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      1 page.title=MIDI Test Procedure
      2 @jd:body
      4 <!--
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     20 <div id="qv-wrapper">
     21   <div id="qv">
     22     <h2>In this document</h2>
     23     <ol id="auto-toc">
     24     </ol>
     25   </div>
     26 </div>
     28 <p>These tests may be used to validate the MIDI feature on Android devices.
     29 Successful execution of these tests is a prerequisite to
     30 <a href="midi.html#claim-feature">claim the MIDI feature</a>.
     31 </p>
     33 <h2 id="preparation">Preparation</h2>
     36 <h3 id="hardware">Hardware</h3>
     38 <p>
     39 The following hardware is needed for the tests.
     40 </p>
     42 <ul>
     43   <li> MIDI keyboard with USB connector, e.g. the <a href="http://www.akaipro.com/product/lpk25">Akai LPK25</a></li>
     44   <li> MIDI keyboard with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) support, e.g. the <a href="http://miselu.com/">Miselu C.24</a></li>
     45   <li> USB cables</li>
     46   <li> USB On-The-Go (OTG) adapter to convert a female USB-A to male micro-USB or USB-C</li>
     47   <li> Android device running Android 6.0 Marshmallow or later release</li>
     48   <li> Optional: desktop computer</li>
     49 </ul>
     51 <h3 id="apps">Apps</h3>
     53 <p>
     54 Several apps are used by this test procedure.
     55 The apps are available in source code on GitHub project
     56 <a href="https://github.com/philburk/android-midisuite">android-midisuite</a>,
     57 and via <em>Google Play</em>&trade; at links in the following table.
     58 </p>
     60 <table>
     61 <tr>
     62   <th>Source code</th>
     63   <th>Google&nbsp;Play&trade;</th>
     64   <th>Description</th>
     65 </tr>
     66 <tr>
     67   <td><a href="https://github.com/philburk/android-midisuite/tree/master/MidiScope">MidiScope</a> or
     68     <a href="https://github.com/googlesamples/android-MidiScope">MidiScope</a></td>
     69   <td><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobileer.example.midiscope">MIDI Scope</a></td>
     70   <td>displays MIDI messages on-screen</td>
     71 </tr>
     72 <tr>
     73   <td><a href="https://github.com/philburk/android-midisuite/tree/master/MidiKeyboard">MidiKeyboard</a></td>
     74   <td><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobileer.midikeyboard">MIDI Keyboard</a></td>
     75   <td>sends MIDI messages by pressing an on-screen music keyboard</td>
     76 </tr>
     77 <tr>
     78   <td><a href="https://github.com/philburk/android-midisuite/tree/master/MidiSynthExample">MidiSynthExample</a> or
     79     <br /><a href="https://github.com/googlesamples/android-MidiSynth">MidiSynth</a></td>
     80   <td><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobileer.midisynthexample">MIDI Synth Ex</a></td>
     81   <td>simple MIDI synthesizer that uses sawtooth oscillators</td>
     82 </tr>
     83 <tr>
     84   <td><a href="https://github.com/philburk/android-midisuite/tree/master/MidiBtlePairing">MidiBtlePairing</a></td>
     85   <td><a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobileer.example.midibtlepairing">MIDI BLE Connect</a></td>
     86   <td>pairs an Android device with a BLE peripheral</td>
     87 </tr>
     88 <tr>
     89   <td><a href="https://github.com/philburk/android-midisuite/tree/master/MidiTools">MidiTools</a></td>
     90   <td></td>
     91   <td>library dependency of the above apps</td>
     92 </tr>
     93 </table>
     95 <p>
     96 If you choose to work from source code rather than install via <em>Google Play</em>&trade;,
     97 first build the app using the supplied <em>Android.mk</em>.
     98 Then install the app using
     99 <a href="http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html">Android Debug Bridge</a> (ADB).
