lang/Runnable"); 252 jmethodID runm = (*jenv)->GetMethodID(jenv, rcls, "run", "()V"); 254 runGlobal = (jmethodID)(*jenv)->NewGlobalRef(jenv, (jobject)runm); 261 JNIEnv *jenv = (JNIEnv *) pthread_getspecific(env_key); local 262 (*jenv)->CallVoidMethod(jenv, (jobject)data, runGlobal) 296 JNIEnv *jenv; local 471 JNIEnv *jenv; local [all...] |
/cts/tests/tests/media/libndkaudio/ |
com_android_ndkaudio_AudioRecorder.cpp | 89 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_android_ndkaudio_AudioRecorder_GetBufferData(JNIEnv* jEnv, jobject, jfloatArray j_data) { 92 jEnv->SetFloatArrayRegion(j_data, 0, nativeRecorder->GetNumBufferSamples(), dataBuffer);
/external/libgdx/extensions/gdx-bullet/jni/swig-src/linearmath/ |
linearmath_wrap.h | 17 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 18 SwigDirector_btIDebugDraw(JNIEnv *jenv); 55 void swig_connect_director(JNIEnv *jenv, jobject jself, jclass jcls, bool swig_mem_own, bool weak_global); 56 SwigDirector_btMotionState(JNIEnv *jenv);
/external/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPARC/ |
setjmp.ll | 9 @jenv = common unnamed_addr global %struct.jmpbuf_env* null 37 store %struct.jmpbuf_env* %inbuf, %struct.jmpbuf_env** @jenv, align 4, !tbaa !3