1 # -*- Autoconf -*- 2 # Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. 3 AC_PREREQ(2.50) 4 AC_INIT( [OIS], 1.4.0 ) 5 6 AC_CANONICAL_TARGET 7 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE( [OIS], 1.4.0 ) 8 AM_CONFIG_HEADER([includes/config.h]) 9 10 dnl Check for programs 11 AC_PROG_CC 12 AC_PROG_CXX 13 AM_PROG_CC_C_O 14 AC_PROG_INSTALL 15 AM_PROG_LIBTOOL 16 17 dnl Checking for STLPort 18 OIS_USE_STLPORT 19 20 CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" 21 CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS" 22 LIBS="$LIBS" 23 24 dnl Detect X11 25 AC_CHECK_HEADERS([X11/Xlib.h],, [AC_MSG_ERROR("Xlib.h not found - libx11-dev")]) 26 27 dnl Added for BSD's 28 AC_PROG_LIBTOOL 29 30 AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile 31 includes/Makefile 32 src/Makefile 33 demos/Makefile 34 OIS.pc]) 35 AC_OUTPUT 36