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      1 page.title=Signing Builds for Release
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      4 <!--
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     20 <div id="qv-wrapper">
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     22     <h2>In this document</h2>
     23     <ol id="auto-toc">
     24     </ol>
     25   </div>
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     28 <p>Android OS images use cryptographic signatures in two places:</p>
     29 <ol>
     30 <li>Each .apk file inside the image must be signed. Android's Package Manager
     31 uses an .apk signature in two ways:<ul>
     32 <li>When an application is replaced, it must be signed by the same key as the
     33 old application in order to get access to the old application's data. This
     34 holds true both for updating user apps by overwriting the .apk, and for
     35 overriding a system app with a newer version installed under
     36 <code>/data</code>.</li>
     37 <li>If two or more applications want to share a user ID (so they can share
     38 data, etc.), they must be signed with the same key.</ul></li>
     39 <li>OTA update packages must be signed with one of the keys expected by the
     40 system or the installation process will reject them.</ul></li>
     41 </ol>
     43 <h2 id="release-keys">Release keys</h2>
     45 <p>The Android tree includes <i>test-keys</i> under
     46 <code>build/target/product/security</code>. Building an Android OS image
     47 using <code>make</code> will sign all .apk files using the test-keys.
     48 Since the test-keys are publicly known, anybody can sign their own .apk files
     49 with the same keys, which may allow them to replace or hijack system
     50 apps built into your OS image. For this reason it is critical to sign any
     51 publicly released or deployed Android OS image with a special set of
     52 <i>release-keys</i> that only you have access to.</p>
     54 <p>To generate your own unique set of release-keys, run these commands from
     55 the root of your Android tree:</p>
     57 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     58 subject='/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Android/OU=Android/CN=Android/emailAddress=android (a] android.com'
     59 mkdir ~/.android-certs
     60 for x in releasekey platform shared media; do \
     61     ./development/tools/make_key ~/.android-certs/$x "$subject"; \
     62 done
     63 </pre>
     65 <p><code>$subject</code> should be changed to reflect your organization's
     66 information. You can use any directory, but be careful to pick a
     67 location that is backed up and secure. Some vendors choose to encrypt
     68 their private key with a strong passphrase and store the encrypted key
     69 in source control; others store their release keys somewhere else entirely,
     70 such as on an air-gapped computer.</p>
     72 <p>To generate a release image, use:</p>
     74 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     75 make dist
     76 ./build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks \
     77     -o \    # explained in the next section
     78     -d ~/.android-certs out/dist/*-target_files-*.zip \
     79     signed-target_files.zip
     80 </pre>
     82 <p>The <code>sign_target_files_apks</code> script takes a target-files .zip
     83 as input and produces a new target-files .zip in which all the .apks have
     84 been signed with new keys. The newly signed images can be found under
     85 <code>IMAGES/</code> in <code>signed-target_files.zip</code>.</p>
     87 <h2 id="sign-ota-packages">Signing OTA packages</h2>
     89 A signed target-files zip can be converted into a signed OTA update zip
     90 using the following procedure:
     92 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
     93 ./build/tools/releasetools/ota_from_target_files \
     94     -k ~/.android-certs/releasekey \
     95     signed-target_files.zip \
     96     signed-ota_update.zip
     97 </pre>
     99 <h3 id="signatures-sideloading">Signatures and sideloading</h3>
    100 <p>Sideloading does not bypass recovery's normal package signature
    101 verification mechanismbefore installing a package, recovery will verify that
    102 it is signed with one of the private keys matching the public keys stored in
    103 the recovery partition, just as it would for a package delivered over-the-air.
    104 </p>
    106 <p>Update packages received from the main system are typically verified twice:
    107 once by the main system, using the
    108 <code><a href="http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/RecoverySystem.html#verifyPackage">RecoverySystem.verifyPackage()</a></code>
    109 method in the android API, and then again by
    110 recovery. The RecoverySystem API checks the signature against public keys
    111 stored in the main system, in the file <code>/system/etc/security/otacerts.zip
    112 </code> (by default). Recovery checks the signature against public keys stored
    113 in the recovery partition RAM disk, in the file <code>/res/keys</code>.</p>
    115 <p>By default, the target-files .zip produced by the build sets the OTA
    116 certificate to match the test key. On a released image, a
    117 different certificate must be used so that devices can verify the
    118 authenticity of the update package. Passing the <code>-o</code> flag to
    119 <code>sign_target_files_apks</code>, as shown in the previous section, replaces
    120 the test key certificate with the release key certificate from your certs
    121 directory.</p>
    123 <p>Normally the system image and recovery image store the same set of OTA
    124 public keys.  By adding a key to <i>just</i> the recovery set of keys, it is
    125 possible to sign packages that can be installed only via sideloading
    126 (assuming the main system's update download mechanism is correctly doing
    127 verification against otacerts.zip). You can specify extra keys to be
    128 included only in recovery by setting the PRODUCT_EXTRA_RECOVERY_KEYS
    129 variable in your product definition:</p>
    131 <p><code>vendor/yoyodyne/tardis/products/tardis.mk</code></p>
    132 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    133  [...]
