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      1 # Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
      2 # Copyright (c) 2011-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     16 """Emit commands needed for QCOM devices during OTA installation
     17 (installing the radio image)."""
     19 import common
     20 import re
     23 bootImages = {}
     24 binImages = {}
     25 fwImages = {}
     28 # Parse filesmap file containing firmware residing places
     29 def LoadFilesMap(zip, name="RADIO/filesmap"):
     30   try:
     31     data = zip.read(name)
     32   except KeyError:
     33     print "Warning: could not find %s in %s." % (name, zip)
     34     data = ""
     35   d = {}
     36   for line in data.split("\n"):
     37     line = line.strip()
     38     if not line or line.startswith("#"):
     39       continue
     40     pieces = line.split()
     41     if not (len(pieces) == 2):
     42       raise ValueError("malformed filesmap line: \"%s\"" % (line,))
     43     d[pieces[0]] = pieces[1]
     44   return d
     47 # Read firmware images from target files zip
     48 def GetRadioFiles(z):
     49   out = {}
     50   for info in z.infolist():
     51     f = info.filename
     52     if f.startswith("RADIO/") and (f.__len__() > len("RADIO/")):
     53       fn = f[6:]
     54       if fn.startswith("filesmap"):
     55         continue
     56       data = z.read(f)
     57       out[fn] = common.File(f, data)
     58   return out
     61 # Get firmware residing place from filesmap
     62 def GetFileDestination(fn, filesmap):
     63   # if file is encoded disregard the .enc extention
     64   if fn.endswith('.enc'):
     65     fn = fn[:-4]
     67   # get backup destination as well if present
     68   backup = None
     69   if fn + ".bak" in filesmap:
     70     backup = filesmap[fn + ".bak"]
     72   # If full filename is not specified in filesmap get only the name part
     73   # and look for this token
     74   if fn not in filesmap:
     75     fn = fn.split(".")[0] + ".*"
     76     if fn not in filesmap:
     77       print "warning radio-update: '%s' not found in filesmap" % (fn)
     78       return None, backup
     79   return filesmap[fn], backup
     82 # Separate image types as each type needs different handling
     83 def SplitFwTypes(files):
     84   boot = {}
     85   bin = {}
     86   fw = {}
     88   for f in files:
     89     extIdx = -1
     90     dotSeparated = f.split(".")
     91     while True:
     92       if dotSeparated[extIdx] != 'p' and dotSeparated[extIdx] != 'enc':
     93         break
     94       extIdx -= 1
     96     if dotSeparated[extIdx] == 'mbn' or dotSeparated[extIdx] == 'elf':
     97       boot[f] = files[f]
     98     elif dotSeparated[extIdx] == 'bin':
     99       bin[f] = files[f]
    100     else:
    101       fw[f] = files[f]
    102   return boot, bin, fw
    105 # Prepare radio-update files and verify them
    106 def OTA_VerifyEnd(info, api_version, target_zip, source_zip=None):
    107   if api_version < 3:
    108     print "warning radio-update: no support for api_version less than 3"
    109     return False
    111   print "Loading radio filesmap..."
    112   filesmap = LoadFilesMap(target_zip)
    113   if filesmap == {}:
    114     print "warning radio-update: no or invalid filesmap file found"
    115     return False
    117   print "Loading radio target..."
    118   tgt_files = GetRadioFiles(target_zip)
    119   if tgt_files == {}:
    120     print "warning radio-update: no radio images in input target_files"
    121     return False
    123   src_files = None
    124   if source_zip is not None:
    125     print "Loading radio source..."
    126     src_files = GetRadioFiles(source_zip)
    128   update_list = {}
    129   largest_source_size = 0
    131   print "Preparing radio-update files..."
