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      1 /*
      2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
      3  *
      4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7  *
      8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9  *
     10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14  * limitations under the License.
     15  */
     17 #include "dead_code_elimination.h"
     19 #include "utils/array_ref.h"
     20 #include "base/bit_vector-inl.h"
     21 #include "ssa_phi_elimination.h"
     23 namespace art {
     25 static void MarkReachableBlocks(HGraph* graph, ArenaBitVector* visited) {
     26   ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*> worklist(graph->GetArena()->Adapter(kArenaAllocDCE));
     27   constexpr size_t kDefaultWorlistSize = 8;
     28   worklist.reserve(kDefaultWorlistSize);
     29   visited->SetBit(graph->GetEntryBlock()->GetBlockId());
     30   worklist.push_back(graph->GetEntryBlock());
     32   while (!worklist.empty()) {
     33     HBasicBlock* block = worklist.back();
     34     worklist.pop_back();
     35     int block_id = block->GetBlockId();
     36     DCHECK(visited->IsBitSet(block_id));
     38     ArrayRef<HBasicBlock* const> live_successors(block->GetSuccessors());
     39     HInstruction* last_instruction = block->GetLastInstruction();
     40     if (last_instruction->IsIf()) {
     41       HIf* if_instruction = last_instruction->AsIf();
     42       HInstruction* condition = if_instruction->InputAt(0);
     43       if (condition->IsIntConstant()) {
     44         if (condition->AsIntConstant()->IsTrue()) {
     45           live_successors = live_successors.SubArray(0u, 1u);
     46           DCHECK_EQ(live_successors[0], if_instruction->IfTrueSuccessor());
     47         } else {
     48           DCHECK(condition->AsIntConstant()->IsFalse()) << condition->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
     49           live_successors = live_successors.SubArray(1u, 1u);
     50           DCHECK_EQ(live_successors[0], if_instruction->IfFalseSuccessor());
     51         }
     52       }
     53     } else if (last_instruction->IsPackedSwitch()) {
     54       HPackedSwitch* switch_instruction = last_instruction->AsPackedSwitch();
     55       HInstruction* switch_input = switch_instruction->InputAt(0);
     56       if (switch_input->IsIntConstant()) {
     57         int32_t switch_value = switch_input->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
     58         int32_t start_value = switch_instruction->GetStartValue();
     59         // Note: Though the spec forbids packed-switch values to wrap around, we leave
     60         // that task to the verifier and use unsigned arithmetic with it's "modulo 2^32"
     61         // semantics to check if the value is in range, wrapped or not.
     62         uint32_t switch_index =
     63             static_cast<uint32_t>(switch_value) - static_cast<uint32_t>(start_value);
     64         if (switch_index < switch_instruction->GetNumEntries()) {
     65           live_successors = live_successors.SubArray(switch_index, 1u);
     66           DCHECK_EQ(live_successors[0], block->GetSuccessors()[switch_index]);
     67         } else {
     68           live_successors = live_successors.SubArray(switch_instruction->GetNumEntries(), 1u);
     69           DCHECK_EQ(live_successors[0], switch_instruction->GetDefaultBlock());
     70         }
     71       }
     72     }
     74     for (HBasicBlock* successor : live_successors) {
     75       // Add only those successors that have not been visited yet.
     76       if (!visited->IsBitSet(successor->GetBlockId())) {
     77         visited->SetBit(successor->GetBlockId());
     78         worklist.push_back(successor);
     79       }
     80     }
     81   }
     82 }
     84 void HDeadCodeElimination::MaybeRecordDeadBlock(HBasicBlock* block) {
     85   if (stats_ != nullptr) {
     86     stats_->RecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kRemovedDeadInstruction,
     87                        block->GetPhis().CountSize() + block->GetInstructions().CountSize());
     88   }
     89 }
     91 void HDeadCodeElimination::RemoveDeadBlocks() {
     92   if (graph_->HasIrreducibleLoops()) {
     93     // Do not eliminate dead blocks if the graph has irreducible loops. We could
     94     // support it, but that would require changes in our loop representation to handle
     95     // multiple entry points. We decided it was not worth the complexity.
