1 2 macro(ei_add_property prop value) 3 get_property(previous GLOBAL PROPERTY ${prop}) 4 if ((NOT previous) OR (previous STREQUAL "")) 5 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${prop} "${value}") 6 else() 7 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY ${prop} "${previous} ${value}") 8 endif() 9 endmacro(ei_add_property) 10 11 #internal. See documentation of ei_add_test for details. 12 macro(ei_add_test_internal testname testname_with_suffix) 13 set(targetname ${testname_with_suffix}) 14 15 set(filename ${testname}.cpp) 16 add_executable(${targetname} ${filename}) 17 if (targetname MATCHES "^eigen2_") 18 add_dependencies(eigen2_buildtests ${targetname}) 19 else() 20 add_dependencies(buildtests ${targetname}) 21 endif() 22 23 if(EIGEN_NO_ASSERTION_CHECKING) 24 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_NO_ASSERTION_CHECKING=1") 25 else(EIGEN_NO_ASSERTION_CHECKING) 26 if(EIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS) 27 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS=1") 28 endif(EIGEN_DEBUG_ASSERTS) 29 endif(EIGEN_NO_ASSERTION_CHECKING) 30 31 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE=${EIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE}") 32 33 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "-DEIGEN_TEST_FUNC=${testname}") 34 35 if(MSVC AND NOT EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS) 36 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "/bigobj") 37 endif() 38 39 # let the user pass flags. 40 if(${ARGC} GREATER 2) 41 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "${ARGV2}") 42 endif(${ARGC} GREATER 2) 43 44 if(EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_CXX_FLAGS) 45 ei_add_target_property(${targetname} COMPILE_FLAGS "${EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_CXX_FLAGS}") 46 endif() 47 48 if(EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO) 49 target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${EIGEN_STANDARD_LIBRARIES_TO_LINK_TO}) 50 endif() 51 if(EXTERNAL_LIBS) 52 target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${EXTERNAL_LIBS}) 53 endif() 54 if(EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_LINKER_FLAGS) 55 target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${EIGEN_TEST_CUSTOM_LINKER_FLAGS}) 56 endif() 57 58 if(${ARGC} GREATER 3) 59 set(libs_to_link ${ARGV3}) 60 # it could be that some cmake module provides a bad library string " " (just spaces), 61 # and that severely breaks target_link_libraries ("can't link to -l-lstdc++" errors). 62 # so we check for strings containing only spaces. 63 string(STRIP "${libs_to_link}" libs_to_link_stripped) 64 string(LENGTH "${libs_to_link_stripped}" libs_to_link_stripped_length) 65 if(${libs_to_link_stripped_length} GREATER 0) 66 # notice: no double quotes around ${libs_to_link} here. It may be a list. 67 target_link_libraries(${targetname} ${libs_to_link}) 68 endif() 69 endif() 70 71 if(EIGEN_BIN_BASH_EXISTS) 72 add_test(${testname_with_suffix} "${Eigen_SOURCE_DIR}/test/runtest.sh" "${testname_with_suffix}") 73 else() 74 add_test(${testname_with_suffix} "${targetname}") 75 endif() 76 77 # Specify target and test labels accoirding to EIGEN_CURRENT_SUBPROJECT 78 get_property(current_subproject GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_CURRENT_SUBPROJECT) 79 if ((current_subproject) AND (NOT (current_subproject STREQUAL ""))) 80 set_property(TARGET ${targetname} PROPERTY LABELS "Build${current_subproject}") 81 add_dependencies("Build${current_subproject}" ${targetname}) 82 set_property(TEST ${testname_with_suffix} PROPERTY LABELS "${current_subproject}") 83 endif() 84 85 endmacro(ei_add_test_internal) 86 87 # Macro to add a test 88 # 89 # the unique mandatory parameter testname must correspond to a file 90 # <testname>.cpp which follows this pattern: 91 # 92 # #include "main.h" 93 # void test_<testname>() { ... } 94 # 95 # Depending on the contents of that file, this macro can have 2 behaviors, 96 # see below. 