    132   for fn in tgt_files:
    133     dest, destBak = GetFileDestination(fn, filesmap)
    134     if dest is None:
    135       continue
    137     tf = tgt_files[fn]
    138     sf = None
    139     if src_files is not None:
    140       sf = src_files.get(fn, None)
    142     full = sf is None or fn.endswith('.enc')
    143     if not full:
    144       # no difference - skip this file
    145       if tf.sha1 == sf.sha1:
    146         continue
    147       d = common.Difference(tf, sf)
    148       _, _, d = d.ComputePatch()
    149       # no difference - skip this file
    150       if d is None:
    151         continue
    152       # if patch is almost as big as the file - don't bother patching
    153       full = len(d) > tf.size * common.OPTIONS.patch_threshold
    154       if not full:
    155         f = "patch/firmware-update/" + fn + ".p"
    156         common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, f, d)
    157         update_list[f] = (dest, destBak, tf, sf)
    158         largest_source_size = max(largest_source_size, sf.size)
    159     if full:
    160       f = "firmware-update/" + fn
    161       common.ZipWriteStr(info.output_zip, f, tf.data)
    162       update_list[f] = (dest, destBak, None, None)
    164   global bootImages
    165   global binImages
    166   global fwImages
    167   bootImages, binImages, fwImages = SplitFwTypes(update_list)
    169   # If there are incremental patches verify them
    170   if largest_source_size != 0:
    171     info.script.Comment("---- radio update verification ----")
    172     info.script.Print("Verifying radio-update...")
    174     for f in bootImages:
    175       dest, destBak, tf, sf = bootImages[f]
    176       # Not incremental
    177       if sf is None:
    178         continue
    179       info.script.PatchCheck("EMMC:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s" %
    180               (dest, sf.size, sf.sha1, tf.size, tf.sha1))
    181       if destBak is not None:
    182         info.script.PatchCheck("EMMC:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s" %
    183                 (destBak, sf.size, sf.sha1, tf.size, tf.sha1))
    184     for f in binImages:
    185       dest, destBak, tf, sf = binImages[f]
    186       # Not incremental
    187       if sf is None:
    188         continue
    189       info.script.PatchCheck("EMMC:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s" %
    190               (dest, sf.size, sf.sha1, tf.size, tf.sha1))
    192     last_mounted = ""
    193     for f in fwImages:
    194       dest, destBak, tf, sf = fwImages[f]
    195       # Not incremental
    196       if sf is None:
    197         continue
    198       # Get the filename without the path and the patch (.p) extention
    199       f = f.split("/")[-1][:-2]
    200       # Parse filesmap destination paths for "/dev/" pattern in the beginng.
    201       # This would mean that the file must be written to block device -
    202       # fs mount needed
    203       if dest.startswith("/dev/"):
    204         if last_mounted != dest:
    205           info.script.AppendExtra('unmount("/firmware");')
    206           info.script.AppendExtra('mount("vfat", "EMMC", "%s", "/firmware");' %
    207                                     (dest))
    208           last_mounted = dest
    209         dest = "/firmware/image/" + f
    210       else:
    211         dest = dest + "/" + f
    212       info.script.PatchCheck(dest, tf.sha1, sf.sha1)
    214     info.script.CacheFreeSpaceCheck(largest_source_size)
    215   return True
    218 def FullOTA_Assertions(info):
    219   #TODO: Implement device specific asserstions.
    220   return
    223 def IncrementalOTA_Assertions(info):
    224   #TODO: Implement device specific asserstions.
