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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <!--
      3 Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
      4 Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
      5 found in the LICENSE file.
      6 -->
      7 <!--
      8 The chart-tooltip element is the box that is shown when you hover over or click
      9 on a point on a graph. It shows more detailed information about the point that
     10 was just clicked.
     11 -->
     13 <link rel="import" href="/components/paper-dialog/paper-action-dialog.html">
     15 <link rel="import" href="/dashboard/elements/alert-remove-box.html">
     16 <link rel="import" href="/dashboard/elements/bisect-button.html">
     17 <link rel="import" href="/dashboard/elements/trace-button.html">
     18 <link rel="import" href="/dashboard/elements/triage-dialog.html">
     20 <polymer-element
     21     name="chart-tooltip"
     22     attributes="testPath value bugId pointId revisions links alerts xsrfToken">
     23   <template>
     24     <style>
     25       #container {
     26         position: absolute;
     27         margin: 20px;
     28       }
     30       #tooltip {
     31         position: relative;
     32         margin: 0px;
     33         padding: 0px;
     34       }
     35     </style>
     37     <div id="container">
     38       <triage-dialog id="triage"
     39                      xsrfToken="{{xsrfToken}}"
     40                      alerts="{{alerts}}"></triage-dialog>
     42       <paper-action-dialog id="tooltip" layered="false" autoCloseDisabled="true">
     43         <style>
     44           #test-name {
     45             width : 300px;
     46             word-wrap: break-word;
     47           }
     49           div:not(:last-of-type) {
     50             margin-bottom: 15px;
     51           }
     52         </style>
     54         <!-- TODO(qyearsley): Either (1) Display alert details on mouse-over as
     55              well as click (The alerts attribute is only set currently on click,
     56              not on hover) OR (2) Display alert details in the triage dialog. -->
     57         <template bind repeat="{{alerts}}">
     58           <div class="important">
     59             <b>Alert information:</b><br>
     60             Median of segment before: {{median_before_anomaly}}<br>
     61             Median of segment after: {{median_after_anomaly}}<br>
     62             Relative change: {{percent_changed}}<br>
     63           </div>
     64         </template>
     66         <div id="test-name">
     67           Test: {{parentPath}}/<b>{{seriesName}}</b>
     68         </div>
     70         <div>
     71           Value: <b>{{value}}</b> <span hidden?={{!stddev}}>( {{stddev}})</span>
     72         </div>
     74         <div>
     75           <span hidden?={{!pointId}}>Point ID: {{pointId}}</span><br>
     76           <span hidden?={{!timestamp}}>Time added: {{timestamp}}</span>
     77         </div>
     79         <template bind if="{{bugId}}">
     80           <div>
     81             <span hidden?={{alertInvalidOrIgnored}}>Bug ID:
     82               <b><a target="_blank" href="http://crbug.com/{{bugId}}">{{bugId}}</a></b>
     83             </span>
     85             <span hidden?="{{bugId != -1}}">Invalid alert</span>
     86             <span hidden?="{{bugId != -2}}">Ignored alert</span>
     87             <span hidden?="{{!recovered}}">Recovered alert</span>
     88             <alert-remove-box key="{{alertKey}}" xsrfToken="{{xsrfToken}}" on-untriaged="{{onUntriaged}}">
     89             </alert-remove-box><br>
     90             <a href="/group_report?keys={{alertKey}}">View alert graph</a>
     91           </div>
     92         </template>
     94         <div>
     95           <template repeat={{revisions}}>
     96             {{name}}<template bind if="{{start}}"> range</template>:
     97             <b>
     98               <a href="{{url}}" on-click="{{onRevisionRangeClick}}">
     99                 <template bind if="{{start}}">{{displayStart}} - </template>
    100                 {{displayEnd}}
    101               </a>
    102             </b><br>
    103           </template>
    104         </div>
    106         <div>
    107           <template repeat={{links}}>
    108             <span class="annotation-link"><a href="{{url}}" target="_blank">{{text}}</a></span><br />
    109           </template>
    110         </div>
    112         <bisect-button affirmative xsrfToken="{{xsrfToken}}"
    113                        bugId="{{bugId}}"
    114                        bisectInfo="{{bisectInfo}}"></bisect-button>
    115         <trace-button affirmative xsrfToken="{{xsrfToken}}"
    116                       bugId="{{bugId}}"
    117                       traceInfo="{{bisectInfo}}"></trace-button>
    119       </paper-action-dialog>
    120     </div>
    121   </template>
    122   <script>
    123     'use strict';
    124     Polymer('chart-tooltip', {
    125       traceName: null,
    126       value: null,
    127       stddev: null,
    128       hideStddev: true,
    129       bugId: null,
    130       stdioUri: null,
    131       hideStdioUri: true,
    132       revisions: [],
    134       ready: function() {
    135         // This allows tooltip to show beyond the current window size.
