1 <p>This is a demo application highlighting how to make internet-based calls with 2 the SIP API. The application uses a walkie-talkie style interface, allowing you 3 to only be heard when the button is pushed down.</p> 4 5 <p>The source code for this demo app shows how to accomplish three key things 6 with SIP: Make a call, receive a call, and signal to the Android platform that 7 your app wants to receive incoming SIP calls, so that they can be handled from 8 within the application.</p> 9 10 11 <p>The application includes:<p> 12 <ul> <li><a 13 href="src/com/example/android/sip/SipSettings.html"><code>SipSettings</code></a> 14 — a <code>PreferenceActivity</code> that supplies basic settings for SIP 15 authentication.</li> <li><a 16 href="src/com/example/android/sip/IncomingCallReceiver.html"><code> 17 IncomingCallReceiver</code></a> — a <code>BroadcastReceiver</code> 18 that listens for incoming SIP calls and passes them to 19 <code>WalkieTalkieActivity</code> for handling.</li> <li><a 20 href="src/com/example/android/sip/WalkieTalkieActivity.html"><code>WalkieTalkieActivity</code></a> 21 — a activity that login to SIP provider and registers the device to 22 receive incoming SIP, handles incoming calls and makes outgoing calls, managing 23 UI during the call.</li> </ul> 24 <p>If you are developing an application that uses the SIP API, remember that the 25 feature is supported only on Android 2.3 (API level 9) and higher versions of 26 the platform. Also, among devices running Android 2.3 (API level 9) or higher, 27 not all devices will offer SIP support. To ensure that your application can only 28 be installed on devices that are capable of supporting SIP, remember to add the 29 following to the application's manifest before publishing to Google Play:</p> 30 <ul> <li><code><uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="9" /></code>, which 31 indicates to Google Play and the platform that your application requires 32 Android 2.3 or higher. For more information, see <a 33 href="../../../guide/appendix/api-levels.html">API Levels</a> and the 34 documentation for the <a 35 href="../../../guide/topics/manifest/uses-sdk-element.html"><code><uses-sdk></code></a> 36 element.</li> </ul> <p>To control how Google Play filters your application 37 from devices that do not support SIP, remember to add the following to the 38 application's manifest <ul> <li><code><uses-feature 39 android:name="android.hardware.sip.voip" /></code>, which tells Google 40 Play that your application uses the SIP API. The declaration should include 41 an <code>android:required</code> attribute that indicates whether you want 42 Google Play to filter the application from devices that do not offer SIP 43 support. Other <code><uses-feature></code> declarations may also be 44 needed, depending on your implementation. For more information, see the 45 documentation for the <a 46 href="../../../guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html"><code><uses-feature></code></a> 47 element.</li> </ul> 48 <p>For more information about using the SIP API, see the <a 49 href="../../../reference/android/net/sip/package-summary.html"><code>android.net.sip</a></code> 50 documentation. </p> 51 52 <img alt="" src="../images/SipDemo.png" /> 53