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      1 # pylint: disable-msg=C0111
      3 import base64, os, tempfile, pickle, datetime, django.db
      4 import os.path, getpass
      5 from math import sqrt
      7 # When you import matplotlib, it tries to write some temp files for better
      8 # performance, and it does that to the directory in MPLCONFIGDIR, or, if that
      9 # doesn't exist, the home directory. Problem is, the home directory is not
     10 # writable when running under Apache, and matplotlib's not smart enough to
     11 # handle that. It does appear smart enough to handle the files going
     12 # away after they are written, though.
     14 temp_dir = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(),
     15                         '.matplotlib-%s' % getpass.getuser())
     16 if not os.path.exists(temp_dir):
     17     os.mkdir(temp_dir)
     18 os.environ['MPLCONFIGDIR'] = temp_dir
     20 try:
     21     import matplotlib
     22     matplotlib.use('Agg')
     23     import matplotlib.figure, matplotlib.backends.backend_agg
     24     import StringIO, colorsys, PIL.Image, PIL.ImageChops
     25 except ImportError:
     26     # Do nothing, in case this is part of a unit test, so the unit test
     27     # can proceed.
     28     pass
     30 from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import readonly_connection
     31 from autotest_lib.frontend.afe.model_logic import ValidationError
     32 from json import encoder
     33 from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import global_config
     34 from autotest_lib.frontend.tko import models, tko_rpc_utils
     36 _FIGURE_DPI = 100
     37 _FIGURE_WIDTH_IN = 10
     38 _FIGURE_BOTTOM_PADDING_IN = 2 # for x-axis labels
     45 _SINGLE_PLOT_STYLE = 'bs-' # blue squares with lines connecting
     48 _LEGEND_FONT_SIZE = 'xx-small'
     49 _LEGEND_HANDLE_LENGTH = 0.03
     50 _LEGEND_NUM_POINTS = 3
     51 _LEGEND_MARKER_TYPE = 'o'
     53 _LINE_XTICK_LABELS_SIZE = 'x-small'
     56 _json_encoder = encoder.JSONEncoder()
     58 class NoDataError(Exception):
     59     """\
     60     Exception to raise if the graphing query returned an empty resultset.
     61     """
     64 def _colors(n):
     65     """\
     66     Generator function for creating n colors. The return value is a tuple
     67     representing the RGB of the color.
     68     """
     69     for i in xrange(n):
     70         yield colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(float(i) / n, 1.0, 1.0)
     73 def _resort(kernel_labels, list_to_sort):
     74     """\
     75     Resorts a list, using a list of kernel strings as the keys. Returns the
     76     resorted list.
     77     """
     79     labels = [tko_rpc_utils.KernelString(label) for label in kernel_labels]
     80     resorted_pairs = sorted(zip(labels, list_to_sort))
     82     # We only want the resorted list; we are not interested in the kernel
     83     # strings.
     84     return [pair[1] for pair in resorted_pairs]
     87 def _quote(string):
     88     return "%s%s%s" % ("'", string.replace("'", r"\'"), "'")
     91 _HTML_TEMPLATE = """\
     92 <html><head></head><body>
     93 <img src="data:image/png;base64,%s" usemap="#%s"
     94   border="0" alt="graph">
     95 <map name="%s">%s</map>
     96 </body></html>"""
     98 _AREA_TEMPLATE = """\
     99 <area shape="rect" coords="%i,%i,%i,%i" title="%s"
    100 href="#"
    101 onclick="%s(%s); return false;">"""
    104 class MetricsPlot(object):
    105     def __init__(self, query_dict, plot_type, inverted_series, normalize_to,
    106                  drilldown_callback):
    107         """
    108         query_dict: dictionary containing the main query and the drilldown
    109             queries.  The main query returns a row for each x value.  The first
    110             column contains the x-axis label.  Subsequent columns contain data
    111             for each series, named by the column names.  A column named
    112             'errors-<x>' will be interpreted as errors for the series named <x>.