97 # 98 # The optional 2nd parameter is libraries to link to. 99 # 100 # A. Default behavior 101 # 102 # this macro adds an executable <testname> as well as a ctest test 103 # named <testname> too. 104 # 105 # On platforms with bash simply run: 106 # "ctest -V" or "ctest -V -R <testname>" 107 # On other platform use ctest as usual 108 # 109 # B. Multi-part behavior 110 # 111 # If the source file matches the regexp 112 # CALL_SUBTEST_[0-9]+|EIGEN_TEST_PART_[0-9]+ 113 # then it is interpreted as a multi-part test. The behavior then depends on the 114 # CMake option EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS, which is ON by default. 115 # 116 # If EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS is OFF, the behavior is the same as in A (the multi-part 117 # aspect is ignored). 118 # 119 # If EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS is ON, the test is split into multiple executables 120 # test_<testname>_<N> 121 # where N runs from 1 to the greatest occurence found in the source file. Each of these 122 # executables is built passing -DEIGEN_TEST_PART_N. This allows to split large tests 123 # into smaller executables. 124 # 125 # Moreover, targets <testname> are still generated, they 126 # have the effect of building all the parts of the test. 127 # 128 # Again, ctest -R allows to run all matching tests. 129 macro(ei_add_test testname) 130 get_property(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST) 131 set(EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}${testname}\n") 132 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "${EIGEN_TESTS_LIST}") 133 134 file(READ "${testname}.cpp" test_source) 135 set(parts 0) 136 string(REGEX MATCHALL "CALL_SUBTEST_[0-9]+|EIGEN_TEST_PART_[0-9]+|EIGEN_SUFFIXES(;[0-9]+)+" 137 occurences "${test_source}") 138 string(REGEX REPLACE "CALL_SUBTEST_|EIGEN_TEST_PART_|EIGEN_SUFFIXES" "" suffixes "${occurences}") 139 list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES suffixes) 140 if(EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS AND suffixes) 141 add_custom_target(${testname}) 142 foreach(suffix ${suffixes}) 143 ei_add_test_internal(${testname} ${testname}_${suffix} 144 "${ARGV1} -DEIGEN_TEST_PART_${suffix}=1" "${ARGV2}") 145 add_dependencies(${testname} ${testname}_${suffix}) 146 endforeach(suffix) 147 else(EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS AND suffixes) 148 set(symbols_to_enable_all_parts "") 149 foreach(suffix ${suffixes}) 150 set(symbols_to_enable_all_parts 151 "${symbols_to_enable_all_parts} -DEIGEN_TEST_PART_${suffix}=1") 152 endforeach(suffix) 153 ei_add_test_internal(${testname} ${testname} "${ARGV1} ${symbols_to_enable_all_parts}" "${ARGV2}") 154 endif(EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS AND suffixes) 155 endmacro(ei_add_test) 156 157 158 # adds a failtest, i.e. a test that succeed if the program fails to compile 159 # note that the test runner for these is CMake itself, when passed -DEIGEN_FAILTEST=ON 160 # so here we're just running CMake commands immediately, we're not adding any targets. 161 macro(ei_add_failtest testname) 162 get_property(EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT) 163 get_property(EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT) 164 165 message(STATUS "Checking failtest: ${testname}") 166 set(filename "${testname}.cpp") 167 file(READ "${filename}" test_source) 168 169 try_compile(succeeds_when_it_should_fail 170 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" 171 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${filename}" 172 COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "-DEIGEN_SHOULD_FAIL_TO_BUILD") 173 if (succeeds_when_it_should_fail) 174 message(STATUS "FAILED: ${testname} build succeeded when it should have failed") 175 endif() 176 177 try_compile(succeeds_when_it_should_succeed 178 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}" 179 "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${filename}" 180 COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) 181 if (NOT succeeds_when_it_should_succeed) 182 message(STATUS "FAILED: ${testname} build failed when it should have succeeded") 183 endif() 184 185 if (succeeds_when_it_should_fail OR NOT succeeds_when_it_should_succeed) 186 math(EXPR EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT ${EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT}+1) 187 endif() 188 189 math(EXPR EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT ${EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT}+1) 190 191 