1 # imap_err.et -- Error codes for Cyrus IMAP server programs 2 # 3 # Copyright 1998 Carnegie Mellon University 4 # 5 # No warranties, either expressed or implied, are made regarding the 6 # operation, use, or results of the software. 7 # 8 # Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its 9 # documentation is hereby granted for non-commercial purposes only 10 # provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies and in 11 # supporting documentation. 12 # 13 # Permission is also granted to Internet Service Providers and others 14 # entities to use the software for internal purposes. 15 # 16 # The distribution, modification or sale of a product which uses or is 17 # based on the software, in whole or in part, for commercial purposes or 18 # benefits requires specific, additional permission from: 19 # 20 # Office of Technology Transfer 21 # Carnegie Mellon University 22 # 5000 Forbes Avenue 23 # Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 24 # (412) 268-4387, fax: (412) 268-7395 25 # tech-transfer (a] andrew.cmu.edu 26 # 27 error_table imap 28 29 ec IMAP_IOERROR, 30 "System I/O error" 31 32 ec IMAP_PERMISSION_DENIED, 33 "Permission denied" 34 35 ec IMAP_QUOTA_EXCEEDED, 36 "Over quota" 37 38 ec IMAP_USERFLAG_EXHAUSTED, 39 "Too many user flags in mailbox" 40 41 ec IMAP_MAILBOX_BADFORMAT, 42 "Mailbox has an invalid format" 43 44 ec IMAP_MAILBOX_NOTSUPPORTED, 45 "Operation is not supported on mailbox" 46 47 ec IMAP_MAILBOX_NONEXISTENT, 48 "Mailbox does not exist" 49 50 ec IMAP_MAILBOX_EXISTS, 51 "Mailbox already exists" 52 53 ec IMAP_MAILBOX_BADNAME, 54 "Invalid mailbox name" 55 56 ec IMAP_MAILBOX_POPLOCKED, 57 "Mailbox is locked by POP server" 58 59 ec IMAP_PARTITION_UNKNOWN, 60 "Unknown/invalid partition" 61 62 ec IMAP_INVALID_IDENTIFIER, 63 "Invalid identifier" 64 65 ec IMAP_MESSAGE_CONTAINSNULL, 66 "Message contains NUL characters" 67 68 ec IMAP_MESSAGE_CONTAINSNL, 69 "Message contains bare newlines" 70 71 ec IMAP_MESSAGE_CONTAINS8BIT, 72 "Message contains non-ASCII characters in headers" 73 74 ec IMAP_MESSAGE_BADHEADER, 75 "Message contains invalid header" 76 77 ec IMAP_MESSAGE_NOBLANKLINE, 78 "Message has no header/body separator" 79 80 ec IMAP_QUOTAROOT_NONEXISTENT, 81 "Quota root does not exist" 82 83 # Following only used for internationalization of error messages 84 85 ec IMAP_UNRECOGNIZED_CHARSET, 86 "Unrecognized character set" 87 88 ec IMAP_INVALID_USER, 89 "Invalid user" 90 91 ec IMAP_INVALID_LOGIN, 92 "Login incorrect" 93 94 ec IMAP_ANONYMOUS_NOT_PERMITTED, 95 "Anonymous login is not permitted" 96 97 ec IMAP_UNSUPPORTED_QUOTA, 98 "Unsupported quota resource" 99 100 # Following used for internationalization of untagged OK/NO responses 101 102 ec IMAP_NO_OVERQUOTA, 103 "Mailbox is over quota" 104 105 ec IMAP_NO_CLOSEQUOTA, 106 "Mailbox is at %d%% of quota" 107 108 ec IMAP_NO_MSGGONE, 109 "Message %d no longer exists" 110 111 ec IMAP_NO_CHECKSEEN, 112 "Unable to checkpoint \\Seen state" 113 114 ec IMAP_NO_CHECKPRESERVE, 115 "Unable to preserve \\Seen state" 116 117 # Following used for internationalization of untagged BYE response 118 119 ec IMAP_BYE_LOGOUT, 120 "LOGOUT received" 121 122 # Following used for internationalization of tagged OK response 123 124 ec IMAP_OK_COMPLETED, 125 "Completed" 126 127 end 128