    114         plot_type: 'Line' or 'Bar', depending on the plot type the user wants
    116         inverted_series: list of series that should be plotted on an inverted
    117             y-axis
    119         normalize_to:
    120             None - do not normalize
    121             'first' - normalize against the first data point
    122             'x__%s' - normalize against the x-axis value %s
    123             'series__%s' - normalize against the series %s
    125         drilldown_callback: name of drilldown callback method.
    126         """
    127         self.query_dict = query_dict
    128         if plot_type == 'Line':
    129             self.is_line = True
    130         elif plot_type == 'Bar':
    131             self.is_line = False
    132         else:
    133             raise ValidationError({'plot' : 'Plot must be either Line or Bar'})
    134         self.plot_type = plot_type
    135         self.inverted_series = inverted_series
    136         self.normalize_to = normalize_to
    137         if self.normalize_to is None:
    138             self.normalize_to = ''
    139         self.drilldown_callback = drilldown_callback
    142 class QualificationHistogram(object):
    143     def __init__(self, query, filter_string, interval, drilldown_callback):
    144         """
    145         query: the main query to retrieve the pass rate information.  The first
    146             column contains the hostnames of all the machines that satisfied the
    147             global filter. The second column (titled 'total') contains the total
    148             number of tests that ran on that machine and satisfied the global
    149             filter. The third column (titled 'good') contains the number of
    150             those tests that passed on that machine.
    152         filter_string: filter to apply to the common global filter to show the
    153                        Table View drilldown of a histogram bucket
    155         interval: interval for each bucket. E.g., 10 means that buckets should
    156                   be 0-10%, 10%-20%, ...
    158         """
    159         self.query = query
    160         self.filter_string = filter_string
    161         self.interval = interval
    162         self.drilldown_callback = drilldown_callback
    165 def _create_figure(height_inches):
    166     """\
    167     Creates an instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure, given the height in inches.
    168     Returns the figure and the height in pixels.
    169     """
    171     fig = matplotlib.figure.Figure(
    172         figsize=(_FIGURE_WIDTH_IN, height_inches + _FIGURE_BOTTOM_PADDING_IN),
    173         dpi=_FIGURE_DPI, facecolor='white')
    174     fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=float(_FIGURE_BOTTOM_PADDING_IN) / height_inches)
    175     return (fig, fig.get_figheight() * _FIGURE_DPI)
    178 def _create_line(plots, labels, plot_info):
    179     """\
    180     Given all the data for the metrics, create a line plot.
    182     plots: list of dicts containing the plot data. Each dict contains:
    183             x: list of x-values for the plot
    184             y: list of corresponding y-values
    185             errors: errors for each data point, or None if no error information
    186                     available
    187             label: plot title
    188     labels: list of x-tick labels
    189     plot_info: a MetricsPlot
    190     """
    191     # when we're doing any kind of normalization, all series get put into a
    192     # single plot
    193     single = bool(plot_info.normalize_to)
    195     area_data = []
    196     lines = []
    197     if single:
    198         plot_height = _SINGLE_PLOT_HEIGHT
    199     else:
    200         plot_height = _MULTIPLE_PLOT_HEIGHT_PER_PLOT * len(plots)
    201     figure, height = _create_figure(plot_height)
    203     if single:
    204         subplot = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    206     # Plot all the data
    207     for plot_index, (plot, color) in enumerate(zip(plots, _colors(len(plots)))):
    208         needs_invert = (plot['label'] in plot_info.inverted_series)
    210         # Add a new subplot, if user wants multiple subplots
    211         # Also handle axis inversion for subplots here
    212         if not single:
    213             subplot = figure.add_subplot(len(plots), 1, plot_index + 1)
    214             subplot.set_title(plot['label'])
    215             if needs_invert:
    216                 # for separate plots, just invert the y-axis
    217                 subplot.set_ylim(1, 0)
    218         elif needs_invert:
    219             # for a shared plot (normalized data), need to invert the y values
    220             # manually, since all plots share a y-axis
    221             plot['y'] = [-y for y in plot['y']]
    223         # Plot the series
    224         subplot.set_xticks(range(0, len(labels)))
    225         subplot.set_xlim(-1, len(labels))
    226         if single:
    227             lines += subplot.plot(plot['x'], plot['y'], label=plot['label'],
    228                                   marker=_MULTIPLE_PLOT_MARKER_TYPE,
    229                                   markersize=_MULTIPLE_PLOT_MARKER_SIZE)
    230             error_bar_color = lines[-1].get_color()
    231         else:
    232             lines += subplot.plot(plot['x'], plot['y'], _SINGLE_PLOT_STYLE,
    233                                   label=plot['label'])
    234             error_bar_color = _SINGLE_PLOT_ERROR_BAR_COLOR
    235         if plot['errors']:
    236             subplot.errorbar(plot['x'], plot['y'], linestyle='None',
    237                              yerr=plot['errors'], color=error_bar_color)
    238         subplot.set_xticklabels([])
    240     # Construct the information for the drilldowns.