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT ${EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT}) 192 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT ${EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT}) 193 endmacro(ei_add_failtest) 194 195 # print a summary of the different options 196 macro(ei_testing_print_summary) 197 message(STATUS "************************************************************") 198 message(STATUS "*** Eigen's unit tests configuration summary ***") 199 message(STATUS "************************************************************") 200 message(STATUS "") 201 message(STATUS "Build type: ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") 202 message(STATUS "Build site: ${SITE}") 203 message(STATUS "Build string: ${BUILDNAME}") 204 get_property(EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY) 205 get_property(EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS) 206 get_property(EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS) 207 message(STATUS "Enabled backends: ${EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS}") 208 message(STATUS "Disabled backends: ${EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS}") 209 210 if(EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR) 211 message(STATUS "Default order: Row-major") 212 else() 213 message(STATUS "Default order: Column-major") 214 endif() 215 216 if(EIGEN_TEST_NO_EXPLICIT_ALIGNMENT) 217 message(STATUS "Explicit alignment (hence vectorization) disabled") 218 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_NO_EXPLICIT_VECTORIZATION) 219 message(STATUS "Explicit vectorization disabled (alignment kept enabled)") 220 else() 221 222 message(STATUS "Maximal matrix/vector size: ${EIGEN_TEST_MAX_SIZE}") 223 224 if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE2) 225 message(STATUS "SSE2: ON") 226 else() 227 message(STATUS "SSE2: Using architecture defaults") 228 endif() 229 230 if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE3) 231 message(STATUS "SSE3: ON") 232 else() 233 message(STATUS "SSE3: Using architecture defaults") 234 endif() 235 236 if(EIGEN_TEST_SSSE3) 237 message(STATUS "SSSE3: ON") 238 else() 239 message(STATUS "SSSE3: Using architecture defaults") 240 endif() 241 242 if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_1) 243 message(STATUS "SSE4.1: ON") 244 else() 245 message(STATUS "SSE4.1: Using architecture defaults") 246 endif() 247 248 if(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_2) 249 message(STATUS "SSE4.2: ON") 250 else() 251 message(STATUS "SSE4.2: Using architecture defaults") 252 endif() 253 254 if(EIGEN_TEST_ALTIVEC) 255 message(STATUS "Altivec: ON") 256 else() 257 message(STATUS "Altivec: Using architecture defaults") 258 endif() 259 260 if(EIGEN_TEST_NEON) 261 message(STATUS "ARM NEON: ON") 262 else() 263 message(STATUS "ARM NEON: Using architecture defaults") 264 endif() 265 266 endif() # vectorization / alignment options 267 268 message(STATUS "\n${EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY}") 269 270 message(STATUS "************************************************************") 271 endmacro(ei_testing_print_summary) 272 273 macro(ei_init_testing) 274 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_CURRENT_SUBPROJECT BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 275 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 276 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 277 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 278 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 279 280 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTED_BACKENDS "") 281 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_MISSING_BACKENDS "") 282 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTING_SUMMARY "") 283 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_TESTS_LIST "") 284 285 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 286 define_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT BRIEF_DOCS " " FULL_DOCS " ") 287 288 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_FAILURE_COUNT "0") 289 set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY EIGEN_FAILTEST_COUNT "0") 290 291 # uncomment anytime you change the ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string