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      1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
      2 <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
      3 	targetNamespace="http://nvd.nist.gov/feeds/cve/1.2"
      4 	xmlns:cve="http://nvd.nist.gov/feeds/cve/1.2"
      5 	elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
      6 	version="1.2">
      7 	<xs:annotation>
      8 		<xs:documentation>This schema defines the structure of the National
      9 			Vulnerability Database XML feed files version: 1.2. The elements and
     10 			attribute in this document are described by xs:annotation tags. This
     11 			file is kept at http://nvd.nist.gov/schema/nvdcve.xsd. The NVD XML
     12 			feeds are available at http://nvd.nist.gov/download.cfm.
     14 			Release Notes:
     16 			Version 1.2:
     17 			* CVSS version 2 scores and vectors have been added.  Please see
     18 			http://nvd.nist.gov/cvss.cfm?vectorinfo and
     19 			http://www.first.org/cvss/cvss-guide.html for more information on
     20 			how to interpret this data. </xs:documentation>
     21 	</xs:annotation>
     22 	<xs:element name="nvd">
     23 		<xs:annotation>
     24 			<xs:documentation>The root element of the NVD CVE feed. Multiple "entry" child elements describe specific NVD CVE entries.</xs:documentation>
     25 		</xs:annotation>
     26 		<xs:complexType>
     27 			<xs:sequence>
     28 				<xs:element ref="cve:entry" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
     29 			</xs:sequence>
     30 			<xs:attribute name="nvd_xml_version" type="xs:NMTOKEN" use="required">
     31 				<xs:annotation>
     32 					<xs:documentation>The schema version number supported by the feed.</xs:documentation>
     33 				</xs:annotation>
     34 			</xs:attribute>
     35 			<xs:attribute name="pub_date" type="cve:dateType" use="required">
     36 				<xs:annotation>
     37 					<xs:documentation>The date the feed was generated.</xs:documentation>
     38 				</xs:annotation>
     39 			</xs:attribute>
     40 		</xs:complexType>
     41 	</xs:element>
     43 	<xs:element name="entry" type="cve:entryType">
     44 		<xs:annotation>
     45 			<xs:documentation>A CVE entry.</xs:documentation>
     46 		</xs:annotation>
     47 	</xs:element>
     49 	<!-- ******************************************************************* -->
     50 	<!-- * Complex Types                                                   * -->
     51 	<!-- ******************************************************************* -->
     52 	<xs:complexType name="entryType">
     53 		<xs:annotation>
     54 			<xs:documentation> Documents one CVE entry. The child elements should always
     55 				appear in the sequence defined below. These elements are compatible with
     56 				entry elements from the CVE XML feeds.</xs:documentation>
     57 		</xs:annotation>
     58 		<xs:sequence>
     59 			<xs:element name="desc">
     60 				<xs:annotation>
     61 					<xs:documentation>Description wrapper tag, parent to any
     62 						documented descriptions of this CVE entry. While the "desc"
     63 						tag will always be present, there may be no "descript" child
     64 						tags. Only one "descript" tag will exist for each
     65 						description source (i.e. CVE, NVD, ...). </xs:documentation>
     66 				</xs:annotation>
     67 				<xs:complexType>
     68 					<xs:sequence>
     69 						<xs:element name="descript" type="cve:descriptType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
     70 							<xs:annotation>
     71 								<xs:documentation>A description of a CVE entry
     72 									from the source indicated by the "source"
     73 									attribute.</xs:documentation>
     74 							</xs:annotation>
     75 						</xs:element>
     76 					</xs:sequence>
     77 				</xs:complexType>
     78 			</xs:element>
     79 			<xs:element name="impacts" minOccurs="0">
     80 				<xs:annotation>
     81 					<xs:documentation> Impact wrapper tag (may or may not be
     82 						present). Only one "impact" tag will exist for each impact
     83 						explanation source. </xs:documentation>
     84 				</xs:annotation>
     85 				<xs:complexType>
     86 					<xs:sequence>
     87 						<xs:element name="impact" type="cve:impactType">
     88 							<xs:annotation>
     89 								<xs:documentation> Contains a specific impact
     90 								explanation of this CVE entry from source
     91 								indicated by the "source" attribute.