    135 PRODUCT_EXTRA_RECOVERY_KEYS := vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/sideload
    136 </pre>
    138 <p>This includes the public key
    139 <code>vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/sideload.x509.pem</code> in the recovery
    140 keys file so it can install packages signed
    141 with it. The extra key is <i>not</i> included in otacerts.zip though, so
    142 systems that correctly verify downloaded packages do not invoke recovery for
    143 packages signed with this key.</p>
    145 <h2 id="certificates-keys">Certificates and private keys</h2>
    146 <p>Each key comes in two files: the <i>certificate</i>, which has the
    147 extension .x509.pem, and the <i>private key</i>, which has the extension .pk8.
    148 The private key should be kept secret and is needed to sign a package. The key
    149 may itself be protected by a password. The certificate, in
    150 contrast, contains only the public half of the key, so it can be distributed
    151 widely. It is used to verify a package has been signed by the corresponding
    152 private key.</p>
    153 <p>The standard Android build uses four keys, all of which reside in <code>
    154 build/target/product/security</code>:</p>
    156 <dl>
    157 <dt>testkey</dt>
    158 <dd>Generic default key for packages that do not otherwise specify a key.</dd>
    159 <dt>platform</dt>
    160 <dd>Test key for packages that are part of the core platform.</dd>
    161 <dt>shared</dt>
    162 <dd>Test key for things that are shared in the home/contacts process.</dd>
    163 <dt>media</dt>
    164 <dd>Test key for packages that are part of the media/download system.</dd></dl>
    166 <p>Individual packages specify one of these keys by setting LOCAL_CERTIFICATE
    167 in their Android.mk file. (testkey is used if this variable is not set.) You
    168 can also specify an entirely different key by pathname, e.g.:</p>
    170 <p><code>device/yoyodyne/apps/SpecialApp/Android.mk</code></p>
    171 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    172  [...]
    174 LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := device/yoyodyne/security/special
    175 </pre>
    177 <p>Now the build uses the <code>device/yoyodyne/security/special.{x509.pem,pk8}
    178 </code> key to sign SpecialApp.apk. The build can use only private keys that
    179 are <i>not </i>password protected.</p>
    181 <h2 id="advanced-signing-options">Advanced signing options</h2>
    182 <p>When you run the <code>sign_target_files_apks</code> script, you must
    183 specify on the command line a replacement key for each key used in the build.
    184 The <code>-k <i>src_key</i>=<i>
    185 dest_key</i></code> flag specifies key replacements one at a time. The flag
    186 <code>-d <i>dir</i></code> lets you specify a directory with four keys to
    187 replace all those in <code>build/target/product/security</code>; it is
    188 equivalent to using <code>-k</code> four times to specify the mappings:</p>
    190 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    191 build/target/product/security/testkey  = dir/releasekey
    192 build/target/product/security/platform = dir/platform
    193 build/target/product/security/shared   = dir/shared
    194 build/target/product/security/media    = dir/media
    195 </pre>
    197 <p>For the hypothetical tardis product, you need five password-protected keys:
    198 four to replace the four in <code>build/target/product/security</code>, and
    199 one to replace the additional <code>keydevice/yoyodyne/security/special</code>
    200 required by SpecialApp in the example above. If the keys were in the following
    201 files:</p>
    203 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    204 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/releasekey.x509.pem
    205 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/releasekey.pk8
    206 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/platform.x509.pem
    207 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/platform.pk8
    208 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/shared.x509.pem
    209 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/shared.pk8
    210 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/media.x509.pem
    211 vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/media.pk8
    212 vendor/yoyodyne/security/special.x509.pem
    213 vendor/yoyodyne/security/special.pk8           # NOT password protected
    214 vendor/yoyodyne/security/special-release.x509.pem
    215 vendor/yoyodyne/security/special-release.pk8   # password protected
    216 </pre>
    218 <p>Then you would sign all the apps like this:</p>
    220 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    221 % <b>./build/tools/releasetools/sign_target_files_apks \
    222     -d vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis \
    223     -k vendor/yoyodyne/special=vendor/yoyodyne/special-release \
    224     -o \
    225     tardis-target_files.zip signed-tardis-target_files.zip</b>
    226 Enter password for vendor/yoyodyne/security/special-release key&gt;
    227 Enter password for vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/media key&gt;
    228 Enter password for vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/platform key&gt;
    229 Enter password for vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/releasekey key&gt;
    230 Enter password for vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/shared key&gt;
    231     signing: Phone.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/platform)
    232     signing: Camera.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/media)
    233     signing: Special.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/special-release)
    234     signing: Email.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/releasekey)
    235         [...]
