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      1 NAME = 'TBench'
      2 AUTHOR = 'mbligh (a] google.com (Martin Bligh)'
      3 TIME = 'MEDIUM'
      4 TEST_CLASS = 'IO'
      5 TEST_CATEGORY = 'Benchmark'
      6 TEST_TYPE = 'client'
      8 DOC = """
      9 tbench produces only the TCP and process load. It does the same socket
     10 calls that smbd would do under a netbench load. It does no filesystem
     11 calls. The idea behind tbench is to eliminate smbd from the netbench
     12 test, as though the smbd code could be made infinately fast. The
     13 throughput results of tbench tell us how fast a netbench run could go
     14 if we eliminated all filesystem IO and SMB packet processing.  tbench
     15 is built as part of the dbench package.
     16 """
     18 job.run_test('tbench')