     92 								</xs:documentation>
     93 							</xs:annotation>
     94 						</xs:element>
     95 					</xs:sequence>
     96 				</xs:complexType>
     97 			</xs:element>
     98 			<xs:element name="sols" type="cve:solsType" minOccurs="0">
     99 				<xs:annotation>
    100 					<xs:documentation> Solution wrapper tag (may or may not be
    101 						present). Only one "sol" tag will exist for each solution
    102 						explanation source. </xs:documentation>
    103 				</xs:annotation>
    104 			</xs:element>
    105 			<xs:element name="loss_types" type="cve:lossTypeType" minOccurs="0">
    106 				<xs:annotation>
    107 					<xs:documentation> Loss type tag (may or may not be present).
    108 						Contains one loss type child for each loss type of this CVE
    109 						entry. Potential loss types are: "avail" => availability
    110 						"conf" => confidentiality "int" => integrity "sec_prot" =>
    111 						security protection </xs:documentation>
    112 				</xs:annotation>
    113 			</xs:element>
    114 			<xs:element name="vuln_types" type="cve:vulnType" minOccurs="0">
    115 				<xs:annotation>
    116 					<xs:documentation> Vulnerability type tag (may or may not be
    117 						present). Contains one vulnerability type child for each
    118 						vulnerability type of this CVE entry. Potential
    119 						vulnerability types are: "access" => Access validation error
    120 						"input" => Input validation error "design" => Design error
    121 						"exception" => Exceptional condition error "env" =>
    122 						Environmental error "config" => Configuration error "race"
    123 						=> Race condition error "other" => other </xs:documentation>
    124 				</xs:annotation>
    125 			</xs:element>
    126 			<xs:element name="range" type="cve:rangeType" minOccurs="0">
    127 				<xs:annotation>
    128 					<xs:documentation> Vulnerability range tag (may or may not be
    129 						present). Contains one vulnerability range child for each
    130 						vulnerability range of this CVE entry. Potential
    131 						vulnerability ranges are: "local" => Locally exploitable
    132 						"local_network" => Local network exploitable "network" =>
    133 						Network exploitable "user_init" => User accesses attacker
    134 					</xs:documentation>
    135 				</xs:annotation>
    136 			</xs:element>
    137 			<xs:element name="refs">
    138 				<xs:annotation>
    139 					<xs:documentation> Reference wrapper tag (always present).
    140 						External references to this CVE entry are contained within
    141 						this tag. </xs:documentation>
    142 				</xs:annotation>
    143 				<xs:complexType>
    144 					<xs:sequence>
    145 						<xs:element name="ref" type="cve:refType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    146 							<xs:annotation>
    147 								<xs:documentation> Individual reference to this CVE
    148 								entry. Text is the name of this vulnerability at
    149 								this particular reference. Attributes: "source"
    150 								(required) => Name of reference source "url"
    151 								(required) => hyperlink to reference "sig" =>
    152 								indicates this reference includes a tool
    153 								signature "adv" => indicates this reference is a
    154 								Security Advisory "patch" => indicates this
    155 								reference includes a patch for this
    156 								vulnerability </xs:documentation>
    157 							</xs:annotation>
    158 						</xs:element>
    159 					</xs:sequence>
    160 				</xs:complexType>
    161 			</xs:element>
    162 			<xs:element name="vuln_soft" type="cve:vulnSoftType" minOccurs="0">
    163 				<xs:annotation>
    164 					<xs:documentation> Vulnerable software wrapper tag (may or may
    165 						not be present). Software affected by this CVE entry are
    166 						listed within this tag. </xs:documentation>
    167 				</xs:annotation>
    168 			</xs:element>
    169 		</xs:sequence>
    170 		<xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
    171 			<xs:annotation>
    172 				<xs:documentation>CVE or CAN</xs:documentation>
    173 			</xs:annotation>
    174 			<xs:simpleType>
    175 				<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    176 					<xs:enumeration value="CAN"/>
    177 					<xs:enumeration value="CVE"/>
    178 				</xs:restriction>
    179 			</xs:simpleType>
    180 		</xs:attribute>
    181 		<xs:attribute name="name" use="required">
    182 			<xs:annotation>
    183 				<xs:documentation>the full CVE name</xs:documentation>
