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      1 page.title=Running CTS tests
      2 @jd:body
      4 <!--
      5     Copyright 2015 The Android Open Source Project
      7     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      8     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      9     You may obtain a copy of the License at
     11         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     13     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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     15     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     16     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     17     limitations under the License.
     18 -->
     19 <div id="qv-wrapper">
     20   <div id="qv">
     21     <h2>In this document</h2>
     22     <ol id="auto-toc">
     23     </ol>
     24   </div>
     25 </div>
     27 <h2 id=cts_tradefed>Getting started with CTS tradefed</h2>
     28 <p>See the <a
     29 href="{@docRoot}devices/tech/test_infra/tradefed/index.html">Trade Federation
     30 Overview</a> for an explanation of the Trade Federation (tradefed or TF for
     31 short) continuous test framework.</p>
     33 <p>To run a test plan:</p>
     34 <ol>
     35   <li>Connect at least one device.
     36   <li>Press the <strong>home</strong> button to set the device to the home screen at the start of CTS.
     37   <li>While a device is running tests, it must not be used for any other tasks
     38     and must be kept in a stationary position (to avoid triggering sensor activity)
     39     with the cameras pointing at an object that could be focused.
     40   <li>Do not press any keys on the device while the CTS is running. Pressing keys
     41     or touching the screen of a test device will interfere with the running tests
     42     and may lead to test failures.
     43   <li>Launch the CTS console by running the <em>cts-tradefed</em> script from
     44     the folder where the CTS package has been unzipped, e.g.
     45     <code>$ ./android-cts/tools/cts-tradefed</code>
     46   <li>You may start the default test plan (containing all of the test packages) by
     47     appending: <code>run cts --plan CTS</code> (or just <code>run cts</code> for v2).
     48     This kicks off all the CTS tests required for compatibility.
     49     Enter <code>list plans</code> to see a list of test plans in the repository.
     50     Enter <code>list packages</code> to see a list of test packages in the repository.
     51     See the CTS command
     52     reference or type help for a complete list of supported commands.
     53   <li>Alternately, you may run the CTS plan of your choosing from the command line
     54     using: <code>cts-tradefed run cts --plan
     55       <plan_name>
     56       </code>
     57   <li>View test progress and results reported on the console.
     58   <li>If your device is Android 5.0 or later and declares support for an ARM and a
     59     x86 ABI, you should run both the ARM and x86 CTS packages.
     60 </ol>
     62 <h2 id=using-cts-v1>Using the CTS v1 console</h2>
     64 <p>For Android 6.0 or earlier, you'll use CTS v1.</p>
     65 <h3 id=selecting_cts_plans>Selecting plans</h3>
     66 <p>The following test plans are available:</p>
     67 <ul>
     68   <li><em>CTS</em>all tests required for compatibility. </li>
     69   <li><em>Signature</em>the signature verification of all public APIs </li>
     70   <li><em>Android</em>tests for the Android APIs </li>
     71   <li><em>Java</em>tests for the Java core library </li>
     72   <li><em>VM</em>tests for ART or Dalvik </li>
     73   <li><em>Performance</em>performance tests for your implementation </li>
     74 </ul>
     75 <p>These can be executed with the <code>run cts</code>command.</p>
     76 <h3 id=cts_reference>CTS v1 console command reference</h3>
     78 <p class="table-caption" id="console-commands">
     79   <strong>Table 1.</strong> This table summarizes the CTS v1 console commands for
     80 various uses.</p>
     81 <table>
     82   <tbody>
     83     <tr>
     84       <th>Host</th>
     85       <th>Description</th>
     86     </tr>
     87     <tr>
     88       <td><code>help</code></td>
     89       <td>Display a summary of the most commonly used commands</td>
     90     </tr>
     91     <tr>
     92       <td><code>help all</code></td>
     93       <td>Display the complete list of available commands</td>
     94     </tr>
     95     <tr>
     96       <td><code>exit</code></td>
     97       <td>Gracefully exit the CTS console. Console will close when all currently running tests are finished</td>