    241     # We need to do this in a separate loop so that all the data is in
    242     # matplotlib before we start calling transform(); otherwise, it will return
    243     # incorrect data because it hasn't finished adjusting axis limits.
    244     for line in lines:
    246         # Get the pixel coordinates of each point on the figure
    247         x = line.get_xdata()
    248         y = line.get_ydata()
    249         label = line.get_label()
    250         icoords = line.get_transform().transform(zip(x,y))
    252         # Get the appropriate drilldown query
    253         drill = plot_info.query_dict['__' + label + '__']
    255         # Set the title attributes (hover-over tool-tips)
    256         x_labels = [labels[x_val] for x_val in x]
    257         titles = ['%s - %s: %f' % (label, x_label, y_val)
    258                   for x_label, y_val in zip(x_labels, y)]
    260         # Get the appropriate parameters for the drilldown query
    261         params = [dict(query=drill, series=line.get_label(), param=x_label)
    262                   for x_label in x_labels]
    264         area_data += [dict(left=ix - 5, top=height - iy - 5,
    265                            right=ix + 5, bottom=height - iy + 5,
    266                            title= title,
    267                            callback=plot_info.drilldown_callback,
    268                            callback_arguments=param_dict)
    269                       for (ix, iy), title, param_dict
    270                       in zip(icoords, titles, params)]
    272     subplot.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, size=_LINE_XTICK_LABELS_SIZE)
    274     # Show the legend if there are not multiple subplots
    275     if single:
    276         font_properties = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(
    277             size=_LEGEND_FONT_SIZE)
    278         legend = figure.legend(lines, [plot['label'] for plot in plots],
    279                                prop=font_properties,
    280                                handlelen=_LEGEND_HANDLE_LENGTH,
    281                                numpoints=_LEGEND_NUM_POINTS)
    282         # Workaround for matplotlib not keeping all line markers in the legend -
    283         # it seems if we don't do this, matplotlib won't keep all the line
    284         # markers in the legend.
    285         for line in legend.get_lines():
    286             line.set_marker(_LEGEND_MARKER_TYPE)
    288     return (figure, area_data)
    291 def _get_adjusted_bar(x, bar_width, series_index, num_plots):
    292     """\
    293     Adjust the list 'x' to take the multiple series into account. Each series
    294     should be shifted such that the middle series lies at the appropriate x-axis
    295     tick with the other bars around it.  For example, if we had four series
    296     (i.e. four bars per x value), we want to shift the left edges of the bars as
    297     such:
    298     Bar 1: -2 * width
    299     Bar 2: -width
    300     Bar 3: none
    301     Bar 4: width
    302     """
    303     adjust = (-0.5 * num_plots - 1 + series_index) * bar_width
    304     return [x_val + adjust for x_val in x]
    307 # TODO(showard): merge much of this function with _create_line by extracting and
    308 # parameterizing methods
    309 def _create_bar(plots, labels, plot_info):
    310     """\
    311     Given all the data for the metrics, create a line plot.
    313     plots: list of dicts containing the plot data.
    314             x: list of x-values for the plot
    315             y: list of corresponding y-values
    316             errors: errors for each data point, or None if no error information
    317                     available
    318             label: plot title
    319     labels: list of x-tick labels
    320     plot_info: a MetricsPlot
    321     """
    323     area_data = []
    324     bars = []
    325     figure, height = _create_figure(_SINGLE_PLOT_HEIGHT)
    327     # Set up the plot
    328     subplot = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    329     subplot.set_xticks(range(0, len(labels)))
    330     subplot.set_xlim(-1, len(labels))
    331     subplot.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=90, size=_BAR_XTICK_LABELS_SIZE)
    332     # draw a bold line at y=0, making it easier to tell if bars are dipping
    333     # below the axis or not.
