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      1 <project name="gdx-controllers-desktop-Windows-32" basedir="." default="postcompile">
      2 	<!-- include the environment -->
      3 	<property environment="env"/>	
      4 	<!-- output directory for temporary object files -->
      5 	<property name="buildDir" value="target/windows32" />
      6 	<!-- output directory for the shared library -->
      7 	<property name="libsDir" value="../libs/windows32" />
      8 	<!-- the name of the shared library -->
      9 	<property name="libName" value="gdx-controllers-desktop.dll"/>
     10 	<!-- the jni header jniPlatform to use -->
     11 	<property name="jniPlatform" value="win32"/>
     12 	<!-- the compilerPrefix for the C & C++ compilers -->
     13 	<property name="compilerPrefix" value=""/>
     14 	<!--  the compilerSuffix for the C & C++ compilers -->	
     15 	<property name="compilerSuffix" value="" />	
     17 	<!-- define gcc compiler, options and files to compile -->
     18 	<property name="gcc" value="${compilerPrefix}gcc${compilerSuffix}"/>	
     19 	<property name="gcc-opts" value="-c -Wall -O2 -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -fmessage-length=0 -m32"/>
     20 	<fileset id="gcc-files" dir="./">
     21 		<exclude name="target/"/>		
     22 				<include name="memcpy_wrap.c"/>
     25 	</fileset>
     27 	<!-- define g++ compiler, options and files to compile -->
     28 	<property name="g++" value="${compilerPrefix}g++${compilerSuffix}"/>
     29 	<property name="g++-opts" value="-c -Wall -O2 -mfpmath=sse -msse2 -fmessage-length=0 -m32"/>
     30 	<fileset id="g++-files" dir="./">
     31 		<exclude name="target/"/>
     32 				<include name="*.cpp"/>
     33 		<include name="ois-v1-4svn/src/*.cpp"/>
     34 		<include name="ois-v1-4svn/src/win32/*.cpp"/>
     37 	</fileset>
     39 	<!-- define linker and options -->
     40 	<property name="linker" value="${compilerPrefix}g++${compilerSuffix}"/>
     41 	<property name="linker-opts" value="-Wl,--kill-at -shared -m32 -static -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++"/>
     42 	<property name="libraries" value="-ldinput8 -ldxguid"/>
     44 	<!-- cleans the build directory, removes all object files and shared libs -->
     45 	<target name="clean">
     46 		<delete includeemptydirs="true" quiet="true">
     47 			<fileset dir="${buildDir}"/>
     48 			<fileset dir="${libsDir}" includes="**/*" excludes="**/.svn"/>
     49 		</delete>
     50 	</target>
     52 	<target name="precompile">
     53 		<condition property="compiler-found">
     54 			<and>
     55 				<or>
     56 					<!-- Include both b/c Windows might be either -->
     57 					<available file="${g++}" filepath="${env.PATH}"/>
     58 					<available file="${g++}" filepath="${env.Path}"/>
     59 				</or>
     60 				<or>
     61 					<!-- Include both b/c Windows might be either -->
     62 					<available file="${gcc}" filepath="${env.PATH}"/>
     63 					<available file="${gcc}" filepath="${env.Path}"/>
     64 				</or>
     65 			</and>
     66 		</condition>
     67 		<condition property="has-compiler">
     68 			<equals arg1="${compiler-found}" arg2="true"/>
     69 		</condition>
     71 	</target>
     73 	<target name="create-build-dir" depends="precompile" if="has-compiler">
     74 		<!-- FIXME this is pretty nasty :/ -->
     75 		<copy todir="${buildDir}">
     76 			<fileset refid="g++-files"/>
     77 			<fileset refid="gcc-files"/>
     78 		</copy>
     79 		<delete>
     80 			<fileset dir="${buildDir}">
     81 				<include name="*"/>
     82 				<exclude name="*.o"/>
     83 			</fileset>
     84 		</delete>
     85 	</target>
     87 	<!-- compiles all C and C++ files to object files in the build directory -->
     88 	<target name="compile" depends="create-build-dir" if="has-compiler">
     89 		<mkdir dir="${buildDir}"/>
     90 		<apply failonerror="true" executable="${g++}" dest="${buildDir}" verbose="true">
     91 			<arg line="${g++-opts}"/>
     92 			<arg value="-Ijni-headers"/>
     93 			<arg value="-Ijni-headers/${jniPlatform}"/>
     94 			<arg value="-I."/>
     95 						<arg value="-Iois-v1-4svn/includes"/>
     96 			<arg value="-Idinput/"/>
     98 			<srcfile/>
     99 			<arg value="-o"/>
    100 			<targetfile/>
    101 			<fileset refid="g++-files"/>
    102 			<compositemapper>
    103 				<mapper type="glob" from="*.cpp" to="*.o"/>
    104 				<mapper type="glob" from="*.mm" to="*.o"/>
    105 			</compositemapper>
    106 		</apply>
    107 		<apply failonerror="true" executable="${gcc}" dest="${buildDir}" verbose="true">
    108 			<arg line="${gcc-opts}"/>
    109 			<arg value="-Ijni-headers"/>
    110 			<arg value="-Ijni-headers/${jniPlatform}"/>
    111 			<arg value="-I."/>
    112 						<arg value="-Iois-v1-4svn/includes"/>
    113 			<arg value="-Idinput/"/>
    115 			<srcfile/>
    116 			<arg value="-o"/>
    117 			<targetfile/>
    118 			<fileset refid="gcc-files"/>
    119 			<compositemapper>
    120 				<mapper type="glob" from="*.c" to="*.o"/>
    121 				<mapper type="glob" from="*.m" to="*.o"/>
    122 			</compositemapper>
    123 		</apply>
    124 	</target>	
    126 	<!-- links the shared library based on the previously compiled object files -->	
    127 	<target name="link" depends="compile" if="has-compiler">
    128 		<fileset dir="${buildDir}" id="objFileSet">
    129 			<patternset>
    130 				<include name="**/*.o" />
    131 			</patternset>
    132 		</fileset>
    133 		<pathconvert pathsep=" " property="objFiles" refid="objFileSet" />
    134 		<mkdir dir="${libsDir}" />
    135 		<exec executable="${linker}" failonerror="true" dir="${buildDir}">
    136 			<arg line="${linker-opts}" />
    137 			<arg value="-o" />
    138 			<arg path="${libsDir}/${libName}" />
    139 			<arg line="${objFiles}"/>
    140 			<arg line="${libraries}" />
    141 		</exec>
    142 	</target>	
    144 	<target name="postcompile" depends="link">
    146 	</target>
    147 </project>