     98     </tr>
     99     <tr>
    100       <th>Run</th>
    101       <th>Description</th>
    102     </tr>
    103     <tr>
    104       <td><code>run cts</code></td>
    105       <td>Run the specified tests and displays progress information. One of
    106 <code>--plan</code>, <code>--package</code>, <code>--class</code> or
    107 <code>--continue-session</code> needs to be specified
    108         <p>The CTS console can accept other commands while tests are in progress </p>
    109         <p>If no devices are connected, the CTS desktop machine (or host) will wait for a device to be connected before starting tests </p>
    110         <p>If more than one device is connected, the CTS host will choose a device automatically</p></td>
    111     </tr>
    112     <tr>
    113       <td><code>--plan &lt;test_plan_name&gt;</code></td>
    114       <td>Run the specified test plan</td>
    115     </tr>
    116     <tr>
    117       <td><code>-- package/-p &lt;test_package_name&gt; [--package/-p &lt;test_package2&gt;...]</code></td>
    118       <td>Run the specified test packages</td>
    119     </tr>
    120     <tr>
    121       <td><code>--class/-c &lt;class_name&gt; [--method/-m &lt;test_method_name&gt;</code></td>
    122       <td>Run the specified test class and/or method</td>
    123     </tr>
    124     <tr>
    125       <td><code>--continue-session</code></td>
    126       <td>Run all not executed tests from previous CTS session; the sessions testResult.xml will be updated with the new results</td>
    127     </tr>
    128     <tr>
    129       <td><code>--shards&lt;number_of_shards&gt;</code></td>
    130       <td>Shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices in parallel</td>
    131     </tr>
    132     <tr>
    133       <td><code>--serial/-s &lt;deviceID&gt;</code></td>
    134       <td>Run CTS on the specific device</td>
    135     </tr>
    136     <tr>
    137       <td><code>-t &lt;class_name&gt;#&lt;test_method_name&gt;</code></td>
    138       <td>Run a specific test method</td>
    139     </tr>
    140     <tr>
    141       <td><code>--force-abi 32|64</code></td>
    142       <td>On 64-bit devices, run the test against only the 32-bit or 64-bit ABI</td>
    143     </tr>
    144     <tr>
    145       <th>List</th>
    146       <th>Description</th>
    147     </tr>
    148     <tr>
    149       <td><code>list packages</code></td>
    150       <td>List all available test packages in the repository</td>
    151     </tr>
    152     <tr>
    153       <td><code>list plans</code></td>
    154       <td>List all available test plans in the repository</td>
    155     </tr>
    156     <tr>
    157       <td><code>list invocations</code></td>
    158       <td>List 'run' commands currently being executed on devices</td>
    159     </tr>
    160     <tr>
    161       <td><code>list commands</code></td>
    162       <td>List all 'run' commands currently in the queue waiting to be assigned to devices</td>
    163     </tr>
    164     <tr>
    165       <td><code>list results</code></td>
    166       <td>List CTS results currently stored in repository</td>
    167     </tr>
    168     <tr>
    169       <td><code>list devices</code></td>
    170       <td>List currently connected devices and their state
    171         <p> </p>
    172         <p>'Available' devices are functioning, idle devices, available for running tests</p>
    173         <p> </p>
    174         <p>'Unavailable' devices are devices visible via adb, but are not responding to adb commands and won't be allocated for tests</p>
    175         <p> </p>
    176         <p>'Allocated' devices are devices currently running tests</td>
    177     </tr>
    178     <tr>
    179       <th>Add</th>
    180       <th>Description</th>
    181     </tr>
    182     <tr>
    183       <td><code>add derivedplan --plan &lt;plan_name&gt;<br>
    184         --result/-r<br>
    185         [pass | fail | timeout | notExecuted]<br>
    186         [--session/-s &lt;session_id&gt;]</code></td>
    187       <td>Create a plan derived from given result session; use this option to rerun reports and validate test issues</td>
    188     </tr>
    189   </tbody>
    190 </table>
    192 <h2 id=using-cts-v2>Using the CTS v2 console</h2>
    194 <p>For Android 7.0 or later, you'll use CTS v2.</p>
    195 <h3 id=selecting_ctsv2_plans>Selecting plans</h3>
    196 <p>Available test plans include the following:</p>
    197 <ul>
    198   <li><em>cts</em>Runs CTS from an pre-existing CTS installation.</li>