    100 For example, to install the <em>MidiScope</em> app:</p>
    102 <ol>
    103   <li> Use a workstation with ADB installed.</li>
    104   <li> Connect a USB cable from the workstation to the Android device.</li>
    105   <li> You may need to allow the USB connection on the Android device; see <a href="midi.html#usb-peripheral">USB peripheral mode</a></li>
    106   <li> On the workstation, enter:</li>
    107 </ol>
    109 <pre>
    110 cd <em>&lt;this-folder&gt;</em>
    111 adb install -r MidiScope.apk
    112 </pre>
    115 <h2 id="virtual_synth_tests">Virtual synth tests</h2>
    118 <p>Note that a MIDI input port can have only one connection. So if another app is
    119 already using an input port, that port will not be available. If you cannot connect to
    120 an input port then try closing other apps.</p>
    122 <p>Hardware needed: Android device under test</p>
    124 <h3 id="simple_connection">Simple connection</h3>
    127 <p>Apps needed: <em>MidiKeyboard</em>, <em>MidiSynthExample</em></p>
    129 <p>This tests device enumeration, virtual devices, port connections, and message
    130 sending.</p>
    132 <ol>
    133   <li> Adjust volume on Android device to about halfway.</li>
    134   <li> Orient phone in landscape mode.</li>
    135   <li> Launch <em>MidiKeyboard</em> app.</li>
    136   <li> Select <strong>SynthExample</strong> from the spinner menu.</li>
    137   <li> Play keys. You should hear notes being played in the <em>SynthExample</em> app.</li>
    138   <li> Exit the application by pressing the <strong>Back</strong> button so that the port will be
    139 closed.</li>
    140 </ol>
    142 <h2 id="host_mode">USB test: host mode</h2>
    145 <p>Hardware needed: USB MIDI keyboard, USB cable, OTG adapter</p>
    147 <p>Repeat these tests several times. We have seen the USB stack crash hard on some
    148 prototype devices if devices were plugged in and unplugged a few times.</p>
    150 <h3 id="keyboard_already_plugged_in">Keyboard already plugged in</h3>
    153 <p>Apps needed: <em>MidiSynthExample</em> or <em>MidiScope</em></p>
    155 <p>This tests USB MIDI in host mode.</p>
    157 <ol>
    158   <li> Adjust volume on Android device to about halfway.</li>
    159   <li> Plug in USB keyboard using the OTG adapter.</li>
    160   <li> Launch <em>SynthExample</em> app or the <em>MidiScope</em> app.</li>
    161   <li> From the menu select  the USB keyboard. It will display the brand.</li>
    162   <li> Play notes on the keyboard. If you ran <em>SynthExample</em> then you should hear notes
    163 being played on the phone. If you ran <em>MidiScope</em> then you should see <em>NoteOn</em> and
    164 <em>NoteOff</em> messages on-screen.</li>
    165   <li> Unplug the keyboard. The <em>Sender for Synth</em> menu should display <em>- - - - -</em>.</li>
    166   <li> Exit the application by pressing the <strong>Back</strong> button.</li>
    167 </ol>
    169 <h3 id="hot_plug_usb_keyboard">Hot-plug USB keyboard</h3>
    172 <p>Apps needed: <em>MidiSynthExample</em> or <em>MidiScope</em></p>
    174 <p>This tests USB MIDI in host mode.</p>
    176 <ol>
    177   <li> Adjust volume on Android device to about halfway.</li>
    178   <li> Make sure there is not a USB MIDI keyboard plugged in.</li>
    179   <li> Launch <em>SynthExample</em> app.</li>
    180   <li> At middle, next to <em>Sender for Synth</em>, look in menu. You should not see the USB
    181 keyboard listed.</li>
    182   <li> Plug in USB keyboard using the OTG adapter.</li>
    183   <li> At middle, next to <em>Sender for Synth</em>, select the USB keyboard. It will display
    184 the brand.</li>
    185   <li> Play notes on the keyboard. You should hear notes being played on the phone.</li>
    186   <li> At middle, next to <em>Sender for Synth</em>, select <strong>- - - - -</strong>.</li>