    225   return
    228 def IncrementalOTA_VerifyEnd(info):
    229  OTA_VerifyEnd(info, info.target_version, info.target_zip, info.source_zip)
    230  return
    233 # This function handles only non-HLOS whole partition images
    234 def InstallRawImage(script, f, dest, tf, sf):
    235   if f.endswith('.p'):
    236     script.ApplyPatch("EMMC:%s:%d:%s:%d:%s" %
    237                         (dest, sf.size, sf.sha1, tf.size, tf.sha1),
    238                         "-", tf.size, tf.sha1, sf.sha1, f)
    239   elif f.endswith('.enc'):
    240     # Get the filename without the path
    241     fn = f.split("/")[-1]
    242     script.AppendExtra('package_extract_file("%s", "/tmp/%s");' % (f, fn))
    243     script.AppendExtra('msm.decrypt("/tmp/%s", "%s");' % (fn, dest))
    244   else:
    245     script.AppendExtra('package_extract_file("%s", "%s");' % (f, dest))
    246   return
    249 # This function handles only non-HLOS boot images - files list must contain
    250 # only such images (aboot, tz, etc)
    251 def InstallBootImages(script, files):
    252   bakExists = False
    253   # update main partitions
    254   script.AppendExtra('ifelse(msm.boot_update("main"), (')
    255   for f in files:
    256     dest, destBak, tf, sf = files[f]
    257     if destBak is not None:
    258       bakExists = True
    259     InstallRawImage(script, f, dest, tf, sf)
    260   script.AppendExtra('), "");')
    262   # update backup partitions
    263   if bakExists:
    264     script.AppendExtra('ifelse(msm.boot_update("backup"), (')
    265     for f in files:
    266       dest, destBak, tf, sf = files[f]
    267       if destBak is not None:
    268         InstallRawImage(script, f, destBak, tf, sf)
    269     script.AppendExtra('), "");')
    270   # just finalize primary update stage
    271   else:
    272     script.AppendExtra('msm.boot_update("backup");')
    274   # finalize partitions update
    275   script.AppendExtra('msm.boot_update("finalize");')
    276   return
    279 # This function handles only non-HLOS bin images
    280 def InstallBinImages(script, files):
    281   for f in files:
    282     dest, _, tf, sf = files[f]
    283     InstallRawImage(script, f, dest, tf, sf)
    284   return
    287 # This function handles only non-HLOS firmware files that are not whole
    288 # partition images (modem, dsp, etc)
    289 def InstallFwImages(script, files):
    290   last_mounted = ""
    292   for f in files:
    293     dest, _, tf, sf = files[f]
    294     # Get the filename without the path
    295     fn = f.split("/")[-1]
    296     # Parse filesmap destination paths for "/dev/" pattern in the beginng.
    297     # This would mean that the file must be written to block device -
    298     # fs mount needed
    299     if dest.startswith("/dev/"):
    300       if last_mounted != dest:
    301         script.AppendExtra('unmount("/firmware");')
    302         script.AppendExtra('mount("vfat", "EMMC", "%s", "/firmware");' %
    303                             (dest))
    304         last_mounted = dest
    305       dest = "/firmware/image/" + fn
    306     else:
    307       dest = dest + "/" + fn
    309     if f.endswith('.p'):
    310       script.ApplyPatch(dest[:-2], "-", tf.size, tf.sha1, sf.sha1, f)
    311     elif f.endswith('.enc'):
    312       script.AppendExtra('package_extract_file("%s", "/tmp/%s");' % (f, fn))
    313       script.AppendExtra('msm.decrypt("/tmp/%s", "%s");' % (fn, dest[:-4]))
    314     else:
    315       script.AppendExtra('package_extract_file("%s", "%s");' % (f, dest))
    317   if last_mounted != "":
    318     script.AppendExtra('unmount("/firmware");')
    319   return
    322 def OTA_InstallEnd(info):
    323   print "Applying radio-update script modifications..."
    324   info.script.Comment("---- radio update tasks ----")
    325   info.script.Print("Patching firmware images...")
    327   if bootImages != {}:
    328     InstallBootImages(info.script, bootImages)
    329   if binImages != {}:
    330     InstallBinImages(info.script, binImages)
    331   if fwImages != {}:
    332     InstallFwImages(info.script, fwImages)
    333   return
    336 def FullOTA_InstallEnd_MMC(info):
    337   if OTA_VerifyEnd(info, info.input_version, info.input_zip):
    338     OTA_InstallEnd(info)
    339   return
    342 def FullOTA_InstallEnd_MTD(info):
    343   print "warning radio-update: radio update for NAND devices not supported"
    344   return
    347 def FullOTA_InstallEnd(info):
    348   FullOTA_InstallEnd_MMC(info)
    349   return
    351 def IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd_MMC(info):
    352   OTA_InstallEnd(info)
    353   return
    356 def IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd_MTD(info):
    357   print "warning radio-update: radio update for NAND devices not supported"
    358   return
    360 def IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd(info):
    361   IncrementalOTA_InstallEnd_MMC(info)
    362   return