    334     subplot.axhline(linewidth=2, color='black')
    336     # width here is the width for each bar in the plot. Matplotlib default is
    337     # 0.8.
    338     width = 0.8 / len(plots)
    340     # Plot the data
    341     for plot_index, (plot, color) in enumerate(zip(plots, _colors(len(plots)))):
    342         # Invert the y-axis if needed
    343         if plot['label'] in plot_info.inverted_series:
    344             plot['y'] = [-y for y in plot['y']]
    346         adjusted_x = _get_adjusted_bar(plot['x'], width, plot_index + 1,
    347                                        len(plots))
    348         bar_data = subplot.bar(adjusted_x, plot['y'],
    349                                width=width, yerr=plot['errors'],
    350                                facecolor=color,
    351                                label=plot['label'])
    352         bars.append(bar_data[0])
    354     # Construct the information for the drilldowns.
    355     # See comment in _create_line for why we need a separate loop to do this.
    356     for plot_index, plot in enumerate(plots):
    357         adjusted_x = _get_adjusted_bar(plot['x'], width, plot_index + 1,
    358                                        len(plots))
    360         # Let matplotlib plot the data, so that we can get the data-to-image
    361         # coordinate transforms
    362         line = subplot.plot(adjusted_x, plot['y'], linestyle='None')[0]
    363         label = plot['label']
    364         upper_left_coords = line.get_transform().transform(zip(adjusted_x,
    365                                                                plot['y']))
    366         bottom_right_coords = line.get_transform().transform(
    367             [(x + width, 0) for x in adjusted_x])
    369         # Get the drilldown query
    370         drill = plot_info.query_dict['__' + label + '__']
    372         # Set the title attributes
    373         x_labels = [labels[x] for x in plot['x']]
    374         titles = ['%s - %s: %f' % (plot['label'], label, y)
    375                   for label, y in zip(x_labels, plot['y'])]
    376         params = [dict(query=drill, series=plot['label'], param=x_label)
    377                   for x_label in x_labels]
    378         area_data += [dict(left=ulx, top=height - uly,
    379                            right=brx, bottom=height - bry,
    380                            title=title,
    381                            callback=plot_info.drilldown_callback,
    382                            callback_arguments=param_dict)
    383                       for (ulx, uly), (brx, bry), title, param_dict
    384                       in zip(upper_left_coords, bottom_right_coords, titles,
    385                              params)]
    387     figure.legend(bars, [plot['label'] for plot in plots])
    388     return (figure, area_data)
    391 def _normalize(data_values, data_errors, base_values, base_errors):
    392     """\
    393     Normalize the data against a baseline.
    395     data_values: y-values for the to-be-normalized data
    396     data_errors: standard deviations for the to-be-normalized data
    397     base_values: list of values normalize against
    398     base_errors: list of standard deviations for those base values
    399     """
    400     values = []
    401     for value, base in zip(data_values, base_values):
    402         try:
    403             values.append(100 * (value - base) / base)
    404         except ZeroDivisionError:
    405             # Base is 0.0 so just simplify:
    406             #   If value < base: append -100.0;
    407             #   If value == base: append 0.0 (obvious); and
    408             #   If value > base: append 100.0.
    409             values.append(100 * float(cmp(value, base)))
    411     # Based on error for f(x,y) = 100 * (x - y) / y
    412     if data_errors:
    413         if not base_errors:
    414             base_errors = [0] * len(data_errors)
    415         errors = []
    416         for data, error, base_value, base_error in zip(
    417                 data_values, data_errors, base_values, base_errors):
    418             try:
    419                 errors.append(sqrt(error**2 * (100 / base_value)**2
    420                         + base_error**2 * (100 * data / base_value**2)**2
    421                         + error * base_error * (100 / base_value**2)**2))
    422             except ZeroDivisionError:
    423                 # Again, base is 0.0 so do the simple thing.