    184 			</xs:annotation>
    185 			<xs:simpleType>
    186 				<xs:restriction base="xs:ID">
    187 					<xs:pattern value="(CAN|CVE)\-\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\d\d"/>
    188 				</xs:restriction>
    189 			</xs:simpleType>
    190 		</xs:attribute>
    191 		<xs:attribute name="seq" use="required">
    192 			<xs:annotation>
    193 				<xs:documentation>the sequence number from CVE name</xs:documentation>
    194 			</xs:annotation>
    195 			<xs:simpleType>
    196 				<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    197 					<xs:pattern value="\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\d\d"/>
    198 				</xs:restriction>
    199 			</xs:simpleType>
    200 		</xs:attribute>
    201 		<xs:attribute name="nvd_name" type="xs:string">
    202 			<xs:annotation>
    203 				<xs:documentation>the NVD name (if it exists)</xs:documentation>
    204 			</xs:annotation>
    205 		</xs:attribute>
    206 		<xs:attribute name="discovered" type="cve:dateType">
    207 			<xs:annotation>
    208 				<xs:documentation>the date this entry was discovered</xs:documentation>
    209 			</xs:annotation>
    210 		</xs:attribute>
    211 		<xs:attribute name="published" type="cve:dateType" use="required">
    212 			<xs:annotation>
    213 				<xs:documentation>the date this entry was published</xs:documentation>
    214 			</xs:annotation>
    215 		</xs:attribute>
    216 		<xs:attribute name="modified" type="cve:dateType">
    217 			<xs:annotation>
    218 				<xs:documentation>the date this entry was last modified</xs:documentation>
    219 			</xs:annotation>
    220 		</xs:attribute>
    221 		<xs:attribute name="severity">
    222 			<xs:annotation>
    223 				<xs:documentation>the entry's severity as determined by the NVD analysts: High, Medium, or Low</xs:documentation>
    224 			</xs:annotation>
    225 			<xs:simpleType>
    226 				<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    227 					<xs:enumeration value="High"/>
    228 					<xs:enumeration value="Medium"/>
    229 					<xs:enumeration value="Low"/>
    230 				</xs:restriction>
    231 			</xs:simpleType>
    232 		</xs:attribute>
    233 		<xs:attribute name="reject" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute">
    234 			<xs:annotation>
    235 				<xs:documentation>indicates that this CVE entry has been rejected by CVE or NVD</xs:documentation>
    236 			</xs:annotation>
    237 		</xs:attribute>
    238 		<xs:attribute name="CVSS_version" type="xs:string">
    239 			<xs:annotation>
    240 				<xs:documentation>the CVSS Version Indicator</xs:documentation>
    241 			</xs:annotation>
    242 		</xs:attribute>
    243 		<xs:attribute name="CVSS_score" type="cve:zeroToTen">
    244 			<xs:annotation>
    245 				<xs:documentation>Same as the CVSS_base_score to provide backwards compatability with the previous CVE XML feed format. This field is deprecated an may be removed at a future date.</xs:documentation>
    246 			</xs:annotation>
    247 		</xs:attribute>
    248 		<xs:attribute name="CVSS_base_score" type="cve:zeroToTen">
    249 			<xs:annotation>
    250 				<xs:documentation>CVSS version 2 Base Score</xs:documentation>
    251 			</xs:annotation>
    252 		</xs:attribute>
    253 		<xs:attribute name="CVSS_impact_subscore" type="cve:zeroToTen">
    254 			<xs:annotation>
    255 				<xs:documentation>CVSS version 2 Impact Score</xs:documentation>
    256 			</xs:annotation>
    257 		</xs:attribute>
    258 		<xs:attribute name="CVSS_exploit_subscore" type="cve:zeroToTen">
    259 			<xs:annotation>
    260 				<xs:documentation>CVSS version 2 Exploit Score</xs:documentation>
    261 			</xs:annotation>
    262 		</xs:attribute>
    263 		<xs:attribute name="CVSS_vector" type="cve:CVSSVector">
    264 			<xs:annotation>
    265 				<xs:documentation>the CVSS version 2 Vector string</xs:documentation>
    266 			</xs:annotation>
    267 		</xs:attribute>
    268 	</xs:complexType>
    270 	<xs:complexType name="descriptType">
    271 		<xs:simpleContent>
    272 			<xs:extension base="xs:string">
    273 				<xs:attribute name="source" type="cve:descriptSourceType" use="required">
    274 					<xs:annotation>
    275 						<xs:documentation>The source of the CVE description.</xs:documentation>
    276 					</xs:annotation>
    277 				</xs:attribute>
    278 			</xs:extension>
    279 		</xs:simpleContent>
    280 	</xs:complexType>
    282 	<xs:complexType name="impactType">
    283 		<xs:simpleContent>
    284 			<xs:extension base="xs:string">
