1 Name: Google App Engine MapReduce 2 Short Name: mapreduce 3 URL: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/appengine-mapreduce 4 Version: 5 License: Apache 6 Security Critical: no 7 8 Description: 9 MapReduce is a programming model for processing large amounts of data in a 10 parallel and distributed fashion. The App Engine MapReduce library makes 11 it convenient to perform an operation on all datastore entities of a kind. 12 13 Note that this library has several dependencies, including: 14 - GoogleAppEngineCloudStorageClient 15 - GoogleAppEnginePipeline 16 - Graphy 17 - simplejson 18 - mock 19 - mox 20 - pg8000 21 22 Local Modifications: 23 Stripped everything except mapreduce/. 24 25