    424                 errors.append(100 * abs(error))
    425     else:
    426         errors = None
    428     return (values, errors)
    431 def _create_png(figure):
    432     """\
    433     Given the matplotlib figure, generate the PNG data for it.
    434     """
    436     # Draw the image
    437     canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_agg.FigureCanvasAgg(figure)
    438     canvas.draw()
    439     size = canvas.get_renderer().get_canvas_width_height()
    440     image_as_string = canvas.tostring_rgb()
    441     image = PIL.Image.fromstring('RGB', size, image_as_string, 'raw', 'RGB', 0,
    442                                  1)
    443     image_background = PIL.Image.new(image.mode, image.size,
    444                                      figure.get_facecolor())
    446     # Crop the image to remove surrounding whitespace
    447     non_whitespace = PIL.ImageChops.difference(image, image_background)
    448     bounding_box = non_whitespace.getbbox()
    449     image = image.crop(bounding_box)
    451     image_data = StringIO.StringIO()
    452     image.save(image_data, format='PNG')
    454     return image_data.getvalue(), bounding_box
    457 def _create_image_html(figure, area_data, plot_info):
    458     """\
    459     Given the figure and drilldown data, construct the HTML that will render the
    460     graph as a PNG image, and attach the image map to that image.
    462     figure: figure containing the drawn plot(s)
    463     area_data: list of parameters for each area of the image map. See the
    464                definition of the template string '_AREA_TEMPLATE'
    465     plot_info: a MetricsPlot or QualHistogram
    466     """
    468     png, bbox = _create_png(figure)
    470     # Construct the list of image map areas
    471     areas = [_AREA_TEMPLATE %
    472              (data['left'] - bbox[0], data['top'] - bbox[1],
    473               data['right'] - bbox[0], data['bottom'] - bbox[1],
    474               data['title'], data['callback'],
    475               _json_encoder.encode(data['callback_arguments'])
    476                   .replace('"', '&quot;'))
    477              for data in area_data]
    479     map_name = plot_info.drilldown_callback + '_map'
    480     return _HTML_TEMPLATE % (base64.b64encode(png), map_name, map_name,
    481                              '\n'.join(areas))
    484 def _find_plot_by_label(plots, label):
    485     for index, plot in enumerate(plots):
    486         if plot['label'] == label:
    487             return index
    488     raise ValueError('no plot labeled "%s" found' % label)
    491 def _normalize_to_series(plots, base_series):
    492     base_series_index = _find_plot_by_label(plots, base_series)
    493     base_plot = plots[base_series_index]
    494     base_xs = base_plot['x']
    495     base_values = base_plot['y']
    496     base_errors = base_plot['errors']
    497     del plots[base_series_index]
    499     for plot in plots:
    500         old_xs, old_values, old_errors = plot['x'], plot['y'], plot['errors']
    501         new_xs, new_values, new_errors = [], [], []
    502         new_base_values, new_base_errors = [], []
    503         # Select only points in the to-be-normalized data that have a
    504         # corresponding baseline value
    505         for index, x_value in enumerate(old_xs):
    506             try:
    507                 base_index = base_xs.index(x_value)
    508             except ValueError:
    509                 continue
    511             new_xs.append(x_value)
    512             new_values.append(old_values[index])
    513             new_base_values.append(base_values[base_index])
    514             if old_errors:
    515                 new_errors.append(old_errors[index])
    516                 new_base_errors.append(base_errors[base_index])
    518         if not new_xs:
    519             raise NoDataError('No normalizable data for series ' +
    520                               plot['label'])
    521         plot['x'] = new_xs
    522         plot['y'] = new_values
    523         if old_errors:
    524             plot['errors'] = new_errors
    526         plot['y'], plot['errors'] = _normalize(plot['y'], plot['errors'],
    527                                                new_base_values,
    528                                                new_base_errors)
    531 def _create_metrics_plot_helper(plot_info, extra_text=None):
    532     """
    533     Create a metrics plot of the given plot data.
    534     plot_info: a MetricsPlot object.