    136         // Our tooltip size is determined by 'sizingTarget' which is default to
    137         // the  window size.  Here we set it to '#scroller' which is the
    138         // content's container.
    139         // 'core-overlay' API:
    140         //   https://github.com/Polymer/core-overlay/blob/master/core-overlay.html
    141         //
    142         // Note: Though this deep shadow DOM selector was deprecated, it was
    143         // a solution in Polymer 0.5 to customize elements.  This can be done
    144         // using custom CSS properties when migrating to Polymer 1.0.
    145         this.$.tooltip.sizingTarget = document.querySelector(
    146             'html /deep/ paper-action-dialog::shadow #scroller');
    148         // We're going to call 'open' tooltip and hide it's container on
    149         // 'ready' to avoid 'core-overlay' initial element focus which causes
    150         // the page to jump.
    151         // TODO(chrisphan): Figure out a better way to do this.
    152         this.$.container.hidden = true;
    153         this.$.tooltip.open();
    154       },
    156       testPathChanged: function() {
    157         if (this.testPath) {
    158           var parts = this.testPath.split('/');
    159           this.seriesName = parts.pop();
    160           this.parentPath = parts.join('/');
    161         }
    162       },
    164       /**
    165        * Shows the CL descriptions for the given revision range.
    166        */
    167       onRevisionRangeClick: function(event, detail, sender) {
    168         window.open(sender.href, 'changelog', 'width=1000,height=1000');
    169         event.preventDefault();
    170       },
    172       /**
    173        * Updates the display of the triage-dialog.
    174        * This method is called whenever the value of this.alerts changes,
    175        * e.g. by chart-container when an alert is triaged.
    176        */
    177       alertsChanged: function() {
    178         // The triage-dialog should be shown when there is some non-triaged
    179         // alert, and hidden otherwise.
    180         if (this.alerts && this.alerts.length) {
    181           this.$.triage.show();
    182         } else {
    183           this.$.triage.close();
    184         }
    185       },
    187       /**
    188        * Fires a 'triaged' event, which should be caught in chart-container.
    189        */
    190       onUntriaged: function(event, detail, sender) {
    191         this.fire('triaged', {
    192           'alerts': this.triagedAlerts,
    193           'bugid': null
    194         });
    195       },
    197       open: function() {
    198         if (this.closeTooltipJob) {
    199           this.closeTooltipJob.stop();
    200         }
    201         this.$.tooltip.open();
    202         this.$.container.hidden = false;
    203       },
    205       close: function() {
    206         // Add a short delay before closing as a workaround for a bug in
    207         // core-overlay where core-overlay is opened and closed too frequent.
    208         // See: https://github.com/dart-lang/paper-elements/issues/83"
    209         this.closeTooltipJob = this.job(
    210             this.closeTooltipJob,
    211             function() {
    212               this.$.container.hidden = true;
    213             },
    214             200);
    215       },
    217       setPosition: function(top, left) {
    218         this.$.container.style.top = top + 'px';
    219         this.$.container.style.left = left + 'px';
    220       }
    221     });
    222   </script>
    223 </polymer-element>