     96     return;
     97   }
     98   // Classify blocks as reachable/unreachable.
     99   ArenaAllocator* allocator = graph_->GetArena();
    100   ArenaBitVector live_blocks(allocator, graph_->GetBlocks().size(), false, kArenaAllocDCE);
    102   MarkReachableBlocks(graph_, &live_blocks);
    103   bool removed_one_or_more_blocks = false;
    104   bool rerun_dominance_and_loop_analysis = false;
    106   // Remove all dead blocks. Iterate in post order because removal needs the
    107   // block's chain of dominators and nested loops need to be updated from the
    108   // inside out.
    109   for (HPostOrderIterator it(*graph_); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
    110     HBasicBlock* block  = it.Current();
    111     int id = block->GetBlockId();
    112     if (!live_blocks.IsBitSet(id)) {
    113       MaybeRecordDeadBlock(block);
    114       block->DisconnectAndDelete();
    115       removed_one_or_more_blocks = true;
    116       if (block->IsInLoop()) {
    117         rerun_dominance_and_loop_analysis = true;
    118       }
    119     }
    120   }
    122   // If we removed at least one block, we need to recompute the full
    123   // dominator tree and try block membership.
    124   if (removed_one_or_more_blocks) {
    125     if (rerun_dominance_and_loop_analysis) {
    126       graph_->ClearLoopInformation();
    127       graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
    128       graph_->BuildDominatorTree();
    129     } else {
    130       graph_->ClearDominanceInformation();
    131       graph_->ComputeDominanceInformation();
    132       graph_->ComputeTryBlockInformation();
    133     }
    134   }
    136   // Connect successive blocks created by dead branches. Order does not matter.
    137   for (HReversePostOrderIterator it(*graph_); !it.Done();) {
    138     HBasicBlock* block  = it.Current();
    139     if (block->IsEntryBlock() || !block->GetLastInstruction()->IsGoto()) {
    140       it.Advance();
    141       continue;
    142     }
    143     HBasicBlock* successor = block->GetSingleSuccessor();
    144     if (successor->IsExitBlock() || successor->GetPredecessors().size() != 1u) {
    145       it.Advance();
    146       continue;
    147     }
    148     block->MergeWith(successor);
    150     // Reiterate on this block in case it can be merged with its new successor.
    151   }
    152 }
    154 void HDeadCodeElimination::RemoveDeadInstructions() {
    155   // Process basic blocks in post-order in the dominator tree, so that
    156   // a dead instruction depending on another dead instruction is removed.
    157   for (HPostOrderIterator b(*graph_); !b.Done(); b.Advance()) {
    158     HBasicBlock* block = b.Current();
    159     // Traverse this block's instructions in backward order and remove
    160     // the unused ones.
    161     HBackwardInstructionIterator i(block->GetInstructions());
    162     // Skip the first iteration, as the last instruction of a block is
    163     // a branching instruction.
    164     DCHECK(i.Current()->IsControlFlow());
    165     for (i.Advance(); !i.Done(); i.Advance()) {
    166       HInstruction* inst = i.Current();
    167       DCHECK(!inst->IsControlFlow());
    168       if (!inst->HasSideEffects()
    169           && !inst->CanThrow()
    170           && !inst->IsSuspendCheck()
    171           && !inst->IsNativeDebugInfo()
    172           // If we added an explicit barrier then we should keep it.
    173           && !inst->IsMemoryBarrier()
    174           && !inst->IsParameterValue()
    175           && !inst->HasUses()) {
    176         block->RemoveInstruction(inst);
    177         MaybeRecordStat(MethodCompilationStat::kRemovedDeadInstruction);
    178       }
    179     }
    180   }
    181 }
    183 void HDeadCodeElimination::Run() {
    184   RemoveDeadBlocks();
    185   SsaRedundantPhiElimination(graph_).Run();
    186   RemoveDeadInstructions();
    187 }
    189 }  // namespace art