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      1 #############################################################
      2 ## Set up flags based on LOCAL_CXX_STL.
      3 ## Input variables: LOCAL_CXX_STL, my_prefix
      4 ## Output variables: My_cflags, my_c_includes, my_shared_libraries, etc.
      5 #############################################################
      7 # Select the appropriate C++ STL
      8 ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_CXX_STL)),default)
      9     ifndef LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
     10         # Platform code. Select the appropriate STL.
     11         my_cxx_stl := libc++
     12         ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE
     13             ifneq (,$(BUILD_HOST_static))
     14                 my_cxx_stl := libc++_static
     15             endif
     17             ifeq ($($(my_prefix)OS),windows)
     18                 # libc++ is not supported on mingw.
     19                 my_cxx_stl := libstdc++
     20             endif
     21         endif
     22     else
     23         my_cxx_stl := ndk
     24     endif
     25 else
     26     my_cxx_stl := $(strip $(LOCAL_CXX_STL))
     27     ifdef LOCAL_SDK_VERSION
     28         # The NDK has historically used LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT to specify the
     29         # STL. An Android.mk that specifies both LOCAL_CXX_STL and
     30         # LOCAL_SDK_VERSION will incorrectly try (and most likely fail) to use
     31         # the platform STL in an NDK binary. Emit an error to direct the user
     32         # toward the correct option.
     33         #
     34         # Note that we could also accept LOCAL_CXX_STL as an alias for
     35         # LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT (and in fact soong does use the same name), but
     36         # the two options use different names for the STLs.
     37         $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): $(LOCAL_MODULE): Must use LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT rather than LOCAL_CXX_STL for NDK binaries)
     38     endif
     39     ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE
     40         ifeq ($($(my_prefix)OS),windows)
     41             ifneq ($(filter $(my_cxx_stl),libc++ libc++_static),)
     42                 # libc++ is not supported on mingw.
     43                 my_cxx_stl := libstdc++
     44             endif
     45         endif
     46     endif
     47 endif
     49 # Yes, this is actually what the clang driver does.
     50 linux_dynamic_gcclibs := -lgcc_s -lgcc -lc -lgcc_s -lgcc
     51 linux_static_gcclibs := -Wl,--start-group -lgcc -lgcc_eh -lc -Wl,--end-group
     52 darwin_dynamic_gcclibs := -lc -lSystem
     53 darwin_static_gcclibs := NO_STATIC_HOST_BINARIES_ON_DARWIN
     54 windows_dynamic_gcclibs := \
     55     -lmsvcr110 -lmingw32 -lgcc -lmoldname -lmingwex -lmsvcrt -ladvapi32 \
     56     -lshell32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lmingw32 -lgcc -lmoldname -lmingwex -lmsvcrt
     57 windows_static_gcclibs := NO_STATIC_HOST_BINARIES_ON_WINDOWS
     59 my_link_type := dynamic
     60 ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE
     61     ifneq (,$(BUILD_HOST_static))
     62         my_link_type := static
     63     endif
     64     ifeq (-static,$(filter -static,$(my_ldflags)))
     65         my_link_type := static
     66     endif
     67 else
     68     ifeq (true,$(LOCAL_FORCE_STATIC_EXECUTABLE))
     69         my_link_type := static
     70     endif
     71 endif
     73 ifneq ($(filter $(my_cxx_stl),libc++ libc++_static),)
     74     my_cflags += -D_USING_LIBCXX
     76     # Note that the structure of this means that LOCAL_CXX_STL := libc++ will
     77     # use the static libc++ for static executables.
     78     ifeq ($(my_link_type),dynamic)
     79         ifeq ($(my_cxx_stl),libc++)
     80             my_shared_libraries += libc++
     81         else
     82             my_static_libraries += libc++_static
     83         endif
     84     else
     85         my_static_libraries += libc++_static
     86     endif
     88     ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE
     89         my_cppflags += -nostdinc++
     90         my_ldflags += -nodefaultlibs
     91         my_ldlibs += -lpthread -lm
     92         my_ldlibs += $($($(my_prefix)OS)_$(my_link_type)_gcclibs)
     93     else
     94         ifeq (arm,$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH))
     95             my_static_libraries += libunwind_llvm
     96             my_ldflags += -Wl,--exclude-libs,libunwind_llvm.a
     97         endif
     99         ifeq ($(my_link_type),static)
    100             my_static_libraries += libm libc libdl
    101         else
    102             my_shared_libraries += libdl
    103         endif
    104     endif
    105 else ifeq ($(my_cxx_stl),ndk)
    106     # Using an NDK STL. Handled in binary.mk.
    107 else ifeq ($(my_cxx_stl),libstdc++)
    108     # Using bionic's basic libstdc++. Not actually an STL. Only around until the
    109     # tree is in good enough shape to not need it.
    110     ifndef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE
    111         my_c_includes += bionic/libstdc++/include
    112         my_system_shared_libraries += libstdc++
    113     endif
    114     # Host builds will use GNU libstdc++.
    115 else ifeq ($(my_cxx_stl),none)
    116     ifdef LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE
    117         my_cppflags += -nostdinc++
    118         my_ldflags += -nodefaultlibs
    119         my_ldlibs += $($($(my_prefix)OS)_$(my_link_type)_gcclibs)
    120     endif
    121 else
    122     $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): $(LOCAL_MODULE): $(my_cxx_stl) is not a supported STL.)
    123 endif