    535     extra_text: text to show at the uppper-left of the graph
    537     TODO(showard): move some/all of this logic into methods on MetricsPlot
    538     """
    539     query = plot_info.query_dict['__main__']
    540     cursor = readonly_connection.cursor()
    541     cursor.execute(query)
    543     if not cursor.rowcount:
    544         raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')
    545     rows = cursor.fetchall()
    546     # "transpose" rows, so columns[0] is all the values from the first column,
    547     # etc.
    548     columns = zip(*rows)
    550     plots = []
    551     labels = [str(label) for label in columns[0]]
    552     needs_resort = (cursor.description[0][0] == 'kernel')
    554     # Collect all the data for the plot
    555     col = 1
    556     while col < len(cursor.description):
    557         y = columns[col]
    558         label = cursor.description[col][0]
    559         col += 1
    560         if (col < len(cursor.description) and
    561             'errors-' + label == cursor.description[col][0]):
    562             errors = columns[col]
    563             col += 1
    564         else:
    565             errors = None
    566         if needs_resort:
    567             y = _resort(labels, y)
    568             if errors:
    569                 errors = _resort(labels, errors)
    571         x = [index for index, value in enumerate(y) if value is not None]
    572         if not x:
    573             raise NoDataError('No data for series ' + label)
    574         y = [y[i] for i in x]
    575         if errors:
    576             errors = [errors[i] for i in x]
    577         plots.append({
    578             'label': label,
    579             'x': x,
    580             'y': y,
    581             'errors': errors
    582         })
    584     if needs_resort:
    585         labels = _resort(labels, labels)
    587     # Normalize the data if necessary
    588     normalize_to = plot_info.normalize_to
    589     if normalize_to == 'first' or normalize_to.startswith('x__'):
    590         if normalize_to != 'first':
    591             baseline = normalize_to[3:]
    592             try:
    593                 baseline_index = labels.index(baseline)
    594             except ValueError:
    595                 raise ValidationError({
    596                     'Normalize' : 'Invalid baseline %s' % baseline
    597                     })
    598         for plot in plots:
    599             if normalize_to == 'first':
    600                 plot_index = 0
    601             else:
    602                 try:
    603                     plot_index = plot['x'].index(baseline_index)
    604                 # if the value is not found, then we cannot normalize
    605                 except ValueError:
    606                     raise ValidationError({
    607                         'Normalize' : ('%s does not have a value for %s'
    608                                        % (plot['label'], normalize_to[3:]))
    609                         })
    610             base_values = [plot['y'][plot_index]] * len(plot['y'])
    611             if plot['errors']:
    612                 base_errors = [plot['errors'][plot_index]] * len(plot['errors'])
    613             plot['y'], plot['errors'] = _normalize(plot['y'], plot['errors'],
    614                                                    base_values,
    615                                                    None or base_errors)
    617     elif normalize_to.startswith('series__'):
    618         base_series = normalize_to[8:]
    619         _normalize_to_series(plots, base_series)
    621     # Call the appropriate function to draw the line or bar plot
    622     if plot_info.is_line:
    623         figure, area_data = _create_line(plots, labels, plot_info)
    624     else:
    625         figure, area_data = _create_bar(plots, labels, plot_info)
    627     # TODO(showard): extract these magic numbers to named constants
    628     if extra_text:
    629         text_y = .95 - .0075 * len(plots)
    630         figure.text(.1, text_y, extra_text, size='xx-small')
    632     return (figure, area_data)
    635 def create_metrics_plot(query_dict, plot_type, inverted_series, normalize_to,
    636                         drilldown_callback, extra_text=None):
    637     plot_info = MetricsPlot(query_dict, plot_type, inverted_series,
    638                             normalize_to, drilldown_callback)
    639     figure, area_data = _create_metrics_plot_helper(plot_info, extra_text)
    640     return _create_image_html(figure, area_data, plot_info)
    643 def _get_hostnames_in_bucket(hist_data, bucket):
