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      1 # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
      2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      3 # found in the LICENSE file.
      5 AUTHOR = "Chrome OS Team"
      6 NAME = "power_Backlight"
      7 PURPOSE = "Verify the backlight properties are correct."
      8 CRITERIA = """
      9 Fail if any of the following occur:
     10   - the backlight cannot be adjusted through software calls
     11   - the backlight does not support at least 5 levels
     12   - turning down the backlight does not use less energy
     13 """
     14 TIME = "MEDIUM"
     15 TEST_CATEGORY = "Functional"
     16 TEST_CLASS = "power"
     17 TEST_TYPE = "client"
     19 DOC = """
     20 This test verifies that the following properties about the backlight:
     21   - The backlight can be adjusted in software using
     22     the /sys/class/backlight interface
     23   - The backlight must support at least five distinct levels.
     24   - As you turn up the backlight from 0% -> 25% -> 50% -> 75% -> 100%,
     25     each successive bump uses more energy than the previous level.
     26 """
     28 job.run_test("power_Backlight")