macro 292 # ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string() 293 endmacro(ei_init_testing) 294 295 macro(ei_set_sitename) 296 # if the sitename is not yet set, try to set it 297 if(NOT ${SITE} OR ${SITE} STREQUAL "") 298 set(eigen_computername $ENV{COMPUTERNAME}) 299 set(eigen_hostname $ENV{HOSTNAME}) 300 if(eigen_hostname) 301 set(SITE ${eigen_hostname}) 302 elseif(eigen_computername) 303 set(SITE ${eigen_computername}) 304 endif() 305 endif() 306 # in case it is already set, enforce lower case 307 if(SITE) 308 string(TOLOWER ${SITE} SITE) 309 endif() 310 endmacro(ei_set_sitename) 311 312 macro(ei_get_compilerver VAR) 313 if(MSVC) 314 # on windows system, we use a modified CMake script 315 include(EigenDetermineVSServicePack) 316 EigenDetermineVSServicePack( my_service_pack ) 317 318 if( my_service_pack ) 319 set(${VAR} ${my_service_pack}) 320 else() 321 set(${VAR} "na") 322 endif() 323 else() 324 # on all other system we rely on ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} 325 # supporting a "--version" or "/version" flag 326 327 if(WIN32 AND NOT CYGWIN) 328 set(EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION "/version") 329 else() 330 set(EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION "--version") 331 endif() 332 333 # check whether the head command exists 334 find_program(HEAD_EXE head NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH NO_CMAKE_PATH NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH) 335 if(HEAD_EXE) 336 execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION} 337 COMMAND head -n 1 338 OUTPUT_VARIABLE eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) 339 else() 340 execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} ${EIGEN_CXX_FLAG_VERSION} 341 OUTPUT_VARIABLE eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) 342 string(REGEX REPLACE "[\n\r].*" "" eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string ${eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string}) 343 endif() 344 345 ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("${eigen_cxx_compiler_version_string}" CNAME CVER) 346 set(${VAR} "${CNAME}-${CVER}") 347 348 endif() 349 endmacro(ei_get_compilerver) 350 351 # Extract compiler name and version from a raw version string 352 # WARNING: if you edit thid macro, then please test it by uncommenting 353 # the testing macro call in ei_init_testing() of the EigenTesting.cmake file. 354 # See also the ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string macro at the end of the file 355 macro(ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string VERSTRING CNAME CVER) 356 # extract possible compiler names 357 string(REGEX MATCH "g\\+\\+" ei_has_gpp ${VERSTRING}) 358 string(REGEX MATCH "llvm|LLVM" ei_has_llvm ${VERSTRING}) 359 string(REGEX MATCH "gcc|GCC" ei_has_gcc ${VERSTRING}) 360 string(REGEX MATCH "icpc|ICC" ei_has_icpc ${VERSTRING}) 361 string(REGEX MATCH "clang|CLANG" ei_has_clang ${VERSTRING}) 362 363 # combine them 364 if((ei_has_llvm) AND (ei_has_gpp OR ei_has_gcc)) 365 set(${CNAME} "llvm-g++") 366 elseif((ei_has_llvm) AND (ei_has_clang)) 367 set(${CNAME} "llvm-clang++") 368 elseif(ei_has_icpc) 369 set(${CNAME} "icpc") 370 elseif(ei_has_gpp OR ei_has_gcc) 371 set(${CNAME} "g++") 372 else() 373 set(${CNAME} "_") 374 endif() 375 376 # extract possible version numbers 377 # first try to extract 3 isolated numbers: 378 string(REGEX MATCH " [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) 379 if(NOT eicver) 380 # try to extract 2 isolated ones: 381 string(REGEX MATCH " [0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) 382 if(NOT eicver) 383 # try to extract 3: 384 string(REGEX MATCH "[^0-9][0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) 385 if(NOT eicver) 386 # try to extract 2: 387 string(REGEX MATCH "[^0-9][0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" eicver ${VERSTRING}) 388 else() 389 set(eicver " _") 390 endif() 391 endif() 392 endif() 393 394 string(REGEX REPLACE ".(.