    199   <li><em>cts-camera</em> Runs CTS-camera from a pre-existing CTS installation.</li>
    200   <li><em>cts-java</em> Runs Core Java Tests from a pre-existing CTS installation.</li>
    201   <li><em>cts-pdk</em> Runs Tests useful on validating a PDK fusion build.</li>
    202   <li><em>everything</em> Common config for Compatibility suites.</li>
    203 </ul>
    204 <p>Other available configurations include the following:</p>
    205 <ul>
    206   <li><em>basic-reporters</em> Configuration with basic CTS reporters.</li>
    207   <li><em>collect-tests-only</em>Runs CTS from a pre-existing CTS installation.</li>
    208   <li><em>common-compatibility-config</em> Common config for Compatibility suites.</li>
    209   <li><em>cts-filtered-sample</em> Common config for Compatibility suites.</li>
    210   <li><em>cts-known-failures</em> Configuration with CTS known failures.</li>
    211   <li><em>cts-preconditions</em> CTS precondition configs.</li>
    212   <li><em>host</em> Runs a single host-based test on an existing device.</li>
    213   <li><em>instrument</em> Runs a single Android instrumentation test on an existing device.</li>
    214   <li><em>native-benchmark</em> Runs a native stress test on an existing device.</li>
    215   <li><em>native-stress</em> Runs a native stress test on an existing device.</li>
    216   <li><em>recharge</em> A fake test that waits for nearly-discharged devices and holds them for charging.</li>
    217   <li><em>testdef</em> Runs tests contained in test_def.xml files on an existing device.</li>
    218   <li><em>util/wifi</em> Utility config to configure Wi-Fi on device.</li>
    219   <li><em>util/wipe</em> Wipes user data on device.</li>
    220 </ul>
    221 <p>All of these plans and configs can be executed with the <code>run cts</code>command.</p>
    223 <h3 id=ctsv2_reference>CTS v2 console command reference</h3>
    225 <p class="table-caption" id="console-commands">
    226   <strong>Table 1.</strong> This table summarizes the CTS V2 console commands for
    227 various uses.</p>
    228 <table>
    229   <tbody>
    230     <tr>
    231       <th>Host</th>
    232       <th>Description</th>
    233     </tr>
    234     <tr>
    235       <td><code>help</code></td>
    236       <td>Display a summary of the most commonly used commands</td>
    237     </tr>
    238     <tr>
    239       <td><code>help all</code></td>
    240       <td>Display the complete list of available commands</td>
    241     </tr>
    242     <tr>
    243       <td><code>version</code></td>
    244       <td>Show the version.</td>
    245     </tr>
    246     <tr>
    247       <td><code>exit</code></td>
    248       <td>Gracefully exit the CTS console. Console will close when all currently running tests are finished.</td>
    249     </tr>
    250     <tr>
    251       <th>Run</th>
    252       <th>Description</th>
    253     </tr>
    254     <tr>
    255       <td><code>run cts</code></td>
    256       <td><p>Run the default CTS plan (that is, the full CTS invocation).</p>
    257       <p>The CTS console can accept other commands while tests are in progress.</p>
    258         <p>If no devices are connected, the CTS desktop machine (or host) will wait
    259            for a device to be connected before starting tests.</p>
    260         <p>If more than one device is connected, the CTS host will choose a device automatically.</p></td>
    261     </tr>
    262     <tr>
    263       <td><code>--plan &lt;test_plan_name&gt;</code></td>
    264       <td>Run the specified test plan.</td>
    265     </tr>
    266     <tr>
    267       <td><code>-- module/-m &lt;test_module_name&gt; [--module/-m &lt;test_module2&gt;...]</code></td>
    268       <td>Run the specified test module or modules. For example, <code>run cts --module CtsGestureTestCases</code>
    269           executes the gesture test module (this can be shortened to <code>run cts -m Gesture</code>).</br>
    270           <code>run cts -m Gesture --test android.gesture.cts.GestureTest#testGetStrokes</code> runs the specific
    271           package, class, or test.</td>
    272     </tr>
    273     <tr>
    274       <td><code>-- module/-m &lt;test_module_name&gt; -- test &lt;test_name&gt;</code></td>
    275       <td>Run the specified module and test. For example,
    276         <code>run cts -m Gesture --test android.gesture.cts.GestureTest#testGetStrokes</code> runs the specific
    277          package, class, or test.</td>
    278     </tr>
    279     <tr>
    280       <td><code>--retry</code></td>
    281       <td>Retry all tests that failed or were not executed from the previous sessions.