    236     signing: ContactsProvider.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/shared)
    237     signing: Launcher.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/shared)
    238 rewriting SYSTEM/build.prop:
    239   replace:  ro.build.description=tardis-user Eclair ERC91 15449 test-keys
    240      with:  ro.build.description=tardis-user Eclair ERC91 15449 release-keys
    241   replace: ro.build.fingerprint=generic/tardis/tardis/tardis:Eclair/ERC91/15449:user/test-keys
    242      with: ro.build.fingerprint=generic/tardis/tardis/tardis:Eclair/ERC91/15449:user/release-keys
    243     signing: framework-res.apk (vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/platform)
    244 rewriting RECOVERY/RAMDISK/default.prop:
    245   replace:  ro.build.description=tardis-user Eclair ERC91 15449 test-keys
    246      with:  ro.build.description=tardis-user Eclair ERC91 15449 release-keys
    247   replace: ro.build.fingerprint=generic/tardis/tardis/tardis:Eclair/ERC91/15449:user/test-keys
    248      with: ro.build.fingerprint=generic/tardis/tardis/tardis:Eclair/ERC91/15449:user/release-keys
    249 using:
    250     vendor/yoyodyne/security/tardis/releasekey.x509.pem
    251 for OTA package verification
    252 done.
    253 </pre>
    255 <p>After prompting the user for passwords for all password-protected keys, the
    256 script re-signs all the .apk files in the input target .zip with the release
    257 keys. Before running the command, you can also set the ANDROID_PW_FILE
    258 environment variable to a temporary filename; the script then invokes your
    259 editor to allow you to enter passwords for all keys (this may be a more
    260 convenient way to enter passwords).<p>
    261 <p><code>sign_target_files_apks</code> also rewrites the build description and
    262 fingerprint in the build properties files to reflect the fact that this is a
    263 signed build. The <code>-t</code> flag can control what edits are made to the
    264 fingerprint. Run the script with <code>-h</code> to see documentation on all
    265 flags.</p>
    267 <h2 id="manually-generating-keys">Manually generating keys</h2>
    268 <p>Android uses 2048-bit RSA keys with public exponent 3. You can generate
    269 certificate/private key pairs using the openssl tool from
    270 <a href="http://www.openssl.org/">openssl.org</a>:</p>
    272 <pre class="no-pretty-print">
    273 # generate RSA key
    274 % <b>openssl genrsa -3 -out temp.pem 2048</b>
    275 Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
    276 ....+++
    277 .....................+++
    278 e is 3 (0x3)
    280 # create a certificate with the public part of the key
    281 % <b>openssl req -new -x509 -key temp.pem -out releasekey.x509.pem \
    282   -days 10000 \
    283   -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=San Narciso/O=Yoyodyne, Inc./OU=Yoyodyne Mobility/CN=Yoyodyne/emailAddress=yoyodyne (a] example.com'</b>
    285 # create a PKCS#8-formatted version of the private key
    286 % <b>openssl pkcs8 -in temp.pem -topk8 -outform DER -out releasekey.pk8 -nocrypt</b>
    288 # securely delete the temp.pem file
    289 % <b>shred --remove temp.pem</b>
    290 </pre>
    292 <p>The openssl pkcs8 command given above creates a .pk8 file with <i>no</i>
    293 password, suitable for use with the build system. To create a .pk8 secured
    294 with a password (which you should do for all actual release keys), replace the
    295 <code>-nocrypt</code> argument with <code>-passout stdin</code>; then openssl
    296 will encrypt the private key with a password read from standard input. No
    297 prompt is printed, so if stdin is the terminal the program will appear to hang
    298 when it's really just waiting for you to enter a password. Other values can be
    299 used for the-passout argument to read the password from other locations; for
    300 details, see the
    301 <a href="http://www.openssl.org/docs/apps/openssl.html#PASS_PHRASE_ARGUMENTS">
    302 openssl documentation</a>.</p>
    303 <p>The temp.pem intermediate file contains the private key without any kind of
    304 password protection, so dispose of it thoughtfully when generating release
    305 keys. In particular, the GNUshred utility may not be effective on network or
    306 journaled filesystems. You can use a working directory located in a RAM disk
    307 (such as a tmpfs partition) when generating keys to ensure the intermediates
    308 are not inadvertently exposed.</p>
    310 <h2 id="creating-image-files">Creating image files</h2>
    312 <p>
    313 Once you have signed-target-files.zip, you need to
    314 create the image so you can put it onto a device.
    315 To create the signed image from the target files, run
    316 the following command from the root of the Android
    317 tree:
    318 </p>
    320 <pre>
    321 ./build/tools/releasetools/img_from_target_files signed-target-files.zip signed-img.zip
    322 </pre>
    324 The resulting file, <code>signed-img.zip</code>, contains all the .img files.
    326 To load an image onto a device, use fastboot as
    327 follows:
    329 <pre>
    330 fastboot update signed-img.zip
    331 </pre>