/external/opencv3/modules/core/misc/java/src/java/ |
core+DMatch.java | 14 public int queryIdx; 34 queryIdx = _queryIdx; 42 queryIdx = _queryIdx; 57 return "DMatch [queryIdx=" + queryIdx + ", trainIdx=" + trainIdx
core+MatOfDMatch.java | 54 buff[_channels*i+0] = m.queryIdx;
/external/opencv3/modules/core/misc/java/test/ |
DMatchTest.java | 15 assertEquals(1, dm1.queryIdx); 23 assertEquals(2, dm2.queryIdx); 40 String expected = "DMatch [queryIdx=2, trainIdx=6, imgIdx=-1, distance=8.0]";
/external/opencv3/modules/cudafeatures2d/src/cuda/ |
bf_match.cu | 82 __device__ void loadQueryToSmem(int queryIdx, const PtrStepSz<T>& query, U* s_query) 88 s_query[threadIdx.y * MAX_DESC_LEN + loadX] = loadX < query.cols ? query.ptr(::min(queryIdx, query.rows - 1))[loadX] : 0; 93 __device__ void loopUnrolledCached(int queryIdx, const PtrStepSz<T>& query,volatile int imgIdx, const PtrStepSz<T>& train, const Mask& mask, 129 if (queryIdx < query.rows && trainIdx < train.rows && distVal < bestDistance && mask(queryIdx, trainIdx)) 143 const int queryIdx = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE + threadIdx.y; 148 loadQueryToSmem<BLOCK_SIZE, MAX_DESC_LEN>(queryIdx, query, s_query); 153 loopUnrolledCached<BLOCK_SIZE, MAX_DESC_LEN, Dist>(queryIdx, query, 0, train, mask, s_query, s_train, myBestDistance, myBestTrainIdx, myBestTrainIdx); 162 if (queryIdx < query.rows && threadIdx.x == 0) 164 bestTrainIdx[queryIdx] = myBestTrainIdx [all...] |
bf_knnmatch.cu | 305 __device__ void loadQueryToSmem(int queryIdx, const PtrStepSz<T>& query, U* s_query) 311 s_query[threadIdx.y * MAX_DESC_LEN + loadX] = loadX < query.cols ? query.ptr(::min(queryIdx, query.rows - 1))[loadX] : 0; 316 __device__ void loopUnrolledCached(int queryIdx, const PtrStepSz<T>& query, int imgIdx, const PtrStepSz<T>& train, const Mask& mask, 354 if (queryIdx < query.rows && trainIdx < train.rows && mask(queryIdx, trainIdx)) 381 const int queryIdx = blockIdx.x * BLOCK_SIZE + threadIdx.y; 386 loadQueryToSmem<BLOCK_SIZE, MAX_DESC_LEN>(queryIdx, query, s_query); 393 loopUnrolledCached<BLOCK_SIZE, MAX_DESC_LEN, Dist>(queryIdx, query, 0, train, mask, s_query, s_train, myBestDistance1, myBestDistance2, myBestTrainIdx1, myBestTrainIdx2, myBestTrainIdx1, myBestTrainIdx2); 402 if (queryIdx < query.rows && threadIdx.x == 0) 404 bestTrainIdx[queryIdx] = make_int2(myBestTrainIdx1, myBestTrainIdx2) [all...] |
bf_radius_match.cu | 64 const int queryIdx = blockIdx.y * BLOCK_SIZE + threadIdx.y; 84 ForceGlob<T>::Load(query.ptr(::min(queryIdx, query.rows - 1)), loadX, val); 102 if (queryIdx < query.rows && trainIdx < train.rows && mask(queryIdx, trainIdx) && distVal < maxDistance) 104 unsigned int ind = atomicInc(nMatches + queryIdx, (unsigned int) -1); 107 bestTrainIdx.ptr(queryIdx)[ind] = trainIdx; 108 if (SAVE_IMG_IDX) bestImgIdx.ptr(queryIdx)[ind] = imgIdx; 109 bestDistance.ptr(queryIdx)[ind] = distVal; 172 const int queryIdx = blockIdx.y * BLOCK_SIZE + threadIdx.y; 191 ForceGlob<T>::Load(query.ptr(::min(queryIdx, query.rows - 1)), loadX, val) [all...] |
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/src/opencl/ |
brute_force_match.cl | 194 const int queryIdx = mad24(BLOCK_SIZE, groupidx, lidy); 195 const int queryOffset = min(queryIdx, query_rows - 1) * step; 269 if (queryIdx < query_rows && trainIdx < train_rows && result < myBestDistance /*&& mask(queryIdx, trainIdx)*/) 300 if (queryIdx < query_rows && lidx == 0) 302 bestTrainIdx[queryIdx] = myBestTrainIdx; 303 bestDistance[queryIdx] = myBestDistance; 329 const int queryIdx = mad24(BLOCK_SIZE, groupidy, lidy); 330 const int queryOffset = min(queryIdx, query_rows - 1) * step; 369 if (queryIdx < query_rows && trainIdx < train_rows && convert_float(result) < maxDistance [all...] |