    285 				<xs:attribute name="source" type="cve:impactSourceType" use="required">
    286 				</xs:attribute>
    287 			</xs:extension>
    288 		</xs:simpleContent>
    289 	</xs:complexType>
    291 	<xs:complexType name="vulnType">
    292 		<xs:sequence>
    293 			<xs:element name="access" minOccurs="0"/>
    294 			<xs:element name="input" minOccurs="0">
    295 				<xs:annotation>
    296 					<xs:documentation> Input validation error tag with
    297 						one attribute for each input validation error
    298 						type. Potential input validation error types
    299 						are: "bound" => Boundary condition error
    300 						"buffer" => Buffer overflow </xs:documentation>
    301 				</xs:annotation>
    302 				<xs:complexType>
    303 					<xs:attribute name="bound" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    304 					<xs:attribute name="buffer" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"
    305 					/>
    306 				</xs:complexType>
    307 			</xs:element>
    308 			<xs:element name="design" minOccurs="0"/>
    309 			<xs:element name="exception" minOccurs="0"/>
    310 			<xs:element name="env" minOccurs="0"/>
    311 			<xs:element name="config" minOccurs="0"/>
    312 			<xs:element name="race" minOccurs="0"/>
    313 			<xs:element name="other" minOccurs="0"/>
    314 		</xs:sequence>
    315 	</xs:complexType>
    317 	<xs:complexType name="solsType">
    318 		<xs:sequence>
    319 			<xs:element name="sol">
    320 				<xs:annotation>
    321 					<xs:documentation> Contains a specific solution
    322 						explanation of this CVE entry from source
    323 						indicated by the "source" attribute.
    324 					</xs:documentation>
    325 				</xs:annotation>
    326 				<xs:complexType mixed="true">
    327 					<xs:simpleContent>
    328 						<xs:extension base="xs:string">
    329 							<xs:attribute name="source" type="cve:solsSourceType" use="required">
    330 							</xs:attribute>
    331 						</xs:extension>
    332 					</xs:simpleContent>
    333 				</xs:complexType>
    334 			</xs:element>
    335 		</xs:sequence>
    336 	</xs:complexType>
    338 	<xs:complexType name="lossTypeType">
    339 		<xs:sequence>
    340 			<xs:element name="avail" minOccurs="0"/>
    341 			<xs:element name="conf" minOccurs="0"/>
    342 			<xs:element name="int" minOccurs="0"/>
    343 			<xs:element name="sec_prot" minOccurs="0">
    344 				<xs:annotation>
    345 					<xs:documentation> Security Protection tag with one
    346 						attribute for each security protection type.
    347 						Potential security protection types are: "admin"
    348 						=> gain administrative access "user" => gain
    349 						user access "other" => other </xs:documentation>
    350 				</xs:annotation>
    351 				<xs:complexType>
    352 					<xs:attribute name="admin" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    353 					<xs:attribute name="user" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    354 					<xs:attribute name="other" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"
    355 					/>
    356 				</xs:complexType>
    357 			</xs:element>
    358 		</xs:sequence>
    359 	</xs:complexType>
    361 	<xs:complexType name="rangeType">
    362 		<xs:sequence>
    363 			<xs:element name="local" minOccurs="0"/>
    364 			<xs:element name="local_network" minOccurs="0"/>
    365 			<xs:element name="network" minOccurs="0"/>
    366 			<xs:element name="user_init" minOccurs="0"/>
    367 		</xs:sequence>
    368 	</xs:complexType>
    370 	<xs:complexType name="refType">
    371 		<xs:simpleContent>
    372 			<xs:extension base="xs:string">
    373 				<xs:attribute name="source" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    374 				<xs:attribute name="url" type="cve:urlType" use="required"/>
    375 				<xs:attribute name="sig" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    376 				<xs:attribute name="adv" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    377 				<xs:attribute name="patch" type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    378 			</xs:extension>
    379 		</xs:simpleContent>
    380 	</xs:complexType>
    382 	<xs:complexType name="vulnSoftType">
    383 		<xs:sequence>
    384 			<xs:element name="prod" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    385 				<xs:annotation>
    386 					<xs:documentation> Product wrapper tag. Versions of
    387 						this product that are affected by this
    388 						vulnerability are listed within this tag.
