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      1 [tox]
      2 envlist =
      3     py26,py27,py32,py33,py34,pypy,pypy3,
      4     {py2,py3}-cover,coverage
      6 [testenv]
      7 # Most of these are defaults but if you specify any you can't fall back
      8 # to defaults for others.
      9 basepython =
     10     py26: python2.6
     11     py27: python2.7
     12     py32: python3.2
     13     py33: python3.3
     14     py34: python3.4
     15     pypy: pypy
     16     pypy3: pypy3
     17     py2: python2.7
     18     py3: python3.4
     20 commands =
     21     pip install webob[testing]
     22     nosetests --with-xunit --xunit-file=nosetests-{envname}.xml {posargs:}
     24 [testenv:py2-cover]
     25 commands =
     26     pip install webob[testing]
     27     coverage run --source=webob {envbindir}/nosetests
     28     coverage xml -o coverage-py2.xml
     29 setenv =
     30     COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage.py2
     32 [testenv:py3-cover]
     33 commands =
     34     pip install webob[testing]
     35     coverage run --source=webob {envbindir}/nosetests
     36     coverage xml -o coverage-py3.xml
     37 setenv =
     38     COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage.py3
     40 [testenv:coverage]
     41 basepython = python3.4
     42 commands = 
     43     coverage erase
     44     coverage combine
     45     coverage xml
     46     coverage report --show-missing --fail-under=100
     47 deps =
     48     coverage
     49 setenv =
     50     COVERAGE_FILE=.coverage