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      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      3 #
      4 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
      5 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
      6 # You may obtain a copy of the License at
      7 #
      8 #      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
      9 #
     10 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     11 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     12 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     13 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     14 # limitations under the License.
     16 """Unit tests for proxyshaper.
     18 Usage:
     19 $ ./proxyshaper_test.py
     20 """
     22 import proxyshaper
     23 import StringIO
     24 import unittest
     27 # pylint: disable=bad-whitespace
     28 VALID_RATES = (
     29     # input,       expected_bps
     30     ( '384Kbit/s',   384000),
     31     ('1536Kbit/s',  1536000),
     32     (   '1Mbit/s',  1000000),
     33     (   '5Mbit/s',  5000000),
     34     (  '2MByte/s', 16000000),
     35     (         '0',        0),
     36     (         '5',        5),
     37     (      384000,   384000),
     38     )
     40 ERROR_RATES = (
     41     '1536KBit/s',  # Older versions of dummynet used capital 'B' for bytes.
     42     '1Mbyte/s',    # Require capital 'B' for bytes.
     43     '5bps',
     44     )
     47 class TimedTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     48   def assertValuesAlmostEqual(self, expected, actual, tolerance=0.05):
     49     """Like the following with nicer default message:
     50            assertTrue(expected <= actual + tolerance &&
     51                       expected >= actual - tolerance)
     52     """
     53     delta = tolerance * expected
     54     if actual > expected + delta or actual < expected - delta:
     55       self.fail('%s is not equal to expected %s +/- %s%%' % (
     56               actual, expected, 100 * tolerance))
     59 class RateLimitedFileTest(TimedTestCase):
     60   def testReadLimitedBasic(self):
     61     num_bytes = 1024
     62     bps = 384000
     63     request_counter = lambda: 1
     64     f = StringIO.StringIO(' ' * num_bytes)
     65     limited_f = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile(request_counter, f, bps)
     66     start = proxyshaper.TIMER()
     67     self.assertEqual(num_bytes, len(limited_f.read()))
     68     expected_ms = 8.0 * num_bytes / bps * 1000.0
     69     actual_ms = (proxyshaper.TIMER() - start) * 1000.0
     70     self.assertValuesAlmostEqual(expected_ms, actual_ms)
     72   def testReadlineLimitedBasic(self):
     73     num_bytes = 1024 * 8 + 512
     74     bps = 384000
     75     request_counter = lambda: 1
     76     f = StringIO.StringIO(' ' * num_bytes)
     77     limited_f = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile(request_counter, f, bps)
     78     start = proxyshaper.TIMER()
     79     self.assertEqual(num_bytes, len(limited_f.readline()))
     80     expected_ms = 8.0 * num_bytes / bps * 1000.0
     81     actual_ms = (proxyshaper.TIMER() - start) * 1000.0
     82     self.assertValuesAlmostEqual(expected_ms, actual_ms)
     84   def testReadLimitedSlowedByMultipleRequests(self):
     85     num_bytes = 1024
     86     bps = 384000
     87     request_count = 2
     88     request_counter = lambda: request_count
     89     f = StringIO.StringIO(' ' * num_bytes)
     90     limited_f = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile(request_counter, f, bps)
     91     start = proxyshaper.TIMER()
     92     num_read_bytes = limited_f.read()
     93     self.assertEqual(num_bytes, len(num_read_bytes))
     94     expected_ms = 8.0 * num_bytes / (bps / float(request_count)) * 1000.0
     95     actual_ms = (proxyshaper.TIMER() - start) * 1000.0
     96     self.assertValuesAlmostEqual(expected_ms, actual_ms)
     98   def testWriteLimitedBasic(self):
     99     num_bytes = 1024 * 10 + 350
    100     bps = 384000
    101     request_counter = lambda: 1
    102     f = StringIO.StringIO()
    103     limited_f = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile(request_counter, f, bps)
    104     start = proxyshaper.TIMER()
    105     limited_f.write(' ' * num_bytes)
    106     self.assertEqual(num_bytes, len(limited_f.getvalue()))
    107     expected_ms = 8.0 * num_bytes / bps * 1000.0
    108     actual_ms = (proxyshaper.TIMER() - start) * 1000.0
    109     self.assertValuesAlmostEqual(expected_ms, actual_ms)
    111   def testWriteLimitedSlowedByMultipleRequests(self):
    112     num_bytes = 1024 * 10
    113     bps = 384000
    114     request_count = 2
    115     request_counter = lambda: request_count
    116     f = StringIO.StringIO(' ' * num_bytes)
    117     limited_f = proxyshaper.RateLimitedFile(request_counter, f, bps)
    118     start = proxyshaper.TIMER()
    119     limited_f.write(' ' * num_bytes)
    120     self.assertEqual(num_bytes, len(limited_f.getvalue()))
    121     expected_ms = 8.0 * num_bytes / (bps / float(request_count)) * 1000.0
    122     actual_ms = (proxyshaper.TIMER() - start) * 1000.0
    123     self.assertValuesAlmostEqual(expected_ms, actual_ms)
    126 class GetBitsPerSecondTest(unittest.TestCase):
    127   def testConvertsValidValues(self):
    128     for dummynet_option, expected_bps in VALID_RATES:
    129       bps = proxyshaper.GetBitsPerSecond(dummynet_option)
    130       self.assertEqual(
    131           expected_bps, bps, 'Unexpected result for %s: %s != %s' % (
    132               dummynet_option, expected_bps, bps))
    134   def testRaisesOnUnexpectedValues(self):
    135     for dummynet_option in ERROR_RATES:
    136       self.assertRaises(proxyshaper.BandwidthValueError,
    137                         proxyshaper.GetBitsPerSecond, dummynet_option)
    140 if __name__ == '__main__':
    141   unittest.main()