*)" "\\1" ${CVER} ${eicver}) 395 396 endmacro(ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string) 397 398 macro(ei_get_cxxflags VAR) 399 set(${VAR} "") 400 ei_is_64bit_env(IS_64BIT_ENV) 401 if(EIGEN_TEST_NEON) 402 set(${VAR} NEON) 403 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_ALTIVEC) 404 set(${VAR} ALVEC) 405 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_2) 406 set(${VAR} SSE42) 407 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE4_1) 408 set(${VAR} SSE41) 409 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSSE3) 410 set(${VAR} SSSE3) 411 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE3) 412 set(${VAR} SSE3) 413 elseif(EIGEN_TEST_SSE2 OR IS_64BIT_ENV) 414 set(${VAR} SSE2) 415 endif() 416 417 if(EIGEN_TEST_OPENMP) 418 if (${VAR} STREQUAL "") 419 set(${VAR} OMP) 420 else() 421 set(${VAR} ${${VAR}}-OMP) 422 endif() 423 endif() 424 425 if(EIGEN_DEFAULT_TO_ROW_MAJOR) 426 if (${VAR} STREQUAL "") 427 set(${VAR} ROW) 428 else() 429 set(${VAR} ${${VAR}}-ROWMAJ) 430 endif() 431 endif() 432 endmacro(ei_get_cxxflags) 433 434 macro(ei_set_build_string) 435 ei_get_compilerver(LOCAL_COMPILER_VERSION) 436 ei_get_cxxflags(LOCAL_COMPILER_FLAGS) 437 438 include(EigenDetermineOSVersion) 439 DetermineOSVersion(OS_VERSION) 440 441 set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${OS_VERSION}-${LOCAL_COMPILER_VERSION}) 442 443 if (NOT ${LOCAL_COMPILER_FLAGS} STREQUAL "") 444 set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-${LOCAL_COMPILER_FLAGS}) 445 endif() 446 447 ei_is_64bit_env(IS_64BIT_ENV) 448 if(NOT IS_64BIT_ENV) 449 set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-32bit) 450 else() 451 set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-64bit) 452 endif() 453 454 if(EIGEN_BUILD_STRING_SUFFIX) 455 set(TMP_BUILD_STRING ${TMP_BUILD_STRING}-${EIGEN_BUILD_STRING_SUFFIX}) 456 endif() 457 458 string(TOLOWER ${TMP_BUILD_STRING} BUILDNAME) 459 endmacro(ei_set_build_string) 460 461 macro(ei_is_64bit_env VAR) 462 if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) 463 set(${VAR} 1) 464 elseif(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) 465 set(${VAR} 0) 466 else() 467 message(WARNING "Unsupported pointer size. Please contact the authors.") 468 endif() 469 endmacro(ei_is_64bit_env) 470 471 472 # helper macro for testing ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string 473 # STR: raw version string 474 # REFNAME: expected compiler name 475 # REFVER: expected compiler version 476 macro(ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string STR REFNAME REFVER) 477 ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string(${STR} CNAME CVER) 478 if((NOT ${REFNAME} STREQUAL ${CNAME}) OR (NOT ${REFVER} STREQUAL ${CVER})) 479 message("STATUS ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string error:") 480 message("Expected \"${REFNAME}-${REFVER}\", got \"${CNAME}-${CVER}\"") 481 endif() 482 endmacro(ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string) 483 484 # macro for testing ei_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string 485 # feel free to add more version strings 486 macro(ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string) 487 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++ (SUSE Linux) 4.5.3 20110428 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 173117]" "g++" "4.5.3") 488 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("c++ (GCC) 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4)" "g++" "4.5.1") 489 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("icpc (ICC) 11.0 20081105" "icpc" "11.0") 490 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++-3.4 (GCC) 3.4.6" "g++" "3.4.6") 491 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("SUSE Linux clang version 3.0 (branches/release_30 145598) (based on LLVM 3.0)" "llvm-clang++" "3.0") 492 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("icpc (ICC) 12.0.5 20110719" "icpc" "12.0.5") 493 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("Apple clang version 2.1 (tags/Apple/clang-163.7.1) (based on LLVM 3.0svn)" "llvm-clang++" "2.1") 494 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-g++-4.2 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) (LLVM build 2335.15.00)" "llvm-g++" "4.2.1") 495 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++-mp-4.4 (GCC) 4.4.6" "g++" "4.4.6") 496 ei_test1_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string("g++-mp-4.4 (GCC) 2011" "g++" "4.4") 497 endmacro(ei_test_get_compilerver_from_cxx_version_string) 498