    187   <li> Play notes on the keyboard. You should hear nothing.</li>
    188   <li> At middle, next to <em>Sender for Synth</em>, select the USB keyboard. It will display
    189 the brand.</li>
    190   <li> Play notes on the keyboard. You should hear notes being played on the phone.</li>
    191   <li> Unplug the synthesizer. The <em>Sender for Synth</em> menu should display <em>- - - - -</em>.</li>
    192   <li>  Exit the application by pressing the <strong>Back</strong> button.</li>
    193 </ol>
    195 <h2 id="peripheral_mode">USB test: peripheral mode</h2>
    198 <p>Hardware needed: USB cable, OTG adapter</p>
    200 <h3 id="android_to_android">Android-to-Android</h3>
    203 <p>Apps needed: <em>MidiKeyboard</em> on Android device under test, <em>MidiScope</em> on another
    204 Android device.</p>
    206 <p>Use Android devices as a peripheral controller for another Android device. To help test
    207 this mode, use another Android device running in host mode. Note that
    208 you could modify the test to work with a desktop computer running Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    209 software such as
    210 GarageBand.</p>
    212 <ol>
    213   <li> Connect the USB cable to the Android device under test (Android device <strong>A</strong>).</li>
    214   <li> Use an OTG adapter to connect the other end of the cable to a second Android
    215 device <strong>B</strong> that operates in host mode.</li>
    216   <li> On Android device A:
    217   <ol>
    218     <li> Drag finger down from top of screen.</li>
    219     <li> Select <strong>USB for Charging</strong> icon.</li>
    220     <li> Select <strong>MIDI</strong>.</li>
    221     <li> Launch <em>MidiKeyboard</em> app.</li>
    222     <li> Select <strong>Android USB Peripheral Port</strong> from <em>Receiver for Keys</em> menu at top.</li>
    223   </ol>
    224   </li>
    225   <li> On Android device B:
    226   <ol>
    227     <li> Launch <em>MidiScope</em> app.</li>
    228     <li> Select the other Android device as the source.</li>
    229   </ol>
    230   </li>
    231   <li> On Android device A:
    232   <ol>
    233     <li> Play notes on the keyboard and look for <em>NoteOn</em> and <em>NoteOff</em> on Android device B.</li>
    234   </ol>
    235   </li>
    236   </ol>
    238 <h2 id="bluetooth_le_test">BLE test</h2>
    241 <p>Hardware needed: MIDI keyboard supporting BLE</p>
    243 <h3 id="basic_pairing_and_playing">Basic pairing and playing</h3>
    246 <p>Apps needed: <em>MidiBtlePairing</em>, <em>MidiSynthExample</em></p>
    248 <p>Test a keyboard connected to Android over BLE.</p>
    250 <ol>
    251   <li> Reboot the Android device.</li>
    252   <li> Power on the BLE keyboard.<br />
    253        (The Miselu C.24 keyboard is powered on by pushing the button near the back so
    254 that it pops open. The power button on the C.24 pulses blue when in pairing
    255 mode.)</li>
    256   <li> Launch the <em>MidiBtlePairing</em> app. It has a <em>MIDI+BTLE</em> icon.</li>
    257   <li> Press the <strong>Bluetooth Scan</strong> button.</li>
    258   <li> Select desired BLE peripheral.</li>
    259   <li> The app should return to the main page, and you should see the peripheral listed. If
    260 you are using a C.24, then you will notice that the light should turn green on
    261 the C.24 to indicate paired mode.</li>
    262   <li> Exit the app by pressing the <strong>Home</strong> button, not the <strong>Back</strong> button.</li>
    263   <li> Launch the SynthExample app.</li>
    264   <li> Select the BLE keyboard as the sender from the menu.</li>
    265   <li> You should be able to press keys on the BLE keyboard and hear notes on
    266 Android.</li>
    267 </ol>