    644     """\
    645     Get all the hostnames that constitute a particular bucket in the histogram.
    647     hist_data: list containing tuples of (hostname, pass_rate)
    648     bucket: tuple containing the (low, high) values of the target bucket
    649     """
    651     return [hostname for hostname, pass_rate in hist_data
    652             if bucket[0] <= pass_rate < bucket[1]]
    655 def _create_qual_histogram_helper(plot_info, extra_text=None):
    656     """\
    657     Create a machine qualification histogram of the given data.
    659     plot_info: a QualificationHistogram
    660     extra_text: text to show at the upper-left of the graph
    662     TODO(showard): move much or all of this into methods on
    663     QualificationHistogram
    664     """
    665     cursor = readonly_connection.cursor()
    666     cursor.execute(plot_info.query)
    668     if not cursor.rowcount:
    669         raise NoDataError('query did not return any data')
    671     # Lists to store the plot data.
    672     # hist_data store tuples of (hostname, pass_rate) for machines that have
    673     #     pass rates between 0 and 100%, exclusive.
    674     # no_tests is a list of machines that have run none of the selected tests
    675     # no_pass is a list of machines with 0% pass rate
    676     # perfect is a list of machines with a 100% pass rate
    677     hist_data = []
    678     no_tests = []
    679     no_pass = []
    680     perfect = []
    682     # Construct the lists of data to plot
    683     for hostname, total, good in cursor.fetchall():
    684         if total == 0:
    685             no_tests.append(hostname)
    686             continue
    688         if good == 0:
    689             no_pass.append(hostname)
    690         elif good == total:
    691             perfect.append(hostname)
    692         else:
    693             percentage = 100.0 * good / total
    694             hist_data.append((hostname, percentage))
    696     interval = plot_info.interval
    697     bins = range(0, 100, interval)
    698     if bins[-1] != 100:
    699         bins.append(bins[-1] + interval)
    701     figure, height = _create_figure(_SINGLE_PLOT_HEIGHT)
    702     subplot = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
    704     # Plot the data and get all the bars plotted
    705     _,_, bars = subplot.hist([data[1] for data in hist_data],
    706                          bins=bins, align='left')
    707     bars += subplot.bar([-interval], len(no_pass),
    708                     width=interval, align='center')
    709     bars += subplot.bar([bins[-1]], len(perfect),
    710                     width=interval, align='center')
    711     bars += subplot.bar([-3 * interval], len(no_tests),
    712                     width=interval, align='center')
    714     buckets = [(bin, min(bin + interval, 100)) for bin in bins[:-1]]
    715     # set the x-axis range to cover all the normal bins plus the three "special"
    716     # ones - N/A (3 intervals left), 0% (1 interval left) ,and 100% (far right)
    717     subplot.set_xlim(-4 * interval, bins[-1] + interval)
    718     subplot.set_xticks([-3 * interval, -interval] + bins + [100 + interval])
    719     subplot.set_xticklabels(['N/A', '0%'] +
    720                         ['%d%% - <%d%%' % bucket for bucket in buckets] +
    721                         ['100%'], rotation=90, size='small')
    723     # Find the coordinates on the image for each bar
    724     x = []
    725     y = []
    726     for bar in bars:
    727         x.append(bar.get_x())
    728         y.append(bar.get_height())
    729     f = subplot.plot(x, y, linestyle='None')[0]
    730     upper_left_coords = f.get_transform().transform(zip(x, y))
    731     bottom_right_coords = f.get_transform().transform(
    732         [(x_val + interval, 0) for x_val in x])
    734     # Set the title attributes
    735     titles = ['%d%% - <%d%%: %d machines' % (bucket[0], bucket[1], y_val)
    736               for bucket, y_val in zip(buckets, y)]
    737     titles.append('0%%: %d machines' % len(no_pass))
    738     titles.append('100%%: %d machines' % len(perfect))
    739     titles.append('N/A: %d machines' % len(no_tests))
    741     # Get the hostnames for each bucket in the histogram
    742     names_list = [_get_hostnames_in_bucket(hist_data, bucket)
    743                   for bucket in buckets]
    744     names_list += [no_pass, perfect]
    746     if plot_info.filter_string:
    747         plot_info.filter_string += ' AND '
    749     # Construct the list of drilldown parameters to be passed when the user
    750     # clicks on the bar.