    282           Use <code>list results</code> to get the session id.</td>
    283     </tr>
    284     <tr>
    285       <td><code>--shards&lt;number_of_shards&gt;</code></td>
    286       <td>Shard a CTS run into given number of independent chunks, to run on multiple devices in parallel.</td>
    287     </tr>
    288     <tr>
    289       <td><code>--serial/-s &lt;deviceID&gt;</code></td>
    290       <td>Run CTS on the specific device.</td>
    291     </tr>
    292     <tr>
    293       <td><code>--abi 32|64</code></td>
    294       <td>Forces the test to run on the given ABI. By default CTS runs a test once for each ABI the device supports.</td>
    295     </tr>
    296     <tr>
    297       <td><code>--logcat</code>, <code>--bugreport</code>, and <code>--screenshoot-on-failure</code></td>
    298       <td>Give more visibility into failures and can help with diagnostics.</td>
    299     </tr>
    300     <tr>
    301       <td><code>--device-token</code></td>
    302       <td>Specifies a given device has the given token eg. <code>--device-token 1a2b3c4d:sim-card.</code>.</td>
    303     </tr>
    304     <tr>
    305       <td><code>--skip-device-info</code></td>
    306       <td>Skips collection of information about the device. Note: do not use this option when running CTS for approval.</td>
    307     </tr>
    308     <tr>
    309       <td><code>--skip-preconditions</code></td>
    310       <td>Bypasses verification and setup of the device's configuration, such as pushing media files or checking for Wi-Fi connection.</td>
    311     </tr>
    312     <tr>
    313       <th>List</th>
    314       <th>Description</th>
    315     </tr>
    316     <tr>
    317       <td><code>list modules</code></td>
    318       <td>List all available test modules in the repository.</td.>
    319     </tr>
    320     <tr>
    321       <td><code>list plans</code> or <code>list configs</code></td>
    322       <td>List all available test plans (configs) in the repository.</td>
    323     </tr>
    324     <tr>
    325       <td><code>list invocations</code></td>
    326       <td>List 'run' commands currently being executed on devices.</td>
    327     </tr>
    328     <tr>
    329       <td><code>list commands</code></td>
    330       <td>List all 'run' commands currently in the queue waiting to be assigned to devices.</td>
    331     </tr>
    332     <tr>
    333       <td><code>list results</code></td>
    334       <td>List CTS results currently stored in repository.</td>
    335     </tr>
    336     <tr>
    337       <td><code>list devices</code></td>
    338       <td>List currently connected devices and their state.
    339         <p> </p>
    340         <p>'Available' devices are functioning, idle devices, available for running tests.</p>
    341         <p> </p>
    342         <p>'Unavailable' devices are devices visible via adb, but are not responding to adb commands and won't be allocated for tests.</p>
    343         <p> </p>
    344         <p>'Allocated' devices are devices currently running tests.</td>
    345     </tr>
    346     <tr>
    347       <th>Dump</th>
    348       <th>Description</th>
    349     </tr>
    350     <tr>
    351       <td><code>dump logs</code></td>
    352       <td>Dump the tradefed logs for all running invocations.</td>
    353     </tr>
    354   </tbody>
    355 </table>