    389 						Attributes: "name" => Product name "vendor" =>
    390 						Vendor of this product </xs:documentation>
    391 				</xs:annotation>
    392 				<xs:complexType>
    393 					<xs:sequence>
    394 						<xs:element name="vers" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    395 							<xs:annotation>
    396 								<xs:documentation> Represents a version
    397 									of this product that is affected by
    398 									this vulnerability. Attributes:
    399 									"num" => This version number "prev"
    400 									=> Indicates that versions previous
    401 									to this version number are also
    402 									affected by this vulnerability
    403 									"edition" => Indicates the edition
    404 									associated with the version number
    405 								</xs:documentation>
    406 							</xs:annotation>
    407 							<xs:complexType>
    408 								<xs:attribute name="num"
    409 									type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    410 								<xs:attribute name="prev"
    411 									type="cve:trueOnlyAttribute"/>
    412 								<xs:attribute name="edition"
    413 									type="xs:string"/>
    414 							</xs:complexType>
    415 						</xs:element>
    416 					</xs:sequence>
    417 					<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"
    418 						use="required"/>
    419 					<xs:attribute name="vendor" type="xs:string"
    420 						use="required"/>
    421 				</xs:complexType>
    422 			</xs:element>
    423 		</xs:sequence>
    424 	</xs:complexType>
    426 	<!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    427 	<!-- * Simple Types                                                    * -->
    428 	<!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    429 	<xs:simpleType name="descriptSourceType">
    430 		<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    431 			<xs:enumeration value="cve"/>
    432 			<xs:enumeration value="nvd"/>
    433 		</xs:restriction>
    434 	</xs:simpleType>
    436 	<xs:simpleType name="impactSourceType">
    437 		<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    438 			<xs:enumeration value="nvd"/>
    439 		</xs:restriction>
    440 	</xs:simpleType>
    442 	<xs:simpleType name="solsSourceType">
    443 		<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    444 			<xs:enumeration value="nvd"/>
    445 		</xs:restriction>
    446 	</xs:simpleType>
    448 	<xs:simpleType name="dateType">
    449 		<xs:annotation>
    450 			<xs:documentation> Defines date format for NVD. Dates follow the mask "yyyy-mm-dd"
    451 			</xs:documentation>
    452 		</xs:annotation>
    453 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    454 			<xs:pattern
    455 				value="(19|20)\d\d-((01|03|05|07|08|10|12)-(0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|3[01])|(04|06|09|11)-(0[1-9]|[1-2]\d|30)|02-(0[1-9]|1\d|2\d))"
    456 			/>
    457 		</xs:restriction>
    458 	</xs:simpleType>
    459 	<xs:simpleType name="urlType">
    460 		<xs:annotation>
    461 			<xs:documentation> Restricts urls in NVD beyond the xs:anyURI restrictions.
    462 			</xs:documentation>
    463 		</xs:annotation>
    464 		<xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
    465 			<xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
    466 			<xs:pattern value="(news|(ht|f)tp(s)?)://.+"/>
    467 		</xs:restriction>
    468 	</xs:simpleType>
    469 	<xs:simpleType name="trueOnlyAttribute">
    470 		<xs:annotation>
    471 			<xs:documentation> simpleType used for attributes that are only present when they are
    472 				true. Such attributes appear only in the form attribute_name="1".
    473 			</xs:documentation>
    474 		</xs:annotation>
    475 		<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
    476 			<xs:enumeration value="1"/>
    477 		</xs:restriction>
    478 	</xs:simpleType>
    479 	<xs:simpleType name="zeroToTen">
    480 		<xs:annotation>
    481 			<xs:documentation> simpleType used when scoring on a scale of 0-10, inclusive
    482 			</xs:documentation>
    483 		</xs:annotation>
    484 		<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
    485 			<xs:minInclusive value="0" fixed="true"/>
    486 			<xs:maxInclusive value="10" fixed="true"/>
    487 		</xs:restriction>
    488 	</xs:simpleType>
    489 	<xs:simpleType name="CVSSVector">
    490 		<xs:annotation>
    491 			<xs:documentation>simpleType to describe the CVSS Base Vector </xs:documentation>
    492 		</xs:annotation>
    493 		<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    494  			<xs:pattern
    495 				value="\(AV:[LAN]/AC:[HML]/Au:[NSM]/C:[NPC]/I:[NPC]/A:[NPC]\)"/>
    496 		</xs:restriction>
    497 	</xs:simpleType>
    498 </xs:schema>