    751     params = []
    752     for names in names_list:
    753         if names:
    754             hostnames = ','.join(_quote(hostname) for hostname in names)
    755             hostname_filter = 'hostname IN (%s)' % hostnames
    756             full_filter = plot_info.filter_string + hostname_filter
    757             params.append({'type': 'normal',
    758                            'filterString': full_filter})
    759         else:
    760             params.append({'type': 'empty'})
    762     params.append({'type': 'not_applicable',
    763                    'hosts': '<br />'.join(no_tests)})
    765     area_data = [dict(left=ulx, top=height - uly,
    766                       right=brx, bottom=height - bry,
    767                       title=title, callback=plot_info.drilldown_callback,
    768                       callback_arguments=param_dict)
    769                  for (ulx, uly), (brx, bry), title, param_dict
    770                  in zip(upper_left_coords, bottom_right_coords, titles, params)]
    772     # TODO(showard): extract these magic numbers to named constants
    773     if extra_text:
    774         figure.text(.1, .95, extra_text, size='xx-small')
    776     return (figure, area_data)
    779 def create_qual_histogram(query, filter_string, interval, drilldown_callback,
    780                           extra_text=None):
    781     plot_info = QualificationHistogram(query, filter_string, interval,
    782                                        drilldown_callback)
    783     figure, area_data = _create_qual_histogram_helper(plot_info, extra_text)
    784     return _create_image_html(figure, area_data, plot_info)
    787 def create_embedded_plot(model, update_time):
    788     """\
    789     Given an EmbeddedGraphingQuery object, generate the PNG image for it.
    791     model: EmbeddedGraphingQuery object
    792     update_time: 'Last updated' time
    793     """
    795     params = pickle.loads(model.params)
    796     extra_text = 'Last updated: %s' % update_time
    798     if model.graph_type == 'metrics':
    799         plot_info = MetricsPlot(query_dict=params['queries'],
    800                                 plot_type=params['plot'],
    801                                 inverted_series=params['invert'],
    802                                 normalize_to=None,
    803                                 drilldown_callback='')
    804         figure, areas_unused = _create_metrics_plot_helper(plot_info,
    805                                                            extra_text)
    806     elif model.graph_type == 'qual':
    807         plot_info = QualificationHistogram(
    808             query=params['query'], filter_string=params['filter_string'],
    809             interval=params['interval'], drilldown_callback='')
    810         figure, areas_unused = _create_qual_histogram_helper(plot_info,
    811                                                              extra_text)
    812     else:
    813         raise ValueError('Invalid graph_type %s' % model.graph_type)
    815     image, bounding_box_unused = _create_png(figure)
    816     return image
    819 _cache_timeout = global_config.global_config.get_config_value(
    820     'AUTOTEST_WEB', 'graph_cache_creation_timeout_minutes')
    823 def handle_plot_request(id, max_age):
    824     """\
    825     Given the embedding id of a graph, generate a PNG of the embedded graph
    826     associated with that id.
    828     id: id of the embedded graph
    829     max_age: maximum age, in minutes, that a cached version should be held
    830     """
    831     model = models.EmbeddedGraphingQuery.objects.get(id=id)
    833     # Check if the cached image needs to be updated
    834     now = datetime.datetime.now()
    835     update_time = model.last_updated + datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(max_age))
    836     if now > update_time:
    837         cursor = django.db.connection.cursor()
    839         # We want this query to update the refresh_time only once, even if
    840         # multiple threads are running it at the same time. That is, only the
    841         # first thread will win the race, and it will be the one to update the
    842         # cached image; all other threads will show that they updated 0 rows
    843         query = """
    844             UPDATE embedded_graphing_queries
    845             SET refresh_time = NOW()
    846             WHERE id = %s AND (
    847                 refresh_time IS NULL OR
    848                 refresh_time + INTERVAL %s MINUTE < NOW()
    849             )
    850         """
    851         cursor.execute(query, (id, _cache_timeout))
    853         # Only refresh the cached image if we were successful in updating the
    854         # refresh time
    855         if cursor.rowcount:
    856             model.cached_png = create_embedded_plot(model, now.ctime())
    857             model.last_updated = now
    858             model.refresh_time = None
    859             model.save()
    861     return model.cached_png