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      1 # Admin Tasks for the Chrome Performance Dashboard
      3 ## "Dashboard is down" check list
      5 - Is app engine up? If not, just have to sit tight. You can check the status
      6 here:[https://code.google.com/status/appengine](https://code.google.com/status/appengine)
      7 - Check the[main app engine dashboard page](https://console.developers.google.com/appengine?project=chromeperf&moduleId=default).
      8 - Are we over quota?
      9 - Look at the error rates on the dashboard.
     10 - Check the task queues.
     11 - Test data not showing up
     12   - Check [/new\_tests](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/new_tests).
     13   - Search the logs
     14   - Is the test internal-only and the user is logged out?
     16 ## Scheduled downtime
     18 If it's necessary at some point to have scheduled downtime, announce
     19 it ahead of time. At least 2 days before the downtime (ideally more),
     20 announce in these ways:
     22  1. Use[/set\_warning\_message](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/set_warning_message)to
     23     put a warning message on the dashboard itself.
     24  2. Send an email to any Chromium perf sheriffs who will be affected,
     25     or all perf sheriffs (`perf-sheriffs (a] chromium.org`).
     26  3. Send an email to `chrome-perf-dashboard-announce (a] google.com`.
     28 If possible, it's probably best to schedule it for Saturday, when usage
     29 is likely to be relatively low.
     31 ## Routine tasks
     33 There are several routine tasks to do to set up the dashboard for a
     34 user. The official process for this is to file bugs on crbug.com
     35 with labels:
     37 - `Performance-Dashboard-IPWhitelist`
     38 - `Performance-Dashboard-BotWhitelist`
     39 - `Performance-Dashboard-MonitoringRequest`
     41 ### Editing sheriff rotations
     43 You can view, create and edit sheriff rotations
     44 at[/edit\_sheriffs](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/edit_sheriffs).
     46 #### Adding a new sheriff
     48 Its fine to add a new sheriff rotation any time a team wants alerts
     49 to go to a new email address. Its fine to make a temporary sheriff
     50 rotation for monitoring new tests before they are stable. Here are the
     51 fields that need to be filled out:
     53  - **Name**: This is the name of the sheriff
     54    rotation. It will be listed in the drop-down
     55    at[/alerts](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/alerts).
     56  - **Rotation URL**: Some sheriff rotations have a URL for specifying
     57    the email of the sheriff. For example, the Chromium Perf Sheriff URL
     58    is[http://chromium-build.appspot.com/p/chromium/sheriff\_perf.js](http://chromium-build.appspot.com/p/chromium/sheriff_perf.js).
     59    Most sheriff rotations dont have a URL, and if not its fine to leave
     60    this blank and just specify an email address.
     61  - **Notification Email**:
     62    This is usually a mailing list that alerts should go to. However,
     63    theres nothing stopping it from being an individuals email
     64    account. It must be specified if there is no Rotation URL, but its
     65    optional otherwise.
     66  - **Days before alerting on missing data**:
     67    Number of days before "stoppage alerts" are made; -1 for no alerts.
     68  - **Internal-only**: If the tests this sheriff is monitoring are internal-only,
     69    or the name of the sheriff rotation is sensitive, please
     70    set this to "Yes". If set to "Yes", the sheriff rotation will only
     71    show up on the alerts page for users logged in with google.com accounts.
     72  - **Summarize Email**: By default, the perf dashboard sends one email
     73    for each alert, as soon as it gets the alert. If that will add up to
     74    too much mail, setting this to "Yes" will switch to a daily summary.
     76 #### Monitoring tests
     78 After creating a sheriffing rotation, you need to add the individual
     79 tests to monitor. You do this by clicking on "Set a sheriff for a
     80 group of tests". It asks for a pattern. Patterns match test paths,
     81 which are of the form "Master/Bot/test-suite/graph/trace". You can replace
     82 any part of the test path with a `*` for a wildcard.
     84 The dashboard will list the matching tests before allowing you to apply
     85 the pattern, so youll be able to check if the pattern is correct.
     87 To remove a pattern, click "Remove a sheriff from a group of tests".
     89 If you want to keep alerting on most of the tests in a pattern and
     90 just disable alerting on a few noisy ones, you can add the "Disable
     91 Alerting" anomaly threshold config to the noisy tests (see "Modify
     92 anomaly threshold configs" below).
     94 ### Setting up alert threshold configs
     96 The default alert thresholds should work reasonably well for most test
     97 data, but there are some graphs for which it may not be correct. If
     98 there are invalid alerts, or the dashboard is not sending alerts when
     99 you expect them, you may want to modify an alert threshold config.
    101 To edit alert threshold configs, go
    102 to[/edit\_anomaly\_configs](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/edit_anomaly_configs).
    103 Add a new config with a descriptive name and a JSON mapping of parameters
    104 to values.
    106 ### Anomaly config debugger page
    108 Start off by using the anomaly threshold debugging
    109 page:[/debug\_alert](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/debug_alert). The
    110 page shows the segmentation of the data that was given by the anomaly
    111 finding algorithm. Based on the documentation, change the config
    112 parameters to get the alerts where you want them.
    114 ### Automatically applying labels to bugs
    116 The dashboard can automatically apply labels to bugs filed on alerts,
    117 based on which test triggered the alert. This is useful for flagging
    118 the relevant teams attention. For example, the dashboard automatically
    119 applies the label "Cr-Blink-JavaScript" to dromaeo regressions,
    120 which cuts down on a lot of CC-ing by hand.
    122 To make a label automatically applied to a bug, go
    123 to[/edit\_sheriffs](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/edit_sheriffs)and
    124 click "Set a bug lable to automatically apply to a group of
    125 tests". Then type in a pattern as described in "Edit Sheriff
    126 Rotations -> Monitoring Tests" section above, and type in the bug
    127 label. Youll see a list of tests the label will be applied to before
    128 you confirm.
    130 To remove a label, go
    131 to[/edit\_sheriffs](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/edit_sheriffs)and
    132 click "Remove a bug label that automatically applies to a group of
    133 tests".
    135 ### Migrating and renaming data
    137 When a test name changes, it is possible to migrate
    138 the existing test data to use the new name. You
    139 can do this by entering a pattern for the test name
    140 at[/migrate\_test\_names](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/migrate_test_names).
    142 ### Whitelisting senders of data
    144 There are two types of whitelisting on the perf dashboard:
    146 The IP whitelist is a list of IP addresses of machines which
    147 are allowed to post data to /add\_point. This is to prevent
    148 /add\_point from being spammed. You can add a bot to the IP whitelist
    149 at[/ip\_whitelist](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/ip_whitelist). If
    150 youre seeing 403 errors on your buildbots, the IPs to add are likely
    151 already in the logs. Note that if you are seeing 500 errors, those are
    152 not related to IP whitelisting. They are usually caused by an error in
    153 the JSON data sent by the buildbot. If you cant tell by looking at
    154 the JSON data what is going wrong, the easiest thing to do is to add a
    155 unit test with the JSON to `add_point_test.py` and debug it from there.
    157 The bot whitelist is a list of bot names which are publicly visible. If a
    158 bot is not on the list, users must be logged into google.com accounts to
    159 see the data for that bot. You can add or remove a bot from the whitelist
    160 at[/bot\_whitelist](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/bot_whitelist),
    161 and make a bots existing data publicly visible (or internal\_only)
    162 at[/change\_internal\_only](https://chromeperf.appspot.com/change_internal_only).