/external/guice/extensions/servlet/src/com/google/inject/servlet/ |
UriPatternType.java | 42 int queryIdx = uri.indexOf('?'); 43 if (queryIdx != -1) { 44 uri = uri.substring(0, queryIdx);
/external/opencv3/modules/cudafeatures2d/src/ |
brute_force_matcher.cpp | 482 for (int queryIdx = 0; queryIdx < nQuery; ++queryIdx) 484 const int trainIdx = trainIdxPtr[queryIdx]; 488 const int imgIdx = imgIdxPtr ? imgIdxPtr[queryIdx] : 0; 489 const float distance = distancePtr[queryIdx]; 491 DMatch m(queryIdx, trainIdx, imgIdx, distance); 548 for (int queryIdx = 0; queryIdx < query.rows; ++queryIdx) [all...] |
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/src/ |
bagofwords.cpp | 198 int queryIdx = matches[i].queryIdx; 200 CV_Assert( queryIdx == (int)i ); 204 (*pointIdxsOfClusters)[trainIdx].push_back( queryIdx );
matchers.cpp | 132 for (int queryIdx = 0; queryIdx < nQuery; ++queryIdx, ++trainIdx_ptr, ++distance_ptr) 141 DMatch m(queryIdx, trainIndex, 0, dst); 236 for (int queryIdx = 0; queryIdx < nQuery; ++queryIdx) 250 DMatch m(queryIdx, trainIndex, 0, dst); 348 for (int queryIdx = 0; queryIdx < nQuery; ++queryIdx [all...] |
draw.cpp | 207 int i1 = matches1to2[m].queryIdx; 236 int i1 = matches1to2[i][j].queryIdx;
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/ |
opencl_kernels_features2d.cpp | 149 "const int queryIdx = mad24(BLOCK_SIZE, groupidx, lidy);\n" 150 "const int queryOffset = min(queryIdx, query_rows - 1) * step;\n" 206 "if (queryIdx < query_rows && trainIdx < train_rows && result < myBestDistance )\n" 229 "if (queryIdx < query_rows && lidx == 0)\n" 231 "bestTrainIdx[queryIdx] = myBestTrainIdx;\n" 232 "bestDistance[queryIdx] = myBestDistance;\n" 255 "const int queryIdx = mad24(BLOCK_SIZE, groupidy, lidy);\n" 256 "const int queryOffset = min(queryIdx, query_rows - 1) * step;\n" 285 "if (queryIdx < query_rows && trainIdx < train_rows && convert_float(result) < maxDistance)\n" 287 "int ind = atom_inc(nMatches + queryIdx);\n [all...] |
/external/opencv3/modules/cudafeatures2d/test/ |
test_features2d.cpp | 307 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor) || (match.imgIdx != 0)) 350 bool validQueryIdx = (match.queryIdx == (int)i); 358 bool validQueryIdx = (match.queryIdx == (int)i); 399 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor + k) || (match.imgIdx != 0)) 439 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor + k) || (match.imgIdx != 0)) 495 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor + k + shift) || (match.imgIdx != 0) ) 500 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != ((int)i - queryDescCount / 2) * countFactor + k + shift) || (match.imgIdx != 1) ) 558 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor + k + shift) || (match.imgIdx != 0) ) 563 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != ((int)i - queryDescCount / 2) * countFactor + k + shift) || (match.imgIdx != 1) ) 616 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i*countFactor) || (match.imgIdx != 0) [all...] |
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/test/ocl/ |
test_brute_force_matcher.cpp | 131 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor) || (match.imgIdx != 0)) 164 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor + k) || (match.imgIdx != 0)) 199 if ((match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i * countFactor) || (match.imgIdx != 0))
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/test/ |
test_matchers_algorithmic.cpp | 213 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i*countFactor) || (match.imgIdx != 0) ) 242 if( match.queryIdx != (int)i || match.trainIdx != (int)i || std::abs(match.distance) > FLT_EPSILON ) 244 ts->printf( cvtest::TS::LOG, "Bad match (i=%d, queryIdx=%d, trainIdx=%d, distance=%f) while test match() function for the same query and test descriptors (1).\n", 245 i, match.queryIdx, match.trainIdx, match.distance ); 284 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i*countFactor + shift) || (match.imgIdx != 0) ) 289 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != ((int)i-queryDescCount/2)*countFactor + shift) || (match.imgIdx != 1) ) 333 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i*countFactor+k) || (match.imgIdx != 0) ) 388 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i*countFactor + k + shift) || 394 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != ((int)i-queryDescCount/2)*countFactor + k + shift) || 437 if( (match.queryIdx != (int)i) || (match.trainIdx != (int)i*countFactor) || (match.imgIdx != 0) [all...] |
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/ |
RobustMatcher.cpp | 77 if ((*matchIterator1)[0].queryIdx == 79 (*matchIterator2)[0].queryIdx == 84 cv::DMatch((*matchIterator1)[0].queryIdx,
/external/opencv3/modules/stitching/src/ |
matchers.cpp | 94 std::swap(pairwise_matches[dual_pair_idx].matches[j].queryIdx, 191 matches.insert(std::make_pair(m0.queryIdx, m0.trainIdx)); 206 if (matches.find(std::make_pair(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx)) == matches.end()) 207 matches_info.matches.push_back(DMatch(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx, m0.distance)); 239 matches.insert(std::make_pair(m0.queryIdx, m0.trainIdx)); 253 if (matches.find(std::make_pair(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx)) == matches.end()) 254 matches_info.matches.push_back(DMatch(m0.trainIdx, m0.queryIdx, m0.distance)); 593 Point2f p = features1.keypoints[m.queryIdx].pt; 638 Point2f p = features1.keypoints[m.queryIdx].pt;
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/features2D/ |
AKAZE_match.cpp | 41 matched1.push_back(kpts1[first.queryIdx]);
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/ |
matchmethod_orb_akaze_brisk.cpp | 145 cout << it->queryIdx << "\t" << it->trainIdx << "\t" << it->distance << "\n"; 146 Point2d p=keyImg1[it->queryIdx].pt-keyImg2[it->trainIdx].pt;
/external/opencv3/doc/tutorials/features2d/feature_flann_matcher/ |
feature_flann_matcher.markdown | 107 { printf( "-- Good Match [%d] Keypoint 1: %d -- Keypoint 2: %d \n", i, good_matches[i].queryIdx, good_matches[i].trainIdx ); }
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/misc/java/src/cpp/ |
features2d_converters.cpp | 58 mat.at< Vec<float, 4> >(i, 0) = Vec<float, 4>((float)dm.queryIdx, (float)dm.trainIdx, (float)dm.imgIdx, dm.distance);
/external/opencv3/modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ |
Features2dTest.java | 129 lp2.add(qkp[dm.queryIdx].pt);
/external/opencv3/samples/cpp/tutorial_code/xfeatures2D/ |
LATCH_match.cpp | 59 matched1.push_back(kpts1[first.queryIdx]);
/external/opencv3/modules/shape/src/ |
aff_trans.cpp | 199 if (_matches[i].queryIdx<pts1.cols && 211 Point2f pt1=pts1.at<Point2f>(0,matches[i].queryIdx);